Search Results for: dennis linthicum

14-30 A Nation at War with Itself | Moral Battleground in America (and Oregon)

Show 14-30 Summary: Since its founding, America has been at war with itself. Locked in a battle between its Christian-Judeo roots while allowing space for secularism. And other religions. But the battle between Christianity and secularism is the most pronounced. And recently, the Christians have been giving up ground. We talk with author Bill Donohue …

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14-25 Abuse of Power | Stopping Wannabe Dictators

Show 14-25 Summary: This week it’s a deeper look at the abuse of power by our elected officials. We continue our conversation from last week with senator Dennis Linthicum, who is running for Oregon’s Secretary of State — an office that oversees other agencies and therefore needs a Secretary of State who can and will …

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14-24 Accountability in Government

Show 14-24 Summary: This week it’s about accountability in government. Because how can you trust people who have abused their positions—or the next person to hold that office—until there has been accountability? We talk with speaker and author Gianna Miceli about the lies of Doctor Fauci and the recent 9th Circuit ruling that said the …

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13-25 Education & Capitulation | The One Thing Oregon Parents Have Right Now

Show 13-25 Summary: Conservative Oregonians once again are disappointed by the “republicans” in the senate. With victory assured and merely needing to coast down hill to kill off HB2002, the anti-parental-rights bill, they instead managed to steer into a ditch. Now, HB2002 is law. And the Oregon republican party is celebrating this as a victory? …

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13-24 What a Former Communist Activist Can Teach the Right about Winning

Show 13-24 Summary: At a time when Oregon Republican senators had the win locked up, but chose defeat instead, maybe a former communist can teach them something about winning. Farehlee Nelson, a former activist for Earth First and a lobbyist for such organizations as Greenpeace, joins us this week to tell us about her conversion …

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13-23 The Truth about the Oregon Republican Senator Walkout | HB2002

Show 13-23 Summary: Unsurprisingly, the Oregon democrats and their media have been spinning a lot of lies about the Republican Senators walkout. They’re saying Republicans are refusing to come to work. A dereliction of duty. A vacation on the taxpayers’ dime. Weird. What do democrats call not showing up for work when public unions do …

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13-17 What are Oregon Democrats Up to Now? | Legislative Lowlights

Show 13-17 Summary: Oregon democrats continue to find new ways to emulate Nazis. You, your children, and certainly your money belong to the state. Democracy dies when democrats are in charge. It’s our monthly legislative update with Sen. Dennis Linthicum — hitting all the highlights and lowlights. Okay. There really aren’t any highlights. And the …

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13-12 The Democrats’ Socialist Plans for Oregon – Legislative Update

Show 13-12 Summary: When it comes to the democrats’ socialist plans for Oregon, they can be summed up by borrowing (pun intended) from an old video game: “All your money are belong to us.” We check in with Senator Dennis Linthicum about their plans for socialized medicine, the tools Republicans have to stop bad bills, …

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13-08 The Mad, Mad Spending – Real School Choice Needed in Oregon

Show 13-08 Summary: Two guests this week and both talking about government spending. Donna Kreitzberg talks about redirecting portions of education spending to parents so they can make their own best school choice for their children. Then Senator Dennis Linthicum who says there is no end in sight for the amount of spending Oregon is …

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