Is All that Liberal Hypocrisy about to Bite them in the Butt?

Show Summary: Everyone knows the Left is nothing if not hypocritical. And examples of liberal hypocrisy abound. Like Madonna the tolerant liberal spewing hate at a march supporting democracy while rejecting the results of an election. Or Hillary mishandling over 1,000 highly classified emails but getting off scott free—while prosecuting a Navy sailor for having six photos of “sensitive” areas on his cell phone. But is all that hypocrisy about to bite them back?
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Air Dates: Month # & #, 2017 | Kathleen Saucier, Lt. Col (ret.) Jeffrey Addicott, & James Hirsen
Liberal hypocrisy not only thrives in D.C. and Hollywood but is often rewarded. The problem is, it’s not just “free speech” but their hate speech and hatred of anything they disagree with has ripple effects through society but the justice system as well.
We just finished up a proud tradition in America, the presidential inaugural celebration. We watched as President Trump was sworn into office and the solemnity of the moment when America invested him with the power to be the leader of the free world.
But with all the excitement of the day, compare that to people on the Left were rioting and destroying property on the streets of DC—along with Congressional members who could have set an example of unity for the good of the country but instead chose to sit out the inaugural ceremony.
And then of course we saw the women’s march and the terrible tone they and many elites in Hollywood set, hypocritically spewing vile hate from their platform—about President Trump’s supposed hate speech. And this right on the heels of Inauguration Day’s pomp and circumstance.
But it’s not just hate speech. We’ve seen how Hillary Clinton broke the public trust by skirting federal laws to up a personal server that was proven to be hacked by foreign governments and used that private server to mishandle more than 1,000 classified emails. Was she punished? No. She was allowed to run for president despite flaunting the laws.
Meanwhile, a Navy sailor who took 6 pictures of sensitive areas of a submarine was sentenced to a year in federal court. Both people did something wrong but the judicial system was clearly not blind and instead tipped the scales for the one who had money and power.
This week, we take on the double standards by interviewing Kathleen Saucier, mother of that Navy sailor, Kristian Saucier, along with his attorney Jeffrey Addicott. You’ll hear the specific details of the double standards imposed on Saucier’s sentencing and what a President Trump might do to bring back some balance to the scales of justice—both for Kristian and for Hillary. Since Mr. Addicott is a world-renowned expert in terrorism law we discuss some of the new executive orders President Trump has put forward this past week. Don’t miss our conversation about terrorist training camps on U.S. soil and their complicated relationship with the Constitution.
Fact: Obama issued 1,385 commutations and 212 pardons
Then we talk to media analyst James Hirsen (author of Tales from the Left Coast) about some of the outrageous examples of far-left attacks on President Trump and his family. Listen to find out whether their hypocrisy is so out of control that it will finally cost them. And, if you want to do something about it, stay through to the end on how you can still see the movies without rewarding the studios that push these the hate-baiters.
Kathleen Saucier & Jeffrey Addicott (Segments 1–4)
- Mother of Jailed Sailor: ‘Hold Hillary to Same Standards’ as My Son on Classified Inf (Fox News, Oct. 29, 2016)
- VIDEO : Meet the Sailor in PRISON for a MINOR CLASSIFIED INFRACTION While Hillary Runs for President (TruthFeed, Nov. 4, 2016) Hannity video
- It’s time to grant clemency to Kristian Saucier (Hot Air, Jan. 26, 2017)
- Video: Why is Kathleen Saucier’s son still unpardoned (Fox News via MSN)
- Sailor charged after classified photos of Navy submarine are found on his cell phone (Daily Mail, July 2015)
- Pardon me: Navy sailor in jail for submarine photos pleads for mercy from Trump (Fox, Jan 25, 2017)
- U.S. Navy Sailor Sent to Prison for Taking Pictures of Submarine Asks Trump for Pardon (Hillary Daily, Jan 16, 2017)
- Sailor seeks pardon from Trump after being jailed for mishandling classified information ‘just like Hillary’ and asks ‘if she can go free, why can’t I?’ (Daily Mail, Jan. 10, 2017)
- Trump expected to order temporary ban on refugees (Yahoo News, Jan. 25, 2017)
- Frightening Film on U.S. Terrorism Training Camps (Hannity, Feb. 2009)
- US State Dept calls report on ISIS training camps in Mexico ‘unfounded’ (Fox, April 2015)
- ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm (Judicial Watch, April 2015)
- Terrorism Expert Jeffrey Addicott: Ohio State Attacker Took Cues From ISIS (Newsmax, Nov. 2016)
- Trump Prepares Orders Aiming at Global Funding and Treaties (New York Times, Jan. 25, 2017)
James Hirsen (segments 5–6)
- JamesHirsen.com
- How Trump Left Hollywood in the Cold (Politico, Jan. 19, 2017)
- Texas Radio Station Bans ‘Un-American’ Madonna After Anti-Trump Women’s March Speech (Fox News, Jan. 25, 2017)
- Avengers’ Director Compares Ivanka Trump To A Dog (Smoke Room, Jan. 24 2017)