Take Action
Plato said, “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” We agree. Hold your public officials accountable. Don’t remain silent. Here you’ll find action alerts as mentioned on the I Spy Radio Show or as submitted by our listeners.
Current Take Action Items
Urgent! Stop Oregon’s Orwellian Surveillance System
Oregon has now hired a surveillance partner to monitor, track, flag, report, and censor what the State deems election misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation. The Orwellian surveillance system will monitor social media posts, websites, blogs, YouTube videos, podcasts and even radio broadcasts. This is a war on Free Speech.
See the show page for Show #13-43 for more details, links to the documents to read for yourself, and the podcast after the show airs.
What to Do
Remember. Public outcry is what stops government. So contact the Secretary of State office and your county clerks and ask them to stop this attack on free speech. Remind them the government’s job is to protect free speech. Not interfere with it. You cannot be silent on this. Or before long, you won’t have any choice but to be silent.
Politely but firmly tell them you are opposed to this monitoring of free speech. Here are Marc’s suggestions for an effective email: keep it simple. Tell them you just found out about this election disinformation monitoring system, ask if they know about it (some county clerks may not have heard yet), and tell them it should not be implemented and needs to stop immediately.
Contact Information for Oregon Secretary of State, Elections Division
Email – elections.sos@sos.oregon.gov
Secretary of State
Public Service Building Suite 126
255 Capitol St. NE
Salem OR 97310
Fax 503-373-7414
Contact Information for Oregon County Elections Officials
Here is a convenient list to contact your county clerks: Connect with County Clerks
Don’t be silent — or you will be silenced!
Sign petitions!
- Stop the Oregon Dept. of Forestry’s Habitat Conservation Plan that would take 53% of Oregon’s State Forests offline and rob 10s of millions of dollars from Timber Fund beneficiaries: schools, police, counties, emergency services, ports, and more. Head to OregonStrongerTogether.com and sign the petition! It literally takes 30 seconds to do!
- Woke public-school teachers can’t indoctrinate kids who aren’t there. Sign the petitions (there are two of them) to put School Choice on the ballot. Give parents the ability to choose the school that is best for their child and their family. Head to EducationFreedomforOregon.com to download, sign, and mail in your petition.
Remember: be firm. But be polite.
Other Ongoing Take Action Items
- Stop Human Trafficking – Get help. Know the signs. Help someone escape.
- Demand better forest management to put a stop to Oregon’s constant forest fires
Submit Action Items
Know of an issue? Need to get the word out about an important action that needs help—now? Submit an action alert to info@ispyradio.com and we’ll post it here and drive listeners to it.
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