Category: Donald Trump

13-37 Fraud, Fraud, Fraud | How Judges Often Enable It

13-37 Fraud, Fraud, Fraud | How Judges Often Enable It

Show 13-37 Summary: This week, it’s all about fraud. Election fraud. And the lawsuit to get Joe Biden’s emails where he used fraudulent names to conduct his “business.” Elections matter. Not only because you are giving someone else legal authority over you. But because trillions of dollars are at stake. If absolute power corrupts, how much corruption will 100 trillion buy? Could Joe Biden’s fraud emails crack open the door to his corruption business? And will the 9th Circuit finally be the first to take election fraud seriously? And when it comes to fraud, all too often it’s judges who are enabling it. It’s yet more evidence of our two-tiered justice system. Imagine if Trump was emailing his kids with government information to profit the family.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: September 16th & 17th, 2023 | Guests: Chuck Wiese and Kimberly Hermann

This Week – Fraud and More Fraud

It’s all about fraud this week. We usually have Chuck Wiese, a scientist and meteorologist, on to talk about the fraud of Global Warming. Which has become a multi-trillion dollar fraud scheme. But what’s another trillion to the debt when it’s among co-conspirators, right? But this week, we have him on to talk about their election integrity case, which is currently before the 9th Circuit. Why there? Because the Oregon judge didn’t have the backbone to look at it and denied it on “lack of standing.”

What a cop out.

Think about that. The Left shrieks about every single vote must be counted. But why is it when any one voter has their vote devalued through fraud, somehow that single vote no longer matters. But there’s even more to it. Weak judges claim there’s no evidence of voter fraud. How do they know when they keep denying appellates the chance to look? There may be tens of thousands of fraudulent votes. But we’ll never know because they never actually look.

For an election system that claims there is no fraud, isn’t refusing to let people look just a little telling?

Wow, check this out! Feedspot, with over 4 million users, ranked I Spy Radio among the 30 Best Conservative Talk Shows!

Joe’s Fraudulent Email Aliases

Then we talk to General Counsel, Kimberly Hermann of Southeastern Legal Foundation. Her client is John Solomon, Executive Editor, of Just the News.

After years of hearing about secretive emails between Hunter and Joe Biden, and their potential content revealing fraudulent and corrupt money schemes, Southeastern Legal sued the National Archives to release those emails. Kimberly discusses how they knew about them in the first place and what they suspect the emails reveal.

Why use aliases to conduct “business”? Didn’t Joe say he never talked with Hunter about his business dealings with foreign entities wanting to buy influence. Okay. Maybe Joe didn’t talk to him. But he sure emailed a lot. More than 5,400 of them. That are known.

And where does this trail of evidence—while Joe was VP—lead? How far up does it go? What agencies knew about it? Why does the National Archives have these in the first place? Was Joe using government computers to send emails about his fraud schemes? Is this why our billions keep going to Ukraine, to keep them quiet from revealing their own evidence?

So many questions! Tune in to get the answers!

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Chuck Wiese (Segments 1–3)

Kim Hermann (Segments 4–6)

Related Stories

  • Wyden, Merkley press Medicaid administrator on Oregon automatic voter registration expansion (Herald News, Aug 23, 2023)
    • Because there aren’t enough opportunities for voter fraud already in Oregon?
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  • Alan Dershowitz says attempt to get Trump off 2024 ballot is a ‘grave danger’ to the Constitution (Just the News, Aug 22, 2023)
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13-34 The Next New Phases of Global Warming | Totalitarianism

13-34 The Next New Phases of Global Warming | Totalitarianism

Show 13-34 Summary: Trained scientist and meteorologist Chuck Wiese debunks the Global Warming doctrine, especially as it is used as the blame for Maui’s fires and California’s rain. Hottest summer ever? Hardly. But why this matters is because of where those pushing this religion (it’s most certainly NOT science) want to take society. And if you listen close, you’ll hear the stepping stones of the path they’re laying down to Global Warming totalitarianism.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: August 26th & 27th, 2023 | Guest: Chuck Wiese

This Week – The Left’s Totalitarianism

This week, the political Left dropped all pretense that they don’t really want totalitarianism with the arrest and accompanying mug shot of a former president. Attacking one’s political opponent is a hallmark of totalitarianism, which, as good little Marxists, is exactly their end goal.

Think about how completely anti-American that is. Our very first amendment guarantees the right to an opinion and to express it. Now, a former president has been arrested and charged, and his mug shot released for exercising his first amendment rights. For daring to question an election.

If you want to prove to people an election was rigged, a great way to do it is to arrest people who question it.

Blame it on Global Warming

Earlier in August, the Willamette Valley and a lot of the U.S. went through a heat spell — formerly known as “summer.” Now, it’s ALL global warming. And, it was the “hottest summer EVER (!!!)” — emphasis theirs not ours. But was it? We bring Chuck Wiese on to talk about it.

And as if the warmist shrieking wasn’t enough, global warming was immediately blamed (as is literally every single weather event) for the Maui fires and Hurricane Hilary flooding California. Were they?

Global Warming: it’s like racism but for weather

Global Warming Totalitarianism Lawfare

But it’s no longer just global warming marketing and spin to push their ideology to ensure billions of taxpayer dollars flows into the Left’s political allies’ pockets. No, that’s for punters. We’ve entered a new phase of pushing their ideology.

There is no climate emergency. But there is global warming totalitarianism.
But there is global warming totalitarianism. See the report.

Call it Climate Change totalitarianism or Global Warming totalitarianism, the Left has now decided to use the justice system to force its ideology on American society.

This week, we talk about a new ruling out of Montana (see links & info below for more details) that found by Montana granting “fossil fuel extraction” permits, the state was violating its constitutional duty to provide a clean and safe environment.

This is a unique case because Montana is the only state to have a “constitutional right” for a clean environment. Montana’s constitution provides “The state SHALL maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment for present and future generations.”

It’s lawfare. And now the global warmists must be smelling blood in the water because they will soon push constitutional amendments in other states to use the new state constitutional “rights” to force their global warming ideology. And there won’t be any stopping them. Because it’s in the constitutional.

Yeah, well, so was the first amendment.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Global Warming Totalitarianism

Blame it on Global Warming

Trump / Voter Integrity (More on this next time with Chuck)


13-16 Advancing Freedom | Taking Sides in the War on the American Republic

13-16 Advancing Freedom | Taking Sides in the War on the American Republic

Show 13-16 Summary: This week, it’s all about advancing freedom. We have two guests. One is Kevin Stark from Hillsdale College, talking about his book, War on the American Republic, and how the political Left has managed to seize power while convincing the Right to give up power. Plus, an inside look at prosecutors and DAs and attorneys general with Indiana’s former AG, Curtis Hill. But what brakes are there for rogue prosecutors like the Manhattan DA who indicted President Trump? If any. And a weird case of Nazism meets adoption. Right here in Oregon.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: Date, 2023 | Guests: Dr. Kevin Stark & Curtis Hill

This Week – It’s a War on the American Republic

War on the American Republic - how liberalism became despotismIt’s not just a title for Dr. Kevin Stark’s new book, War on the American Republic: How Liberalism Became Despotism. There really is a war on the American Republic. As we say so often here on I Spy Radio, the fight for freedom is an everyday fight.

Dr. Kevin Stark from Hillsdale College joins us this week to discuss the origins of this fight. And how the Left has gone from a political movement that embraced essential freedoms like individual rights and freedom of speech to one where they will lock you up if you speak up.

Don’t miss: You can take a free online course about the American Left, based on Dr. Stark’s book, from Hillsdale College

Weaponization of the Justice System

Speaking of war, there’s a war within our justice system. It’s been weaponized. We welcome Curtis Hill, the former attorney general for the state of Indiana. While there, he prioritized fighting corruption. If only rooting out corruption within the justice system was a priority of the justice system.

We ask about the structure and controls within the justice system. How it operates. What kinds of controls there are. Who oversees whom, and so forth. And what kind of brakes are there in the system to deal with prosecutors like Alvin Bragg? Who make political enemies their highest priority rather than actual criminals on the streets.

Are republicans and democrats treated differently? And is the way to fix the system is for republicans to treat democrats the way they treat republicans?

And we ask his opinion on a strange case in Oregon of a woman being denied an adoption because she was Christian. Yes. It’s Nazism in Far Left Oregon.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Guest 1: Kevin Stark, Segments 1–3

Guest 2: Curtis Hill, Segments 4–6



13-13 Fixing What Ails Oregon | Education, School Choice & Election Integrity

13-13 Fixing What Ails Oregon | Education, School Choice & Election Integrity

Show 13-13 Summary: It’s about education, school choice, and voter integrity and how all of that is being undermined — but what we can do to fix it. Our guest is Marc Thielman, who has his hands in all of those pots and doing the stirring. So much of what ails Oregon right now can be fixed by better schools that teach real civics and history. To get there, the path is Real School Choice. And to get there, we need election integrity. What it really boils down to is we need education freedom in Oregon.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: April 1st & 2nd, 2023 | Guest: Marc Thielman

This Week – The Wrong Kind of Power

Oregon does not have an independent, superintendent of state schools. Thanks to John Kitzhaber and easily duped Oregon voters, that elected position was removed and absorbed under the dictator’s office. Oops. The governor’s office.

But that’s what really happened, isn’t it? More and more power consolidated under wannabe kings and queens. What is it with the Left and democrats — who claim they want democracy — grab all the power under a single person’s rule.

But can you believe that even with all that power in one person’s hands, now they want even more power. And it truly is just about control.

What’s Needed: Education Freedom in Oregon

So much of what ails Oregon right now can be fixed by better schools that teach real civics and history. (Two of the things socialists hate most.) To get there, the path is Real School Choice, which would allow parents to use the money already assigned to their child and send them to a school that works best for their child. And to get there, we need election integrity.

Join the fight for education freedom in Oregon! Get Real School Choice on the 2024 ballot. Head to Education Freedom for Oregon to download petition signatures and donate — even just $10, $25, or $50 is a big help!

This week we talk to Marc Thielman who is actively involved with all three of those issues. If you remember, Marc is the former superintendent of the Alsea School District. Which, we might add, was the one and only school district standing up to the governor’s and state’s overreach during covid. Marc defied the state and gave teachers and students options. (How dare he!) He did not enforce mask mandates (what?!). And kept kids in school (the outrage!). Oh. And they had a 500% enrollment increase. And not one covid case traced back to the school.

Marc Thielman on Education, School Choice, and Election Integrity

Perhaps its because Marc Thielman and the Alsea school board defied the state — successfully — that Tina Kotek think she needs even more power over schools. This, a recommendation from Melissa Goff. Who, if you didn’t know, was the superintendent of the Greater Albany Schools District. “Former” because she was such a little tyrant and bully that she was run out of her position. But now she is Kotek’s “education adviser.”

That’s like Stalin advising Chairman Mao.

Tune in to hear Marc talk about this power grab, the school shooting at The Covenant School, the damage transgenderism is doing to people, and, of course, election integrity. We saw blatant cheating in Arizona in 2022. Just in your face cheating. But the Arizona supreme court upheld one of Kari Lake’s complaints and sent back to lower court for review.

How much cheating has to happen before the courts take notice and uphold the law? Could this finally be the foot in the door?

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

13-10 Major Victories from Major Defeats | How Republicans can Win in 2024

13-10 Major Victories from Major Defeats | How Republicans can Win in 2024

Show 13-10 Summary: This week, for once, the host of the I Spy Radio is doing all the talking. Normally, I Spy is all about researching our guest’s topics, asking questions, and letting them do the talking. But recently, the Salem’s Capitol City Republican Women group invited Mark Anderson to be their speaker at a luncheon. His spoke on how Republicans can recover from major defeats, like they saw in 2020 and 2022. Using lessons from history, combined with some pivotal I Spy Radio Shows to illustrate what’s happening, he describes how Republicans can win in 2024. So on today’s show, he gives it again to our radio audience.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: March 11th & 12th, 2023 | Mark Anderson

This Week – Mark’s Speech to the CCRW Luncheon

Salem’s Capitol City Republican Women invited I Spy’s host, Mark Anderson, to give a speech on Thursday, March 9th. This week’s show, he gives it again to his entire radio audience. Note that we cut  about 7-10 minutes from the speech to fit into a a broadcast radio “hour.”

After the show airs on our network of stations, we will post the full-length speech as the podcast version.

How Republicans can Win in 2024

Mark begins the speech with what the Hungarians faced in 1241 when they were invaded by the Mongols. In the wake of a devastating defeat that saw 1/4 of his countrymen killed and virtually all of Hungary’s towns and cities destroyed, King Bela IV had to face the brutal truth: that his country and its army were completely unprepared to deal with invaders like the Mongols.

But, as Mark highlights, major victories can come from major defeats. By facing the brutal facts. Using King Bela’s reforms, combined with pivotal past I Spy Radio shows to illustrate what is happening now, Mark examines how Republicans can win in 2024. And beat the Mongol Marxists destroying America.

Disinformation and Cognitive Warfare: The New Battlefield

Disinformation by Ron Rychlak book cover
Order the book!

One of the pivotal series of shows discussed in his speech was I Spy’s series of shows on disinformation. If you have not yet read Disinformation by Lt. General Ion Pacepa and Ron Rychlak, you need to. It explains so much about what we are experiencing in America today. As our own government uses tools of manipulation, cognitive warfare, launching disinformation campaigns against unsuspecting Americans. Mark explains how we know for sure that the “Russia collusion” hoax was in fact a disinformation campaign.

One last thing. When it comes to fighting disinformation, it requires influencers and the weight of reality and truth. For example, the truth and reality of the January 6th footage. Not the edited versions the January 6th tribunal was releasing The day after his speech, there was an incredible letter from democrat Dr. Naomi Wolf, apologizing for being taken in by the Left’s and the government’s propaganda. It is a long letter, but well worth the read. Because it shows that the spell of disinformation can be broken.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Dr. Naomi Wolf: Dear Conservatives, I Apologize (Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf, March 10, 2023)
  • My “Team” was Taken in By Full-Spectrum Propaganda
  • See our shows on disinformation with the co-author of the book, Ron Rychlak
  • Battle of Mohi (Encyclopedia Britannica)
  • Battle of Agincourt (Britannica, no date)
  • PBS still spreading the disinformation about “Hitler’s Pope”: “Vatican documents show secret back channel between Pope Pius XII and Hitler” (PBS, June 7, 2022)
  • Former Public Health Officials Undermine Public Trust with Conduct Unbecoming Scientists (Epoch Times, March 10, 2023)*”Fauci and Collins owe the country an apology… [Two] of the nation’s top public health officials obstructed the proper deliberative process essential to fashioning proper policy responses to the emergency.”
12-51 They’re Spying on Us | Government Immunity, Royalty, and the Rest of Us

12-51 They’re Spying on Us | Government Immunity, Royalty, and the Rest of Us

Show Summary: The Twitter files exposing government agents spying on and censoring Americans. And, there is clear evidence of election interference. Which, given the lengths they went to in 2016 and during all of Trump’s presidency, should surprise no one. So much of government’s malfeasance comes down to one issue: government immunity. It is prohibitively hard to hold government and government officials accountable. But recently, there have been some surprising rulings by the Supreme Court on constitutional issues, especially 2nd Amendment rulings. Could we be seeing the dawn of the return to the Constitution?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: December 17th & 18th, 2022 | Guest: Jonathan Emord

This Week – Overcoming Government Immunity

The Twitter files exposed government agents spying on and censoring Americans. Many of us who have been banned, blocked, suspended, censored, and shadowbanned already figured this out.

Election interference? Elon Musk: "Unequivocally true. The evidence is clear and voluminous."
Election interference? “Unequivocally true” (Click for full size)

But we figured it was Twitter employees gleefully banning, etc., their political opponents. Only a few of us suspected what was really happening. Which is way worse: government agents working directly with, and directing, those Twitter employees to ban, block, suspend, censor, and shadowban the government’s political enemies.

So there you have it. Government agents clearly committing First Amendment violations as they colluded with Twitter employees to interfere in the 2020 and 2022 elections.

Which, given the lengths they went to in 2016, and during all of Trump’s presidency, should surprise no one.

Nixon? Watergate anyone?

Recently, there have been some surprising rulings by the Supreme Court on constitutional issues, especially 2nd Amendment rulings. Could we be seeing the dawn of the return to the Constitution?

The Authoritarians by Jonathan Emord
Order The Authoritarians on Amazon

We talk with Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional lawyers, about what is happening and what could (and should!) happen to these government agents who abused their power. The big question is how do we get past government immunity?

Fortunately, there have been some pro-constitution rulings by the Supreme Court of late. Especially on the 2nd Amendment. Overturning New York State’s onerous restrictive gun laws, which is very encouraging for Oregonians fighting the recently passed Measure 114.

Could this be a signal the highest court in the land is finally returning to and embracing the sanctity — and sanity — of the Constitution?

Programming Note

This is our last live show of the year. We will be re-airing our show with Dr Ken Johnson about the Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Since that originally aired Thanksgiving weekend, we’re sure it didn’t get nearly the attention it deserved. We’ll get that to you by no later than Thursday the 22nd.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Jonathan Emord’s must-read book is The Authoritarians: The Authoritarians: Their Assault on Individual Liberty, the Constitution, and Free Enterprise from the 19th Century to the Present.

Jonathan Emord’s article: Rogue Virginia ABC Sends Police to Enforce COVID Lockdown (Townhall, Dec 4, 2022)

Elon Musk: Unequivocally true tweet (Elon Musk, Twitter, Dec 9, 2022)

Now What? (American Greatness, Dec 12, 2022)*Big Tech drastically suppressed information damaging to Joe Biden…before election day.*the FBI engaged with Big Tech executives on a routine basis to do the Biden family’s bidding in advance of the bombshell coverage in the Post and elsewhere.*Elvis Chan, one of the bureau’s conduits to Silicon Valley, admitted many conversations were conducted on Signal, an encrypted chat application, which allows for disappearing messages.

The Brief: A Handy Cheat Sheet of the Many Lies Exposed by Musk’s Release of the Twitter Files (Gregg Jarrett, Dec 14, 2022)

8 Times Our Federal Government Ran A Protect-Biden Racket (The Federalist, Dec 14, 2022)

For Years Fact Checkers Have Been Targeting Conservative Media – This Week We Learned the State Dept. Was Funding Them (Gateway Pundit, Dec 14, 2022)

Tucker Carlson Points Out “For Some Reason Twitter Seems to Need an Awful Lot of Spies” (The Gateway Pundit, Dec 14, 2022)

FBI May Have Violated Free Speech Rights: Legal Experts (NTD, Dec 14, 2022).

Dupe or Designated Defendant? The Criminal Case Against Jack Dorsey (Jonathan Turley, Dec 11, 2022)


12-49 Government Accountability: Censorship and an Astounding Supreme Court Case

12-49 Government Accountability: Censorship and an Astounding Supreme Court Case

Show Summary: Government must be founded on people of high moral standards. But what happens when people of low morals run it? Pretty much exactly what we see happening right now. This week, we’re talking about government accountability. In particular, how can government officials be held accountable for their actions. Or lack of actions. Does their oath of office mean anything or not? It turns out, a Supreme Court case brought by the Brunson brothers could make that happen.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: December 3rd & 4th, 2022 | Guests: Loy Brunson & Joe Mobley

This Week – Government Accountability

This week, we’re looking into a court case currently at the Supreme Court, brought by a private citizen, to actually hold members of congress — and the president and vice president — accountable for failing to uphold their oath of office. While it sounds too good to be true, it has good constitutional grounds in that elected officials are to be “bound” by their oath. Not just mouth-breathe it.

Then we’re taking a look at Big Tech’s censorship — except this time it boomeranged on them. YouTube actually drove users to a competitor and, finally, Congress may take a hard look into Section 230 to revise it and shift all those “platforms” to what they really are: publishers.

This could get really interesting really fast.

Real Government Accountability: The Brunson Brothers’ Supreme Court Case

You might have heard about this. There is a case right now at the Supreme Court, docket number 22-380. It has been accepted and is awaiting its conference date where the nine justices meet to discuss which cases they’ll take on. It only needs four votes to move forward. We welcome Loy Brunson to discuss the case, which has his brother’s name on it: Raland Brunson.

At its heart, the case deals with holding government accountable for their actions. Or, in this case, their lack of action. In the wake of the 2020 election, there was a lot of accusations of voter fraud and election tampering. Including outright theft of the election.

One hundred members of Congress wanted to push the pause button. They wanted 10 days to investigate credible allegations of fraud in the 2020 election because, if true, it meant a grave and unprecedented threat to our democracy.

But the democrats won, so they weren’t interested in pesky things like the Constitution or their oath of office to defend it. Likewise, RINO republicans were more than happy to have Trump driven from office. And if it meant a little fraud or a little election theft, so be it. They too didn’t care if it meant a direct attack on our Constitution. They got what they wanted. Move on.

But threats to the Constitution demand answers. Especially from those who took an oath to support and defend it.

Now, a court case brought by the Brunson Brothers, seeks to do just that.

The Battle to Defend the Constitution

One would think defending the Constitution would be a simple and straightforward process. But the Brunsons’ battle to do that was filled with no end of hurdles and people who apparently had no interest in defending the Constitution. Including judges, courts, and federal attorneys general. Which is odd because that’s their job.

Their court case takes a novel approach. While it deals with the election fraud of 2020, it does not seek to overturn the election or hard-to-prove (from a legal standpoint) allegations of voter fraud. Instead, it seeks to hold 385 members of congress, Biden, Harris, and former VP Pence accountable for failing to uphold their oaths of office in the face of a clear threat to the Constitution. By voting against a simple investigation, they failed their oaths. And, according to the Constitution, they are bound by their oaths. It’s not just a ceremony.

Visit to support the Brunson Brothers’ Supreme Court Case! You could help make history.

Fortunately, the Loy Brunson and his brothers were both patriots and determined ones. And they found a backdoor to get their case to the SCOTUS. Not only that, but found a willing and receptive audience. Tune in to hear how they got around the hurdles. And, incredibly, what the remedy is that they seek: the removal from office of those who violated their oaths.

And not just that. But to bar them from ever holding office again.

Think that would send some shock waves through our faithless government officials? Talk about government accountability!

And get the day for the Supreme Court conference: January 6, 2023.

Censorship and Government Propaganda

Next up, we welcome Joe Mobley to talk about Big Tech censorship. Censorship has been an ongoing problem. Especially on social media but not just there. Because it turns out our own government worked with Big Tech to censor voices and opinions they didn’t like. Once again, there’s that whole Constitution thing. You’d think someone in government would have read it by now. And maybe discovered that the First Amendment prohibits the government from censoring opinions.

Or maybe they did read it. Which is why the government has been working with Big Tech to censor. Let them do the dirty work.

Twitter post that has Mark Anderson (@iSpyRadio) banned from Twitter
Should @iSpyRadio be banned for telling the truth? (click for full size)

As mentioned on the show on the right is Mark’s Twitter post that has him banned. Apparently, the censors on Twitter don’t like it when someone criticizes socialized medicine. What do you think? Does it deserve a ban? (By the way, it’s 100% accurate. Right now, Canada’s socialized medicine system is actively encouraging the old and infirm to kill themselves. To save they system money. To the point that euthanasia is now the 6th leading cause of death in Canada.

We welcome Joe Mobley, a member of the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Project 21, to talk about Big Tech’s censorship. Project 21 has been a leading organization for Black conservative voices for over 25 years.

Joe is the host of his own show, which can be found at

What got our attention was Joe’s article in the Daily Caller: “The Walls Are Closing In On Big Tech“. Are Big Tech’s days of censorship numbered? Could —okay, more to the point, will—the new congress finally take action on Section 230 to hold Big Tech accountable for its censorship? Tune in to hear how that might work and what it might look like.

But it’s more than just censorship. It’s government propaganda. Because when they’re not banning conservative voices, they’re pushing their own Leftist ideology at the request of our own government. More of that government accountability right there.

Don’t miss this discussion of how bad it is. And what is already happening to turn it around.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Loy Brunson Segments (1–3)

  • Support their efforts for government accountability! Visit to donate
  • An easy to read history of the Brunson Brothers court cases, Loy’s and Raland’s
  • Brunson Brothers History (Loy Brunson’s YouTube channel)
  • Loy Brunson presentation at the DCC Meeting – Challenging the Immunity of Congress (via Rumble, Oct 25, 2022)
    • Presented by Loy Brunson to discuss a case being considered by the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Will Four Trumpet Playing Brothers Bring Harmony to the Broken 2020 Election? (Gateway Pundit, Nov 30, 2022)
    • [The] brothers have filed their suit and it is currently with the US Supreme Court.  They claim that the actions by US politicians to ignore requests and arguments from the people to investigate the 2020 Election fell on deaf ears.  But the brothers argue that these politicians had a Constitutional duty to investigate.
    • The case received more attention after it reached the Supreme Court.  It now has been given a docket number 22-380 with the court.
  • SCOTUS Docket #22-380
  • Copy of the case (via Scribd)
  • FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY – National Group Uncovers Real-Time Democrat Election Fraud – HERE’S HOW THEY DID IT (Gateway Pundit, Nov 30, 2022)

Joe Mobley Segments (4–6)





12-46 Elections: An Overturned One and What Happened in 2022

12-46 Elections: An Overturned One and What Happened in 2022

Show Summary: Some post-game analysis of what happened on election night with Marc Thielman. Despite the gloomers and doomers in the Republican Party complaining the wins weren’t big enough, there was a lot of good news for Republicans in 2022’s elections. And the elections would be really good news if they were not clearly trying to insert votes into races not yet called. Does anyone remember when they said they needed the machines to speed things up? But first: Kimberly Hermann with the Southeastern Legal Foundation to discuss what they’ve learned since finally being given the court-ordered (twice!) external communications by the George Soros D.A. with those helping set up the successful attempt to remove an elected governor — despite the D.A. having none of the evidence she claimed she did.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: November 12th & 13th, 2022 | Guests: Kimberly Hermann & Marc Thielman

This Week – Elections Matter

Elections do matter. But what happens when they attempt to steal one? Or they do steal them? Or, even worse, overturn an election? Like what they tried to do with President Trump.

Because you can’t trust a government if you can’t trust how they were elected.

This week, we talk with Marc Thielman—former gubernatorial candidate, now activists, consultant, and lead petitioner on real school choice—about the 2022 midterm elections. Plus, he is deeply involved in the election integrity movement.

Get involved! Head to to see what you can do and to support those in the fight for fair elections

We go over the outcomes (so far), and look at the national landscape. As of this writing, it is looking like the Republicans will take the House and possibly the senate. So why are the Doomers in the Republican party moaning and blaming Trump?

Imagine winning the Superbowl by two points only to have half the team complain about the quarterback. If that’s Mitch McConnell’s and Paul Ryan’s level of teamwork, it makes you question just how hard they tried to win.

But, as we discuss, there are some good evidences that there really was a red wave. Just not the red tsunami we were hoping for. And, sadly, not here in Oregon either.

With the ongoing fraud on display for all to see in Arizona, we talk with Marc about changes that need to happen to ensure we can trust the elections again.

Elections: If you can’t Win Them, Undo Them

But before we get to Marc, we talk with Kimberly Hermann. We last talked with her in April 2022 after their big win against the corrupt George Soros Missouri D.A., Kim Gardner. John Solomon’s Just the News had filed a FOIA request for communications between Garnder and outside forces involved in her wrongful prosecution of Eric Greitens. After winning in court, after several court orders to enforce, Gardner finally handed over the ordered information two weeks ago.

In case you missed it, Eric Greitens was elected governor in 2016. He then set out to actually fulfill his campaign promises. Unheard of, right? One of those was to dismantle a “low income housing” project that was soaking the government and making a lot of people wealthy. This made people angry. And some of those angry people approached Kim Gardner with a scheme to remove the governor. And it worked.

Gardner accused Greitens of trying to blackmail a hairdresser with whom he’d had an affair, by threatening to release a nude photo of her if she talked about the affair. Greitens admitted to the affair but denied ever trying to blackmail anyone.

Eventually, Greitens gave into pressure and resigned. Except. Gardner made it all up. She had to withdraw her prosecution because she admitted she never had the photo she claimed Greitens had used for blackmail.

What a mess. But damage done. An election overturned.

Prosecutorial Misconduct

Don’t miss what the FOIA documents reveal. Mysterious payments, and confirmation that, yes, this was a clear case of prosecutorial misconduct.

By all rights, Kim Gardner should be removed from her position. And she should be prosecuted. But in today’s corrupt “justice” system, it looks like she will not be punished beyond the slap on the wrist she already got.

But. Thanks to the elections, there is a new sheriff in town (well, new state attorney general). And perhaps he will take up the case to restore trust in the system.

And let’s hope prosecuting Kim Gardner is just the start. Let’s hope elections also draw the crosshairs.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Kimberly Hermann Segments (1–3)

  • Records reveal external forces that aided Soros-funded prosecutor in toppling Missouri GOP governor (Just the News, Oct 24, 2022)
    • St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner turned over concealed records to Just the News under court order, revealing new details about her office’s ethically tarnished prosecution of Eric Greitens, including alleged victim’s concern that topless photo allegedly used to extort her might not exist.
  • Read the FOIA documents: 393 pages of Documents (PDF)
  • New evidence found that St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner was directly involved in false criminal allegations against Former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens (97.1 FM Talk, Oct 25, 2022)
  • OUTRAGEOUS! Highest Missouri State Court Fines Kim Gardner ONLY $750 After She Admits to Wrongdoing in Greitens Case — Records Show 62 Acts of Misconduct (Patriots Worldwide News, Aug 31, 2022)
  • Story behind Republican governor’s prosecution forced into the open (WND, Oct 25, 2022)

Marc Thielman Segments (4–6)

  • Midterm Updates and Silver Linings: For 2024, Democrats now own the economy (Technofrog Substack, Nov 9, 2022)
    • The silver lining (if Repubs don’t take control of both houses of Congress): “Democrat control means Democrat ownership of what is to come: a predicted recession and continued inflation.”
  • Republican majority expands to 88 in West Virginia House (MetroNews, WV, Nov 9, 2022)
    • Unofficial results from Election Night show the Republicans picking up 10 more seats in the House. That takes the GOP majority in the 100-member House [from 78] to 88.
  • U.N. Tells Rich Countries to Pay $2 Trillion a Year for Climate ‘Justice’ (Breitbart, Nov 8, 2022)
    • “An annual transfer of funds from rich to poor countries, starting at around $2 trillion by 2030 and rising thereafter, is needed for climate “justice” according to a U.N.-backed report released Tuesday. China has been specifically excluded from the demand for reparations…”
  • Warnings of ‘Red Mirage’ Ignore Real Problem With Mail-in Ballots: Experts (The Epoch Times, Nov 8, 2022)
  • VIDEO: A Direct Message to Elected Republicans ft. Sean Davis | The Liz Wheeler Show (via YouTube, Nov 8, 2022)
  • U.S. Warming Over Last 50 Years Exaggerated by Up to 50%, New Evidence Shows (The Daily Sceptic, Nov. 4, 2022)
  • Red wave after all? GOP winning popular vote by wide margin despite incongruous results (Just the News, Nov 11, 2022)
    • GOP candidates have so far received 50,672,592 votes, or 52.3% of the total ballots cast as of this writing. Democrat candidates, by comparison, have so far received 44,802,597 votes, or 46.2% of the total.
  • Clackamas County will work into the weekend to tally results of 65,000 remaining ballots (OregonLive, Nov 10, 2022)
The Mar a Lago Raid | Why the FBI is Beyond Redemption

The Mar a Lago Raid | Why the FBI is Beyond Redemption

Show Summary: This week, we’re taking an in-depth look at the FBI. It’s been a couple weeks since the fascists in the White House decided to raid the home of the former president for documents that were winding its way through the courts. What were they really after? But what they did show was that those in power will do anything to stay in power by destroying all challengers. And if you think the Mar a Lago raid is the high water mark of Biden’s punishment of his opposition…? No. Biden is just getting started.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: Sept. 3rd & 4th, 2022 | Guest: Scott Shepard

This Week – The Mar a Lago Raid

With the Mar a Lago raid, the resident in the White House once again demonstrated he was elected through voter fraud. Simply, if you won by millions of votes, there’s no need to try to prosecute people who say you didn’t. If you won legitimately and fairly and honestly, you have nothing to fear. But you do have plenty to fear if you didn’t. And even more so if the person who says you didn’t has evidence that you didn’t.

Is that what the FBI was after when they decided to raid Mar a Lago? Trump was sitting on evidence of voter fraud? Or maybe it was evidence of the Russia collusion hoax, which proved who was involved and what they did. Or perhaps it was all a set up. The government packed his boxes with confidential materials that they could then claim Trump stole — in a scheme to stop him from running again.

Biden's Fascist Speech: MAGA and all opposition must be punished
der Führer ist speaking!

Regardless, the FBI and DOJ deciding to raid Mar a Lago will go down in history as one of the most unseemly acts of any president. Even Nixon wouldn’t have done it. Think of that.

And did you catch that weird “we must punish those who oppose us” speech from Biden the other day? It looked like what would happen if Hitler and Stalin had a baby.

But all of this points to one conclusion: the FBI and DOJ are beyond redemption. And pretty much every other agency.

And THAT is the reason they raided Mar a Lago. Punish anyone who would expose and oppose the system.

The FBI Must be Dismantled

When a limb gets infected with gangrene, many times it needs to be amputated. We’re at that stage with the FBI.

We’re also at that stage with the CIA. The NSA. The SEC. And certainly with the FDA, CDC, EPA, and the Energy, Education, and a host of other departments. And let’s definitely not forget about the IRS. The infection and corruption has become so widespread within these agencies, they need to amputated or the whole body will die.

The FBI and DOJ are clinging to this notion that they can still be trusted. Sorry. That’s not how trust works. You can’t say “trust me” when you just committed untrustworthy actions.

This week, we talk with Scott Shephard who is an attorney and himself a director of a program—an “agency”—at the National Center for Public Policy Research. We get his insights from an attorney’s viewpoint and that of a director/manager about what needs to happen to the FBI. Is it time for the FBI to be disbanded? Or can they still be saved? How can you tell? And what to do if (when!) they are disbanded. Now that the emotions have died down—a little—from the Mar a Lago raid, we can dissect what happened and what to be done.

And of course we can’t have Scott on without a quick catch up on two of The Free Enterprise Project’s lawsuits: Against Starbucks just filed this week and one already at trial against Nasdaq.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Our Many Healthcare Crises, Part 2 | The Root Cause of Many of Them

Our Many Healthcare Crises, Part 2 | The Root Cause of Many of Them

Show Summary: When Obamacare was passed (rammed through without a single Republican vote), it was supposed to fix health care and lower costs. All those savings, remember? What happened? But there are more problems and more spending than ever. This week, we continue our talk with healthcare-system expert, Lisa Lettenmaier, but zero in on the two root causes of many of, if not all of, our many healthcare crises.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: August 6th & 7th, 2022 | Guest: Lisa Lettenmaier

This Week – Our Many Healthcare Crises

We continue our deep dive into the problems plaguing our health care system—the many healthcare crises and the ever-growing expense. How is it that we are spending more than ever — by far! — on healthcare and yet it’s just one crisis after another? 

But this week, we zero in on the two main problems. And they should be no surprise, really, for anyone who has followed I Spy Radio’s many shows on healthcare or for anyone who has a lick of common sense. The two root causes are money and government. Particularly, government interference.

Healthcare crises in the UK: "My cousin had to deliver his child because the ambulance said they’d take 4 and a half hours to come for his wife. What is the UK coming to? He had to watch a YouTube tutorial on how to deliver a baby."
Healthcare crises in the UK. THIS is what they want to emulate?

We bring back our healthcare system expert, Lisa Lettenmaier. Lisa is currently an insurance agent and owns Health Source NW. But her background is in accounting, overseeing budgets and forecasting for major companies. So when she looks at the healthcare crises, she is viewing it not just from an insurance standpoint but from a systemic-analyst’s viewpoint.

Need healthcare and not sure where to turn? Give Lisa a call. Her website is  She helps individuals and businesses throughout Oregon and SW Washington make sure they have the right coverage for when, God forbid, they really need it. Will your policy cover what you think it does? 

The Root Cause of So Many Healthcare Crises

This week, you’ll also hear an extended opener from I Spy Radio host, Mark Anderson, on the government’s interference — sabotage, really — of the normal free-market forces that would normally lower cost and improve care. Mark walks you through what a free market system would look like. Hint: we don’t have one now (remember Obama et al. when they were pushing Obamacare:  “the free market failed”?), not in health care. And he walks you through the government interfering with the free market, much of which can be traced back to a 1943 IRS ruling.

If you didn’t already think “they” are destroying things on purpose, you’ll believe it after this show. No one, no government, makes this many “mistakes” on purpose.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info