Author: Dr Mark

2021 Year in Review: Democrats’ Political Boneyard | Hope for 2022

2021 Year in Review: Democrats’ Political Boneyard | Hope for 2022

Show Summary: Our year in review: as bad as 2021 has been, it turns out it was the year of proving the Right was right. Lockdowns to mandates to passports, Russia collusion, CRT and so much more — they weren’t conspiracies. Will Oregon reject democrats in 2022? Listen to hear about the monkey wrenches democrats are tossing in the gears to sabotage Oregon.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: December 11th & 12th, 2021 | Guest: State Senator Dennis Linthicum

This week: Senator Dennis Linthicum (OR SD-28) joins us for our year in review as we  look back at 2021 and take a look ahead at 2022.

A Year in Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Democrats

Last week we talked with Alek Skarlatos about the democrats’ gerrymandered congressional districts. This week we look a little deeper. Yes, the democrat gerrymandering is a problem but there is another monkey wrench they threw in the elections gears in 2021.

Actually, it’s more of a sledgehammer.

Be sure to check out the resources below for more info on China’s social credit score system democrats want to bring to the U.S. If you thought CRT was bad…

We also look ahead at 2022 and the challenges ahead. There are some great Republican candidates for governor. And, yes, there is a potential monkey wrench there too. Betsy Johnson. While she would be a far better democrat candidate than the ultra far left Tina Kotek or the so-called “moderate” carpetbagger Nicholas Kristoff, she’s running as an independent. Not a democrat.

That says a lot, doesn’t it?

Because she must not believe an independent-minded blue-dog democrat can win in Oregon. At least not get the win in the democrat primary. How will a third-party candidate impact the race? Split the votes and ensure a democrat win? Or split the democrats and let a Republican slip by?

We also look ahead to 2022. What are some of the key issues for Republicans to run on and attract both non-affiliated voters. And even democrats? Here’s a hint: we talked about one of them last week.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

References & Further Reading

China’s Social Credit Score

  • Video: China ranks ‘good’ and ‘bad’ citizens with ‘social credit’ system (France 24, YT channel, May 1, 2019)
  • China’s social credit system spreads to more daily transactions (Brookings Institute, June 18, 2018)
    • “China has stated that all 1.35 billion of its citizens will be subject to its social credit system by 2020, and travel restrictions for low-scoring citizens is only one of many to come.”
    • “…a poor Chinese social credit score can lead to bans from travel, certain schools, luxury hotels, government positions, and even dating apps.”
  • Chinese Social Credit Score: Utopian Big Data Bliss Or Black Mirror On Steroids? (Forbes, Jan 21, 2019)
    • “…government agencies and private companies are collecting enormous amounts of data about e.g. an individual’s finances, social media activities, credit history, health records, online purchases, tax payments, legal matters, and people you associate with in, addition to images gathered from China’s 200 million surveillance cameras and facial recognition software.”
  • China’s new ‘social credit system’ is a dystopian nightmare (NY Post, May 18, 2019)
    • “Not only are you publicly humiliated in the ticket line, you are then forced to travel by slow train. What should have been a three-hour flight becomes a 30-hour, stop-and-go nightmare. All because the government has declared you untrustworthy. ”
    • “A low social credit score will exclude you from well-paid jobs, make it impossible for you to get a house or a car loan or even book a hotel room. The government will slow down your internet connection, ban your children from attending private schools and even post your profile on a public blacklist for all to see.”
  • UK Study on kids 23%:  COVID rules are blamed for 23% dive in young children’s development: Disturbing study shows scores in three key cognitive tests slumped between 2018 and 2021, with face mask rules among possible culprits (UK Daily Mail, Nov 26, 2021)
    • New study executed by Brown University found face masks and other social distancing measures may in fact impede on children’s development
    • A whopping 23 per cent drop in IQ scores since the start of the pandemic

2021 Year in Review: the Right was Right


Silver Linings: Oregonians Pushing through the Storm

Silver Linings: Oregonians Pushing through the Storm

Show Summary: It’s hard not to get discouraged when the current government seems hell-bent on ruining America. But the best way to cure socialism is to be forced to live under socialism. And right now, Americans are fed up and have had enough. Is it happening here in Oregon?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: December 4th & 5th, 2021 | Guests: Alek Skarlatos & Donna Kreitzberg

This week: Two guests this week but a common theme: silver linings. First up is candidate for Congress, Alek Skarlatos who is running again for CD4, despite the overwhelming advantage democrats gave to democrats running there—going from a +1 Republican to a +9 democrat with the redistricting.

A ten point swing? Can you be any more obvious about your gerrymandering, democrats?

But lo and behold a ray of sunshine broke through and Alek sees some real advantages for himself and Republicans running in other districts.

Alek Skarlatos: Running for Oregon’s CD4

What’s the sunshine? In case you missed it, Peter Defazio, long, long-time incumbent, decided to step down and not run in 2022.

Wait, what now?

Yes, despite being gifted a 10 point swing in Oregon’s newly drawn CD4 (going from a -1 D deficit to a +9 D advantage), DeFazio stepped down. This was a silver platter. What on earth must those internal polls have been showing?

See old vs new the redistricting maps on 538 blog

Tune into hear other silver linings Alek sees — not only his own district but other districts in Oregon. In their greed, did Dems dilute Portland’s influence?

Real School Choice on the Ballot?

Then Donna Kreitzberg who managed to get past the first hurdle to put school choice—real school choice—on the ballot as a constitutional amendment. This is a game changer. Tune in to hear the details of why this could truly transform Oregon schools for the better.

Want more info? Want to get involved? Send an email to

Looks like all the fearmongering and on-again, off-again schools (not to mention parents, also at home with lockdowns, getting to see and hear exactly what their kids were being taught) ticked off the wrong people.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links and Info

Alek Skarlatos’ Segments (1–3)

  • FYI, Alek Skarlatos’s campaign website is
  • 538’s What Redistricting Looks Like In Every State – Oregon (via
    • Old map: 2 solid dem, 2 toss ups, 1 solid Rep.
    • New map: 2 solid dem, 2 leaning dems, 1 toss up, 1 Republican
  • What Oregon’s New Congressional Map Tells Us About 2022 (YT, Sept 28, 2021)
  • ORS 188. Congressional and Legislative Districts; Reapportionment (ORS 188, 2019 edition)
  • Peter DeFazio will retire from Congress in latest blow to Democrats (Politico, Dec 1, 2021)
    • “[DeFazio’s] move also comes as Democrats are widely expected to lose the majority in the House in 2022, which is likely to have factored into his decision.”

Donna Kreitzberg’s Segments (4–6)

Their websites are not ready for prime time yet, but when they’re live, they will be linked here. In the meantime, if you want more info or want to help make this happen, send an email to Donna at The email is working even if the website isn’t ready quite yet.

Read the four support documents:

  1. Some background on Donna Kreitzberg, the Real School Choice Amendment, and goals (PDF)
  2. Summary of the Oregon School Choice Amendment (PDF)
  3. Text of the School Choice Amendment, received and stamped by the Oregon Secretary of State’s office (PDF)
  4. School Choice Amendment Protections Against Government Regulation (PDF)
  • Burned Out Teachers Are Launching Their Own Schools Instead of Abandoning Their Passion—And Succeeding (Tampa Free Press, Dec 1, 2021)
    • “According to a survey by the RAND Corporation, almost one-quarter of teachers planned to leave the profession in 2021”
    • “Rather than abandoning their passion for teaching, some educators are discovering that they can do what they love and avoid the bureaucracy and stress of a conventional classroom by starting their own microschools. Microschools are modern twists on the quaint, one-room schoolhouse model”


Restore the Constitution: Eliminate the Administrative State

Restore the Constitution: Eliminate the Administrative State

Show Summary: The Constitution is supposed to guarantee our rights. But over the centuries since our founding, socialists have steadily eroded our rights and the influence of the Constitution. In fact, for much of American government, the Constitution doesn’t apply. This week, we examine the “administrative state” where normal constitutional principles (or even law) don’t apply. We also look at how we fix it—and hold people accountable.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: November 20th & 21st, 2021 | Guests: Jonathan Emord

This week: We have a dual justice system and one where the Constitution doesn’t apply: the administrative state. It is a true return to authoritarianism — the rule of the king — where the government literally holds all power and you, the citizen, have no power. Except whatever the government deems to allow you. No Constitution. No rights.

Welcome back to the 1750s.

The Administrative State

The Authoritarians by Jonathan Emord
Order The Authoritarians on Amazon

As one of America’s top constitution lawyers for the last 35 years, Jonathan Emord has seen, up close and personally, the purposeful destruction of America’s founding principles of liberty and freedom from government. The Constitution outlines the boundaries of the government. But the authoritarians have been undermining it for well over two centuries.

Be sure to catch Jonathan Emord’s previous appearances on I Spy Radio: The Authoritarians Part One and Part Two.

Our previous shows with Jonathan focused on the rise of socialism in America. Including the Southern democrats’ use of socialism/Marxist ideology to defend slavery. And we looked at the beginnings of the administrative state under FDR.

This week, we dig a little deeper into the administrative state, which is the “Bizzaro World” version of our Constitutional Republic. And how do we untangle it? The answer may be simpler than you think.

Which rule of law wins? The administrative state? Or the Constitution? Because right now, we’re seeing this play out with the covid-19 vaccine mandates and passports.

And we look at justice. Holding people accountable. Could Durham’s investigation go a lot higher than just the low-hanging fruit and middle-men Durham has so far indicted?

One of America’s top constitutional lawyers thinks so. Tune in to find out why.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Further Info

Government IS the Problem – Especially When it Creates the Problems

Government IS the Problem – Especially When it Creates the Problems

Show Summary: We all know the Reagan saying: “government isn’t the solution to the problem. Government is the problem.” But it’s worse than that. Because big government has learned there’s lots of money to be made for their political allies by causing the problems.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: November 13th & 14th, 2021 | Guests: Dr. Lt. Col. Jim Huggins & Chuck Wiese

This week: it’s true: “Government isn’t the solution to the problem, government IS the problem.”

Except in modern-day governance it’s far more than incompetence or inefficiency. Because in modern governance, Big Government has learned there is an awful lot of money to be made for their political allies by creating problems.

Fixing Government: Dr. Lt. Col. Jim Huggins Runs for Governor

This week we welcome first-time guest, Dr. Lt. Col. Jim Huggins to the show. He is running for the Republican candidate for Oregon governor and he has some solutions to the problem of government.

Tune in to hear more about Jim’s unique and varied background. A start in the military, rising to Lt. Colonel in the US Air Force, a move to the private sector and business start ups, academics (not one but two doctorates), teaching, and a career in the entertainment industry by starting his own film production company.

Like many of us, Jim watched in shock and disgust as Left wing activists and mobs burned and looted Portland for 100+ nights while Left wing politicians not only did nothing but praised them. Even dropped charges.

Jim also shares with us what he sees as the major issues and how he would address them. But also, how would he, a non-politician, handle the political and bureaucratic minefield. The same minefield that tripped up President Trump who was constantly sabotaged and undermined by the establishment class.

Big Government Creating Problems

In this week’s show, you’ll hear how  government is quite literally creating problems out of thin air. Global Warming. This week, we also talk with Chuck Wiese about the never ending global warming scam, which will apparently only be solved by spending money.

As mentioned: NASA and NOAA temperature tampering documents can be found below, in the Links Section

But we also touch on the origins of the global warming hoax, which, if tried in any other industry sector, would have landed those who’d done it in jail. As Chuck reminds us, NASA and NOAA changed the temperature data to make the past look cooler than it was. By doing so, it artificially make the present (and future) look warmer than it really is.

We wanted to have Chuck on because a “super-important, this time the world really will end if we don’t do something” study showed Global Warming is going to lead to more forest fires.

Hey, Sherlock. If you really believe Global Warming is causing forests to be drier, you should have listened to us decades ago when we said you can’t let dead, dry wood pile up in the forests. And then be “surprised” when big fires happen.

Let it dry. Let it burn. And then let us have money. The democrats’ environmental playbook.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Further Info

Jim Huggins Segments

Chuck Wiese Segments

  • Here is the paper by AMS Fellow Joe D’Aleo and others about NOAA’s falsified temperature record: Validity-of-NOAA-NASA-Data-data-research-report-062717 (PDF)
  • The paper by Chuck Wiese to counter the false premise about warming Arctic: A Warming Arctic Would Not Cause Increased Severe Weather or Temperature Extremes (PDF)
  • The article in the Statesman: Climate change now the main driver of wildfire weather, and the West has a front-row seat (Statesman Journal / LA Times, Nov 1, 2021)*Previous studies have found the atmosphere in the western U.S. has grown thirstier over the last 40 years. Experts have theorized that is due to natural fluctuations in the weather and because carbon dioxide emissions have caused the planet to warm, and warmer air can hold more moisture.*This just sounds stupid*“‘It’s happening every year’: Devastating wildfire season is the new normal”. *Perhaps it’s because they allowed wood debris to pile up for decades
  • Biden is considering shutting down ANOTHER oil pipeline (Daily Mail, Nov 8, 2021)
  • US Coal Miners “All Sold Out” For 2022 (Zero Hedge, Oct 31, 2021)*Top U.S. coal miners are experiencing a massive surge in demand as power companies restart coal-fired power plants due to high natural gas prices to prevent electricity shortages ahead of the winter season. 
  • When The Lights Go Out Across Europe: Wind Power Droughts Promise Mass Blackouts (Climate-Science Press, October 20, 2021)
  • Glasgow’s ‘Green’ Agenda: Killing Meaningful Jobs & Depriving Poor of Meaningful Power (Climate-Science Press, October 23, 2021)



Defending Faith is Defending Freedom

Defending Faith is Defending Freedom

Show Summary: Elections all across the nations showed a rejection of Leftist ideology. Have Christians and Conservatives had enough of attacks on their faith — in God and in their country?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: November 6th & 7th, 2021 | Guests: Donna Jackson & James Hirsen

This week: defending faith is defending freedom. And on Tuesday, we saw a lot of both as parents rose up to push back on being called “domestic terrorists” by their own government. Especially for exercising their rights of free speech to stand up to school boards determined to shove Marxist ideology and Critical Race Theory garbage on their kids.

As we’ve said for some time now, you won’t see a renewal in America until we see a revival in the Church.

Marxist/Socialist Attacks on Faith

Marxism and all its forms (socialism, communism, etc.) is the enemy of faith. That’s not opinion, that’s fact. Marx famously called religion the drug of the people. That’s because the two cannot coexist. Marxism and socialism will not share space with and cannot tolerate faith in anything other than government.

Donna Jackson from Project 21 joins us as we look at a SCOTUS case where coach Joseph Kennedy was fired for kneeling alone for a moment of prayer after football games and the chilling effect this could have on public officials. But is it time to go on the offense? Clearly, sitting back, staying on the sidelines, and letting things happen has not worked because the professional agitators (paid for with your tax dollars no less), have seized control of the ball. And won’t give up.

With both our guests, we also look at the stunning wins Tuesday night at all levels — and by many who expressed their faith and defense of America and her values, defeating progressives at every level of government. Are we seeing a revival in the face of Leftists trying to reform America?

Wait. Faith in Hollywood?

We’re also joined by James Hirsen, author of the bestselling Tales from the Left Coast. James weighs in on the remarkable rejection of the Left’s ideology in Tuesday’s elections. Some results were practically miraculous. Including on in Buffalo, NY, which we hadn’t heard about.

But is there, perhaps, even in revival happening in Hollywood?

More actors open up about their faith, sharing about God’s role in their lives. But this has its dangers too. As many actors, in mostly-Godless Hollywood have found out.

Have Faith. In God, in America

What do you think? Are we seeing a revival across America? A revival of faith and a revival of pro-America? And what do we need to do to keep this rolling?

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Further Info


Democrats’ Plan to Remake the Economy | Supply Chain Problems

Democrats’ Plan to Remake the Economy | Supply Chain Problems

Show Summary: No ghosts but lots of gremlins as democrats try to sabotage the future of America’s economy. It’s no secret the democrats want to transform America’s economy into a socialist one. And their multi-trillion dollar spending bills will do it. So what’s really in the bill? If you think the problems with our supply chain are bad now, wait until the government runs it.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 30th & 31st, 2021 | Guests: Jonathan Williams & Jana Jarvis

This week: No ghosts but plenty of gremlins and goblins as our own government is looking to sabotage the future of America’s economy. To “transform it”, which is never a good thing. A look at what’s really in the bill — and a look at what it going on with our supply chain.

It’s the Economy Stupid?

Remember when Bill Clinton said that? Except from the democrats, now it’s let’s make the economy stupid. Then again, remember when Bill Clinton used to be seen as “liberal”? Now, he’s downright conservative in comparison.

Imagine AOC in charge of the economy.

And remember Obamacare, and the democrats “deeming it passed”? Yeah. You can look for that kind of trickery to get the multi-trillion-dollar bill through not to transform America’s health care but her economy. How’s that health care “transformation” gone for you? Health care cheaper for you? Or for America?

No. Of course not. But by the federal government seizing control of health care, democrats have been able to use it as a weapon. It’s what we warned you about: environmental policies is how they control business. Health care is how they control people.

Jonathan Williams of ALEC on the Economy

Jonathan Williams is the executive vice president of the American Legislative Exchange Council (, which advises state legislature on how to improve their economies.

We talk about what’s really in the bill. AOC’s 1.5 million “climate corps” troops marshaling businesses down the new green path. A massive overturn of the economy that will weaken, not strengthen it. 87,000 new IRS agents unleashed to snoop through and spy on Americans. (Remember how Obama used the IRS to target his political enemies? Yeah. Now multiply that by 86,0000.

And perhaps worst of all, Janet Yellen’s hair-brained scheme to tax non-existent wealth. She wants to tax “unrealized capital gains.” In other words, tax money that hasn’t been made yet. That’s desperate.

And how long before they do away with “just taxing billionaires” and move on to “all those middle-class people are sitting on unrealized gains in the property values.

Problems in the Supply Chain

In case you haven’t noticed, there are a lot of areas of the country experiencing empty store shelves. How is it that just two years ago, when we had a much better economy under President Trump but we had no supply chain problems like we’re experiencing now? Could it be by design? This article from ZeroHedge alleges it may be. (And it sounds like it to us, too.)

Not to mention that Pete Buttigieg is out there sounding like he’s willing to let supply chain problems continue in an attempt to extort Congressional Republicans and reluctant democrats into voting for the massive spending bills.  (See links below.)

So, what is going on with our supply chain? And, the big question: do we need to be worried?

To get to the bottom of that, we talk with Jana Jarvis, president of OTA, Oregon Trucking Associations ( She walks us through the problems at the port, what led to them, and some concerns for the near future.

It doesn’t help that there was already a shortage of truckers before the forced pandemic. Now, the Biden administration is targeting truckers and blue collar workers with forced vaccine mandates. The ATA warns that if Resident Biden continues along this path, the industry may lose up to 37% of its truckers.

Imagine for a moment if all the truckers walked off the job in areas where there are mandates. Imagine the impact of that. I mean, talk about a people’s revolution. Just park the trucks and say no more until you get rid of these mandates. ALL of them.

Is it time for a drive out? A national walk out by truckers? If any industry could force that kind of change, it’s the truckers.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Further Info

  • Podcast: A Price Too High? The $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Bill (ALEC podcast #100, Sept 28, 2021)
  • $3.5 Trillion Is a Phony Number: Budget tricks disguise the true cost of Biden’s vast entitlement plans (Wall Stree Journal, Sept 23, 2021)
  • What’s in the Democratic Tax Proposal? :Corporate tax rate would rise to 26.5% from 21%; capital-gains taxes would also go up (WSJ, Sept 13, 2021)
  • What Is Unrealized Gain or Loss and Is It Taxed? (Yahoo Finance, April 2, 2021)
  • Biden Expresses Support for Annual Tax on Billionaires’ Unrealized Gains (Wall Street Journal, Sept 24, 2021)
  • AOC, Democrats want to create ‘Civilian Corps’ to battle climate change (NY Post, May 5, 2021)
  • AOC: $10B Taxpayer-Funded Climate Change Corps Would Create 1.5M Jobs (Brietbart, May 7, 2021)
    • Really, AOC? Try to use math. That’s only $6,666 per “job.” What are they going to do, just send stimulus checks to democrats?
    • The real costs: 1.5 million activists × $40,000 per year (avg) = $60 billion. Every year. “Free” jobs for democrats. Who do you think they’ll donate to? Or campaign for? And that doesn’t even include healthcare or a lifetime of taxpayer funded pensions.

Supply Chain

  • ‘Containergeddon’ drives sugar, rice shippers back to bulk vessels (Alberta Farmer Express, Oct 22, 2021)
  • Martin Armstrong: Are The US Supply Chain Disruptions Deliberate? (ZeroHedge, Oct 24, 2021)
    • “The reality is the only way we’re going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everyone around the world gets vaccinated,” [Deputy Treasury Secretary] Adeyemo admitted in an interview with ABC News.
    • THIS: Transportation Secretary Pete stated, “…The overall ‘Build Back Better’ vision is designed to reduce inflationary pressures. So if you care about inflation, you ought to care about not just the supply chain issues… but also the provisions in ‘Build Back Better’ like paid family leave, … making it easier to afford childcare, [or] community college, that are going to give us a stronger labor force and help us deal with that major constraint on economic growth.”*Sounds a lot like Blackmail to me.
  • Ports of LA, Long Beach to Fine Firms Over Container Backlog (Newsmax, Oct 25, 2021)*“In an effort to ease congestion at the nation’s busiest port complex, officials said Monday that they will start fining shipping companies whose cargo containers linger for too long at marine terminals.”
  • Horrifying: California In-N-Out Shut Down Permanently for Refusing to Check Customers’ Vaccination Status (Epoch Times, Oct 27, 2021)
  • ATA Warns Vaccine Mandate Could Worsen Supply Chain Troubles (Transport Topics News, Oct 21, 2021)
  • Consumers’ Research: BlackRock and the Chinese Communist Party (Disclose TV, Oct 27, 2021)
  • How the Infrastructure and Reconciliation Bills Affects YOU (Stop Being Sold YT Channel, Oct 13, 2021)


The Authoritarians: How Socialism’s Dark and Ugly Ideology Took Root in America

The Authoritarians: How Socialism’s Dark and Ugly Ideology Took Root in America

Show Summary: This is Part Two of our interview with Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional lawyers, about his book The Authoritarians. If you’ve been looking at the destruction to our constitution and American freedoms and wondering how we got here and what to do about it, this show is for you.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 16th & 17th, 2021 | Guest: Jonathan Emord

This week: We talk with constitutional lawyer, Jonathan Emord. This book is so timely and so needed and so full of information that we have made this a two-part show.

The Authoritarians, Part Two

The Authoritarians by Jonathan Emord
Order The Authoritarians on Amazon

Today’s show is Part Two of our interview with Jonathan Emord. This week, we look more deeply into his book and focus on how authoritarianism (Marxism, socialism, communism) took hold here in America—the land of the free and birthplace of liberty. Think about it. How is it that just two generations removed from throwing off the king’s despotism, American politicians, educators, and even religious leaders were all trying to take us back down that road?

For those who know and understand socialism, it shouldn’t surprise that socialism began its creep into American society as a defense for slavery.

 Tune in to hear the convoluted thinking that led Southerners to use socialism as a defense not just for slavery but as a defense against American’s founding ideology. That all men are equal. That all men are endowed with rights and freedoms from their Creator. 

Did you miss Part One of The Authoritarians with Jonathan Emord? Go here to catch up!

As one of America’s top constitution lawyers for the last 35 years, Jonathan Emord has seen, up close and personally, the purposeful destruction of America’s founding principles of liberty and freedom from government. The Constitution outlines the boundaries of the government. But the authoritarians have been undermining it for well over a century.

Socialism: It’s Worse than You Thought

Part Two will also look into the inherent racism of Marxism and socialism. Bet most socialists and Marxist-wannabes in America have no idea that racism was an inherent part of their ideology.

But it’s worse even than that. Tune in to hear how the eugenics movement was (and still is) a key part of socialism. And how American judicial rulings set the precedent that the Nazis used in their defense at Nuremberg.

Yes. It’s true: The National Socialist Party was the epitome of socialism. Despite today’s socialists trying to run from their ties to the Nazis, they were the living example of what socialism could look like here on Earth.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Further Info


The Authoritarians: Their Assault on Individual Liberty and the Constitution

The Authoritarians: Their Assault on Individual Liberty and the Constitution

Show Summary: If you’ve been looking at the destruction to our constitution and American freedoms and wondering how we got here and what to do about it, this show is for you. This is Part One of a two-part show. We talk with Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional lawyers, about his book The Authoritarians.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 9th & 10th, 2021 | Guest: Jonathan Emord

This week: We talk with constitutional lawyer, Jonathan Emord. This book is so timely and so needed and so full of information that we have made this a two-part show.

The Authoritarians, Part One

Today’s show is Part One of a look at how we got here — where the law and especially the constitution doesn’t matter any more. How anti-America-as-founded forces have corrupted our system and seized power right in front of us while those in power who should have protected us, did nothing. 

The Authoritarians by Jonathan Emord
Order The Authoritarians on Amazon

As one of America’s top constitution lawyers for the last 35 years, Jonathan Emord has seen, up close and personally, the purposeful destruction of America’s founding principles of liberty and freedom from government. The Constitution outlines the boundaries of the government. But the authoritarians have been undermining it for well over a century.

Part One is the appetizer to whet your appetite for next week when we will more fully dig into his book, and focus on the origins of authoritarianism and how to stop it before its too late.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

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Voters Fight for Truth Amidst Arizona Audit

Voters Fight for Truth Amidst Arizona Audit

Show Summary: It’s the Arizona audit — but also the stories behind the story of the audit. Including a fascinating historical context with a Constitutional law professor. And stories of the eyewitnesses to the audit — the watchers who watched the watchers. Plus, we look at the outcomes and where the audit movement is headed now.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Six Different Times, on Eight Different Stations. Listen anywhere! Most stations stream live! Four times Saturdays, twice on Sundays, and podcast version available Mondays

Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show

Original Air Dates: Oct 2nd & 3rd, 2021 | Horace Cooper & Chuck Wiese

This Week: Arizona Audit & Stolen Elections

It’s all about the Arizona audit this week. But we take a different tack. We look at the stories behind the story of the Arizona audit.

Head to Sign Mike Lindell’s petition to encourage the Supreme Court to accept the bill of complaints brought by patriotic states to save our country.

We talk first with Horace Cooper, co-chair of Project 21 and a constitutional law professor who gives us some historical context of the protections our Founders put in place for elections. And a look at other stolen elections. He also gives us insights into the remedies that exist and what should have happened with the contested 2020 election. And that new law Oregon passed to prevent the scrubbing of its voter rolls? Yeah. That’s going to have, shall we say, “unique” problems.

Then we talk with our go-to scientist, Chuck Wiese.  Chuck is trained in data analysis and he goes through the numbers that prove, conclusively, that there was fraud in the Arizona election. And what points to fraud in other states.

But first we take a look at the stories now being told by the Arizona audit observers. Who, until now, have been under a non-disclosure order to not discuss what they saw and heard. Tune in to hear these important observation that adds more context to the audit, above and beyond a bunch of numbers.

If you were on the fence before, this will convince you.

It’s time to do audits. In all 50 states.

But unless and until people start going to jail, none of this matters. Because they will just try it again and again and again. Which is why you need to support election audit efforts.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research Links & Info

Arizona Audit Results

  • AZ Audit Volunteers Reveal Findings – Disturbing Elections Irregularities Discovered (GWP Channel, Rumble, Sept 30, 2021)
  • Read the Arizona AG’s order to Maricopa County for a litigation hold (PDF)
  • Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Sends Letter To Maricopa County – FIRST REQUEST: Preservation Of Evidence/Litigation Hold (Gateway Pundit, Sept 28, 2021)
  • Arizona Audit for Dummies w/ Senator Wendy Rogers (Rumble, Sept 22, 2021)
    • Did you know? AZ Audit survived 4 court challenges
    • Now, why would Maricopa be so against anyone looking at results? Hmm…
  • Major Audit Bombshell: Individual Busted In The Act 1 Day Before Audit Began (Populist Press, Sept 24, 2021)
    • “Ben Cotton shared the IT results from the audit of the 2020 Election Results in Maricopa County. During his presentation, he noted that files were deleted by those involved in the election. But then Cotton noted that his team was able to identify the time stamps for when the files were messed with and from that. We have captured screen shots of Maricopa County people at the keyboards during those time periods.”
  • “We Did Find Large-Scale Fraud”– AZ GOP Chair Calls For Full Canvass (Palmieri Report, Sept 28, 2021)
  • Maricopa County Releases Statement On Election Audit–Will Be Issuing A Response (Palmieri Report, Sept 29, 2021)
  • Arizona Audit Finds 86,391 Voters have No Identity Match (RSBN, Sept 29, 2021)
    • Among several damning revelations from Friday’s hearing for the Maricopa County 2020 election audit results, is Cyber Ninjas’ finding that 86,391 votes in Arizona did not have an identity match.

The Audit Movement is Spreading

  • Report Shows Fulton County, GA 2020 Election Had $2 million in Unsupported OT, 15 Missing Routers, an Agreement with the SPLC to Put in Place Drop Boxes, and More (GWP, Sept 25, 2021)
  • Now Delaware: With Only 10% of 2020 Election Results Audited, 20,000 Invalid or Suspect Ballots Identified (GWP, Sept 30, 2021)
    • “A report released from a voter group in Delaware shows it’s quite possible Joe Biden didn’t even win his home state in the 2020 Election once invalid and suspect ballots are addressed.”
    • Above is based on a story from National File, “Massive ‘Fraudulent’ Votes And Apparent Nursing Home Vote Fraud Found in Delaware In 2020 Election” (Sept 30, 2021)
  • ‘Narrative Collapse’: British Media Finally Appear to Be Questioning Biden’s U.S. Election Legitimacy (Becker News, Sept 28, 2021)
    • Original UK Times article is here

Additional Related


Lies, Damned Lies, and Democrats – Marc Thielman on Dems’ Betrayal

Lies, Damned Lies, and Democrats – Marc Thielman on Dems’ Betrayal

Show Summary: Tina Kotek reneged on her deal with Republicans to share equal status on congressional redistricting. Except it no longer pleases her. Probably because the public overwhelmingly opposed her plan to give Portland control over four of Oregon’s six congressional districts. Marc Thielman discusses dealing with lies when it’s the government telling them.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Six Different Times, on Eight Different Stations. Listen anywhere! Most stations stream live!

8a – 9a: KYKN 1439AM (Salem/Keizer) | Direct Link to KYKN Live Stream
10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County)
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) 
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Sept 25th & 26th, 2021 | Marc Thielman

This Week: The Democrats’ Lies

It’s all about lies and betrayal this week. No, it’s not a soap opera. It’s politics.

As we asked last week, why is it wrong for you to lie to the government, but somehow perfectly okay when the government lies to you? You heard the web of lies the governments (federal and state) spun to take away your freedoms and push a fake “FDA approved” vaccine on people. Which is why Senator Dennis Linthicum announced he and Sen. Kim Thatcher have called for a grand jury investigation.

ICYMI, listen to last week’s show: Senator Dennis Linthicum discusses covid grand jury

Judas, Benedict Arnold, Tina Kotek

Okay, that’s a little hyperbole. After all, Judas and Benedict Arnold were, up until their betrayals, were trustworthy. Because it’s the nature of betrayal that only people you trust can betray you. Tina Kotek, however, is a known liar and anything she said, including a power-sharing deal, should have been viewed with suspicion.

And, surprise surprise, she reneged on the deal she struck with Republicans after getting what she wanted.

Democrat Betrayal: The Setup

In case you missed it, Republicans in Oregon’s House had successfully slowed down the democrats plan to pass thousands of bills. (Without reading them, of course.) So the Republicans, using a legislative tool open to any legislator, demanded each bill be read in its entirety on the House floor, before taking a vote. Since some of these bills are 100s of pages long, things slowed to snail’s pace.

Did you know? If you have Amazon Prime, you can now say, “Alexa, play the I Spy Radio Show on Amazon Music.”

So, Tina Kotek approached the Republicans and said she would give them a co-chair position on the Congressional Redistricting Committee. Which has the power to redraw the congressional districts. So, against advice from pretty much everyone, Republican “leadership” jumped on it. And gave up their power to slow bills. Or walk out on the gun bill. So Tina got what she wanted. And, as good betrayals go, for awhile it looked like she would keep her word.

Except, when things didn’t go her way (the democrats’ plan involved giving Portland control over at least 4 of Oregon’s 6 congressional districts), she yanked the deal. Let’s be clear. She yanked the deal AFTER getting her side of it, what she wanted.

Marc Thielman on Government (and Democrat) Lies

We welcome back Republican candidate for governor, Marc Thielman. We had Marc on a few weeks ago, ironically, to discuss lies from the government because Thielman is also the superintendent of Alsea School District and Gov. Kate Brown and the democrats relentlessly attacked him.

Why? Because Alsea School District was one of the few schools that stayed open during covid. And guess what—they didn’t have a single case of covid traced back to the school.

That meant his actions destroyed their narrative. Their web of lies. That you must cower in fear under your desks (due to fear of covid or the government?). Except they didn’t in Alsea and things were just fine. Brown’s and the democrats’ latest attacks were to call him out for his daring to suggest parents could ask for exemptions for their children on being forced to wear masks.

And there’s nothing big-government democrats hate more than being exposed for frauds. So we wanted to have him back.

Tune in this week to hear Marc Thielman’s responses to Tina Kotek’s betraying the Republicans, how the Republicans should have handled it, dealing with government lies—and what democrats fear most.

This show will infuriate you with the democrats’ lies. But you’ll also hear great things, and we think you’ll come away with new hope for Oregon’s future.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

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