14-30 A Nation at War with Itself | Moral Battleground in America (and Oregon)

14-30 A Nation at War with Itself | Moral Battleground in America (and Oregon)

Show 14-30 Summary: Since its founding, America has been at war with itself. Locked in a battle between its Christian-Judeo roots while allowing space for secularism. And other religions. But the battle between Christianity and secularism is the most pronounced. And recently, the Christians have been giving up ground. We talk with author Bill Donohue about the moral battleground in America, including the hate spewed by the Left at any who disagree with them. Then we talk with Dennis Linthicum, the Republican candidate running for Oregon’s Secretary of State about the moral path Oregon is on. But we especially wanted to have him back on to talk about the elections. How do we get to a secure election in Oregon? Where are the vulnerabilities if someone wanted to cheat? And how do we close them.

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Original Air Dates: Date, 2024 | Guests: Bill Donohue and Dennis Linthicum

This Week – The Moral Battleground in America

This week we’re looking into the moral battleground in America. Yes, there is a moral war being waged right now and America. And Oregon. It’s the secular outlook versus the religious one that have been at war since America’s founding. What can we do to keep America on the right path?

We talk with Bill Donohue, an author and media personality. He has written thousands of articles and 10 books. His books focus on ethics and religion and their ongoing battle with the secularism and its attack on America and our way of life. His most recent book is Cultural Meltdown – the Secular Roots of Our Moral Crisis.

We also look at the Left working to dehumanize their political opponents, making it easier to hate them. Even shoot at someone who has been demonized as a “threat to democracy” and the nation.

Who Counts the Votes

We also talk with senator Dennis Linthicum, the Republican candidate for Oregon’s Secretary of State. If there is any statewide office that needs someone with a strong sense of morals and ethics, it is the secretary of state’s office. It is the watchdog for so much of government. The one that is responsible for auditing other agencies. And ensuring the fairness of our elections. It’s like that Stalin quote: “It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.”

We talk about Oregon and its own moral path but our main focus is on the elections. Do we have secure elections in Oregon? How do we get to secure elections? And why doesn’t this current set Secretary of State seemed to think that’s important. And why does the Oregonian label Dennis an “election denier”? (He’s not. He’s an election confirmer.”

Want to find out more about Dennis Linthicum and his policy issues? Visit ElectDennis.com.

The democrats in charge now are pretty transparent about their lack of lack of transparency. Which boils down to “trust us. We won.” What are they hiding?

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