Category: Forests and Logging

15-10 2024 Election Consequences: Trump’s Triumph vs. Oregon’s Decline

15-10 2024 Election Consequences: Trump’s Triumph vs. Oregon’s Decline

Show 15-10 Summary: In this episode, election consequences under the microscope. We zero in on the seismic divide between President Trump’s wealth-building vision and Oregon Governor Tina Kotek’s faltering policies. Natural resources expert Jennifer Hamaker unpacks Trump’s recent executive orders to revitalize federal forests and unlock their potential to shake up Oregon’s economy—despite Oregon’s efforts to take its state forests offline. Let them burn. Then we talk with attorney Peter Ticktin who exposes shocking evidence of voter fraud in Florida’s FL-14 race. This could be the first stone unturned in a national scandal involving millions of “clone voters.” With Oregon’s Democratic supermajorities pushing divisive bills and Trump’s agenda clashing with woke ideologies, this episode reveals the high stakes of the 2024 elections and leaves you eager for more.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Air Dates: March 8th & 9th, 2025 | Guests: Jennifer Hamaker and Peter Ticktin

This Week – 2024 Election Consequences

Elections matter—and stolen elections matter even more. This week, I Spy Radio dives into the stark contrast between President Trump’s bold vision for America’s prosperity and Oregon Governor Tina Kotek’s failing, ideology-driven policies that are dragging the state down. From Trump’s game-changing executive orders to explosive allegations of voter fraud in Florida, this episode uncovers the real consequences of the 2024 elections—and what’s at stake for our nation.

First, we welcome back Jennifer Hamaker, the president of ONRI—Oregon Natural Resource Industries. Jen drops exciting news about Trump’s plans to transform federal forests from a massive (and expensive!) liability into a powerhouse asset. She reveals how these executive orders could revive Oregon’s struggling mills, create jobs, and dismantle the state’s disastrous Habitat Conservation Plan. Jen also flagged critical Oregon bills to watch—some worth supporting, others that must be stopped—especially with Democrats now holding supermajorities after the 2024 election.

A good bill? For once? Read ONRI’s post about HB3103 on Facebook. If you don’t use Facebook, head to this substack page from Cyrus Javadi where the post originated.

There’s so much more to unpack that Jen will return in a few weeks!

Elections Matter. Stolen Elections Matter More

In the second half of the show, we welcome Peter Ticktin (). He’s the Florida attorney leading what could be a jaw-dropping election challenge in FL-14. After veteran Rocky Rochford’s suspicious loss, Ticktin’s team uncovered potential evidence of hundreds of thousands of “clone voters” (or modified duplicates) in Florida’s voter rolls. Possibly millions nationwide.

Read the Rod Martin article: “The Florida Voter Fraud Case That Could Overturn Democrat Cheat-By-Mail” and check the show notes section below for more.

In Pinellas County alone, these potentially fraudulent votes could have accounted for a staggering 99.1% of all returned mail-in ballots. Some 197,000 out of 198,700 could be duplicates. Ticktin discusses the sophisticated cryptographic algorithm behind this alleged fraud—on par with NSA-level tech—and what it could mean for America.

This investigation is just heating up, and Peter will be back to share more soon.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.


Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Peter Ticktin – Election Lawsuit, Clone Voters

Related Stories for 2024 Election Consequences



15-03 Who Fiddled While L.A. Burned? Plus: Secondary Ignition Sources in Los Angeles Fires?

15-03 Who Fiddled While L.A. Burned? Plus: Secondary Ignition Sources in Los Angeles Fires?

Show 15-03 Summary: This week we’re taking a look at the Los Angeles fires disaster.. And while the far-left Democrats’ environmental policies have gotten a lot of the focus, could there have been other mandates with the electric grid itself that could have amplified the problems? L.A.’s smart meters. Which have been known to cause fires. And even explode when exposed to water and fires. Smart meters were cited in the 2017 Northern California fires. And problems with them go back far earlier. But in the rush for green energy were bureaucrats too eager to look the other way?

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Air Dates: January 18th & 19th, 2025 | Guest: Dr. Bonner Cohen

Los Angeles Fires – What Happened and Why

It’s Climate Change. It’s Gavin Newsome. Or the Democrats. Or the Los Angeles mayor. It’s the fire hydrants. It’s the Santa Ana winds. Well, we definitely played a role. But wherever you look, there is plenty of blame to go around. And as we looked deeper into things, it turns out there could be yet another layer to the blame sandwich. Namely, smart meters. But we’ll come back around to that.

There has already been plenty of blame to go around. And well deserved. From Governor Gavin Newsom to the California far-left democrat supermajorities in the California legislatures to the Los Angeles mayor and water commissioners and fire chief. The list of who-should-be-blamed is lengthy. And that doesn’t even include arson or accidental fires.

And, no, Climate Change was not to blame. We’ve said it before: IF you truly believe that Global Warming is making the Earth hotter and drier, then you would do more forest management and not what the environmental left does. Which is almost nothing. And this is especially true in areas, like Los Angeles, which is an area known for its arid, dry conditions. The failure of the far left’s environmental policies — of get 100s of billions of Climate Change cash from the taxpayers and do nothing with it — was definitely front and center.

But was there yet another layer of Climate Change stupidity at fault? Los Angeles’s mandatory smart meters, as part of their green energy revolution.

Did Smart Meters Make Things Worse

This week we welcome back an internationally recognized expert on natural resources, energy, the environment, and property rights—Dr. Bonner Cohen. He is also a senior policy analyst at CFACT.

There are known problems with smart meters. Yes, they have caused fires. Tens of thousands of them across the country. Yes, they have design flaws. Yes, their lithium-ion batteries can get explosively hot — as much as 5,000°. Which is about 2,000 degrees hotter than the melting point of titanium.

Dr. Cohen knows all too well about the inherent fire dangers of lithium-ion batteries, having written an article just a year ago about their incredible fire hazards. Smart meters have lithium-ion batteries. If they catch fire, they can quickly accelerate to up to thousands of degrees and that heat can get into the homes. They have also been know to be susceptible to water and heat (like fires) and were believed to have played a role in the 2017 Northern California fires.

Smart meters are mandatory in Los Angeles. And they’re a part of the future of green energy—in part because they allow greater control over your usage of electricity.  Why? Because they connect wirelessly with the utility company, and can be both adjusted. And switched off. Could they have played a role in the 2025 Los Angeles fires?  We don’t know yet. For certain, it is a fact that smart meters have been involved in past fires. And we definitely know that no one will find anything if no one looks. And we know no one will look if no one asks questions.

There is so much to discuss and uncover about smart meters, that we will have to discuss them in more depth in a future show. Because we also know that if the Far Left democrats in California and Los Angeles get their way, the smart meters will be mandatory in the next Los Angeles.

Terrifying Possibilities for More Los Angeles Fires?

But perhaps the most troubling aspect of the so-called smart meters is that since they are remotely accessed, there’s a very real potential that they could be hacked. We already know the Chinese have hacked into U.S. systems and infrastructure. Imagine a scenario where hackers switch on and off smart meters until their lithium-ion batteries overheat and ignite. One house every other block and they could spread before fire crews could get them under control.

That’s potentially pretty terrifying.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey warned, “What they’re doing now, they’re constructing what they call a ‘Smart Grid.’ … [T[o make it easier for you and me to call our homes on our cell phone and turn down our air-conditioning on a hot afternoon if we’re not there. Great, but that may well mean that a hacker in Shanghai with his cell phone could do the same thing or worse. And a so-called “Smart Grid” that is as vulnerable as what we’ve got is not smart at all, it’s a really, really stupid grid.”

And as for those smart meters and their lithium-ion batteries that have been known to catch fire? After we spoke with Dr. Cohen, a massive fire broke out at the Moss Landing  Power Plant, the world’s largest maker or lithium-ion batteries. The fire was so bad and there was so much toxic smoke that the area had to be evacuated.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Be sure to visit The Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow is a great organization with incredible experts on energy, the environment, and so much more. Like these articles about the Los Angeles fires:
  • The L.A. Wildfires Should Be a Wake-up Call (City Journal, Jan 10, 2025)
    • “Decades of fire suppression policies have left forests dangerously dense and overgrown”
  • Want to learn more about smart meters and their potential role in the Los Angeles Fires? We will have a dedicated page to these (there is a tremendous amount of pages we are still sorting through. But in the meantime, two good resources are:
  • The Discovery and Science of Smart Meter Fires — 2021 presentation (via Smart Meter Harm, July 4, 2024). A presentation by a fire scientist, an engineer, and a fire forensic scientist. The direct link to the PDF of the presentation is at this link.
  • Another study is “Overview: Fire and Electrical Hazards from ‘Smart’, Wireless, PLC, and Digital Utility Meters,” available as a PDF.
  • California government report on SCE Smart Meter program: Rising costs eliminate consumer savings (Smart Meter Harm, 2014)
  • Moss Landing Lithium-Ion Battery Plant Fire:

California Fires, Environmentalism, and Green Energy Related Articles

  • President Trump gets it on wind (CFACT, Jan 14, 2025),
  • The Saturation effect questions the prevailing narrative on CO2 (CFACT, Jan X, 2025)
  • GOP attacks on IRA can’t score a clean sweep in red states (CNBC, Jan 12, 2025); EV tax credit is ‘catastrophically stupid (CNBC, Dec 5, 2024)
    • “Newly elected Bernie Moreno, is targeting getting rid of the EV tax credit, clarifying that the $75 hundred dollar incentive is catastrophically stupid.”


15-01 Throwing a Wrench in Oregon’s Schemes to Lurch Further Left

15-01 Throwing a Wrench in Oregon’s Schemes to Lurch Further Left

Show 15-01 Summary: If Oregon’s newly elected attorney general’s scheme of a “Federal Oversight Cabinet”—stacked with the furthest of the Far-Left—is any indicator, then Oregon is in for a world of hurt. Even worse when you take into account the Democrats have supermajorities in Oregon’s house and senate, a far left Democrat in the governor’s office, and Oregon’s judicial system has had some 40 years of Democrat appointments. Can anything stop Oregon’s schemes to lurch left? There just may be a way to avoid this.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Air Dates: January 4th and 5th, 2025 | Guest: Chuck Wiese

This Week – Oregon’s Schemes

In a nutshell, Oregon’s schemes will be to lurch to the far left as fast as possible. And with the Democrat super majorities in Oregon’s house and senate, a far left Democrat in the governor’s office, and some 40 years of Democrat appointments to Oregon’s judicial system, there is precious little that can be done to stop them.

So what is on the Oregon Democrats’ agenda? Spending is at the top of the list. As is further indoctrination of kids. Which means far-left school administrators and teachers in failing public schools will need even more money. And with more spending will come more taxes. Will we see that longtime dream of Oregon democrats finally pass: a sales tax? Quite likely. But they’ll call it something else so the uninformed peasants don’t revolt. (You can see why indoctrination is more important than education in Oregon’s schools.)

The government has been protecting us from climate change since the Mayans.
Government protecting us from climate change

But that’s hardly the end of Oregon’s schemes. Climate Change (meaning spending money on it — which means giving away taxpayer dollars to the Far Left) will be the highest priority. Because nothing saves the Earth like burning money. Which is why have fan-favorite, Chuck Wiese on, to debunk it.

The Wrench in Oregon’s Schemes

There are two wrenches in Oregon’s schemes. One is reality. Sadly, we can’t control when reality will rear its ugly head and bite Democrats in the ass. (See what we did there?) But the other is money. And this is where it will get interesting.

Here’s a fact: Oregon got nearly one-third of its most recent biennium budget from the federal government.

Oregon’s new attorney general has set up what he calls, “The Federal Oversight and Accountability Cabinet” and staffed it with executives from far-left organizations and unions. It’s to represent all Oregonians. So apparently, conservatives in Oregon don’t exist. Got it.

The main purpose of the Injustice League is defy federal law. And to help hide illegal immigrants from being deported. Because no one is above the law accept illegal immigrants and the government officials who help hide them. Not to mention, it’s defying democracy and the recent election. Which sounds pretty insurrection-y. (Hint to the “attorney” general: the Constitution gives the federal government oversight of states, not the other way around.)

So is this the wrench? Democrats’ defiance of federal law could mean Oregon’s schemes fall apart. Because so much of them depend on all that federal government money.

How Long Before Oregon Tires of Being the Stupid Kid?

Climate Change reality: Antarctic sea ice extent is 17% higher today than it was in 1979. Ice doesn't lie, but climate scientists do.
Another wrench in Oregon’s schemes. Whoops.

We talk with Chuck Wiese about the Global Warming religion and how nothing Oregon wants to do (spend) will make any difference. Not to global temperatures. Not to CO2 levels. Which is not and does not drive Global Warming.

Oregon’s schemes depend on (indoctrinated) people being gullible enough to believe in Global Warming. It depends on federal dollars. If the dollars are cut off because they are defying federal law, where will Oregon democrats get the billions of dollars they need to push their far-left schemes?

But it’s more than just money. Without the federal government wasting 100s of billions of dollars on far-left environmentalism, “green” energy (it’s not green) may also collapse without all those subsidies, mandates, and taxpayer cash. Is this the year Global Warming starts to fall apart?

If what’s happening in Europe right now, the Global Warming movement may just collapse.

Save the Earth from people’s stupidity. And save a lot of money.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Will Oregon Get Banned From Federal Funds? Attorney General-elect Dan Rayfield establishes Federal Oversight and Accountability Cabinet (NW Observer, Dec 28, 2024)
  • [Washington] State policy on trust lands strikes right balance (The Everett Herald, Dec 28, 2024)
    • Meanwhile, Oregon’s Department of Forestry is so mismanaged, they just went insolvent by not harvesting trees. See Show 14-50 Bailout: Oregon Department of Forestry Chooses to Be Insolvent.
    • This at a time when timber prices are about to go up? “Expect Price Hikes — USA to Ramp Up Duties on Canadian Lumber?” (Wood Central, Dec 29, 2024). 
    • We should be making more money than ever on our timber but we’re locking up our state forest lands to make less than ever.
  • Why are we locking up our forests? Because of the misguided “Habitat Conservation Plan” to “protect” endangered species.
  • Electric car sales are slowing in the US and Europe as both fans and skeptics share concerns (AP, Nov 28, 2024)
  • Europe: The Fall of the Holy Renewable Empire (Gatestone Institute, December 27, 2024)
    • “Dunkelflaute” [“Dunkel Flout-eh”} is the German word for Literally “flat, dark calm.”  A weather situation characterized by a simultaneous lack of wind and sun in winter—when, it so happens, demand for electricity is at its highest.
    • These episodes can last from a few days to several weeks
    • On December 12 of this year, German electricity production from wind and solar power was 1/30th the demand for it.
  • AI Data Centers Are Causing ‘Distortions’ in the Power Grid from Coast to Coast (Breitbart, Dec 31, 2024)
  • Oregon Adopts Climate Protection Program Rules (Natural Resource Rep, Dec 1, 2024)
  • Crescent Dunes: Biden DOJ Moved on Election Night to Cover Up Alleged Solar Energy Scandal that Cost Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions (Breitbart, Nov 25, 2024). 
  • Oregon awarded nearly $200M in federal funding to boost climate action programs (OPB, July 22, 2024)
  • Divest Oregon’s Summary and Analysis of the Oregon Net Zero Plan (via
14-50 Bailout: Oregon Department of Forestry Chooses to Be Insolvent

14-50 Bailout: Oregon Department of Forestry Chooses to Be Insolvent

Show 14-50 Summary: Too big to fail? Too green to fail? For an agency designed to fund itself and some 200 other public agencies and services, like rural schools, counties, roads, police, and fire, the new “thinking” at the Oregon Department of Forestry just ran out of sustainability. It is now insolvent. And required a special session of the legislature to bail them out because they couldn’t pay the bills they owed for firefighting. But it’s going to get worse with the environmentalists’ new scheme. We talk with Jennifer Hamaker of Oregon Natural Resources and State Rep. Ed Diehl, to find out what happened, why it happened, and how this is all going to get a lot worse.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: December 14th & 15th, 2024 | Guest: Jen Hamaker & Ed Diehl

This Week – Oregon Department of Forestry Insolvent

The legislature held a special session this week to bailout a state agency. One that, since its inception, has been self funding. The Oregon Department of Forestry. Which this year could not pay its own bills for firefighting and had to be rescued by the taxpayer. While it’s not surprising a government agency spent too much and needed more money, this is way worse than the usual government failure.

The Oregon Department of Forestry was designed to fund itself. And not only that, it also funds some 200 other public entities and services. But not any more. Because now ODF has redesigned itself to fail. And to soak up taxpayer dollars. Instead of generating income for the state, it is now a liability. Leadership at Oregon Department of Forestry has determined it no longer wants to do its fundamental job. Which is to oversee—and make money from—the sale of timber on state lands.

But no more. By implementing a massive Habitat Conservation Plan (or HCP), the ODF has ensured its own perpetual bankruptcy. For the next 70 years.

Let’s recap. The Oregon Department of Forestry is supposed to harvest timber on state lands. It doesn’t want to do that. ODF is supposed to manage the forests. It doesn’t want to do that. Managing the forests means preventing fires. It doesn’t want to do that. ODF is supposed to ensure an ongoing, profitable, perpetual, and sustainable timber harvest for the future. It doesn’t want to do that.

What does it want to do? Apparently, sell carbon credits. But there is a real problem with that. (Aside from the fact it’s a massive scam.)

So Why is Oregon Department of Forestry Bankrupt?

We talk with Jen Hamaker, the president of ONRI (Oregon Natural Resource Industries) to find out the Oregon Department of Forestry got into this mess. It was a massive, self-inflicted wound. Like someone who gets injured and then gets surgery to stay disabled so they don’t have to work. Jen walks us through what the ODF was designed to do, what it is doing now, and why the need for a special session to bail them out. And if democrat lawmakers think this is going to get better, think again. This is now baked in. The Oregon Department of Forestry has changed from a billion dollar asset to a billion dollar liability.

Then we talk with State Representative, Ed Diehl (R-HD17), about what happened at the special session. Why did they call the meeting to session and then immediately go behind closed-door committee meetings? Were deals being cut? Rep. Diehl also confirms that ODF is now insolvent. Bankrupt.

ODF’s New Plan: Carbon Credits. Get Paid for Doing Nothing

And it’s only going to get worse. Why? Because the Oregon Department of Forestry wants to move away from forestry and into the carbon credit scheme.

A scheme based on false premises (CO2 is not the enemy, and it is not a pollutant). And a scheme that is likely to fall apart as all across the nation, states lose federal funding for their net zero initiatives.

And we ask, how would this be different if Republicans were in charge? Because this whole Oregon Department of Forestry fiasco is about to get a lot worse — a lot worse — with democrat super majorities in Oregon’s house and senate.

We can all agree ODF needed to pay the bills owed to firefighters. Some whom had to take out huge loans to make ends meet while waiting to be paid. But this bailout doesn’t fix the problem that ODF just created for itself. And its solution to lock up Oregon’s forest lands — let ’em burn! — Oregon Department of Forestry has just made things a lot worse.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Jen Hamaker’s organization is Oregon Natural Resource Industries. Visit them at
  • Rep. Ed Diehl’s website is
  • Oregon isn’t paying its wildfire bills on time. Now legislators must act (OPB, December 11, 2024)
  • Taxpayers “gave” billions to create interest-bearing endowments for Far-Left environmental groups that assault natural resources: “Environmental nonprofit fundraising draws criticism across political spectrum (Capital Press, Nov 14, 2024)
    • An analysis showed “20 nonprofit environmental organizations active in the West … have total net assets of nearly $2 billion dollars”
    • “a significant amount of the money is set aside as an endowment to generate income”
  • This isn’t going to work. Oregon’s Department of Forestry’s plan to stop harvesting timber and start selling carbon credits will fail when the federal government stops cuts the trillions (yes, trillions) of dollars for “Climate Change.”
  • Oregon’s carbon credits scheme to get to net zero, like all states, depends heavily on federal funding.
  • How much federal funding for states’ net zero funding? About $40 billion. (via Perplexity, retrieved Dec 13, 2024).
    • Do democrat state lawmakers honestly think the Trump will continue that scam? (If so, we have a unicorn to sell them.
  • Sen. James Lankford Offers Sneak Peak Into How Exactly DOGE Will Clean Up Government Waste and Abuse (The Daily Signal, Dec 11, 2024)
14-49 The Climate Change Scam: Is this the Beginning of the End?

14-49 The Climate Change Scam: Is this the Beginning of the End?

Show 14-49 Summary: This week we talk to Craig Rucker about what we hope is the beginning of the end of the most extensive and expensive scam in American history — the Climate Change scam. (Or Global Warming scam if you’re old school.) With Trump’s election, there was weeping and gnashing at the annual UN confab for global warming, COP29, which Craig recently attended. We look at the impact the incoming administration will have on policies and personnel. And how changes at the top may filter down to Oregon. Including ruining one of its most recent environmental schemes, to make money from doing nothing.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: December 7, 2024 | Guest: Craig Rucker

This Week – The End of the Climate Change Scam

This week we are talking with Craig Rucker about what we hope is the beginning of the end of the most extensive and expensive scam in American history — the Climate Change scam. (Or Global Warming scam if you’re old school.) Under Biden a minimum of $1.5 trillion was transferred from the US taxpayer to Far Left organizations and causes. We start with the weeping and gnashing at the annual UN confab for global warming, COP29, which Craig recently attended. Many at the conference had been literally banking on a Kamala win to continue the funding that’s been flowing their way. Where will their trillions come from now?

MAGA ladies at COP29
MAGA ladies at COP29

Then we take a look at the impact the incoming administration will have on policies and personnel. And how changes at the top may filter down to Oregon. Including ruining one of its most recent environmental schemes, to make money from doing nothing.

And with Trump’s win, we’re able to move away from theoretical, “If Trump wins, what can we expect?” discussions. Now we can talk about what will happen and what needs to happen. We find out more about those tapped for Secretary of Interior, Energy, and for the EPA and what those appointments will mean for downsizing their agencies. And what policies especially need to be stopped that could unravel the multi-trillion-dollar Climate Change scam.

Is this the beginning of the end of the Climate Change scam?

Let the deprogramming begin.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Related Information on the Climate Change Scam

  • Net Zero Land Area (Steve Goreham, YT Channel, May 29, 2022)
    • The problem with Net Zero. A Princeton study found that to go from current 10% to 50% renewable by 2050, requires 228,000 square miles of land. That is more than Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Wisconsin — combined.
  • PBS Climate Change scam propaganda programming. If you don’t believe their scam, something is wrong with your brain. “How your brain stops you from taking climate change seriously” (PBS, January 7, 2019)
  • Exxon’s chief has a warning for Republicans (Politico, Nov 12, 2024)*The oil giant takes a stance before the Trump administration sets its sights on gutting Biden’s climate agenda.*warns republicans not to gut Biden’s climate agenda
  • DOGE Co-Lead Vivek Ramaswamy at CNBC’s CFO Council Summit (CNBC, YT Channel, Dec 4, 2024)
  • Crescent Dunes: Biden DOJ Moved on Election Night to Cover Up Alleged Solar Energy Scandal that Cost Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions (Breitbart, Nov 25, 2024). 
  • Environmental nonprofit fundraising draws criticism across political spectrum (Capital Press, Nov 14, 2024)
    • IRS filings by 20 nonprofit environmental organizations in the West have total net assets of nearly $2 billion dollars. Often significant amounts are set aside as an endowment to generate additional income beyond donations.
    • Nice. Taxpayers gave Far Left organizations seed money for perpetual income.


14-39 The 2024 Election – Two Elements of What’s at Stake

14-39 The 2024 Election – Two Elements of What’s at Stake

Show 14-39 Summary: It’s not just the candidates running. It’s what’s at stake in this election. And we look at just two elements with huge implications. Control over federal agencies, whether those will expand or be reined in and deregulated. And all the federal land that might be at stake thanks to a potential Supreme Court ruling — if they take it up and if the next administration acts on it.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of April 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: September 28, 2024, 2024 | Guests: Kimberley Hermann and Myron Ebell 

This Week – What’s at Stake

It’s never just about the candidates running. It’s what’s at stake after the election. And we look at just two elements with huge implications of those potential futures. While the economy gets most of the attention, it’s much more than that.

First, we look at control over federal agencies, and whether those will expand or be reined in and deregulated. Or even disbanded. The regulatory agencies are the leash on the economy. Will the economy be given more rope or even let run off leash? Or chained up?

You can guess which candidate wants what on that. But with the new Loper-Bright Supreme Court decision, that overturned a previous SCOTUS ruling, Congress could, if it has the backbone, rein in these overreaching agencies that prevent economic expansion. We talk with Kimberley Herman, the executive director of Southeastern Legal Foundation, about what the overturn of the Chevron deference could mean for the future of government.

What’s at Stake: 640 million acres of federal lands

Years ago, we followed the effort to allow states to take possession of the federal lands within their own borders that had been promised to them at the time of statehood. And all the federal land that might be at stake thanks to a potential Supreme Court ruling — if they take it up and if the next administration acts on it.

That is, after all, what happened with the states east of the Mississippi. None of those states have massive amounts of land in their borders still held by the federal government. But for states West of the Mississippi and in particular, West of the Rockies, states have tremendous amounts of land within their borders still held by the federal government. Oregon has 53.03% of its land that is not its land—it’s held by the federal government. and it’s also tremendously mismanaged by the federal government. Meaning they don’t. And that’s why Oregon has massive forest fires every year. When you don’t manage forests they become kindling factories.

Now, a new lawsuit by Utah is at the Supreme Court. All they need are four justices to vote to hear the case before the full court. This could have huge implications for states that have so much of their land held by the federal government which is doing nothing with it. Imagine the impact of land being brought into active production and use whether that’s agriculture, timber, mining, camping, hunting… Kind of activity that will spur the economy. not to mention create taxable wealth for the government. Rather than letting it sit there and rot and burn which only wastes taxpayers’ money.

We welcomed back long-time guest, Myron Ebell (although it’s been a long time since we last spoke), who is now the chairman of American Lands Council.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

14-34 Oregon’s New Redistribution Scheme: The Climate Protection Plan

14-34 Oregon’s New Redistribution Scheme: The Climate Protection Plan

Show 14-34 Summary: Oregon’s latest wealth redistribution scheme, Governor Kotek’s Climate Protection Plan, is a plan to solve to solve nothing. It is a carbon cap and trade scheme forcing to pretend to cut carbon dioxide emissions. It will have no impact on climate. Zero. None. But it will cost Oregonians millions more every year. In higher food prices. Higher utility bills. And any goods that are shipped and delivered will also cost more. It’s also a plan that Oregonians have directly and indirectly rejected three times before. So why are they doing it?

Be sure to scroll down to the show notes section for the links to submit your comments and tell them no.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of April 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: August 24th & 25th, 2024 | Guest: Chuck Wiese

This Week – Oregon’s Climate Protection Plan

This week’s show is a big one — discussing Oregon’s latest scheme to redistribute wealth: the Climate Protection Plan.

The CPP will force a carbon cap and trade program on Oregon’s businesses, which will impact many things you buy and need. Apparently, Governor Kotek and the democrats think that you’re STILL not paying enough on food and utilities, let alone all the other aspects of your life that will be impacted.

This Climate Protection Plan is a scheme that Oregonians rejected directly by turning down a ballot initiative. They rejected it indirectly through their legislature, which wouldn’t pass the bill. And a third time after Governor Brown’s executive order establishing it was tossed by Oregon’s Court of Appeal. Why? Because in her authoritarian zeal to force her belief system on Oregonians, they failed to meet public meeting laws. In fact, the court said the governor and DEQ didn’t appear to even try to meet the public meeting laws.

But the nation’s worst governor, Tina Kotek, (she came in 50th out of 50 in a recent survey) is trying to resurrect it. The DEQ is taking public comment on it right now. And you need to weigh in.

Take action! Head to the Climate Protection Plan page at the DEQ, then scroll down to the public involvement section. If you already know you’re a “no” then submit your comments on Oregon’s CPP by emailing Nicole Singh:

We interview meteorologist Chuck Wiese to discuss how this CPP will cost Oregonians millions — to solve a non-existent problem.

Climate Protection Plan: the Pretend Solution to an Imaginary Problem

Bad data leads to bad information. Bad information leads to bad decisions. And that’s the foundation of Oregon’s Climate Protection Plan. Chuck Wiese walks us through why the climate change (aka “global warming”) scaremongering is simply wrong.

The whole foundation of Climate Change is that CO2 is warming the Earth and that mankind’s carbon dioxide contribution is causing the warming. Except it’s a wrong idea based on bad information that is based on bad data. And now Oregon’s politicians are forcing a solution to a non-existent problem.

The non-existent problem is that Oregon’ puny CO2 emissions, even if entirely eliminated, is so small (we’re talking hundredths of a percent) that it would make no difference. At all. Especially since China is busily increasing its emissions more than Oregon could possibly cut.

Their solution? A carbon cap and trade scheme. It’s a scam. See the show notes section for lots of information on carbon credits and cap and trade schemes and how they do nothing to fix the “problem” of carbon emissions. As one article says, “Ultimately, carbon credits incentivize the buying and selling of carbon credits, rather than reducing the amount of pollution companies produce. Shell is a classic example of this; the company now has a very lucrative business line of creating and selling carbon credits.”

Yes. It’s all about money. Bilking industries out millions of dollars and redistributing it. Especially to far left environmental “non profits.”

Carbon Dioxide as the Fake Enemy

It’s simple. If Democrats and environmentalists and the far left we’re truly serious about carbon and carbon dioxide they would do a far, far better job of force management. Trees need and suck in carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Instead, the Democrats and environmentalists and the far left refuse to do proper forest management. They refuse to cut timber. and what happened? Millions of acres have burned putting all that carbon and CO2 back into the atmosphere not to mention all that soot and particles that they claim to worry about.

Tina Kotek’s Department of Forestry literally just took some 57% of Oregon’s forests offline because of their Habitat Conservation Plan. They are not at all serious about carbon dioxide. So don’t listen to them when they lie to you and claim that they care about carbon dioxide.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Take action! Head to the Climate Protection Plan page at the DEQ, then scroll down to the public involvement section. If you already know you’re a “no” then submit your comments on Oregon’s CPP by emailing Nicole Singh:

Oregon State has valid reasons for opposing Elliott forest carbon-crediting scheme (Oregon Capital Chronicle, Aug 20, 2024)

Actually, it’s the DEQ misleading people: “Oregon DEQ says NW Natural is misleading people on state climate program” (OregonLive, Aug 20, 2022)

Learn about carbon credits and cap and trade schemes

  • Great video—good info and simple to understand: Carbon credits are a complete scam (Auto Expert John Cadogan, YouTube Channel, Jan 9, 2024)
  • Exposing the Carbon Credit and Offset SCAM (Belinda Carr, Apr 20, 2022)
  • Carbon Credits Are the Biggest Scam Since Indulgences—How You Can Avoid Being Fleeced (The Burning Platform, June 11, 2024)
  • The Carbon Credit Scam: Financial Cost, Virtue Signaling, Little or No Environmental Benefit (Gateway Pundit, May 24, 2024)
  • Carbon credit scam exposed: carbon markets fail as CO₂ declines (CFACT, Apr 02, 2020)
    • “…the existence of these markets sets up a perverse incentive. To the average climate campaigner, the goal of such a “market” is to eventually bring CO₂ emissions to as close to zero as possible. But for those companies making big bucks off of carbon credits, when the so-called “pollution” falls, so do their profits. They don’t plan on giving that cash flow up any time soon.”
  • Boondoggle: Carbon capture projects are worse than a public nuisance (CFACT, June 8, 2024)
    • This HAS to be one of the dumbest ideas ever: “…a giant carbon sequestration project on and underneath federal land [in Montana’s Snowy River region]. It would be supported by a vast “carbon capture” network consisting of tens and thousands of miles of new pipelines and dozens of remote storage sites.
    • Carbon offsets are an artificial commodity – completely unrelated to the climate or any other tangible asset. They are an open invitation to fraud because it is impossible to say what effect buying or selling them will have on the climate.
  • World’s largest seller of carbon credits EXPOSED as scam operation (Natural News, March 29, 2023)
  • Unveiling the Potential Scam and Fraud of Carbon Credit Schemes (Irfan Nasrullah via Medium, Sept 27, 2023)
  • Even Greenpeace agrees that carbon credits are a scam, calling them “greenwashing” and “window dressing.
    • “Carbon offsetting is truly a scammer’s dream scheme.” And that’s from Greenpeace, true climate change believers
14-33 Is it Still Free Speech When No One is Allowed to Listen? | Censorship & Greater Idaho

14-33 Is it Still Free Speech When No One is Allowed to Listen? | Censorship & Greater Idaho

Show 14-33 Summary: Truth, or even just opinions, never need to be censored — unless you’re in the business of telling lies. We have a split show today — we’re talking about censorship in the second-half of our show, but first up we’ll be talking about the Greater Idaho Movement. Those two may sound like unrelated topics but at their heart, they’re quite similar — it’s about being free, and being free to speak one’s mind. And it’s about the powers that be blocking voices who have opinions they don’t like.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of April 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: August 17th & 18th, 2024 | Guests: Matt McCaw & Dan Schneider

This Week – Greater Idaho and Greater Censorship

We have a split show today — we’re talking about censorship in the second-half of our show, but first up we’ll be talking about the Greater Idaho Movement. Those two may sound like unrelated topics but at their heart, they’re quite similar — it’s about being free, and being free to speak one’s mind.

But do you really have free speech if the powers that be prevent anyone from being able to hear you?

Censorship is about only allowing one side of an issue to be discussed. The erasing… and silencing of other opinions. Only one side is heard, and any others? Well, we just don’t care. Only OUR voice matters.

Which is a bit like what happens in rural areas, where people who live there aren’t listened to. They have no voice. The only ones who do have a voice in rural areas are people who don’t even live there — people in big cities in other counties get to decide what’s best for rural areas.

Greater Idaho

First up we talk with Matt McCaw, the executive director of the Greater Idaho movement. This is an effort to expand Idaho’s border to the west and incorporate the more conservative rural counties of Eastern and Central Oregon. Counties that feel they have no voice in Salem. Because are outvoted by Oregon’s more populated far left counties. Which amounts to people who don’t live in rural areas telling people who do what they are allowed to do.

We’ve used this analogy before: letting people in cities make decisions about what people are “allowed” to do in rural areas is like letting people in rural areas decide things like how much internet people in cities are “allowed” to have. Or public transit. Or decide whether to build new roads or design traffic flows.

It’s an abusive relationship. And people in the rural counties are done with being battered and want out.

But if you think this divorce will never happen, take a listen. And it might just surprise how simple it is. And that it’s happened before. Right here in Oregon.

For more information on the Greater Idaho Movement, see their website: Be sure to see their FAQs page.

The Censorship Movement

In the second half of the show, we talk “Greater Censorship” with Dan Schneider. Dan is the vice president of the Media Research Center, where he leads the Free Speech America program.

We witnessed censorship during covid. When differing opinions were blocked. Scientists and doctors were threatened if they did not comply. Threatened with losing their license if they disagreed with the mandates. And the vaccines. We saw censorship in the 2020 election. When the government conspired with social media to block posts unfavorable to Joe Biden. Especially the Hunter Laptop story. We saw Twitter remove Trump’s post on January 6, encouraging people to be peaceful and everyone needed to go home. But the media hid that. Why? To create the false narrative of an “insurrection.” And that Trump caused and encouraged it.

Simply put, it was a lie.

Remember: The truth never needs to be censored — unless you are in the business of telling lies.

EU Commissioner Thierry Breton's threatening censorship letter to Elon Musk re Trump Interview
EU Thierry Breton’s threatening letter to Elon Musk (click for full size)

Censorship — from Other Countries?

But the censorship movement hasn’t stopped. Elon Musk may have bought Twitter (now “X”) and exposed the censorship — because he knows there is nothing more fundamental to democracy and to freedom than free speech — but the censorship is still happening. And in many respects, it feels like it’s getting worse.

Is it? We talk with Dan about that. And we talk about the censorship we are seeing over in Europe and the U.K. with their protests against millions of immigrants. The EU’s threats against Elon for daring to talk to Trump—an American politician and presidential candidate. (“Foreign interference in our elections,” anyone…?) And it’s all happening live right now. Right in front of our faces.

But be sure to tune in to hear about a closed door meeting that MRC got a whistleblower inside. A secret meeting with Google telling leftist politicians how to get around Google’s own algorithm and restrictions on political speech. And, conveniently, not inviting right-leaning politicians.

And in case you’re wondering — yes, the censorship movement will get far worse under Kamala and Tim Walz. Both of whom are socialists. And that entails all of the censorship in any socialist country. You are not, and will not, be allowed to question the regime.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Matt McCaw, Greater Idaho, Segments 1–3

  • The Greater Idaho’s website is See especially their news page and FAQs.
  • And, as always, check their Get Involved page for what you can do to give rural counties a voice by making Greater Idaho happen.
  • Just one of their interviews from Greater Idaho’s main page: “The movement to expand Idaho’s border into Oregon (CBS News Sunday Morning, October 16, 2022)

Dan Schneider and the Censorship Movement, Segments 4–6


  • The Most Dangerous Anti-Free-Speech Movement in Our History (Fox News, via YouTube, Aug 12, 2024)
    • Alliance between Universities and media and govt and corporations against free speech
    • Polls show people still have an instinctual opposition to censorship
    • Jonathan Turley: “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage”
  • The Reintroduction of Kamala Harris (Time, Aug 12, 2024)
  • Kamala Steals Trump’s No Tax on Tips (Trump War Room, via X, Aug 12, 2024)
  • Inside Elon Musk’s Hands-On Push to Win 800,000 Voters for Trump (WSJ, Aug 12, 2024)
14-18 Troubling Signs about Bidenomics | Learn to Think Like an Economist

14-18 Troubling Signs about Bidenomics | Learn to Think Like an Economist

Show 14-18 Summary: Does anyone remember when the media objectively covered economics. After all, so much of it revolves around data. And yet the mainstream media does everything it can to attack good economies, like we had under Trump, while providing cover for lame economies, driven primarily by government and government spending, like what we have under Joe Biden. So how do you know what to trust and whom to trust? On this week’s show we talk to an economist to help you think like an economist.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: May 4th & 5th, 2024 | Guest: Jonathan Williams

This Week –  Despite the mainstream media doing their best to run cover for Biden and his economic policies, there are some troubling signs about Bidenomics. And some of it really troubling. Which is why you’re not hearing those kinds of stories in the mainstream media.

When it comes to the economy, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is Biden’s DEI hiring-equivalent of “Baghdad Bob.”

GDP for the first quarter was half of normal growth and less than half of the previous quarter. Unemployment for April rose with one of the indicators the worst it’s been since November 2021. And yet all we ever hear out of the White House is how great things are. Including a rather startling comment from KJP. According to her, prices are too low. That woman is Biden’s DEI hiring equivalent of “Baghdad Bob.”

But because economic reporting has become so politicized how can an everyday person tell whether or not the economy is doing well — aside from their own subjective experiences? Because their experiences may not be what everyone else is going through.

Think Like an Economist

So this week we talk to an economist—Jonathan Williams, Executive Vice President of the American Legislative Exchange Council, and their chief economist—to help people learn to think a little more like an economist.

What are some of the trigger points to look for? What are some of the more reliable measurements that indicate a good or a bad economy? And what economic levers can they pull to turn an economy around or to keep a good economy going?

And all of that to help people pick the right people to put them in charge to get the economy on the right track

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Jonathan’s organization is ALEC – the American Legislative Exchange Council. Find out more at
    • Encourage your representatives to join ALEC! There are state and city memberships. Help elected officials understand economic problems and the real solutions available to get out of them! Send them this link:
    • And you too can join as a private-sector member!
    • You can follow Jonathan on Twitter at @TaxEconomist.
  • How did Oregon do in the 2024 edition of Rich States, Poor States? We actually moved up on notch—although we’re still in the low 40s. Explore all the states or jump to Oregon’s rankings.
    • Be sure to try out the red “adjust policies” tab!
  • Biden Administration’s New Climate Rules Add $31,000 to Price of New Home, Industry Groups Say (The Epoch Times, May 1, 2024)
  • That Stephen Moore article: “Why Small Businesses Hate Bidenomics” (The Daily Signal, April 23, 2024)
  • GDP growth slowed to a 1.6% rate in the first quarter, well below expectations (CNBC, Apr 25, 2024).

The Death of DEI?

Other Related Economics News

  • ‘Harassment’: Feds Impose Trans Agenda on Employers for Pronouns, Bathrooms (The Daily Signal, April 29, 2024)
    • The Daily Signal reported that under new federal guidelines — released on Monday by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — an employer would be guilty of harassment by requiring someone to use a restroom that corresponds with their biological sex or if someone “misgenders” them.
  • US births reach 45-year low – report (RT, Apr 25, 2024)
  • Why hundreds of U.S. banks may be at risk of failure (CNBC, May 1, 2024)
  • U.S. job growth totaled 175,000 in April, much less than expected, while unemployment rose to 3.9% (CNBC, May 1, 2024)
  • Long-predicted consumer pullback finally hits restaurants like Starbucks, KFC and McDonald’s (CNBC, May 1, 2024)
14-08 Government Creep is Beyond Creeping. It’s an Invasion.

14-08 Government Creep is Beyond Creeping. It’s an Invasion.

Show 14-08 Summary: It’s government creep. And for all the wrong reasons. Jennifer Hamaker of Oregon Natural Resource Industries updates us BOEM (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management) pulling a fast one on public meeting laws to try shove through Biden’s offshore wind mills that no one wants. And we talk with Rep Ed Diehl about Oregon’s censorship program. Yes, it really is censorship. He got access to their documents. Some of which were redacted — but actually weren’t. Now we have them. Heh heh heh heh…

green new deal is all about money

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: February 24th & 25th, 2024 | Guests: Jennifer Hamaker & Ed Diehl

This Week – Government Creep

Government used to grow slowly. Incrementally. It used to be called “government creep” but now it’s growing by leaps and bounds. And it’s not Superman up there. It’s Lex Luthor in all his villainy.

Because the worst part about government creep is that it always grows for all the wrong reasons. It would be one thing if it got bigger and better about defending our Constitutional rights. But whenever government grows, it’s to find ways around the Constitution. And, of course, it’s about rewarding politicians’ and bureaucrats’ friends and allies. Who, all too often do not have America’s best interests at heart. And Americans pay the literal price. And at the price of our freedoms.

ONRI Continues the Fight

This week, we talk with Jennifer Hamaker of ONRI (Oregon Natural Resource Industries) about the continuing fights against government creep and using the excuse of the environment to do it. “Save the planet” has duped too many people into thinking environmental government creep is even remotely about the environment. Let alone saving the planet.

green new deal is all about money

No. It’s about spending American tax dollars on things that will transfer enormous amounts of taxpayer dollars to leftist groups. Face it. Climate Change. Environmentalism. Global Warming. It’s all socialism. And none of it would exist without cash payments from the taxpayers.

And the Far Left will not blink when it comes to getting those billions. Hundreds of billions. Even to the point of ignoring people (so much for “democracy”) and ignoring public meeting laws. Recently, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced it will ignore public outcry, forego any more public meetings, and just approve the plan for Oregon’s offshore wind farms anyway.

But it’s not over.

Remember. Oregon’s Appeals Court threw out Governor Brown’s “Climate Protection Plan” (a carbon credit scheme). Why? Because the agency pushing it, wait for it… ignored public meeting laws.

Jen updates us on what happened, what’s next, and their other fights to raise public awareness of what Oregon’s very Far Left “environmentalists” want to do, which will destroy, not save, the environment.

Don’t be silent. The wins we’ve had recently — like the cancellation of the Elliott State Research Forest — happened because people did not stay silent.

Are you a landowner? Do you have a forest you’d like to harvest? Then you need to contact ONRI. They are looking to form a class-action lawsuit to stop the Private Forest Accord. See the contact links on either or

Government Creep is Just Creepy

Then we talk with Representative Ed Diehl (OR-HD17), whose public records request was the basis of that Daily Caller article we mentioned a few weeks back during our show with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote.  We have been following the ongoing story of the Secretary of State’s scheme to monitor, track, and, yes, censor free speech about our elections. The elections division hired an A.I. company to help them hunt down whatever the democrats in charge of the elections division deem to be mis-, dis-, or mal-information. Or “MDM.”

In case you don’t know, “A.I.” is “artificial intelligence.” Because, apparently, there’s no real intelligence at the elections division. If there were, they would know this is a horrible idea.

As a state representative, Ed Diehl got access to the MDM program documents. Agencies tend to respond to legislative requests, and far better and with less stalling than requests from the public. Or from the media for that matter. Some of the documents were heavily redacted. Except it turns out they weren’t actually redacted. Whoops.

Yes, Oregon. It’s Election Free Speech Censorship

In case you haven’t already, read that Daily Caller article about Oregon’s MDM elections censorship program. It’s a great summary of what they’re trying to do. And how they’re trying to justify spying on, censoring, and threatening people for daring to exercise their free speech. (To quote Greta: “How dare you!”)

Find out more about Rep. Ed Diehl at his website,

We talk with Ed about what he uncovered. Don’t miss the discussion about the Twitter Files, about the government using Big Tech to censor free speech about elections. Which the A.I. flagged as “worrisome.” Weird. Big Tech and government consider stories exposing government using big tech to censor as worrisome? Oh, the irony. And hypocrisy.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Ed Diehl’s Segments (4–6)

  • Ed Diehl’s website is
  • Blue State Hired AI Company To Track Election ‘Misinformation.’ It Routinely Flagged Conservative Opinions (Daily Caller, Jan 16, 2024)
  • Censorship-Industrial Complex Enlists U.K. ‘Misinformation’ Group Logically.AI To Meddle In 2024 Election (Federalist, Jan 29, 2024)
  • The bill Ed mentioned was SB1583. It would dramatically curtail the rights of local school boards to control the curriculum in schools. IN other words, it would ensure woke curriculum gets in and anything even closely resembling Judeo-Christian, conservative, or pro-America curriculum stays out.*You can read the bill, register to testify virtually or in person, and/or submit written testimony here: 

Research and Related

Elections, Voter Fraud, Censorship
  • Help fight Oregon’s AI-powered election monitoring and censorship program. Visit Battleground Oregon ( and donate to help with legal expenses. (Full disclosure: I Spy Radio‘s host, Mark Anderson, is a plaintiff in this case. He receives nothing from the donations, which go to legal expenses.)
  • ‘Bombshell’ Documents: CISA Knew Mail-In Ballot Risks But Censored Criticism of Them Before 2020 Election (Trending Politics, Feb 22, 2024)
  • Muskegon Voter Registration Probe: Michigan Election Integrity Group Wants to Know What Happened (The Epoch Times, Feb 23, 2024)
  • MSNBC thinks you don’t have rights, like free speech, unless the government says you do. “MSNBC Host Bashes Christians for Believing that ‘Rights Come From God'” (WLT Report, Feb 23, 2024)
  • Rise in Mail-in-Voting: A Convenience or Pathway to Fraud? (America First Report, Feb 22, 2024)
  • ‘Bombshell’ Documents: CISA Knew Mail-In Ballot Risks But Censored Criticism of Them Before 2020 Election (Trending Politics, Feb 22, 2024)

Green, Environment, etc.

Green energy scam on the way out? Check these out:

  • Things Have Gotten So Bad for EV Makers That They’re Having to Send Checks to Angry Leasing Companies (Western Journal, Feb 21, 2024)
  • Tesla’s price cuts are driving down car values so much that EV makers are sending checks to leasing firms to compensate them (Fortune, Feb 21, 2024)
    • Carmakers have begun compensating leasing companies for the sliding value of used electric cars as Tesla Inc.’s price cuts rip through an industry that must sell more EVs or face hefty fines. … Carmakers need to comply with tightening fleet emission levels, or pay fines.
    • Prices for used EVs plummeted last year as weakening demand for new battery-powered cars prompted Tesla to slash sticker prices, forcing others to follow suit.