Author: Dr Mark

Memorial Day Weekend 2017

Memorial Day Weekend 2017

Show Summary: It’s Memorial Day weekend! You’re taking some time off and so are we. A best of a best of this week: looking back at last year’s Memorial Day, including a fun look at the history and traditions of Memorial Day. Plus, in 2016, we were in the thick of a contentious Republican primary. Remember that? It’s a good look back at where we were and, unfortunately, with stubborn “Republicans” in Congress, where we still are today.

Enjoy the look back!

I Spy Radio coverage map | I Spy Radio broadcast areas effective April 2017
The I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas

All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: May 27 & 28, 2017

NOTE: For links mentioned, see the original show page for Show 6-22, “Unity: A Nation at Risk.”


Oregon’s Gurgling Drain | Never Ending Spending

Oregon’s Gurgling Drain | Never Ending Spending

Show Summary: If you haven’t been paying attention, the Democrats are running amok with your money. Find out their plans and how—and why—Oregon is sinking to the bottom in state competitiveness. Perhaps it has to do with their never ending spending spree? Actually, it’s a bit more than that.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: May 20 & 21, 2017 | Rep. Knute Beuhler & Jonathan Williams

This week we’re looking at the never-ending spending spree of the Oregon legislature.   We’re already facing a $1.8 billion hole and, naturally, that pushes the D’s to try and find new and inventive ways to tax Oregonians.  Like letting the camel get its nose in the tent, they are trying to find new ways to push a sales tax while calling it something else.

If you haven’t been paying attention, you’ll be shocked to hear what the Democrats are doing and looking to spend — despite being in the hole already. Do Oregon legislators think they have a bottomless checkbook?

Democrats Obama and spending
Years of democrats and their spending spree have doubled our national debt

That’s the question we discuss with our guests.  First up is Rep. Knute Buehler, Bend, OR, a fiscal conservative who has problems with the spending that he has seen at the legislature.  Right now, Oregon has enough Republicans on board to stop the Democrats from passing a spending bill but it’s tight with only a one vote margin of error.  Listen to find out what we can expect on taxes and debt coming out of this legislative cycle.

Then we talk with Jonathan Williams of ALEC to find out what states are fiscally under control and maybe even growing their economy compared to those who are doing it wrong.  There are some surprises, except for Oregon, which has slipped in the rankings once again.  Tune in to find out why and what we could do to right the ship.To use this, copy all, use “add new” button at the top, paste. Be sure to set tags & categories. And to reset “this week” in the menu to this post

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George Soros Part 2

George Soros Part 2

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Show Summary: We continue our discussion into George Soros’ operations in America and abroad. Find out his “secret recipe,” how and where he is so effectively sewing chaos, and how his subversion is not only destroying the lives of millions but also making him a tidy profit. And yes, you the American taxpayer, are helping to fund some of his organizations. But up first, a citizen journalist gives us an eyewitness report of the violence in Portland during the May Day Riot. Tune in to hear the telltale signs of Soros’s fingerprints. And finally, is there some hope for people who’ve seen their cultures and way of life destroyed by him?

All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: May 13 & 14, 2017 | Leo Stratton & Ron Arnold

We continue our in-depth examination of George Soros. You probably know him as the Darth Vader of the Left but after this week’s show, you’ll believe it.

As we discussed in last week’s show, Soros’s money not only is behind so much of the Left’s operations, he also is the organizing force behind them as well. He provides not jusy money but logistical and strategic support for, literally, thousands of groups—not only his own direct groups but all the groups that are supported by him and his groups.

He is also the catalyst for fundraising. In true socialist form, he promises funding but then convinces other people to spend their money instead.

Including from the U.S. tax payers.

He then uses these funds to sew the seeds of chaos and division. And right here in good ol’ Oregon, the Petri Dish for the Left, we’re bearing the brunt of his organizing.

The May Day Riots

It wasn’t that long ago that May Day was an annual celebration in Oregon. May poles. May Day parades. A day of fun and filled with nostalgia.

Nowadays, it’s riots in downtown Portland.

We talk with citizen journalist Leo Stratton, whose YouTube channel has over 200 videos and more than 1 million views, and who was there at “Ground Zero” when the May Day riot broke out. We talk with Leo about what he saw and what it was like to be in the middle of it. Pay attention and listen for the tell-tale fingerprints of Soros  or one of his organizations at work.

Here’s Leo’s video from the May Day riot…

George Soros: Funding Chaos

Guy at the mic wearing a George Soros Army T-shirt. No, it's not Portland, it's Macedonia. It just looks like Portland.
Guy at the mic wearing a Soros Army T-shirt. No, it’s not Portland, it’s Macedonia. It just looks like Portland.

Last week we discussed Soros’s background and upbringing which formed his life outlook. We heard how Soros told his biographer he believed he has “godlike powers” and sees himself as some sort of Messiah.


Perhaps that explains why he has no remorse from destroying the lives of millions of people all so he could make billions of dollars. Why should a god have remorse when all he’s trying to do is inflict a better world on people?

Tune in to hear the vast numbers of countries in which he is trying to force his view of the world on people and the damage he is doing.

And don’t miss: could there be a simple, ulterior motive to what’s driving him? One that is very un-godlike but much more in line with man’s basest drives.

George Soros and USAID

George Soros Army T-Shirts spotted in MacedoniaIf you listened to our virtual interview with Eva Bartlett, you heard about USAID, which is often used as a front organization for the CIA. In particular, USAID and MI6 (yes, the British spy organization) are funding the White Helmets in Syria—a group that “just happens” to show up immediately after civilians are killed, which many people call staged events. Perhaps it’s because the same kids keep getting rescued and often without a scrape or even a speck of dust on them. But did you know this same CIA group funds George Soros’s organization? Tune in to hear that and what other US agencies are giving away money to Soros. Your tax dollars at work.


Finally, don’t miss how—despite the billions George Soros has spent—it may be for naught and how and why his kingdom is beginning to unravel. Maybe us peasants are winning after all.

Links Mentioned

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George Soros Part 1

George Soros Part 1

Show Summary: This week I Spy Radio shines a little daylight on George Soros. Journalist and author, Ron Arnold, who has studied the Left’s funding mechanisms for decades, pulls back the curtain on this shadowy figure. George Soros has his fingers in nearly every plot and ploy by the political Left: anti-gun, anti-free-speech, riots, politicians, and the environmental movement. Speaking of which, First up, Dr. Bob Zybach to discuss a common-sense plan to sell Oregon’s Elliot State Forest, if only Oregonians can convince their public officials to actually listen (you can take action here). Find out why Soros’s billion-dollar Leftist foundations are so successful, while billionaires on the Right fall short. Oh, and did we mention a former Soros staffer gave Ron the inside information on this Insider of Insiders? You won’t want to miss this.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: May 6 & 7, 2017 | Dr. Bob Zybach & Ron Arnold

George Soros spends millions to topple governments. He makes billions from the ensuing chaos. He wields power across the globe, in part because of a compliant mainstream media—which is mute either because they fear him or because he buys their silence by supporting their Leftist causes. George Soros made his fortune from shrewd investments but also by betting on destruction (his famous short selling of the British pound) and by supporting dictators only to demand special favors from them after their “elections.”

If there is an anti-traditional-American-values organization, you can bet George Soros is likely behind it. Anti-guns, anti-traditional marriage, anti-federalist, anti-religion, and on and on. He is also known for heavily “investing” in Far Left environmental causes, in part because they are anti-capitalism. (As we say here on I Spy Radio, healthcare is how the Left controls people; the environmental movement is how the Left controls industry and corporations.)

Dr. Bob Zybach on the Sale of the Elliot State Forest

We start the show with Dr. Bob Zybach. For years, the Far Left environmentalists have had a stranglehold on politics in Oregon. This has led to massive waste and lost revenue from State Public Lands, like the Elliot State Forest, which is northeast of Coos Bay on the Oregon coast.

How bad is it? Oregon loses tens of millions every year thanks to mismanagement—when it should be making at least $5 million per year. The losses have been piling up, year after year, with timber either rotting away or burning away in forest fires, that the State has decided to cut its losses (rather than cutting trees—at a profit, mind you) that Oregon has decided to sell this 80,000 acres. The land is valued at $800 million. But thanks to the terms and conditions and regulations piled on it, they only received one bid: for $200 million. Just 25% of the value. And which will only generate 10 jobs.

But there’s a better way. Dr. Zybach walks us through what is happening with the sale and how a decades’ old, common-sense plan could be the answer. If only Oregonians can make politicians listen.

Exposing George Soros, Part 1

We then turn to Ron Arnold, for Part 1 of our examination of George Soros, the billionaire behind so much of America’s current woes. Mr. Arnold got his journalistic start back in the 1990s when Oregon had the Spotted Owl fiasco that ended up destroying Oregon’s logging industry, much to the surprise of many in the timber business.  They were surprised because nobody took it seriously that an owl could shut down a whole industry.

Mr. Arnold has written ten books and edited 12. His special focus is the means the Left funds its operations. He has made a special focus of George Soros. And, thanks to a former Soros staffer, Mr. Arnold has the goods on George Soros.

We’ll walk you through how George Soros lurched into politics—thanks to several names you’ll recognize and who are still operating behind the scenes today.  You’ll also hear how Soros developed unique operational strategies and why they are more successful than those on the Right.

This week is a broad look at George Soros and how he spins his many-layered webs. Tune in to hear how Soros helped bring down the Soviet Union, his organizational operations, his hypocrisies, and how he does what he does.

Next week, we’ll look further behind the scenes and some specific examples of how he seeks to cripple America. Don’t make the mistake of thinking he’s not trying to take America down.

After all, he’s already done it in other countries.

Links Mentioned

Oregon’s Gun Confiscation Bill

Oregon’s Gun Confiscation Bill

Show Summary: It’s all about the 2nd Amendment this week. We talk with David Keene, a former president of the National Rifle Association about Oregon’s gun confiscation bill, Senate Bill 719A. And don’t miss the shocking story of a man who faces a 30-year jail sentence for exercising his right to self defense.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: April 29 & 30, 2017 | David Keene & Jayne Carroll

We often call Oregon “the Petri Dish” for the Left. If they can pass it here, they’ll try it somewhere else. We’re an experimental lab for Leftist policies.

This is especially true of the Second Amendment. But recently the attack has been ramped up. The focus of this week’s show is SB-719A, a gun confiscation bill that was passed out of the judiciary committee and on to the senate, where it is likely to pass — unless common sense Oregonians stop it by contacting their senators now. It is due for a vote this Monday, May 1st!

Oregon’s Gun Confiscation Bill: SB 719A

Sen. Brian Boquist, a Republican from Western Oregon, sponsored SB-868. But it met with such a huge public outcry they copied and pasted it into SB 719 (hence the “A”) in a process typically called “gut and stuff.”

SB 719A would create a so-called “Extreme Risk Protection Order” (ERPO) at the request of family member or household member—or even a law enforcement officer. All they need to do is claim the other person is a “risk” to themselves or others. Get this:

  • The order can be obtained ex parte, meaning the defendant can have their guns taken away without even being in court
  • The court order can be obtained without any allegations of criminal behavior
  • A person can have their rights taken away simply based on someone else’s “feelings” that the defendant might be a danger to themselves or another person—either now or in the “foreseeable future.”

The Show

We talk with David Keene, former president of the NRA and currently the Opinion Editor of the Washington Times about this terrible bill and how you can lose your rights with no due process.

Tune in to hear how “compassion” led a Republican senator to sponsor this bill and get it through committee. Tune in to hear how he was used by the anti-gun lobby. Tune in to hear how Oregon’s gun grab bill will allow a family or household member or even the local police officers to get a court order to confiscate your guns or any “deadly weapons”.

The Case of Mike Strickland

And then don’t miss an example of an Oregon court going way too far to punish a gun owner. Listen to hear why Mike Strickland, who never fired a shot, is facing more than 30 years of jail. We talk with Jayne Carroll, host of the Jayne Carroll Show on KUIK-1360am in Portland, about this shocking case — shocking in the sense of how far the politics of Portland have gone to suppress political views they disagree with.

(See the videos, below)

Of course, all of this makes perfect sense because by taking away our 2nd Amendment rights we also lose the ability to protect our 1st Amendment rights. What better way to carve away at our freedom of speech but to do it under the guise of “protecting us” by taking away guns from someone who might hurt someone in the “foreseeable future.” Yes, that is actual language from SB 719A.

Meanwhile, Oregon’s lawmakers are looking the other way, away from groups like Black Lives Matter who scream, yell, show up in masks, do millions in damage to property owners and businesses, shut down roads and highways, and create havoc for law-abiding citizens. But a gun owner is the one who is punished?

You’ll want to hear how easy it was to have Mike’s case go from a single misdemeanor all the way to 21 felony counts.  Don’t miss Jayne’s look at what is really going on and the assault the Far Left is having on Oregonian’s freedoms.

Mike Strickland Videos

First angle (Mike’s side of the street)

The reverse angle view. Note the number of protestors wearing masks.

Here’s the Podcast — enjoy the show!

List of Links

Jayne Carroll’s Segments (5–6)

Red Lines are for Losers: Developing an International Strategy

Red Lines are for Losers: Developing an International Strategy

Show 7-16 Summary: Strategy is always complicated but it gets even more so on an international stage. Tune in to hear the challenges facing the U.S. on multiple fronts as we look at international strategy through two distinct but intertwined lenses: economic and military. You’ll come away with new respect for the complexity of international strategy in an ever-changing world as President Trump rolls out his strategy that favors action. And why there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Month 22 & 23, 2017 | Crista Huff & Carl Higbie

I Spy Radio is going international this week. Well, actually, we’re always international thanks to all of our stations’ live streaming, but imagine a giant jigsaw puzzle and you finally figure out where your piece fits. So far, the jigsaw has seemed just a jumbled mass of confusion but then you put your piece in place and suddenly the puzzle starts to make sense. That’s because your piece changed the landscape and became part of the big picture.

Strategy and its moving parts
Strategy is complex. Try moving just one part.

But then, all of the pieces around your piece change shape and form and the picture changes yet again.

And that is essentially what’s going on with the US’s international strategy where you have Trump making strong decisions in Syria and also now in N. Korea — fitting in his piece of the puzzle. His actions, as just a part of the overall strategy, start to change the big picture even with the world’s complications.  Because we’re not only dealing with other cultures and nation states but then there’s also the confluence of US law. And their laws. And on and on.

On this week’s show we have two guests who will focus on two different aspects of international strategies. One is Carl Higbie, a military expert and former Navy Seal, and you’ve undoubtedly heard him on Fox News.  And we also have Crista Huff (@CristaHuff) who is a chief stock analyst for Cabot Wealth (  Both of these individuals look at the world in terms of our international policies from two very different lenses. One through economics and one through military and yet the two lenses are very intertwined.

Obama's red line strategyTake Syria. A prime example of complex situations centered around military action but a war that started not only over political but over economic reasons: an oil and gas pipeline. Add to the mix Russia whose economy depends on attempting to dominate oil in Europe.  Now top that off with our own changes in the US moving from a leader, Obama, who had a non-action policy to Trump as a leader who is engaged by taking action and making changes.

Listen to hear how even though we’re throwing the net pretty wide this week you’ll gain an understanding and appreciation of just how complex so many of these issues are especially when you’re dealing with two very different dictators.

Links Mentioned

Crista Huff (Segment 1 –3)

We didn’t get a chance to talk to Crista Huff about China’s currency manipulation but here are some articles about it if you’d like to learn more. and note the changing strategy in relation to shifts on the ground.

Carl Higbie’s (Segments 4–6)

The Real Location of the Jewish Temple

The Real Location of the Jewish Temple

Show Summary: Tradition and preconceived notions are hard to overcome. And nowhere is this more true than Jerusalem and the location of the Jewish Temple — the one built by Solomon and later rebuilt and expanded by Herod. Scholars and centuries of tradition say the location of the Jewish Temple was the Temple Mount where the Dome of the Rock stands. What if they’re all wrong?

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: April 8 & 9, 2017 | David Sielaff

We’re joined this week by David Sielaff, the Director of the  Associates for Scriptural Knowledge (ASK). They were founded by Dr. Ernest L Martin, who was one of the leading proponents of the true site of the Jewish Temple being located in the original City of David. Dr Martin was the author of The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot.

Whether it’s politics or or the media or academia or even religion, each of these have their “experts.” And the experts are right and everyone else is wrong. Or at least not as right. And there is an incredible amount of arrogance that comes with that puffed up sense of self, which in turn creates a mental roadblock that prevents experts from seeing alternate possibilities.

Location of the Jewish Temple: The rock under the Dome of the Rock
The rock under the Dome of the Rock. Does this look like a threshing floor to you?
The Bible says the location of the Jewish Temple was over a threshing floor. This is what a threshing floor looks like
An actual ancient threshing floor. What David bought would have looked something like this.

Take the original location of the Jewish Temple. The one built by Solomon and then later rebuilt and greatly expanded by Herod the Great. The Bible says that King David bought some property on which to build the Temple: the threshing floor floor of a Jebusite (the Jebusites had settled Jerusalem before David conquered it). Centuries of tradition place it on the so called “Temple Mount” where the Dome of the Rock now stands.

But threshing floors were flat. And smooth. Because farmers would use shovels and rakes to toss the grain up into the air to separate the grain from the chaff, you’d want a smooth surface to make the shoveling part easier. Look at the pictures here. Does the rock under the Dome look at all like it could have been a threshing floor?

Location of the Jewish Temple

The Jews would like to rebuild their Temple. But the Dome blocks them from doing so because the Dome of the Rock is the third holiest site in Islam and tearing it down would start the third world war.

But what if all those experts are wrong? What if the original location of the Jewish temple wasn’t on the Dome of the Rock at all?

Tune in this week to find out why all those “experts” could be incredibly wrong—and just think what that means for the Jewish people.

Links Mentioned

  • David Sielaff’s organization: Associates for Scriptural Knowledge – There is a ton of good information here not only on the location of the Jewish Temple but lots more on the intertwining of history, science, and scripture


Arguments supporting original location of the Jewish Temple (not on so-called “Temple Mount”)

Academics’ Advocate

Just for Fun



Muslims and Christians – Good News the Media isn’t Telling You

Muslims and Christians – Good News the Media isn’t Telling You

Show Summary: The mainstream media of late seems to be trying to outcompete one another when it comes to bad news. But there’s some good news the media isn’t telling you about the war between Muslims and Christians.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Show 7-13
Air Dates: April 1 & 2, 2017 | Kamal Saleem

The mainstream media lately has been trying to outcompete the others on just how bad the news can be. And that includes Fox News which is no better than the others when it comes to crowing about bad news. Everywhere you look, it’s bad news. Nothing is working, the swamp is still as full as it always has been, Obamacare repeal failed, and on and on.

Even some of our favorite shows on Fox have taken this approach. They seem… giddy to report bad news, especially when they think they’ve uncovered something worse than what their competitors are putting out. Every show is filled with angry people arguing and shouting over the top of one another. How do you learn anything from tha t — other who shouts louder or argue more cleverly? So maybe you’ll get some Facebook or Twitter fodder about how some host “really schooled” some guest. Great! Now tell me what you learned about the topic being discussed.

Here on I Spy Radio, there’s no yelling. No arguing. We don’t give you shouting points. And from the feedback we get, that’s one of the things that makes us so popular.

But you know what? We’re coming up on Easter and Easter is the ultimate good news.

So this week, and the next two weeks, we’re focusing on some uplifting stories. We’re starting this week with Kamal Saleem and although we start off with some negative aspects — especially the terrorist attack in London and sanctuary cities, hang in there. I promise you: by the end of today’s show, you’ll be feeling great.

This week’s focus is on Muslims and Christianity and some very positive good news that’s happening, right under your nose, and which the media is largely ignoring. Although we did find this one story on Fox News, which made it onto their website’s news page—but somehow never got a mention on O’Reilly, Hannity, Tucker, or their other major shows.

And then there’s this one from the Blaze:

Muslims and Christians

In the war between Muslims and Christians it turns out Christians are winningThat’s right. There are some remarkable untold stories out there about the war between Muslims and Christians. And it turns out, Christians are winning.

But thanks to the mainstream media, you didn’t know that, did you?

Tune in to this week’s show to learn how and why Christians are winning. Not only are they winning, the Muslims converting to Christianity are even revitalizing Europe’s fading cathedrals.

Links Mentioned

Congress Fails Again | Obamacare Repeal and Security Oversight

Congress Fails Again | Obamacare Repeal and Security Oversight

Show Summary: You’d think with its recent record, the notion of “Congress fails again” should be no surprise. And yet they failed on their biggest campaign promise from the last seven years: Repeal Obamacare and replace it. They are also failing on oversight of the intelligence community, since it turns out Trump was right: the Obama administration was spying on him. Fortunately, we had no faith in Congress to do what it said so for this week, we look at the merits of the Obamacare replacement plans, not whether it would pass. We also take a look at the attack in London and the espionage of President Trump.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: March 25 & 26, 2017 | Lisa Lettenmaier & Scott McEwen

When it comes to healthcare and Obamacare, a lot of people mix the two together. You’ll hear pundits talk about “fixing Obamacare” when what they really mean is we need to fix the healthcare industry. Obamacare is how we pay for healthcare. Mostly. Because it also impacts how healthcare is administered, which impacts the amount and quality of the medical care a patient receives.

This week, we are talking about healthcare financing—in other words, Obamacare—and how it impacts insurance. We talk with Lisa Lettenmaier who discusses how we pay for healthcare, the impact it has on the healthcare industry, and how it could potentially be repaired.

We start off by discussing how the new Ryan legislation attempts to repeal Obamacare, to  get us out from under the mandates and expenses Obamacare created.  Heavy-handed government interference has changed the way we receive and pay for our healthcare but how hard is it to untie all of the tangles Obamacare has added to our healthcare industry?  We discuss the good and the bad of what is being proposed and what we should expect in the near future. Lisa walks us through a lot of the different pieces of this confusing challenge to repeal Obamacare.

In our second half, we talk with bestselling author, Scott McEwen (American Sniper), about the recent London terrorist attack and security concerns arising out of the insane PC culture that is Britain.

We also talk about Sen. Nunes’s revelations of the Trump surveillance that sounds like government agencies did in fact electronically trap private conversations among the Trump team.

If true, US government agencies used the weight and power of the government to listen in on, and spy on, a political opponent of the then-President. And don’t miss Scott’s shocking insights into why Nunes may have publically come forward with the initial information.

Move over Nixon. Obama just made you look like a regular putz.

Links Mentioned

Lisa Lettenmaier (Segments 1–3)

Scott McEwen (Segments 4–6)


Can Trump Make Even the EPA Great Again?

Can Trump Make Even the EPA Great Again?

Show Summary: The Left has painted themselves blue with wode and are howling to Mother Earth to stop Trump from fixing the EPA. Find out why.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: March 11 & 12, 2017 | Myron Ebell & Dr. Tim Ball

About all you need to know about how terrified the Left is over what Donald Trump is going to do to the EPA can be summed up with the title of a recent article from The Hill: “Trump takes Hatchet to the EPA.”

Why the Left is so panicky is easy to explain: Trump threatens their money machine.

Stopping the EPA as the Left’s Slush Fund

News “broke” last week about the secret slush fund the Department of Justice had set up to fund Far Left, social justice groups like Black Lives Matter, La Raza, and others. We say “news ‘broke’ last week” because long-time listeners of I Spy know all about these kinds of slush funds—set up first under Bill Clinton and used extensively under Obama. (In case you don’t know about them, we discuss them with Myron Ebell.)

Can Trump Make the EPA Great Again?Many people have heard of sue and settle but it’s more than that. There is a whole host of funding mechanism where Progressives bleed off billions of dollars (yes, billions) from a bloated federal budget and give it to Far Left organizations. The EPA has been a major funding source for all things Far-Left (anti-industry) environmental, which will use these funds to elect Far Left politicians—who will then keep the tax-dollar spigot flowing.

But it’s not just money.

Stopping the EPA’s Job-Killing Regulations

We’ve said it before on I Spy: the difference between free-market health care and government-run health care is that in a free-market system, you’re a customer. But in government-run, socialized health care (i.e., Obamacare), you’re a liability.

In other words, you cost the govt money.

And because you cost the government money, they had a fiduciary duty — even the right — to tell you how to live your life. It’s why big-government politicians like Michael Bloomberg felt he had the right to tell people what size sodas they could have. It sounded trivial and micromanaging but overweight people cost the government more, because they’re typically less healthy and therefore more expensive. So in their minds it was their duty to force people to drink less sugary drinks. And they’re right. Because voters gave them that right when a duly-elected Democrat Congress passed Obamacare.

And here’s the rub: Healthcare is the Left’s means to control people. The Environment is how they control business and industry.

This Week’s Show: Dismantling the EPA

Tune in this week to I Spy Radio to hear Myron Ebell, the Director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and the chair of the Cooler Heads Coalition, a coalition of over two dozen non-profit groups in this country and abroad that question global warming alarmism and oppose energy rationing policies.

We’ll talk with Myron about the massive changes coming at the EPA, budgetary cuts, what they mean to Leftist funding, and the incredible turnaround for CEI—compared to where they last year.

Nearly a year ago, Myron’s organization, CEI, was being sued by a group of attorneys general—under the direction of the Obama administration.  CEI, along with Exxon-Mobil and other companies and non-profits, was being sued because they didn’t believe in the religion of Global Warming. This was a direct assault on free speech, and the Obama administration went so far as to use RICO laws, normally reserved for racketeering and the mafia.

Think of that. The Obama administration tried to use the power of the federal government to silence free speech.

We also talk with Dr. Tim Ball to get his thoughts on the Left’s funding streams, regulatory changes and their impact on industry and market forces, and the media as they attempt to derail President Trump’s “assault” on the EPA.

Speaking of, don’t miss why the media has always been a supporter of the powerful, going back all the way to the time of King George.

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