The Real Depth of the Deep State
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Show Summary: Most of us now know about the Deep State. But few realize just how deep the Deep State is. We talk with Dr. Jerome Corsi about what Trump is truly up against. Plus, rock star Ted Nugent, a superstar defender of the Second Amendment on Oregon’s war on guns. And what’s the difference between Patriots and the Deep State anyway?

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Air Dates: March 24 & 25, 2018 | Jerome Corsi & Ted Nugent
This Week: We are in a constant state of war. If you heard last week’s show with a former jihadist, you know there are many forces trying to destroy it from within and without. It’s a constant barrage against our way of life and the belief of our inalienable rights to freedom. The freedom given to us by our maker and reflected in our 1st and 2nd Amendments.
When it comes to threats to our country, we think of military threats. Countries building up their militaries and nuclear powers.
But there are also hidden threats. Hidden right in our midst.
The Depths of the Deep State
For decades, we’ve had the invisible and sinister attempts to destroy our freedoms by people working within our government agencies to form the Deep State, who go undetected as they dig deeply into our systems with loyalty to themselves and to the government, not the people. The Deep State will lash out and oppose anyone who wants to deprive the government of power or anyone who wants to return power to citizens.
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Fortunately, our country has many patriots who are rooted in our Constitutional rights and work feverishly in preserving them for all Americans. This week I Spy is honored to have two of those Patriots on our show.
Jerome Corsi: Killing the Deep State
First up we are joined by Dr. Jerome Corsi author of many bestsellers including Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry and Obama Nation. Now, Dr. Corsi has a new book out Killing the Deep State: A Fight to Save President Trump.
Tune in to hear just how deep the roots go in agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and EPA. You’ll hear how those and other agencies are tied to gaining power to destroy America and leave us helpless to fight off their silent coup—and the lengths they’ll go to sabotage President Trump.
Is Jeff Sessions incompetent? Or a lurking menace about to strike the Deep State?
Do members of the Deep State see themselves as patriots?
Ted Nugent: Second Amendment Superstar
Then we’re joined by 1st and 2nd Amendment advocate, and rock star, Ted Nugent. We talk to him about Oregon’s new gun control laws as he calls out to voters to show up for the governor’s election to turn this state red. Ted Nugent adds the energy and commitment as he discusses why we can win back our gun rights while reversing draconian legislation approved by far-left Kate Brown. And in doing so we have a chance to make this state red — and get us into the black.
Stop Oregon Sanctuaries
A handful of lawmakers and Democrat Governor Kate Brown, have turned Oregon into a sanctuary state. Shouldn’t Oregon voters get to decide? You can help get it on the ballot. Head to StopOregonSanctuaries.org. Print, sign, and mail. It’s that simple.
Podcast Version
Links Mentioned
Jerome Corsi (Segments 1 – 4)
- Killing the Deep State: The Fight to Save President Trump (Amazon, Release date Mar 13, 2018)
- Nolte — Media Fail: 60% Troubled by Deep State’s Public Policy Manipulation (Breitbart, Mar 19, 2018)
- Sessions Makes his Move (American Thinker, Mar 19, 2018)
- Hmmm. Was the Deep State involved with the shootings? A CIA plot to use school shootings? Take a look.
Ted Nugent (Segments 5 & 6)
- Check out www.Tednugent.com, with tons of videos and links to his tour dates
- Ted Nugent’s Kamp for Kids
- Shooter dead, two injured after shooting at Great Mills High School in Maryland (Fox News, Mar 20, 2018)
- Maryland school shooter shot dead by hero armed school officer – 2 students injured (American Military News, Mar 20, 2018)
- Ted Nugent: Trump Is Not Betraying The 2nd Amendment, He Is Playing The Left (YouTube. Mar 4, 2018) (start at the 5:19 time)
- Oregon lawmakers pass gun-control bill; first since Florida shooting (USA Today, Feb 23, 2018)
- Stop Oregon Sanctuary status – Give Oregon voters a chance to decide if Oregon should be a sanctuary state. Sign the petition today!