Category: Faith & Religion

The Fingerprints of Cultural Jihad

The Fingerprints of Cultural Jihad

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Show Summary: Kamal Saleem, a former cultural jihadist, explains how events like the Orlando shooting and Dallas bear the fingerprints of jihad and the radical elements of Islam. (Cultural jihad is, just as it sounds, a jihad against American culture, Western ideology, liberty and freedom, and of course Christianity.) Foreign nations are funding fundamental Islamic schools; Obama’s signals to jihadists, and much more. Note: This is Part I of a two-part show.

Air Dates: July 9 & 10, 2016 | Kamal Saleem

We welcome back Kamal Saleem, a former Muslim and cultural jihadist for a two-part show on the continuing spread of Islamic terrorism.  Recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood he was sent to training camps starting at the young age of 7, to learn to kill “infidels” and cultural infiltration techniques.  Commissioned by a member of the Saudi royal family in the 1980’s he came to America to destroy our western civilization, but instead due to a chance car accident, where he was helped through recovery by the very people he’d been sent to destroy, he converted to Christianity. Kamal is now president of Koome Ministries, the mission of which is to “see Ishmael redeemed.”

On this week’s show, you’ll learn how cultural jihadists and their techniques are inciting anger and divisiveness, terrorizing Americans, and subverting our culture and unique heritage, through the acts of violence and far more subtle techniques.

Cultural jihad in America, the Orlando shootingKamal picks apart the Orlando shooter and how his murder-spree was a prime example of how the Islamic holy month of Ramadan played an important role in his decision to unleash horror in Orlando, in a fulfillment of Islamic beliefs.  We also discuss the horrendous Dallas killings of so many police officers. How does this tie into the jihadists’ desires to incite anger and divisiveness?  Is this the type of fear and dissent being spread by cultural jihad? Is Obama actually fanning the flames of cultural jihadists’ goals?

And don’t miss how one foreign country is setting up schools for Islamists right here in America – and how much U.S. taxpayers are paying for them!

Next week Part II: How moderate Muslims are converted to become radical Islamic terrorists.

Links Mentioned

True Location of Solomon’s Temple

True Location of Solomon’s Temple

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Summary: For generations, Jews and Christians alike have believed that the true location of Solomon’s Temple was located on top of what is currently called, the Temple Mount, where the Muslim Dome of the Rock currently is. Some even believe the Holy of Holies was located on the very rock under the Dome. Since retaking Jerusalem, the Jews have prayed at the Western Wall, which they believe is the outer court and foundations of the Jewish Temple. But what if the experts have it all wrong? We talk to Dr. Bob Cornuke, who’s been called “a modern-day Indiana Jones” as he reveals the clues that reveal the true location of Solomon’s Temple.

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Air Dates: Mar. 19 (11a PT) & 20 (7p PT), 2016 | Dr. Bob Cornuke

Are the experts wrong? What if the true location of Solomon's Temple is south of the Temple Mount in the City of David.
The current Temple Mount, facing north. Note the empty area south of it.

If you close your eyes and envision Jerusalem, like most people you probably see the big iconic golden dome known as the “Dome of the Rock.”  It is on top of the highest hill in Jerusalem and surrounded by walls. In that same complex, just south of the golden dome is the al-Aqsa Mosque, and the hill and entire complex is collectively referred to as “the Temple Mount.”

The Temple Mount area is also what nearly everyone believes is the previous site of Solomon’s Temple—and where Herod rebuilt the magnificent temple that was the center of Jewish life at the time of Jesus. Christians believe t was in this temple on this spot where he taught and prayed. Where he overthrew the merchants’ tables, where he stood at trial before Caiaphas the High Priest. And it was the veil of this temple that was torn top to bottom after he died on the cross within site of the Temple.

But Herod’s Temple was completely destroyed during the Jewish Wars, which began in 66 A.D. All that remains of the original Temple—according to Biblical archaeology experts and generations of belief—is the area known as Western Wall or Wailing Wall.

Rebuilding the Temple

The Jewish people would love to rebuild their holy temple there but the Jews aren’t even allowed on the Temple Mount. Instead, they’re confined to pray outside the temple complex at the Western Wall. To rebuild the Temple, it must be rebuilt on the original, true location of Solomon’s Temple. But to do that, they would have to destroy the Dome of the Rock (or the al-Aqsa Mosque, depending on which expert you talk to). Needless to say, this would probably set off World War III since it is considered the third holiest site in Islam.

Rebuilding the Temple on the true location of Solomon’s Temple has importance to Christians as well. Because many believe that before Jesus returns, the temple must be rebuilt.

But what if all the experts are wrong? What if the original, true location of Solomon’s Temple is not on the “Temple Mount” at all?

Finding the True Location of Solomon’s Temple

All too often, whether in politics or academia, the “elite” or “establishment” have one way of thinking and it may take an outsider to shake things up.  But what if — when it comes to the Temple Mount and the true original site of Solomon’s Temple — what if the “establishment experts” have it all wrong?  What if the Jewish people could rebuild their temple right now?  And all that needs to happen is to awaken people to the truth in order to overcome generations of perception and establishment thinking.

On this week’s show we talk with Dr. Bob Cornuke about the evidence that disproves the experts. Using his experience as a former police investigator, he walks us through the clues and evidence from Biblical, historical, and eyewitness accounts that would indicate the original site of Solomon’s Temple was south of the Temple Mount, in the City of David.

An illustration showing the true location of Solomon's Temple along with Fortress Antonia
Click to enlarge

Dr. Bob Cornuke is a biblical investigator, an international explorer with over 50 expeditions around the world searching for lost locations described in the Bible. These include the search for Noah’s Ark (with Apollo XV astronaut, James Irwin), the real Mount Sinai, St. Paul’s shipwreck, and even the Ark of the Covenant. In addition to his exploits, Bob holds a PhD in Bible and Theology from Louisiana Baptist University and is the President of the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration (BASE) Institute located in Colorado Springs, CO. He is also the author of nine books, his latest is Temple: Amazing New Discoveries that Change Everything about the Location of Solomon’s Temple.

Links Mentioned (plus lots more)

Articles on the True Location

Videos on the True Location of Solomon’s Temple


Cultural Jihad – Radical Islam’s attack on Christianity and America

Cultural Jihad – Radical Islam’s attack on Christianity and America

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Summary: Cultural jihad is the Muslim tactic of infiltration and subterfuge; of pretending to be friends while destroying from within. It is a serious and very real threat to America and our American culture. If you’ve ever wondered why hatred is on the rise in America—especially disdain for Christianity and our Judeo-Christian heritage, this is why. On this episode of I Spy Radio, we talk with a former cultural jihadist who explains tactics and methods, destroys the notion of “Islam is a religion of peace”, as well as the difference in his life since converting to Christianity.

Original Air Dates: December 19 & 20, 2015 | Kamal Saleem

On this week’s show we welcome back former jihadist, Kamal Saleem. Kamal had been trained from an early age to wage “cultural jihad,” and after successful operations in Europe, he received a commission from a Saudi Prince to go to America as an operative in the 1980s with the mission of helping to destroy America from within.

Winston Churchhill understood cultural jihad - "The religion of Islam above all others was founded upon the sword…"
“The religion of Islam above all others was founded upon the sword… “

But Kamal left his former religion of radical Islam and found faith and new peace when he turned his life over to Christ. He is now the president of Koome Ministries and has made it his new mission to awaken Americans to the very real danger posed by Islam.

Now as a Christian who understands the radical Islam’s inner workings, mindset, and the trainings of Muslim terrorists, his new mission is to reach out to Muslims to teach them the love of Christ, as well as to warn Christians and Jews about the Islamic enemy that has come to our shore to wage war against us.

cultrual jihad, a real and sinister threat to America. Watch this incredible video of one former cultural jihadist
A former cultural jihadist – watch the incredible video of Kamal’s journey

In this show you’ll learn:

  • Insights of the San Bernardino shootings
  • Tactics used by Muslim jihadists — whether cultural or military Jihad
  • The other forms of Jihad currently being waged here in the US
  • How radical Islam terrorist cells operate
  • Why there is such a huge divide right now in our country and how it is being orchestrated
  • The Islamic principle of taqiyya (and other means of deception)
  • The differences between Islam and Christianity and what the Christmas Season means to him now

We also ask Kamal for his thoughts on whether Obama is a Christian or a Muslim —and the tell-tale signs of how to know for sure.

Links Mentioned


Climate Change – the Philosophical Basis for Modern-Day Democrats and Socialists

Climate Change – the Philosophical Basis for Modern-Day Democrats and Socialists

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Air Dates: Nov 7th & 8th, 2015 | Dr. Tim Ball (Canada’s first Climatologist)

Call it global warming or climate change, it’s the ideological basis for modern-day democrats (and socialists). No skepticism. No debate. and lots (and lots!) of big government.

If you can better understand Global Warming (which is what Climate Change used to be called until the globe stopped warming), you will better understand the modern-day Democrat party. Global Warming (Climate Change) is to the political Left what Judeo-Christian beliefs are to the American system of Freedom and Liberty. All of the American founding principles find their origins in Judeo-Christian beliefs, such as “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” That leads to Freedom of Speech (if you want to speak, give your neighbor the same courtesy). It leads to Freedom of Religion (if you want to attend a church of your choice, then your neighbor deserves that same respect). And so on.

Likewise the notion of centralized control, of the sacrifice of individual rights to the collective, and the absolute hatred of dissent all stem from Climate Change (Global Warming) and are the fruit of Democrat policies. The modern-day Democrat/Socialist, not the common-sense Democrat of bygone years.

The map showing Global Warming (Climate Change) is to blame for everything.
The map showing Global Warming (Climate Change) is to blame for everything.

But Global Warming (Climate Change) has been under increased skepticism. We talk with Dr Tim Ball, who was awarded Canada’s first degree in Climatology, about the political expression of Climate Change (Global Warming) in democrats and socialists.

Related: Global Warming to blame for everything (14 extreme weather events)

Be sure to tune in to hear what Dr. Ball’s four decades of climate-study experience tells him about what the future holds for Global Warming (Climate Change).

Links Mentioned

Some headlines on Global Warming (Climate Change)


Cultural Jihad – a former jihadist reveals his story

Cultural Jihad – a former jihadist reveals his story

Programming Note: due to Mark’s flu bug, for the weekend of Dec 12 & 13, we’re re-airing our Cultural Jihad show with former Muslim jihadist, Kamal Saleem. If you have not yet checked out his incredibly moving video (below), now’s a great time. If you previously missed this show, you’ll hear about:

• One-third of Islamic teaching has to do with jihad
• Jihad is mandated by Islam
• To lie for the sake of Allah, it’s considered part of Jihad
• It’s considered “righteousness” to lie to your enemy
• Cultural Jihad started in 1960, with a group now called “Council on American Islamic Relations”
• The Islamic Manifesto and their five steps on how they will destroy America

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Original Air Dates: September 26 & 27, 2015 | Kamal Saleem

Kamal Saleem was recruited at the age of seven to be a martyr for Islam and left his family to join a jihadist training camp where he learned to kill—and to hate. Hate Jews, hate Christians. Hate America. At just seven years old, when American kids were learning to add and subtract, Kamal began smuggling small arms and weapons parts through tunnels into Israel. He was later recruited by the PLO and Muslim Brotherhood, infiltrated Europe, and then was commissioned to come to America to wage cultural jihad. He was among the best of the best jihadists, and chose the Bible Belt to wage war.

Except after infiltrating America, and after beginning to wage his silent war from within, a strange and remarkable thing happened.

cultrual jihad, a real and sinister threat to America. Watch this incredible video of one former cultural jihadist
A former cultural jihadist – watch the incredible video of Kamal’s journey.

A terrible car accident broke his neck, but Kamal was surrounded by the love of devout Christians who nursed him back to health and saved him — not just from death but from the lies and hatred of radical Islam.

map of Cultural jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood's U.S. network
Cultural jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood’s U.S. network

Now, despite facing continual death threats to himself and his family, Kamal Saleem travels the country to speak out against Islam. Hear the quiet but real threat of cultural jihad, a sinister plan to destroy America and from within by tearing apart the fabric of its society. Cultural Jihad is very real. It’s happening now. And it’s been happening for three decades.

Don’t miss this incredible story of one man’s new mission in life: to wage war on radical Islam, to reach out to Muslims to let them know they’ve been lied to, and to see Ishmael redeemed.

And here’s something to think about: the same group, the Muslim Brotherhood, that trained Kamal Saleem to kill and to wage cultural jihad, is in the White House right now as advisers to Barack Obama.

Links Mentioned

  • Kamal’s website, Koome Ministries (pronounced “koom,”  koome is Aramaic for “arise!” — Jesus’s command to Lazarus).
  • The DVDs Kamal mentioned (“The Unveiling”) can be found in the store area. Why not buy them as a gift to your church?

The Texas Trial – originally written in 1987, the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan (“The Project”) for cultural jihad and infiltration in America. In 2007, seven leaders of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development went on trial for supporting terrorism. As part of that, the FBI raided their homes and headquarters.

  • Download the Project – Islam ‘s Plan to Destroy America (the pdf is in Arabic with an English translation)
  • Good article on The Project and trial from Discover the Networks.
  • Another great article on The Project— Radical Islam and Cultural Jihad: “The belief that Islam is a peaceful religion and that Islamic terrorists have twisted that faith to unrecognizable extremes is a false interpretation that surrounds today’s narrative regarding Islam”. Note also that cultural jihad is specifically tied to settlement. In other words, bringing in jihadists under the guise of immigration.

Additional Radical Islam Links


Show 5-31 Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts

Show 5-31 Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts

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Air Dates: Aug 1 & Aug 2, 2015 | Guests: Myrna Shaneyfelt, Steve Raycraft, & Allan Parker

This week, more videos showing Planned Parenthood selling body parts were released. We take a closer look at the abortion industry and how Planned Parenthood uses devious means to fight real “choice”.

The last few weeks have seen the release of citizen journalist videos that exposed Planned Parenthood selling body parts. Despite their denials, it’s clear that Planned Parenthood is getting money—call it kickbacks, commission, “reimbursed” or whatever—for selling fetal tissue.

Regardless of what you think of abortion itself, the videos showing Planned Parenthood executives and doctors haggling over body parts is, at the very least, disturbing if not outright ghoulish. But think about this: the so-called “mainstream media” has had more than 40 years to expose Planned Parenthood’s sale of body parts. And not one single investigation into this practice?

Right to Life in a Rabidly Pro-Abortion State

Maybe if babies were lions, they would get more attention from the press

Oregon is the only state in the nation that has zero additional restrictions on abortion other than those originally in Roe v. Wade. This means Oregonians in the pro-life movement face significant hurdles as they try to change the culture. But could some of those hurdles actually be illegal?

We talk with Steve Raycraft of Jackson County Right to Life and Myrna Shaneyfelt of Josephine County about the battle to protect the unborn in the most abortion friendly state in the nation. We’re especially honored to have Myrna join us, who was one of the original founders of the national Right to Life movement. Tune in to hear the challenges they face just to get into schools in Oregon to offer alternative viewpoints—and yet schools are opening the door to Planned Parenthood, giving them complete access, including Planned Parenthood’s educational and marketing material.

 The Shocking Planned Parenthood Videos

The videos showing Planned Parenthood selling body parts have shocked the nation. Even Hillary Clinton said the “images were disturbing.” Why? The images recently released showing torn apart babies are no different than images available 50 years ago. So why now? It’s because it a huge breach of trust. Planned Parenthood has been telling women, the American public, school children, and especially politicians that abortion merely destroys “blobs of tissue.” If that’s so, then why are there body parts to be sold? Blobs of tissue shouldn’t have organs to be sold. Or arms. Or eyes.

We talk with Allan Parker of The Justice Foundation about the first two videos and Planned Parenthood’s abortion industry. And unlike Planned Parenthood — or Hillary Clinton — we actually talk about the consequences and impacts on women’s lives. We also ask him about the potentially illegal activities by Oregon’s schools to deny access to alternative views.

It’s not about choice. It’s about marketing. Tune in to find out why.

Links Mentioned

Related Links

  • The Center Against Forced Abortions, (a project of The Justice Foundation) offers help for girls and women to protect them from boyfriends, husbands, parents, or others who want to force them or pressure them to get an abortion
  • How much is a baby’s life worth to PP? $313.29 That was their projected profit per life taken, according to a former clinic director
Show 5-30 Are we on the verge of another Reagan Revolution?

Show 5-30 Are we on the verge of another Reagan Revolution?

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Air Dates: July 25 & 26, 2015 | Dr. Bruce Thornton

America’s belief in God runs deep in our culture and our psyche but it’s under attack more today that perhaps at any time since our nation’s founding. Historians generally agree on four “Great Awakenings” in America’s past (we’ll have a future show on these later this summer), the last of which immediately preceded the Reagan Revolution.

Now that (seemingly) pretty much everyone who could possibly be running for the Republican nomination is in the race, are we looking at another “Christian Revolution”? Has the groundwork been laid? What’s missing? We talk with Dr. Bruce Thornton of the Hoover Institution to find out what were the cultural sparks that set off the Reagan grassfire to find out if the elements are there for a revolution or if this has the elements of a failed coup.

The Reagan Revolution

Reagan RevolutionWe’ll be talking with Dr. Thornton about the seeds of the Reagan Revolution and the expanding role of conservatives and evangelicals. Like why did the same evangelicals who had voted in droves for Jimmy Carter suddenly turn on him and vote in droves for Reagan?

But what about the three decades since? What happened? The Supreme Court chose to endorse sexual preference over religious freedom. Film and TV is overtly anti-Christian. Obama has lost all pretense of not being a Muslim advocate. Federal and state governments increasingly disavow themselves from Judeo-Christian beliefs to be “inclusive” of Muslims—like the Seattle mayor endorsing special housing funding for pro-Sharia law adherents. All this make you wonder, is America’s Christian heritage disappearing? Or are we on the verge of another great awakening? And what’s that mean for the possibility of another Reagan Revolution?

Links Mentioned

Related Links

Show 5-18 ISIS Recruiting our Youth

Show 5-18 ISIS Recruiting our Youth

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Air Dates: May 2 & 3, 2015

This week on I Spy Radio, we’re going behind the headlines to give you the personal, tragic, and deeply moving story of Christianne (“Chris”) Boudreau, a normal, everyday Canadian mom whose son left to join ISIS. She is now reaching out to other families to help them avoid similar tragedies.Don’t miss this tragic yet heartwarming story as a mom seeks out to prevent other families from having to go through this heartache. The response by the Canadian government will shock you. See links below to her organization — they have people overseas who can get kids out if they come to their senses and want to come home.

But first up we talk with Raymond Ibrahim, a Middle-East expert, about the very real threat of ISIS operating right here in the United States — and the special appeal to ISIS to recruit Western youth. Born and raised in the U.S. by Coptic Egyptians, Raymond understands both Western and Eastern cultural mindsets and often works as a “translator” of one to the other.  Raymond is an author (Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians and The Al Qaeda Reader), a widely published journalist (NYT, Fox News, The Blaze, CNN, Jerusalem Post, and many others), and a fellow at several think tanks, including the Hoover Institution and David Horowitz Freedom Center. Be sure to check out his awesome articles, below.

Links Mentioned

Related Links


Show 5-04 | What the Media isn’t Telling You about Islam

Show 5-04 | What the Media isn’t Telling You about Islam

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To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

Air Dates: Jan 24 & 25, 2015

This week on I Spy Radio Show, we do what—apparently—no mainstream media news reporter did in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo and Jewish deli murders: read the Koran. And ask the hard questions about this “religion of peace” of Hoover Institution research fellow, Dr. Bruce Thornton.

Now that the initial raw emotions have dissipated from the Charlie Hebdo and Paris murders, it’s time to explore how and why these Muslim terrorist attacks happened. This week on I Spy, we go in depth with Hoover Institution research fellow Dr. Bruce Thornton to explore the Islamic faith and to find the truths about the “religion of peace” that the liberal media is too often willing (or complicit) to ignore. We compare and contrast Christian and Muslim ideology and ask the fundamental questions about what drives these terrorists and whether the Charlie Hebdo attacks were truly an anomaly committed by radicals.

And don’t miss what the mainstream media is not telling you about the newest worldwide assault on Christianity and persecution of Christians.

Links mentioned

Related Links & Info

Show 5-11 | Culture Wars

Show 5-11 | Culture Wars

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To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use the handy player below

Air Dates: March 14 & 15, 2015

Are the political far Left and Islam kindred spirits? Are American Sniper and Fifty Shades of Grey continuing evidence of America’s cultural divide or just the way it’s always been? And is Fifty Shades a dire indication of the future direction of Hollywood?

This week we talk with James Hirsen of Headline Hollywood, who also has a degree in media psychology to get his perceptions on two recent big box office films on completely different ends of the spectrum: American Sniper and Fifty Shades of Grey. One demonstrates love of county and fighting evil while the other showcases sex and degrading actions towards women. Even some Hollywood insiders were shocked about Fifty Shades’ mainstream release. We’ll talk about the cultural divide happening now in America and whether this is evidence of that divide — and whether it’s indicative of things to come.

Next, we talk to Dr. Andrew Bostom about Islam, the political far left, and the GOP 47 letter to Iran and Netanyahu’s speech. Most I Spy listeners are familiar with the Islamic ideology of taqiya, which makes it permissible to lie to non-believers. But we’ll also talk about the third pillar of Iran’s doctrine of hate, najis. Tune in to hear more about it and how najis is reminiscent of the dehumanizing hatred you sometimes hear from the political far left. Are Islam and the far left kindred spirits? And don’t miss our discussion of the Assembly of Islamic Jurists, which is already operating right here in the US. The Far Left: America’s cultural equivalent of suicide bombers?

Links mentioned

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