Liberal Hypocrisy: Facebook & Guns | Plus Trump’s Real Strategy in China
Show Summary: Hollywood liberal hypocrisy. Celebrities wouldn’t have any standards if they didn’t have double standards, whether it’s about guns or Facebook. Another law Obama broke. Plus, Trump’s real strategy in China. We talk with two bestselling authors, James Hirsen (Tales from the Left Coast) and Scott McEwen (co-author of American Sniper).

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Air Dates: April 7 & 8, 2018 | James Hirsen & Scott McEwen
What do all slaves, since the beginning of human history have in common?
Well, you’ll have to tune in to find out the answer to that one.
But what do all Liberals have in common? Hypocrisy of course. Liberal hypocrisy is rooted in their subjective reasoning. It’s not “murder” if it’s the unborn. It’s not “breaking the law” if it’s illegal immigrants coming here to take advantage of America’s generosity.
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James Hirsen on Liberal Hypocrisy
James Hirsen is a NT Times bestselling author (Tales from the Left Coast), international business attorney and commentator on all things Hollywood. He’s also a frequent guest on I Spy Radio.
Liberal hypocrisy is always apparent (except to them) but no more so than in the recent Facebook scandal and the anti-gun “March for our lives” protest. Why?
There is no why. It’s just the bottomless barrel of liberal hypocrisy of course.
Simple. They can’t win with facts and logic. They’re advocating failed systems and they’re incapable of reasonable debate https://t.co/b18SBO1E9x
— David Corso (@Cavemaninc) April 7, 2018
Liberals and Hollywood celebrities are fleeing Facebook. And shrieking at Mark Zuckerburg as they slam the door behind them.Why? Because Facebook sold data on 87 million users to Cambridge Analytica who bought it for the Trump campaign. Gasp!
You’ve probably heard elsewhere that Liberals were perfectly okay with Facebook giving Obama access to data—and the Liberals even praised Obama for being oh-so-clever. But not just 87 million users. Facebook gave away data on 190 million users.
Did you know Obama and Facebook may have actually broken a law by doing this? (Don’t hold your breath about the DOJ going after either of them.)
And then there’s guns. The Hollywood liberals—who make their millions selling movies about guns, using guns, shooting guns, and making it all look cool—took to the streets to march for gun confiscation — while surrounded by armed guards.
Hollywood celebrities think gun laws will stop gun violence. Like how marriage vows stop adultery.#GunReform #GunReformNow #NRAIsATerroristOrganization #NRABoycott
— Mark Anderson (@ispyradio) April 7, 2018
Trump Strategy on China
Up next, it’s bestselling author, Scott McEwen (co-author of American Sniper) on some international issues. We’ll talk over some strategic war games being played out on the world stage — not so much militarily but economically as well.
Remember: economics IS warfare. Scott has some surprising insights into what Trump is doing with China and why.
Scott lives on the border in San Diego. What’s he think of the horde of illegal immigrants marching their way through Mexico?
Scott’s fans will also want to hear the updates on his upcoming movie. And some updates on two new books that will be released this year which have already been optioned for movies.
Podcast Version
Links Mentioned
- James Hirsen’s website, which has the two articles we talked about, is JamesHirsen.com
- James’ book is Tales from the Left Coast
- Scott McEwen‘s website is ScottMcEwen.com.
- Check out Scott McEwen’s books on our store page