Category: Donald Trump

More Winning | Trump’s Success at Home and Abroad

More Winning | Trump’s Success at Home and Abroad

Show Summary: Sometimes, it’s not that the mainstream media is creating Fake News. Sometimes, they just have no clue. On this week’s show, we talk two issues the media is under-reporting: net neutrality and the cultural success of Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia. On the latter—what were they afraid of discovering?

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: June 3 & 4, 2017 | Chad Wilkinson & Kamal Saleem

We have a very packed show as we tackle two big stories: so-called “Net Neutrality” and President Trump’s Middle East trip.   With both stories we see the common thread of the MSM not looking deeply into the story and marketing their agendas rather than reporting the real news.  Instead they work overtime to give us filler information with very adept marketing skills to persuade us that what we’re looking at is really very simple to understand.

But as we dig into both stories we find that the reality is really the opposite and without understanding whole picture the public is bound to be kept in the dark about important information that keeps us both informed and safe.

We start with Net Neutrality, a term the Left uses to try and make us (the users) believe this government regulation will give us a fair playing field online.  In typical Orwellian double-speak, they claim it will open up competition when it will do the opposite.  The reality is, we’re really killing off the internet through a 1,000 regulations.

Chad Wilkinson, Communications Director for the new non-profit Free Our Internet (, walks us through the deceptions that Obama, Soros, and many others want to hide behind while trying to sell the idea the internet will remain open and assessable to all.  Think about it: what are the chances George Soros actually wants a more open internet?  Tune in to find out more about the goals of the people pushing “Net Neutrality” and how President Trump  is looking to rollback the Obama-era regulations.

Donald Trump at the Saudi sword dance
The sword dance had cultural significance but the MSM ignored it. Tune in to hear why.

Then we check in with our good friend Kamal Saleem to discuss recent President Trump’s recent Middle East trip. You’ll hear some subtle, cultural nuances that reveal this was a far, far more successful trip than the mainstream media want to let on. Or even realize — because they never bothered to ask the right people. But Kamal grew up in the Middle East and shares insights into the ceremonies, and even the differences in handshakes between Obama and Trump.

Tune in to learn how from a cultural stand point the phenomenal reception President Trump was given was all missed by the mainstream.  The same mainstream media that was all too anxious to poke fun at President Trump dancing with swords without ever taking the time to find out why this ceremony was important and what it meant for our relationship with Saudi Arabia — and what it all means for fighting terrorism coming out of the Middle East.

Don’t miss these the amazing aspects of Trump’s trip that everybody else ignored.

Links Mentioned

Segments 1–3, Chad Wilkinson (Net Neutrality):

Segments 4–6, Kamal Saleem (Trump’s Mid-East Trip)


Memorial Day Weekend 2017

Memorial Day Weekend 2017

Show Summary: It’s Memorial Day weekend! You’re taking some time off and so are we. A best of a best of this week: looking back at last year’s Memorial Day, including a fun look at the history and traditions of Memorial Day. Plus, in 2016, we were in the thick of a contentious Republican primary. Remember that? It’s a good look back at where we were and, unfortunately, with stubborn “Republicans” in Congress, where we still are today.

Enjoy the look back!

I Spy Radio coverage map | I Spy Radio broadcast areas effective April 2017
The I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas

All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: May 27 & 28, 2017

NOTE: For links mentioned, see the original show page for Show 6-22, “Unity: A Nation at Risk.”


Red Lines are for Losers: Developing an International Strategy

Red Lines are for Losers: Developing an International Strategy

Show 7-16 Summary: Strategy is always complicated but it gets even more so on an international stage. Tune in to hear the challenges facing the U.S. on multiple fronts as we look at international strategy through two distinct but intertwined lenses: economic and military. You’ll come away with new respect for the complexity of international strategy in an ever-changing world as President Trump rolls out his strategy that favors action. And why there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Month 22 & 23, 2017 | Crista Huff & Carl Higbie

I Spy Radio is going international this week. Well, actually, we’re always international thanks to all of our stations’ live streaming, but imagine a giant jigsaw puzzle and you finally figure out where your piece fits. So far, the jigsaw has seemed just a jumbled mass of confusion but then you put your piece in place and suddenly the puzzle starts to make sense. That’s because your piece changed the landscape and became part of the big picture.

Strategy and its moving parts
Strategy is complex. Try moving just one part.

But then, all of the pieces around your piece change shape and form and the picture changes yet again.

And that is essentially what’s going on with the US’s international strategy where you have Trump making strong decisions in Syria and also now in N. Korea — fitting in his piece of the puzzle. His actions, as just a part of the overall strategy, start to change the big picture even with the world’s complications.  Because we’re not only dealing with other cultures and nation states but then there’s also the confluence of US law. And their laws. And on and on.

On this week’s show we have two guests who will focus on two different aspects of international strategies. One is Carl Higbie, a military expert and former Navy Seal, and you’ve undoubtedly heard him on Fox News.  And we also have Crista Huff (@CristaHuff) who is a chief stock analyst for Cabot Wealth (  Both of these individuals look at the world in terms of our international policies from two very different lenses. One through economics and one through military and yet the two lenses are very intertwined.

Obama's red line strategyTake Syria. A prime example of complex situations centered around military action but a war that started not only over political but over economic reasons: an oil and gas pipeline. Add to the mix Russia whose economy depends on attempting to dominate oil in Europe.  Now top that off with our own changes in the US moving from a leader, Obama, who had a non-action policy to Trump as a leader who is engaged by taking action and making changes.

Listen to hear how even though we’re throwing the net pretty wide this week you’ll gain an understanding and appreciation of just how complex so many of these issues are especially when you’re dealing with two very different dictators.

Links Mentioned

Crista Huff (Segment 1 –3)

We didn’t get a chance to talk to Crista Huff about China’s currency manipulation but here are some articles about it if you’d like to learn more. and note the changing strategy in relation to shifts on the ground.

Carl Higbie’s (Segments 4–6)

Congress Fails Again | Obamacare Repeal and Security Oversight

Congress Fails Again | Obamacare Repeal and Security Oversight

Show Summary: You’d think with its recent record, the notion of “Congress fails again” should be no surprise. And yet they failed on their biggest campaign promise from the last seven years: Repeal Obamacare and replace it. They are also failing on oversight of the intelligence community, since it turns out Trump was right: the Obama administration was spying on him. Fortunately, we had no faith in Congress to do what it said so for this week, we look at the merits of the Obamacare replacement plans, not whether it would pass. We also take a look at the attack in London and the espionage of President Trump.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: March 25 & 26, 2017 | Lisa Lettenmaier & Scott McEwen

When it comes to healthcare and Obamacare, a lot of people mix the two together. You’ll hear pundits talk about “fixing Obamacare” when what they really mean is we need to fix the healthcare industry. Obamacare is how we pay for healthcare. Mostly. Because it also impacts how healthcare is administered, which impacts the amount and quality of the medical care a patient receives.

This week, we are talking about healthcare financing—in other words, Obamacare—and how it impacts insurance. We talk with Lisa Lettenmaier who discusses how we pay for healthcare, the impact it has on the healthcare industry, and how it could potentially be repaired.

We start off by discussing how the new Ryan legislation attempts to repeal Obamacare, to  get us out from under the mandates and expenses Obamacare created.  Heavy-handed government interference has changed the way we receive and pay for our healthcare but how hard is it to untie all of the tangles Obamacare has added to our healthcare industry?  We discuss the good and the bad of what is being proposed and what we should expect in the near future. Lisa walks us through a lot of the different pieces of this confusing challenge to repeal Obamacare.

In our second half, we talk with bestselling author, Scott McEwen (American Sniper), about the recent London terrorist attack and security concerns arising out of the insane PC culture that is Britain.

We also talk about Sen. Nunes’s revelations of the Trump surveillance that sounds like government agencies did in fact electronically trap private conversations among the Trump team.

If true, US government agencies used the weight and power of the government to listen in on, and spy on, a political opponent of the then-President. And don’t miss Scott’s shocking insights into why Nunes may have publically come forward with the initial information.

Move over Nixon. Obama just made you look like a regular putz.

Links Mentioned

Lisa Lettenmaier (Segments 1–3)

Scott McEwen (Segments 4–6)


Can Trump Make Even the EPA Great Again?

Can Trump Make Even the EPA Great Again?

Show Summary: The Left has painted themselves blue with wode and are howling to Mother Earth to stop Trump from fixing the EPA. Find out why.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: March 11 & 12, 2017 | Myron Ebell & Dr. Tim Ball

About all you need to know about how terrified the Left is over what Donald Trump is going to do to the EPA can be summed up with the title of a recent article from The Hill: “Trump takes Hatchet to the EPA.”

Why the Left is so panicky is easy to explain: Trump threatens their money machine.

Stopping the EPA as the Left’s Slush Fund

News “broke” last week about the secret slush fund the Department of Justice had set up to fund Far Left, social justice groups like Black Lives Matter, La Raza, and others. We say “news ‘broke’ last week” because long-time listeners of I Spy know all about these kinds of slush funds—set up first under Bill Clinton and used extensively under Obama. (In case you don’t know about them, we discuss them with Myron Ebell.)

Can Trump Make the EPA Great Again?Many people have heard of sue and settle but it’s more than that. There is a whole host of funding mechanism where Progressives bleed off billions of dollars (yes, billions) from a bloated federal budget and give it to Far Left organizations. The EPA has been a major funding source for all things Far-Left (anti-industry) environmental, which will use these funds to elect Far Left politicians—who will then keep the tax-dollar spigot flowing.

But it’s not just money.

Stopping the EPA’s Job-Killing Regulations

We’ve said it before on I Spy: the difference between free-market health care and government-run health care is that in a free-market system, you’re a customer. But in government-run, socialized health care (i.e., Obamacare), you’re a liability.

In other words, you cost the govt money.

And because you cost the government money, they had a fiduciary duty — even the right — to tell you how to live your life. It’s why big-government politicians like Michael Bloomberg felt he had the right to tell people what size sodas they could have. It sounded trivial and micromanaging but overweight people cost the government more, because they’re typically less healthy and therefore more expensive. So in their minds it was their duty to force people to drink less sugary drinks. And they’re right. Because voters gave them that right when a duly-elected Democrat Congress passed Obamacare.

And here’s the rub: Healthcare is the Left’s means to control people. The Environment is how they control business and industry.

This Week’s Show: Dismantling the EPA

Tune in this week to I Spy Radio to hear Myron Ebell, the Director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and the chair of the Cooler Heads Coalition, a coalition of over two dozen non-profit groups in this country and abroad that question global warming alarmism and oppose energy rationing policies.

We’ll talk with Myron about the massive changes coming at the EPA, budgetary cuts, what they mean to Leftist funding, and the incredible turnaround for CEI—compared to where they last year.

Nearly a year ago, Myron’s organization, CEI, was being sued by a group of attorneys general—under the direction of the Obama administration.  CEI, along with Exxon-Mobil and other companies and non-profits, was being sued because they didn’t believe in the religion of Global Warming. This was a direct assault on free speech, and the Obama administration went so far as to use RICO laws, normally reserved for racketeering and the mafia.

Think of that. The Obama administration tried to use the power of the federal government to silence free speech.

We also talk with Dr. Tim Ball to get his thoughts on the Left’s funding streams, regulatory changes and their impact on industry and market forces, and the media as they attempt to derail President Trump’s “assault” on the EPA.

Speaking of, don’t miss why the media has always been a supporter of the powerful, going back all the way to the time of King George.

Links Mentioned


Trump’s Promises | Trade and Immigration

Trump’s Promises | Trade and Immigration

Show Summary: Trump’s promises on trade and immigration reform were central to his campaign—and to his victory. Will he fulfill those promises?

All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

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Air Dates: March 4 & 5, 2017 | William Gheen & Tom Stumo

There were two hot-button issues that were central promises Trump made during his campaign: fixing illegal immigration and getting us out of bad trade deals. We’ve seen the swamp’s alligators already fight back against Trump’s executive order on illegal immigrants, just imagine what will happen once he starts taking actions to renegotiate on trillion-dollar trade deals—which incorporate immigration policies.

We know what bad trade deals look like: the TPP. The Trans Pacific Partnership would have, among other things, done away with American sovereignty. It would have made our laws subject to a foreign court. But what would good trade deals look like?

Trump’s Promises

Infographic Trump's promises - immigration and tradeWe talk with Michael Stumo, the CEO of Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) to understand what effective trade policies look like — and how our politicians have sabotaged U.S. interests, whether wittingly or unwittingly. CPA is a coalition of agriculture, manufacturing and organized labor associations, companies and individuals. CPA’s mission is to develop policies to balance U.S. trade, maintain U.S. sovereignty, and develop an effective national production and economic strategy.

But first we talk with William Gheen of ALIPAC about another of Trump’s promises: fighting for legal immigration. We found out how President Trump is doing on fulfilling his promises and what people ought to be doing to make sure he does.

President Trump, in his speech to Congress, mentioned a “merit-based immigration system,” similar to what Canada uses. Is this something the U.S. should use? Tune in to hear the merits of the merit based system and how this could be a step in the right direction to radically transform our current system, which rewards family ties over real contributions to society.

Links Mentioned

William Gheen (Segments 1–3)

Michael Stumo (Segments 4–6)

Trump vs Globalism

Trump vs Globalism

Show Summary: It’s Trump vs Globalism. While we’ve had successful businessmen as presidents before, we’ve never had such a successful entrepreneur before.  And not just an entrepreneur but a builder. And sometimes when you build, you need to tear some things down. Like that whole New Order. Last week, Trump fired the first shot at the heart of Globalism: open borders. Listen this week to hear how and why a businessman’s approach is so different from the typical Washington mindset and how that approach will make for a successful transformation of America away from the Globalists who would rule Her.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Feb. 5th & 6th, 2017 | Guests Carl Higbie & Jonathan Williams

This week it’s Trump vs Globalism. Globalism is about subverting America to the larger international order. It’s about the “global community” taking priority over—and largely deciding—America’s interests.

We see this “globalist” mindset especially in the environmental movement, where people who don’t even live in an area take it upon themselves to make environmental decisions for those who do live there. No logging. No mining. No ranching. No water.

Trump vs Globalism

Fortunately, the globalist candidate—Hillary Clinton—lost. And also fortunately Donald Trump understands exactly who the real enemies are: those who put the rest of the world ahead of America. President Trump brings an entrepreneur’s mindset to put plans to action to make America great again. A businessman’s mindset of demanding actions over plans, even if those actions aren’t perfect.

If there is one organization that has to be heaving a huge sigh of relief over the election, it has to be the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). ALEC has been promoting conservative, free-market, pro-business policies for decades. And now, finally, we have a businessman in office who truly gets it.

We talk with Jonathan Williams, the Vice President of the Center for State Fiscal Reform at ALEC about the changes Trump is already making. We especially focus on President Trump’s so-called “Muslim Ban”which put a 90-day moratorium on immigrants and travelers from seven countries where there is a high amount of radical Islam. We also look at how a businessman’s decision making is so vastly different from that of a career politician — to say nothing of a community organizer.

And then we talk with Carl Higbie, a former SEAL, author, and Fox News and CNN contributor about the “Muslim Ban” and Trump’s first military action—the attack in Yemen that killed 14 militants and, regretfully, a Navy SEAL. Here too, don’t miss how a businessman’s attitude and winning mindset will lead to incredibly different outcomes in the Middle East.

Watch Carl destroy a former Michigan governor as she tries to claim non-Americans not even in America are protected by the Constitution.

Links Mentioned


History and Traditions of Inauguration Day

History and Traditions of Inauguration Day

Show Summary: Celebrating Inauguration Day Weekend! We explore the history and traditions of Inauguration Day in depth. Changes to the oath of office, parades, balls, Bibles, and how they became traditions.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Jan. 21 & 22, 2017 | Greg Leo

Answering the call of many Americans who were tired of Washington working for itself and not for them, President Trump gave an inaugural speech that declared today was the start of putting the people back in control of their government.  And his speech gave Americans the chance to witness once again the peaceful passing of power, without war, following our Constitution, which supersedes all those who have taken office.

Full Transcript of President Trump’s Inaugural Speech

John Wilkes Booth, in the talk silk top hat, at Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address.
John Wilkes Booth, in the talk silk top hat, at Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address

So we take a look at the history and traditions of America’s Presidents taking power. The Inaugural Balls, the parade, even the Inaugural Speech itself. Some of these traditions date back to Washington but many of them are recent innovations.

Listen to hear about the President who stayed outside in the cold giving the longest inaugural address and then passed away 30 days later due to pneumonia.  Or hear about the president-elect and president who couldn’t even talk to each other as they rode to the Capitol for the inauguration, the different Bibles some presidents chose, and lots more.

America’s rich history comes to light this weekend as we watch President Trump take office.

Another view of John Wilkes Booth at Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural
Another view of John Wilkes Booth at Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural (click for larger view)

And just think. If it were up to the likes of Karl Rove, we’d be watching Hillary give her speech while Karl explained why the John Kasich/Marco Rublio ticket hadn’t reached out enough to Hispanics.

Thank the Lord!

Join us for a celebration of the traditions of Inauguration Day!


Links Mentioned

Historical Photos of Inauguration Day

Additional Traditions of Inauguration Day Links


Obama’s Last Minute Damage | The Russians are Coming

Obama’s Last Minute Damage | The Russians are Coming

Show 7-01 Summary: Russian hacking or Obama trying to do as much damage as he can on the way out the door? Obama grabbed another 1.8 million acres in Utah and Nevada — can this be undone or is it another victory for the U.N. enviro-nazis? Plus, the Russians are coming! Did the Russians actually do any hacking or didn’t they?

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

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Air Dates: Jan 7 & 8, 2017 | Rep. Ken Ivory (R-UT) & Kevin Freeman

Welcome to our 2017 kickoff show as we watch President Obama packing up and getting ready to leave White House while President Trump prepares to take control.

As if to cause whatever trouble he can on the way out, in true community-organizer fashion, two big things have happened during the remaining days of Obama’s presidency.  First was his most recent land grab of over 1.3 million acres in Utah, adding to the half a billion acres he’s already taken out of state control.  And second is the last gasps of politicization of intelligence agencies as they muddle through whether Russia hacked files that may or may not have impacted on the elections.

Obama’s Land Grab

We start with Rep. Ken Ivory (R-UT) who discusses what it means to have Obama seize yet more land for the federal government, the difference of national forest status to national monument, and all the rights removed from people being able to access the land for any use.  In Oregon we know firsthand the painful reality of having so much land removed from tax rolls with some counties having no resources to pay for school funding. Over the next two weeks remaining to Obama’s powers of pen and phone, will Malheur Forest and Siskiyou Crest National forest be added to the list of national monument designations?

Russians Hacking or Not?

Putin releases the identity of the Russian hacking spies who influenced the electionWe’ll also be talking about the alleged Russian “hacking” and whether it did, in fact, influence the elections. Agencies are alleging that they have proof the Russians did hand off hacked material to WikiLeaks. We talk to Kevin Freeman about the truth of all this, as well as the politicization of our intelligence agencies and how it’s gone wild under President Obama.  This is the president whose intelligence agencies told the American public that ISIS wasn’t to be  worried about and in the weeks before the “Arab Spring” that the Muslim Brotherhood was essentially a civic organization and nothing to worry about.

We’ve watched as Obama used our spy agencies to push political agendas rather than giving us, the people, the straight scoop—or do what they were designed to do: defend the U.S. from outside attacks. Are their solutions to “de-politicizing” our intel agencies? Don’t miss the steps we need to take.

Links & Further Information

Ken Ivory (Segments 1–3)

Kevin Freeman


Mainstream media is lying by ignoring

Mainstream media is lying by ignoring

Show Summary: While the mainstream media is inventing news about alleged “Russian hacking” there are calls for war from Muslims—right in the middle of London. Former jihadist, Kamal Saleem, on the terrifying aspects of what these Islamists are really calling for and explains why. Plus, bestselling author Scott McEwen (of American Sniper fame) on what his intelligence agency contacts tell him about the alleged Russian hack, his friend Ryan Zinke’s appointment to Department of Interior, and what it means for the movement for the transfer of public lands to the states.

Visit our Christmas Store! All the books from our guests this year all in one convenient spot!

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To allow our network of broadcasters first airing, our shows are not available for download until Mondays after noon

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Dec 17 & 18, 2016 | Kamal Saleem & Scott McEwen

With the mainstream media so focused on inventing news about the alleged “Russian hacking” of our election, there is a lot of real news that’s being ignored—like open calls for war and rebellion from Muslim immigrants right in the heart of London.

We’ll talk with Kamal Saleem, a former cultural jihadist who came to America to destroy it from within but after an accident changed his life, he converted to Christianity. He is now the president of Koome Ministries, which has as its mission to wake up the Church and alert Americans about the un-discussed dangers of Islam and how they really are at war with America, whether America wants to admit it or not.

Then we talk with New York Times bestselling author, Scott McEwen about the alleged Russian hack and what his military sources are telling him. Also, Scott’s latest book is American Commander, which follows the life and career of Ryan Zinke, a former Navy SEAL who became a SEAL trainer. Zinke explains his never-surrender, always-win attitude as he trains the next generation of SEALs. Now that Zinke has been nominated as the Secretary of the Interior, what will this winning mentality mean to this failing federal department?

Links Mentioned

Visit our Christmas Store! You can order Scott McEwen’s books and find the books of any of the authors who have been guests this year on I Spy Radio!

Kamal Saleem’s Segments

Scott McEwen’s Segments