Show Summary: It’s Black History Month! What better way to celebrate than with voices that get overlooked: Black conservatives. It’s all about diversity and individuality, right? Although, why is it democrats seem to shun Blacks who choose to be individuals and think for themselves? Don’t they love all Blacks? Or just the ones that fit their preconceived notion of Blacks? Wait a second. Isn’t that racist? Yes. Yes, it is.
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Original Air Dates: Feb 13, 2021 | Nadra Enzi & Melanie Collette
For a party that claims they embrace the Black community, why is it democrats seem to hate Blacks who choose to be individuals and think for themselves? Don’t they love all Blacks? Or just the ones that fit their preconceived notion of Blacks? Wait a second. Isn’t that racist?
Yes. Yes, it is.
Black History Month
Originally, we scheduled Nadra Enzi and Melanie Collette to talk about Black History Month. We came across through Project 21, a program of the National Center for Public Policy. But what they had to say was so interesting, we only spent a one segment on Black History Month.
In fact, look for both Nadra Enzi and Melanie Collette to come back on to I Spy Radio in the near future.
Nadra Enzi
Project 21, a leading voice of conservative black men and women for over 25 years. They are focused on smaller government and indivisible rights and stand together to offset the far-left’s assault on the economic gains they made during the Trump years, not only for minorities but all Americans.
We welcome first-time guest, Nadra Enzi, a self-described “American Cougar” and advocate for residents who are “clawing back” against challenges to create an environment of safety against crime. Nadra talks to us about the challenges faced by black conservatives and gives us his insights to the many Blacks who are conservative but why they stay quiet. And the incredible pressure applied to them by those who don’t want them to have a voice.
Nadra, who works tirelessly against crime, also gives us an inspirational look at the hope they’re building in the black community.
Melanie Collette
Then we welcome another first-time guest, Melanie Collette, who is the host of “Money Talk with Melanie” and a guest host of Patriot Tonight on SiriusXM. Melanie is also working on her PhD in business administration and management at Northcentral University.
In addition, Melanie has worked in education for many years and she takes us into the current abyss of the educational system and the pressures on a black woman to conform to democrat ideology within that system. Ideologies that she sees as abusive to her but, equally important, the policies and ideologies are abusive to her students. Little wonder that she is currently writing a book series, “The Angry Educator.”
If you think that challenges can’t be overcome, tune in to find some very inspirational surprises.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.
Links & Info
Find out more about Project 21 by going to its parent organization is the National Center for Public Policy, which can be found here
Get off the Path to Tyranny | Stop America’s Slide toward Socialism
Show Summary: With one of the most-locked down economies in the nation, Oregon knows about tyranny. We talk with State Senator Dennis Linthicum on how we correct course—statewide and nationally.
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Original Air Dates: Jan. 09 & 10, 2021 | State Sen. Dennis Linthicum
This Week’s Show: Getting off the Path to Tyranny
Now on the other side of all the election let downs, illegal ballots cast, state officials stepping all over their own state’s constitution, riots, and those killed during the riots we’re shaking off the desire to hide our heads in the sand, and instead focus on fighting back.
Pretending we don’t have serious problems, or overreacting by pushing violence and government overthrow, won’t solve anything. We need a steady hand on the wheel as we try to untangle and undo the forces determined to destroy our country.
New Rules in Elections. Win if Possible. If not, Chang the Rules
A recent Just the News article from John Solomon wrote that the 2020 election wasn’t just an election, it was a political watershed in which the rules and strategy for winning were rewritten. So by not thinking it through of what has to happen now, with all these institutions and media in favor of socialism, stopping it means we must take instead seize new rules and strategy for winning.
This week, we take a deep dive into Senator Linthicum’s latest newsletter. He examines how we in Oregon have been forced into shut downs and a ruined economy through the government’s manipulation of numbers, using covid as the cover.
Jump down to read Senator Dennis Linthicum’s full newsletter
What better way to exercise their desire to rid of us our rights while making us beholden to the scraps of money tossed into households, making them grateful. A socialist-style society being formed as covid smoking flares keeps the truth hidden. Covid or global warming it doesn’t matter. It’s the same tactics designed to confuse and manipulate. Their bureaucracy of supports all respond to one goal: control of everything.
The senator walks us through how the mirrors of deception are made and used and ties it back to current events in DC. This while Trump is making clear that he may be leaving the presidency, but he’s not leaving the fight.
Neither are we.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.
The Patriots’ worst defeat of the American Revolution (via
Dr. Frank Bures: False positive COVID PCR tests sow confusion (Winowa Daily News, Jan 3, 2021)* “I have seen it written that anywhere from 25% to 40% of people with COVID infections are totally asymptomatic.”
Experts: US COVID-19 positivity rate high due to ‘too sensitive’ tests (MSN, Aug 30, 2020)
Fauci reinforces WHO’s recognition that vaccine may not prevent contraction (Just the News, Jan 5, 2021)
The massive COVID-19 “Test-Test-Retest” scheme is the only thing that keeps Gov. Kate Brown’s lockdown hype going. The destructionists in control love their power and testing has proven to be the perfect tool. We all know that good data is a requirement for good decision making. The testing mantra was originally portrayed as the tool to help us gather good data and lead us to make good decisions. But now we see the data isn’t being used to make good decisions it is being manipulated for ulterior ends.
COVID-19 testing has expanded dramatically throughout our state and the nation. Thus, as more and more people get tested, local county health organizations can use the data to pump statistical non-information and keep the public confused and fearful. What we do see, in the statistics, is that COVID-19 “cases” might be rising but the numbers are bolstered mostly by non-ill, non symptomatic people who are presumed to have COVID-19 although they feel just fine.
False positives have long been recognized as problematic and the World Health Organization (WHO) finally released a guidance memo on December 14th, warning that high cycle thresholds on PCR tests will result in false positives. So this misguided policy perspective is unforgivable. Also, the “infection fatality rate” is falling faster as the presumed, confirmed, and asymptomatic cases keep rising. This should be great news but it is never treated by the media or political class, as such.
This makes me wonder about several things…
What does our future hold?
How long will these lockdowns last?
Will lockdowns become a common “goto” too?
This last question may seem outlandish, but recall that the WHO’s original definition of a pandemic was regarding, “epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.” A new definition appeared on the scene right in front of what we now call the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic. This newer definition removed criteria about the severity of any illnesses and also removed the criteria for high rates of mortality. The definition now refers to a pandemic as “a worldwide epidemic of a disease.”
If you are wondering why death rates are never discussed, it is because they are no longer relevant to the definition. This means the media, health officials and the political class can push this entirely spurious statistic to keep thoughtful questioners at bay and give statistical reinforcements to the next administrative dictator.
The public was complacent with the original “flatten the curve” logic because it was to meant preserve personal protective gear, ventilators, and hospital beds. All good goals and, indeed, the death curve has been flattened for nearly eight months. Yet, death counts don’t count and case counts remain the COVID-19 boogey-man.
The above graphic for case counts shows an obvious upward trend. In fact, this statistic is so visually terrifying that scare-mongers avoid publishing the fact that the annual average compares favorably to other flu seasons. The nefarious news sources and social media networks are doing their best to censor and quiet the rising anger against their unbalanced reporting and the government’s needless and ineffective lockdown strategies.
From the data we can determine that these mandates are incapable of stopping a viral outbreak. But, what if the purpose of these mandates is not about stopping the virus? What if these mandates are about control? Monetary, physical, emotional, and spiritual control?
My press-releases over the last several weeks have tried to alert people to the changing landscape being twisted beneath our feet. The Governor is promoting “Lock-down Mania”. Why? It behooves us to question what is the end goal of her “mania”? Could it be to eviscerate the economy, sabotage our cultural heritage and preach a unique brand of medical mysticism that borders on malpractice?
The Governor’s office, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), executive agencies and Democrat cronies are perpetuating either one of two dystopian futures. They offer us, on one-hand, the statistically improbable COVID contagion that will destroy the lives of us and our loved ones; or on the other-hand, their lockdown inspired destruction of our free-market economy, complete with untold financial ruin, bankruptcy, unemployment, and despair.
Biden portrays the future as a “dark winter”, but it doesn’t have to be. The future doesn’t have to be a dimly lit hellhole of socialism if the truth can prevail. We must not allow our future to be consumed by what lies in the dark heart of these leftists who are clamoring for positions of authority within the new regime.
We must continue to unite against the left’s endless proposals for the bureaucratic central state. Stand together for the principles our nation’s founders documented so elegantly. Stand and fight for these self-evident truths:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
Our individual rights and liberties are not dependent on whether the president, congress, governor, or legislature honors those rights. Those rights belong to us as individual free-will, moral agents graced with unique attributes and filled with human dignity. Our rights are eternal vouchers that belong to every person regardless of race, creed, religion or heritage and the state has no right to intervene in any person’s just pursuits for their own lives, livelihoods, and the well-being of their posterity.
I will not back down from the fight to preserve our American heritage. Together we can bring Oregon back to our original constitutional form of limited government, but we’ll need to hold fast to our principles and not let them steal our livelihoods from us.
It’s True: Oregon has a Dictator | Constitutional Crisis
Show Summary: Is it time to storm the castle? You may want to after this. Governor Brown makes absurd claim her authority is higher than the Constitution. Unbelievable. Both a Constitutional scholar and the attorney for the plaintiffs in the church lawsuit v Oregon weighs in.
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Air Dates: May 16 & 17, 2020 | Dr. Joyce Malcolm & Kevin Mannix
This Week: When we see a leader make a difficult decision to shut down an economy based upon the fear that millions might die, we, as fellow human beings, feel compassion and are willing to give those in charge the benefit of the doubt. In the face of a true, catastrophic emergency—like a tidal wave or earthquake—it’s reasonable to do so and most people want to do their part to pitch in and help.
But as the situation matures and it becomes clear that the actual outcomes are not as devastating as predicted, a responsible leader—looking out for the people—relaxes the emergency’s grip to ensure the peoples’ freedoms and liberties are restored as quickly as possible. President Trump’s response has been nothing but looking out for the people, trying to protect them even though it sacrificed an amazing economy that had easily brought his 2nd term into his grasp.
The Constitution is at Stake
But not all leadership has the same philosophies or beliefs of restoring the people’s freedoms. In fact, some want to be overly “protective” (what some might call socialism) with the added emergency powers, and to put the people into a position where they are being treated as children, with no life choices because they, the leadership, know better. (What some might call fascism.)
What has been clearly demonstrated between the two choices is one understands the importance of liberty while taking precautions and acceptable risk; the other wants to safeguard their power while subjugating your freedoms. Your freedom is a direct threat to their power over you. These are the very struggles our Founding Fathers faced. And what about the rule of law to strike a balance between authority and liberty.
The Constitution vs States
With all the complexities of finding out how our Constitution interacts with states rights, the states’ Constitution, and statutes, we invite to I Spy a Constitutional scholar: Dr. Joyce Malcolm, a faculty member at Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, who’s an expert on the evolution of individual rights, especially during the American Colonial era. She has testified before Congress and has had her work cited in a Supreme Court decision.
We discuss with Dr. Malcolm the broader issues of the Constitution, and how its preeminence is being challenged in the wake of Emergency Declarations. Who really has the authority here? She describes historically if other situations have ever impacted the US in any way like Covid has, with rights stripped by stay-home and business shut down orders. Does our First Amendment rights supersede our governor’s power to take them away?
Governor Brown vs The Constitution
All that to set the stage for our second guest as we take a very deep dive into what states are facing with some governors’ overreach. A couple of weeks ago, we spoke with Oregon Senator, Dennis Linthicum. He told us the governor is getting around the Oregon Constitution by not relying on the Constitution. She is, instead, relying statutory power. But isn’t Oregon’s Constitution the supreme law of the land? And isn’t the U.S. Constitution even higher than that?
“The governor’s attorneys argue that the balance between the governor’s executive orders and the freedom to practice religion favors the governor.”
We speak with Kevin Mannix (of Common Sense for Oregon) who is one of the attorneys that represents churches and businesses suing Governor Kate Brown and her administration’s emergency orders to shut things down.
Incredibly, her attorneys have actually argued in their motion to dismiss, that her powers are greater than the Constitution. And that’s just the tip of what she’s said.
The Church Lawsuit in Oregon
Tune in to hear Kevin Mannix’s response and line of attack as he fights for church members to gather for worship as they please. Along with the fight for businesses who’ve been at the whim of the Governor, who deigned to allow some to remain open while closing others. Including churches. Mr. Mannix talks about the lawsuit, it’s status, and what it means if their injunction is given the affirmative. Are there signs she is backing down?
Listen this weekend to get some very important answers.
Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.
Links Mentioned
Dr. Joyce Malcom
Oregon Republican lawmaker requests special session to end governor’s coronavirus state of emergency (OregonLive, May 6, 2020)
Governor: Large Events Canceled Statewide Until Covid-19 Treatment or Cure is Found (Canby, May 7th, 2020)
AG Barr says ‘draconian’ coronavirus restrictions should be re-evaluated (NY Post, Apr 9, 2020)
Salem salon owner says she’s been fined, forced to close for defying state orders (KATU News, May 14, 2020)
Attorneys for Gov. Kate Brown say lawsuit filed in Baker County challenging executive orders is baseless, should be dismissed (Baker City Herald, May 13, 2020)
Attorneys from state Department of Justice say governor declared emergency under state statute, not constitution
THIS “The governor’s attorneys argue that the balance between the governor’s executive orders and the freedom to practice religion favors the governor.”
“All Oregon stores can open to shoppers again Friday, as long as they aren’t in a mall”
“The declaration gives the green light to furniture stores, jewelry stores, boutiques and art galleries, which were closed March 23 by Gov. Brown’s stay-home order. It also includes all other standalone shops, from toy stores to bookstores to secondhand stores. Those were never technically ordered to close, state officials clarified Wednesday.”
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Show Summary: 2020 marks the beginning of I Spy Radio’s tenth year on the air. This week, something a little different: the producer speaks. Our 2019 year in review and a 2020 preview. Was 2019 the beginning of the end of socialism?
Original Air Dates: Jan. 4th & 5th, 2020 | Karla Davenport, I Spy Radio producer
This Week: The end of 2019 and birth of 2020 marks the beginning of I Spy’s 10th year on air. After a decade of airing shows that we hope have been informative and, at times, entertaining we are trying something different. Having both Mark and me on air to discuss the issues.
So for this week’s show, we’re going to be doing a year in review AND a year in preview.
Year in Review. 2019: The rise of anti-socialism
To do that we take a look at some of the more interesting trends that took place this year, global and national in nature. Okay, there were a ton of topics to turn to with a highly active president in office. In fact he makes news while we’re trying to report it—which happened with this show as President Trump took on Iran.
2020 Year in Preview: Unfinished Stories from 2019
For us, this was a very fast hour to try and cover as many topics as possible and having a lot of fun while we’re doing it. I hope you have the time to take a listen and see if we’ve discussed the issues you felt were important. And what about the possibilities for 2020? Listen to find out our take.
And let us know what you thought. We’d love to get your feedback on this rather unique episode of I Spy Radio.
Happy New Year everyone, and hello 2020!
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Via Washington Secrets/Washington Times, the Trump Administration’s achievements list: 319 results: an astonishing 14 pages of accomplishments in 15 categories. 319 Promises Trump Kept (pdf)
Show Summary: After the Holocaust, Jews and the rest of the world pledged “never again.” But a mere two generations later, Evelyn Markus had to flee the EU’s antisemitism for America—only to find antisemitism on the rise here too. What happened? And why?
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Original Air Dates: Nov 16 & 17, 2019 | Dr. Evelyn Markus
This Week: A look at the rise of “acceptable hate”: antisemitism. The world seems to have forgotten the Holocaust, because right now antisemitism is surging again in Europe. And lest you think this is merely “anti-Israel”, you need to know that Leftist politicians have been spotted in marches where shouts of “Hamas! Hamas! Jews to the gas!” have filled the streets.
How is this happening? And why?
Antisemitism: Big-Government Sponsored Hate
Big government demands conformity from its subjects. And uniformity. You must be part of the group and those outside the desired conformity, are labelled dissidents, and targeted for hate. And even removal. We’ve seen it before throughout history with the Holocaust but we’re seeing it again now in places like Hong Kong.
Surprisingly, we’re also seeing it from the Left right now in the EU and even right here in the U.S. It’s not just the Left’s embrace of socialism that’s worrying, it’s the fringe elements of hate: antisemitism. While not unique to the Left, hatred of Israel and, by extension, Jews, seems to have become almost mainstream within the Far Left.
This is deeply worrisome. Especially to someone whose parents lived through the Holocaust.
Why Antisemitism Matters
Because the rise of antisemitism gives rise to hate of all sorts. The snowball effect of hate spreads and it becomes mob hate – not just the hate of individuals but of hate directed to an entire race. The mob hate finds its way to those in power who begin to preach the politics of hate and the hatred of a race simply because of their existence.
This week, we’re pleased to welcome Dr. Evelyn Markus, an activist against antisemitism. An author and speaker, she is the hand behind Never Again is Now, a terrific film about not forgetting the lessons of the holocaust in the face of rising antisemitism in Europe and even right here at home
Never Again is Now
“Never Again is Now” is available on Amazon Prime
Dr. Markus’ parents lived through the worst of the politics of hate. After The Netherlands were conquered, the Jews—who had been welcomed and lived a quiet, wonderful life in The Netherlands—were targeted by the Nazis. Then, after what they thought were incidental acts of discrimination, the Jewish people realized too late that things were growing out of control. Forced to wear yellow stars affixed to their clothes and before long, entire families were loaded into trains without knowing where they were going. And it was too late to stop it.
And, cruelly, neighbors turned on neighbors. Even worse, collaborators turned in those in hiding or who might have escaped. Neighborhoods were emptied never to see many of their once friends, ever again.
Dr. Markus’ parents survived the Nazi occupation — miraculously escaping with their entire family intact when many of their friends had only a few family members survived or were wiped out altogether. Dr. Markus talks to us about her parents’ life, what it was like for them to go through it all, and the very real world of seeing how good people behaved when their lives were at stake. Some who you’d think would be brave crumbled, while others who hardly appeared destined for greatness, did great things.
Antisemitism on the Rise? Again?
But Dr. Markus’ story doesn’t end there. That’s really just the beginning. Her story is about her realization that—despite the shadow of WWII and so many personal stories of loss—that antisemitism was rearing its ugly head in Europe after 9/11. Things became so bad that she left Europe, only to realize it was spreading in her newly adopted homeland: the U.S.
Join us for a spellbinding look at the rise of hate. And what can be done, what must be done.
Podcast Version
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Is it Holland or Netherlands? Yes. Sometimes. Maybe. Both. (via
HUNDREDS of Orthodox Jews Chant “Four More Years!” at NYC Trump Fundraiser on Tuesday — Donate $5 Million to Reelection Campaign (Gateway Pundit, Nov 14, 2019)
Ans van Dijk – Jewish collaborator who betrayed 145 jews to the Nazis, including her own brother and his family. (via Wikipedia)
Show Summary: Why do countries turn toward socialism when all they need to do is copy America’s success? A look at American exceptionalism and why we’re so hard to imitate.
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Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!
When you hear the term “American exceptionalism” it usually is used negatively. America isn’t great. America was never great. And so on. Just do a search on Google and you’ll be pummeled with negativity. “American exceptionalism is a dangerous myth” and so on.
But why is it that more “Little Americas” don’t spring into existence? Countries like Venezuela turn to socialism—and then fail spectacularly. Why don’t they instead follow America’s example? It’s not like we’ve hidden away our founding documents. The road map to freedom and prosperity is all right there.
American Exceptionalism
This week on I Spy Radio we look at why, in all the nations in the world, America is uniquely exceptional. And, oddly enough, Oregon is the unexpected example of what American Exceptionalism is all about.
Oregon? Really? How can that be you ask. Because right now the Far Left has taken over in Oregon with a super majority that has the ability to increase taxes regardless of what the other party or even what voters think. And since they won, it was believed by many that Oregon was lost, going completely Far Left. How is that an example of American exceptionalism.
It’s because of our ability to turn things around. To correct course. Because while the Left has taken over, there was an unexpected surprise.
Oregon Turning Point
About two weeks ago, a huge rally took place on the capitol steps that pushed back against the Far Left’s attempt to change this state for good. Or at least for a very, very long time. The D’s were prepared to force through a carbon tax over the objections of the minority party. But after thousands of people rolled up to the steps and rallied against the elected Democrats’ stance of ignoring the people about it via a vote—the politicians backed down.
Having been there personally, I can tell you it terrified the political Left. They’ve been used to steamrolling rural Oregonians. And now they’re rising up? Panic! And they buckled, cancelling (for now) the carbon tax scheme.
And with that, we tasted a very real example of American Exceptionalism.
Why America is So Unique
Since some have called those who pushed back against Oregon’s lawmakers “terrorists,” we wanted a deeper look at American Exceptionalism and what it means. Dr. Tim Ball has a unique viewpoint as a teacher, historian, geopolitical expert, and climatologist to meld the Far Left’s desire to rid us of our individual rights and freedom of speech in their attempts to replace democracy with socialism.
The struggles of keeping American exceptionalism alive will always be a part of our life as the Left works hard to charm and deceive us into forfeiting our Constitutional rights that gives us inalienable rights, including freedom of speech and the 2nd Amendment.
Global Warming and Socialism
And deceive us they will. As AOC’s chief of staff, Chakrabarti (the same person who funneled $1 million from AOC’s PAC into two of his private companies), so clearly said this week: “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal, is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all. Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”
And there it is. That is why staying free takes so much effort.
And yes, that little revelation from Chakrabarti smacks of Agenda 21. (Maybe it’s time to do a refresher show on Agenda 21 and the origins of today’s environmental movement…?)
But tune in to find out more about what makes America so exceptional, why other countries don’t emulate us, and how Climate Change plays a role in all of this. And how, with some effort, Oregonians might finally start turning the tide.
Did you know…
President Trump: “Since 2000, our nation’s energy-related carbon emissions have declined more than any other country on Earth. Think of that. Emissions are projected to drop in 2019 and 2020.”
“The Great Lakes represent 21 per cent of the earth’s fresh water and are seeing record water levels. Activist scientists attribute this to climate change, which until recently was supposed to result in lower water levels. Temperature levels in the US Great Lakes reached record levels in 1933. Since then not only the have peaks never again been reached but the number of hot days has steadily declined.”
See also: The Climate Change Debate Education project, which offers alternative educational materials to combat the climate alarmism. “Dr. Wojick and his project are also developing what he calls “gate breakers.” These are one-page, nontechnical summaries that explain a particular issue in the scientific debate about climate change. They are designed to be used to confront, challenge or question “gatekeeping” alarmists – such as teachers, speakers or politicians – who refuse to admit the scientific debate even exists.”
Facts in the Declaration | The Case for Independence
Show Summary: Most people know the parts in the Declaration that talk about unalienable human rights, endowed by their Creator. But it also outlined the tyranny of the King, and gave 27 facts for independence. What’s this now about charters and trials in diverse places…? We look at the facts in the Declaration: our Founders’ case for independence
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Air Dates: June 29 & 30, 2019 and July 6 & 7 | Greg Leo
We love the Fourth of July! Independence Day. It’s like Christmas for patriots. And it’s our annual Fourth of July show — with our “in house” historian, Greg Leo.
But this year we take a deeper look at the document that started it all: the Declaration of Independence, and especially the facts in the Declaration as our Founders made the for Independence. And against tyranny.
The Facts in the Declaration of Independence
Most people remember the parts in the Declaration that talk about unalienable human rights, endowed by their Creator. But it also outlined the tyranny of the King, And our Founders gave 27 facts for independence. Facts like, the Kings has removed their charters and holding “mock trials in diverse places.”
While the beauty of the Declaration of Independence lies in its big ideas, it’s embrace of a universal truth—that all men are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights—the Declaration was a legal case against the tyranny of the King.
In a beautiful bit of philosophical and legal poetry, the Declaration held the freedom and liberty intended for mankind, as given by God Himself, up against the utter despotism and tyranny as embodied in a man—the King of England.
While the politicians and theologians could argue for or against the ideals in the Declaration (many in England—and even in the Colonies—still believed in the “Divine Right of Kings”), the facts in the Declaration were presented as indisputable evidence of tyranny. And it’s a fight that never ends.
The Case for Independence
We talk with Greg Leo, a historian and our annual guest for the Fourth, about what the King was doing for the Founders to include the facts that they did as arguments for independence.
For example, what do you know about the King “taking away our charters”? Or refusing to pass “Laws of immediate and pressing importance”? Or calling together “legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant“? And what’s this about “mock trials”? We look at these and some of the perhaps more obscure facts in the Declaration, and our Founders case for Independence.
And don’t miss our discussion about the “deleted paragraph.” This was a paragraph that appeared in the early draft of the Declaration but was removed. Find out why Jefferson was pressured to remove it.
Echoes of the Founders’ Fight for Freedom
Also on this year’s Fourth of July show, you’ll hear echoes of our Founders ‘ struggle against tyranny with what is happening here in Oregon, across the country, and around the world. The fight for freedom never ends and every generation must pick up the torch.
Here in Oregon, a group of Republican senators walked away from tyranny when the Democrat super majority and Democrat governor refused to listen to their concerns about a massive new tax on Oregonians. The carbon cap and trade bill (HB 2020). They realized they had no other choice but to walk out and deny the majority a legislative quorum. The governor’s response? In her best imitation of King George III, she called out the police to arrest them.
Yes. Here in Oregon, our governor wanted to arrest her political opposition.
Timber Unity Rally
Rural Oregon patriots showed up by the thousands to defend their way of life at the Timber Unity Rally in Salem
But the people rose up. Thousands of rural Oregonians, who were tired of Portlanders telling them what they could or couldn’t do with their land. Or how to run their business. Even what they can do for business. There is no better environmentalist than a farmer. And rural Oregonians are tired of big city environmentalist-wannabes telling them they know better about the environment. And that rural Oregonians are the ones who should be taxed for Portlander’s environmental schemes.
Hey, at least King George never wanted to tax the air the colonists breathed. But I bet he would have loved a carbon tax.
Old-Fashioned Independence Day
Looking for something a little different to do on the Fourth of July? Enjoy an old-fashioned Independence Day at historic Champoeg Park (pronounced “shampoo-ee”). Music, food, and history! From 2:30 – 6 p.m., with the program going from 4–6 p.m., giving you plenty of time to enjoy a taste of history and still get to your evening fireworks. More details can be found at or download the flyer here.
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Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!
The Quebec Act – the threat to representative government in the Colonies. See #5. (via
Read more about the “deleted paragraph” of the Declaration of Independence (BlackPast, 2019)
Excellent resource for historical context of issues mentioned in the Declaration of Independence — an annotated Declaration of Independence from (a project of Claremont Univ)
Show Summary: This year’s annual Fourth of July Show is a look back at times when America was even more divided than it is now. And how we healed and came together. With ace historian, Greg Leo.
I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of July 2018. Click for full-size map.
Air Dates: June 30 & July 1, 2018 — Also July 7 and 8, 2018 | Greg Leo
It’s our annual Fourth of July show! Our eighth annual Fourth of July show if you can believe it. This year, we welcome back once again, ace amateur historian, Greg Leo. On this week’s show, we take today’s divided America and look back to compare to other moments in history. When, believe it or not, America was even more divided then than it is today.
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Our Annual Fourth of July Show
The Fourth of July is, and always has been, a unifying moment on the calendar. In some ways, even more than Christmas, because not everyone is a Christian but we’re all Americans.
And every year, we take a look back at periods of American history, to understand what America was going through, how the Fourth was celebrated in times past, and what those times and celebrations can teach us today.
This Year: Our 8th Annual Fourth of July Show
America is pretty divided right now. Half the country hates the current President — just like half hated the previous President. There’s the Russian investigation that, depending on which side of the political aisle you’re on, you either think proves Trump colluded with Russians or is a complete witch hunt. But you’ve also got Antifa routinely rioting, and Rep. Maxine Waters is openly calling for people to harass members of the administration and even Trump supporters.
Could this be any worse?
Actually, yes.
Fourth of July in 1800
The often overlooked election of 1800 was probably the most contentious time in American politics. And there were some amazing similarities between then and now.
We talk with Greg Leo about how the political war between Adams and Jefferson nearly tore the new country apart. Like today, both sides back then had their own media—the equivalent of Fox News vs. CNN. If you thought Sarah Sanders getting kicked out of a restaurant was something, you’ll have to hear what supporters of one side or the other went through.
But even in those dark and uncertain times, America pulled through.
Fourth of July in 1843
Fourth of July Celebrations in Canyon City, Oregon, in 1862.
This year also marks the 175th anniversary of the vote in the Oregon frontier to side with America.
In 1843, the settlers began to realize they needed some form of government. Find out what happened to start the movement toward government. Then, as now, civic involvement could be a tricky business. Find out what carrots the leaders used to get the settlers to turnout and vote.
Fourth of July in the Great Depression
Fourth of July in the Great Depression. One wonders if these children saw any fireworks that year.
While much of America’s history has been filled with the promise of freedom, liberty, and prosperity, the Great Depression from 1929 to World War II was a time of struggle for many Americans.
During the Depression, many parents couldn’t afford to keep their own children and were forced to send them to orphanages. Other children took their lives into their own hands and hopped rail cars in search of food and work.
It wasn’t just America. The Depression was worldwide and many countries fell into the trap of totalitarian governments, leading to the rise of the Nazis in Germany, fascism in Italy, and the continued advance of socialism and communism in Europe.
But even during these dark times, the promise of Liberty burned bright and the Fourth of July was a beacon of hope to all Americans. And as America became the leader of the Free World, our promise of freedom and liberty was a beacon to the rest of the world too.
Podcast Version
Links Mentioned
If you’re in need of governmental or political consulting, drop Greg Leo a line. He has more than 30 years of experience in the world of politics and government affairs. Greg can be reached at
Segments 1 & 2: (175th Anniversary of Founders Day)
“The region went from having no government, other than the de facto civil authority exercised by the Hudson’s Bay Company, to territorial status on a path to statehood. Along the way, Oregonians saw the creation of a provisional government in 1843 and the end of the British claim to sovereignty in 1846. Local political squabbles between Americans and an alliance of French-Canadians and the Hudson’s Bay Company provided much of the early heat but politics in Washington, driven by the call “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!,” added to the rising temperature on the subject of what to do with the Oregon Country. ”
“Over the years, no event had come along in the small community to trigger serious discussion of the subject. … The event finally came when American Ewing Young died in 1841 without a will. Young, by far the wealthiest independent settler in the Oregon Country, owned a large herd of cattle in addition to promissory notes from his neighbors for large debts. Since he had no known heirs, the subject arose at his funeral of what to do with his property in the absence of any sort of governmental probate procedure. ”
Show Summary: May 14, 2018 marks Israel at 70. Mainstream media pundits are constantly proven wrong about Israel — and Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia. Probably because they just read other pundits. We talk to someone who truly understands the conflict from the inside out: a former jihadist. Israel, its neighbors, and why Israel’s founding caught Muslims by complete surprise.
Will there ever be peace between the Children of Ishmael and the Children of Isaac?
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I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of May 2018. Click for full-size map.
Air Dates: May 12 & 13, 2018 | Former Cultural Jihadist, Kamal Saleem
This Week: Monday, May 14th, is the 70th anniversary of Israel’s Independence. Also on Monday, under President Trump’s directive, the US is opening their embassy in Israel. But it’s happening when so much else is swirling all around them. Not all of it bad—in fact some of it is downright miraculous.
With the mainstream media pundits predicting nothing but doom and gloom no matter what Trump does, we thought we’d turn to someone who actually understands the conflict. Someone who knows the Arabic and Islamic culture of anti-Israel. Because he lived it. And was willing to die for it.
Insights on Israel from an Expert (Former) Hater
We go to a real expert, not a pundit. A person who was born in Beirut, trained by the Muslim Brotherhood and PLO, and later commissioned by a Saudi Prince to come to America to wage a cultural jihad, and who reads many of the native languages of the Middle East. We turn to Kamal Saleem.
Born in the very land where hatred of everything American and Jewish was taught, Kamal’s later transformation to Christianity only helps us untangle the Islamic religious/political response but the cultural and emotional response surrounding Israel.
Israel’s Independence at 70 Years
This week, Kamal talks about why Israel’s founding took his family by complete surprise, not to mention the surrounding countries as well. Surprisingly, it wasn’t political.
We examine Israel’s formation, its survival through 10 wars, not to mention countless skirmishes, and the current changing relationships with their Middle East neighbors. Neighbors such as Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and the most dangerous one of all— Iran.
Israel’s Neighbors
We discuss: how Syria is slowly regaining ground and chasing out ISIS; that Saudi Arabia, is actually making peaceful overtures toward Israel; and how Iran is pulling the strings of a lot of countries. Listen to find the importance of Saudi Arabia’s changing face, the real reasons why they are bombing Yemen, and why they are accepting Israel.
But do they really mean it. If you’ve heard Kamal before, you know about the Muslim doctrine of taqiyya and lying to one’s enemies. Should Israel be trusting? And what are the tell-tale signs of lying or trust for the Saudis?
That Iran Deal: Trump Right or Wrong and Why Now?
If you wondered why Trump (who said all along he wanted to withdraw from the Iran Deal), waited until now to do it, you’ll hear why he did and why waiting played right into his hand. It turns out there was a very goo reason why Trump waited until now instead of when he first had the chance months ago.
And, as usual, the pundits were wrong. They all said it would backfire. Check out this tweet from an actual Iranian, not some CNN pundit: “As an Iranian, I would like to say: Dear President @realDonaldTrump, Iranians are very grateful for your decision to #CancelIranDeal. ”
Tensions between Israel and Iran show us that once again the Middle East is dragging us towards the abyss, writes John R Bradley (Daily Mail, May 1, 2018)
Israel at 70
Ancient lost city of King David is uncovered near Jerusalem and expert says it proves the Bible is accurate (The Sun, May 1, 2018)
Syria Says Israel Struck Near Damascus as IDF Opens Shelters Bracing for Iranian Attack (Haaretz, May 8, 2018)
Saudi Arabia: Real Changes? “Saudi Arabia Inks Deal with Vatican to Build Christian Churches” (Breitbart, May 4, 2018)
US Embassy in Jerusalem
Jerusalem gets first road sign for new US Embassy (CNN, May 8, 2018)
Trump pulls U.S. OUT of Iran nuclear deal calling it ‘disastrous’ and accuses Iranian regime of LYING to build an atomic bomb – and defiant Tehran pledges to step up its program (Daily Mail, May 8. 2018)
Obama rebukes Trump for blowing up Iran deal as he warns the U.S. could face a losing choice – a nuclear-armed Tehran or a new war in the Middle East (Daily Mail, May 8, 2017)
Netanyahu – 100,000 Secret Files Prove Iran ‘Lied Big Time’ About Nukes (Breitbart, Apr 30, 2018)
Show Summary: It’s Memorial Day weekend! You’re taking some time off and so are we. A best of a best of this week: looking back at last year’s Memorial Day, including a fun look at the history and traditions of Memorial Day. Plus, in 2016, we were in the thick of a contentious Republican primary. Remember that? It’s a good look back at where we were and, unfortunately, with stubborn “Republicans” in Congress, where we still are today.