Search Results for: Kimberly Hermann

14-25 Abuse of Power | Stopping Wannabe Dictators

Show 14-25 Summary: This week it’s a deeper look at the abuse of power by our elected officials. We continue our conversation from last week with senator Dennis Linthicum, who is running for Oregon’s Secretary of State — an office that oversees other agencies and therefore needs a Secretary of State who can and will …

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13-50 The Lawless Bidens | What Happened to “No One is Above the Law”?

Show 13-50 Summary: We talk with two attorneys about the lawless Bidens: Hunter skipping his Congressional subpoena, the official launch of an impeachment inquiry, and Joe Biden’s use of secret email addresses to “conduct business.” And Rasmussen uncovers evidence of rampant voter fraud in the 2020 election that installed Biden. Hey, if your deep state, …

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13-37 Fraud, Fraud, Fraud | How Judges Often Enable It

Show 13-37 Summary: This week, it’s all about fraud. Election fraud. And the lawsuit to get Joe Biden’s emails where he used fraudulent names to conduct his “business.” Elections matter. Not only because you are giving someone else legal authority over you. But because trillions of dollars are at stake. If absolute power corrupts, how …

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13-06 Killing Title IX Protections in the Name of Woke | Plus Part 4: Choosing New Schools

Show 13-06 Summary: This week on I Spy we continue our mini-series on parents rights in education. We are looking at what the Biden administration’s abandonment of Title IX means (it used to mean protection and equal access for girls and women) and what real school choice looks like — when parents make the choice …

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12-46 Elections: An Overturned One and What Happened in 2022

Show Summary: Some post-game analysis of what happened on election night with Marc Thielman. Despite the gloomers and doomers in the Republican Party complaining the wins weren’t big enough, there was a lot of good news for Republicans in 2022’s elections. And the elections would be really good news if they were not clearly trying …

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Elections Matter: Overcoming Systemic Corruption

Show Summary: Why elections matter. All elections. Not just the ones at the top of the ticket. But all the way down to city councilors, D.A.s, and judges—as one governor found out too late. And we talk with outsider, Bridget Barton on her own run for Oregon’s governor and how she’ll fix the quagmire of …

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Fighting the Woke | Covid Exposed More than a Nasty Disease

Show Summary: Covid has exposed the rot in the system. It was always there but now people are waking up to it. This week, we look at the woke the Left didn’t want you to see. CRT in the classroom (yes, Virginia, it was there all along). Teacher’s union promotes “White fragility” and endorses racism. …

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Equity & Fairness (But Only if You’re the Correct Kind)

Show Summary: Last week, our guest said a new focus of the political left is to infuse “equity and fairness” into everything. This week, we dig a little deeper into how that plays out: in community safety and policing, (including defunding the police), reparations, and especially socialized health care. Five Different Times, on Seven Different …

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Victory, Valor, and Vaccines – Wait, so the Constitution Matters?

Show Summary: Just when you thought the Constitution didn’t matter any more, along comes Southeastern Legal Foundation’s huge win in federal court to throw out the CDC’s power grab to block landlords from evicting renters. Updates on SCOTUS failing to take up voter fraud, the Texas power grid failure, and covid vaccines. Five Different Times, …

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