Whatever Happened to By the People For the People? – FBI Spying
Show Summary: With Oregon’s Primary in the rearview mirror, we tried to get away from politics for a week but between new assaults on our 2nd Amendment and new revelations on the FBI spying on candidate Trump, we got pulled right back in. 2nd Amendment, FBI spying and entrapment, and more. Guests Scott McEwen, Sgt Greg Stube, Rob Taylor.
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Original Air Dates: May 19 & 20, 2018 | Rob Taylor, Sgt. (ret) Greg Stube, Scott McEwen
This Week: In an unusual move for I Spy we are having three guests this week to help cover some important issues. One of these is a massive potential impact on our 2nd Amendment rights here in Oregon. We felt it important enough that we deterred from our usual format to be sure we could help get the word out on Rob Taylor’s work to pass ordinances at the county level to Preserve the Second Amendment.
Oregon’s Latest Gun Confiscation Attempt: IP43
In a nutshell—yes. It is a gun confiscation bill. (Read the full text of Oregon’s IP43 and make up your own mind.)
We talk to Rob about the new bill IP 43, being pushed by our current Kate Brown, as a masked attempt to confiscate guns in Oregon. Listen to find out what your community can do to not only protect itself but why it’s important to get out and vote to stop this atrocious bill from ever becoming law. Be sure to visit Rob’s website www.cooscountywatchdog.com for more information on the Second Amendment Protection Ordinance.
What Republicans Could Use: Leadership
Then we turn to Green Beret Sgt. (ret) Greg Stube, who has written a new book Conquer Anything. This excellent read gives you insights into the lives of those serving in the special forces. Sgt. Stube writes about his own active duty and the challenges he was faced with and why ethos taught to him in preparation for these challenges now help him every day, civilian life.
You’ll hear what it means to be part of an A-team and why every man pulls for the group, which ends up protecting the individual in the most dire of situations. Riveting to read, you won’t be sorry to dig into this book as you learn how to apply special forces, A-team lessons to your own life.
Deep State: New Revelations
Specializing in military operations, author Scott McEwen, makes a return visit to I Spy to discuss the new information coming out about Obama’s FBI’s attack on a political opponent. New this week: actual evidence of the Deep State and FBI planting actual spies inside the Trump campaign.
And, unbelievably, new secret means to get around pesky things like laws and courts. All in attempt to get dirt on the future President. Why? To derail his election? To use as leverage post-election? To stage a coup?
The game news outlets are playing with the secret “FBI informant” is so bizarre since huge numbers of people know exactly who it is. How can naming him put him in grave danger – as the FBI is claiming to these papers – when his name is a huge open secret in Washington? https://t.co/spymBxW9PU
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 19, 2018
Since when did entrapment stop being a thing?
We discuss with Scott, a recovering attorney, the dangerous road our law enforcement agencies are traveling down as they attempt to thwart an election through illegal and manipulative actions.We also get his thoughts on the upcoming Inspector General’s report on the FBI conduct. Will it be a nothing burger? Or are a lot of people about to face serious charges?
And don’t miss our discussion on Scott’s new book Camp Valor that’s coming out this summer. Another block buster book you won’t want to miss.
Podcast Version
Links & Further Info
Rob Taylor (2nd Amendment) Segment 1
- Quick release of gun data called trailblazing and troubling (Yahoo News, May 13th, 2018)
- Assault weapon ban petitioners turn in signatures to Oregon Secretary of State (Statesman Journal, Mar 25, 2018)
- The anti-gun argument: Ten Arguments Gun Advocates Make, and Why They’re Wrong (The American Prospect, December 15, 2012)
- Decent summary of IP43 via Ballotopedia.com (link)
- On April 10, 2018, Klamath County, Oregon resident Timothy Harris filed initiative petition K-18-1 with the Klamath County clerk in response to this statewide measure. Harris said, “(Gun regulators) are coming after us at the state level and this is just a rebuttal.”[13] Initiative petition K-18-1, referred to as the Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance, would create an ordinance to:
- “Preserves the right of the People of, on and in Klamath County with the following stated goals:
- Keep and bear arms as originally understood; in self-defense and preservation, and in defense of one’s community and country.
- Freely manufacture, transfer, sell and buy firearms, firearm accessories and ammunition, which are designed primarily for the same purposes.[14][4]
- The ordinance would make it illegal to “in any way limit the rights granted under the United States and Oregon constitutions” and would include penalties if the ordinance was infringed.
Sgt Greg Stube (Conquer Anything Book) Segments 2 & 3
Greg Stube’s book is Conquer Anything: A Green Beret’s Guide to Building your A-Team. Find it here on Amazon.
Scott McEwen (Camp Valor & FBI Spying on Trump) Segments 4–6
- Scott’s web page is http://scottmcewen.com/
- His new book is Camp Valor http://scottmcewen.com/editorial-reviews/camp-valor/
- Leakers to NYT Confirm FBI Ran Spy Operation Against Trump Campaign (Breitbart, May 16, 2018)
- About That FBI ‘Source’ (WSJ, May 10, 2018)
- Stefan Halper: The FBI operative who leaked information to Papadopoulos, who then blabbed it to another FBI informant, who then reported it back to the FBI.
- Some background on Stefan Halper (Daily Caller, March 2018)
- Comey’s FBI had a mole in Trumpworld, ‘dirty dossier’ firm boss told senators in secret 2017 grilling – and his lawyer insisted this year that he ‘stands by his testimony’ (Daily Mail, May 17, 2018) (Trump says bigger than Watergate)
- You can actually find some good reporting on Twitter:
- 31-tweet thread via @Shem_Infinite “This article by the NYT on the IG report is nothing short of propaganda for the DNC and a few former FBI agents” (read more)
- “Stefan Halper’s encounters with Papadopoulos were not the only encounters that the professor (aka the informant) had with the Trump campaign. How many of these “meetings” were set ups by FBI? All of them?” via Nick Short.
- Also via Nick Short: “FBI, lacking evidence needed to open a criminal investigation of the Trump camp, decided to open a CI investigation. With the blessing of the Obama WH, they took the powers that enable our govt to spy on foreign adversaries & used them to spy on Americans.” (read more)