Category: Culture

What’s Missing in Oregon? Good Leaders and Good Leadership

What’s Missing in Oregon? Good Leaders and Good Leadership

Show Summary: Good leaders don’t lead people off cliffs. As we learned last week, Oregon’s current leaders are leading Oregon off a financial cliff. And small businesses are about to get crushed. This week, we talk about good leadership: Trump’s successes and a Republican candidate for Oregon governor who hopes to make Oregon great again.

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11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande) | Live Feed
8:00AM Sunday: KWVR (Enterprise) | KWVR’s Tune In Live Feed
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass) | KAJO’s Live Feed

Original Air Dates: April 21 & 22, 2018 | Sam Carpenter & Ron Kessler

I Spy Radio Welcomes Wallowa County!

Before we get to this week’s show, a special shout-out to listeners in Wallowa County! We’re pleased to now be airing on KWVR in Enterprise OR, our newest addition to the I Spy Radio network.  We’ll be airing on KWVR from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Sundays.

For those of you who aren’t in Wallowa County, but who listen to our show via the internet, note that KWVR streams live, which gives you another option of when to listen.

This Week:  we will be following up on last week’s conversation about Oregon’s economic woes with Jonathan Williams of ALEC. Our conversation with Jonathan was a real eye opener on how Oregon’s current leadership is about to punish small businesses. We move from last week’s diagnostics to some actual remedies this week with guest, business owner and consultant, Sam Carpenter.

Sam Carpenter for Oregon's governor
I Spy Radio interviews Sam Carpenter who is running for Oregon’s governor

Sam is one of the Republican candidates for Oregon governor. A successful businessman himself, he is also a consultant and turnaround specialist. He has helped over 200 companies find their own path to prosperity.  Sam is hired to identify the problems and then design the way for the company to correct them and get back to prosperity.  And that’s just what he wants to do for Oregon—fix the economic problems.

And with Kate Brown’s “leadership,” we have a ton of problems.

Oregon governor Kate Brown and the Salem Democrats made Oregon a sanctuary state. Have you signed the petition yet? Your signature can help get it on the ballot so voters can decide. Head to Just print, sign, mail. Do it today!

Oregon Democrat’s Punish Small Business Tax becomes law

We talk to Sam about three major problems that he would face from Day One of taking the reins in Oregon and start to immediately change our direction.  Sam talks to us about what we’ve termed The Punish Small Business Tax (SB 1528) that Kate already signed into law and how devastating it will be for small business.

And we talk about PERS. Especially the lack of good information to even know how much in debt we truly are, with some saying $25 billion, others say $50 billion, and still other reliable estimates that put it up to $100 and even as high as $200 billion.  Who’s right?

Crush Small Businesses Part II: The Internet Sales Tax

We also talk with Sam about the little known Internet Sales Tax that the Supreme Court heard this week. Governor Kate Brown’s Attorney General signed an Amicus Brief in support of yet another punishing blow to Oregon’s small businesses.  If it stands, it will mean that business owners in Oregon, which has no sales tax of its own (yet), will be forced to collect tax for over 12,000 taxing jurisdictions—in other states.

Why exactly did Oregon’s Attorney General sign onto this idea…?

Ron Kessler on the Trump White House

The Trump White House: Changing the Rules of the Game by Ron KesslerNext, we turn to NY Times bestselling author, Ronald Kessler, with his new book The Trump White House: Changing the Rules of the GameRon has authored over 20 books investigating life in Washington D. C., from Presidents to the CIA and the FBI  Ron has also been a friend of President Trump for years and gives us insights into the personality, mindset, and life of our President.  Including the surprising role of Melania.

Tune in to hear how Trump looks at people, and how he determines whom to hire and why.  We also talk to him about the FBI and the Deep State, Jeff Sessions’ and Rod Rosenstein’s job security, and how President Trump finds the energy to keep fighting the good fight.

Podcast Version

Links & Additional Information

Sam Carpenter (Segments 1–3)

Ron Kessler (Segments 4–6)

Liberal Hypocrisy: Facebook & Guns | Plus Trump’s Real Strategy in China

Liberal Hypocrisy: Facebook & Guns | Plus Trump’s Real Strategy in China

Show Summary: Hollywood liberal hypocrisy. Celebrities wouldn’t have any standards if they didn’t have double standards, whether it’s about guns or Facebook. Another law Obama broke. Plus, Trump’s real strategy in China. We talk with two bestselling authors, James Hirsen (Tales from the Left Coast) and Scott McEwen (co-author of American Sniper).

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All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: April 7 & 8, 2018 | James Hirsen & Scott McEwen

What do all slaves, since the beginning of human history have in common?

Well, you’ll have to tune in to find out the answer to that one.

But what do all Liberals have in common? Hypocrisy of course. Liberal hypocrisy is rooted in their subjective reasoning. It’s not “murder” if it’s the unborn. It’s not “breaking the law” if it’s illegal immigrants coming here to take advantage of America’s generosity.

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James Hirsen on Liberal Hypocrisy

James Hirsen is a NT Times bestselling author (Tales from the Left Coast), international business attorney and commentator on all things Hollywood. He’s also a frequent guest on I Spy Radio.

Liberal hypocrisy is always apparent (except to them) but no more so than in the recent Facebook scandal and the anti-gun “March for our lives” protest. Why?

There is no why. It’s just the bottomless barrel of liberal hypocrisy of course.

Liberals and Hollywood celebrities are fleeing Facebook. And shrieking at Mark Zuckerburg as they slam the door behind them.Why? Because Facebook sold data on 87 million users to Cambridge Analytica who bought it for the  Trump campaign. Gasp!

Liberal hypocrisy. Ban everything. Ban America!You’ve probably heard elsewhere that Liberals were perfectly okay with Facebook giving Obama access to data—and the Liberals even praised Obama for being oh-so-clever. But not just 87 million users. Facebook gave away data on 190 million users.

Did you know Obama and Facebook may have actually broken a law by doing this? (Don’t hold your breath about the DOJ going after either of them.)

And then there’s guns. The Hollywood liberals—who make their millions selling movies about guns, using guns, shooting guns, and making it all look cool—took to the streets to march for gun confiscation — while surrounded by armed guards.

Trump Strategy on China

Up next, it’s bestselling author, Scott McEwen (co-author of American Sniper) on some international issues. We’ll talk over some strategic war games being played out on the world stage — not so much militarily but economically as well.

Remember: economics IS warfare. Scott has some surprising insights into what Trump is doing with China and why.

Scott lives on the border in San Diego. What’s he think of the horde of illegal immigrants marching their way through Mexico?

Scott’s fans will also want to hear the updates on his upcoming movie. And some updates on two new books that will be released this year  which have already been optioned for movies.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned


The Real Depth of the Deep State

The Real Depth of the Deep State

Show Summary: Most of us now know about the Deep State. But few realize just how deep the Deep State is. We talk with Dr. Jerome Corsi about what Trump is truly up against. Plus, rock star Ted Nugent, a superstar defender of the Second Amendment on Oregon’s war on guns. And what’s the difference between Patriots and the Deep State anyway?

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7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: March 24 & 25, 2018 | Jerome Corsi & Ted Nugent

This Week:  We are in a constant state of war. If you heard last week’s show with a former jihadist, you know there are many forces trying to destroy it from within and without.  It’s a constant barrage against our way of life and the belief of our inalienable rights to freedom. The freedom given to us by our maker and reflected in our 1st and 2nd Amendments.

When it comes to threats to our country, we think of military threats. Countries building up their militaries and nuclear powers.

But there are also hidden threats. Hidden right in our midst.

The Depths of the Deep State

For decades, we’ve had the invisible and sinister attempts to destroy our freedoms by people working within our government agencies to form the Deep State, who go undetected as they dig deeply into our systems with loyalty to themselves and to the government, not the people.  The Deep State will lash out and oppose anyone who wants to deprive the government of power or anyone who wants to return power to citizens.

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Fortunately, our country has many patriots who are rooted in our Constitutional rights and work feverishly in preserving them for all Americans. This week I Spy is honored to have two of those Patriots on our show.

Jerome Corsi: Killing the Deep State

First up we are joined by Dr. Jerome Corsi author of many bestsellers including Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry and Obama Nation. Now, Dr. Corsi has a new book out Killing the Deep State: A Fight to Save President Trump.

Tune in to hear just how deep the roots go in agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and EPA. You’ll hear how those and other agencies are tied to gaining power to destroy America and leave us helpless to fight off their silent coup—and the lengths they’ll go to sabotage President Trump.

Is Jeff Sessions incompetent? Or a lurking menace about to strike the Deep State?

Do members of the Deep State see themselves as patriots?

Ted Nugent: Second Amendment Superstar

Then we’re joined by 1st and 2nd Amendment advocate, and rock star, Ted Nugent.  We talk to him about Oregon’s new gun control laws as he calls out to voters to show up for the governor’s election to turn this state red.  Ted Nugent adds the energy and commitment as he discusses why we can win back our gun rights while reversing draconian legislation approved by far-left Kate Brown.  And in doing so we have a chance to make this state red — and get us into the black.

Stop Oregon Sanctuaries

A handful of lawmakers and Democrat Governor Kate Brown, have turned Oregon into a sanctuary state. Shouldn’t Oregon voters get to decide? You can help get it on the ballot. Head to Print, sign, and mail. It’s that simple.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Jerome Corsi (Segments 1 – 4)

Ted Nugent (Segments 5 & 6)

The Second Scenario

The Second Scenario

Show Summary: There was collusion in our election—but it wasn’t Trump, it wasn’t just Russia and it wasn’t just 2016. Tune in to hear the evidence of who was doing the conspiring and why.

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Never miss a show! All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Original Air Dates: Dec. 2 & 3, 2017 | Kevin Freeman

This Week: When have you last heard a progressive say “I want America to win”?  And if they say it what have they described that America would look like?  Well, this week we’re looking into that description, what it was, when it was used, and who used it.  Interestingly, the Carnegie Foundation wrote a report that gave us three scenarios of how we could measure the US’s relationship with China: China winning, America winning, or a draw. And even though it was written in 2013, long before President Trump announced his candidacy, the scenarios unintentionally summarized what the United States would look like under a President Trump versus what President Obama was doing.

Actual Collusion

Don’t miss this fascinating, free-ranging discussion with guest, Kevin Freeman, one of the world’s leading authority on cyber security. We head into directions the main stream media does not want to —and refuses to—report on. We start on trade, mix in technology, and uncover deliberate sabotage.

Here’s a hint: it’s not just Russia. And it’s home-grown.

We break down how certain relationships, such as with Russia, were allowed that corrupted our election and why it was important to Russia to sabotage the election. No, not the 2016 election. The 2008 election. Tune in to find out who else was involved. And the collusion goes back even further than 2008, right back to the 1980s.

The Democrats' Russian collusion delusion. The Democrats' Russian collusion delusion. It's all an illusion.
The Democrat collusion delusion. It’s all an illusion.

It’s not just interfering in our elections but tampering with our financial markets. Listen in to hear how, intentionally or not, President Obama weakened the US by turning his back on financial markets—and turned a blind eye to actual interference. Don’t miss the evidence after evidence of the sabotaging of America—from within. And a lot of people lined their pockets as they corrupted their country and sold their souls to other countries.

Buckle up and hold tight.  This is a show you don’t want to miss.

Exciting News!

Right now, volunteers in Oregon are working overtime to try and stop the taxpayer funding of this ugly new abortion law. As Students for Life head home on Christmas break, they’ll be bringing petitions with them to gather signatures to help stop the funding. Also, we’re pleased to announce that is bringing out Mike Huckabee in late January (20th and 21st) to help with the signature gathering effort. So far, we can confirm he’ll be speaking in Portland, Salem, and Medford. Stay tuned for more details on locations and times!

Head here for the news so far and how to get updates 

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Protect yourself and your family! Order Kevin’s books in the I Spy Radio Store — give the gift of knowledge this Christmas!

Related Articles

Liberal Exploitation: Hollywood’s Sexual Predators and the Court System

Liberal Exploitation: Hollywood’s Sexual Predators and the Court System

Show Summary: The scandals in Hollywood reveal the dark immorality of the Left and their insatiable need for power. James Hirsen updates us on the Weinstien and other scandals and how they are just the tip of the iceberg. The long-rumored pedophilia rings is next. Donna Brazile’s exposes Hillary’s manipulations. And Dr. Tim Ball on his legal battles as he fights the Left’s misuse of the legal system to punish dissent and freedom of speech.

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Never Miss a Show! All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Nov 4  & 5, 2017 | James Hirsen & Dr. Tim Ball

This Week: Two of the big stories this week have been about corruption and the immorality of the Left: Hollywood’s and Hillary’s.  Both stories look into the mindset of cultural hypocrites of the worst kind. They claim to be champions of freedom and democracy but out of the eye of the public, they do whatever they can to shut up their victims with threats and intimidation.

Many of us outside of Hollywood suspected what was going on but now there’s evidence. And it’s deeper than we feared.

Hollywood especially lives a lifestyle they know is so repugnant to many that it can’t be exposed in the light of day.  So in darkness they tread on their victims’ rights, collude with any enemy who will live with them in that darkness, and then act shocked if and when they’re caught.  We’ve seen this week more and more victims come forward who were intimidated into silence by the powerful in Hollywood.

Hillary is the political expression of the rot in Hollywood and is the perfect example of the immorality of the Left. With a new scandal breaking every week, we’re witnessing Hillary’s behind-the-scenes manipulations. It’s an infection that’s spread through the ideology of the Left: use power to destroy your enemies. It threatens all of us when their power takes over the institutions we trust to protect us.

To really look at Hollywood we call on James Hirsen, who has been a conservative observing what goes on in Hollywood.  Mr. Hirsen not only discusses the despicable culture of the Harvey Weinstein’s but really gets into a deeper look at how this dark culture has grown and spread in our society.  It’s very clear why conservatives, and especially Christian conservatives, are not welcomed there, because those living in darkness don’t want any light shining on their secret lives.  We see this living out in the types of movies being made, and who the Hollywood crowd hangs around with — and supports politically.  That’s why we’ll also talk with James about Donna Brazile revealing of Hillary’s corruption and takeover of the DNC. Tune in to hear how damaging this culture has been and could continue to be on our way of life.

Then we talk with Dr. Tim Ball, who is an example of the ideological Left uses the law to try to destroy their enemies. He shares with us how he is fighting off not one but three lawsuits he’s been battling. He’s been sued by government-funded climatologists for such things as defamation—merely because he disagrees with their conclusions.  You’ll hear how a culture, like the green movement, has tried to use the courts not to protect, but to destroy. Imagine if Hillary had continued the efforts of the Obama administration to use the legal system to silence anyone who disagrees with them.

The Left hides behind the powerful. The Goliaths. And they hide in his shadow. But the good news is that with the light shining on them, the army of darkness will turn and run. Join us this week for a view of the battlefield.

Podcast Version

Related Links

  • A great example of what happens on Hollywood’s sets: “Dustin Hoffman Sexually Harassed Me When I Was 17” (Hollywood Reporter, Nov 1, 2017)
  • It’s no wonder people are trapped & how the Left uses the legal system to trap people: “The aggressive confidentiality agreements put into place by A-listers like Leonardo DiCaprio that protect their ‘personal safety, well-being and business’ against employees” (Daily Mail, Oct 31, 2017)
  • New Republic Publisher, Documentary Producer Hamilton Fish Suspended for Harassment Allegations (Breitbart, Oct 31, 2017)
  • Report: Andy Dick Fired from Movie after Allegations of Sexual Harassment on Set (Breitbart, Oct 31, 2017)
  • Actor Jeremy Piven Accused of Sexual Assault by Reality TV Star (Update) (Breitbart, Oct 31, 2017)
  • Former ‘Bachelor’ Producer Sues Warner Bros. For Sexual Harassment (Breitbart, Oct 31, 2017)
  • New Spacey accusations fly as Netflix suspends ‘House of Cards’ (AFP, Nov 1, 2017)
  • Behind Amazon Studios’ Executive Purge as New Details Emerge (Hollywood Reporter, Nov 1, 2017)
  • Panic Hits Hollywood and Media Elite: Which Harasser Will Be Outed Next? (Hollywood Reporter, Nov 1, 2017)
  • Six women accuse filmmaker Brett Ratner of sexual harassment or misconduct (Los Angeles, Nov 1, 2017)
  • Hollywood pedophilia: “Dr. Oz convinces the former child star to report the alleged predators to LAPD” (Daily Mail, Nov 2, 2017)
  • Old Vic actors and former staff accuse theatre of turning a blind eye as Kevin Spacey ‘groped men many times’ during his 11 years as artistic director (Daily Mail, Nov 2, 2017)

Related Links for Tim Ball

What the NFL Protests Reveal about a Deeper Problem

What the NFL Protests Reveal about a Deeper Problem

Show Summary: How is it that millionaires are claiming inequality in America? What the NFL protests reveal about much deeper problems in the Black community. Hint: it’s not about “social justice.”

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Month 21 & 22, 2017 | Burgess Owens

This Week: As is the case in many situations the NFL taking a knee is really only showing us the tip of the iceberg.  Filled with a large population of black players who are being paid millions, we’re witnessing a culture and community that is blowing itself up.  Ratings are drastically falling as Commissioner Goodell is attempting to walk a very thin line between players and fans who are angry over players disrespecting our flag.  Over disrespecting our nation.

Burgess Owens book is a good read to understand the NFL protestsI Spy Radio is pleased to welcome back former NFL star and Super Bowl Champion, Burgess Owens. He is also the author of Liberalism: Or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies, and Wimps.

Through Burgess’ understanding of who has hijacked the Black community many decades ago, this week on I Spy Radio we will look into the players and what they’ve been taught that is finally coming out in a very public way.  But it doesn’t just stop at the players.  We walk through a whole culture that has lost its way as those who want to destroy our beliefs and love of country make their move through these young players. And Colin Kaepernick, a troubled person, is the example that demonstrates how and why this is happening.

pre-engineered steel building Landmark Pacific for wineries, agricultural, business, churches, and more
Sponsor: Wineries, churches, business, or agricultural… Need a steel building? Visit Landmark Pacific

Be sure to visit One Heart Project to learn more about solutions and sign the petition at Stop the Funding to stop Oregon from using taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions

Listen to find who’s behind the deep roots in a culture that has taken a toll on one of our nation’s most revered and loved sports by influencing our youth in black communities.  And don’t miss Burgess’s explanation of what needs to happen to change the culture, and what we all can do to help.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned & Further Reading


New Questions: Las Vegas Shooter and Police Response

New Questions: Las Vegas Shooter and Police Response

Show Summary: A lot of questions still remain about the mass killing in Las Vegas. Not least of these are questions about the Las Vegas shooting police investigation itself—especially questions about the new timeline. Why such significant changes? We talk with law enforcement expert, Doug Wyllie, to analyze the process of the investigation, including how information is gathered along with how and when it is released to the public.

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We also talk with NY Times bestselling author, David T. Hardy, about his just-released book, I’m from the Government and I’m here to Kill You: The The True Human Cost of Official Negligence . Why aren’t government officials held accountable? Why can’t they be held accountable.

All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Oct. 14 & 15, 2017 | Doug Wyllie & David T. Hardy

Doug Wyllie: Las Vegas Shooting Police Investigation

In the immediate aftermath of the killing in Vegas, the authorities seemed fairly sure of two things. The timeline of the shooting and the FBI was certain the shooter had no ties to terrorism. Which was odd because they were also certain they knew practically nothing about him. Except that he wasn’t a terrorist.

If you heard last week’s I Spy Radio show, “The Las Vegas Shooting — Former Jihadist Reveals what FBI & Media are Ignoring,” you know there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that the FBI and law enforcement ought to be looking at that could show ties to terrorism. And isn’t the goal to prevent these from happening again? So why ignore possible ties? As Kamal pointed out, you don’t have to be a member of ISIS—or even a be a Muslim—to receive support and training from ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, or any Islamic terrorist group.

As we also pointed out last week, the FBI’s logical inconsistency (we know nothing at all about him but we’re sure he’s not a terrorist) raises questions about the FBI and about the investigation. Why would they do that?

To help us better understand the Las Vegas shooting police investigation, we turn to Doug Wyllie, the editor-at-large of PoliceOne, the most comprehensive and trusted online destination for law enforcement agencies and police departments worldwide.

To be clear, We’re not being critical of local law enforcement, we just want to analyze and better understand the process, especially when it comes to communications and releasing information to the public. Especially about the new and revised timeline for the Las Vegas shooting.

There is a huge difference between a security guard interrupting the shooting and a security guard showing up before it ever even started. Not least of which because it raises an entirely new question: why did he stop shooting?

Be sure to visit They have some great articles for law enforcement article and for civilians, like what can and should you do during a mass shooting? See the links and resource section below for just a few of the more timely ones.

David Hardy: Why is Government Never Accountable?

Here at I Spy Radio, our tagline is “Keeping an eye on big government.” And pretty much since day one we’ve wondered why is it that some government bureaucrat can completely screw up — but never be held accountable. In the private sector, if you waste a billion dollars you’d probably get fired. In government, you’re promoted. What the…?

Except it’s worse than overspending. Way worse.

It turns out our government has not only wastefully spent our tax dollars, got us deeply into debt, created massive programs that fail time and again but they have actually killed people. In some cases, outright murder. And yet those responsible didn’t even see jail time.

Our second guest, NY Times bestselling author, David T. Hardy, has a new book out, I’m from the Government and I’m here to Kill You: The The True Human Cost of Official Negligence . We get his thoughts on the government officials and the FBI handling the Las Vegas shooting police investigation. He outlines not only why government officials aren’t held accountable but why can’t they be held accountable.

Think about that. Our government bureaucrats have set up the court systems to legally shield themselves from responsibility—no matter how irresponsible they are.

We now have a government of the people and for the people, just not responsible to the people.

But there are some solutions. Tune in to find out what.

Podcast Version

Links & Resources

Spotlighted PoliceOne articles

Learn more about active shooter Preparedness and Response

Here are some other articles from PoliceOne on active shooter response.

Additional Links & Resources


7th Annual Fourth of July Show – The First 50 Years

7th Annual Fourth of July Show – The First 50 Years

Show Summary: It’s I Spy’s Seventh Annual Fourth of July Show! This year, we’re looking at the first 50 years of America, when we nearly didn’t survive. Tune in to hear what was tearing us apart and why we came back together.

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Did you miss the Show? You can download the podcast but you should go here to find out when, where, and how to listen so you don’t miss the next.

Air Dates: July 1 & 2, 2017 | Greg Leo

Hot dogs, apple pie, picnics, fireworks! What a great time of the year. And once again we’re joined by Greg Leo (, I Spy’s “in house” historian, for our annual Fourth of July Show.

On last year’s annual Fourth of July show, we talked about the English Civil War and America’s first big milestone, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1826 and all the festivities for the jubilee.  This year, we’re taking a closer look at those fifty years in between.

American Revolution War vet, Lemuel Cook. Enlisted in 1781 at age 16. He served at the Battle of Brandywine and was present at the Surrender at Yorktown.
American Revolution War vet, Lemuel Cook. Enlisted in 1781 at age 16. He served at the Battle of Brandywine and was present at the Surrender at Yorktown.

Like today, there was a lot of disunity in America.  Having fought two wars with the strongest nation in the world, America was being pulled apart by the War of 1812 and many states weren’t on board with disenfranchising themselves from England. There were secret political meetings to undermine the President. And just like today, there was also a fierce battle going on between the two political parties, the Federalists and the Republicans.  One wanted to grow the federal government while the other wanted it to shrink.

Tune in to find out how and why America prevailed and how the second and third generations of the Revolution managed to keep alive the most extraordinary experiment of self-governance — the American Republic.  And don’t miss the last letter Thomas Jefferson ever wrote, as his poor health forced him to decline an invitation to attend the 50th Jubilee, that for one last time clearly and poignantly expressed the heart and soul of the Declaration of Independence.

Join us to celebrate July 4th, our Independence Day!

Fun Stuff for the Fourth of July

Links and Research

  • Terrific article on the 50th Anniversary celebration, July 4 in 1826 (American Heritage)
  • Respected Sir” — the last letter of Thomas Jefferson, declining the invitation to the 50th Anniversary celebration
  • The Spirit of ‘76 (Washington Free Beacon)
  • The Fourth of July, birth of Independence Day, early Fourth of July celebrations, and more from the History Channel
  • More on the “Era of Good Feelings” during the Monroe era
  • List of battles during the American Revolution
  • Yes, it’s Wikipedia but a good article on the events leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence
  • The Olive Branch Petition articles here (“Revolutionary War and Beyond,” an independent history site), here (History Channel), and here (Wikipedia)
  • Read John Adams’ letter that was intercepted and leaked that spoiled the Olive Branch Petition
  • Greg’s company is the Leo Company and can be found here
The Real Location of the Jewish Temple

The Real Location of the Jewish Temple

Show Summary: Tradition and preconceived notions are hard to overcome. And nowhere is this more true than Jerusalem and the location of the Jewish Temple — the one built by Solomon and later rebuilt and expanded by Herod. Scholars and centuries of tradition say the location of the Jewish Temple was the Temple Mount where the Dome of the Rock stands. What if they’re all wrong?

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: April 8 & 9, 2017 | David Sielaff

We’re joined this week by David Sielaff, the Director of the  Associates for Scriptural Knowledge (ASK). They were founded by Dr. Ernest L Martin, who was one of the leading proponents of the true site of the Jewish Temple being located in the original City of David. Dr Martin was the author of The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot.

Whether it’s politics or or the media or academia or even religion, each of these have their “experts.” And the experts are right and everyone else is wrong. Or at least not as right. And there is an incredible amount of arrogance that comes with that puffed up sense of self, which in turn creates a mental roadblock that prevents experts from seeing alternate possibilities.

Location of the Jewish Temple: The rock under the Dome of the Rock
The rock under the Dome of the Rock. Does this look like a threshing floor to you?
The Bible says the location of the Jewish Temple was over a threshing floor. This is what a threshing floor looks like
An actual ancient threshing floor. What David bought would have looked something like this.

Take the original location of the Jewish Temple. The one built by Solomon and then later rebuilt and greatly expanded by Herod the Great. The Bible says that King David bought some property on which to build the Temple: the threshing floor floor of a Jebusite (the Jebusites had settled Jerusalem before David conquered it). Centuries of tradition place it on the so called “Temple Mount” where the Dome of the Rock now stands.

But threshing floors were flat. And smooth. Because farmers would use shovels and rakes to toss the grain up into the air to separate the grain from the chaff, you’d want a smooth surface to make the shoveling part easier. Look at the pictures here. Does the rock under the Dome look at all like it could have been a threshing floor?

Location of the Jewish Temple

The Jews would like to rebuild their Temple. But the Dome blocks them from doing so because the Dome of the Rock is the third holiest site in Islam and tearing it down would start the third world war.

But what if all those experts are wrong? What if the original location of the Jewish temple wasn’t on the Dome of the Rock at all?

Tune in this week to find out why all those “experts” could be incredibly wrong—and just think what that means for the Jewish people.

Links Mentioned

  • David Sielaff’s organization: Associates for Scriptural Knowledge – There is a ton of good information here not only on the location of the Jewish Temple but lots more on the intertwining of history, science, and scripture


Arguments supporting original location of the Jewish Temple (not on so-called “Temple Mount”)

Academics’ Advocate

Just for Fun



Congress Fails Again | Obamacare Repeal and Security Oversight

Congress Fails Again | Obamacare Repeal and Security Oversight

Show Summary: You’d think with its recent record, the notion of “Congress fails again” should be no surprise. And yet they failed on their biggest campaign promise from the last seven years: Repeal Obamacare and replace it. They are also failing on oversight of the intelligence community, since it turns out Trump was right: the Obama administration was spying on him. Fortunately, we had no faith in Congress to do what it said so for this week, we look at the merits of the Obamacare replacement plans, not whether it would pass. We also take a look at the attack in London and the espionage of President Trump.

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Air Dates: March 25 & 26, 2017 | Lisa Lettenmaier & Scott McEwen

When it comes to healthcare and Obamacare, a lot of people mix the two together. You’ll hear pundits talk about “fixing Obamacare” when what they really mean is we need to fix the healthcare industry. Obamacare is how we pay for healthcare. Mostly. Because it also impacts how healthcare is administered, which impacts the amount and quality of the medical care a patient receives.

This week, we are talking about healthcare financing—in other words, Obamacare—and how it impacts insurance. We talk with Lisa Lettenmaier who discusses how we pay for healthcare, the impact it has on the healthcare industry, and how it could potentially be repaired.

We start off by discussing how the new Ryan legislation attempts to repeal Obamacare, to  get us out from under the mandates and expenses Obamacare created.  Heavy-handed government interference has changed the way we receive and pay for our healthcare but how hard is it to untie all of the tangles Obamacare has added to our healthcare industry?  We discuss the good and the bad of what is being proposed and what we should expect in the near future. Lisa walks us through a lot of the different pieces of this confusing challenge to repeal Obamacare.

In our second half, we talk with bestselling author, Scott McEwen (American Sniper), about the recent London terrorist attack and security concerns arising out of the insane PC culture that is Britain.

We also talk about Sen. Nunes’s revelations of the Trump surveillance that sounds like government agencies did in fact electronically trap private conversations among the Trump team.

If true, US government agencies used the weight and power of the government to listen in on, and spy on, a political opponent of the then-President. And don’t miss Scott’s shocking insights into why Nunes may have publically come forward with the initial information.

Move over Nixon. Obama just made you look like a regular putz.

Links Mentioned

Lisa Lettenmaier (Segments 1–3)

Scott McEwen (Segments 4–6)