Author: Dr Mark

Your 2020 Election Secret Weapon: Down Ballot Races

Your 2020 Election Secret Weapon: Down Ballot Races

Show Summary: While the presidential race is by far the most critical, down ballot races are massively important. Here’s why.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: Oct 31 & Nov 1, 2020 | Jo Rae Perkins, Alek Skarlatos, Angelina Sanchez

The 2020 Election Secret Weapon: Down Ballot Races

Yes, the presidential race is incredibly important. (Vote Trump!) But that’s just the start of it. For too many voters, the down ballot races get overlooked. And, shockingly, a lot of them are left empty. The “down ballot” races are just that: races further down the ballot from the top spot.

Still undecided on president? Be sure to check out Promises Made, Promises Kept!

In most elections, the presidential race gets by far the most votes. Usually, there is a 20% drop off in participation from the number of votes for president to the number of votes for the next race—often a U.S. Senator. From there, the next down ballot race drops another 20% of participation. And on and on it goes until there’s only a trickle of participation for the lesser-known races, like judges, city/county races, and area races like water boards and school boards.

Why Down Ballot Races are So Critical

There are a couple reasons why down ballot races are so critical. First, because so many people don’t vote in the down ballots, your vote effectively has more weight. That means your vote has more weight. Because your neighbor is ignoring or forgetting to vote those down ballot races, you get to have more say.

Second, down ballot races are important because of the very nature of our system. Yes, the presidential race is critical. (Vote Trump!) As is the governor’s race when it happens. But while people at the top—the President or governor—control the agenda because they have the executive power, it’s the people down ballot races who control the people at the top. Or should.

Here in Oregon, it’s not that the legislature couldn’t have acted to take away Gov Brown’s emergency powers. It’s that the democrat-controlled legislature refused to take away her emergency dictator powers. Flip the house to Republican control. Flip the senate. And suddenly democrat dictator Kate has her endless powers taken away and reined in. 

Red vs Blue. Does it really matter?

People sometimes say, “It doesn’t matter who’s in charge. Both parties are equally bad.”

California's Newsome's Thanksgiving Mandates for a Socialist Thanksgiving
Newsome’s Thanksgiving Mandates

Really? Let’s look at red states vs blue states. Red states have unemployment 62% lower than blue states. In most red states they have lower covid cases than blue states. Lower hospitalization rates. more freedoms and more economic freedom. And on and on. (See more ways Red states are beating Blue states at Just the News.)

If they’re equally bad, why are Red states doing so much better? If they’re equally bad, why is there more freedom in Red states. And why do their people have so much more hope for the future?

If there’s no difference, why is it in California, the king of blue states, Democrat Gov Newsome is trying his best to make Thanksgiving — a day of joy and gratitude and giving thanks — into a day of misery by micromanaging it to death. No more than 3 households. Must be outdoors. Report who’s came. No singing.

So, yes! Yes, it really does matter. There is a tremendous difference between the parties. And right now it comes down to hope and joy and love and embrace of life on the Republican side. While on the Democrat side, it’s fear and doom and life horrible and there’s no point to it. 

Vote Red to Save America

Each election is about giving someone control over your life. At the end of it, somoene will have legal control over your life and business. You have a say. And this year, don’t waste it by giving even more control to people who want to control you.

Whether you’re a Democrat, a Republican, Independent, or unaffiliated, we urge you to vote Republican this year. Vote Red in every race, every down ballot race. Because the Democrat Party has made it clear they want socialism. And people who want more power over you, need to have it taken from them.

Timber Unity List of Endorsed Candidates

Download the List of Timber Unity Endorsed Candidates (PDF). Alternately, you can right click on that link and “open link in new tab”

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs .

Links Mentioned

Jo Rae Perkins for U.S. Senate

Alek Skarlatos

Angelita Sanchez

Oregon Fires: The Left’s Policy of ‘Let it Burn’ — Forests and Cities

Oregon Fires: The Left’s Policy of ‘Let it Burn’ — Forests and Cities

Show Summary: For years, the “environmental” Left has cared for the environment by funding itself with billions of taxpayer dollars. But they have done nothing to prevent fires. With it’s “let it burn” policy leading to massive Oregon fires, and its do-nothing approach to riots, at least now we get to see what the Left is all about. Destruction.

Original Air Dates: Sept 19 & 20, 2020 | Alek Skarlatos & Scott McEwen

Thank God we're protecting the owls by not logging = because all these Oregon fires are so much better for our wildlifeThis Week:  We’ve all watched as thousands of Oregonians lose everything.  But we’ve also watched as those who had been spared from the destruction of fires come forward in a truly amazing way to help others—with clothes, food, animal feed, and a place to stay.  We all can be so proud of what every day heroes managed to do.

But we’ve also witnessed the depravity of Gov Kate’s own lack of forest management suddenly warping into blaming climate change for her own inaction.  A cowardly action considering that “let it burn” has been her official forest and fire management policy.  Well, one thing has burned out: people’s faith in her policies.  No More. No more will we listen to them ad nauseum explain how logging is bad when their policies have only left remnants of ashes of a life that once provided for families.  No More.

Alek Skarlatos: Oregon Fires and DeFazio’s Ridiculous Votes on Salvage Logging

This week our guests explain how to climb out of the policies that we will no longer accept.  Alek Skarlatos is first up, who is out-fundraising Peter DeFazio in CD4 (Southwest Oregon).  Ready to assume the helm, Alek has been going around to help evacuees, and talk to those who have built careers on the timber industry. Alek takes us through what needs to change, and why DeFazio’s votes have been so destructive to our forests.

Given all of what has just happened with the Oregon fires, you won’t believe a vote DeFazio just made—nor where he’s been living while his district burns. (Hint: #YachtBoy.)

Help Alek Skarlatos win Oregon’s 4th Congressional district and retire do-nothing, Yacht-Boy Peter DeFazio. Visit You do not have to live in Alek’s district to donate to him; you do not have to live in his district to volunteer. You can help him win!

Scott McEwen: Arsons, Rioters, and more. Time to Charge them with Sedition?

Then we talk with Scott McEwen, who grew up in Eastern Oregon, and is a recovering attorney.  We ask him about the DOJ’s focus on possibly charging officials in Oregon who have done nothing to stop the riots.  We get his thoughts on the FBI immediately taking the position that “it can’t be Antifa setting fires” in Oregon. (Really? How do they know?) Breaking on Thursday, AG Barr told federal prosecutors to begin looking at charging these rioters with sedition. We say, it’s about time!

Thanks again to listener Hazel for letting us know about the ~90 fires in a 24-hour period in Multnomah County — way up from a normal 6 in a 24-hour period. (But the FBI is sure it’s not Antifa.)
Got a tip for us? Send your tips to

Also, people have been directly threatened by Biden supporters — with violence and attacks on their businesses. What can they do? And be sure to listen to his take on the cause of these groups and what needs to happen to make it stop.

Never Miss a Show!

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream


Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

  • Live in a democrat stronghold with no hope of a Republican winning? Or maybe you live in a safe Republican district. You can still help elect one more Republican. Help Alek Skarlatos win Oregon’s 4th Congressional district and retire do-nothing, Yacht-Boy Peter DeFazio. Visit You do not have to live in Alek’s district to donate to him; you don’t even have to live in his district to volunteer.

Oregon Fires, Arson, & Civil Unrest

  • Arson arrests made across the west coast as fires rage on (Law Enforcement Today, Sept 11, 2020)
  • How The 1960s Riots Foreshadow Today’s Communist Weaponization Of Black Pain (The Federalist Sept 14, 2020)
    • These riot are not spontaneous. They take years to plan and build and foment. Years of undermining the police and relations between Blacks and Whites. (Like 8 years of Obama…) Newark riots, which killed 26, took 3 years of pot stirring until things exploded when the time was right
  • FBI Director Wray: ‘Antifa is a real thing,’ FBI has cases against people identifying with movement (Fox News, Sept 17, 2020)
  • Report: DOJ Considered Bringing Charges Against Local Portland Officials Over Handling Of Riots (Daily Caller, Sept 17, 2020)
    • “The Department of Justice considered bringing charges against local Portland officials over alleged mishandling of riots and demonstrations … probing how city officials “were handling, or not handling” the violent unrest.”


  • DeFazio faced primary challenger, a further-Left Democrat, who accused him of selling out to big pharma and big oil. (Siuslaw News, May 5, 2020)
  • Skarlatos’ fundraising surge may signal tough race for Oregon’s DeFazio (OPB, July 27, 2020)
    • DeFazio not just supports the New Green Deal but was a co-sponsor of it
  • Some of DeFazio’s positions (via
    • Supports gun-control (including a 100% ratiug from far-left gun-grab groups)
    • Opposes a border wall
    • Flipflopped on immigration: “In 2005, I voted for a border security bill that put enforcement first by imposing significant penalties on employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants; requiring employers to verify the legal status of workers with federal officials rather than just glancing at documents presented; making it easier to deport immigrants caught at the border; and improving technology to secure the border. I am opposed to blanket amnesty proposals that would treat every immigrant the same, irrespective of how long they’ve been here. I have voted for increased resources for border patrol agents to enforce immigration laws.” Now he’s against all that.
    • Also flipflopped on carbon tax, saying No to “Do you support allowing energy producers to trade carbon credits under a “cap and trade” system?”
    • Back in 2010, he also said he “voted against the assault weapons ban” voting instead for “a nationwide point of purchase instant criminal background check system”


Doing Great Things During Hard Times: Oregon’s Truckers

Doing Great Things During Hard Times: Oregon’s Truckers

Show Summary: Truckers have always been everyday heroes. Right now, with Oregon’s wildfires, they are larger than life heroes. We talk with Jana Jarvis of OTA, to find out what they’re up against.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: Sept. 12th & 13th, 2020 | Jana Jarvis of Oregon Trucking Associations

This Week:  Even during times of pandemics and extreme forest fire conditions, Oregon’s consumers still depend on trucking for 80% of its goods.  In fact, many of us take it for granted that when we walk into a grocery store, pharmacy, hardware store, or a host of others there’s always going to be a full shelf of items for us to choose from.

IMPACTED by Oregon’s wild fires? Find resources to help, what to do, and info on alert levels at Oregon’s Wildfire Resources

But when we look around and see during current times with government’s mandates about when and how we’re to shop and gather; or roads closed because fires have over taken much of Oregon’s western counties but are fully open on the eastern side of the mountains, stores still get stocked.  It is doing great things during hard times.

Wildfire Resources by County, including latest Announcements from local officials

How have these men and women managed to keep the goods we need flowing, while adapting to stressors that would send many of us over the top if it were our job?  Especially as these same men and women have their own families and homes, and are faced with the same emergencies as the rest of us.

Oregon Trucking Associations

So we take a look into the world of truck driving and find some rather remarkable surprises—like jobs, jobs, jobs.  And good, family wage jobs even for those who don’t want to travel or be away from family.  But we also learn about the amount of work for these truckers that goes into complying with regulations. And did you know that Oregon has some of the nation’s highest costs attached to operating rigs here?  No surprise maybe, but even there, there are some in government who want to make things in Oregon even worse.

And remember, it was these everyday heroes who stopped the dreaded cap and trade tax. Truckers united with loggers to stand up to government. Find out what it takes to do their jobs and you’ll find out how and why they have the discipline to come together and fight for what they believe in.

And with all the devastation from wildfires in Oregon, we will need more of these heroes than ever before.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Related Links

Orders v Constitutional Rights: Fighting Back Against Mandate Abuse

Orders v Constitutional Rights: Fighting Back Against Mandate Abuse

Show Summary: Are politicians and others exploiting Covid-19 to push agendas? Where are our rights in the middle of this panic-demic? We talk with Southeastern Legal Foundations, Kim Hermann to find out how we defend ourselves in an era of Covid overreach. Are states liable for their orders?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: Aug 22nd & 23rd, 2020 | Kim Hermann, General Counsel for Southeastern Legal Foundation

Like in so many Democrat-controlled states, Oregon’s mandates and “emergency orders” have given many Oregonians pause, as we decide what are true “safety issues,” and which are actually eroding our constitutional rights. Especially when the orders consist of being locked into our homes or locked out of our favorite businesses. Or being told you have to wear masks, to the point of absurdity. (Recently, a Wyoming department even mandated people had to wear a mask, even if they were at home, alone, on a teleconference.) And all of that after the pretense of being falsely told that these orders would last only “15 days to flatten the curve.” Five months ago.

Mandates and Endless Orders

We’re told we must wear masks to enter a business. Or stand 6 feet apart. Or both. We can’t hug or shake hands. And you certainly can’t have any interaction, like churches or actually non-violent protests that might threaten the State’s power of telling us how to behave and think. Because, without exception, we are supposed to think that everything the state and our ‘dear leaders” tells us is for our own good. And cannot be questioned, opposed, or go unfollowed. Even if you believe some of these orders are immaterial, immoral, or even illegal. Not to mention unscientific. But, don’t you dare ask (or think) such things.

Where are All the Lawyers?

And what’s very interesting throughout this questionable time of panic-demic, we’ve wondered where are all the lawyers? Normally we would see a bazillion of lawsuits except now it seems many lawyers have been quiet. Why?

Well, it turns out there are some valid reasons and we discuss it on the show this weekend with Kim Hermann, General Counsel for Southeastern Legal Foundation.

Southeastern Legal Foundation: Fighting Back

This show is about defending our rights but also about taking the fight to the government that is abandoning their responsibilities—while taking away rights.

Could it be that the Left may have found the Achilles Heel to take away our constitutional rights? Just claim a health emergency? And you have no rights? Democrats who are controlling these blue states are keeping the voters powerless, as they use such hammers as OSHA. OSHA tells private businesses that if masks are not worn by their customers, OSHA will shut the business down. Is that legal? We discuss that too.

A Doctor Gets Attacked for Standing Up for Truth

Dr. Steve LaTulippe, a medical doctor in the Willamette Valley has come under attack. Why? Because he has dared to point out on social media that the mandates are causing their own set of problems. pointed out that the mask orders and other mandates are causing their own set of problems.

Developing: We’re also hearing that hospital doctors, nurses, and other workers are being told—as a condition of employment—not to talk about health problems that result from mandates and state orders. So the state orders people to wear masks and stay home. And then they’re also ordering people not to to talk about the problems that result from those orders? Got it. Totalitarianism comes to Oregon.

Standing Up to Mandate Abuse & Liability

If you’re forced to shut down, who’s liable for the lost income? Who’s liable for forcing people into masks that now have shown to cause headaches, rashes, and a host of problems. Should, or can, the state, be held liable for the problems it created?

Where are the Lawyers on this? Where are all the class-action lawsuits?

Follow our guest, Kim Hermann, on Twitter @kimmiehermann

And what about those states that haven’t followed shutdowns, such as South Dakota, which has large cities, yet their number of deaths is lower than blue states that have locked down.

Kimberly Hermann, General Counsel ​for Southeastern Legal Foundation
Kimberly Hermann, General Counsel ​for Southeastern Legal Foundation

And what about contact tracing? How does that not go against the 4th Amendment?

Or what can you do if someone from the state shows up on your doorstep, demanding a cheek swab? Or wants to put you in quarantine?

And what about mandatory vaccines?

We turn to Kim Hermann and the Southeastern Legal Foundation, to get some answers of what rights we have and what to do about the ones we want protected. Does the Constitution trump local emergency orders? Or is a governor, like Gov Kate, allowed to indiscriminately continue with emergency orders, without legislative oversight, and no determination of when the orders end, or what will happen when they do.

Fighting Back

You’ll want to hear this week’s show and the fights that SLF has already taken up on college campuses that opened the doors to using Covid reporting forms to shut down organizations they may not agree with politically. Listen to Kim explain what they’re doing to protect student’s rights, and what SLF, lawyers, and citizens can do to help fight against these blue state, and out-of-control governors.

It’s definitely time for some answers and maybe it’s time for some actions. If you’re being ordered to be silent, it’s time not to be. If your business is being threatened, it’s past time to speak up. Or all of your rights are at stake.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Related Links

The Eastwood Effect: Heroes Fighting for Freedom | Skarlatos & McEwen

The Eastwood Effect: Heroes Fighting for Freedom | Skarlatos & McEwen

Show Summary: Alek Skarlatos and Scott McEwen talk about American heroes and their stories. Skarlatos is running for Oregon’s 4th Congressional.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: July 18 & 19, 2020 | Alek Skarlatos & Scott McEwen

This Week: When it comes to American heroes, no one tells their stories better than Clint Eastwood. This week, we have two authors whose books have been made into movies directed by Clint Eastwood: Alek Skarlatos, who helped stop a terrorist on a Paris train. And Scott McEwen, who tells the story of Chris Kyle in American Sniper.

American Stories

There are a lot of American heroes. Some take major roles and go on to great things, leading the nation and shaping its destiny. There are the every day heroes, like our police and first responders. But there’s one thing in common: they always have help from often unsung heroes—every day people.

Carl Jung and other psychologists—most recently, Jordan Peterson—have observed that “our brains are hard-wired for stories.” It’s how we process and make sense of the world. You may have heard of Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces, often referred to as “the Hero’s Journey.” In it, he describes how the hero of stories across cultures all have tremendous similarities. Not just the heroes themselves but how the stories are structured. As part of the hero’s story, his or her journey, they have companions and encounters that help them along the way and to give them what they need to defeat the enemy.

Have you ever thought you are part of the story?

Alek Skarlatos: An American Hero

We start our show with Alek Skarlatos, the Republican candidate for Congressional District 4 in Southwest Oregon.  This will be the first of a series of interviews with Alek over the next few months.  In this first interview we want to get to know him, the man, and find out more about his life story and why he’s running for the CD4 seat. Especially now that his race has been deemed by Cook’s Analytics as one of the top races in the nation that is most likely to flip from Democrat to Republican. (Which we’re sure Peter Defazio is well aware of.)

With a tremendous fund-raising machine, that out raised Peter DeFazio by 3 to 1 in the second quarter this year, Alek has raised nearly a million dollars in that quarter alone.  Whereas the 33-year incumbent, Defazio, only raised a little over $300 thousand.

The Right Man at the Right Time

With a lot of momentum on his side, Alek has also has a fascinating story. A story that he’ll talk about as one of three heroes who, on a Paris-bound train, stopped a terrorist killer. Clint Eastwood made their story into a movie and Alek talks about the experience of being in the film.  He also discusses where he grew up, and why DeFazio may have out worn his welcome in his own district.

Alek Skarlatos saved lives that day on the train to Paris. Can he save Oregon’s 4th Congressional district from a career politician who has done nothing but watch as his district became the poorest district in the state?

Be sure to visit Alek’s website,, to keep up to date and donate to help him win

By helping Alek win, you can be part of his journey. And you can help give President Trump a House of Representatives that will support him, not attack everything he does. Imagine what we could get done. Real reforms for a better America.

Weapons for Heroes: Scott McEwen

Then we have bestselling author, Scott McEwen, who co-authored American Sniper, the story of Chris Kyle. The book and mo vie became a national and international success telling Chris’s story as America’s top sniper.  Scott discusses what it meant to co-write the book with his friend Chris and what he learned from this American hero.  A relationship that ended up telling one of the greatest American war stories by two men who loved their country.

And at a time when the military needed it most.

Strategies to Push Back against Tyrants

But we can’t have Scott on the show without asking him to wear his attorney hat because there have been some important developments in the ongoing government lockdowns that people might be able to use to stand up and fight back.

And so we ask him about some of the pushback that’s already starting to happen over mandatory mask orders and lock downs with this whole covid response. For example, the masks. Not to mention shutting down businesses based on false data. And of course, there’s the bad data.

Yes, hydroxychloroquine works. No, masks don’t work. See the links below for more

You’ll hear him discuss what he’s seen in California, and his feelings about the freedoms Americans have been asked to walk from.  And here are the weapons: we talk about the potential lawsuits that might materialize because of recent studies that could lead to possible class-action suits against Democrat governors.  Don’t miss his answers.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

  • Alek Skarlatos’ campaign website for Oregon’s CD4 is
  • You can find all of Scott’s books on our store page
  • Article from Uncover DC: “A scientific look at the mask fallacy – and why we’re told to wear them” (, July 10, 2020)
  • More on masks:  They don’t work
    • A study examined papers on the efficacy of masks. The conclusion? They don’t work. See the research paper by Dr. Denis Rancourt, PhD — Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to Covid-19 Social Policy
    • A 2006 study showed that reduction in blood oxygenation (hypoxia) and/or an elevation in blood C02 (hypercapnia) can create painful headaches for people required to wear masks all day
    • It should also be noted that people with asthma or hypotension are at a greater risk of stroke, cardiac arrest, or an irregular heartbeat when suffering from hypoxia.
    • Also, a report by trauma & emergency physician Dr. Kelly Victory, who said, “[T]here’s no scientific justification for normal healthy people to be wearing masks.”
  • And don’t miss this. If someone tells you hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work to fight Covid-19, show them this study: Treatment with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and combination in patients hospitalized with COVID-19
    • “According to a protocol-based treatment algorithm, among hospitalized patients, use of hydroxychloroquine alone and in combination with azithromycin was associated with a significant reduction in-hospital mortality compared to not receiving hydroxychloroquine”
  • Caught red handed. “Florida Department of Health says some labs have not reported negative COVID-19 results” (via Fox35, Orlando, July 14, 2020)
    • In a shocking investigation, Florida state agencies inflated the number of covid cases by over 1,100%
John Solomon Analyzes Rod Rosenstein Hearing — On the Path to Justice

John Solomon Analyzes Rod Rosenstein Hearing — On the Path to Justice

Show Summary: What was heard—and not heard—in the Rod Rosenstein hearing. The questions not asked. And what it could all mean for fast-approaching investigations. Plus, his new book, Fallout, which details the corruption of the Clinton and the Bidens and why it led to the Russia-Collusion hoax.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: June 6 & 7, 2020 | John Solomon

This Week: We’ve heard many times that, had Hillary actually won, we would never have learned any of what the FBI did. About Obama weaponizing the FBI against his enemies. Or about Obama attempting to knock out candidate Trump and sabotage his presidency if he won. (The infamous “insurance policy.”) But now the question is what will happen if Trump doesn’t win his second term?

We’re in the middle of experiencing some of that possible reality as far-left governors storm our states rights and target churches and gun rights. And the media works overtime to lie, and spin, and make any positive a negative, and any negative Trump’s fault.

But what about the evidence that has been uncovered demonstrating the complete breakdown of legal processes that was supposed to protect us and our constitutional rights?

Rod Rosenstein Hearing

On Wednesday we saw the Ron Rosenstein hearing, and heard the bald face lies he told now compared to a year or two ago, because of what we have found out since. In part due to investigative journalists who never gave up in pursuit of the truth.

Enter award-winning investigative journalist, John Solomon.  Mr. Solomon gives us the insights to measure what Rosenstein said, as we watched him—a person in the hierarchy of the FBI and DOJ—testify that he was not responsible for anything.  Anything.  We have to wonder, based on his testimony, what did this man do when he was on the job? Because according to him, he did nothing but count his fingers while chaos and colleagues, undermining the rule of law, surrounded him. Rod Rosenstein threw the entire FBI under the bus.  He said he had responsibility, but he was not responsible. Huh?

What was also encouraging at Wednesday’s hearing is that we saw that the Democrats have nothing.  They were still trying to trot out the Russian collusion theory when it’s been proven as a factual lie. At a hearing that was about the origins of the Russia collusion hoax.

John Solomon: What Rod Rosenstein Hearing Means for Durham Investigation

Tune in to hear John Solomon’s analysis of the hearing and what it means for the immediate future. What you’ll hear is how the daggers just may be coming out as one official, Rosenstein, takes aim at another official, McCabe, to try to deflect the legal finger away from himself. And McCabe isn’t being bashful about pointing that legal finger right back at Rosenstein, saying he’s the liar.  Who do we believe? And who will cave first?

And be sure to listen for what all of this portends for the future of the current investigations by John Durham and others. This summer. We think you’ll hear why John Solomon was in such a good mood.

We also talk with Mr. Solomon about his book Fallout: : Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties as he leads us through why the Russian collusion tactic really happened. (John’s book will be released July 14, but can be pre-ordered now from Amazon.)

All of this right as we watch more economic recovery, protests settle down, blue states struggle to admit they were wrong on taxing more. And why it’s so important to reelect President Trump to take us into the next term with even a bigger American greatness. And justice. Because if he’s not elected, it will all go away.

Rod Rosenstein is just the beginning.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

  • John Solomon’s terrific news media site is Just the News. Some great articles, which we used for our show, include:
  • John’s upcoming book is Fallout: : Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties, to be released July 14, 2020, but can be pre-ordered now from Amazon
    • President Trump has called it a “must buy”. Sydney Powell says, “ Only read this book if you want THE TRUTH!”
  • “The FBI’s Investigation Into Trump and Russia Now Looks Even Worse”: Rod Rosenstein says he was kept in the dark about important parts of the probe. (Bloomberg, June 3, 2020)
Reopening America: Fear is the Enemy and Democrats are Its Allies

Reopening America: Fear is the Enemy and Democrats are Its Allies

Show Summary: Why is it Democrats fight against reopening America? Fear. They live it. They want you to live in it. A mixed show this week: exposing Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates. Helping entrepreneurs get started.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: May 23 & 24, 2020 | Clay Clark

This Week: Memorial Day weekend reminds us of all the American men and women in the military that lost their lives to protect our freedoms. And we’ve just lived through how, in only a few short weeks, those freedoms could be lost.

Reopening America: Fighting Fear, Fighting Democrats

Governors, almost exclusively Democrats, seemed to relish canceling freedom and liberty using their dictator-like powers, including Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown who claimed her powers exceeded not only the Oregon Constitution but even the U.S. Constitution. She and she alone could decide who could walk the streets, keep their business open, and who couldn’t.

Not to mention she could cancel your First Amendment rights to gather to worship by declaring churches a health hazard — while deciding Wal-Mart was not.

But it begs the larger question. What are they so afraid of? The virus? Or losing power? Right now, it seems they are more afraid of losing their grip on power than winning against the virus.

Entrepreneurs and Reopening America

It’s a mixed show this weekend. But in a good way. We bring to our show for the first time a quite different type of show for I Spy with our guest Clay Clark, an award-winning businessman for his entrepreneurial expertise. Clay has helped over 2,300 businesses and we wanted to get his thoughts on reopening America. And the important role entrepreneurs can and will play.

Clay discusses his devout beliefs in God and our county’s amazing freedoms. Using humor to approach difficult issues, Clay also talks about his deep frustrations with shut down orders. He points to Sweden, who despite not having any shutdowns, has had only 6 deaths per one million persons. He discusses their approach to COVID and why they have such a low death rate, along with the wrong decisions made here that led to worse results, despite being “based on science.”

Science will Save Us! Or is it being used to push Fear?

Not stopping there, Clay launches into government orders that keep shifting as “the science” shifts and what it’s done to business owners, let alone families. Or experts using error-filled computer models, which were never right, as the justification to keep us all locked up. And as states start to reopen and the fears some may feel, Clay, talks about what it will take for people to rebuild their life, or start a new business, or how to keep a business going.

As his sense of humor targets those politicians and experts who have given us ridiculous rules to follow, it’s a show that you will want to seatbelt yourself in and prepare for takeoff.

Fear Unmasked: Discover the truth about the Corona Virus Shutdown

We also spend a couple of segments discussing his recent ebook, Fear Unmasked: Discover the Truth about the Corona Virus Shutdown. The book is available as a free e-book because it was banned on Amazon. You’ll have to tune in to hear why.

Download Fear Unmasked as a PDF here

But we can say it exposes Dr. Fauci and his work with the Bill Gates Foundation as they rush toward a vaccine and virus tracking, which they hope will be forced on every American.

And before you think it will never happen here, famed attorney Alan Dershowitz—who only a few months ago was defending the President against unconstitutional impeachment efforts—recently aired his true feelings and said you have no Constitutional right to not be vaccinated. The government, he said, has the absolute right to drag you to a doctor and forcibly plunge the needle in your arm.

These are the “freedoms” our brave vets fought and died for?

Check out Alan Dershowitz appalling video, in which he proclaims The State can force you to get a vaccine and you have no Constitutional right to say no. Fast forward to 21:00

And don’t miss Clay’s announcement of his big Memorial Day, outdoor church gathering in Chicago where thousands are expected to gather. Go here for more details and check the Facebook page for live streams of the event.) Christian leadership, such as Mike Huckabee are helping to get the word out. Live streaming the event he’s hoping many will watch as they remember our fallen.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

  • CDC: “Whoopsies!”. The CDC  now says coronavirus ‘does not spread easily’ on surfaces (NY Post, May 20, 2020)
    • So what did we shut everything down for?
  • The Alan Dershowitz appalling video (fast forward to about 21:30).
    • Let me put it very clearly: You have no Constitutional right not to be vaccinated. … You have no right not to wear a mask. And if you refuse to be vaccinated, the State has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm.
  • Clay Clark’s websites are Thrive Time Show and Thrive 15
  • Oregon budget has a $3 billion gap (Portland Tribune, May 20, 2020)
  • Doctors raise alarm about health effects of continued coronavirus shutdown (Fox News, May 20, 2020)
  • Fear: Doctors raise alarm about health effects of continued coronavirus shutdown: ‘Mass casualty incident’ (Fox News, May 20, 2020)*
  • The lockdown has done untold damage to this country (Spiked Online, May 20, 2020)
    • “The role of the citizen in the Covid dystopia is to applaud the state, not question it.”
    • “How has the subjugation of democracy, liberty, daily life and reason to Covid hysteria been so successful? Through terror. It is not an exaggeration to say that the government launched a campaign of terror against the populace. Government adviser Professor Robert Dingwall is right to say that officials have ‘effectively terrorised’ people into believing that coronavirus will kill them. We have been incited to fear not only a disease, but each other.”
    • “Polls show that many people are now reluctant to go back to normal life. Many want schools to remain closed. There is fear about returning to work.”
  • CNN’s Anna Coren Doesn’t Want to Hear the FACTS | Clay Clark on CNN (Short Version) (via YouTube, May 2020)
  • Trump signs executive order to create ‘Bill of Rights’ for businesses during pandemic (Just the  News, May 20, 2020)*“President Trump signed an executive order Tuesday directing federal agencies to use emergency authorities to quickly identify regulations that can be rescinded or temporarily waived to spur job growth. The executive order includes a “Regulatory Bill of Rights,” putting the onus on rule-makers to be circumscribed and transparent in how they go about enforcing violations.”
  • Economist Paul Romer says coronavirus impact ‘likely to be worse than Great Depression of 1930s’ (Just the News, May 2020)
It’s True: Oregon has a Dictator | Constitutional Crisis

It’s True: Oregon has a Dictator | Constitutional Crisis

Show Summary: Is it time to storm the castle? You may want to after this. Governor Brown makes absurd claim her authority is higher than the Constitution. Unbelievable. Both a Constitutional scholar and the attorney for the plaintiffs in the church lawsuit v Oregon weighs in.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: May 16 & 17, 2020 | Dr. Joyce Malcolm & Kevin Mannix

This Week: When we see a leader make a difficult decision to shut down an economy based upon the fear that millions might die, we, as fellow human beings, feel compassion and are willing to give those in charge the benefit of the doubt. In the face of a true, catastrophic emergency—like a tidal wave or earthquake—it’s reasonable to do so and most people want to do their part to pitch in and help.

But as the situation matures and it becomes clear that the actual outcomes are not as devastating as predicted, a responsible leader—looking out for the people—relaxes the emergency’s grip to ensure the peoples’ freedoms and liberties are restored as quickly as possible.  President Trump’s response has been nothing but looking out for the people, trying to protect them even though it sacrificed an amazing economy that had easily brought his 2nd term into his grasp.

The Constitution is at Stake

But not all leadership has the same philosophies or beliefs of restoring the people’s freedoms. In fact, some want to be overly “protective” (what some might call socialism) with the added emergency powers, and to put the people into a position where they are being treated as children, with no life choices because they, the leadership, know better. (What some might call fascism.)

What has been clearly demonstrated between the two choices is one understands the importance of liberty while taking precautions and acceptable risk; the other wants to safeguard their power while subjugating your freedoms. Your freedom is a direct threat to their power over you. These are the very struggles our Founding Fathers faced. And what about the rule of law to strike a balance between authority and liberty.

The Constitution vs States

With all the complexities of finding out how our Constitution interacts with states rights, the states’ Constitution, and statutes, we invite to I Spy a Constitutional scholar: Dr. Joyce Malcolm, a faculty member at Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, who’s an expert on the evolution of individual rights, especially during the American Colonial era. She has testified before Congress and has had her work cited in a Supreme Court decision.

We discuss with Dr. Malcolm the broader issues of the Constitution, and how its preeminence is being challenged in the wake of Emergency Declarations. Who really has the authority here? She describes historically if other situations have ever impacted the US in any way like Covid has, with rights stripped by stay-home and business shut down orders. Does our First Amendment rights supersede our governor’s power to take them away?

Governor Brown vs The Constitution

All that to set the stage for our second guest as we take a very deep dive into what states are facing with some governors’ overreach. A couple of weeks ago, we spoke with Oregon Senator, Dennis Linthicum. He told us the governor is getting around the Oregon Constitution by not relying on the Constitution. She is, instead, relying statutory power. But isn’t Oregon’s Constitution the supreme law of the land? And isn’t the U.S. Constitution even higher than that?

“The governor’s attorneys argue that the balance between the governor’s executive orders and the freedom to practice religion favors the governor.”

We speak with Kevin Mannix (of Common Sense for Oregon) who is one of the attorneys that represents churches and businesses suing Governor Kate Brown and her administration’s emergency orders to shut things down.

Incredibly, her attorneys have actually argued in their motion to dismiss, that her powers are greater than the Constitution. And that’s just the tip of what she’s said.

The Church Lawsuit in Oregon

Tune in to hear Kevin Mannix’s response and line of attack as he fights for church members to gather for worship as they please. Along with the fight for businesses who’ve been at the whim of the Governor, who deigned to allow some to remain open while closing others. Including churches.  Mr. Mannix talks about the lawsuit, it’s status, and what it means if their injunction is given the affirmative. Are there signs she is backing down?

Listen this weekend to get some very important answers.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

Dr. Joyce Malcom  

  • Oregon Republican lawmaker requests special session to end governor’s coronavirus state of emergency (OregonLive, May 6, 2020)
  • Governor: Large Events Canceled Statewide Until Covid-19 Treatment or Cure is Found (Canby, May 7th, 2020)
  • AG Barr says ‘draconian’ coronavirus restrictions should be re-evaluated (NY Post, Apr 9, 2020)

Kevin Mannix

  • Oregon emergency order lawsuit raises thorny legal questions (Bend Bulletin, May 14, 2020)
  • Salem salon owner says she’s been fined, forced to close for defying state orders (KATU News, May 14, 2020)
  • Attorneys for Gov. Kate Brown say lawsuit filed in Baker County challenging executive orders is baseless, should be dismissed (Baker City Herald, May 13, 2020)
    • Attorneys from state Department of Justice say governor declared emergency under state statute, not constitution
    • THIS “The governor’s attorneys argue that the balance between the governor’s executive orders and the freedom to practice religion favors the governor.”
  • Salem church joins legal effort (Salem Reporter, May 7, 2020)

Related Links

  • All of Oregon opens, Including Portland (OregonLive, May 14, 2020)
  • Oregon Churches and Religious Leaders File Lawsuit (Willamette Week, May 7, 2020)
  • 10 Oregon churches sue governor (OregonLive, May 7, 2020)
  • Oregon churches sue Gov. Brown to reopen (Fox 12, May 7, 2020)
  • Oregon businesses sue Gov. Kate (Statesman Journal, May 15, 2020)
  • Yes, some Oregon retail stores can open (KGW, May 14, 2020)
    • “All Oregon stores can open to shoppers again Friday, as long as they aren’t in a mall”
    •  “The declaration gives the green light to furniture stores, jewelry stores, boutiques and art galleries, which were closed March 23 by Gov. Brown’s stay-home order. It also includes all other standalone shops, from toy stores to bookstores to secondhand stores. Those were never technically ordered to close, state officials clarified Wednesday.”
Flynn Goes Free. Plus Worrisome News on America’s Reopening

Flynn Goes Free. Plus Worrisome News on America’s Reopening

Show Summary: Remember how everyone used to celebrate when an innocent man was freed? So why are the Democrats so upset about Flynn? On today’s show, we’ll be talking both about the virus, COVID 19, and the other virus—elected Democrats.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: May 9 & 10, 2020 | Dr. Cecil Staton & Dr. Jerome Corsi

This Week: It feels like a bit of celebration. Almost a holiday. General Michael Flynn has been exonerated and all of us who KNEW the Left was conspiring have been validated. The new documents have proved this beyond any reasonable doubt. Not to mention the DOJ’s own filing, which showed Flynn never should have been investigated in the first place.

Michael Flynn: Free at Last, Free at Last

When Trump entered office, many American citizens were not just walking away from, but running away from President Obama’s socialists policy and economy.  We were in a slow, ho-hum world where just getting by was good enough.  GDP sputtered, as Obamacare had brought its own problems to medical systems versus citizens’ rights to not be forced to buy something.

But under all of it there was an unknown group of angry, bitter people who thought — like all good socialists think — the “unwashed masses” just couldn’t manage their wn lives without them. In power. And boy did their reality balloon pop when Trump got elected to clean out the swamp. But the swamp doubled down and thought nothing of destroying careers, financially bankrupting their enemies, attempting to force them to take plea deals. Papadopoulos, K.T. MacFarlen, General Flynn, and Jerome Corsi were in their sights as they would stop at nothing until Trump was either forced from office. Or so politically damaged, he couldn’t get anything done and therefore wouldn’t get re-elected.

With the news of the DOJ tossing Flynn’s case, a lot of things have suddenly changed.  In one part celebratory, one part reflective, and another part analytical interview, Dr. Corsi takes us through the experience of being targeted and what he thinks will happen next. And the vindication this brings to him and the other men and women who been facing the proverbial firing squad, as Trump continues to fight to clean out the swamp. Because as new documents are released, with more on the way, the answer of who was in on the cabal is coming to light.

Slowly, Trump is exposing the Left for who they are: power-hungry and vicious, who will lie as easily as breathe, and stop at nothing to destroy anyone who gets in their way.

Warning: Reopening America won’t Happen without the Lodging Industry

To start our show we begin with Dr. Cecil Staton, President & CEO of Asian-American Hotel Owners Association, the world’s largest hotel owners association. AAHOA members own about one in two hotels in the United States.  When it comes to the effect of COVID19, perhaps no industry has felt the pain more than the hotel industry. Going from an 80% average occupancy rate during the economic boom (was that really only 3 months ago?)  and now occupancy rates average in the single digits.

We talk with Dr. Staton about the damage to our hotel industry and how it points to economic indicator of how well an economy is prospering.  Dr. Staton gives us the inside look at what’s happening, why government solutions aren’t helping, and what hotel owners are facing past the shut down.

Jerome Corsi

General Michael Flynn is exonerated. The FBI had been withholding evidence that proved Flynn was innocent for more than 3 years. Finally, AG Barr stepped in and made FBI Director Wray and the dirty prosecutor hand over the evidence. When they did, the case fell apart. That dirty prosecutor was not only removed from the Flynn case but others as well.

Just think of what’s been exposed in the course of a week. They knew there was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call but wanted to “question him” any way. A complete perjury trap in an attempt to either remove President Trump or damage him so much politically that he would be unable to implement his agenda. Like undo the Obama administration. Or reveal Obama’s plots.

Join us as we talk with Jerome Corsi, who, like Flynn, was a target of the FBI’s abusive prosecution. Or, as we like to call it, the FBI’s “guilt engineering.”

His latest book, Coup D’Etat, just released in March 2020, looks very prescient indeed.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links & Info

Dr. Cecil Staton’s Segments (1–3)

  • Read Dr. Staton’s article, “Small Business Funding not Enough to Stem Bleeding
  • Limited to take-out, new Salem-area restaurants open in midst of COVID-19 (Statesman Journal, May 5, 2020)
  • No Need for Recall at National Foods (Democrat Herald, May 4, 2020)
  • Federal loans won’t save American restaurants, Portland chefs say (OregonLive, May 3, 2020)
    • “The loan program, a centerpiece of the CARES Act, was designed to provide an eight-week payroll bridge that small businesses could use to get through the pandemic. With an interest rate of 1%, the loan requires no collateral or payments for the first six months and is forgiven completely if businesses follow certain strict terms, including returning staff to pre-coronavirus levels, paying employees at least 75% of their earlier wages and spending no more than 25% of the funds on rent, utilities or other non-payroll costs.”
    • The PPP “acts as a kind of Catch 22. For 26 years I’ve been paying into unemployment insurance, and now when my employees need it, they’re asking me to take out a loan?””

Dr. Jerome Corsi’s Segments (4–6)

  • Dr Corsi’s website is
  • Trump calls Flynn ‘innocent man’ after DOJ drops case (Fox News, May 8. 2020)
  • Justice Department dropping criminal case against Flynn – DOJ is dropping the criminal case against the former national security adviser (Just the News, May 7, 2020)
  • His YouTube – “Dr. Corsi DEEP DIVE Investigation 05-04-20: How Deep State Operatives Planned to Destroy Trump” (YouTube, May 4 2020)

Related Links

  • Rosenstein Scope Memo For Mueller Peddled Steele Dossier, Logan Act Conspiracy Theories (The Federalist, May 6 2020)
    • A newly declassified memorandum from Rod Rosenstein shows that the former deputy attorney general used bogus claims from discredited Clinton campaign operative Christopher Steele to justify Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Trump campaign.
    • The Mueller probe, after nearly two years and tens of millions of dollars, unearthed no evidence of collusion by any Trump campaign officials. However, a sprawling investigation by the DOJ Office of Inspector General found that Rosenstein’s DOJ fabricated evidence and falsified documents to justify an illegal federal spy warrant against Page.
    • “[I]t’s clear that false allegations from the Steele dossier played a major role not only in the FISA warrant application on Page, but in the appointment of the Special Counsel as well,” Nunes said in a statement after a lengthy report detailing Mueller’s investigation was released in 2019. Until now, those facts had been hidden behind redactions in the Rosenstein document.
  • For every Oregon virus death 3,320 lost their jobs (, May 5, 2020)
  • Oregon sheriff says county will reopen amid coronavirus, won’t punish nonessential businesses (Fox News, May 5, 2020)
  • More than 100 medically vulnerable unsheltered homeless placed in Salem hotels (Statesman Journal, April 12, 2020)
  • Oregon hotels lay off workers, question futures after wave of coronavirus cancellations (OregonLive, March 18, 2020)
    • “Some hotels in Oregon have seen occupancy rates drop from between 70% and 80% to single digits in the last week, according to Jason Brandt, the president of the Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association.”
    • Things the state can and should do: “Watkins called on the state to implement property and corporate activity tax breaks for hotels, so properties can avoid shutting their doors permanently and can hopefully hire back workers once the crisis subsides.”
    • The hotel sector alone employs 25,000 people in Oregon, according to state employment figures for February.
    • Even though revenue isn’t coming in, the hotel’s expenses remain.
    • “The U.S. Travel Association, the national organization that advocates for the travel industry, is estimating that decreased travel due to the coronavirus will lead to the elimination of 4.6 million travel-related American jobs this year and that total spending on travel will drop by $355 billion, or 31 percent, for the year.”
  • Oregon restaurants may be asked to consider keeping patrons’ names for coronavirus reopening (Oregonian, Apr 29, 2020)
    • “Oregon restaurants may be asked to consider keeping the names, contact information and dates of visits for patrons as part of the state’s effort to reopen parts of the economy during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a draft version of the plan… But there is no suggestion such businesses would be required to track customers’ personal information.”
      • Uh, say there idiot, what do you think name and contact info is?
Guest Post: Small Business Funding not Enough to Stem Bleeding

Guest Post: Small Business Funding not Enough to Stem Bleeding

Small Business Funding not Enough to Stem Bleeding

Hoteliers/Lodging industry shed 4 million jobs, lose $500 million a day. Dr. Cecil Staton warns America that the CARES Act is not helping the unique needs of the lodging industry, the vast majority of whom are small business owners.

By Dr. Cecil Staton

America’s hotels are hemorrhaging $500 million a day from the economic shutdown, requiring as much as six months’ worth of relief to stay open. To date, more than 4 million jobs have been lost. As a result, the current Paycheck Protection Program and its sister programs are dramatically inadequate to stem the bleeding.

As U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said, every dollar spent through this program is a dollar that does not have to be spent through unemployment. Yet Congress, battling along partisan lines, settled on relief that shorts the vital lodging industry that will ensure America gets back on its feet — if open.

The lodging industry, represented by our association and others, has nevertheless stepped up to assist Americans during the pandemic — and continues to do so. More than 15,000 hoteliers have offered free rooms for first responders to stay to keep their families safe from exposure, as well as free rooms for college students and the homeless.

America’s hotel owners are small business owners. The overwhelming majority of hotels are owned and operated by people who live in local communities. In these difficult times, lodging is the signal industry. Hotels were the first to fall when conferences and events cancelled, and it will be the last to return to pre COVID-19 levels, as the trajectory of the virus and a potential resurgence remains uncertain, job losses have impacted disposable incomes, and businesses have seen profits fall and are cutting costs everywhere — especially discretionary travel.

Nobody can prepare to go to occupancy rates in the single digits. Even after the 2008 financial crisis, occupancy rates never fell much below 50 percent. Today, they are in single digits. Hoteliers are worried about meeting their payroll and paying their mortgage because people simply cannot travel and there is no income to make these critical payments.

The American economy will recover more quickly if Congress appropriates funds to prop up small businesses during the crisis rather than allowing them to collapse. The overriding concern is that American communities are going to be littered with the carcasses of small businesses like franchise hotels that have failed.

For a business like a hotel, the formula to determine its maximum PPP loan (2.5 times its annual average monthly payroll) just is not sufficient to make payroll, as well as keep the doors open for the business, let alone pay suppliers and service providers, representing millions of employees.

We also urge Congress to extend the covered period from June 30, to the end of 2020. Lodging business is seasonal and most hoteliers earn enough from April to September to keep their businesses running through the rest of the year. Since there is no business due to travel bans brought on by the health crisis, hoteliers simply cannot afford to remain open. The final tab may be $1 trillion to enable hotels to stay open until travel is back to normal.

These loans should also reasonably cover both payroll and non-payroll expenses. That’s why the current formula to determine a business’s maximum PPP loan is inadequate. The maximum loan available through PPP should be eight times the average monthly cost of all expenses up to $10 million (which represents eight months between from May 1 through the end of 2020). This will ensure that small businesses have sufficient liquidity to continue keeping employees on payroll while maintaining their operating expenses. When the economy comes roaring back to the life, hotels will be essential to facilitate American commerce.

Small business owners know what their businesses need to survive. That’s why it is so important for us to let Washington know what our economy needs. It’s said that government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers. Unless the PPP is adjusted to reflect the realities of running small businesses like hotels, the losers will outstrip the winners as the effects of the pandemic reverberate for months through the American economy.

Dr. Cecil Staton is President & CEO of Asian-American Hotel Owners Association, the world’s largest hotel owners association. AAHOA members own about one in two hotels in the United States. He also was a guest on the I Spy Radio Show on May 9th, 2020: “Flynn Goes Free. Plus Worrisome News on America’s Reopening“.