Category: Media

15-03 Who Fiddled While L.A. Burned? Plus: Secondary Ignition Sources in Los Angeles Fires?

15-03 Who Fiddled While L.A. Burned? Plus: Secondary Ignition Sources in Los Angeles Fires?

Show 15-03 Summary: This week we’re taking a look at the Los Angeles fires disaster.. And while the far-left Democrats’ environmental policies have gotten a lot of the focus, could there have been other mandates with the electric grid itself that could have amplified the problems? L.A.’s smart meters. Which have been known to cause fires. And even explode when exposed to water and fires. Smart meters were cited in the 2017 Northern California fires. And problems with them go back far earlier. But in the rush for green energy were bureaucrats too eager to look the other way?

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Air Dates: January 18th & 19th, 2025 | Guest: Dr. Bonner Cohen

Los Angeles Fires – What Happened and Why

It’s Climate Change. It’s Gavin Newsome. Or the Democrats. Or the Los Angeles mayor. It’s the fire hydrants. It’s the Santa Ana winds. Well, we definitely played a role. But wherever you look, there is plenty of blame to go around. And as we looked deeper into things, it turns out there could be yet another layer to the blame sandwich. Namely, smart meters. But we’ll come back around to that.

There has already been plenty of blame to go around. And well deserved. From Governor Gavin Newsom to the California far-left democrat supermajorities in the California legislatures to the Los Angeles mayor and water commissioners and fire chief. The list of who-should-be-blamed is lengthy. And that doesn’t even include arson or accidental fires.

And, no, Climate Change was not to blame. We’ve said it before: IF you truly believe that Global Warming is making the Earth hotter and drier, then you would do more forest management and not what the environmental left does. Which is almost nothing. And this is especially true in areas, like Los Angeles, which is an area known for its arid, dry conditions. The failure of the far left’s environmental policies — of get 100s of billions of Climate Change cash from the taxpayers and do nothing with it — was definitely front and center.

But was there yet another layer of Climate Change stupidity at fault? Los Angeles’s mandatory smart meters, as part of their green energy revolution.

Did Smart Meters Make Things Worse

This week we welcome back an internationally recognized expert on natural resources, energy, the environment, and property rights—Dr. Bonner Cohen. He is also a senior policy analyst at CFACT.

There are known problems with smart meters. Yes, they have caused fires. Tens of thousands of them across the country. Yes, they have design flaws. Yes, their lithium-ion batteries can get explosively hot — as much as 5,000°. Which is about 2,000 degrees hotter than the melting point of titanium.

Dr. Cohen knows all too well about the inherent fire dangers of lithium-ion batteries, having written an article just a year ago about their incredible fire hazards. Smart meters have lithium-ion batteries. If they catch fire, they can quickly accelerate to up to thousands of degrees and that heat can get into the homes. They have also been know to be susceptible to water and heat (like fires) and were believed to have played a role in the 2017 Northern California fires.

Smart meters are mandatory in Los Angeles. And they’re a part of the future of green energy—in part because they allow greater control over your usage of electricity.  Why? Because they connect wirelessly with the utility company, and can be both adjusted. And switched off. Could they have played a role in the 2025 Los Angeles fires?  We don’t know yet. For certain, it is a fact that smart meters have been involved in past fires. And we definitely know that no one will find anything if no one looks. And we know no one will look if no one asks questions.

There is so much to discuss and uncover about smart meters, that we will have to discuss them in more depth in a future show. Because we also know that if the Far Left democrats in California and Los Angeles get their way, the smart meters will be mandatory in the next Los Angeles.

Terrifying Possibilities for More Los Angeles Fires?

But perhaps the most troubling aspect of the so-called smart meters is that since they are remotely accessed, there’s a very real potential that they could be hacked. We already know the Chinese have hacked into U.S. systems and infrastructure. Imagine a scenario where hackers switch on and off smart meters until their lithium-ion batteries overheat and ignite. One house every other block and they could spread before fire crews could get them under control.

That’s potentially pretty terrifying.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey warned, “What they’re doing now, they’re constructing what they call a ‘Smart Grid.’ … [T[o make it easier for you and me to call our homes on our cell phone and turn down our air-conditioning on a hot afternoon if we’re not there. Great, but that may well mean that a hacker in Shanghai with his cell phone could do the same thing or worse. And a so-called “Smart Grid” that is as vulnerable as what we’ve got is not smart at all, it’s a really, really stupid grid.”

And as for those smart meters and their lithium-ion batteries that have been known to catch fire? After we spoke with Dr. Cohen, a massive fire broke out at the Moss Landing  Power Plant, the world’s largest maker or lithium-ion batteries. The fire was so bad and there was so much toxic smoke that the area had to be evacuated.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Be sure to visit The Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow is a great organization with incredible experts on energy, the environment, and so much more. Like these articles about the Los Angeles fires:
  • The L.A. Wildfires Should Be a Wake-up Call (City Journal, Jan 10, 2025)
    • “Decades of fire suppression policies have left forests dangerously dense and overgrown”
  • Want to learn more about smart meters and their potential role in the Los Angeles Fires? We will have a dedicated page to these (there is a tremendous amount of pages we are still sorting through. But in the meantime, two good resources are:
  • The Discovery and Science of Smart Meter Fires — 2021 presentation (via Smart Meter Harm, July 4, 2024). A presentation by a fire scientist, an engineer, and a fire forensic scientist. The direct link to the PDF of the presentation is at this link.
  • Another study is “Overview: Fire and Electrical Hazards from ‘Smart’, Wireless, PLC, and Digital Utility Meters,” available as a PDF.
  • California government report on SCE Smart Meter program: Rising costs eliminate consumer savings (Smart Meter Harm, 2014)
  • Moss Landing Lithium-Ion Battery Plant Fire:

California Fires, Environmentalism, and Green Energy Related Articles

  • President Trump gets it on wind (CFACT, Jan 14, 2025),
  • The Saturation effect questions the prevailing narrative on CO2 (CFACT, Jan X, 2025)
  • GOP attacks on IRA can’t score a clean sweep in red states (CNBC, Jan 12, 2025); EV tax credit is ‘catastrophically stupid (CNBC, Dec 5, 2024)
    • “Newly elected Bernie Moreno, is targeting getting rid of the EV tax credit, clarifying that the $75 hundred dollar incentive is catastrophically stupid.”


14-30 A Nation at War with Itself | Moral Battleground in America (and Oregon)

14-30 A Nation at War with Itself | Moral Battleground in America (and Oregon)

Show 14-30 Summary: Since its founding, America has been at war with itself. Locked in a battle between its Christian-Judeo roots while allowing space for secularism. And other religions. But the battle between Christianity and secularism is the most pronounced. And recently, the Christians have been giving up ground. We talk with author Bill Donohue about the moral battleground in America, including the hate spewed by the Left at any who disagree with them. Then we talk with Dennis Linthicum, the Republican candidate running for Oregon’s Secretary of State about the moral path Oregon is on. But we especially wanted to have him back on to talk about the elections. How do we get to a secure election in Oregon? Where are the vulnerabilities if someone wanted to cheat? And how do we close them.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of April 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: Date, 2024 | Guests: Bill Donohue and Dennis Linthicum

This Week – The Moral Battleground in America

This week we’re looking into the moral battleground in America. Yes, there is a moral war being waged right now and America. And Oregon. It’s the secular outlook versus the religious one that have been at war since America’s founding. What can we do to keep America on the right path?

We talk with Bill Donohue, an author and media personality. He has written thousands of articles and 10 books. His books focus on ethics and religion and their ongoing battle with the secularism and its attack on America and our way of life. His most recent book is Cultural Meltdown – the Secular Roots of Our Moral Crisis.

We also look at the Left working to dehumanize their political opponents, making it easier to hate them. Even shoot at someone who has been demonized as a “threat to democracy” and the nation.

Who Counts the Votes

We also talk with senator Dennis Linthicum, the Republican candidate for Oregon’s Secretary of State. If there is any statewide office that needs someone with a strong sense of morals and ethics, it is the secretary of state’s office. It is the watchdog for so much of government. The one that is responsible for auditing other agencies. And ensuring the fairness of our elections. It’s like that Stalin quote: “It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.”

We talk about Oregon and its own moral path but our main focus is on the elections. Do we have secure elections in Oregon? How do we get to secure elections? And why doesn’t this current set Secretary of State seemed to think that’s important. And why does the Oregonian label Dennis an “election denier”? (He’s not. He’s an election confirmer.”

Want to find out more about Dennis Linthicum and his policy issues? Visit

The democrats in charge now are pretty transparent about their lack of lack of transparency. Which boils down to “trust us. We won.” What are they hiding?

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info


14-09 CIA Whistleblower | A Deep State Run Amok

14-09 CIA Whistleblower | A Deep State Run Amok

Show 14-09 Summary: While serving in Afghanistan, Pedro Israel Orta was a CIA officer who felt compelled to file a whistleblower complaint when he witnessed situations that were putting his fellow officers in danger. The point of the whistleblower system is to protect someone who comes forward to alert higher-ups about problems and protect them from the people responsible. Especially if that person has authority over the whistleblower. But what happens when the system itself is corrupt? And turns on whistleblowers who expose actual problems? Pedro Orta found out firsthand what happens when the system turns on its own. And how a system designed to protect can be used against the Deep State’s enemies.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: March 2nd & 3rd, 2024 | Guest: Pedro Israel Orta

This Week – CIA Whistleblower

We welcome first-time guest, Pedro Israel Orta, who joined the CIA looking to serve his country after his family had fled the tyranny of the Castro regime.He spent 18 years with them, serving a variety of posts, primarily as an analyst, and covert field work as well.

But while serving in Afghanistan, Pedro witnessed situations that were putting his fellow officers in danger due to a Chief of Base who was inexperienced with war zones. And turned the station into more of a social club. They were there to do a mission. And she was endangering them through her actions. So Pedro felt compelled to file a whistleblower complaint. But instead of the system taking action to protect the lives of its officers, the CIA turned on him, the whistleblower.

The point of the whistleblower system is to protect someone who comes forward to alert higher-ups about problems and protect them from the people responsible. Especially if that person has authority over the whistleblower. But what happens when the system itself is corrupt? And turns on whistleblowers who expose actual problems? Pedro Orta found out firsthand what happens when the system turns on its own.

Broken Whistle – A Deep State Run Amok

As a CIA whistleblower, Pedro found out the hard way that the CIA does not want to shine the light on its own abuses. Tune in to hear how the system turned on him, someone who was merely trying to shine a light on a problem so others would not be put in the same dangerous situations.

CIA Whistleblower Pedro Orta's book, "The Broken Whistle: A Deep State Run Amok"We discuss the CIA whistleblower program, what happened to other CIA whistleblowers, and whistleblowers from across the intelligence community. What you’ll hear is a system that refuses to look at its own problems. And sees the best solutions for problems is to ignore them. And silence those who want to fix the system. In doing so, it also bullies others who might want to come forward with the implied threat: do it, and we’ll make sure you regret it. Is it any wonder our intelligence community has become so corrupt?

After being fired from the CIA, Pedro wrote a book about his experiences: Broken Whistle: A Deep State Run Amok, which was just published in February 2024.

Whistleblower System – Used and Corrupted

But it’s more than just whistleblowers who want to come forward. In his book, Pedro exposes how the whistleblower system, which was designed to protect people against systemic abuses, was itself corrupted. In his first chapter, Pedro exposes how the whistleblower system was corrupted by the Deep State to go after President Trump. The intelligence community altered whistleblower forms retroactively, changed the rules to allow secondhand reports, and then banded together to defend their own corruption. All to go after a sitting president.

Why? In our opinion, it was that “perfect phone call” to Zelensky, raising an investigation into Joe Biden. Because if Trump opened that door, there were dozens, if not hundreds, of corrupt people behind it. And that was a door that couldn’t be allowed to be opened.

We hope to have a part two with CIA whistleblower Pedro Israel Orta in the very near future. There is a lot more to uncover and we only just scratched the surface.

Have you signed up for our weekly show promo email? We send out an email on Fridays to let you know what’s coming up that weekend. To be included, just send an email to and ask to be added so you never miss what’s happening!

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Get Pedro Israel Orta’s book: Broken Whistle: A Deep State Run Amok. That link takes you to Amazon. But you can find other ways to order it on Pedro’s personal website: under the book tab.
  • Join our weekly show newsletter and never miss what’s coming up: send an email to to be included
  • We’ll be talking about this article in depth the next time we talk with Pedro: “CIA Built ’12 Secret Spy Bases’ In Ukraine & Waged Shadow War For Last Decade, Bombshell NYT Report Confirms” (ZeroHedge, Feb 26, 2024)
  • Read the NYT’s article ZeroHedge was reporting on: The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin (NYT, Feb 25, 2024)
    • Just sick and mentally ill by the NY Times writer: “Now these intelligence networks are more important than ever, as Russia is on the offensive and Ukraine is more dependent on sabotage and long-range missile strikes that require spies far behind enemy lines. And they are increasingly at risk: If Republicans in Congress end military funding to Kyiv, the CIA may have to scale back.”
  • Putin defeated US plan for Russia – [Victoria] Nuland (RT, Feb 25, 2024)
    • Basically, Nuland admits the plan was to have a puppet run Russia
  • Yes I am a CIA Whistleblower (Pedro Israel Orta, Sept 26, 2023)
  • Pedro Israel Orta former CIA author “The Broken Whistle: A Deep State Run Amok” with Stan Fitzgerald (Veterans for America, YT Channel, Nov 7, 2023)
14-08 Government Creep is Beyond Creeping. It’s an Invasion.

14-08 Government Creep is Beyond Creeping. It’s an Invasion.

Show 14-08 Summary: It’s government creep. And for all the wrong reasons. Jennifer Hamaker of Oregon Natural Resource Industries updates us BOEM (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management) pulling a fast one on public meeting laws to try shove through Biden’s offshore wind mills that no one wants. And we talk with Rep Ed Diehl about Oregon’s censorship program. Yes, it really is censorship. He got access to their documents. Some of which were redacted — but actually weren’t. Now we have them. Heh heh heh heh…

green new deal is all about money

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: February 24th & 25th, 2024 | Guests: Jennifer Hamaker & Ed Diehl

This Week – Government Creep

Government used to grow slowly. Incrementally. It used to be called “government creep” but now it’s growing by leaps and bounds. And it’s not Superman up there. It’s Lex Luthor in all his villainy.

Because the worst part about government creep is that it always grows for all the wrong reasons. It would be one thing if it got bigger and better about defending our Constitutional rights. But whenever government grows, it’s to find ways around the Constitution. And, of course, it’s about rewarding politicians’ and bureaucrats’ friends and allies. Who, all too often do not have America’s best interests at heart. And Americans pay the literal price. And at the price of our freedoms.

ONRI Continues the Fight

This week, we talk with Jennifer Hamaker of ONRI (Oregon Natural Resource Industries) about the continuing fights against government creep and using the excuse of the environment to do it. “Save the planet” has duped too many people into thinking environmental government creep is even remotely about the environment. Let alone saving the planet.

green new deal is all about money

No. It’s about spending American tax dollars on things that will transfer enormous amounts of taxpayer dollars to leftist groups. Face it. Climate Change. Environmentalism. Global Warming. It’s all socialism. And none of it would exist without cash payments from the taxpayers.

And the Far Left will not blink when it comes to getting those billions. Hundreds of billions. Even to the point of ignoring people (so much for “democracy”) and ignoring public meeting laws. Recently, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced it will ignore public outcry, forego any more public meetings, and just approve the plan for Oregon’s offshore wind farms anyway.

But it’s not over.

Remember. Oregon’s Appeals Court threw out Governor Brown’s “Climate Protection Plan” (a carbon credit scheme). Why? Because the agency pushing it, wait for it… ignored public meeting laws.

Jen updates us on what happened, what’s next, and their other fights to raise public awareness of what Oregon’s very Far Left “environmentalists” want to do, which will destroy, not save, the environment.

Don’t be silent. The wins we’ve had recently — like the cancellation of the Elliott State Research Forest — happened because people did not stay silent.

Are you a landowner? Do you have a forest you’d like to harvest? Then you need to contact ONRI. They are looking to form a class-action lawsuit to stop the Private Forest Accord. See the contact links on either or

Government Creep is Just Creepy

Then we talk with Representative Ed Diehl (OR-HD17), whose public records request was the basis of that Daily Caller article we mentioned a few weeks back during our show with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote.  We have been following the ongoing story of the Secretary of State’s scheme to monitor, track, and, yes, censor free speech about our elections. The elections division hired an A.I. company to help them hunt down whatever the democrats in charge of the elections division deem to be mis-, dis-, or mal-information. Or “MDM.”

In case you don’t know, “A.I.” is “artificial intelligence.” Because, apparently, there’s no real intelligence at the elections division. If there were, they would know this is a horrible idea.

As a state representative, Ed Diehl got access to the MDM program documents. Agencies tend to respond to legislative requests, and far better and with less stalling than requests from the public. Or from the media for that matter. Some of the documents were heavily redacted. Except it turns out they weren’t actually redacted. Whoops.

Yes, Oregon. It’s Election Free Speech Censorship

In case you haven’t already, read that Daily Caller article about Oregon’s MDM elections censorship program. It’s a great summary of what they’re trying to do. And how they’re trying to justify spying on, censoring, and threatening people for daring to exercise their free speech. (To quote Greta: “How dare you!”)

Find out more about Rep. Ed Diehl at his website,

We talk with Ed about what he uncovered. Don’t miss the discussion about the Twitter Files, about the government using Big Tech to censor free speech about elections. Which the A.I. flagged as “worrisome.” Weird. Big Tech and government consider stories exposing government using big tech to censor as worrisome? Oh, the irony. And hypocrisy.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Ed Diehl’s Segments (4–6)

  • Ed Diehl’s website is
  • Blue State Hired AI Company To Track Election ‘Misinformation.’ It Routinely Flagged Conservative Opinions (Daily Caller, Jan 16, 2024)
  • Censorship-Industrial Complex Enlists U.K. ‘Misinformation’ Group Logically.AI To Meddle In 2024 Election (Federalist, Jan 29, 2024)
  • The bill Ed mentioned was SB1583. It would dramatically curtail the rights of local school boards to control the curriculum in schools. IN other words, it would ensure woke curriculum gets in and anything even closely resembling Judeo-Christian, conservative, or pro-America curriculum stays out.*You can read the bill, register to testify virtually or in person, and/or submit written testimony here: 

Research and Related

Elections, Voter Fraud, Censorship
  • Help fight Oregon’s AI-powered election monitoring and censorship program. Visit Battleground Oregon ( and donate to help with legal expenses. (Full disclosure: I Spy Radio‘s host, Mark Anderson, is a plaintiff in this case. He receives nothing from the donations, which go to legal expenses.)
  • ‘Bombshell’ Documents: CISA Knew Mail-In Ballot Risks But Censored Criticism of Them Before 2020 Election (Trending Politics, Feb 22, 2024)
  • Muskegon Voter Registration Probe: Michigan Election Integrity Group Wants to Know What Happened (The Epoch Times, Feb 23, 2024)
  • MSNBC thinks you don’t have rights, like free speech, unless the government says you do. “MSNBC Host Bashes Christians for Believing that ‘Rights Come From God'” (WLT Report, Feb 23, 2024)
  • Rise in Mail-in-Voting: A Convenience or Pathway to Fraud? (America First Report, Feb 22, 2024)
  • ‘Bombshell’ Documents: CISA Knew Mail-In Ballot Risks But Censored Criticism of Them Before 2020 Election (Trending Politics, Feb 22, 2024)

Green, Environment, etc.

Green energy scam on the way out? Check these out:

  • Things Have Gotten So Bad for EV Makers That They’re Having to Send Checks to Angry Leasing Companies (Western Journal, Feb 21, 2024)
  • Tesla’s price cuts are driving down car values so much that EV makers are sending checks to leasing firms to compensate them (Fortune, Feb 21, 2024)
    • Carmakers have begun compensating leasing companies for the sliding value of used electric cars as Tesla Inc.’s price cuts rip through an industry that must sell more EVs or face hefty fines. … Carmakers need to comply with tightening fleet emission levels, or pay fines.
    • Prices for used EVs plummeted last year as weakening demand for new battery-powered cars prompted Tesla to slash sticker prices, forcing others to follow suit.


14-07 Defending Free Speech | Exposing Censorship Already Happening

14-07 Defending Free Speech | Exposing Censorship Already Happening

Show 14-07 Summary: If you don’t speak up, you’ll lose it. Free speech is under attack. And it turns out censorship is already more widespread than we’d previously believed. By the federal government, yes; by state governments, yes. But now cities? This week, it’s all about defending free speech and exposing censorship of it.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: February 17th & 18th, 2024 | Guests: Austin VanDerHeyden and Joseph Vazquez

This Week – Exposing Censorship

Two new-to-us guests this week. But both share their experiences and insights into censorship and the fight for free speech. Which the government is supposed to defend. But right now it is the worst offender when it comes to censorship. (By the way, a big win on censorship that broke after our interview. More below.)

First up is Austin VanDerHeyden from the Goldwater Institute, which is based in Phoenix Arizona. The Goldwater Institute has defended free speech and other civil liberties since 1988. But it turns out they had a city right in their own backyard that was busy spying on and censoring city employee’s free speech.

Then we talk with Joseph Vazquez from the Media Research Center, which has been America’s media watchdog against Left-Wing bias in the news since 1987. Back then it was countering and exposing the Left bias in the media. But now MRC has a new program focused on free speech and fighting censorship. Especially by Big Tech.

Because as we see with Oregon’s A.I.-powered elections monitoring and censorship program to combat whatever the democrats in charge deem to be mi-, dis-, or mal-information (MDM), Big Tech and artificial intelligence are weaponizing technology against the rights of citizens. And, again, let us remind governments, at all levels, that the role of government is defend free speech. Even and especially speech with which it disagrees. It’s role is not to determine what is acceptable or allowed.

Did you miss our previous shows about Oregon’s MDM elections monitoring and censorship program? See these shows, 13-43, 13-45, and the related show, 14-03 with True The Vote. And this article from The Daily Caller about it.

Check out the research and show notes section for our guests’ organizations, and links mentioned during the show. And some others we relied on to build the show.

News! Censorship Can Be Stopped

Thankfully, there are sensible judges still out there who recognize that the Constitution means it when it says the government’s duty is to protect free speech, not censor it. On Friday, after our interview, news broke of a big win by RFK Jr., who had sued the federal government. Which, despite its constitutional duty, agencies within the federal government have been working with Big Tech to censor whatever it didn’t like. About such things as covid, the vaccines, global warming/climate change, transgenderism and more.

See this tweet from Christian Movick for a summary. And see this article for a more complete write up on the censorship ruling.

The ruling is essentially on hold until after the bigger and broader Missouri v. Biden, which is currently at the Supreme Court, awaiting a ruling. But. This ruling prevents Biden and his gestapo agencies from working with social media companies to suppress free speech. But this definitely fires a shot across the bow of U.S.S. Censorship.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Austin VanDerHeyden (Segments 1–3) on the City of Gilbert’s Censorship

  • Austin VanDerHeyden is from the Goldwater Institute and serves as their Municipal Affairs Liaison
    • Have a problem with your city council? Or a problem with your school boards? Then contact Austin.

THIS: Austin mentioned A website to help you crack open government, with tools and resources to on how to file public records requests. Free speech dies when we remain silence.

Joseph Vazquez (Segments 4–6) on Censorship: George Soros, Big Tech, and A.I.

  • Joseph Vazquez is from the Media Research Center and serves as the associate editor for Business and Free Speech America.
  • The Media Research Center (MRC), has been fighting the Left-Wing bias in news since 1987.
  • Perhaps one of MRC’s better-known projects is News Busters. If it’s not already on your daily news sites, it should be.
  • One of MRC’s latest projects is Free Speech America. Which has its own program, Censor Track, which specifically tracks censorship by Big Tech. Meaning censorship of conservatives.Visit
  • “Free Speech Be Damned! Soros-Funded Group Cries No First Amendment Right for So-Called Election Disinfo” (MRCNewsBusters, Joseph Vazquez,  Feb 14, 2024)

Additional Research and Related Info




14-03 True the Vote Exposes the Stunning Reality of Our Elections

14-03 True the Vote Exposes the Stunning Reality of Our Elections

Show 14-03 Summary: Huge show this week! We’re talking with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote about their recent big-time win in Georgia two weeks ago, about the integrity of our elections (or lack of it), and how election fraud really is committed — thanks to federal laws which stop federal laws from being enforced. We also talk about what is happening here in Oregon, including the lawsuit against the State’s elections censorship program.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: January 20th & 21st, 2024 | Guest: Catherine Engelbrecht

This Week – True the Vote

There’s a famous letter that starts out, “Yes, Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus.” While states like Oregon are monitoring, censoring, and blocking anything the democrats in charge deem to be “misinformation” about elections, they treat election fraud as if it’s some non-existent, mythical being. Well, sorry but, “Yes, Oregon, there really is election fraud.”

Did you know? There are 23 states who are all using artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor, censor, and block discussions about elections? And did you know that all 23 of them are led by democrats?

If you saw the absolute viciousness with which democrats, mainstream media, social media, and democrat-led judiciary all attacked anyone who dared ask questions about the 2020 election, you knew something was up. Why? Because all of those had just questioned the 2016 election. With huge, violent protests in D.C. and other cities. Republicans didn’t censor them. Republicans didn’t viciously attack any doubters.

But when Republicans questioned 2020? They were silenced, censored, and attacked. Court cases thrown out. And yet, here we are, three years later, and the claims made about the 2020 election fraud are proving true.

This week, we welcome Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote to talk about their recent huge win in Georgia. How big? It was so big, the mainstream media did their best to make sure you didn’t notice.

Tune in to find out why this case was so important for election integrity moving forward. You’ll also hear:

  • The weird and ironic problem of conflicting federal election laws preventing the enforcement of election integrity
  • How Obamacare ensures phantom voters on the voter rolls
  • Why the cased against Oregon’s AI-powered election censorship program and attack on free speech is so important to defeat
  • Some myth-busting about election integrity

This week’s show is definitely a “don’t miss”!

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Mentioned During the Show

  • Visit True the Vote’s webpage ( Sign up for their newsletter, explore their tools and info, and if you can, donate to help them! They are constantly being sued by people who want to defend potential election fraud. Including our own government.
  • Help fight Oregon’s AI-powered election monitoring and censorship program. Visit Battleground Oregon ( and donate to help with legal expenses. (Full disclosure: I Spy Radio‘s host, Mark Anderson, is a plaintiff in this case. He receives nothing from the donations, which go to legal expenses.)
  • Democrats fear retribution for their retribution, here’s what’s really happening (Public Opinion, Jan 18, 2024)
  • Catherine’s January 30th, 2017 interview. “Catherine Engelbrecht – True the Vote. Voter Fraud” (Ken Garner, YouTube, Jan 30, 2017)
    • If election fraud is such a big threat, why is it so hard to find fraudsters? The reason election fraud is hard to quantify is because the fraud has become institutionalized.
  • True the Vote Defeats Fair Fight, Stacy Abrams, Marc Elias, and the Biden DOJ (True the Vote News, Jan 22, 2024)
  • True The Vote Defeats Fair Fight, Stacy Abrams, Marc Elias, And The Biden Department Of Justice In Landmark Election Case (The Georgia Record, Jan 4, 2024)
    • THIS “It is also remarkable that not a single GOP or conservative group ever joined True the Vote to fight for Georgia voters.” Why? Where is the Republican party in all this? Or for that matter, the Democrat party? Shouldn’t all sides want election integrity?
  • The Daily Caller story about Oregon’s elections censorship program: “Blue State Hired AI Company To Track Election ‘Misinformation.’ It Routinely Flagged Conservative Opinions” (Daily Caller, Jan 16, 2024)
  • Will Elections Finally Be Secure and Honest in 2024? (Heritage Foundation, Jan 5, 2024)

Examples of Winning

Research and Related Info


14-02 Winter Potpourri | Hot Topics of the Week, Election Integrity News and More

14-02 Winter Potpourri | Hot Topics of the Week, Election Integrity News and More

Show 14-02 Summary: You probably missed the big election integrity news this last week. But that could be a little understandable because there was a lot of news this week. If the weather predictions hold true for some of our listening areas, it is definitely a good weekend to stay inside and listen to I Spy Radio. And as it happens, we have a former weatherman on this week. Fan favorite and regular guest, Chuck Wiese, joins us to talk through a huge news week — and one that was filled with stories in which he has expertise as a scientist, commercial airline pilot, and election integrity activist. We talk weather prediction, global warming, election fraud, airplane doors, and other hot topics from this and last week’s news.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: January 13th & 14th, 2024 | Guest: Chuck Wiese

This Week – Stories You Might Not have Heard

We welcome back fan favorite and regular gust, Chuck Wiese, to talk about some of the major news stories these last two weeks. And they all just happen line up well with Chuck’s expertise and experience. Chuck Wiese is an academically trained scientist with a degree in meteorology. (Which he obtained before the universities went woke and through science out in exchange for activism and big propaganda grants.) He spent years in the news business as a TV weatherman for a major Portland network before becoming a commercial airline pilot. After retiring from those, he has become a political activist — as we all should be —focusing especially on election integrity. And boy was there some election integrity news this week.

Have you signed up yet for our weekly show promo email? Get a Friday notice about the upcoming show. Send an email to and ask to be added to our list!

Tune in to hear a wide-ranging interview covering why weather predictions, especially here in the Pacific Northwest, are so difficult to be accurate more than 48 hours out. We talk developments in election integrity, including the Georgia prosecutor Fanni Willis going after President Trump only to expose herself as being corrupt. She paid over $650,000 to her boyfriend who has never been a prosecutor. And was dumb enough to charge his visits to the Biden White House to her office leaving a paper trail of corruption.

Election Integrity News – Did You Miss It?

Speaking of Fanni Willis, there was election integrity news you almost certainly missed. Especially if your main news source is the mainstream news. Trump released a devastating report: “Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States.” (If you have not seen this, see the Links section below to download a copy.)

The true “big lie” from 2020 is from the media: there was no evidence of election interference or corruption. That’s the lie. The “big truth” is that there is massive amounts of election fraud. And we talk through just one county in one state: Fulton County, Georgia.

Now you know why Fanni Willis is desperate to attack Trump. Marxism/Leftism 101: accuse the other side of that which you yourself are guilty.

Dumb Things Dumb People Do

The push for green energy (it’s not green) is on a downward spiral. And if you’re in an area this weekend getting hit by all that cold and ice, you’re glad your only power is NOT solar or wind. But beyond the push for green energy (it’s not green), EVs have suddenly taken a dive. All across the U.S. and even in the green-energy-crazy (it’s not green) United Kingdom EVs are suddenly unpopular. Why?

And did you see the dumbest dumb thing thew globalists and global warmers have come up with now? Listen in and don’t miss it.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Never miss a show! We send out a weekly “show promo” email letting you know what we have coming up. To be added to the list, just send a link to and let us know you’d like to be added to our list. We never share your email address and you can decide to be removed at any time. Or added back.

Things We Did Discuss On Air

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We ran out of time before getting to some other topics we know Chuck is passionate about. Like Ivermectin for one. And that little miracle drug just keeps giving and giving. No wonder Fauci and Big Pharma tried to ban it.


  • 6 Secrets of Ivermectin: The Medication That Keeps on Giving (Vigilant News Network, November 22, 2023). Some highlights:
    • It inhibits flu and RSV viral replication
    • Ivermectin reduces inflammation throughout the body
    • Improves the gastrointestinal microbiome by boosting levels of the probiotic Bifidobacterium
    • May help with athletic and sports performance by boosting cellular energy output in the heart
    • And here’s the big one: Ivermectin has profound anti-cancer properties
  • Ivermectin is (or was originally) and an anti-parasitic drug. This class of drug seems to have strong anti-cancer effects as well. Check this out: “The Overlooked Miracle Drug for Cancer? Why Big Pharma Fears Fenbendazole” (Vigilant News Network, Nov 7, 2023)

Oregon and Economics




13-45 Battle Lines Have Been Drawn | Oregon Censorship Lawsuit Filed

13-45 Battle Lines Have Been Drawn | Oregon Censorship Lawsuit Filed

Show 13-45 Summary: A split show this week. First up, we talk about the battle to get School Choice in Oregon on the November 2024 ballot. There’s been some confusion out there about the funding and how the typical strings-attached could impact home schoolers. Except that is not the case in this case. Find out why. But the bulk of the show is discussing the Oregon censorship lawsuit just filed this week. We bring on the lawyer in the case to discuss why it was brought. And what was so incendiary in Oregon’s “election disinformation” surveillance system. Don’t miss the state’s response to some Republican senators who dared question the state. The war is on.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: Nov 11th & 12th, 2023 | Guests: Donna Kreitzberg and Stephen Joncus

This Week – In the Trenches

There was a flurry of letters this week as opposing sides squared off over our 1st Amendment rights and, what many feel, is Oregon’s government attack on its own citizens. And from an office no less, that is the supposed to be the defender of Oregonians’ rights—the Secretary of State.

Two weeks ago, we brought you the shocking story of the Secretary of State seeking to hire an AI firm to track, monitor, and report anything the SoS Office deems “mis-, dis-, or mal-information” about the elections. (See Show 13-43, “Oregon’s New Surveillance System to Track, Censor “Election “Disinformation.”) The RFP they posted sought an Orwellian tech company that would surveil social media, websites, blogs, podcasts, and even radio broadcasts.

As we continue to cover this developing fight to protect our rights, there have been some breaking news items as the Secretary of State rightly felt the heat. Among the developments are a new lawsuit filed in federal court, thanks in large part to I Spy listeners’ multiple donations and generosity.  A big thank you to all who donated to make this legal defense of our First Amendment possible.

Also, the Republican Senators and Representatives sent a letter to the Secretary of State, admonishing the government’s actions and demanding that they stop.  But, not surprisingly, the government effectively responded with “It’s no big deal, we’re just monitoring.  And oh by the way we did the same in 2022 and see, no big deal. Plus, other states are doing it too.”

Great way to build trust, Oregon.

This week, we take a look at the legal issues behind this horrible idea.

Questions about School Choice Funding and Regulations

Map: Astounding Home Schooling Student Enrollment Increases by State, via Washington Post
Click map for full size

But first up we bring on Donna Kreitzberg to bring us a quick update on the hard work to get school choice  on the November 2024 ballot. I Spy Radio has fielded a lot of questions about the funding mechanism for this ballot initiative. Why? Because we have smart listeners. And people know that whenever there is government funding, there are strings attached. So wouldn’t that mean that stay-at-home parents who home school their children will be facing regulations tied to that funding?

The short answer is no. Not in this case.

Because we really dig deep into how Education Freedom for Oregon’s ballot initiative specifically protects against that. It will add an amendment to Oregon’s constitution that protects the choices parents make about their children’s schools.

That constitutional amendment ensures the funding attached to the children does not open the door to government regulations. This is especially true for home schooling — parents choices will be protected and puts a firewall between parents and government regulation. And that will keep government out of the classroom.

Have you signed the school choice ballot initiative petitions? You can download a single-signature petition or a petition with room for ten signatures. Head here to get your petitions and be part of the solution! Be sure to sign both of the ballot initiatives.

Note: there is a third school choice ballot initiative being floated by lobbyists that would not protect parents and home schoolers. In fact, it will almost likely inadvertently open the door to it and even religious based private schools.

Lawsuit to Block Oregon’s Free Speech Surveillance System

Then we welcome Oregon attorney Stephen Joncus, who filed the Oregon censorship lawsuit suing Governor Kotek, Secretary of State Griffen-Valade, and Elections Director, Woon. We discuss the impact the surveillance would have on Oregonians, the destruction of our privacy, and the suit’s request to put a halt to this contract.

Tune in to hear about the Oregon censorship lawsuit, why it was filed, what was so wrong with the State’s RFP for

To nutshell things, the entire problem is the State operates behind closed doors and is doing its best to keep it that way. They sue people who want to look. Or ask for access to public databases. They keep things behind a wall of secrecy, and now they want to block and control communication and discussion about a situation they have kept hidden. And then wonder why people question the integrity of the elections. And will attack anyone who does questions — to paint them with the Yellow Star of “disinformation.”

Read the Oregon censorship lawsuit, Thielman, et al. v. Kotek, the letter from GOP legislators demanding the SoS cease and desist, and the Secretary of State’s response to the legislators about their Orwellian RFP. As we predicted, it’s “Oh, we’re not really stopping free speech.” Sure. Threats don’t have a chilling effect on speech, does it Oregon?

Where are the democrats in all this? U.S. Senator Ron Wyden is against the government monitoring its citizens. So where are other democrats? Unless you speak out against censorship, you’re for it.

And, oh, by the way, it turns out there’s already another surveillance system already in place. That was news to us too. Don’t miss this important show!

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

School Choice Segments

Oregon Censorship Lawsuit Segments

13-23 The Truth about the Oregon Republican Senator Walkout | HB2002

13-23 The Truth about the Oregon Republican Senator Walkout | HB2002

Show 13-23 Summary: Unsurprisingly, the Oregon democrats and their media have been spinning a lot of lies about the Republican Senators walkout. They’re saying Republicans are refusing to come to work. A dereliction of duty. A vacation on the taxpayers’ dime. Weird. What do democrats call not showing up for work when public unions do it? Could it be a “strike”? But the democrats are also lying about why the republican senators walked out. HB2002. The democrats are claiming this is an important, emergency abortion rights bill, given the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. But they’re lying about that too. HB2002 is perhaps the most extreme, Far Left bill ever passed in Oregon. Tune in and keep reading to find out why.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: June 10th & 11th, 2023 | Guest: Senator Dennis Linthicum

This Week – The Truth about Oregon Senate Republicans’ Walkout

Oregon Republican Senators walked out of the legislature in early May 2023. Doing so denied the democrats the needed legislative quorum to pass any bills at all. The reason is simple. The democrats, who lost seats in both the Oregon house and the Oregon senate but still act like they have a super majority, refused to compromise the extreme far left bill, HB 2002. (Sometimes also called HB2002B.) And while HB 2002 alone would have been enough to make any sane person walk out it wasn’t just HB2002. It was also to stop other far-left bills such as HB2005, an anti-Second-Amendment gun grab bill. And bills that would steal Oregonians’ kicker refund. Not just this year but forever.

But make no mistake. The real reason the Republican senators walked out was to stop HB2002.

The Reason for the Walkout: HB2002

HB2002 is perhaps the most extreme far-left ideology bill of all times to come out of Oregon.

Long-time listeners of I Spy Radio already know that under Oregon’s “healthcare transformation,” much of what HB2002 proposes is already in place. Thanks to Oregon’s Healthcare Authority (there’s that Nazi-esque name again), underage girls can already get abortions without their parents’ knowledge or consent. Why and how? Because the OHA changed the insurance rules covering children from FERPA to HIPPA.

Remember when you couldn’t get aspirin from the school nurse without your parents’ consent? That’s because the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (or FERPA), acknowledged that parents have the ultimate say about their child’s health. And the raising of them. But the OHA changed the guidelines from FERPA to HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). You might know about HIPPA. Because that’s the health care privacy that guides adult insurance policies.

In other words, the OHA now treats all children as if they are adults. Allowing them to make adult decisions about their own healthcare, including mental health. And parents have no rights to know or to “interfere”. The only right parents have is the right to pay for whatever their child wants.

What Oregon democrats want to do with HB2002 is to codify this extreme, anti-parent, far-left ideology into law. Why? Because laws are much harder to undo.

And let’s not forget. The democrats nearly lost the governor’s office in 2022. This is why the democrats are so willing to sell everything to try to get HB2002 through.

So what’s in HB 2002? Read on.

The Truth about Oregon’s HB2002

The Oregon democrats are desperate to confuse people about HB2002 and what it does. What they say it does is guarantee abortion rights and access. It’s an emergency! Women have to have access now that the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade. Well. To use one of Biden’s favorite terms, that’s malarkey.

Women already have access to abortion in Oregon. Hell. Women and children can come here from other states and get abortions. For free if they claim they can’t afford it. Those are already in Oregon law. And absolutely nothing about Dobbs or the overturning of Roe v. Wade changed any of that.

If that’s the case, why are the democrats claiming that’s all there is about HB2002 as if guaranteeing “access” to abortion is the sole and only purpose of HB2002. Well, probably they don’t want people to know what’s really in the bill.

What’s in HB2002

So here’s what’s really in the bill. HB2002 would…

  • Lower the age girls could get an abortion without parental consent to, effectively, zero. Girls can already do this as young as 10. HB2002 makes it age 8 but technically could be lower.
  • Allow children from other states to come here and get abortions. Yes, HB2002 is a great boon for human trafficking. If girls as young 12 or 10 or 8 are getting pregnant a crime has occurred. HB2002 hides the evidence from police and from parents.
  • Allow children to get life-altering puberty blockers. without parental knowledge or consent.
  • It would allow children to get permanent “gender affirming” surgeries. On their own. Without parental consent or knowledge.
  • Allow teachers to indoctrinate children about gay, lesbian, transgender, and all the rest. Without parental knowledge or consent.
  • Punish those who oppose any of the above far-left ideologies.
    • If health care providers refuse or attempt to refuse to provide mental health care that affirms a child’s confusion, they can lose their license.
    • Health care providers who refuse to perform permanent, irreversible surgeries on children, they can be fined and/or lose their license.
    • If you interfere with the operation of an abortion clinic, you can be fined or jailed. “Interfere” is open for interpretation. Does that include simple protesting outside a clinic? Or posting critical social media posts about abortion or clinics?

What you can do about HB2002

Speak up! Don’t be silent!

  • HB2002 has already been voted out of Oregon House but there’s no reason to not contact your representative and let them know what you think about this horrendous bill. Perhaps they didn’t know the details about it. (How many times have we seen politicians vote for bills they didn’t reads personally and merely did what their caucus told them do?) Let them know what you think by using the link below.
  • Contact your senator right now using the link below to let them know you oppose this bill. Ask them why they want to take away parental rights. Ask them why are they helping child traffickers. And ask them why do they think children should have adult rights.
    • Ask your democrat senator if they realize removing parental rights to raise their own children was exactly what the Nazis did. Are they trying to be Nazis? Seriously?
    • Tell your republican senator how much you appreciate their bravery and that you support their walkout.

How to do all that? Easy! Just go to this Oregon legislative map, enter your address, and there you go. The link will conveniently give you their contact info, including phone numbers and emails. Start writing, stop being silent. This only stops when enough people raise their voices.

When contacting your representative and senator, remember: be firm. But be polite.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Why we’re denying quorum in Oregon’s Senate (Washington Examiner, May 29, 2023)
  • Read the June 2023 ORP Legislative Update (PDF), which discusses HB2002 and other horrible bills worth walking out over
  • Dennis Linthicum Newsletter: Irreversible Harm (May 29, 2023)
  • From Senator Bonham: Protesting the Unconstitutional Actions of the Majority Party (May 9, 2023)
  • Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek hasn’t convinced Republicans to return to Salem as walkout continues (OPB, May 23, 2023)
    • “ Senate Minority Leader Tim Knopp, R-Bend, pledged his members would return on June 25 — the day the session is scheduled to adjourn under constitutional deadlines — in order to pass ‘lawful, substantially bipartisan budgets and bills’.”
  • Cutting Early Kicker Checks part of negotiations with Boycott Republican Senators (KATU, May 30, 2023)
  • Kicker theft SJR 26 would be blow to charities (Taxpayer Assoc of OR, June 1, 2023)
    • “…the May revenue forecast predicted the 2024 kicker rebate would grow to a record $5 point 5 billion dollars. But some [democrat] lawmakers want to ask voters to end the annual taxpayer payout.”
  • Boycotting Oregon senators believe loophole will allow them to win another term (OPB, May 30, 2023)
  • Paychecks, perks continue for absent senators amid GOP-led walkout (Oregon Capital Chronicle, May 30, 2023)
  • Federal Subpoenas Issued to State Agencies (Willamette Week, June 7, 2023)
13-10 Major Victories from Major Defeats | How Republicans can Win in 2024

13-10 Major Victories from Major Defeats | How Republicans can Win in 2024

Show 13-10 Summary: This week, for once, the host of the I Spy Radio is doing all the talking. Normally, I Spy is all about researching our guest’s topics, asking questions, and letting them do the talking. But recently, the Salem’s Capitol City Republican Women group invited Mark Anderson to be their speaker at a luncheon. His spoke on how Republicans can recover from major defeats, like they saw in 2020 and 2022. Using lessons from history, combined with some pivotal I Spy Radio Shows to illustrate what’s happening, he describes how Republicans can win in 2024. So on today’s show, he gives it again to our radio audience.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: March 11th & 12th, 2023 | Mark Anderson

This Week – Mark’s Speech to the CCRW Luncheon

Salem’s Capitol City Republican Women invited I Spy’s host, Mark Anderson, to give a speech on Thursday, March 9th. This week’s show, he gives it again to his entire radio audience. Note that we cut  about 7-10 minutes from the speech to fit into a a broadcast radio “hour.”

After the show airs on our network of stations, we will post the full-length speech as the podcast version.

How Republicans can Win in 2024

Mark begins the speech with what the Hungarians faced in 1241 when they were invaded by the Mongols. In the wake of a devastating defeat that saw 1/4 of his countrymen killed and virtually all of Hungary’s towns and cities destroyed, King Bela IV had to face the brutal truth: that his country and its army were completely unprepared to deal with invaders like the Mongols.

But, as Mark highlights, major victories can come from major defeats. By facing the brutal facts. Using King Bela’s reforms, combined with pivotal past I Spy Radio shows to illustrate what is happening now, Mark examines how Republicans can win in 2024. And beat the Mongol Marxists destroying America.

Disinformation and Cognitive Warfare: The New Battlefield

Disinformation by Ron Rychlak book cover
Order the book!

One of the pivotal series of shows discussed in his speech was I Spy’s series of shows on disinformation. If you have not yet read Disinformation by Lt. General Ion Pacepa and Ron Rychlak, you need to. It explains so much about what we are experiencing in America today. As our own government uses tools of manipulation, cognitive warfare, launching disinformation campaigns against unsuspecting Americans. Mark explains how we know for sure that the “Russia collusion” hoax was in fact a disinformation campaign.

One last thing. When it comes to fighting disinformation, it requires influencers and the weight of reality and truth. For example, the truth and reality of the January 6th footage. Not the edited versions the January 6th tribunal was releasing The day after his speech, there was an incredible letter from democrat Dr. Naomi Wolf, apologizing for being taken in by the Left’s and the government’s propaganda. It is a long letter, but well worth the read. Because it shows that the spell of disinformation can be broken.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Dr. Naomi Wolf: Dear Conservatives, I Apologize (Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf, March 10, 2023)
  • My “Team” was Taken in By Full-Spectrum Propaganda
  • See our shows on disinformation with the co-author of the book, Ron Rychlak
  • Battle of Mohi (Encyclopedia Britannica)
  • Battle of Agincourt (Britannica, no date)
  • PBS still spreading the disinformation about “Hitler’s Pope”: “Vatican documents show secret back channel between Pope Pius XII and Hitler” (PBS, June 7, 2022)
  • Former Public Health Officials Undermine Public Trust with Conduct Unbecoming Scientists (Epoch Times, March 10, 2023)*”Fauci and Collins owe the country an apology… [Two] of the nation’s top public health officials obstructed the proper deliberative process essential to fashioning proper policy responses to the emergency.”