Category: Free Market

Leadership and Prosperity | Plus Oregon’s War on Business

Leadership and Prosperity | Plus Oregon’s War on Business

Show Summary: Oregon’s Democrat Governor Kate Brown is unleashing hell on small businesses. Find out what small businesses are up against and how candidate Greg Wooldridge says he’ll stop it. Plus: can it be? How one of those “it will start a trade war with China” tariffs  actually paid off big for Oregon and Oregon workers. If they can survive Kate Brown.

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Original Air Dates: Apr. 28 & 29, 2018 | Capt. Greg Wooldridge & Jeff Ferry

This Week:  It’s politics and trade deals—and how good leadership can lead to good deals and prosperity.

Pundits on the Left and Right spewed economic doom and disaster after Trump announced tariffs on China.  Once again, Trump proves the critics wrong as China largely gave in and there was no trade war. But there’s more to the story than just tariffs.

In fact, the tariffs are the least scary aspect of trade with China.

Candidate Greg Wooldridge for Oregon Governor

Greg Wooldridge, Republican candidate for Oregon Governor
Greg Wooldridge, Republican candidate for Oregon Governor

Before we get to those scarier aspects of the trade war, there’s a war being waged in Oregon. Against Oregon businesses and especially small business owners.

We start our show with Captain Greg Wooldridge, a Republican running for Oregon governor. We ask him many of the same questions we asked last week of his primary opponent, businessman Sam Carpenter.  Our goal is to bring you as much information about these two conservatives that we possibly can so that when you fill out your ballot you feel confident of your decision about whom you think can win in November.

We talk with Greg about Oregon’s economics thanks to the Democrats:

  • Kate Brown’s decision to punish small businesses in Oregon by eliminating the Trump tax break (kept by all the other states);
  • The possible Internet Sales Tax that was just heard before the Supreme Court (and how Oregon’s Democrat Attorney General quietly signed the Amicus Brief in favor of it), which will force businesses in Oregon, which has no sales tax, to collect sales taxes — for other states
  • And the suicide-vest of State funding, PERS — which all of us are about to spend a lot more on just to bail out years of Democrat overspending on it

And it’s Governor Kate Brown who’s led us to this financial cliff.

Mentioned on the show: See Knute Buehler’s flyer sent not to Republicans but to Independents

Tariffs are the Least Scary Part of a China Trade War

As the saying goes, love him or hate him, President Trump is delivering.  And it has to drive his detractors crazy to see him succeed time and again. And it’s both sides of the aisle.

When Trump proposed huge tariffs on China, many on the Right screamed foul. Tariffs are always bad, or so goes the meme. Except the supposed trade war that was supposedly about to be unleashed… never happened. In fact, it’s about to benefit a company right here in Oregon. All thanks to one of those evil, “trade-war” tariffs.

How One of those “Trade War” Tariffs is a Win for Oregon

Recently, a solar company in California — which had been making panels in Asia and which was adamantly against Trump’s tariffs — suddenly realized the tariffs meant it was cheaper to make them in the good ol’ U.S.A. They just announced the purchase of a solar manufacturing company right here in Hillsboro, Oregon.

So, yes elections matter.  Whether you personally love him or hate any politician, you need to determine your vote on what you think they’ll deliver for the state or country.

Podcast Version

Links & More Info

Greg Wooldridge (Segments 1–3)

Knute Buehler Independent Party flyer
Knute Buehler flyer sent to members of the Independent Party. Why not Republicans.

More info on Greg Wooldridge for Governor:

Greg Wooldridge’s campaign website:
Greg’s Facebook page.
Follow Greg Wooldridge on Twitter: @greg_wooldridge.

Knute Buehler’s flyer sent to members of the Independent Party. “Compassionate, pro-choice, pro-marriage equality medical doctor.” Why not send this to Republicans?

Jeff Ferry Segments (4–6)

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How Oregon will Crush Small Business Thanks to Governor Kate Brown

How Oregon will Crush Small Business Thanks to Governor Kate Brown

Show Summary: Tune in to hear how small business is about to be crushed in Oregon. If you are running for office you need to listen to this show. If you plan to vote for someone running for office you need to listen to this show. If you own a small business or work for one, you really need to listen to this show. You need to know the storm that’s about to be unleashed on small business, thanks to Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown.

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Original Air Dates: April 14 & 15, 2018 | Guest: Jonathan Williams of ALEC

Some states are scrambling for money as big debts are coming due. And Oregon is leading the way—just not in finding the right answers that would promote economic health.

Instead, Democrat Governor Kate Brown seems to be almost working overtime to crush our state’s innovative spirit. So she’s not only killing our ability to not only pay our bills but taking an axe to what could be (with better management) a positive economic environment for small businesses. Or even attract them from other states.

But not in Oregon. Instead, there is a real storm coming for small businesses here in Oregon.

Crushing Small Business. Oregon Style

One of the things you’ll hear in the show this week is how Oregon is targeting small business by divorcing them from the Trump tax break. But then there’s a coming sales tax.

Yes. A sales tax in Oregon.

This is the internet sales tax that is being heard next week in front of the Supreme Court. Oregon small businesses would be forced to collect taxes for states like New York and Washington that have their own sales tax.

Regulations and taxes crush small businesses. Oregon is the example of what NOT to do.But unbeknownst to many, Oregon’s own State Attorney General has signed onto an Amicus Brief to allow a national sales tax on internet purchases.  This will be crushing to Oregon’s small businesses with the increased costs of processing this sales tax. For other states.

It’s the foot in the door to finally create the sales tax Oregon’s Democrats and Big Government Republicans have been longing for.

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See below for an excerpt from the brief that includes not only more taxes but more prying into your personal lives. Have our elected leaders gone insane? Has no one heard of cutting spending?

Oregon Democrats hate cutting spending almost as much as they hate cutting trees.

Show Flow

We start by discussing Congress’s Omnibus bill, which sets the stage for the rest of the discussion.

Then we move to the Left’s “boogeyman”: Kansas and their ill-advised massive tax cut and spending increase. Why? Because the Left uses Kansas to try to scare other states away from cutting taxes. We debunk the myth because what happened in Kansas can help other states learn what not to do (hint, hint Oregon!).

Next, we talk about what Oregon is doing to crush small business, including taking away tax cuts. It’s a punishment that falls on small businesses and only small businesses. Then, it’s the internet sales tax and the grand daddy of spending boondoggles, PERS.

But there is good news (just not in Oregon). Don’t miss what nearby state to watch as the primary example of how smart policies really can create economic health.

Oregon’s Attorney General Rosenblum’s Amicus Brief

“Their [businesses] advanced online platforms boast impressive technology that enables them to not only comply (easily) with State [tax] collection laws, but also capture extensive data about their customers. According to one commentator, an online retailer can effortlessly track demographic information that includes “‘your age, whether you are married and have kids, which part of town you live in, how long it takes you to drive to the store, your estimated salary, whether you’ve moved recently, what credit cards you carry in your wallet and what Websites you visit … data about your ethnicity, job history, the magazines you read, if you’ve ever declared bankruptcy or got divorced, the year you bought (or lost) your house, where you went to college, what kinds of topics you talk about online, whether you prefer certain brands of coffee, paper towels, cereal or applesauce, your political leanings, reading habits, charitable giving and the number of cars you own.’”

The full Amicus brief can be read here (PDF)

Podcast Version

Links and Related Information

Oregon Governor Kate Brown to Crush Small Business


  • Editorial: Lawmakers can’t duck Oregon’s PERS burden (The Bulletin, Mar 17, 2018)
  • Huge Bill Is Coming Due For Oregon’s Past Pension System Mistakes (OPB, Feb 2, 2018)
  • Once again, Oregon makes national news. Except, as usual, it’s not for good reasons: “A $76,000 Monthly Pension: Why States and Cities Are Short on Cash” (New York Times, April 14, 2018)
  • PERS task force suggests ways to pay down system’s debt (OSBA, November 1, 2017)
  • PERS: Panel delivers ideas to cut pension deficit by $5 billion (Oregon Live, November 1, 2017)
    • “The panel’s mandate was to leave no stone unturned. But the governor, who is up for reelection in 2018, specifically directed members not to consider changes to pension benefits. Any such changes would be deeply unpopular with public employee unions, who typically back Democrats. Brown also said upfront that she wasn’t interested in selling state parks or forests, which would have proven deeply unpopular with environmental and conservation groups.”
  • If you thought what you read before was bad, read this: Time Bomb: PERS (via Senate Republicans, 2017)

Kansas: the Left’s Anti-Tax-cut Boogeyman

  • VIDEO: Jonathan on a panel at Heritage Foundation, discussing Kansas as the example Leftists point to about tax cuts hurting the government. “What Was Really the Matter with the Kansas Tax Plan: The Undoing of a Good Idea” (Heritage Foundation, Apr 10, 2018) The three key takeaways: don’t cut taxes and increase spending; have a plan to balance the budget, and have the right systems in place.

Here’s some Leftist spin on what happened in Kansas

The Coming Storm for Small Businesses: the Internet Sales Tax

  • Video – Online Sales Tax: Crushing Small Business (ALEC, March 2018)
  • See how the Internet sales tax (and taxes in general) pushes businesses out of state: Internet Sales Tax Hurts Businesses and the States that Pass Them (ALEC, Jan 2014)




Trump’s Promises | Trade and Immigration

Trump’s Promises | Trade and Immigration

Show Summary: Trump’s promises on trade and immigration reform were central to his campaign—and to his victory. Will he fulfill those promises?

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11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

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Air Dates: March 4 & 5, 2017 | William Gheen & Tom Stumo

There were two hot-button issues that were central promises Trump made during his campaign: fixing illegal immigration and getting us out of bad trade deals. We’ve seen the swamp’s alligators already fight back against Trump’s executive order on illegal immigrants, just imagine what will happen once he starts taking actions to renegotiate on trillion-dollar trade deals—which incorporate immigration policies.

We know what bad trade deals look like: the TPP. The Trans Pacific Partnership would have, among other things, done away with American sovereignty. It would have made our laws subject to a foreign court. But what would good trade deals look like?

Trump’s Promises

Infographic Trump's promises - immigration and tradeWe talk with Michael Stumo, the CEO of Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) to understand what effective trade policies look like — and how our politicians have sabotaged U.S. interests, whether wittingly or unwittingly. CPA is a coalition of agriculture, manufacturing and organized labor associations, companies and individuals. CPA’s mission is to develop policies to balance U.S. trade, maintain U.S. sovereignty, and develop an effective national production and economic strategy.

But first we talk with William Gheen of ALIPAC about another of Trump’s promises: fighting for legal immigration. We found out how President Trump is doing on fulfilling his promises and what people ought to be doing to make sure he does.

President Trump, in his speech to Congress, mentioned a “merit-based immigration system,” similar to what Canada uses. Is this something the U.S. should use? Tune in to hear the merits of the merit based system and how this could be a step in the right direction to radically transform our current system, which rewards family ties over real contributions to society.

Links Mentioned

William Gheen (Segments 1–3)

Michael Stumo (Segments 4–6)

Why Trans Pacific Partnership is a Bad Deal for America

Why Trans Pacific Partnership is a Bad Deal for America

Show Summary: The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal is Obama’s final nail in America’s coffin. If you thought Obamacare and the Iran Deal were bad, you haven’t seen anything yet. In an explosive interview, we dive into why it’s bad and why our Congressmen vote for such atrocities. And not just why but who is supporting this? Plus, could one of the presidential candidates, who publicly says he’s against it, might actually be for it?

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Apr. 16 & 17, 2016 | Crista Huff (former Morgan Stanley VP

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One of the questions we consistently try to answer here on the I Spy Radio Show, is why. Why does a government agency do this or why does a politician do that? But uncovering “why” requires digging deeper into motivations and a lot times those motivations are hidden away, lurking in the shadows where you don’t know what happened behind closed doors or what’s been promised.

On this week’s show, we’re talking about the monstrosity better known as the TPP – the Trans Pacific Partnership. This is Obama’s magnum opus for weakening America. And it must be stopped. The TPP is a major trade deal involving 12 Pacific Rim nations, including the US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Vietnam and others. China is not a signer, yet, because after the agreement is signed China can come in later through a back door.  Why, do you ask? Oh, you’ll find out why.

Trans Pacific Partnership = Anti-American

It’s amazing that anyone who calls themselves an American is backing this agreement. Foremost it represents a stunning loss of U.S. sovereignty.  But beyond that, common economic sense says this will harm the US economy–especially given that even its own supporters say it will result in only a 0.13% increase in the nation’s Gross Domestic Product by 2025. (See links, below, for citation.)

But even that less -than-rosy projection is based on the assumption of the U.S. being at full-employment. (How’s that worked out the last seven years?) So why take a huge gamble and throw our economy into upheaval for not even 1/50th of a percent increase per year over nine years?

It boggles the mind why would anyone in the U.S. support this. And not just why, but who is supporting this? Tune in to learn the answers, including whether one of the presidential candidates might be misrepresenting their position on the Trans Pacific Partnership. And find out why, if this goes through, it really could be the end of America as we know.

Links Mentioned During Show

  • Crista Huff’s terrific website, Good Fellow, LLC. Be sure to check out her fantastic TPP blog page, frequently updated with the latest info
  • Check out Crista on Kerry Lutz’s Financial Survival blogtalk podcast
  • If you want to stop the TPP, CALL the Capitol Switchboard! (202) 224-3121. Ask to be transferred to your Congressman’s office and tell them you want them to vote no on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal; do the same for both of your senators.
  • The Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee is Rep. Kevin Brady (TX).
  • Article via Drudge: New Balance publicly calls the TTP a bad deal (Apr 13, 2016)
  • Robert Zoellick and The Trilateral Commission and Robert (via FreedomWorks’ SourceWatch)

Related Links

We’re impressed with a number of articles from Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Here are a few of them:


Socialism Defined

Socialism Defined

Air Dates: February 6 & 7, 2015 | Dr. Richard Rahn (CATO Institute)
Where, when, & how to listen

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Here we are, not even three decades from the end of the Cold War, and America has an avowed socialist running for office. And not just any office — the highest office in the land.

Great. America’s socialized education system has officially failed.

But what is socialism? Discerning and intelligent voters realize socialism is bad, but what is it and why is socialism so bad? Not just that, but why is socialism especially bad for America? Why does socialism fail every time it has been tried? And if socialism always fails every time without fail, why do the so-called “smart people in the room” (the socialist elites) keep trying to push America into socialism?

Join us this week to find out what socialism is, its history and origins, why it fails, and why —yes, Virginia—it will fail again.

Socialism Defined

Socialism defined - Churchill said, "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery"In his fantastic article, “Socialism means Coercion” Dr. Richard Rahn of the CATO Institute defines socialism this way: “Socialism is a system in which the government owns or controls the means of production, and allocates resources and rewards.”

But it’s more than that. It is a system rooted in envy and jealousy; it is only adopted as a political system when ignorance reins supreme. It depends on the stupidity of the masses who would trade their freedom for slavery to the state.  It depends on the ignorance of voters to pass a system that, they believe, will only take from others. Socialism is the policy of envy.

Bernie Sanders Socialism - kids don't let anyone tell you economics is complicated. It is not. Economics can be summed up in just three simple words - free, free, freeJoin host Mark Anderson, as he walks you through socialism defined. You’ll learn:

  • What socialism means
  • Its origins as a response to America’s highly successful experiment with representational republicanism and as a response to the vast wealth created by the Industrial Revolution
  • Its origins in anti-Christianity philosophy and German pagan romanticism
  • Why capitalism and the free market system are so vastly superior to socialism
  • Are there differences between socialism, communism, and fascism

And then stick around for the last half of the show with Dr. Richard Rahn of the CATO institute as the two of them expand on socialism’s massive historical failure

Links Mentioned

The following articles helped form much of the discussion for this week’s show:

Related Links