Search Results for: Catherine Engelbrecht

14-21 Election Integrity – Loophole Allows Illegals to Vote?

Show 14-21 Summary: Could a loophole in U.S. Criminal Code Title 18 allow illegal aliens to vote in federal elections? We have Catherine Engelbrecht on from True the Vote to discuss what her organization found and how it may open the door to millions of illegals voting in the presidential election. So much for election …

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14-08 Government Creep is Beyond Creeping. It’s an Invasion.

Show 14-08 Summary: It’s government creep. And for all the wrong reasons. Jennifer Hamaker of Oregon Natural Resource Industries updates us BOEM (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management) pulling a fast one on public meeting laws to try shove through Biden’s offshore wind mills that no one wants. And we talk with Rep Ed Diehl about …

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14-03 True the Vote Exposes the Stunning Reality of Our Elections

Show 14-03 Summary: Huge show this week! We’re talking with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote about their recent big-time win in Georgia two weeks ago, about the integrity of our elections (or lack of it), and how election fraud really is committed — thanks to federal laws which stop federal laws from being enforced. …

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