Author: Dr Mark

Enough! Idiotic Enviro Policies Allowing 300,000 Acres To Burn is NOT Normal

Enough! Idiotic Enviro Policies Allowing 300,000 Acres To Burn is NOT Normal

Show Summary: This week we take an in-depth look at how and why the Oregon forest fires have exploded this year. We also look at where they’re occurring and why in those particular areas. The answer may surprise you. Don’t miss the environment myths that inevitably lead to these devastating forest fires and the lies they spread about how the devastation is “good” for the environment.

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If Oregon’s do-nothing, let-it-burn policy of environmental destruction angers you, take it out on your representatives — state and federal. See this take action page for suggestions on what to do and how to contact them.

Original Air Dates: Sept 9 & 10, 2017 | Dr. Bob Zybach

There are currently over 300,000 acres of Oregon forest fires—and the vast majority didn’t need to happen. This week, Dr. Zybach explodes the environmental myths that have led to these devastating fires.

To find out the how and why the Oregon forest fires are out of control, we talk to Dr. Bob Zybach who not only did his dissertation on wildfires but has over 25 years of practical forest management as a reforester.  He predicted out -of-control forest fires as far back as 30 years ago and discusses with us how the environmental policies and practices have no basis at all in science or even common sense. As proof, none of the Oregon forest fires currently burning are on land he replanted. Good, sound management works.

Listen in to find out the facts—where these fires are burning and why there. You’ll be surprised at the amazing answer to where they are not burning.

Tune in to hear the economic devastation of the Oregon forest fires, including the jaw-dropping loss of income and jobs from not being able to help rebuild Houston or Florida, the insane messaging from the far-left as they try to find a way to justify these fires (see Willamette Week’s stupidity of how the Columbia River Gorge Wildfire could Help Wildlife “Flourish”), and now the pressure we must put on our state and federal government TO STOP THIS NONSENSE.

Take Action. Prevent more Oregon Forest Fires!

It’s time to change policies. Now.  This show will give you plenty of ammunition to contact your representatives at the state and local levels to demand change.

Angry? Ready to do something? Then take out your anger on your state and federal representatives.

Related Links

Take Action – Oregon’s Gun Grab Bill

Take Action – Oregon’s Gun Grab Bill

Take Action Briefing

What: Take action to repeal Oregon’s gun confiscation bill
Who: All registered voters in Oregon
How: Sign the petition!  (see below)
When: Before Sept 17, 2017
Why: Oregon passed SB 719, a bill that allows family, household members, or any police officer to confiscate guns on the suspicion that a person might harm themselves or others


Petition to Repeal Oregon’s Gun Grab Bill

Innocent until proven guilty. The Oregon’s gun grab bill was signed into law by democrat governor Kate Brown. It allows a family or household member or even the local police to get an ex parte court order (meaning a person isn’t there to defend themselves) to confiscate legally owned guns or any “deadly weapon” on the suspicion the person might harm themselves or someone else. This unconstitutional law must be stopped.

(To find out more about Oregon’s gun grab bill, see our previous show on this topic, featuring former NRA president, David Keene, and talk-radio star, Jayne Carroll of KUIK, 1360AM.)

How You can Help Stop Oregon’s Gun Grab Bill

You can stop this by heading to AND SIGN THE PETITION to repeal this unconstitutional bill. Once there, you can download a single-signer petition — just sign it and send it in. Or you can also download or a circulator petition, which has spaces for 10 additional signers. Be sure to follow the simple rules.

More than 60,000 signatures are needed. While the effort to repeal is currently on track, from past experience, we all know those in power will try to invalidate every signature they can. That means they will throw out perfectly valid signatures because they feel something might be wrong. That often translates to needing 10–20% more signatures than the minimum to compensate for government interference.

Other Ways to Sign

Willamette Valley – If you’re heading to the Oregon State Fair, stop by the Republican Party booth or Oregonians for Immigration Reform booth. They have petitions there you can sign in person.

Baker County/La Grande – Labor Day Weekend, Halfway Fair. See the signature gathering booth by the Grandstand. Sept. 9th and 16th there will be signature gatherers at Geiser Pollman Park in Baker City (corner of Campbell & Grove streets). Call Susan Ellis Jones (541-519-5035 or 541-519-0053) if you need assistance.

Grants Pass/Medford — Petitions are available at the Republican office at 311 E Main St, Medford, OR 97501. Call (541) 770-5277 if you need information or directions.

Darkness and Light: Oregon’s Free Abortions

Darkness and Light: Oregon’s Free Abortions

Show Summary: While other states are investing in infrastructure and jobs, Oregon is investing in free abortions—including late term and even for those here illegally. 100% free. No co-pay. In the wake of Oregon’s free abortions, and as dark as this is, we look for an example of some light and find one in our nation’s capitol. Then it’s back to darkness: we talk with Lisa Lettenmaier about how Oregon paying for free abortions is the start of a very slippery slope, plus some new scandals with the Nazi-esquely named Oregon Health Authority.


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Air Dates: Aug. 26 & 27, 2017 | Susan Gallucci & Lisa Lettenmaier

Oregon is once again making the national news and not for very good reasons.  Oregon’s Governor signed this terrible bill into law, opening the way to no limits, completely free abortions for all—not even  a co-pay and this includes free abortions for those here illegally. The Democrats and the Democrat Governor in creating this free-for-all abortion bill, have also determined to remove limitations on abortion , even if the baby is full term. According to one report, “Taxpayers in Oregon can theoretically be forced to foot the bill for the murder of an illegal immigrants innocent unborn child in the ninth month of pregnancy simply because the child is female or has a genetic defect like Down Syndrome.”

While other states are investing in infrastructure to create jobs and improve working conditions, Oregon is “investing” in free abortions for all. To pay for this, Oregon is forcing insurers and taxpayers to foot the bill.

But there was also a funding gap of $900 million dollars. You’ll have to tune into to hear how bureaucrats will be filling that gap in some rather scandalous ways—but exactly what I Spy Radio had predicted years ago.

It is the power of God to make miracles out of what humans consider “mistakes.” To create an incredible person whose life and importance you cannot even begin to fathom. That unique mix of genetics that cannot and will not ever be duplicated.  Instead, the Democrat leadership in Oregon believes these limitless creations should just wiped away.

But in the darkest of all corners there is light and we’re shedding that light on a program for women that is located in Washington D.C. called The Northwest Center (  The Northwest Center is the largest pro-life center in our nation’s capital.  We discuss their two centers, Pregnancy and Maternity, about the welcoming environment of all women without judgment who has assisted thousands of women to take the option of allowing their babies to live.  The Northwest Center does not accept any government funding so has the freedom to focus on the individual and help her to figure out their future.  A future that doesn’t just look at the birth but to help plan years down the road.

Listen to find out how this incredible program gives life value for both parent and child and something that maybe Oregon needs to duplicate.

Oregon’s Free Abortions’ Slippery Slope

Then we turn to our insurance specialist, Lisa Lettenmaier, Owner of Health Source NW ( Lisa expertly takes us through the current status of Oregon’s insurance industry and as she discusses what we’d predicted years ago about Oregon’s Health Authority and the damage it would do to the health care system.  If you’re in a government run insurance program (think Medicare and Medicaid) no longer do doctors have the power to determine what care is needed, it’s the bureaucrats who do.

But there’s a slippery slope when it comes to insurance paying for free abortions. Tune in to hear where this could all lead.

Finally, don’t miss the Health Authority’s scandal and coordinated effort to try to sabotage and punish one of its Coordinated Care Organizations for daring to ask for equal pay.  It’s the perfect example of government bureaucrats picking winners and losers.

Links Mentioned

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly — and The Redemeed

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly — and The Redemeed

Show Summary: This week, we take a break from our usual focus on Big Government. It’s not as if politics doesn’t have fiction and fantasy but we’re taking a look at Hollywood—and especially the Christian film industry.

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PLUS! See below on how to get a free movie credit from Christian Cinema. No commitment, no monthly fees. Just download a free movie to try them out.

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Original Air Dates: Aug. 12 & 13, 2017 | Bobby Downes & James Hirsen

With it being August, and with everyone focused on recreation, this week we take a break from politics to take a look at movies and film making. Not that there isn’t a lot of fiction in politics, of course. In particular we look at a growing segment of the film industry: the Christian film market.

Christian Film Industry

This is an enormous market. There are tens of millions of people in this market segment who’d like to watch films without all the explicit sex, swearing, and lack of morals that are standard in so many of Hollywood’s films today.

Beyond the Mask - a Christian film industry productionWhile Hollywood is aware of this market, they have difficulty reaching it. All too often, it’s because they simply don’t understand it because they don’t have the same viewpoints or background. It’s like the NY Times, trying to write news stories for Conservatives. A lot of times, it just doesn’t work. The author doesn’t have the same mindset and just can’t resist getting in a dig at the very people they claim they’re trying to reach.

Beyond the Mask -The leading mercenary for the British East India Company, Will Reynolds has just been double-crossed and now is on the run in the American Colonies. Read more…

To learn about the Christian film market we turn to the experts that do get it. Our first guest, Bobby Downes, is the CEO and founder of, a marketplace for Christian films made by Christians for Christians. Think of it as the iTunes for Christian movies. We discuss the difficulties facing Christians in Hollywood, and how his company has been a driving force behind raising the quality standards  for Christian films. It used to be Christian films were seen as second-rate or poor quality but a quick look at their site will dispel that notion. Instead, these Christian films understand Middle America, and use film to communicate the positive messages of Christianity through entertaining, high-quality feature films.

Don’t miss Christian Cinema’s FREE offer! Go to and you will get a free movie credit just to try them out.  No commitments, no monthly fees. Just good entertainment.

James Hirsen

Then we talk with James Hirsen about the continuing nonsense in Hollywood and why they don’t put out top Christian movies like they did in the Golden Age of Hollywood. Is there really a hostility there or is it hype?  We discuss the notion of being blackballed for exercising free speech, California’s secessionist movement (yes, they really are pushing it) and their continuing confusion over why Trump won. Here’s a hint: now they’re actively recruiting “movie stars” to run for office. Is there a chance they could win?

Perhaps they’re getting mixed up on the difference between being popular and populist politics.

Links Mentioned

  • Free movie credit from Christian Cinema! Download a movie on them just for trying them out! No commitments, no monthly only ever pay for the movies you want.
  • Beyond the Mask (movie & trailer)
  • Check out – think of them as the iTunes or Netflix of Christians films. Watch films on any device using their apps. (It worked great for us on the Amazon app for FireTV/Amazon Prime.)
  • Christian Cinema releases top one hundred picks (
  • James Hirsen’s article, Dems Seek out Celebrities to run for Office (Hirsen, Aug. 7th, 2017)

Related Links

Dems IT Scandal and Evidence of the Deep State

Dems IT Scandal and Evidence of the Deep State

Show Summary: We talk with Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller News Foundation about the Democrat’s on-going IT scandal that may have exposed dozens of House Democrats to security breaches. This is a story the mainstream media continues to ignore. Why? Could it be reverse discrimination? And why is Debbie Wasserman Schulz so nervous? And then we talk with former deep-cover FBI Special Agent John Ligato about evidence for the Deep State, its origins, and its active players—and unwitting surrogates. Do both of these stories have blackmail at their heart?

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Air Dates: July 15 & 16, 2017 | Luke Rosniak & John Ligato

It’s not a great surprise when the mainstream media ignores a story that could injure the Democrats. But use your imagination for a moment.

White Supremacists Compromise Republican Computers

Just imagine if three brothers and two of their wives were all members of a White supremacist group and that these five managed the IT for dozens of Republican Congressmen. Even more damning, that the Republicans sat on some of the most powerful committees, including the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Homeland Security Committee, and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. These committees handle extremely sensitive, classified information, including national security information. Imagine if one of the Republicans caught up in the scandal was Reince Priebus, the former chair of the Republican National Committee.

Now imagine if those White supremacists had access to all of those Republicans’ emails, sent and received (including emails sent to and from other Republicans, the White House, and the RNC). Imagine if those White supremacists had access to everything on their computers. Not just emails but documents and files, databases, addresses, strategies, and more.

Would it concern you if, for some reason, they were among the Hill’s highest paid staff—despite the fact some of them never showed up for work? Would that raise flags? Or how about if they had huge financial problems, including several questionable real-estate deals and a more than a million dollar bankruptcy? Or that one of them had received a $100,000 loan from a Russian politician? A Russian politician who was currently a fugitive from the US Justice system?

And what if the laptops of Reince Priebus had been seized by the Capitol police. And yet, despite the five of them being banned from the House IT system, despite the shady finances, Preibus refused to fire them. Wouldn’t that be a little suspicious that he wouldn’t fire them?

Deep State Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Dems have a major IT scandal that no one is talking about

This is exactly what happened — except instead of White supremacists, they were Pakistani Muslims. Instead of Republicans, it was dozens of House Democrats. Instead of a Russian politician, it was an Iraqi politician. And instead of Reince Priebus, it was Debbie Wasserman Schulz.

Now what could DWS possibly have on her computers that she wouldn’t want others to see?

We talk with Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller about his incredible investigative articles into the story the media continues to ignore. Why are they ignoring it and what could be behind all of this? Is it part of the Deep State? Perhaps blackmail?

See below for links to Luke’s fascinating stories on the Democrats’ IT scandal. Don’t miss the video of Debbie Wasserman Schultz confronting the Chief of the Capitol Police as she desperately tries to get her laptop back.

The Deep State

Then we turn to a former deep-cover FBI Special Agent, John Ligato, who has an excellent article on, “Former FBI Agent: Deep State Exists and Is Trying to Bring Down Trump.”

This former Special Agent walks us through the formation of the Deep State (aka “Shadow Government”) and its origins, and how it’s been perpetrated. He gives us his insights, as an investigator and analyst, who the players are and their motives.

There are two kinds of players: active players and unwitting accomplices. Mr. Ligato walks us through the FBI’s culture, the players, its origins, and the decisions that how the Deep State has been able to undermine our President from within.  Don’t miss how the Deep State is being used and if it can be stopped.

Do both of these stories have blackmail at their heart? Be sure to tune in to hear one of our most gripping shows yet.

Links Mentioned

Luke Rosiak (Segments 1 – 3)

The following are Luke’s fantastic articles on the Democrat IT scandal, listed in chronological order.

  1. EXCLUSIVE: House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs Committee Members Compromised By Rogue IT Staff (Daily Caller, February 4, 2017)
  2. Congress IT Probe Suspects Had Massive Debts, Years Of Suspicious Activity (Daily Caller, Feb 7, 2017)
  3. EXCLUSIVE: House Dem IT Guys In Security Probe Secretly Took $100K In Iraqi Money (Daily Caller, Feb 20, 2017)
  4. House Dem IT Staffers Owed Money To Hezbollah-Connected Fugitive (Daily Caller, Feb 21, 2017)
  5. Pakistani Suspects In House IT Probe Received $4 Million From Dem Reps (Daily Caller, Mar 1, 2017)
  6. House Staffers In Security Probe Allegedly Kept Stepmom In ‘Captivity’ To Access Offshore Cash (Daily Caller, Mar 8, 2017)
  7. Suspect In House IT Security Probe Also Had Access To DNC Emails (Daily Caller, Mar 9, 2017)
  8. House Hacking Suspects Could Read Every Email Dozens Of Congressmen Sent And Received (Daily Caller, Mar 13, 2017)
  9. Paul Ryan: House IT Scandal Probe Getting ‘Outside’ Help (Daily Caller, Mar 15, 2017)
  10. House Democrat Dismisses Muslim Woman’s Charge Against Muslim Staffer, Citing Islamophobia (Daily Caller, Mar 28, 2017)
  11. Wasserman Schultz IT Guy Threatened Kidnappings For Cash, Court Docs Say (Daily Caller, Apr 30, 2017)
  12. Dem Operative Says To Ignore Any Evidence Linking DNC Staff To WikiLeaks (Daily Caller, May 16, 2017)
  13. House IT Aides Fear Suspects In Hill Breach Are Blackmailing Members With Their Own Data (Daily Caller, May 21, 2017)
  14. Sources: Democratic Aide Suspected Of Major Security Breach Under Government Protection In Pakistan (Daily Caller, May 22, 2017)
  15. VIDEO: Wasserman Schultz Admits Hill IT Security Violations, Blames House Administrators For Not Stopping Her | Confronts Capitol Police (Daily Caller, May 31, 2017)
  16. House Dems Hired A Fired McDonald’s Worker As Their IT Guy (Daily Caller, June 26, 2917)
  17. House Dem IT Suspects Wanted Untraceable Payments — And Sure Enough, Millions Disappeared (Daily Caller, July 5th, 2017)

Some additional Links on the Democrat IT Scandal

John Ligato (Segments 4 – 6)

  • John’s book is The Near Enemy: A John Booker Thriller and is available on or anywhere books are sold
  • John’s article: “Former FBI Agent: Deep State Exists and Is Trying to Bring Down Trump” (LifeZette, July 6, 2017)
  • Senate Intelligence members say they want president’s son to testify (Daily Mail, July 10, 2017)
  • ‘That is so illegal!’ Donald Trump blasts James Comey for leaking classified information to the media – as his eldest son comes under fire for meeting with Kremlin-linked lawyer (Daily Mail, July 10th, 2017)
  • British PR guru claims he facilitated the controversial meeting between Donald Trump Jr and a Russian lawyer who promised ‘dirt on Hillary’ (Daily Mail, July 10, 2017)
  • Kremlin: We know nothing about Don Jr’s meeting with a Russian lawyer – and we don’t even know who she is (Daily Mail, July 10th, 2017)




Geopolitics | What’s Really Driving North Korea?

Geopolitics | What’s Really Driving North Korea?

Show Summary: This week we look at geopolitics and the drivers and issues behind what’s happening in North Korea. Could China want the conflict to continue? And why?

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Air Dates: July 8 & 9, 2017 | Dr. Tim Ball

Too many times the dance of geopolitics does not start off with a waltz, as is such the case of North Korea, who launched an ICBM this week that had the potential of reaching Alaska—not to mention China, Russia, and Japan.  No longer can we be a wallflower of diplomacy as we did in Obama’s presidency by refusing to dance with our partners. North Korea chose an aggressive tune, which changed what America’s response must be.  But what does North Korea want and what do they expect to gain by firing off a highly threatening ICBM?  And why is China quietly standing by and at times working overtime to prop up this rogue nation even as they attempt ever more deadly attacks on other innocents?

That’s our discussion this week: the motivations behind the actions taken by these nations and the cascade of changing politics based on the moves of the others.

Geopolitics looks at the borders and the resources, history, and politics within those border, as well as the interaction of countries. Borders are manmade but they define a country’s assets and, because they are manmade, they at times separate and divide people and cultures which can have long-term and far-reaching effects, including separating a country from what they feel they need to survive.  We look at unanswered questions of borders of sea and sky —and who makes these decisions?  Our main focus is North Korea and China. Could China have a reason to keep the Koreans divided? We discuss this and much more this week with our guest Dr. Tim Ball, an expert on geopolitics and the agreements, or disagreements, the come over time.

We also dissect the president’s trip to Poland and why it was the perfect background to discuss the role of geopolitics in Europe.

Links and More Information

7th Annual Fourth of July Show – The First 50 Years

7th Annual Fourth of July Show – The First 50 Years

Show Summary: It’s I Spy’s Seventh Annual Fourth of July Show! This year, we’re looking at the first 50 years of America, when we nearly didn’t survive. Tune in to hear what was tearing us apart and why we came back together.

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Air Dates: July 1 & 2, 2017 | Greg Leo

Hot dogs, apple pie, picnics, fireworks! What a great time of the year. And once again we’re joined by Greg Leo (, I Spy’s “in house” historian, for our annual Fourth of July Show.

On last year’s annual Fourth of July show, we talked about the English Civil War and America’s first big milestone, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1826 and all the festivities for the jubilee.  This year, we’re taking a closer look at those fifty years in between.

American Revolution War vet, Lemuel Cook. Enlisted in 1781 at age 16. He served at the Battle of Brandywine and was present at the Surrender at Yorktown.
American Revolution War vet, Lemuel Cook. Enlisted in 1781 at age 16. He served at the Battle of Brandywine and was present at the Surrender at Yorktown.

Like today, there was a lot of disunity in America.  Having fought two wars with the strongest nation in the world, America was being pulled apart by the War of 1812 and many states weren’t on board with disenfranchising themselves from England. There were secret political meetings to undermine the President. And just like today, there was also a fierce battle going on between the two political parties, the Federalists and the Republicans.  One wanted to grow the federal government while the other wanted it to shrink.

Tune in to find out how and why America prevailed and how the second and third generations of the Revolution managed to keep alive the most extraordinary experiment of self-governance — the American Republic.  And don’t miss the last letter Thomas Jefferson ever wrote, as his poor health forced him to decline an invitation to attend the 50th Jubilee, that for one last time clearly and poignantly expressed the heart and soul of the Declaration of Independence.

Join us to celebrate July 4th, our Independence Day!

Fun Stuff for the Fourth of July

Links and Research

  • Terrific article on the 50th Anniversary celebration, July 4 in 1826 (American Heritage)
  • Respected Sir” — the last letter of Thomas Jefferson, declining the invitation to the 50th Anniversary celebration
  • The Spirit of ‘76 (Washington Free Beacon)
  • The Fourth of July, birth of Independence Day, early Fourth of July celebrations, and more from the History Channel
  • More on the “Era of Good Feelings” during the Monroe era
  • List of battles during the American Revolution
  • Yes, it’s Wikipedia but a good article on the events leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence
  • The Olive Branch Petition articles here (“Revolutionary War and Beyond,” an independent history site), here (History Channel), and here (Wikipedia)
  • Read John Adams’ letter that was intercepted and leaked that spoiled the Olive Branch Petition
  • Greg’s company is the Leo Company and can be found here
Click-Bait Media isn’t New

Click-Bait Media isn’t New

Show Summary: The mainstream media finally got their first win — an open assault on a Republican Congressman. We are in dangerous, dangerous territory and the media is still willing to sell its soul and America to sell a few ads. Turns out today’s click-bait media isn’t so new. But it’s still dangerous. This week: focusing on the media lies, fictions, Comey, and the huge story they’re not covering.

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Original Air Dates: June 17 & 18, 2017 | Kathryn Blackhurst & Scott McEwen

The kind of sensationalism that the NY Times, Washington Post, and others are all using to drive up their online views is nothing new. It’s been around for at least 100 years. For those who think this is “nothing new” and think nothing of it, you’re wrong. Dead wrong. Don’t miss Mark’s opener to find out why there is a dangerous precedent to today’s journalism and how the media has pushed us into war. Don’t think for a moment they will stop going after Donald Trump.

Kathryn Blackhurst

We start out with Kathryn Blackhurst, a political reporter for Laura Ingraham’s LifeZette ( She has two great articles we discuss with her, about the shooting inspired by the media, and the big story that the mainstream media is ignoring.

Inside James Comey's head cartoon
Did you catch last week’s cartoon?

Perhaps it’s because it completely undermines their entire story line against Trump, no doubt.

We start out by discussing the horrific shooting that happened this week as a Bernie staffer finally took the actions so many on the Left have been promoting, intentionally or not—taking up arms and attacking Republicans.  CNN, MSNBC, and so many other of the Leftist “talking heads” and “comedians” bear some responsibility here. But so does the NY Times and the Washington Post. They have been working to undermine the election and call it fraudulent; with their near-constant hate speech, it was only a matter of time before this happened.

Kathryn also shares that story that the media is working so hard to ignore. Is this the smoking gun President Trump needs?

We also get her views, as a relatively new journalist, on the media industry itself. Does she see hope on the horizon? What’s been her experiences as someone fresh to the industry? And are the Left-wing biases we hear so much about real?

You can see all of Kathryn’s recent news articles here.

Scott McEwen

After Kathryn, we turn to NY Times bestselling author, Scott McEwen, who has written both fiction and non-fiction (as has most NY Times writers, apparently). We ask for his thoughts, as a writer, on the media and the constant anti-Trump drumbeat.

Scott is also an attorney (a recovering one anyway) and gives us his thoughts on Comey’s recent testimony — that Comey leaked FBI work products and details about the Hillary Clinton investigation where Loretta Lynch ordered Comey to refer to the Hillary email scandal as a “matter” rather than an “investigation.” Does it matter?

We also get his thoughts on the Deep State. As a writer, Scott has a lot of contacts in the intelligence community. Tune in to find out what they’re telling him about Comey and a lot more. Could they topple Trump? Tune in to find out.

Be sure to visit our I Spy Radio Store to order Scott’s books! Dad will love them for Father’s Day, even if they’re a little late. They’re definitely worth the wait.

Links Mentioned

Kathryn’s segments (1 – 3)

Death Threats Mount for GOP Lawmakers ‘Outspoken Against the Left’ (Lifezette, June 14, 2017)

James Comey Cover Up a Massive and Illegal FBI-CIA Spying Operation? (Lifezette, June 10, 2017)

Did the FBI have evidence of a breach larger than Snowden? A lawsuit says yes. (Circa, June 13, 2017)

Scott’s Segments (4 – 6)

Scott on NewsMax TV: Dems “Made Up” Russian Story (NewsMax TV June 7, 2017)

Journo Says ‘Violent Resistance’ Should Be More Organized Than Baseball Shooting (Daily Caller, June 14, 2017)

Left Denies Responsibility for Rhetoric in Wake of Scalise Shooting (Lifezette, June 15, 2017)

Chuck Todd on VA Shooting: ‘We Are All to Blame’ for the ‘Toxic Stew’ of Political Discourse (Breitbart, June 14, 2017)

Trump Calls for Investigation into the Clintons’ Russian Ties (Breitbart, March 2017)

NYT Says Palin Is Responsible For Giffords Shooting. Palin DESTROYS Them. NYT Issues Correction. (Daily Wire, June 15, 2017)

Update: New York Times Corrects Fake News Editorial Blaming Sarah Palin for Shooting ((Breitbart, June 15, 2017)

Drudge: ‘Tons of stress on cable news’ driving medical leave for top hosts (The Hill, June 15, 2017)

News Corp. CEO: The Almighty Algorithm – “fake news” and other consequences of Google, Amazon and Facebook’s relentless focus on quantity over quality (Fox, June 15, 2017)

Leftist Lunacy – Comey, Kathy Griffin and Paris Withdrawal Syndrome

Leftist Lunacy – Comey, Kathy Griffin and Paris Withdrawal Syndrome

Show Summary: When it comes to Leftist lunacy, it’s a never-ending target-rich environment. This week, we focus on the James Comey hearing, Kathy Griffin, and the ultimate lunacy: Climate Change. (We capitalize that because to those on the political left, it’s a religion.) Tune in to hear how withdrawing from the Paris Accord may be the next Leftist derangement syndrome. Except it may not be what you think.

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Air Dates: June 10 & 11, 2017 | Dr Tim Ball & James Hirsen

Climate change is the ultimate “heads I win, tails you lose” marketing scheme. If the earth warms, they can say, “See?!? We need to DO something!” But if the earth cools they can say “See?!? Our efforts are working!”

But the whole thing reminds me of a Gilligan’s Island episode – The professor had set up a measuring stick in the lagoon and after carefully recording the depths he came to the conclusion the island was sinking. Soon, he had the entire island in uproar as they packed everything up and moved to higher ground — that is, until they found out that Gilligan had been using the stick for his lobster traps and kept moving the stick further and further from shore to deeper water.

Likewise, the so-called “science” of global warming is ripe with fraud, including fudging the temperature readings when the warming stopped.

This week, we talk with Dr. Tim Ball about what it means for the U.S. to withdraw from the Paris Accord. While President Trump said it was a “bad deal” for America, it goes far, far deeper. Now, by withdrawing, it is starting an a cascading effect that has impacts for the U.S., the Leftist movement, the U.N., and much more.

We also talk about coal and what we ought to be doing instead of what we are doing—which is so often the case with anything Washington D.C. gets its grubby fingers on.

The James Comey Show

Kathy Griffin led the news this week for her lunacy but the lunacy of the Left wasn’t done there. Enter the Comey Show.

The day we talked with James Hirsen, the Comey testimony had just concluded so we just had to talk to James about what had happened. Comey’s testimony put the Trump-Russian collusion story to rest, or should have but we’re sure the Left will continue its effort to do all it can to undermine President Trump.

We do talk about Kathy Griffin and the nonsense coming out of Hollywood, which is sounding more shrill and desperate. Will studios like Marvel finally get the message?

Links Mentioned

Dr Tim Ball (Segments 1-4)

James Hirsen (Segments 5 & 6)


More Winning | Trump’s Success at Home and Abroad

More Winning | Trump’s Success at Home and Abroad

Show Summary: Sometimes, it’s not that the mainstream media is creating Fake News. Sometimes, they just have no clue. On this week’s show, we talk two issues the media is under-reporting: net neutrality and the cultural success of Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia. On the latter—what were they afraid of discovering?

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Air Dates: June 3 & 4, 2017 | Chad Wilkinson & Kamal Saleem

We have a very packed show as we tackle two big stories: so-called “Net Neutrality” and President Trump’s Middle East trip.   With both stories we see the common thread of the MSM not looking deeply into the story and marketing their agendas rather than reporting the real news.  Instead they work overtime to give us filler information with very adept marketing skills to persuade us that what we’re looking at is really very simple to understand.

But as we dig into both stories we find that the reality is really the opposite and without understanding whole picture the public is bound to be kept in the dark about important information that keeps us both informed and safe.

We start with Net Neutrality, a term the Left uses to try and make us (the users) believe this government regulation will give us a fair playing field online.  In typical Orwellian double-speak, they claim it will open up competition when it will do the opposite.  The reality is, we’re really killing off the internet through a 1,000 regulations.

Chad Wilkinson, Communications Director for the new non-profit Free Our Internet (, walks us through the deceptions that Obama, Soros, and many others want to hide behind while trying to sell the idea the internet will remain open and assessable to all.  Think about it: what are the chances George Soros actually wants a more open internet?  Tune in to find out more about the goals of the people pushing “Net Neutrality” and how President Trump  is looking to rollback the Obama-era regulations.

Donald Trump at the Saudi sword dance
The sword dance had cultural significance but the MSM ignored it. Tune in to hear why.

Then we check in with our good friend Kamal Saleem to discuss recent President Trump’s recent Middle East trip. You’ll hear some subtle, cultural nuances that reveal this was a far, far more successful trip than the mainstream media want to let on. Or even realize — because they never bothered to ask the right people. But Kamal grew up in the Middle East and shares insights into the ceremonies, and even the differences in handshakes between Obama and Trump.

Tune in to learn how from a cultural stand point the phenomenal reception President Trump was given was all missed by the mainstream.  The same mainstream media that was all too anxious to poke fun at President Trump dancing with swords without ever taking the time to find out why this ceremony was important and what it meant for our relationship with Saudi Arabia — and what it all means for fighting terrorism coming out of the Middle East.

Don’t miss these the amazing aspects of Trump’s trip that everybody else ignored.

Links Mentioned

Segments 1–3, Chad Wilkinson (Net Neutrality):

Segments 4–6, Kamal Saleem (Trump’s Mid-East Trip)