Category: Culture

Canada’s Experiment with Socialism (Part 2 of the Allure of Socialism)

Canada’s Experiment with Socialism (Part 2 of the Allure of Socialism)

Air Dates: Feb 27 & 28, 2016 | Dr. Tim Ball

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I Spy Radio continues to do what the Republicans ought to be doing: focusing on the Democrats. Especially their lurch toward outright Socialism. With either winner, the Democrats will have a socialist as their nominee. It will either be Bernie Sanders, who is an avowed socialist, or Hillary Clinton, an Undeclared Socialist.

With socialism being around as long as it has, there’s still the myth in every generation who thinks, “But this time it will work!”  Even though it has had resounding failures wherever it’s been tried.  Folks like Bernie and Hillary points to countries like Sweden or Finland as examples of “success.”

What they fail to mention is that Sweden or Finland are only becoming more successful because they purposely moved away from socialism to adopt more elements of capitalism.

Denmarks-socialismThink of it like a balance or teeter totter; whenever you give government all the rights, and therefore your decisions, you’re taking the rights and decisions away from the individual.  The reverse, freedom, is also true. By giving affirming the rights of the individual, it takes power away from the government.  So, the notion that you can somehow give away all of your rights and control over to government while still retaining personal freedom is a logical inconsistency.

The myth of socialism still hangs on

So to prove our point of why it can’t work, we go back to Canada and talk with Dr. Tim Ball and find out the realities of living in a socialistic country.  Listen as Dr. Ball talks about his personal experiences living in socialized Canada, including the loss of freedoms, opening a new business in a socialist country, and living in the so-called “ideal” (socialized) health care system.

What you’ll learn is this: If Canada is Bernie’s and Hillary’s “utopia,” they can keep it.

Relevant Links

Dr. Tim Ball’s books:

  • Slaying the Sky Dragon: The Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory
  • Human Caused Global Warming: The Biggest Deception in History
  • and The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science.


Cultural Jihad – Radical Islam’s attack on Christianity and America

Cultural Jihad – Radical Islam’s attack on Christianity and America

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Summary: Cultural jihad is the Muslim tactic of infiltration and subterfuge; of pretending to be friends while destroying from within. It is a serious and very real threat to America and our American culture. If you’ve ever wondered why hatred is on the rise in America—especially disdain for Christianity and our Judeo-Christian heritage, this is why. On this episode of I Spy Radio, we talk with a former cultural jihadist who explains tactics and methods, destroys the notion of “Islam is a religion of peace”, as well as the difference in his life since converting to Christianity.

Original Air Dates: December 19 & 20, 2015 | Kamal Saleem

On this week’s show we welcome back former jihadist, Kamal Saleem. Kamal had been trained from an early age to wage “cultural jihad,” and after successful operations in Europe, he received a commission from a Saudi Prince to go to America as an operative in the 1980s with the mission of helping to destroy America from within.

Winston Churchhill understood cultural jihad - "The religion of Islam above all others was founded upon the sword…"
“The religion of Islam above all others was founded upon the sword… “

But Kamal left his former religion of radical Islam and found faith and new peace when he turned his life over to Christ. He is now the president of Koome Ministries and has made it his new mission to awaken Americans to the very real danger posed by Islam.

Now as a Christian who understands the radical Islam’s inner workings, mindset, and the trainings of Muslim terrorists, his new mission is to reach out to Muslims to teach them the love of Christ, as well as to warn Christians and Jews about the Islamic enemy that has come to our shore to wage war against us.

cultrual jihad, a real and sinister threat to America. Watch this incredible video of one former cultural jihadist
A former cultural jihadist – watch the incredible video of Kamal’s journey

In this show you’ll learn:

  • Insights of the San Bernardino shootings
  • Tactics used by Muslim jihadists — whether cultural or military Jihad
  • The other forms of Jihad currently being waged here in the US
  • How radical Islam terrorist cells operate
  • Why there is such a huge divide right now in our country and how it is being orchestrated
  • The Islamic principle of taqiyya (and other means of deception)
  • The differences between Islam and Christianity and what the Christmas Season means to him now

We also ask Kamal for his thoughts on whether Obama is a Christian or a Muslim —and the tell-tale signs of how to know for sure.

Links Mentioned


Illegal Immigration, Paris Attacks, and Amnesty Supporters

Illegal Immigration, Paris Attacks, and Amnesty Supporters

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Air Dates: Nov 21 & 22, 2015 | William Gheen (President of ALIPAC)

When, Where, & How to Listen

Paris Attacks and Illegal Immigration – An End to Amnesty?

Pro-amnesty and pro-illegal-immigrant factions want to make the issues of borders and immigration about race or discrimination and “diversity.” But borders are about unity, not discrimination. They are an agreement about who should be here—because they want to be Americans, because they share our vision of the future. America is not great because of diversity; it is great because diverse people came with a unity of purpose.

Sadly, there is probably no policy that Washington DC has managed to mess up more than immigration. Which, considering DC’s track record, is a rather dubious accomplishment in and of itself.

In any event, the issue of immigration, which began to heat up with Donald Trump’s “build a wall and make Mexico pay for it” early in the presidential race, has now reached fever-pitch with the terrorist attacks in Paris last week.

And even after the Paris attacks, more revelations of ill-intended “immigrants” and refugees have come to light with recent revelations that Syrian “refugees” have tried to sneak across the Texas-Mexico border. And still others have been already been caught:  with falsified documents and passports — in Honduras (were they headed north for Mexico and on into the U.S.?); Muslim immigrants have been caught in Ohio with forging equipment to name a few. Are these coming to light now only because the media is suddenly paying attention to the Syrian refugees and the larger issue of illegal immigration?

We speak with William Gheen of ALIPAC (Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee) about the current state of American immigration policy. ALIPAC played a prominent role in taking out Eric Cantor, one of Obama’s pro-amnesty soldiers. We’ll discuss ALIPAC’s “Cantor List” (Obama’s biggest amnesty supporters in our Congress), and what do Americans believe actually about immigration? Or illegal immigration? ALIPAC has access to actual, scientific polls about Americans’ beliefs on immigration, amnesty, and deportation. The results may surprise you. And a lot of politicians, who only seem to listen to the “news polls.”

With the recent attacks in Paris, this is no longer just who we let in but a matter of safety as well.

Links Mentioned

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Climate Change – the Philosophical Basis for Modern-Day Democrats and Socialists

Climate Change – the Philosophical Basis for Modern-Day Democrats and Socialists

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Air Dates: Nov 7th & 8th, 2015 | Dr. Tim Ball (Canada’s first Climatologist)

Call it global warming or climate change, it’s the ideological basis for modern-day democrats (and socialists). No skepticism. No debate. and lots (and lots!) of big government.

If you can better understand Global Warming (which is what Climate Change used to be called until the globe stopped warming), you will better understand the modern-day Democrat party. Global Warming (Climate Change) is to the political Left what Judeo-Christian beliefs are to the American system of Freedom and Liberty. All of the American founding principles find their origins in Judeo-Christian beliefs, such as “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” That leads to Freedom of Speech (if you want to speak, give your neighbor the same courtesy). It leads to Freedom of Religion (if you want to attend a church of your choice, then your neighbor deserves that same respect). And so on.

Likewise the notion of centralized control, of the sacrifice of individual rights to the collective, and the absolute hatred of dissent all stem from Climate Change (Global Warming) and are the fruit of Democrat policies. The modern-day Democrat/Socialist, not the common-sense Democrat of bygone years.

The map showing Global Warming (Climate Change) is to blame for everything.
The map showing Global Warming (Climate Change) is to blame for everything.

But Global Warming (Climate Change) has been under increased skepticism. We talk with Dr Tim Ball, who was awarded Canada’s first degree in Climatology, about the political expression of Climate Change (Global Warming) in democrats and socialists.

Related: Global Warming to blame for everything (14 extreme weather events)

Be sure to tune in to hear what Dr. Ball’s four decades of climate-study experience tells him about what the future holds for Global Warming (Climate Change).

Links Mentioned

Some headlines on Global Warming (Climate Change)


Cultural Jihad – a former jihadist reveals his story

Cultural Jihad – a former jihadist reveals his story

Programming Note: due to Mark’s flu bug, for the weekend of Dec 12 & 13, we’re re-airing our Cultural Jihad show with former Muslim jihadist, Kamal Saleem. If you have not yet checked out his incredibly moving video (below), now’s a great time. If you previously missed this show, you’ll hear about:

• One-third of Islamic teaching has to do with jihad
• Jihad is mandated by Islam
• To lie for the sake of Allah, it’s considered part of Jihad
• It’s considered “righteousness” to lie to your enemy
• Cultural Jihad started in 1960, with a group now called “Council on American Islamic Relations”
• The Islamic Manifesto and their five steps on how they will destroy America

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Original Air Dates: September 26 & 27, 2015 | Kamal Saleem

Kamal Saleem was recruited at the age of seven to be a martyr for Islam and left his family to join a jihadist training camp where he learned to kill—and to hate. Hate Jews, hate Christians. Hate America. At just seven years old, when American kids were learning to add and subtract, Kamal began smuggling small arms and weapons parts through tunnels into Israel. He was later recruited by the PLO and Muslim Brotherhood, infiltrated Europe, and then was commissioned to come to America to wage cultural jihad. He was among the best of the best jihadists, and chose the Bible Belt to wage war.

Except after infiltrating America, and after beginning to wage his silent war from within, a strange and remarkable thing happened.

cultrual jihad, a real and sinister threat to America. Watch this incredible video of one former cultural jihadist
A former cultural jihadist – watch the incredible video of Kamal’s journey.

A terrible car accident broke his neck, but Kamal was surrounded by the love of devout Christians who nursed him back to health and saved him — not just from death but from the lies and hatred of radical Islam.

map of Cultural jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood's U.S. network
Cultural jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood’s U.S. network

Now, despite facing continual death threats to himself and his family, Kamal Saleem travels the country to speak out against Islam. Hear the quiet but real threat of cultural jihad, a sinister plan to destroy America and from within by tearing apart the fabric of its society. Cultural Jihad is very real. It’s happening now. And it’s been happening for three decades.

Don’t miss this incredible story of one man’s new mission in life: to wage war on radical Islam, to reach out to Muslims to let them know they’ve been lied to, and to see Ishmael redeemed.

And here’s something to think about: the same group, the Muslim Brotherhood, that trained Kamal Saleem to kill and to wage cultural jihad, is in the White House right now as advisers to Barack Obama.

Links Mentioned

  • Kamal’s website, Koome Ministries (pronounced “koom,”  koome is Aramaic for “arise!” — Jesus’s command to Lazarus).
  • The DVDs Kamal mentioned (“The Unveiling”) can be found in the store area. Why not buy them as a gift to your church?

The Texas Trial – originally written in 1987, the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan (“The Project”) for cultural jihad and infiltration in America. In 2007, seven leaders of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development went on trial for supporting terrorism. As part of that, the FBI raided their homes and headquarters.

  • Download the Project – Islam ‘s Plan to Destroy America (the pdf is in Arabic with an English translation)
  • Good article on The Project and trial from Discover the Networks.
  • Another great article on The Project— Radical Islam and Cultural Jihad: “The belief that Islam is a peaceful religion and that Islamic terrorists have twisted that faith to unrecognizable extremes is a false interpretation that surrounds today’s narrative regarding Islam”. Note also that cultural jihad is specifically tied to settlement. In other words, bringing in jihadists under the guise of immigration.

Additional Radical Islam Links


Show 5-33 The New Media

Show 5-33 The New Media

Air Dates: Aug 15 & 16, 2015 | John Hawkins & Kristan Hawkins

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To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

The Fox News “debate” seemed to show one thing: how far the old media has fallen. The “new media” is the only media doing any real investigations. Why?

Well, that and whether you like Trump or hate Trump, it was pretty clear Fox News hates Donald Trump. So much for “fair and balanced.” But why?

Back in the 1980s and into the 1990s, news shows such as 60 Minutes and 20/20 ruled, with their top-notch investigations. But today, they and shows like them, have lost their prominence in today’s media. More and more the “mainstream” is dominated by opinion and commentary, and long gone are either analysis or investigative journalism. Instead the mainstream media is looking more like a series of tabloid features than a hallmark of investigative-journalist excellence.  Is that what the audience wants or are there other reasons that have pushed the mainstreamers into sensationalizing the news?

The New Media

the media - Megyn Kelly
Fox News’s Megyn Kelly – has the media lost its way?

We talk with John Hawkins of Right Wing News who gives us his analysis of the old media and why it has fallen prey to sensationalism.  We also discuss the betrayal of trust and the viewers’ uproar over the Fox News “debate,” and about the Trump phenomenon.

Why is it that news organizations, with millions of dollars at their disposal, are no longer doing undercover investigations like they used to? Instead, we’ve seen the rise of “citizen journalists like the Center for Medical Progress and their investigation of Planned Parenthood. Before that, it was James O’Keefe and ACORN.

The Effect of Good Investigations

Perhaps nowhere in recent memory is the impact of good journalism felt more keenly than the abortion debate, with the exposure of Planned Parenthood. We talk with Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America about the deep impact these Planned Parenthood investigations are having on youth, their families, and on campuses. Once again, it’s the new media that is carrying the torch. And yet the latest video was barely noticed by the mainstreamers.

There is exciting news on the front lines as Kristan Hawkins and Students for Life are engaging with today’s youth. Tune in to hear why today’s youth is, as we like to say, “The Sonogram Generation.”

Links Mentioned

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5-32 Chinese Invasion – China’s Silent War with the US

5-32 Chinese Invasion – China’s Silent War with the US

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To download the show, right-click the mic, then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

Air Dates: August 8 & 9, 2015 | James Hirsen & Kevin Freeman

Seemingly almost without notice, China is quietly invading the U.S. Perhaps taking a page from the Soviet Union era’s failed communist takeover, China is waging war against the U.S. — not with nuclear ICBMs but through economic and cultural warfare. And the scary thing is, they’re winning.

This Chinese invasion is taking many forms. Some months ago, we brought your attention to the economic warfare China is waging against the U.S. Their silent warfare has intensified. This week, we take a deeper look at the threat no one seems to be paying attention to—at least seemingly no one in the Obama administration. Why are they opening the door to our enemies?

The Chinese Invasion of Hollywood

We’ll start by talking to James Hirsen of Headline Hollywood about the Chinese invasion of Hollywood. Why are Hollywood elites—the uber-liberal of liberals, who famously decry any sort of censorship—getting into bed with Chinese investors? What are the Chinese hoping to get out of this strange marriage?

The Chinese Invasion of US Companies

As of 2008 the Chinese government had hired more than 100,000 full-time hackers to do nothing but try to hack into America’s government and U.S. companies. Given that, and the Obama administration’s penchant for words not actions, it’s perhaps not surprising that a former NSA director recently said that every major US company has been hacked into by the Chinese. This gives the Chinese access to trade secrets, companies’ financial information, and future plans. Talk about insider trading. Are we ripe for a disaster? We’ll talk with Kevin Freeman about China’s silent war with the U.S. Kevin is one of the world’s leading authorities on financial and economic warfare.

Since the mainstream media is focused on Donald Trump, you probably haven’t heard that the Chinese markets have suffered huge losses, more than 30%, in the last few months. The Chinese government has officially accused the U.S. of hacking their system. Did we?

Hillary Clinton’s Emails Hacked?

Given the Chinese hack attacks on our infrastructure, on our government, and that Hillary used a private server for official, classified State Department business, could one of these 100,000-plus Chinese hackers found their way into Hillary emails? Tune in to hear the stunning revelation of how easily Hillary’s private server may have exposed the entire U.S. government to infiltration.

Related Links

Show 5-31 Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts

Show 5-31 Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts

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Air Dates: Aug 1 & Aug 2, 2015 | Guests: Myrna Shaneyfelt, Steve Raycraft, & Allan Parker

This week, more videos showing Planned Parenthood selling body parts were released. We take a closer look at the abortion industry and how Planned Parenthood uses devious means to fight real “choice”.

The last few weeks have seen the release of citizen journalist videos that exposed Planned Parenthood selling body parts. Despite their denials, it’s clear that Planned Parenthood is getting money—call it kickbacks, commission, “reimbursed” or whatever—for selling fetal tissue.

Regardless of what you think of abortion itself, the videos showing Planned Parenthood executives and doctors haggling over body parts is, at the very least, disturbing if not outright ghoulish. But think about this: the so-called “mainstream media” has had more than 40 years to expose Planned Parenthood’s sale of body parts. And not one single investigation into this practice?

Right to Life in a Rabidly Pro-Abortion State

Maybe if babies were lions, they would get more attention from the press

Oregon is the only state in the nation that has zero additional restrictions on abortion other than those originally in Roe v. Wade. This means Oregonians in the pro-life movement face significant hurdles as they try to change the culture. But could some of those hurdles actually be illegal?

We talk with Steve Raycraft of Jackson County Right to Life and Myrna Shaneyfelt of Josephine County about the battle to protect the unborn in the most abortion friendly state in the nation. We’re especially honored to have Myrna join us, who was one of the original founders of the national Right to Life movement. Tune in to hear the challenges they face just to get into schools in Oregon to offer alternative viewpoints—and yet schools are opening the door to Planned Parenthood, giving them complete access, including Planned Parenthood’s educational and marketing material.

 The Shocking Planned Parenthood Videos

The videos showing Planned Parenthood selling body parts have shocked the nation. Even Hillary Clinton said the “images were disturbing.” Why? The images recently released showing torn apart babies are no different than images available 50 years ago. So why now? It’s because it a huge breach of trust. Planned Parenthood has been telling women, the American public, school children, and especially politicians that abortion merely destroys “blobs of tissue.” If that’s so, then why are there body parts to be sold? Blobs of tissue shouldn’t have organs to be sold. Or arms. Or eyes.

We talk with Allan Parker of The Justice Foundation about the first two videos and Planned Parenthood’s abortion industry. And unlike Planned Parenthood — or Hillary Clinton — we actually talk about the consequences and impacts on women’s lives. We also ask him about the potentially illegal activities by Oregon’s schools to deny access to alternative views.

It’s not about choice. It’s about marketing. Tune in to find out why.

Links Mentioned

Related Links

  • The Center Against Forced Abortions, (a project of The Justice Foundation) offers help for girls and women to protect them from boyfriends, husbands, parents, or others who want to force them or pressure them to get an abortion
  • How much is a baby’s life worth to PP? $313.29 That was their projected profit per life taken, according to a former clinic director
Show 5-30 Are we on the verge of another Reagan Revolution?

Show 5-30 Are we on the verge of another Reagan Revolution?

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Air Dates: July 25 & 26, 2015 | Dr. Bruce Thornton

America’s belief in God runs deep in our culture and our psyche but it’s under attack more today that perhaps at any time since our nation’s founding. Historians generally agree on four “Great Awakenings” in America’s past (we’ll have a future show on these later this summer), the last of which immediately preceded the Reagan Revolution.

Now that (seemingly) pretty much everyone who could possibly be running for the Republican nomination is in the race, are we looking at another “Christian Revolution”? Has the groundwork been laid? What’s missing? We talk with Dr. Bruce Thornton of the Hoover Institution to find out what were the cultural sparks that set off the Reagan grassfire to find out if the elements are there for a revolution or if this has the elements of a failed coup.

The Reagan Revolution

Reagan RevolutionWe’ll be talking with Dr. Thornton about the seeds of the Reagan Revolution and the expanding role of conservatives and evangelicals. Like why did the same evangelicals who had voted in droves for Jimmy Carter suddenly turn on him and vote in droves for Reagan?

But what about the three decades since? What happened? The Supreme Court chose to endorse sexual preference over religious freedom. Film and TV is overtly anti-Christian. Obama has lost all pretense of not being a Muslim advocate. Federal and state governments increasingly disavow themselves from Judeo-Christian beliefs to be “inclusive” of Muslims—like the Seattle mayor endorsing special housing funding for pro-Sharia law adherents. All this make you wonder, is America’s Christian heritage disappearing? Or are we on the verge of another great awakening? And what’s that mean for the possibility of another Reagan Revolution?

Links Mentioned

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Show 5-26 Annual Fourth of July Show

Show 5-26 Annual Fourth of July Show

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To allow our network of broadcasters first airing, our shows are not available for download until Mondays after noon

Show 5-26 | Air Dates: June 27 & 28, 2015

Note: In light of this week’s tragedy in Southern Oregon, we’re putting aside politics and partisanship, recognizing that people need space to heal and come together. So we’re re-airing our annual Fourth of July show, to give people some space and time to heal.

It’s our Annual Fourth of July show! This week on I Spy Radio, it’s time to put aside politics, time to put aside partisanship and take some time to celebrate America, our history, and our common heritage.

This week, we welcome back communications consultant and amateur historian, Greg Leo, whose special passion is the Fourth of July, its history, and the many events and celebrations that have happened on the Fourth.

On this year’s show, we revisit the origins of Independence Day celebrations and traditions, and then trace them through early Westward expansion, the Oregon Trail, and on into modern-day celebrations. Don’t miss the 1852 Fourth of July celebration at Independence Rock on the Oregon Trail, taken from a pioneer journal.

Independence Rock
At Independence Rock on the Oregon Trail

Next week, we will re-air this week’s show—with a special twist.

Links Mentioned