Search Results for: chuck wiese'

Guest Post: Chuck Wiese Primer for Dr. Frank’s Executive Club Presentation

The following primer for Dr. Frank’s Executive Club presentation is via Chuck Wiese, a scientist frequent I Spy Radio guest. Dr. Frank’s Executive Club presentation can be viewed at this link on (YouTube has already banned it and threatened the videographer if he tries to post it again.) Dr. Frank’s Executive Club Presentation Primer …

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What Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium Exposed

Show Summary: Examining the evidence from Mike Lindell’s cyber symposium with actual trained scientists who understand data. What grabbed Chuck Wiese’s and Mark Anderson’s attention? Was it the fraud in all 50 states? Was it the network of “bipartisan” supporters of election fraud? Both and more. And what are the implications for the future? Six …

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14-41 Competent or Stupid? | What’s at Stake in the 2024 Election

Show 14-41 Summary: What’s at stake in the 2024 election is not just who’s running for president. The whole of government is at stake. This week we continue to look at why elections matter, reminding you that you are giving someone else legal control over you, your business, your church, and so many other facets …

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14-34 Oregon’s New Redistribution Scheme: The Climate Protection Plan

Show 14-34 Summary: Oregon’s latest wealth redistribution scheme, Governor Kotek’s Climate Protection Plan, is a plan to solve to solve nothing. It is a carbon cap and trade scheme forcing to pretend to cut carbon dioxide emissions. It will have no impact on climate. Zero. None. But it will cost Oregonians millions more every year. …

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14-31 Enviro Mental | If Only Sustainable Unicorns Really Did Exist

Show 14-31 Summary: No, it’s not the hottest ever. But if you believe in global warming, we might have some sustainable unicorns to sell you. This week we have some common sense answers for the enviro mentally impaired.  One is to learn to not buy the snake oil they’re selling you. Another is to learn …

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14-21 Election Integrity – Loophole Allows Illegals to Vote?

Show 14-21 Summary: Could a loophole in U.S. Criminal Code Title 18 allow illegal aliens to vote in federal elections? We have Catherine Engelbrecht on from True the Vote to discuss what her organization found and how it may open the door to millions of illegals voting in the presidential election. So much for election …

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14-02 Winter Potpourri | Hot Topics of the Week, Election Integrity News and More

Show 14-02 Summary: You probably missed the big election integrity news this last week. But that could be a little understandable because there was a lot of news this week. If the weather predictions hold true for some of our listening areas, it is definitely a good weekend to stay inside and listen to I …

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13-37 Fraud, Fraud, Fraud | How Judges Often Enable It

Show 13-37 Summary: This week, it’s all about fraud. Election fraud. And the lawsuit to get Joe Biden’s emails where he used fraudulent names to conduct his “business.” Elections matter. Not only because you are giving someone else legal authority over you. But because trillions of dollars are at stake. If absolute power corrupts, how …

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13-34 The Next New Phases of Global Warming | Totalitarianism

Show 13-34 Summary: Trained scientist and meteorologist Chuck Wiese debunks the Global Warming doctrine, especially as it is used as the blame for Maui’s fires and California’s rain. Hottest summer ever? Hardly. But why this matters is because of where those pushing this religion (it’s most certainly NOT science) want to take society. And if …

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13-01 Shaking off Yesteryear & Hoping for Change in the New Year – 2023 Preview

Show 13-01 Summary: New Year’s is always a time of reflection and looking ahead. There were a lot of lowlights in 2022 but there were some really good outcomes. A few. Can they be enough to make 2023 better — at a time when many economists warn a big recession is coming in 2023? Bestselling …

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