Category: Free Speech

13-48 It’s Christmastime! Dating, Origins, History, and Biblical Accounts

13-48 It’s Christmastime! Dating, Origins, History, and Biblical Accounts

Show 13-48 Summary: Christmastime is that time of year when you run into the Christmas downers who try to convince you “real Christians” shouldn’t celebrate Christmas because it has “pagan origins.” You doubtless see them popping up on social media and among your circle of friends. And they will arrogantly scoff at anyone who doesn’t echo their dismissive Christmas attitude. The modern-day Christmas downer is a lot like the downer Puritans before them: if they don’t approve it, then it’s just not Christian. For much of American history, the Puritans and other protestant offshoots banned Christmas celebrations — especially merrymaking. This week, find out why you shouldn’t let them steal your Christmas joy. We talk with Pastor Richard Peil about the origins and history of Christmas celebrations, its potential dating, and some exciting insights into the two Biblical accounts of the Nativity story.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: December 2nd & 3rd, 2023 | Guest: Pastor Richard Peil

This Week – It’s Christmastime!

For most people, Christmastime is a joyous time. Filled with traditions, family, joy, and memories and nostalgia about Christmases past. But not for everyone. Some are committed to being the Christmas downer. Why? Because they’ve gotten it in their head that Christmas has pagan origins. That it was originally a pagan holiday that the early Church co-opted Saturnalia. Or other pagan holidays. So they spend what should be a joyous time of year dragging others down and, Grinch-like, attempting to steal others’ joy and Christmas spirit.

Don’t let them.

And when they’re not pushing the Saturnalia angle, they’ll point out similarities between the Mithra religion. Yes, there are alleged similarities. But you know who’s the greatest imitator of God and what is holy? Satan. (Funny how they forget that.) They’ll say we don’t know when Jesus was born. And that’s largely true. And they’ll also say whenever he was born it was not on December 25th, in 1 A.D. Yes, that’s possible. After all, if your focus is to pick a day that something didn’t happen, you’ve got a 364 out 365 chance of being right.

Calendars and the Dating of Christmas Day

Over the millennia, calendars and dates have been tweaked and revised and reordered to an extent that it’s hard to say which day might have been the true Christmas Day. And it’s a moving date. At one time, most scholars thought Jesus was born in 4 B.C. based largely on Josephus. But better information came to light, including a better dating for the eclipse Josephus mentioned. And, drawing on other historical sources, it’s now reliably likely that Jesus was born in  2 B.C.

But which day of the year?

Well, here’s the thing: no one knows. But it’s not the date that’s important – it’s what happened that’s important. Regardless of the day of the year. That the war against Satan had started and his time holding power over this world was coming to an end. And, as with any life, it’s not “just” that you’re born but what you do with that life. The date it started doesn’t matter in the greater scheme of things.

Origins of Christmas

We welcome back Pastor Richard Peil who leads Victory Baptist Church in Bend, Oregon, to talk about Christmas, its early church origins and beliefs. In the early days of Christianity, which had many Jewish converts and followed Jewish heritage, most people did not celebrate birthdays at all. Instead, they celebrated the day when someone died. Which is rather odd from our modern standpoint. But tune in to hear other traditions and about two competing theories of why the early church thought Jesus was conceived on March 25th. And therefore must have been born on December 25th.

We also talk about Christmas time celebrations during America’s early days. Or not. Because in some colonies and states, not only was Christmas definitely not celebrated but was even banned from being celebrated.

And then we talk about the two Nativity stories in the Bible, from Matthew and Luke. Which tell the story of Jesus’s birth from two different viewpoints. And intended for two different audiences. Why does Matthew focus on the arrival of the Magi and Luke ignores it? Why does Luke focus on John the Baptist and the shepherds? And why does Matthew ignore those?

Watch the fascinating “Star of Bethlehem” 2007 documentary by Rick Larson
Try this link if you have Amazon Prime Video

Speaking of Magi, you’ll hear what some sources think their arrival was really like. And with some historical context, you’ll never think of the “Three Wise Men” the same ever again.

Christmastime Traditions and Today

Then we wrap up with some important discussions of Christmas in today’s day and age. Should Christians even celebrate? If so, why? What do non-believers need to see and to hear during Christmastime? And the same for Christians? What traditions does Pastor Peil’s family and church family celebrate and are important to them?

So when you run into the Christmas downer, spewing their Christmastime hate, remind them the date is not important. The Joy of Christmas is found in what happened that day, not the day on which it happened.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Pastor Peil’s church is Victory Baptist Church. Their website is

The Problems Dating of Christmas

  • From Chuck Missler: When Was Jesus Born? (Koinonia House, Dec 1, 2020)
    • “We know that the flocks were in an open field (Luke 2:8). That means it was not after October, because it would have been too cold.”
    • 24 priestly courses
  • Jewish Calendar, 3BC and 2BC
  • Origins of April Fools Day (
    • “April Fools’ Day dates back to 1582, when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563. …In the Julian Calendar, as in the Hindu calendar, the new year began with the spring equinox around April 1.”
  • Roman calendar (via Fandom)
  • The Essenes Calendar (Bible Prophecy Information, via
    • The Essenes (who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls) kept the traditional Jewish solar calendar, not the Pharisees’ lunar calendar
    • See our previous show with Dr. Ken Johnson for a fascinating look at the Essenes — the ancient Jewish sect, including their calendar-based prophecies of Jesus’s arrival and completion of his mission as The Messiah.
  • The First Recorded Celebration of Christmas (Christianity Today, Oct 23, 2020)
    • “In an old list of Roman bishops, compiled in A.D. 354 these words appear for A.D. 336: ‘25 Dec.: natus Christus in Betleem Judeae.’ Or, ‘December 25th, Christ born in Bethlehem, Judea.’ This… is the first recorded celebration of Christmas.”
  • Historians beware! Interesting discussion on Julian/Gregorian Calendars (University of Nottingham)
    • The Julian Calendar was the system of dating followed from 46BC onwards. It established a 365-¼ year. Except it was 11 minutes too long.
    • In 1582, the Gregorian calendar corrected the over-correction by eliminating ten days and adjusting leap years. But took nearly 400 years to be universally adopted!

The Magi, Other Christmastime

  • History of the Magi (Chuck Missler, December 1, 2021)
  • The fascinating “Star of Bethlehem” 2007 documentary by Rick Larson
  • The Origins of our Christmas Traditions (, Seasonal Favorites, Dec 2004)
    • “The first recorded mention of December 25th is in the Calendar of Philocalus (A.D. 354).”
  • The History of Christmas: Is It Pagan? (Koinonia House, Dec 13, 2011)
    • “Tertullian (AD 160-220), the early Church writer, noticed that the pagan religion [of Mithra] utilized baptism as well as bread and wine consecrated by priests. He considered Mithraism to have been inspired by the devil, who wanted to mock Christians and lead others to hell.”
  • John 1:14: “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” The Greek word there for “dwelt” is  σκηνόω (pronounced, “skay-NAH-oh”) which means to tent or to encamp; which is why some translations use “tabernacled among us” instead of “dwelt among us.” See this link to Strong’s Concordance for more on σκηνόω.
  • What the Bible says about Feast of Tabernacles (, No Date)
    • Required 189 animal sacrifices be made at the Feast of Tabernacles alone—more than all the other holy days combined.
  • Early Christmas (
    • “During the first two centuries of Christianity there was strong opposition to recognizing birthdays of martyrs or, for that matter, of Jesus.”
  • The Christmas Story – Part 2 – Chuck Missler (Koinonia House, YouTube Channel, Dec 25, 2019)



13-45 Battle Lines Have Been Drawn | Oregon Censorship Lawsuit Filed

13-45 Battle Lines Have Been Drawn | Oregon Censorship Lawsuit Filed

Show 13-45 Summary: A split show this week. First up, we talk about the battle to get School Choice in Oregon on the November 2024 ballot. There’s been some confusion out there about the funding and how the typical strings-attached could impact home schoolers. Except that is not the case in this case. Find out why. But the bulk of the show is discussing the Oregon censorship lawsuit just filed this week. We bring on the lawyer in the case to discuss why it was brought. And what was so incendiary in Oregon’s “election disinformation” surveillance system. Don’t miss the state’s response to some Republican senators who dared question the state. The war is on.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: Nov 11th & 12th, 2023 | Guests: Donna Kreitzberg and Stephen Joncus

This Week – In the Trenches

There was a flurry of letters this week as opposing sides squared off over our 1st Amendment rights and, what many feel, is Oregon’s government attack on its own citizens. And from an office no less, that is the supposed to be the defender of Oregonians’ rights—the Secretary of State.

Two weeks ago, we brought you the shocking story of the Secretary of State seeking to hire an AI firm to track, monitor, and report anything the SoS Office deems “mis-, dis-, or mal-information” about the elections. (See Show 13-43, “Oregon’s New Surveillance System to Track, Censor “Election “Disinformation.”) The RFP they posted sought an Orwellian tech company that would surveil social media, websites, blogs, podcasts, and even radio broadcasts.

As we continue to cover this developing fight to protect our rights, there have been some breaking news items as the Secretary of State rightly felt the heat. Among the developments are a new lawsuit filed in federal court, thanks in large part to I Spy listeners’ multiple donations and generosity.  A big thank you to all who donated to make this legal defense of our First Amendment possible.

Also, the Republican Senators and Representatives sent a letter to the Secretary of State, admonishing the government’s actions and demanding that they stop.  But, not surprisingly, the government effectively responded with “It’s no big deal, we’re just monitoring.  And oh by the way we did the same in 2022 and see, no big deal. Plus, other states are doing it too.”

Great way to build trust, Oregon.

This week, we take a look at the legal issues behind this horrible idea.

Questions about School Choice Funding and Regulations

Map: Astounding Home Schooling Student Enrollment Increases by State, via Washington Post
Click map for full size

But first up we bring on Donna Kreitzberg to bring us a quick update on the hard work to get school choice  on the November 2024 ballot. I Spy Radio has fielded a lot of questions about the funding mechanism for this ballot initiative. Why? Because we have smart listeners. And people know that whenever there is government funding, there are strings attached. So wouldn’t that mean that stay-at-home parents who home school their children will be facing regulations tied to that funding?

The short answer is no. Not in this case.

Because we really dig deep into how Education Freedom for Oregon’s ballot initiative specifically protects against that. It will add an amendment to Oregon’s constitution that protects the choices parents make about their children’s schools.

That constitutional amendment ensures the funding attached to the children does not open the door to government regulations. This is especially true for home schooling — parents choices will be protected and puts a firewall between parents and government regulation. And that will keep government out of the classroom.

Have you signed the school choice ballot initiative petitions? You can download a single-signature petition or a petition with room for ten signatures. Head here to get your petitions and be part of the solution! Be sure to sign both of the ballot initiatives.

Note: there is a third school choice ballot initiative being floated by lobbyists that would not protect parents and home schoolers. In fact, it will almost likely inadvertently open the door to it and even religious based private schools.

Lawsuit to Block Oregon’s Free Speech Surveillance System

Then we welcome Oregon attorney Stephen Joncus, who filed the Oregon censorship lawsuit suing Governor Kotek, Secretary of State Griffen-Valade, and Elections Director, Woon. We discuss the impact the surveillance would have on Oregonians, the destruction of our privacy, and the suit’s request to put a halt to this contract.

Tune in to hear about the Oregon censorship lawsuit, why it was filed, what was so wrong with the State’s RFP for

To nutshell things, the entire problem is the State operates behind closed doors and is doing its best to keep it that way. They sue people who want to look. Or ask for access to public databases. They keep things behind a wall of secrecy, and now they want to block and control communication and discussion about a situation they have kept hidden. And then wonder why people question the integrity of the elections. And will attack anyone who does questions — to paint them with the Yellow Star of “disinformation.”

Read the Oregon censorship lawsuit, Thielman, et al. v. Kotek, the letter from GOP legislators demanding the SoS cease and desist, and the Secretary of State’s response to the legislators about their Orwellian RFP. As we predicted, it’s “Oh, we’re not really stopping free speech.” Sure. Threats don’t have a chilling effect on speech, does it Oregon?

Where are the democrats in all this? U.S. Senator Ron Wyden is against the government monitoring its citizens. So where are other democrats? Unless you speak out against censorship, you’re for it.

And, oh, by the way, it turns out there’s already another surveillance system already in place. That was news to us too. Don’t miss this important show!

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

School Choice Segments

Oregon Censorship Lawsuit Segments

13-43 Oregon’s New Surveillance System to Track, Censor “Election Disinformation”

13-43 Oregon’s New Surveillance System to Track, Censor “Election Disinformation”

Show 13-43 Summary: Oregon has now hired a surveillance partner to monitor, track, flag, report, and censor what the State deems election misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation. This Orwellian surveillance system will monitor social media posts, websites, blogs, YouTube videos, podcasts and even radio broadcasts. This is a war on Free Speech. And we know this is just the first step on a very slippery slope. Where is this headed? And what you can do to stop it.

Don’t be silent! Click here to jump down to contact info for the Secretary of State and your county elections to tell them what you think of their reporting system.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 28th & 29th, 2023 | Guest: Marc Thielman

This Week – Oregon’s Election Disinformation Monitoring System

We had a last-minute guest cancellation and were all set to air a best-of this weekend. But then, out of the blue, we found out late Thursday that Oregon’s Secretary of State had put out a RFP for vendors, looking for a surveillance system to spy on its citizens. Oregon wanted someone with a surveillance system that had the capabilities to monitor, track, flag, and report back to bureaucrats whatever the State deems to be election “misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation.”

That’s right. Welcome to Oregon’s War on Free Speech.

Want to read Oregon’s censorship RFP for yourself? Scroll down to the Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info section

This tracking system has massive tracking capabilities. Oregon’s RFP stated it wanted a provider to monitor all social media, websites, blogs, videos, podcasts — even radio broadcasts. All to hunt down whatever it determines to be “election disinformation.” Even whatever it deems to be misinformation or malinformation.

The stated goal is to give the State a free speech early warning system. To identify trends. And allow election officials to dispute, respond, and even censor any information that the state doesn’t like.

Oregon’s War on Free Speech

We welcome back Marc Thielman who is the lead plaintiff in an election integrity lawsuit,which is currently before the 9th Circuit. Marc and others wanted to help the state prove there was no election fraud. But the State sued to stop them, thank you very much. Now why would the State stop someone from helping them prove the elections can be trusted?

Censoring "election disinformation"? Tucker Carlson nails it: "Anything you're not allowed to ask questions about is something you should be asking more questions about."
Censoring “election disinformation”? Tucker nails it. (Click for full image)

Because the State tells you not to ask questions. You’re not allowed to ask questions. Do not question your betters. The State telling you, “Trust us” should be enough when it comes to questions about election integrity.

Nothing says “trust” like suing people who want to trust you.

But now, the State has gone off the deep end. It wants to proactively hunt down what it, in its sole discretion, deems to be election disinformation. No questioning the elections.

Marc and Mark go through this chilling and blatant attack on free speech. With this RFP, Oregon’s Secretary of State has effectively announced the State will now monitor everything people say online or over the air about elections so they can be alerted to it. And yes. They will undoubtedly seek to censor differing opinions. And even report “evildoers” spreading “election disinformation” to the FBI. And we know where that will head.

But where is this headed? What lies further down the censorship slippery slope? If the goal is to censor election disinformation, what’s next? We know the Oregon and the Biden administration worked with Big Tech to censor important information about covid and the vaccines. Information that could have saved lives. And even before that, the Biden campaign and his Deep State allies blocked and censored information about the 2020 election that would have cost Biden the election. The Hunter laptop and Joe’s corruption schemes.

Fighting Back Against Oregon’s Surveillance

If Oregon is allowed to monitor, profile, track and spy on you, with the goal of censoring or even reporting you — for your opinion — they will not stop here. You know they won’t. So, Marc Thielman has announced he will once again sue the State to stop them. And they absolutely need to stop.

Fighting back isn’t cheap. It costs $5,000 just for the filing fee. Head to Marc’s Battleground Oregon website to donate and to help him fight this attack on your right to free speech. It’s your right. Your opinion. Your right to say whatever you want to say. And the State should not be allowed to prevent you.

That’s the point of free speech.

And a reminder for Big Brother Oregon: it is the government’s job to protect free speech. Not censor or it.

What You Can DO About Oregon’s Election Censorship

We know from last week’s show about fighting offshore wind farms that public outcry is a huge part of stopping government’s plans and overreach. That’s why it is critical that you speak up. You cannot be silent on this. Or before long, you won’t have any choice but to be silent.

How? By contacting election officials and — politely but firmly —tell them you are opposed to this monitoring of free speech. Here are Marc’s suggestions for an effective email: keep it simple. Tell them you just found out about this election disinformation monitoring system, ask if they know about it (some county clerks may not have been told yet), and tell them it should not be implemented and needs to stop immediately.

Contact Information for Oregon Secretary of State, Elections Division

Email –​

Secretary of State
​​Public Service Building Suite 126
255 Capitol St. NE
Salem OR 97310
Fax 503-373-7414

Contact Information for Oregon County Elections Officials

Here is a convenient list to contact your county clerks: Connect with County Clerks

Don’t be silent—or you will be silenced!

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Read the documents! Oregon’s Election Disinformation Monitoring & Censorship RFP and its four attachments (all files are PDFs):

The RFP, S‐16500‐00007470, “MDM (Misinformation, Disinformation, and Mal-information) Analysis Platform Services
Attachment A – “Solution Requirements
Attachment B – “[Sample] Information Technology Services Contract
Attachment C – “Administrative Proposal Form
Attachment D – “OregonBuys Vendor How-to Guides



13-40 Can We Trust Our Elections Again? Election Solutions To Do Just That

13-40 Can We Trust Our Elections Again? Election Solutions To Do Just That

Show 13-40 Summary: Nothing breaks trust quite like the way government does. It’s one thing when someone close to you lies. It’s quite another when government lies and then sues you if you dare question them. And this after telling you “trust us, there’s nothing to see here.” Really? So why not let people look. Trust in government is at an all-time low. (Perhaps it has something to do with threatening and jailing people who dare question them.) But elections absolutely should be something we can all trust. Including, and especially, the losing side. So why is government trying so hard to not build trust? But there are election solutions to rebuild trust. Listen to find out why a return to hand counting can rebuild trust in our elections. And help restore (a little) trust in government.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 7, 2023 | Guest: Marc Thielman

This Week – Election Solutions

Trust in government is at an all time low. Perhaps because it is now suing, fining, and/or arresting their political opponents. And threatening people who dare question them. But elections absolutely should be something we can all trust. Even the losing side. Especially the losing side. Shouldn’t they have faith that they may have lost but it was fair, open, and trustworthy?

So why is government trying so hard not to build trust? Especially trust in our elections.

But there are election solutions. And one of the biggest is also a simple one: return to hand counting.

Election Solutions that Would Restore Trust

We welcome back Marc Thielman, a former Republican candidate for Oregon’s governor, and current political activist. Marc was also the superintendent for the Alsea School District during Covid, which the State of Oregon tried desperately to close down but Marc stood firm against their mandates. During that time, Alsea saw their enrollment swell by 500%. And they also never had a case of covid be traced back to their school. Funny that.

As a political activists, Marc is currently involved with getting real school choice on the 2024 ballot and is one of the lead plaintiffs in an election integrity case against Oregon and which is currently in front of the 9th Circuit.

But this week, we’re talking about trust and election solutions. And how those two intermingle.

Return to Hand Counting Ballots

On Sunday, October 1st, I Spy Radio host, Mark Anderson, attended a hand count training with Linda Rantz, who spearheaded a real hand count in Osage County, Missouri. He was able to see first hand how hand counting not only can be done but should be done. On this week’s show, Mark walks people through the process, how efficient it is, and how this election solution has trust designed right into it. Yes, there are potentials for human error. Just like there are potentials for human-caused errors in machine counts. But this hand-counting system is designed for transparency and trust. Because it recognizes the potential problems and makes it easier for many eyes on them to prevent them.

Which is entirely different than what blue states do. Hide the errors and attack people who dare question them. States like Oregon and California. The latter of which just passed a law to block hand counting. Now, why would you do that unless you want to make it easier for the state to cheat and keep things hidden?

Hand Counting Demonstration

Election Solutions: Ballot hand counting demonstraiton and luncheon. Hosted by Clean Voter Rolls and Oregon People's Vote
Click for full size

If you’d like to see how hand counting ballots would work and could restore trust in the elections, Marc Thielman will be co-hosting an event in Salem on Saturday, Oct 14th, from 10am to 2 pm. The cost is $13 for the spaghetti luncheon. See flyer at right for more information.

Marc will be joined by election integrity expert, Joe Oltmann, from Colorado.

Please RSVP at 503-757-0670 or

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

13-36 Activating the Church and Christian Engagement

13-36 Activating the Church and Christian Engagement

Show 13-36 Summary: We welcome back Pastor Richard Peil from Victory Baptist Church in Bend, Oregon. Last time we’d talked about getting Christians involved in society and especially politics. This continues that discussion, taking a look at the societal pressures for churches and Christians to conform to a woke society, not the other way around. The media reports are the Church of England and the Catholic Church — at the urging of the Pope no less — are bowing the knee to woke. Except that’s not the whole story. Plus, there are strong and fascinating evidences for a Creator from a surprising source you won’t want to miss.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: September 9th & 10th, 2023 | Guest: Pastor Richard Peil

This Week – Activating the Church and Christian Engagement

A few months ago, we interviewed Pastor Richard Peil out of Bend, Oregon, who’d come to our attention when he led a group of two dozen pastors to Salem to speak against the onerous HB2002, which was filled with far-left ideology. We wanted to talk to him about activating the Church and how to get Christians out of their pews and into the streets.

This week is largely a continuation of that discussion. We also talk about the state of the church — including attempts to secularize the Church of England and the Catholic Church. And attacks already here in the U.S. But it also includes scientific evidence that points to a Creator. Strongly so. And if there is a Creator — what then?

Don’t have a home church? You can live-stream Pastor Peil’s church, Victory Baptist Church in Bend, OR

The last couple weeks’ news has been filled with reports of how churches, protestant and catholic, and even the Pope have determined that churches are ”backwards” and out of step with modern civilization. The emphasis is, at least we’re being told, church goers want more of a woke approach to Christian teachings rather than true Biblical instruction. But while the media might want that to be true, there’s more to the story.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Scientific Evidence for a Creator

Articles Mentioned During the Show





13-34 The Next New Phases of Global Warming | Totalitarianism

13-34 The Next New Phases of Global Warming | Totalitarianism

Show 13-34 Summary: Trained scientist and meteorologist Chuck Wiese debunks the Global Warming doctrine, especially as it is used as the blame for Maui’s fires and California’s rain. Hottest summer ever? Hardly. But why this matters is because of where those pushing this religion (it’s most certainly NOT science) want to take society. And if you listen close, you’ll hear the stepping stones of the path they’re laying down to Global Warming totalitarianism.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: August 26th & 27th, 2023 | Guest: Chuck Wiese

This Week – The Left’s Totalitarianism

This week, the political Left dropped all pretense that they don’t really want totalitarianism with the arrest and accompanying mug shot of a former president. Attacking one’s political opponent is a hallmark of totalitarianism, which, as good little Marxists, is exactly their end goal.

Think about how completely anti-American that is. Our very first amendment guarantees the right to an opinion and to express it. Now, a former president has been arrested and charged, and his mug shot released for exercising his first amendment rights. For daring to question an election.

If you want to prove to people an election was rigged, a great way to do it is to arrest people who question it.

Blame it on Global Warming

Earlier in August, the Willamette Valley and a lot of the U.S. went through a heat spell — formerly known as “summer.” Now, it’s ALL global warming. And, it was the “hottest summer EVER (!!!)” — emphasis theirs not ours. But was it? We bring Chuck Wiese on to talk about it.

And as if the warmist shrieking wasn’t enough, global warming was immediately blamed (as is literally every single weather event) for the Maui fires and Hurricane Hilary flooding California. Were they?

Global Warming: it’s like racism but for weather

Global Warming Totalitarianism Lawfare

But it’s no longer just global warming marketing and spin to push their ideology to ensure billions of taxpayer dollars flows into the Left’s political allies’ pockets. No, that’s for punters. We’ve entered a new phase of pushing their ideology.

There is no climate emergency. But there is global warming totalitarianism.
But there is global warming totalitarianism. See the report.

Call it Climate Change totalitarianism or Global Warming totalitarianism, the Left has now decided to use the justice system to force its ideology on American society.

This week, we talk about a new ruling out of Montana (see links & info below for more details) that found by Montana granting “fossil fuel extraction” permits, the state was violating its constitutional duty to provide a clean and safe environment.

This is a unique case because Montana is the only state to have a “constitutional right” for a clean environment. Montana’s constitution provides “The state SHALL maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment for present and future generations.”

It’s lawfare. And now the global warmists must be smelling blood in the water because they will soon push constitutional amendments in other states to use the new state constitutional “rights” to force their global warming ideology. And there won’t be any stopping them. Because it’s in the constitutional.

Yeah, well, so was the first amendment.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

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Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Global Warming Totalitarianism

Blame it on Global Warming

Trump / Voter Integrity (More on this next time with Chuck)


13-01 Shaking off Yesteryear & Hoping for Change in the New Year – 2023 Preview

13-01 Shaking off Yesteryear & Hoping for Change in the New Year – 2023 Preview

Show 13-01 Summary: New Year’s is always a time of reflection and looking ahead. There were a lot of lowlights in 2022 but there were some really good outcomes. A few. Can they be enough to make 2023 better — at a time when many economists warn a big recession is coming in 2023? Bestselling author Scott McEwen and scientist Chuck Wiese give their 2023 preview: the new Republican congress, what can we realistically expect, and could 2023 be a year of more faith and revival?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: Date, 2023 | Guests:Scott McEwen and Chuck Wiese

This Week – 2022 Review, 2023 Preview

For our first show of our 13th year (wow!), we welcome back two of our favorite guests, Scott McEwen and Chuck Wiese. To take a look back at 2022 and to give us their 2023 preview.

And there were definitely a lot of “lowlights” in 2022. Among the biggest disappointments, if not the biggest disappointments was the midterm elections. While Republicans picked up seats, picked up voters (some 6 million more people voted Republican than in 2018), and picked up the House, there were a few key, critical races where Republicans failed. Most notably, in the Senate.

2023 – Off to a Rocky Start

We talk with Scott McEwen, the bestselling co-author of American Sniper, about the political side of 2023. The Republicans only just barely control the House and don’t even have a tie any more in the Senate. So what can they realistically get done? Will there be real investigations? Investigations that seek the truth, not invent it? Will the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and others be held responsible for interfering with the 2020 election? Or for blocking the Hunter Biden laptop scandal?

And what about all those revelations from the Twitter files? Covid, corruption, and outright censorship. We’re just getting started on those.

We also talk about the shocking collapse of Buffalo Bills’ safety Damar Hamlin on live TV on Monday Night football. Was it the vaccine? What were his teammates, who were also forced to get the vaccine thinking? And while Pfizer and the others have blanket immunity, does the NFL?

Then we talk with Chuck Wiese about the disappointing efforts to end election theft. We saw progress in a number of states but Pennsylvania and especially Arizona just blatantly cheated. Completely out in the open, not caring who noticed.

But we also speak with him about the passing of Pope Benedict XVI on New Year’s Eve. Chuck is a devout catholic  and we wanted to get his thoughts. Benedict XVI was a strong theologian who did not see a conflict between faith and reason and saw that today’s so-called “science” is attacking both. As a fierce global warming debunker, Chuck is very aware of the lack of objectivity in today’s science. And the more we learn about God’s creation, will more scientists find their way to faith?

Show Notes

Please note that at the time of our interviews, the vote for House Speaker and the Brunson case had not yet been settled. Congratulations to Kevin McCarthy but special congratulations to the Freedom Caucus on some huge concessions that may reform how business is done in the House. And we truly look forward to the Church-Committee-style investigations into the weaponization of the FBI and DOJ.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Not Mentioned but Related

  • Elon Musk Reacts After “America First Legal” Uncovers Damning Evidence Revealing a Secret Twitter’s “Partner Support Portal” Used by Government to Censor Dissenting COVID-19 Viewpoints (Gateway Pundit, Dec 14, 2022)
  • Bombshells You Might Have Missed About the FBI’s Censorship and Election Meddling › American Greatness (American Greatness, Dec 12 2022)
  • Victor Davis Hanson: “10 Steps to Save America: Yes, there is a way. But is there the will?” (American Greatness,  Dec 18, 2022)
  • Dr. McCullough: “It Looks Like The mRNA Is Transferring From The Vaccinated To The Unvaccinated” (via Rumble, Dec 2022)
  • Doctor Censored on Twitter After COVID Lockdown Warnings Says ‘Unspecified Agents’ Behind Blacklisting (Epoch Times, Dec 16, 2022)
  • 11 Ominous Economic Predictions for 2023 (No Q Report, Jan 4, 2023)
  • How Green Investors Pay the Media to Promote ‘Climate Change’ (Front Page Magazine, Jan 5, 2023)
    • The Associated Press takes millions from groups leveraged in green investments to promote the need for green investments.


12-51 They’re Spying on Us | Government Immunity, Royalty, and the Rest of Us

12-51 They’re Spying on Us | Government Immunity, Royalty, and the Rest of Us

Show Summary: The Twitter files exposing government agents spying on and censoring Americans. And, there is clear evidence of election interference. Which, given the lengths they went to in 2016 and during all of Trump’s presidency, should surprise no one. So much of government’s malfeasance comes down to one issue: government immunity. It is prohibitively hard to hold government and government officials accountable. But recently, there have been some surprising rulings by the Supreme Court on constitutional issues, especially 2nd Amendment rulings. Could we be seeing the dawn of the return to the Constitution?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: December 17th & 18th, 2022 | Guest: Jonathan Emord

This Week – Overcoming Government Immunity

The Twitter files exposed government agents spying on and censoring Americans. Many of us who have been banned, blocked, suspended, censored, and shadowbanned already figured this out.

Election interference? Elon Musk: "Unequivocally true. The evidence is clear and voluminous."
Election interference? “Unequivocally true” (Click for full size)

But we figured it was Twitter employees gleefully banning, etc., their political opponents. Only a few of us suspected what was really happening. Which is way worse: government agents working directly with, and directing, those Twitter employees to ban, block, suspend, censor, and shadowban the government’s political enemies.

So there you have it. Government agents clearly committing First Amendment violations as they colluded with Twitter employees to interfere in the 2020 and 2022 elections.

Which, given the lengths they went to in 2016, and during all of Trump’s presidency, should surprise no one.

Nixon? Watergate anyone?

Recently, there have been some surprising rulings by the Supreme Court on constitutional issues, especially 2nd Amendment rulings. Could we be seeing the dawn of the return to the Constitution?

The Authoritarians by Jonathan Emord
Order The Authoritarians on Amazon

We talk with Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional lawyers, about what is happening and what could (and should!) happen to these government agents who abused their power. The big question is how do we get past government immunity?

Fortunately, there have been some pro-constitution rulings by the Supreme Court of late. Especially on the 2nd Amendment. Overturning New York State’s onerous restrictive gun laws, which is very encouraging for Oregonians fighting the recently passed Measure 114.

Could this be a signal the highest court in the land is finally returning to and embracing the sanctity — and sanity — of the Constitution?

Programming Note

This is our last live show of the year. We will be re-airing our show with Dr Ken Johnson about the Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Since that originally aired Thanksgiving weekend, we’re sure it didn’t get nearly the attention it deserved. We’ll get that to you by no later than Thursday the 22nd.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Jonathan Emord’s must-read book is The Authoritarians: The Authoritarians: Their Assault on Individual Liberty, the Constitution, and Free Enterprise from the 19th Century to the Present.

Jonathan Emord’s article: Rogue Virginia ABC Sends Police to Enforce COVID Lockdown (Townhall, Dec 4, 2022)

Elon Musk: Unequivocally true tweet (Elon Musk, Twitter, Dec 9, 2022)

Now What? (American Greatness, Dec 12, 2022)*Big Tech drastically suppressed information damaging to Joe Biden…before election day.*the FBI engaged with Big Tech executives on a routine basis to do the Biden family’s bidding in advance of the bombshell coverage in the Post and elsewhere.*Elvis Chan, one of the bureau’s conduits to Silicon Valley, admitted many conversations were conducted on Signal, an encrypted chat application, which allows for disappearing messages.

The Brief: A Handy Cheat Sheet of the Many Lies Exposed by Musk’s Release of the Twitter Files (Gregg Jarrett, Dec 14, 2022)

8 Times Our Federal Government Ran A Protect-Biden Racket (The Federalist, Dec 14, 2022)

For Years Fact Checkers Have Been Targeting Conservative Media – This Week We Learned the State Dept. Was Funding Them (Gateway Pundit, Dec 14, 2022)

Tucker Carlson Points Out “For Some Reason Twitter Seems to Need an Awful Lot of Spies” (The Gateway Pundit, Dec 14, 2022)

FBI May Have Violated Free Speech Rights: Legal Experts (NTD, Dec 14, 2022).

Dupe or Designated Defendant? The Criminal Case Against Jack Dorsey (Jonathan Turley, Dec 11, 2022)


Sometimes, it’s not Unconstitutional. It’s just Lies.

Sometimes, it’s not Unconstitutional. It’s just Lies.

Show Summary: The government has gone from a cottage industry of lies to a full-blown industrial-scale lie and disinformation mega-corporation. Now, they even have a Ministry of Truth to punish dissenters (realists) and promote their, and only their, version of “truth.” Orwell couldn’t be more proud. Funny though. It’s amazing how many times when the government lies, it’s because what its doing is unconstitutional. We talk with Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional attorneys, about the abortion ruling, the lies of covid, the politicization of science, and that Ministry of Truth.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: May 14th & 15th, 2022 | Guest: Jonathan Emord 

This Week – Unconstitutional usually = Lies

It’s amazing how many times when the government lies, it’s because what its doing is unconstitutional.  It lied about the “constitutionality” of Roe v Wade, leading to a generation of ill-informed Leftists believing it was constitutional. Which, because of that lie, lead to others. The lie that it was just a “clump of cells.” The lie that a unborn baby didn’t feel pain. It wasn’t human.

Amazing how many lies were spun to keep the big lie going. And that’s just one example. But did you ever notice that when the government is acting unconstitutional, it involves lies?

Jonathan Emord on Abortion Ruling and More

The Authoritarians by Jonathan Emord
Get the book! We can’t recommend this highly enough!

This week, we welcome back Jonathan Emord, one of America’s top constitutional attorneys, to talk about the abortion ruling (the lies that made it and the lies that kept it going), the lies of covid, the lies about the vaccines, the politicization of science, and that new Ministry of Truth hatched by the Biden administration.

But, really, it comes down to trust. Trust in our institutions and the people at them. And that’s hard to come by when they go out of their way to break trust. And then hide what they did.

Buckle up.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Abortion, Roe v Wade, Leaker, etc.

  • The Leak: “Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows” (Politico, May 2, 2022)
    • The draft opinion is a full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision which guaranteed federal constitutional protections of abortion rights and a subsequent 1992 decision — Planned Parenthood v. Casey — that largely maintained the right. “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes.
  • The Mystery of the Declining U.S. Birth Rate (Econofact, Feb 15, 2022)
  • Sen. Schumer Battle Cry: Democrats May Pack Supreme Court If Majority Is Kept (OAN, May 4, 2022)
    • From the floor of the Senate, Schumer “suggested Democrats could try and pack the Supreme Court if they keep control of the upper chamber after the November midterms. Schumer warned expanding the court and appointing more liberal justices is a possibility.”

The GAO Report

  • Read it for yourself – GAO Report to Congressional Addressees: Scientific Integrity (PDF, April 2022)
    • The April 2022 GAO Report found FDA, CDC, NIH, and ASPR did not have procedures in place to prevent the politicization of science. As a result, potential political interference resulted in the alteration or suppression of scientific findings.
  • The GAO Report: Scientific Integrity: HHS Agencies Need to Develop Procedures and Train Staff on Reporting and Addressing Political Interference (GAO Office, April 2022)
  • Federal Investigators Reveal ‘Bombshell’ Findings CDC & FDA Undertook Politically Motivated Actions During Covid Pandemic (Becker News, April 27, 2022)
  • GAO highlights lack of policies to combat political interference at health agencies (Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society, Apr 25, 2022)

The Many Lies of Covid

  • Acting NIH Director Admits Appearance of Conflict of Interest in Secret Royalty Payments (Epoch Times, May 11, 2022)
  • Top US Scientist Tried to Help Wuhan Lab Counter Virus Leak Concerns (Epoch Times, May 12, 2022)
    • “These startling documents show that China had partners here in the United States willing to go to bat for them on the Wuhan lab controversy,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a May 9 statement.” 
  • Military doctors can’t trust DOD medical database after COVID vax injuries scrubbed: whistleblower (Just the News, May 10, 2022)
  • CDC Finally Admits Lockdowns Are Harmful To Youth (The Daily Wire, via YouTube, Apr 19, 2022)
    • “As the world finally begins opening up, we’re beginning to get a picture of just how dangerous, and in many cases, deadly, lockdowns were. While we were all affected, there was one group of Americans hurt more than any other. Young people.”
  • ‘Deep State’ Was Working Against Trump on COVID-19 Response: Former HHS Adviser (The Epoch Times, May 1, 2022)
  • More false information: CDC report admits 74.2 million people in the USA have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine, & another 157 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd dose (David Icke, May 4, 2022)
    • But wait, I thought we were all told 75-80% of Americans were fully vaccinated…?
  • 3.6% of the German population is now disabled due to the vaccine (Dr Peter McCullough, via Reddit, May 6, 2022)
  • Typical misinformation regarding Danish COVID-numbers (Statems Serum Institut arch 22, 2022)
  • Denmark will stop promoting COVID vaccinations on May 15, 2022 (Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter, via Substack, Apr 28, 2022)
  • Did Moderna Study Predict “Pandemic of the Vaccinated?” (We Love Trump, May 5, 2022)

Election Fraud

  • Exclusive — Dinesh D’Souza: Latest Film Contains ‘Smoking Gun’ on How Ballot Harvesting Manipulated the 2020 Election (Breitbart, Apr 30, 2022)
  • 25 Questions About 2020 Election Fraud (The Still Report #3810, via Rumble, Mar 12, 2022)
  • Michigan State Police seizes voting machine in 2020 investigation (Washington Examiner, May 5, 2022)
  • Judicial Watch Warns 14 Counties in Five States to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuits (Judicial Watch, Press Release, Nov 16, 2021)
  • Election Integrity Group Releases Hard Evidence Of 4.8 MILLION Fraudulent Votes — ‘Organized Crime’ Was Conducted To ‘Rig The 2020 Election’ (enVolve, April 19, 2022)
  • Maricopa, AZ Verified With Evidence: Trump 59.4%, Biden 41.17% (Clever Journeys, Apr 11, 2022)
  • Wisconsin assembly speaker allows 2020 election investigation to continue (Just the News, Apr 28, 2022)
    • Probe won’t end until lawmakers are certain about the legal authority to issue subpoenas by the state’s special investigator, Speaker Robin Vos declares.

Ministry of Truth

  • The New Disinformationists (Victor Davis Hanson, writing in American Greatness, May 1, 2022)
  • Homeland Security’s “Disinformation Board” is Even More Pernicious Than it Seems (Glenn Greenwald, via Substack, May 4, 2022)
    • The power to decree what is “disinformation” now determines what can and cannot be discussed on the internet. It is now in the hands of trained disinformation agents of the U.S. Security State.
Warriors Beating Back the Woke Culture

Warriors Beating Back the Woke Culture

Show Summary: 2022 will be all about fighting the woke. First up, we welcome first-time guest, Judge Vance Day, who is running for Position 3 on the Oregon Court of Appeals. If he wins, he’ll be the only Constitutionalist on the court. Then we bring back Scott Shepard, Director of the Free Enterprise Project. With Disney and so many other companies going woke, there is a lot to fight against. Including companies pledging to become Death Companies.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: May 7, 2022 | Guests: Judge Vance Day & Scott Shepard 

This Week – Warriors Fighting the Woke

That kinda sounds like some zombie apocalypse. But, given that the woke don’t know the constitution, don’t know basic civics (or civility for that matter), don’t know economics, and are only driven by their mindless feelings, maybe it’s appropriate.

This is our final show before Oregon’s May 2022 primary. And this year, elections will be all about fighting the woke. Whether its abortion, free speech, religion, or even things like corporations in politics, it’s all about killing zombies. Er, fighting the woke.

Judge Vance Day: Fighting the Woke Before it was Woke

And when it comes to fighting the woke, Judge Vance Day was fighting the woke before the woke was even known as the woke. While serving as a  Circuit Court Judge in Marion County, he recused himself from personally officiating at same-sex weddings, which he felt was against his religion.

This greatly angered the woke, as all must bow before whatever the woke is in favor of today.

So the horde (back then, they were just “progressives”) came after him. They tried, unsuccessfully, to drive him from the bench, cancel his law license, strip him of his possessions, ruin his reputation and even have him imprisoned.

Great people. Let’s totally give their side more power.

Tune in to hear Judge Vance Day’s take on what the Oregon Court of Appeals should be like and how he would handle a leak similar to what we saw this past week as an insider leaked the Roe v. Wade draft opinion.

Scott Shepard: Fighting the Woke Corporations

Let’s face it. The woke wouldn’t exist if they didn’t have access to billions of dollars. Of your taxpayer dollars (thanks to politicized issue-funding, like global warming). And billions of donations directly to woke organizations. Like BLM, Antifa, and any number of woke organizations and chapters.

Scott Shepard’s Free Enterprise Project has teamed up with other organizations to form the Boardroom Initiative. Spearheaded by former McDonald’s CEO Ed Rensi, who has said companies have “no business” being in politics.

“Corporations have no business being on the right or the left because they represent everybody there and their sole job is to build equity for their investors.” – Ed Rensi, former McDonald’s CEO

That is straight out of Milton Friedman who said essentially the same thing. The business of business is to create value (profits) for their shareholders.

Tune in to hear Scott’s battle with woke boards at major corporations. Disney is just the most-well-known example as the woke board just lost some 60 billion in shareholder value. Think there won’t be lawsuits…?

And in the wake of the leaked ruling that could overturn Roe v. Wade, that could see federal protections for abortion removed, some major corporations are already lining up to be Death Corporations.

Maybe zombies is the right term after all.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Vance Day, Candidate for Court of Appeals Position #3

Scott Shepard