Show Summary: How is it that millionaires are claiming inequality in America? What the NFL protests reveal about much deeper problems in the Black community. Hint: it’s not about “social justice.”
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This Week: As is the case in many situations the NFL taking a knee is really only showing us the tip of the iceberg. Filled with a large population of black players who are being paid millions, we’re witnessing a culture and community that is blowing itself up. Ratings are drastically falling as Commissioner Goodell is attempting to walk a very thin line between players and fans who are angry over players disrespecting our flag. Over disrespecting our nation.
I Spy Radio is pleased to welcome back former NFL star and Super Bowl Champion, Burgess Owens. He is also the author of Liberalism: Or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies, and Wimps.
Through Burgess’ understanding of who has hijacked the Black community many decades ago, this week on I Spy Radio we will look into the players and what they’ve been taught that is finally coming out in a very public way. But it doesn’t just stop at the players. We walk through a whole culture that has lost its way as those who want to destroy our beliefs and love of country make their move through these young players. And Colin Kaepernick, a troubled person, is the example that demonstrates how and why this is happening.
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Be sure to visit One Heart Project to learn more about solutions and sign the petition at Stop the Funding to stop Oregon from using taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions
Listen to find who’s behind the deep roots in a culture that has taken a toll on one of our nation’s most revered and loved sports by influencing our youth in black communities. And don’t miss Burgess’s explanation of what needs to happen to change the culture, and what we all can do to help.
Addressing Achievement Gaps: Positioning Young Black Boys for Educational Success (ETS, Fall 2011)
“Average Black male achievement falls far below that of White and Asian boys. Only 12 percent of Black fourth-grade boys are proficient in reading, compared to 38 percent of White boys. Only 12 percent of Black eighth-grade boys are proficient in math, compared to 44 percent of White boys. By fourth grade, Black students may be three full years behind their peers.”
Show 7-16 Summary: Strategy is always complicated but it gets even more so on an international stage. Tune in to hear the challenges facing the U.S. on multiple fronts as we look at international strategy through two distinct but intertwined lenses: economic and military. You’ll come away with new respect for the complexity of international strategy in an ever-changing world as President Trump rolls out his strategy that favors action. And why there is no one-size-fits-all approach.
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Air Dates: Month 22 & 23, 2017 | Crista Huff & Carl Higbie
I Spy Radio is going international this week. Well, actually, we’re always international thanks to all of our stations’ live streaming, but imagine a giant jigsaw puzzle and you finally figure out where your piece fits. So far, the jigsaw has seemed just a jumbled mass of confusion but then you put your piece in place and suddenly the puzzle starts to make sense. That’s because your piece changed the landscape and became part of the big picture.
Strategy is complex. Try moving just one part.
But then, all of the pieces around your piece change shape and form and the picture changes yet again.
And that is essentially what’s going on with the US’s international strategy where you have Trump making strong decisions in Syria and also now in N. Korea — fitting in his piece of the puzzle. His actions, as just a part of the overall strategy, start to change the big picture even with the world’s complications. Because we’re not only dealing with other cultures and nation states but then there’s also the confluence of US law. And their laws. And on and on.
On this week’s show we have two guests who will focus on two different aspects of international strategies. One is Carl Higbie, a military expert and former Navy Seal, and you’ve undoubtedly heard him on Fox News. And we also have Crista Huff (@CristaHuff) who is a chief stock analyst for Cabot Wealth ( Both of these individuals look at the world in terms of our international policies from two very different lenses. One through economics and one through military and yet the two lenses are very intertwined.
Take Syria. A prime example of complex situations centered around military action but a war that started not only over political but over economic reasons: an oil and gas pipeline. Add to the mix Russia whose economy depends on attempting to dominate oil in Europe. Now top that off with our own changes in the US moving from a leader, Obama, who had a non-action policy to Trump as a leader who is engaged by taking action and making changes.
Listen to hear how even though we’re throwing the net pretty wide this week you’ll gain an understanding and appreciation of just how complex so many of these issues are especially when you’re dealing with two very different dictators.
We didn’t get a chance to talk to Crista Huff about China’s currency manipulation but here are some articles about it if you’d like to learn more. and note the changing strategy in relation to shifts on the ground.
Show Summary: Obama has wreaked havoc on our military and military readiness — with help from Republicans. Remember that whole sequester fiasco? This week, we take a look ahead at the Trump administration and talk with a member of Trump’s National Defense Transition Team on what it will take to rebuild our military. Because while Obama has been degrading our military, China and Russia haven’t slowed down one bit.
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Air Dates: Dec 3 & 4, 2016 | Carl Higbie and Brendan Kirby
After our series of shows on what a Hillary presidency would look like, we’re now into our second show on what a Trump presidency will look like. Last week was cybersecurity, the future battlefield for warfare with Kevin Freeman (see our archives page if you missed it) but this week is about national defense: the military and our military readiness after eight years of Obama.
This week we’ll talk with Carl Higbie, a former Navy SEAL who during two combat deployments in Iraq led the group who captured the “Butcher of Fallujah”. Returning to the states he taught high risk situations such as close quarters combats and air operations.
America’s National Defense – What challenges does Trump face as he tries to rebuild it?
We talk to Carl about our current military readiness and what it will take for a Trump administration to get us ready. Russia and China have not slowed down one bit during Obama’s tenure, tune in to find out where we stand on combat readiness. We also dig into his thoughts on the impact of what the military budget sequester has done and how an Obama Presidency our impacted our defense systems. Carl also gives us his insights into Trump’s cabinet picks such as Secretary Flynn and expectations for him as National Security Advisor on what we’ll see now that he will be advising President Trump.
The other half of our show is with Brendan Kirby, senior political reporter for Lifezette. Tune in to find out why Mexico may actually end up embrace Trump’s wall—could it be they may actually want to pay for the wall? And don’t miss our discussion about the Tom Price appointment who will be dismantling Obamacare and what it will take to get the job done.
Links Mentioned During the Show
Carl Higbie Segments (1–4)
Donald Trump’s statements & policies on national defense, military readiness, and vision for the military
Show Summary (Show Promo): Make no doubt about it: Obama and Hillary want to destroy the military. We hear from former SEAL, Carl Higbie, on the attempt by the military to shut down his free speech. After capturing the second-most wanted terrorist in Iraq, the “Butcher of Fallujah”, his fellow teammates faced courts martial because Carl’s commanding officers sided with the terrorist over their own soldiers after he accused them of “abuse.” The Scott McEwen, who wrote the foreword to Carl’s book, weighs in on the damages that Hillary would do to the military, continuing Obama’s legacy.
Air Dates: May 14 & 15, 2016 | Carl Higbie & Scott McEwen
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Our Constitutional rights are not forfeited once someone joins the military. Our brave military support and defend the Constitution. But under Obama’s Administration and Hillary’s State Department the military has been reduced to a social Petri dish that has politicized all things—including orders given on the field of battle. The politicians and bureaucrats’ actions are not only putting America at risk but is creating such a low morale that 90% of the military will not support Hillary and many of those will leave the military should Hillary be elected.
Last week we brought you the ugly story of a “conservative” news source blackballing a journalist because they were in line with the Obama administration on the narrative of Assad killing his own people in Syria, which wasn’t the case. This week, former SEAL, Carl Higbie, tells us his story about his commanding officers turning on their own troops in favor of a terrorist—and trying to ruin his career once he tried to tell the truth.
Carl shares with us the real-life experiences on the battlefield, the decisions that combat troops made to capture the second-most wanted terrorist, and the ugly betrayal those same troops met from their Obama-controlled commanders who tried to court martial them all based on the lies from the terrorist who accused them of “abuse” during his capture, all detailed in his latest book Enemies, Foreign and Domestic: A SEAL’s Story. Listen to find out how the second most wanted terrorist, The Butcher of Fallujah, was able to manipulate the US Military into almost destroying his captors.
Then our second guest, former Oregonian, Scott McEwen, co-author of American Sniper and the bestselling Sniper Elite series, who is also an expert in military operations and what happened in the Benghazi attack, shares with us what a Hillary presidency would do to our military.
Scott knows all about Carl Higbie’s case (Scott wrote the foreword to Carl’s book) and doesn’t hold anything back on the travesty of what happened. We also discuss whether we will ever know the truth of what happened at Benghazi, the two new whistleblowers that have come forward about what actually happened that night in Benghazi, and how Obama’s administration is attempting to destroy and weaken the capability of what used to be the finest military in the world.
We also get a peek into his new book Ghost Sniper and updates on the movie for his first book of the Sniper Elite Series: Target America. And stay tuned for his upcoming non-fiction book American Commander.
Links Mentioned
Carl Higbie’s latest book is Enemies, Foreign and Domestic and his previous book was Battle on The Home Front: A Navy SEAL’s mission to save the American dream. Both are available on or Barnes and Noble