Liberal Exploitation: Hollywood’s Sexual Predators and the Court System
Show Summary: The scandals in Hollywood reveal the dark immorality of the Left and their insatiable need for power. James Hirsen updates us on the Weinstien and other scandals and how they are just the tip of the iceberg. The long-rumored pedophilia rings is next. Donna Brazile’s exposes Hillary’s manipulations. And Dr. Tim Ball on his legal battles as he fights the Left’s misuse of the legal system to punish dissent and freedom of speech.

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Air Dates: Nov 4 & 5, 2017 | James Hirsen & Dr. Tim Ball
This Week: Two of the big stories this week have been about corruption and the immorality of the Left: Hollywood’s and Hillary’s. Both stories look into the mindset of cultural hypocrites of the worst kind. They claim to be champions of freedom and democracy but out of the eye of the public, they do whatever they can to shut up their victims with threats and intimidation.
Many of us outside of Hollywood suspected what was going on but now there’s evidence. And it’s deeper than we feared.
Hollywood especially lives a lifestyle they know is so repugnant to many that it can’t be exposed in the light of day. So in darkness they tread on their victims’ rights, collude with any enemy who will live with them in that darkness, and then act shocked if and when they’re caught. We’ve seen this week more and more victims come forward who were intimidated into silence by the powerful in Hollywood.
Hillary is the political expression of the rot in Hollywood and is the perfect example of the immorality of the Left. With a new scandal breaking every week, we’re witnessing Hillary’s behind-the-scenes manipulations. It’s an infection that’s spread through the ideology of the Left: use power to destroy your enemies. It threatens all of us when their power takes over the institutions we trust to protect us.
To really look at Hollywood we call on James Hirsen, who has been a conservative observing what goes on in Hollywood. Mr. Hirsen not only discusses the despicable culture of the Harvey Weinstein’s but really gets into a deeper look at how this dark culture has grown and spread in our society. It’s very clear why conservatives, and especially Christian conservatives, are not welcomed there, because those living in darkness don’t want any light shining on their secret lives. We see this living out in the types of movies being made, and who the Hollywood crowd hangs around with — and supports politically. That’s why we’ll also talk with James about Donna Brazile revealing of Hillary’s corruption and takeover of the DNC. Tune in to hear how damaging this culture has been and could continue to be on our way of life.
Then we talk with Dr. Tim Ball, who is an example of the ideological Left uses the law to try to destroy their enemies. He shares with us how he is fighting off not one but three lawsuits he’s been battling. He’s been sued by government-funded climatologists for such things as defamation—merely because he disagrees with their conclusions. You’ll hear how a culture, like the green movement, has tried to use the courts not to protect, but to destroy. Imagine if Hillary had continued the efforts of the Obama administration to use the legal system to silence anyone who disagrees with them.
The Left hides behind the powerful. The Goliaths. And they hide in his shadow. But the good news is that with the light shining on them, the army of darkness will turn and run. Join us this week for a view of the battlefield.
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- A great example of what happens on Hollywood’s sets: “Dustin Hoffman Sexually Harassed Me When I Was 17” (Hollywood Reporter, Nov 1, 2017)
- It’s no wonder people are trapped & how the Left uses the legal system to trap people: “The aggressive confidentiality agreements put into place by A-listers like Leonardo DiCaprio that protect their ‘personal safety, well-being and business’ against employees” (Daily Mail, Oct 31, 2017)
- New Republic Publisher, Documentary Producer Hamilton Fish Suspended for Harassment Allegations (Breitbart, Oct 31, 2017)
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- Hollywood pedophilia: “Dr. Oz convinces the former child star to report the alleged predators to LAPD” (Daily Mail, Nov 2, 2017)
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Related Links for Tim Ball
- Court Battle: Michael Mann Losing, Gives Tim Ball ‘Concessions’ (Principia, Feb 1, 2017)
- Decision looms in Michael Mann / Tim Ball “hockey stick” lawsuit (Cfact, July 24, 2017)