Canada’s Experiment with Socialism (Part 2 of the Allure of Socialism)
Air Dates: Feb 27 & 28, 2016 | Dr. Tim Ball

I Spy Radio continues to do what the Republicans ought to be doing: focusing on the Democrats. Especially their lurch toward outright Socialism. With either winner, the Democrats will have a socialist as their nominee. It will either be Bernie Sanders, who is an avowed socialist, or Hillary Clinton, an Undeclared Socialist.
With socialism being around as long as it has, there’s still the myth in every generation who thinks, “But this time it will work!” Even though it has had resounding failures wherever it’s been tried. Folks like Bernie and Hillary points to countries like Sweden or Finland as examples of “success.”
What they fail to mention is that Sweden or Finland are only becoming more successful because they purposely moved away from socialism to adopt more elements of capitalism.
Think of it like a balance or teeter totter; whenever you give government all the rights, and therefore your decisions, you’re taking the rights and decisions away from the individual. The reverse, freedom, is also true. By giving affirming the rights of the individual, it takes power away from the government. So, the notion that you can somehow give away all of your rights and control over to government while still retaining personal freedom is a logical inconsistency.
The myth of socialism still hangs on
So to prove our point of why it can’t work, we go back to Canada and talk with Dr. Tim Ball and find out the realities of living in a socialistic country. Listen as Dr. Ball talks about his personal experiences living in socialized Canada, including the loss of freedoms, opening a new business in a socialist country, and living in the so-called “ideal” (socialized) health care system.
What you’ll learn is this: If Canada is Bernie’s and Hillary’s “utopia,” they can keep it.
Relevant Links
- Dr. Tim Ball’s website
- The history of socialism in Canada
- Argentina’s success: throwing off socialism and returning to capitalism — and winning
Dr. Tim Ball’s books:
- Slaying the Sky Dragon: The Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory
- Human Caused Global Warming: The Biggest Deception in History
- and The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science.