Get off the Path to Tyranny | Stop America’s Slide toward Socialism
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Show Summary: With one of the most-locked down economies in the nation, Oregon knows about tyranny. We talk with State Senator Dennis Linthicum on how we correct course—statewide and nationally.

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Original Air Dates: Jan. 09 & 10, 2021 | State Sen. Dennis Linthicum
This Week’s Show: Getting off the Path to Tyranny
Now on the other side of all the election let downs, illegal ballots cast, state officials stepping all over their own state’s constitution, riots, and those killed during the riots we’re shaking off the desire to hide our heads in the sand, and instead focus on fighting back.
Pretending we don’t have serious problems, or overreacting by pushing violence and government overthrow, won’t solve anything. We need a steady hand on the wheel as we try to untangle and undo the forces determined to destroy our country.
New Rules in Elections. Win if Possible. If not, Chang the Rules
A recent Just the News article from John Solomon wrote that the 2020 election wasn’t just an election, it was a political watershed in which the rules and strategy for winning were rewritten. So by not thinking it through of what has to happen now, with all these institutions and media in favor of socialism, stopping it means we must take instead seize new rules and strategy for winning.
This week, we take a deep dive into Senator Linthicum’s latest newsletter. He examines how we in Oregon have been forced into shut downs and a ruined economy through the government’s manipulation of numbers, using covid as the cover.
Jump down to read Senator Dennis Linthicum’s full newsletter
What better way to exercise their desire to rid of us our rights while making us beholden to the scraps of money tossed into households, making them grateful. A socialist-style society being formed as covid smoking flares keeps the truth hidden. Covid or global warming it doesn’t matter. It’s the same tactics designed to confuse and manipulate. Their bureaucracy of supports all respond to one goal: control of everything.
The senator walks us through how the mirrors of deception are made and used and ties it back to current events in DC. This while Trump is making clear that he may be leaving the presidency, but he’s not leaving the fight.
Neither are we.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.
Links Mentioned
- Professor Turley out of DC, who is a democrat, is now calling for a federal commission to examine the 2020 election. An honest-to-God, no-holds-barred federal commission to look into the 2020 presidential election
- Click here to read Senator Linthicum’s newsletter
- The Patriots’ worst defeat of the American Revolution (via History.com)
Dr. Frank Bures: False positive COVID PCR tests sow confusion (Winowa Daily News, Jan 3, 2021)* “I have seen it written that anywhere from 25% to 40% of people with COVID infections are totally asymptomatic.”
Experts: US COVID-19 positivity rate high due to ‘too sensitive’ tests (MSN, Aug 30, 2020)
Fauci reinforces WHO’s recognition that vaccine may not prevent contraction (Just the News, Jan 5, 2021)
- American Medical Association reverses earlier statement against HCQ to treat coronavirus infections
- Ohio pharmacy board reverses ban on hydroxychloroquine after GOP Gov. DeWine’s request
Senator Dennis Linthicum’s Newsletter
The massive COVID-19 “Test-Test-Retest” scheme is the only thing that keeps Gov. Kate Brown’s lockdown hype going. The destructionists in control love their power and testing has proven to be the perfect tool. We all know that good data is a requirement for good decision making. The testing mantra was originally portrayed as the tool to help us gather good data and lead us to make good decisions. But now we see the data isn’t being used to make good decisions it is being manipulated for ulterior ends.
COVID-19 testing has expanded dramatically throughout our state and the nation. Thus, as more and more people get tested, local county health organizations can use the data to pump statistical non-information and keep the public confused and fearful. What we do see, in the statistics, is that COVID-19 “cases” might be rising but the numbers are bolstered mostly by non-ill, non symptomatic people who are presumed to have COVID-19 although they feel just fine.
False positives have long been recognized as problematic and the World Health Organization (WHO) finally released a guidance memo on December 14th, warning that high cycle thresholds on PCR tests will result in false positives. So this misguided policy perspective is unforgivable. Also, the “infection fatality rate” is falling faster as the presumed, confirmed, and asymptomatic cases keep rising. This should be great news but it is never treated by the media or political class, as such.
This makes me wonder about several things…
- What does our future hold?
- How long will these lockdowns last?
- Will lockdowns become a common “goto” too?
This last question may seem outlandish, but recall that the WHO’s original definition of a pandemic was regarding, “epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.” A new definition appeared on the scene right in front of what we now call the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic. This newer definition removed criteria about the severity of any illnesses and also removed the criteria for high rates of mortality. The definition now refers to a pandemic as “a worldwide epidemic of a disease.”
If you are wondering why death rates are never discussed, it is because they are no longer relevant to the definition. This means the media, health officials and the political class can push this entirely spurious statistic to keep thoughtful questioners at bay and give statistical reinforcements to the next administrative dictator.
The public was complacent with the original “flatten the curve” logic because it was to meant preserve personal protective gear, ventilators, and hospital beds. All good goals and, indeed, the death curve has been flattened for nearly eight months. Yet, death counts don’t count and case counts remain the COVID-19 boogey-man.
The above graphic for case counts shows an obvious upward trend. In fact, this statistic is so visually terrifying that scare-mongers avoid publishing the fact that the annual average compares favorably to other flu seasons. The nefarious news sources and social media networks are doing their best to censor and quiet the rising anger against their unbalanced reporting and the government’s needless and ineffective lockdown strategies.
From the data we can determine that these mandates are incapable of stopping a viral outbreak. But, what if the purpose of these mandates is not about stopping the virus? What if these mandates are about control? Monetary, physical, emotional, and spiritual control?
My press-releases over the last several weeks have tried to alert people to the changing landscape being twisted beneath our feet. The Governor is promoting “Lock-down Mania”. Why? It behooves us to question what is the end goal of her “mania”? Could it be to eviscerate the economy, sabotage our cultural heritage and preach a unique brand of medical mysticism that borders on malpractice?
The Governor’s office, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), executive agencies and Democrat cronies are perpetuating either one of two dystopian futures. They offer us, on one-hand, the statistically improbable COVID contagion that will destroy the lives of us and our loved ones; or on the other-hand, their lockdown inspired destruction of our free-market economy, complete with untold financial ruin, bankruptcy, unemployment, and despair.
Biden portrays the future as a “dark winter”, but it doesn’t have to be. The future doesn’t have to be a dimly lit hellhole of socialism if the truth can prevail. We must not allow our future to be consumed by what lies in the dark heart of these leftists who are clamoring for positions of authority within the new regime.
We must continue to unite against the left’s endless proposals for the bureaucratic central state. Stand together for the principles our nation’s founders documented so elegantly. Stand and fight for these self-evident truths:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
Our individual rights and liberties are not dependent on whether the president, congress, governor, or legislature honors those rights. Those rights belong to us as individual free-will, moral agents graced with unique attributes and filled with human dignity. Our rights are eternal vouchers that belong to every person regardless of race, creed, religion or heritage and the state has no right to intervene in any person’s just pursuits for their own lives, livelihoods, and the well-being of their posterity.
I will not back down from the fight to preserve our American heritage. Together we can bring Oregon back to our original constitutional form of limited government, but we’ll need to hold fast to our principles and not let them steal our livelihoods from us.