Show 14-25 Summary: This week it’s a deeper look at the abuse of power by our elected officials. We continue our conversation from last week with senator Dennis Linthicum, who is running for Oregon’s Secretary of State — an office that oversees other agencies and therefore needs a Secretary of State who can and will hold them accountable when they operate outside their limits. And then we also talk with Kimberly Hermann from southeastern legal foundation and their new case against the Biden administration for his overreach. He is trying to give foreign farm workers rights that American farm workers don’t have. And ignoring about 90 years of law to do so.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: June 22nd & 23rd, 2024 | Guests: Dennis Linthicum & Kimberly Hermann
This Week – Abuse of Power
We take a deeper look at elected (and unelected) officials’ abuse of power. We continue our conversation from last week with senator Dennis Linthicum, who is running for Oregon’s Secretary of State — an office that oversees other agencies and therefore needs a Secretary of State who can and will hold them accountable when they operate outside their limits.
For more information, visit Dennis Linthicum’s campaign website,
And then we also talk with Kimberly Hermann from southeastern legal foundation and their new case against the Biden administration for his overreach. He is trying to give foreign farm workers rights that American farm workers don’t have. And ignoring about 90 years of law to do so.
For more information, visit Kimberly Hermann’s organization, Southeastern Legal Foundation, at
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
Dennis Linthicum’s Segments
Where did all that money for schools go? “Newberg superintendent will go on medical leave after firestorm over district’s financial situation” (OregonLive, June 11, 2024)
SLF’s latest case against Biden’s abuse of power: unionizing non-American farm workers: “Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association, Miles Berry Farm, et al. v. U.S. Department of Labor” (SLF Liberty, June 2024)
States, farmers file suit against Biden admin over rule allowing temporary farm workers to unionize (Just the News, June 10, 2024)
14-23 If Winning is the Only Option, Chasing Ballots is How to Win
Show 14-23 Summary: Chasing ballots is not the same as ballot harvesting (which is illegal in some states). We talk with Matthew Martinez, the Chase the Vote Strategist for Turning Point Action about the how behind the how to win. And it’s incredibly simple. A mix of old-time politics and new technology.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: June 8th & 9th, 2024 | Guest: Matthew Martinez
This Week – Chasing Ballots: The How in the How to Win
This week it’s all about taking action. After what we saw with the wrongful prosecution and corruption of the justice system in New York leading to a fake felony conviction, the gloves are off. And tin 2024, winning is the only option.
But to do that, it takes strategies, action, and the will to win.
This week we talk with Matthew Martinez, the Chase the Vote Strategist for Turning Point Action — to get the ballots across the finish line this year. Matthew was the field director for the Kari Lake for governor campaign and is now working with Turning Point Action (the political arm of Turning Point USA) to spearhead the effort to get Republican ballots in the ballot box that otherwise not be cast.
Chasing ballots is not the same as ballot harvesting. Ballot harvesting is when someone goes and collects ballots including nightmare voter fraud situations, where someone goes and collects dozens if not hundreds of ballots from places like retirement homes. Where sometimes the voter isn’t even aware that someone took their ballot and voted for them.
Tune in to hear how Turning Point has changed the approach to getting the vote out. Including technology anyone can use to make it simple. Working closely in neighborhoods, he updates us on all the new data that Turning Point has accumulated for all states and how to use it. He also discusses how Republicans lost elections, through unforced errors that Democrats have known how to get around for years.
Why Chasing Ballots?
As the field director for the Kari Lake campaign, Matthew saw firsthand just how a few more votes per precinct in Arizona would have meant a republican governor, and a republican Secretary of State. Just 10 more republican votes turning in their ballots. That’s all.
In Oregon, we had a similar situation. A total of just 4,200 votes across six house districts would have flipped Oregon’s house to Republican control. And how different would the legislative session have looked this year with Republicans in charge of the budget? In one district, a mere 182 votes would have flipped that district. This year, winning is the only option. And this week’s show will help people get those reluctant votes in and across the finish line.
HD 7 (Lane County): 1,208 more votes would have flipped that seat to the Republican
HD 40 (Clackamas): just 182 more votes would have flipped the seat
HD 48 (Clackamas and Multnomah): 618 votes
HD 49 (Multnomah): just 904 votes — in deep blue Multnomah!
HD 50 (Multnomah): only 860 more votes — again, in Multnomah
HD 53 (Deschutes): Only 510 more votes
This was completely doable. The question is, why wasn’t it done?
Chasing Ballots Trainings Are Available
Urge your republican party county chair to chase these ballots. (Mr. Martinez’s contact information is below.)
Turning Point Action is willing to send representatives to do boots on the ground training to use their app and to teach people how to chase ballots by building relationships with their neighbors. All your county chair has to do is ask for help.
Get the Turning Point Action Chasing Ballots App! Just head to your phone’s App Store and look for “TPAction.” And, yes, we have checked it out and it does work for Oregon to find those reluctant republican votes.
And if they won’t? Then you need to take the lead.
Please feel free to reach out to us here at I Spy Radio (info @ ispyradio . com) if you or your county chair would like to help coordinate bringing turning point action representatives to Oregon.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Urge your Republican Party county chair to chase the ballots. They can contact Matthew at Request a training event! They have experts willing to come to Oregon for in-person ballot chasing trainings.
Show 14-21 Summary: Could a loophole in U.S. Criminal Code Title 18 allow illegal aliens to vote in federal elections? We have Catherine Engelbrecht on from True the Vote to discuss what her organization found and how it may open the door to millions of illegals voting in the presidential election. So much for election integrity. And that’s not even the worst of it. But are there signs that even in blue states, like Oregon, people might be done with Joe Biden, his far left policies, and his lawlessness like opening the border to those 10+ millions of illegals. And we talk with Chuck Wiese about the U. S. Supreme Court declining to hear his election integrity case.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: May 25th & 26th, 2024 | Guests: Catherine Engelbrecht and Chuck Wiese
This Week – Election Integrity Loophole Allows Illegals to Vote?
A couple weeks ago, Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote gave an explosive interview on Tucker Carlson’s show, in which she described what her organization found: a potential loophole in election integrity laws that could allow illegal aliens to vote in federal elections. If they believe they are legal citizens.
We know, coming across the border, the Biden administration and NGO’s have been telling the illegals that they are legal citizens, because they “followed the law” by claiming amnesty. amnesty being the pet door that allows illegals to just walk right in.
Call to action: the 611 Project. Get the handbook at True the Vote
We’ve all wondered why Democrats, and especially Joe Biden, have been flooding the country with 10 to 15,000,000 and possibly more, illegal immigrants. This could certainly explain it.
Except, as Catherine explains, the legal loophole potentially allowing illegal voters to vote for president isn’t even the worst of things. Tune in to hear what else Joe Biden could do.
And then we talk with Oregon’s election integrity political activist, Chuck Wiese. Chuck is a long-time I Spy Radio guest and a fan favorite due to his scientific background and logical insights on issues.Chuck was also part of an election-integrity lawsuit, Thielman et al. vs Oregon Secretary of State, in which they sought to restore integrity and trust to Oregon’s elections. That lawsuit made it all the way to the Supreme Court, which declined to hear the case unfortunately. Tune into here why that may have been and why election integrity is not dead yet in Oregon.
We also look at Oregon’s primary that just happened. surprisingly, it was not a good night for farther-left progressives as “squad wannabes” lost their primary races to more moderate Democrats. Is this a trend? are even Democrats fed up with Joe Biden, his open borders and lawlessness, lawfare against political opponents, and Bidenomics which is killing family finances.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Catherine’s organization is True the Vote — an organization out there on the front lines fighting for election integrity for all, regardless of party affiliation
Mentioned: Call to action! Visit the 611 Project webpage at True the Vote to find out what you can do about non-citizen voting. There is also a handbook you can download that takes a through look at non-citizen voters.
Just learning about this — IV3: True the Vote’s new election integrity app you can use to find and report potentially illegal voters.* “A web-based app that empowers voters with a way to confirm accuracy, identify ineligible records, report findings to local authorities, and stay up to date on the recent changes to your local voter rolls: IV3.”
Show 14-19 Summary: We think we speak for a lot of Republicans who have watched in disappointment for years and years Democrats outmaneuver, outspend, out volunteer, and out organize Republicans when it comes down to the final wire. And that success or failure depends on leadership. Ronna McDaniel was not up to the job. Like too many “party Republicans” she loved meeting more than doing. But there are two new sheriffs in town — RNC co-chairs Michael Whatley and Lara Trump. And they are showing aggressive leadership to outdo the Democrats. We talk with the secretary of Oregon’s Republican Party about plans and trainings to make battle ready Republicans come November.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: May 11th & 12th, 2024 | Guest: Jo Rae Perkins, Oregon Republican Party Secretary
This Week – Battle Ready Republicans
For years, if not decades, it seemed Republicans were unwilling to fight back when it came not just to elections but even fighting for their side after elections. And the brutal truth is the Democrats have had a superior ground game.
But is all of that about to change?
With new leadership at the top, the Republican National Committee is signaling an aggressive willingness to go toe to toe with Democrats. And that includes get out the vote efforts, ballot harvesting, even challenging Democrats in courts as they try to institutionalize making it easier to cheat in elections.
Will Even Oregon have Battle-Ready Republicans?
And what about Oregon? Will the Oregon be ready for the fight in November? We talk with Jo Rae Perkins, the secretary for the Oregon Republican Party, about what is happening on the national level — and what is happening right here in Oregon.
Is that aggressiveness coming from the top coming to Oregon? What trainings and volunteer opportunities are available to help Republicans get over the top. And what about those statewide races? Can Republicans take those? And what are the roadblocks out there that could stop Republicans from winning?
There is a lot happening and a lot to talk about to get Republicans battle ready by November.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
Want to be a battle-ready Republican? Visit the Oregon Republican Party’s website and look under the “Get Involved” tab — for county chapters, events (including trainings), and volunteer opportunities.
Oregon Battle-Ready Republicans
Here are some highlighted events and trainings mentioned during the show:
Battle-Ready Republican Trainings
Click for full size
Candidate Training Workshop (Friday, May 24, 2024, at 1:00 pm) | Keizer Civic Center, Keizer, Oregon
Become a battle-ready Republican candidate!
“…tailored to equip you with essential skills and knowledge for a successful candidacy. From crafting creative messaging to navigating ORESTAR and mastering fundraising strategies…”
See flyer for more details and how to register
Click for full size
ORP Election Integrity Symposium (Friday, May 24, 2024, at 1:00 pm) | Keizer Civic Center, Keizer, Oregon
Election integrity expert speakers. Ranked-choice voting specialist. Cyber security expert. Learn how to support Oregon election integrity lawsuits. Discover how to clean up voter rolls and election law. Plus a hand-count voting demonstration.
Make Oregon Great Again Event (Saturday, June 22, 2024, at 10:00 am) | Jackson County Fairgrounds, Central Point, Oregon
State and National Speakers to inspire you to make America and Oregon Great Again. Speakers include Mike Lindell (the MyPillow guy), Joe Hoft, co-founder of Gateway Pundit, top MAGA/MOGA leadership and candidates. And live music from Nashville recording artist, Mark Mackay.
Grassroots Luau BBQ Fundraiser (Saturday, June 29, 2024, at 5:00 pm) | Melrose Vineyards, Roseburg, Oregon
“Join us as we harness the spirit of the West and the warmth of aloha for an evening of unity, celebration, and purpose. Let’s show the world that conservatives know how to have a darn good time!”
Linn Laughs LIVE with Adam Corolla (Saturday, September 7, 2024, at 5:00 pm) | Linn County Fair & Expo, Albany, OR
“… an exciting evening including dinner and a live performance from Adam Carolla. … The well-known comedian, podcaster, and radio personality, will be sharing his humor, sharp wit, and interesting conversations.”
Show 14-17 Summary: You’d think Biden and the Democrats destroying women’s and girls’ rights, that used to be protected under Title IX, would be big news. That throwing out protections for biological women would make front page/lead story status on every mainstream media print and news outlet. Well. It would have if Trump had done it. But since it was Biden and the Democrats stripping women of their rights, the mainstreamers are running cover by ignoring it. We talk with Title IX expert, Sarah Parshall Perry from the Heritage Foundation to find out just how bad it is. And it is as bad as you could imagine, The dream of education is now a woke nightmare for women and girls.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on ou1t network of stations.
On a Personal Matter…
Dear Friends and Listeners,
I want to thank all of you who have been praying these last few weeks for my wife, Karla Davenport, who is also I Spy Radio’s producer. She lost her ability to stand on Good Friday morning, due to a demyelinating disease. To make matters far worse, while in the hospital she contracted a life-threatening bout of “C diff.” This is a highly contagious bacterial infection. Her internal system had completely shut down, her kidneys were failing, and all of it was causing complication throughout her body, including her heart.
After two weeks in the hospital, she was deemed out of danger and was released to skilled nursing where she remains as she goes through physical therapy to regain her strength and mobility. We are not yet sure when she will be released home. Your prayers for her full recovery are so very deeply appreciated.
My very best,
Original Air Dates: April 27th & 28th, 2024 | Guest: Sarah Parshall Perry
This Week – Title IX Protections for Women and Girls are Dead
Last week, we saw the total destruction by the Biden administration of Title IX — the landmark civil rights law that has protected women and girls in education since 1972. Those rights are now gone. Replaced by woke ideology that legally considers anyone who thinks of themselves as a woman as a woman.
We know that these kind of things never stay in their own sandbox. How will this bleed over into other elements of society? One area the new changes directly assault is freedom of speech. With these rule changes, the government has officially moved away from protecting free speech, it’s sacred duty according to the first amendment. It is instead censoring speech. And even compelling speech — what you must say. With these new rules on the books, if you misgender someone by not using their preferred pronouns it can be the basis of a sexual harassment lawsuit.
Why Did Democrats Destroy Title IX?
But why would the Democrat party, which claims they are all for women’s rights, completely upend women’s and girls’ rights an education. And why do this if there is clear and compelling legal precedence against it?
We unpack all of that with Sarah Parshall Perry, a Senior Legal Fellow at the Heritage Foundation. She has decades of experience in education and previously served as senior counsel at the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Education Department. And she is extremely knowledgeable about Title IX’s protections for women and girls. Or at least what they used to be.
If you ever needed a reason for school choice this show will give it to you.
And, ladies, if you are a democrat, it’s time for a divorce from them.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform. Or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Sarah Parshall Perry is a Senior Legal Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. Read more about her at her bio page on Heritage.
Sarah is also a widely published author and a regular contributor to The Daily Signal. Find many of her articles here. But these are the two that got our attention about Title IX:
Show 14-11 Summary: The vast majority of Americans used to be able to agree on some simple things. Like free speech and election integrity. You know. The right to free speech and that our elections should be fair, free, and secure against fraud. But no more. And the more the Left uses the power of government to enforce their view of America on the rest of us, the less we’ll agree and the less we’ll look like America. We interview Kimberly Hermann of the Southeastern Legal Foundation and Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote. Two women truly on the front lines of liberty. And the fight ahead to save America.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: March 16th & 17th, 2024 | Guests: Kimberly Hermann & Catherine Engelbrecht
This Week – Free Speech and Election Integrity
With the First Amendment — remember that? — being foundational to America, you would think we would all be able to agree on free speech and election integrity. But we don’t. Why is that?
Because when it comes to free speech and election integrity, Americans are extremely divided. In part, it’s because the Left and the Right have very different ideas about what is free speech and and what is election integrity.
The Right wants to have absolute free speech, as intended by our founders. But the Left thinks government should control speech — what can be said and what can’t. Which is weird because the government is supposed to defend a person’s right to free speech, not compel them to say something or prevent them from saying it.
And the same with elections, which are a form of free speech. The Right thinks of election integrity as limiting the ability for people to cheat and that only those who have a right to vote, should. But the Left only sees integrity in elections when everyone gets to vote, even if they don’t have a legal right to do so.
Free Speech Only for Some?
We talk with Kimberly Hermann, the general counsel for Southeastern Legal Foundation about a curious lawsuit they just filed against the University of New Mexico. But before we get there, we talk about some basics of free speech. Does the First Amendment have an asterisk by it, as the Left would have us believe? And what about this notion that our Founders never envisioned the internet so now we should do away with the free speech? And what about all this censorship? By our own government no less?
And it’s not just our government attempting to censor. It’s our universities. Tune in to hear how UNM decided to fine one side of the political aisle for trying to exercise their rights. And what Southeastern Legal is doing to remind them they have a legal obligation to protect speech. Even if they hate it.
Election Integrity
Then we talk with Catherine Engelbrecht, the president of True the Vote. Because TTV fights for election integrity, and has exposed tens of thousands of instances of voter fraud, they get smeared from time to time. We discuss the latest, in which they’re accused of not having any evidence of a single instance of voter fraud. But who said it? The guy to whom they gave the evidence. Except in his shallow mind, it doesn’t exist if you don’t look at it.
And you’ll never guess who begged for True the Vote’s endorsement.
But with 2024 looming, just voting is no longer an option. Thankfully, do-nothing Ronna McDaniels (the Fani Willis of the Republican Party) is gone at the Republican National Committee. And with new leadership, the RNC has alre3ady fired its first shot. At Michigan. Why? Because in 53 counties, Michigan has more registered voters than actual adults.
We also get Catherine’s insights from the trenches what everyday people can do. And what the RNC needs to focus on in the months ahead.
Mentioned: The Incredible Global Censorship Machine
As mentioned in the closer, Tucker Carlson had a stunning interview with Mike Benz, who revealed the alarming trutch behind the global effort by the Left to use government agencies and anti-free speech laws to censor the Right, who want free speech and smaller government. Watch the short clip, “Is Hate Speech a Loophole in the Constitution?” (Tucker Carlson Network, YT Channel, Mar 3, 2024). Here are some highlights:
The “Global Engagement Center” founded by Rick Stangle, who is a former journalist and described himself as “Obama’s Propagandist in Chief.”
Stangle has made public arguments against the First Amendment and Free Speech
The Global Engagement Center was the first government censorship operation within the federal govt, originally desiged to combat ISIS, which was recruiting on Facebook and Twitter. But then they turned it on American citizens.
It uses Artificial Intelligence to map the entire conversations happening on social media and create a vasty topography of how communities are organized online; major influencers are, what they’re talking about, what narratives are emerging or trending
When Hillary was not elected in 2016, State Department officials left and to prevent another Trump-style victory in the3 future, they convinced European countries to pass censorship laws and use this AI style systems to attack those on the right.
They forced social media companies to employ censorship algorithms. They could be fined $54 million per post that had been identified as “hate speech” by the algorithm if it remained on the site for more than 48 hours
It has the ability to censor 10s of millions of posts with just a few lines of code.
Over 60 universities in the U.S. get federal grants to do this censorship work
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
Mentioned during Kimberly’s Segments (1–3)
Leadership Institute, et al. v. University of New Mexico: SLF files lawsuit against the University of New Mexico for violating students’ and speakers’ freedom of speech (SLF, case details, March 2024)
Attorney General Ken Paxton Seeks to Stop Biden Administration from Censoring American Media Companies (AG of Texas, News Release, Feb 7, 2024)
SLF’s previous encounter with the University of New Mexico:*”1st Amendment case involving free speech and social media before the United States Supreme Court” (Michael Delsignore blog, Aug 31, 2020)*Hunt v. Board of Regents of the University of New Mexico (SCOTUS Blog, Nov 23, 2020)*“Issue: Whether the Board of Regents of the University of New Mexico violated Paul Hunt’s clearly established rights as a private citizen under the First Amendment by punishing him for his off-campus, political speech.”
Mentioned during Catherine’s Segments (4–6)
The smear article: “Conservative Group Tells Judge It Has No Evidence to Back Its Claims of Georgia Ballot Stuffing” (US News , Feb 14, 2024)
Judge rules True the Vote’s mass voter challenges in Georgia are not illegal voter intimidation (Wabe, Jan 2, 2024)
Lawsuit Uncovers How Raffensperger Tried To Memory-Hole The Election Law Trump’s Georgia Call Was About (The Federalist, Jan 16, 2024)
Super Tuesday Voting Irregularities Report (True the Vote, Mar 7, 2024) (Scroll down to find the article)
Mollie Hemingway: “New Book Admits Fani Willis’ Get-Trump Investigation Began With Illegal Recording (The Federalist, March 7, 2024)
Constitutional Attorney Lists Five Ways Georgia DA Fani Willis Committed Misconduct Prosecuting Trump and His Associates (Georgia Star News, March 7, 2024)
“It was alleged in the conspiracy case against him that Trump was telling Raffensperger to manufacture votes, to create votes where none existed before. Trump’s attorneys called for a recount in the state.”
The Republican National Committee sues Michigan over the state’s voter rolls (NBC News, Mar 13, 2024)
Show 14-10 Summary: We continue our discussion with CIA whistleblower Pedro Israel Orta. This week, we look deeper into the CIA itself and the Deep State. We ask about rogue operations. And his take on the recent leak to the NY Times about CIA operations in Ukraine (proving Putin right, no less, so why do it?). And what about the control the CIA and Deep State have over presidents? Is it real? It”s been going on all the way back to Eisenhower and Kennedy. Did the CIA kill Kennedy? And what about that myth of “good people” in the government? Why don’t they do something?
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: March 9th & 10th, 2024 | Guest: Pedro Israel Orta
This Week – Digging Deeper into the CIA
CIA officer turned CIA whistleblower Pedro Israel Orta spent some 18 years in the CIA. And when he encountered abuses by a CIA Chief of Base in Afghanistan, he felt compelled to report it. But he quickly found out that whistleblower protections were basically non existent. Because he was the one singled out for punishment. And he was eventually forced out of the CIA. But not before he got to see how other whistleblowers were treated within the intelligence community. Now Pedro is on a mission to reveal the CIA for what it is — from an insider’s view point.
If you missed last week’s show with CIA whistleblower Pedro Israel Orta, you might want to listen to that first, since it sets the stage for this week’s show.
What a CIA Whistleblower Knows
Pedro Israel Orta was an analyst and spent years in covert operations for nearly two decades. This week, we talk to him about in more depth about the CIA itself. And the Deep State intelligence community. Which is supposed to serve the president. But do they? Or are they on their own.
Pedro discusses how the CIA and its forerunners began to take power for itself going back to FDR. Eisenhower tried to warn us about the “military industrialized complex.” And being a former general, he was in a position to know about the rising power of the intelligence agencies. So we ask, why didn’t he do something other than warn us?
And what about Kennedy? He knew the CIA was trying to steer America into a war with Cuba. And Vietnam. And he was going to break up the CIA. So was the CIA involved with killing Kennedy? Yes, we ask.
And what about all those wars and military conflicts since Kennedy? Did the CIA manipulate America into all of them? How does the CIA control presidents into doing their bidding? Yes, we ask all that too.
But then there’s the recent New York Times disclosure that Putin was right. The CIA really was and is operating in Ukraine and using it as a front to attack Russia. (Naturally, the Times is blind to that admission, even though they give Putin all the evidence.) Was it all an intentional leak? And if so, why?
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
That NY Times article we discuss: “The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin” (NYT, Feb 25, 2024)
Just sick and mentally ill by the NY Times writer: “Now these intelligence networks are more important than ever, as Russia is on the offensive and Ukraine is more dependent on sabotage and long-range missile strikes that require spies far behind enemy lines. And they are increasingly at risk: If Republicans in Congress end military funding to Kyiv, the CIA may have to scale back.”
ZeroHedge does a great analysis of that NY Times article. “CIA Built ’12 Secret Spy Bases’ In Ukraine & Waged Shadow War For Last Decade, Bombshell NYT Report Confirms” (ZeroHedge, Feb 26, 2024)
More on Deep State Sabotage
The prospect of a second Trump presidency has the intelligence community on edge (Politico, Feb 26, 2024)
Trump sought major changes at the intel agencies in his first term; former officials say he could be more radical in a second.
Fair warning: this whole article is rife with politics, including the spin that Trump might have colluded, we just can’t prove it. Even a pic of Trump shaking hands with Politico.
“Andrew McCabe, the then-deputy director of the FBI, said the bureau believed that was necessary to keep with a directive from then-President Barack Obama to compile all intelligence U.S. intelligence officials had on Russian meddling.” And that’s the problem. They stayed loyal to Obama, not the new president.
Show 14-09 Summary: While serving in Afghanistan, Pedro Israel Orta was a CIA officer who felt compelled to file a whistleblower complaint when he witnessed situations that were putting his fellow officers in danger. The point of the whistleblower system is to protect someone who comes forward to alert higher-ups about problems and protect them from the people responsible. Especially if that person has authority over the whistleblower. But what happens when the system itself is corrupt? And turns on whistleblowers who expose actual problems? Pedro Orta found out firsthand what happens when the system turns on its own. And how a system designed to protect can be used against the Deep State’s enemies.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: March 2nd & 3rd, 2024 | Guest: Pedro Israel Orta
This Week – CIA Whistleblower
We welcome first-time guest, Pedro Israel Orta, who joined the CIA looking to serve his country after his family had fled the tyranny of the Castro regime.He spent 18 years with them, serving a variety of posts, primarily as an analyst, and covert field work as well.
But while serving in Afghanistan, Pedro witnessed situations that were putting his fellow officers in danger due to a Chief of Base who was inexperienced with war zones. And turned the station into more of a social club. They were there to do a mission. And she was endangering them through her actions. So Pedro felt compelled to file a whistleblower complaint. But instead of the system taking action to protect the lives of its officers, the CIA turned on him, the whistleblower.
The point of the whistleblower system is to protect someone who comes forward to alert higher-ups about problems and protect them from the people responsible. Especially if that person has authority over the whistleblower. But what happens when the system itself is corrupt? And turns on whistleblowers who expose actual problems? Pedro Orta found out firsthand what happens when the system turns on its own.
Broken Whistle – A Deep State Run Amok
As a CIA whistleblower, Pedro found out the hard way that the CIA does not want to shine the light on its own abuses. Tune in to hear how the system turned on him, someone who was merely trying to shine a light on a problem so others would not be put in the same dangerous situations.
We discuss the CIA whistleblower program, what happened to other CIA whistleblowers, and whistleblowers from across the intelligence community. What you’ll hear is a system that refuses to look at its own problems. And sees the best solutions for problems is to ignore them. And silence those who want to fix the system. In doing so, it also bullies others who might want to come forward with the implied threat: do it, and we’ll make sure you regret it. Is it any wonder our intelligence community has become so corrupt?
After being fired from the CIA, Pedro wrote a book about his experiences: Broken Whistle: A Deep State Run Amok, which was just published in February 2024.
Whistleblower System – Used and Corrupted
But it’s more than just whistleblowers who want to come forward. In his book, Pedro exposes how the whistleblower system, which was designed to protect people against systemic abuses, was itself corrupted. In his first chapter, Pedro exposes how the whistleblower system was corrupted by the Deep State to go after President Trump. The intelligence community altered whistleblower forms retroactively, changed the rules to allow secondhand reports, and then banded together to defend their own corruption. All to go after a sitting president.
Why? In our opinion, it was that “perfect phone call” to Zelensky, raising an investigation into Joe Biden. Because if Trump opened that door, there were dozens, if not hundreds, of corrupt people behind it. And that was a door that couldn’t be allowed to be opened.
We hope to have a part two with CIA whistleblower Pedro Israel Orta in the very near future. There is a lot more to uncover and we only just scratched the surface.
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The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
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We’ll be talking about this article in depth the next time we talk with Pedro: “CIA Built ’12 Secret Spy Bases’ In Ukraine & Waged Shadow War For Last Decade, Bombshell NYT Report Confirms” (ZeroHedge, Feb 26, 2024)
Read the NYT’s article ZeroHedge was reporting on: The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin (NYT, Feb 25, 2024)
Just sick and mentally ill by the NY Times writer: “Now these intelligence networks are more important than ever, as Russia is on the offensive and Ukraine is more dependent on sabotage and long-range missile strikes that require spies far behind enemy lines. And they are increasingly at risk: If Republicans in Congress end military funding to Kyiv, the CIA may have to scale back.”
Putin defeated US plan for Russia – [Victoria] Nuland (RT, Feb 25, 2024)
Basically, Nuland admits the plan was to have a puppet run Russia
Show 14-08 Summary: It’s government creep. And for all the wrong reasons. Jennifer Hamaker of Oregon Natural Resource Industries updates us BOEM (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management) pulling a fast one on public meeting laws to try shove through Biden’s offshore wind mills that no one wants. And we talk with Rep Ed Diehl about Oregon’s censorship program. Yes, it really is censorship. He got access to their documents. Some of which were redacted — but actually weren’t. Now we have them. Heh heh heh heh…
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: February 24th & 25th, 2024 | Guests: Jennifer Hamaker & Ed Diehl
This Week – Government Creep
Government used to grow slowly. Incrementally. It used to be called “government creep” but now it’s growing by leaps and bounds. And it’s not Superman up there. It’s Lex Luthor in all his villainy.
Because the worst part about government creep is that it always grows for all the wrong reasons. It would be one thing if it got bigger and better about defending our Constitutional rights. But whenever government grows, it’s to find ways around the Constitution. And, of course, it’s about rewarding politicians’ and bureaucrats’ friends and allies. Who, all too often do not have America’s best interests at heart. And Americans pay the literal price. And at the price of our freedoms.
ONRI Continues the Fight
This week, we talk with Jennifer Hamaker of ONRI (Oregon Natural Resource Industries) about the continuing fights against government creep and using the excuse of the environment to do it. “Save the planet” has duped too many people into thinking environmental government creep is even remotely about the environment. Let alone saving the planet.
No. It’s about spending American tax dollars on things that will transfer enormous amounts of taxpayer dollars to leftist groups. Face it. Climate Change. Environmentalism. Global Warming. It’s all socialism. And none of it would exist without cash payments from the taxpayers.
And the Far Left will not blink when it comes to getting those billions. Hundreds of billions. Even to the point of ignoring people (so much for “democracy”) and ignoring public meeting laws. Recently, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced it will ignore public outcry, forego any more public meetings, and just approve the plan for Oregon’s offshore wind farms anyway.
But it’s not over.
Remember. Oregon’s Appeals Court threw out Governor Brown’s “Climate Protection Plan” (a carbon credit scheme). Why? Because the agency pushing it, wait for it… ignored public meeting laws.
Jen updates us on what happened, what’s next, and their other fights to raise public awareness of what Oregon’s very Far Left “environmentalists” want to do, which will destroy, not save, the environment.
Don’t be silent. The wins we’ve had recently — like the cancellation of the Elliott State Research Forest — happened because people did not stay silent.
Are you a landowner? Do you have a forest you’d like to harvest? Then you need to contact ONRI. They are looking to form a class-action lawsuit to stop the Private Forest Accord. See the contact links on either or
Government Creep is Just Creepy
Then we talk with Representative Ed Diehl (OR-HD17), whose public records request was the basis of that Daily Caller article we mentioned a few weeks back during our show with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote. We have been following the ongoing story of the Secretary of State’s scheme to monitor, track, and, yes, censor free speech about our elections. The elections division hired an A.I. company to help them hunt down whatever the democrats in charge of the elections division deem to be mis-, dis-, or mal-information. Or “MDM.”
In case you don’t know, “A.I.” is “artificial intelligence.” Because, apparently, there’s no real intelligence at the elections division. If there were, they would know this is a horrible idea.
As a state representative, Ed Diehl got access to the MDM program documents. Agencies tend to respond to legislative requests, and far better and with less stalling than requests from the public. Or from the media for that matter. Some of the documents were heavily redacted. Except it turns out they weren’t actually redacted. Whoops.
Yes, Oregon. It’s Election Free Speech Censorship
In case you haven’t already, read that Daily Caller article about Oregon’s MDM elections censorship program. It’s a great summary of what they’re trying to do. And how they’re trying to justify spying on, censoring, and threatening people for daring to exercise their free speech. (To quote Greta: “How dare you!”)
Find out more about Rep. Ed Diehl at his website,
We talk with Ed about what he uncovered. Don’t miss the discussion about the Twitter Files, about the government using Big Tech to censor free speech about elections. Which the A.I. flagged as “worrisome.” Weird. Big Tech and government consider stories exposing government using big tech to censor as worrisome? Oh, the irony. And hypocrisy.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
West Coast communities prepare as the feds finalize areas for new floating wind farms (JTN, Feb 20, 2024)
Common Sense Needed Moving Forward on the Elliott Research Forest*Giesy Plan Alternative promises hope for all sides (NW Observer, Feb 24, 2024)
Do you own a forest you might someday like to harvest? Oregon’sbehind-closed-doors deal, the Private Forest Accords, means you can’t. Contact Jen Hamaker of ONRI about joining a potential class-action lawsuit. Do so at either either or and use the “contact” link in the menu.
Blue State Hired AI Company To Track Election ‘Misinformation.’ It Routinely Flagged Conservative Opinions (Daily Caller, Jan 16, 2024)
Censorship-Industrial Complex Enlists U.K. ‘Misinformation’ Group Logically.AI To Meddle In 2024 Election (Federalist, Jan 29, 2024)
The bill Ed mentioned was SB1583. It would dramatically curtail the rights of local school boards to control the curriculum in schools. IN other words, it would ensure woke curriculum gets in and anything even closely resembling Judeo-Christian, conservative, or pro-America curriculum stays out.*You can read the bill, register to testify virtually or in person, and/or submit written testimony here:
Research and Related
Elections, Voter Fraud, Censorship
Help fight Oregon’s AI-powered election monitoring and censorship program. Visit Battleground Oregon ( and donate to help with legal expenses. (Full disclosure: I Spy Radio‘s host, Mark Anderson, is a plaintiff in this case. He receives nothing from the donations, which go to legal expenses.)
‘Bombshell’ Documents: CISA Knew Mail-In Ballot Risks But Censored Criticism of Them Before 2020 Election (Trending Politics, Feb 22, 2024)
Muskegon Voter Registration Probe: Michigan Election Integrity Group Wants to Know What Happened (The Epoch Times, Feb 23, 2024)
MSNBC thinks you don’t have rights, like free speech, unless the government says you do. “MSNBC Host Bashes Christians for Believing that ‘Rights Come From God'” (WLT Report, Feb 23, 2024)
‘Bombshell’ Documents: CISA Knew Mail-In Ballot Risks But Censored Criticism of Them Before 2020 Election (Trending Politics, Feb 22, 2024)
Green, Environment, etc.
Green energy scam on the way out? Check these out:
Things Have Gotten So Bad for EV Makers That They’re Having to Send Checks to Angry Leasing Companies (Western Journal, Feb 21, 2024)
Tesla’s price cuts are driving down car values so much that EV makers are sending checks to leasing firms to compensate them (Fortune, Feb 21, 2024)
Carmakers have begun compensating leasing companies for the sliding value of used electric cars as Tesla Inc.’s price cuts rip through an industry that must sell more EVs or face hefty fines. … Carmakers need to comply with tightening fleet emission levels, or pay fines.
Prices for used EVs plummeted last year as weakening demand for new battery-powered cars prompted Tesla to slash sticker prices, forcing others to follow suit.
Show 14-07 Summary: If you don’t speak up, you’ll lose it. Free speech is under attack. And it turns out censorship is already more widespread than we’d previously believed. By the federal government, yes; by state governments, yes. But now cities? This week, it’s all about defending free speech and exposing censorship of it.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: February 17th & 18th, 2024 | Guests: Austin VanDerHeyden and Joseph Vazquez
This Week – Exposing Censorship
Two new-to-us guests this week. But both share their experiences and insights into censorship and the fight for free speech. Which the government is supposed to defend. But right now it is the worst offender when it comes to censorship. (By the way, a big win on censorship that broke after our interview. More below.)
First up is Austin VanDerHeyden from the Goldwater Institute, which is based in Phoenix Arizona. The Goldwater Institute has defended free speech and other civil liberties since 1988. But it turns out they had a city right in their own backyard that was busy spying on and censoring city employee’s free speech.
Then we talk with Joseph Vazquez from the Media Research Center, which has been America’s media watchdog against Left-Wing bias in the news since 1987. Back then it was countering and exposing the Left bias in the media. But now MRC has a new program focused on free speech and fighting censorship. Especially by Big Tech.
Because as we see with Oregon’s A.I.-powered elections monitoring and censorship program to combat whatever the democrats in charge deem to be mi-, dis-, or mal-information (MDM), Big Tech and artificial intelligence are weaponizing technology against the rights of citizens. And, again, let us remind governments, at all levels, that the role of government is defend free speech. Even and especially speech with which it disagrees. It’s role is not to determine what is acceptable or allowed.
Did you miss our previous shows about Oregon’s MDM elections monitoring and censorship program? See these shows, 13-43, 13-45, and the related show, 14-03 with True The Vote. And this article from The Daily Caller about it.
Check out the research and show notes section for our guests’ organizations, and links mentioned during the show. And some others we relied on to build the show.
News! Censorship Can Be Stopped
Thankfully, there are sensible judges still out there who recognize that the Constitution means it when it says the government’s duty is to protect free speech, not censor it. On Friday, after our interview, news broke of a big win by RFK Jr., who had sued the federal government. Which, despite its constitutional duty, agencies within the federal government have been working with Big Tech to censor whatever it didn’t like. About such things as covid, the vaccines, global warming/climate change, transgenderism and more.
The ruling is essentially on hold until after the bigger and broader Missouri v. Biden, which is currently at the Supreme Court, awaiting a ruling. But. This ruling prevents Biden and his gestapo agencies from working with social media companies to suppress free speech. But this definitely fires a shot across the bow of U.S.S. Censorship.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
Austin VanDerHeyden (Segments 1–3) on the City of Gilbert’s Censorship
Austin VanDerHeyden is from the Goldwater Institute and serves as their Municipal Affairs Liaison
Have a problem with your city council? Or a problem with your school boards? Then contact Austin.
THIS: Austin mentioned A website to help you crack open government, with tools and resources to on how to file public records requests. Free speech dies when we remain silence.
The Goldwater Institute also takes on civil liberties cases “… on issues ranging from free speech and property rights to school choice and equal protection under the law, and much more.” Think they might be interested? Submit a case.
From The Epoch Times: Big Brother Town Department Paid to Spy on Private Social Media Posts That Do Not Align With Woke Beliefs (Epoch Times, Feb 11, 2024)
Joseph Vazquez (Segments 4–6) on Censorship: George Soros, Big Tech, and A.I.
Joseph Vazquez is from the Media Research Center and serves as the associate editor for Business and Free Speech America.
The Media Research Center (MRC), has been fighting the Left-Wing bias in news since 1987.
Perhaps one of MRC’s better-known projects is News Busters. If it’s not already on your daily news sites, it should be.
One of MRC’s latest projects is Free Speech America. Which has its own program, Censor Track, which specifically tracks censorship by Big Tech. Meaning censorship of conservatives.Visit
We did not get time to discuss this but this is frightening: “Inside the Biden Admin’s New Strategy to Censor, Push Leftist Activism Into American Classrooms” (, Jan 17th, 2024)