Show Summary: Our brains are hardwired for stories. Tune in this week to hear Dr. Lt. Col. Jim Huggins discuss how he creates stories as CEO of a film company—and how his management skills could lead to a happy ending for Oregon.
Support a local filmmaker! Be sure to check the Links & Info section at the bottom of the page on how to download or order Jim Huggins’ films.
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Original Air Dates: December 25th & 26th, 2021 | Guest: Jim Huggins
This week: Stories in the Making
It’s Christmas time. And that always makes us think about the Christmas story. So this week, we’re focusing on the importance of stories and storytelling. And, how this could lead to a happily ever after for Oregon.
Jim Huggins holds two doctorates, is an ordained pastor, has a master’s degree in engineering—and before that was a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Air Force. Now, he is the CEO, Producer, and Director of a successful film company, New Shepherd Films ( Could all that experience be just what Oregon needs?
Or we could just go on with reruns: keep electing the same people to office and somehow expect different results.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Links & Info
Jim Huggins’ film company is New Shepherd Films.
Their newest film, a Christmas story, is “The 211 House.” It can be streamed online or you can order the DVD direct from New Shepherd.
All of New Shepherd’s films can be streamed online through
The Eastwood Effect: Heroes Fighting for Freedom | Skarlatos & McEwen
Air Dates: July 18 & 19, 2020 | Alek Skarlatos & Scott McEwen
This Week: When it comes to American heroes, no one tells their stories better than Clint Eastwood. This week, we have two authors whose books have been made into movies directed by Clint Eastwood: Alek Skarlatos, who helped stop a terrorist on a Paris train. And Scott McEwen, who tells the story of Chris Kyle in American Sniper.
American Stories
There are a lot of American heroes. Some take major roles and go on to great things, leading the nation and shaping its destiny. There are the every day heroes, like our police and first responders. But there’s one thing in common: they always have help from often unsung heroes—every day people.
Carl Jung and other psychologists—most recently, Jordan Peterson—have observed that “our brains are hard-wired for stories.” It’s how we process and make sense of the world. You may have heard of Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces, often referred to as “the Hero’s Journey.” In it, he describes how the hero of stories across cultures all have tremendous similarities. Not just the heroes themselves but how the stories are structured. As part of the hero’s story, his or her journey, they have companions and encounters that help them along the way and to give them what they need to defeat the enemy.
Have you ever thought you are part of the story?
Alek Skarlatos: An American Hero
We start our show with Alek Skarlatos, the Republican candidate for Congressional District 4 in Southwest Oregon. This will be the first of a series of interviews with Alek over the next few months. In this first interview we want to get to know him, the man, and find out more about his life story and why he’s running for the CD4 seat. Especially now that his race has been deemed by Cook’s Analytics as one of the top races in the nation that is most likely to flip from Democrat to Republican. (Which we’re sure Peter Defazio is well aware of.)
With a tremendous fund-raising machine, that out raised Peter DeFazio by 3 to 1 in the second quarter this year, Alek has raised nearly a million dollars in that quarter alone. Whereas the 33-year incumbent, Defazio, only raised a little over $300 thousand.
The Right Man at the Right Time
With a lot of momentum on his side, Alek has also has a fascinating story. A story that he’ll talk about as one of three heroes who, on a Paris-bound train, stopped a terrorist killer. Clint Eastwood made their story into a movie and Alek talks about the experience of being in the film. He also discusses where he grew up, and why DeFazio may have out worn his welcome in his own district.
Alek Skarlatos saved lives that day on the train to Paris. Can he save Oregon’s 4th Congressional district from a career politician who has done nothing but watch as his district became the poorest district in the state?
Be sure to visit Alek’s website,, to keep up to date and donate to help him win
By helping Alek win, you can be part of his journey. And you can help give President Trump a House of Representatives that will support him, not attack everything he does. Imagine what we could get done. Real reforms for a better America.
Weapons for Heroes: Scott McEwen
Then we have bestselling author, Scott McEwen, who co-authored American Sniper, the story of Chris Kyle. The book and mo vie became a national and international success telling Chris’s story as America’s top sniper. Scott discusses what it meant to co-write the book with his friend Chris and what he learned from this American hero. A relationship that ended up telling one of the greatest American war stories by two men who loved their country.
And at a time when the military needed it most.
Strategies to Push Back against Tyrants
But we can’t have Scott on the show without asking him to wear his attorney hat because there have been some important developments in the ongoing government lockdowns that people might be able to use to stand up and fight back.
And so we ask him about some of the pushback that’s already starting to happen over mandatory mask orders and lock downs with this whole covid response. For example, the masks. Not to mention shutting down businesses based on false data. And of course, there’s the bad data.
Yes, hydroxychloroquine works. No, masks don’t work. See the links below for more
You’ll hear him discuss what he’s seen in California, and his feelings about the freedoms Americans have been asked to walk from. And here are the weapons: we talk about the potential lawsuits that might materialize because of recent studies that could lead to possible class-action suits against Democrat governors. Don’t miss his answers.
Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.
Links Mentioned
Alek Skarlatos’ campaign website for Oregon’s CD4 is
A 2006 study showed that reduction in blood oxygenation (hypoxia) and/or an elevation in blood C02 (hypercapnia) can create painful headaches for people required to wear masks all day
It should also be noted that people with asthma or hypotension are at a greater risk of stroke, cardiac arrest, or an irregular heartbeat when suffering from hypoxia.
Also, a report by trauma & emergency physician Dr. Kelly Victory, who said, “[T]here’s no scientific justification for normal healthy people to be wearing masks.”
“According to a protocol-based treatment algorithm, among hospitalized patients, use of hydroxychloroquine alone and in combination with azithromycin was associated with a significant reduction in-hospital mortality compared to not receiving hydroxychloroquine”
Caught red handed. “Florida Department of Health says some labs have not reported negative COVID-19 results” (via Fox35, Orlando, July 14, 2020)
In a shocking investigation, Florida state agencies inflated the number of covid cases by over 1,100%
Show Summary: Well, we tried to have a show about Christmas and the start of Advent but then Nancy Pelosi stepped to the mic. Why are Democrats so desperate to push a flailing impeachment? It’s like they’re worried about something. What could it be?
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Original Air Dates: Dec. 7 & 8, 2019 | Dallas Jenkins & James Hirsen
This Week: The nonsense of listening to non-witnesses who try to testify about what they didn’t hear, but were sure that what they didn’t hear was something that someone thought, continues.
We tried to take a break from that nonsense by recognizing the start of Advent—and at least we get halfway there. The first half our show, we welcome back Dallas Jenkins.
The Light Side: The Chosen
Mr. Jenkins is the director and producer for an incredible series The Chosen, the largest crowd-funded media project ever. Everyday people helped launch this incredible project to be a part of creating a series depicting Jesus and the everyday people He chose to be a part of his earthly ministry.
Download the free The Chosen app to watch all eight episodes for free! And help share it to people all around the globe. Available from iTunes or Google Play store.
We talk with Mr. Jenkins to get more insight into the series, which just launched episodes 5–8, his perceptions on the stories he chose for the series, and the new and exciting ways to watch and share it with people all around the globe. It’s a truly remarkable way to share Jesus’ message and life, right before Christmas.
The Dark Side: Impeachment
Impeachment: Democrats try to steal the presidency
Then, dark side. We’d planned to talk Christmas, movies, pop-culture and a little politics with our next guest, James Hirsen. But then just hours before our interview, Nancy Pelosi took to the mic and announced that—despite Wednesday’s disastrous hearings with the highly partisan testimonies from the Democrats’ “constitutional experts”—the Democrats were lurching forward to draft articles of impeachment.
So, instead of talking Christmas we tap into James Hirsen wearing his attorney hat, and his recent articles of why the Democrats really should not want the impeachment to head to the Senate. Mr. Hirsen walks us through his analysis of how they’re moving forward in spite of the reality of no evidence.
And don’t miss his discussion on how President Trump’s almost off-hand inquiry about Ukraine having the Crowd Strike server may have been what really set off the latest impeachment attempt and why. Where is the server and why hasn’t it been turned over? Or destroyed like so many other pieces of hardware that had evidence on the Democrats?
Democrats in power are probably a little nervous about that.
Podcast Version
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Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!
Show Summary: After the Holocaust, Jews and the rest of the world pledged “never again.” But a mere two generations later, Evelyn Markus had to flee the EU’s antisemitism for America—only to find antisemitism on the rise here too. What happened? And why?
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Original Air Dates: Nov 16 & 17, 2019 | Dr. Evelyn Markus
This Week: A look at the rise of “acceptable hate”: antisemitism. The world seems to have forgotten the Holocaust, because right now antisemitism is surging again in Europe. And lest you think this is merely “anti-Israel”, you need to know that Leftist politicians have been spotted in marches where shouts of “Hamas! Hamas! Jews to the gas!” have filled the streets.
How is this happening? And why?
Antisemitism: Big-Government Sponsored Hate
Big government demands conformity from its subjects. And uniformity. You must be part of the group and those outside the desired conformity, are labelled dissidents, and targeted for hate. And even removal. We’ve seen it before throughout history with the Holocaust but we’re seeing it again now in places like Hong Kong.
Surprisingly, we’re also seeing it from the Left right now in the EU and even right here in the U.S. It’s not just the Left’s embrace of socialism that’s worrying, it’s the fringe elements of hate: antisemitism. While not unique to the Left, hatred of Israel and, by extension, Jews, seems to have become almost mainstream within the Far Left.
This is deeply worrisome. Especially to someone whose parents lived through the Holocaust.
Why Antisemitism Matters
Because the rise of antisemitism gives rise to hate of all sorts. The snowball effect of hate spreads and it becomes mob hate – not just the hate of individuals but of hate directed to an entire race. The mob hate finds its way to those in power who begin to preach the politics of hate and the hatred of a race simply because of their existence.
This week, we’re pleased to welcome Dr. Evelyn Markus, an activist against antisemitism. An author and speaker, she is the hand behind Never Again is Now, a terrific film about not forgetting the lessons of the holocaust in the face of rising antisemitism in Europe and even right here at home
Never Again is Now
“Never Again is Now” is available on Amazon Prime
Dr. Markus’ parents lived through the worst of the politics of hate. After The Netherlands were conquered, the Jews—who had been welcomed and lived a quiet, wonderful life in The Netherlands—were targeted by the Nazis. Then, after what they thought were incidental acts of discrimination, the Jewish people realized too late that things were growing out of control. Forced to wear yellow stars affixed to their clothes and before long, entire families were loaded into trains without knowing where they were going. And it was too late to stop it.
And, cruelly, neighbors turned on neighbors. Even worse, collaborators turned in those in hiding or who might have escaped. Neighborhoods were emptied never to see many of their once friends, ever again.
Dr. Markus’ parents survived the Nazi occupation — miraculously escaping with their entire family intact when many of their friends had only a few family members survived or were wiped out altogether. Dr. Markus talks to us about her parents’ life, what it was like for them to go through it all, and the very real world of seeing how good people behaved when their lives were at stake. Some who you’d think would be brave crumbled, while others who hardly appeared destined for greatness, did great things.
Antisemitism on the Rise? Again?
But Dr. Markus’ story doesn’t end there. That’s really just the beginning. Her story is about her realization that—despite the shadow of WWII and so many personal stories of loss—that antisemitism was rearing its ugly head in Europe after 9/11. Things became so bad that she left Europe, only to realize it was spreading in her newly adopted homeland: the U.S.
Join us for a spellbinding look at the rise of hate. And what can be done, what must be done.
Podcast Version
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Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!
Is it Holland or Netherlands? Yes. Sometimes. Maybe. Both. (via
HUNDREDS of Orthodox Jews Chant “Four More Years!” at NYC Trump Fundraiser on Tuesday — Donate $5 Million to Reelection Campaign (Gateway Pundit, Nov 14, 2019)
Ans van Dijk – Jewish collaborator who betrayed 145 jews to the Nazis, including her own brother and his family. (via Wikipedia)
Show Summary: Storytelling is incredibly powerful. We’re hard-wired for it. Is that why the political Far Left, Facebook, Twitter, and Hollywood are all trying to censor the Right—especially Christians? (Jump to podcast…)
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Original Air Dates: Oct. 26th & 27th, 2019 | Dallas Jenkins & James Hirsen
This Week: There are many breaking news stories this week that center on the Flynn case and those who were in power that manipulated events, and then the messaging, to create illusions through storytelling techniques. It’s in the same vein of Disinformation, which we’ve recently covered. This week we take a break from all the breaking news of the Russian collusion hoax, except for one thing, how storytelling is usually won by the far-left.
Using Storytelling Techniques over Facts
People love a good story and if it’s presented well and is intriguing, it becomes believable. To the point that stories can become more believable (and certainly more memorable) than the reality.
Is this why mainstream media stories have taken on the fascination of a reality TV show? They’re staged with heroes and villains in ways that borrow from storytelling techniques to make their version of the story more believable than the facts themselves. Like Trump and Ukraine quid pro quo.
Hollywood: Epicenter of Storytelling
The political Left does this with far more skill than the Right. Hollywood certainly knows this with the billions they make off of storytelling. And that’s where they get you twice, because many times when news stories become too much reality TV, folks turn to “entertainment” as a way to escape—only to be listening to storytelling that often goes against their beliefs and values.
Hollywood has created a vacuum of messaging when Christians allowed the Far Left to take control and stopped going to movies (like who can blame them?), which allowed Hollywood to gravitate to their liberal counterparts in politics and the media.
Going over the Walls: The Chosen
But as in the story of David and Goliath, small nuggets of Christian storytelling continued to rise through the noise. And Christians are finding ways around the Hollywood paradigm. Enter Dallas Jenkins—director of the series, The Chosen—who raised $10 million dollars online, the largest amount ever from online crowd-sourcing for a film series.
The Chosen is a tremendous series about the life of Jesus told from a unique perspective. Staying out of Hollywood’s normal methods for creating and distributing a film, Mr. Jenkins went directly to the people, who in turn stood up to support this incredible project. And it paid off.
The Chosen: Breaking Down Barriers
With the funding he needed, Jenkins created a stunning series with all of the production value you’d see in even more expensive projects, like Amazon’s Jack Ryan series. Created as a multi-season series, the first four episodes are now free to view if you go to, where you can download it as an app, watch it on your laptop, or stream to your TV.
Tune in this week to hear what has made this series so successful and why, with hundreds of films and TV shows already out there about Jesus, theirs has been such a success.
Hirsen: Why Hollywood Targets Christians
Then we welcome back James Hirsen, who continues the discussion of the different ways filmmakers, that Hollywood studios don’t support, are using to get their storytelling into the mainstream. He discusses the shift in the way stories will reach consumers in this evolving technical world—and how the far-left has been able to maximize their hold on Hollywood, through culture and lifestyle.
Hollywood and The Left’s Censorship
But with all these fascinating stories and their end-around on Hollywood, there is a deeper movement by the Far Left to censor the political Right and especially Christians. Censorship is the new weapon in their attacks. We’ve already by Democrat candidates like Kamala Harris to actually censor the President of the United States from Twitter, (which would force him to use the Leftist media to try to talk to the American people.
Make no mistake. This is not mere “persuasion” attempts. This is a genuine effort to silence opposition of the Left. (See every socialist and communist nation ever.) And the Left and Hollywood are getting support for their censorship from an unlikely place.
Tune in to hear what happened when one director decided to push back.
Podcast Version
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Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!
Show Summary: After a decade of one-party rule (just like China!), Oregon is headed for a financial train wreck. From the disastrous Obamacare-Kitzcare deal to insurance companies fleeing the state to state agencies on a spending spree to counties going bankrupt. And despite this, one particular segment of health care has billions in profits—at taxpayer expense.
Air Dates: April 30 & May 1, 2016 | Lisa Lettenmaier & Scott Jorgensen
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Oregon is in a world of hurt thanks to Democrat policies. Brace yourself for the coming train wreck.
We start off by talking with Lisa Lettenmaier of Health Source NW. Lisa is our “in house” expert on the insurance industry and the broader aspects of health care. She has been following the disastrous (for consumers) roll-out of Obamacare and its ugly stepchild, Oregon’s Health Care Transformation.
Tune in to hear her shine the light on Oregon’s insurance industry and why customers can expect to see huge rate increases in the next year. There are some parts of the healthcare industry that are benefiting from Obamacare but it’s not the insurers as they face steeper and steeper declines in revenues. Oregon has lost two more insurers in Oregon and another one on a national level. Listen as we unpack the reasons they are leaving the state and what’s happening behind the scenes.
Oregon and Its Free-Spending Ways
Scott Jorgensen, the chief of staff for State Senator Whitsett, then joins us to share insights into the consequences of government attempting to push policies that force expensive programs (think Medicaid without federal funding).
The Oregon Democrat Leadership’s answer is to continue to raise taxes to pay for the spending spree. Ask most Oregon voters and they’ll tell you that by our own state constitution we’re supposed to have a balanced budget; which, to many, means we don’t spend more than we take in. Well, not under Democrat leadership. It’s “balanced” because we borrow huge amounts to make it balanced.
Tune in to hear how much every man, woman, and child—all 4 million of us—are on the hook for under this new model of funding Oregon’s government. And guess what? It’s only going to go up. Did you know we borrow money against Oregon Lottery Revenue? Talk about a gamble!
Show Summary: An exciting new movie is coming out: Climate Hustle, which destroys many of the sacred myths of the Global Warming Alarmists, like the whole 97% catch phrase. Plus, it’s no fiction—the Obama Administration wants to prosecute Global Warming Deniers. Except our guest has the evidence to turn the tables on Obama and his Nazi-like thought police.
Air Dates: Month 23 & 24, 2016 | Paul Driessen & Ron Arnold
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It’s not really “news” that Obama and his administration hate dissent. If you don’t think in the right way be prepared for the Attorney General’s minions to be knocking on your door, ready to lock you up. Ever heard of RICO? That’s the legal tool that Obama’s attorney general is asking the FBI to consider using to prosecute scientists and corporations who are “deniers” of global warming, aka climate change. Astounding. Except one of our guests has the goods on the Alarmists.
Sometimes, it’s hard to remember that it’s America in the 21st century and not 1930s Nazi Germany. Fortunately, we have some very brave patriots on the side of true science who are not going to stand for the treatment Obama’s administration is willing to dish.
Climate Hustle: the Movie
“Are they trying to control the climate… or you?”
Our first guest, Paul Driessen, is part of that has been leading the effort against the global warming alarmists and they have a new movie coming out: Climate Hustle. They go after the false notion (yet so oft repeated in the press) that 97% of scientists believe there is climate warming and much, much more.
The movie is a national, one-day release on May 2nd with many showings in Oregon (including Salem, Eugene, Portland and many other cities) and across the United States. Just go to to find theater locations and times. This is definitely a don’t-miss movie for all you global warming deniers out there!
Plus! We’ll be giving away some tickets, stay tuned for details — or send an email now to be sure to notified about the contest.
Obama to Unleash FBI on Global Warming Deniers?
Then our second guest, Ron Arnold, returns to I Spy Radio to give us the insights into the secret e-mails and documents he obtained that shows collusion by attorneys general offices, criminal manipulation by the State Department, and even the involvement of college professors who plan to “get” the global warming deniers.
Don’t miss this shocking interview with a behind-the-scenes peek at the Far-Left’s attempt to lock up people who refuse to buy into their agendas.
Climate Hustle will hit U.S. theaters on May 2, 2016! Check for showings near you (see the “buy tickets” tab for state-by-state listings)
Paul Driessen’s organization is – producer of Climate Hustle and a fantastic organization leading the fight against the Global Warming Alarmists
Ron Arnold is the premier writer on the Green Movement, including his pioneering work on the hidden funding of the environmental movement (his book, Undue Influence launched a Congressional investigation). See Ron Arnold’s Page on Amazon for links to all his books