Category: Oregon

Orders v Constitutional Rights: Fighting Back Against Mandate Abuse

Orders v Constitutional Rights: Fighting Back Against Mandate Abuse

Show Summary: Are politicians and others exploiting Covid-19 to push agendas? Where are our rights in the middle of this panic-demic? We talk with Southeastern Legal Foundations, Kim Hermann to find out how we defend ourselves in an era of Covid overreach. Are states liable for their orders?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: Aug 22nd & 23rd, 2020 | Kim Hermann, General Counsel for Southeastern Legal Foundation

Like in so many Democrat-controlled states, Oregon’s mandates and “emergency orders” have given many Oregonians pause, as we decide what are true “safety issues,” and which are actually eroding our constitutional rights. Especially when the orders consist of being locked into our homes or locked out of our favorite businesses. Or being told you have to wear masks, to the point of absurdity. (Recently, a Wyoming department even mandated people had to wear a mask, even if they were at home, alone, on a teleconference.) And all of that after the pretense of being falsely told that these orders would last only “15 days to flatten the curve.” Five months ago.

Mandates and Endless Orders

We’re told we must wear masks to enter a business. Or stand 6 feet apart. Or both. We can’t hug or shake hands. And you certainly can’t have any interaction, like churches or actually non-violent protests that might threaten the State’s power of telling us how to behave and think. Because, without exception, we are supposed to think that everything the state and our ‘dear leaders” tells us is for our own good. And cannot be questioned, opposed, or go unfollowed. Even if you believe some of these orders are immaterial, immoral, or even illegal. Not to mention unscientific. But, don’t you dare ask (or think) such things.

Where are All the Lawyers?

And what’s very interesting throughout this questionable time of panic-demic, we’ve wondered where are all the lawyers? Normally we would see a bazillion of lawsuits except now it seems many lawyers have been quiet. Why?

Well, it turns out there are some valid reasons and we discuss it on the show this weekend with Kim Hermann, General Counsel for Southeastern Legal Foundation.

Southeastern Legal Foundation: Fighting Back

This show is about defending our rights but also about taking the fight to the government that is abandoning their responsibilities—while taking away rights.

Could it be that the Left may have found the Achilles Heel to take away our constitutional rights? Just claim a health emergency? And you have no rights? Democrats who are controlling these blue states are keeping the voters powerless, as they use such hammers as OSHA. OSHA tells private businesses that if masks are not worn by their customers, OSHA will shut the business down. Is that legal? We discuss that too.

A Doctor Gets Attacked for Standing Up for Truth

Dr. Steve LaTulippe, a medical doctor in the Willamette Valley has come under attack. Why? Because he has dared to point out on social media that the mandates are causing their own set of problems. pointed out that the mask orders and other mandates are causing their own set of problems.

Developing: We’re also hearing that hospital doctors, nurses, and other workers are being told—as a condition of employment—not to talk about health problems that result from mandates and state orders. So the state orders people to wear masks and stay home. And then they’re also ordering people not to to talk about the problems that result from those orders? Got it. Totalitarianism comes to Oregon.

Standing Up to Mandate Abuse & Liability

If you’re forced to shut down, who’s liable for the lost income? Who’s liable for forcing people into masks that now have shown to cause headaches, rashes, and a host of problems. Should, or can, the state, be held liable for the problems it created?

Where are the Lawyers on this? Where are all the class-action lawsuits?

Follow our guest, Kim Hermann, on Twitter @kimmiehermann

And what about those states that haven’t followed shutdowns, such as South Dakota, which has large cities, yet their number of deaths is lower than blue states that have locked down.

Kimberly Hermann, General Counsel ​for Southeastern Legal Foundation
Kimberly Hermann, General Counsel ​for Southeastern Legal Foundation

And what about contact tracing? How does that not go against the 4th Amendment?

Or what can you do if someone from the state shows up on your doorstep, demanding a cheek swab? Or wants to put you in quarantine?

And what about mandatory vaccines?

We turn to Kim Hermann and the Southeastern Legal Foundation, to get some answers of what rights we have and what to do about the ones we want protected. Does the Constitution trump local emergency orders? Or is a governor, like Gov Kate, allowed to indiscriminately continue with emergency orders, without legislative oversight, and no determination of when the orders end, or what will happen when they do.

Fighting Back

You’ll want to hear this week’s show and the fights that SLF has already taken up on college campuses that opened the doors to using Covid reporting forms to shut down organizations they may not agree with politically. Listen to Kim explain what they’re doing to protect student’s rights, and what SLF, lawyers, and citizens can do to help fight against these blue state, and out-of-control governors.

It’s definitely time for some answers and maybe it’s time for some actions. If you’re being ordered to be silent, it’s time not to be. If your business is being threatened, it’s past time to speak up. Or all of your rights are at stake.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Related Links

The Eastwood Effect: Heroes Fighting for Freedom | Skarlatos & McEwen

The Eastwood Effect: Heroes Fighting for Freedom | Skarlatos & McEwen

Show Summary: Alek Skarlatos and Scott McEwen talk about American heroes and their stories. Skarlatos is running for Oregon’s 4th Congressional.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: July 18 & 19, 2020 | Alek Skarlatos & Scott McEwen

This Week: When it comes to American heroes, no one tells their stories better than Clint Eastwood. This week, we have two authors whose books have been made into movies directed by Clint Eastwood: Alek Skarlatos, who helped stop a terrorist on a Paris train. And Scott McEwen, who tells the story of Chris Kyle in American Sniper.

American Stories

There are a lot of American heroes. Some take major roles and go on to great things, leading the nation and shaping its destiny. There are the every day heroes, like our police and first responders. But there’s one thing in common: they always have help from often unsung heroes—every day people.

Carl Jung and other psychologists—most recently, Jordan Peterson—have observed that “our brains are hard-wired for stories.” It’s how we process and make sense of the world. You may have heard of Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces, often referred to as “the Hero’s Journey.” In it, he describes how the hero of stories across cultures all have tremendous similarities. Not just the heroes themselves but how the stories are structured. As part of the hero’s story, his or her journey, they have companions and encounters that help them along the way and to give them what they need to defeat the enemy.

Have you ever thought you are part of the story?

Alek Skarlatos: An American Hero

We start our show with Alek Skarlatos, the Republican candidate for Congressional District 4 in Southwest Oregon.  This will be the first of a series of interviews with Alek over the next few months.  In this first interview we want to get to know him, the man, and find out more about his life story and why he’s running for the CD4 seat. Especially now that his race has been deemed by Cook’s Analytics as one of the top races in the nation that is most likely to flip from Democrat to Republican. (Which we’re sure Peter Defazio is well aware of.)

With a tremendous fund-raising machine, that out raised Peter DeFazio by 3 to 1 in the second quarter this year, Alek has raised nearly a million dollars in that quarter alone.  Whereas the 33-year incumbent, Defazio, only raised a little over $300 thousand.

The Right Man at the Right Time

With a lot of momentum on his side, Alek has also has a fascinating story. A story that he’ll talk about as one of three heroes who, on a Paris-bound train, stopped a terrorist killer. Clint Eastwood made their story into a movie and Alek talks about the experience of being in the film.  He also discusses where he grew up, and why DeFazio may have out worn his welcome in his own district.

Alek Skarlatos saved lives that day on the train to Paris. Can he save Oregon’s 4th Congressional district from a career politician who has done nothing but watch as his district became the poorest district in the state?

Be sure to visit Alek’s website,, to keep up to date and donate to help him win

By helping Alek win, you can be part of his journey. And you can help give President Trump a House of Representatives that will support him, not attack everything he does. Imagine what we could get done. Real reforms for a better America.

Weapons for Heroes: Scott McEwen

Then we have bestselling author, Scott McEwen, who co-authored American Sniper, the story of Chris Kyle. The book and mo vie became a national and international success telling Chris’s story as America’s top sniper.  Scott discusses what it meant to co-write the book with his friend Chris and what he learned from this American hero.  A relationship that ended up telling one of the greatest American war stories by two men who loved their country.

And at a time when the military needed it most.

Strategies to Push Back against Tyrants

But we can’t have Scott on the show without asking him to wear his attorney hat because there have been some important developments in the ongoing government lockdowns that people might be able to use to stand up and fight back.

And so we ask him about some of the pushback that’s already starting to happen over mandatory mask orders and lock downs with this whole covid response. For example, the masks. Not to mention shutting down businesses based on false data. And of course, there’s the bad data.

Yes, hydroxychloroquine works. No, masks don’t work. See the links below for more

You’ll hear him discuss what he’s seen in California, and his feelings about the freedoms Americans have been asked to walk from.  And here are the weapons: we talk about the potential lawsuits that might materialize because of recent studies that could lead to possible class-action suits against Democrat governors.  Don’t miss his answers.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

  • Alek Skarlatos’ campaign website for Oregon’s CD4 is
  • You can find all of Scott’s books on our store page
  • Article from Uncover DC: “A scientific look at the mask fallacy – and why we’re told to wear them” (, July 10, 2020)
  • More on masks:  They don’t work
    • A study examined papers on the efficacy of masks. The conclusion? They don’t work. See the research paper by Dr. Denis Rancourt, PhD — Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to Covid-19 Social Policy
    • A 2006 study showed that reduction in blood oxygenation (hypoxia) and/or an elevation in blood C02 (hypercapnia) can create painful headaches for people required to wear masks all day
    • It should also be noted that people with asthma or hypotension are at a greater risk of stroke, cardiac arrest, or an irregular heartbeat when suffering from hypoxia.
    • Also, a report by trauma & emergency physician Dr. Kelly Victory, who said, “[T]here’s no scientific justification for normal healthy people to be wearing masks.”
  • And don’t miss this. If someone tells you hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work to fight Covid-19, show them this study: Treatment with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and combination in patients hospitalized with COVID-19
    • “According to a protocol-based treatment algorithm, among hospitalized patients, use of hydroxychloroquine alone and in combination with azithromycin was associated with a significant reduction in-hospital mortality compared to not receiving hydroxychloroquine”
  • Caught red handed. “Florida Department of Health says some labs have not reported negative COVID-19 results” (via Fox35, Orlando, July 14, 2020)
    • In a shocking investigation, Florida state agencies inflated the number of covid cases by over 1,100%
It’s True: Oregon has a Dictator | Constitutional Crisis

It’s True: Oregon has a Dictator | Constitutional Crisis

Show Summary: Is it time to storm the castle? You may want to after this. Governor Brown makes absurd claim her authority is higher than the Constitution. Unbelievable. Both a Constitutional scholar and the attorney for the plaintiffs in the church lawsuit v Oregon weighs in.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: May 16 & 17, 2020 | Dr. Joyce Malcolm & Kevin Mannix

This Week: When we see a leader make a difficult decision to shut down an economy based upon the fear that millions might die, we, as fellow human beings, feel compassion and are willing to give those in charge the benefit of the doubt. In the face of a true, catastrophic emergency—like a tidal wave or earthquake—it’s reasonable to do so and most people want to do their part to pitch in and help.

But as the situation matures and it becomes clear that the actual outcomes are not as devastating as predicted, a responsible leader—looking out for the people—relaxes the emergency’s grip to ensure the peoples’ freedoms and liberties are restored as quickly as possible.  President Trump’s response has been nothing but looking out for the people, trying to protect them even though it sacrificed an amazing economy that had easily brought his 2nd term into his grasp.

The Constitution is at Stake

But not all leadership has the same philosophies or beliefs of restoring the people’s freedoms. In fact, some want to be overly “protective” (what some might call socialism) with the added emergency powers, and to put the people into a position where they are being treated as children, with no life choices because they, the leadership, know better. (What some might call fascism.)

What has been clearly demonstrated between the two choices is one understands the importance of liberty while taking precautions and acceptable risk; the other wants to safeguard their power while subjugating your freedoms. Your freedom is a direct threat to their power over you. These are the very struggles our Founding Fathers faced. And what about the rule of law to strike a balance between authority and liberty.

The Constitution vs States

With all the complexities of finding out how our Constitution interacts with states rights, the states’ Constitution, and statutes, we invite to I Spy a Constitutional scholar: Dr. Joyce Malcolm, a faculty member at Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, who’s an expert on the evolution of individual rights, especially during the American Colonial era. She has testified before Congress and has had her work cited in a Supreme Court decision.

We discuss with Dr. Malcolm the broader issues of the Constitution, and how its preeminence is being challenged in the wake of Emergency Declarations. Who really has the authority here? She describes historically if other situations have ever impacted the US in any way like Covid has, with rights stripped by stay-home and business shut down orders. Does our First Amendment rights supersede our governor’s power to take them away?

Governor Brown vs The Constitution

All that to set the stage for our second guest as we take a very deep dive into what states are facing with some governors’ overreach. A couple of weeks ago, we spoke with Oregon Senator, Dennis Linthicum. He told us the governor is getting around the Oregon Constitution by not relying on the Constitution. She is, instead, relying statutory power. But isn’t Oregon’s Constitution the supreme law of the land? And isn’t the U.S. Constitution even higher than that?

“The governor’s attorneys argue that the balance between the governor’s executive orders and the freedom to practice religion favors the governor.”

We speak with Kevin Mannix (of Common Sense for Oregon) who is one of the attorneys that represents churches and businesses suing Governor Kate Brown and her administration’s emergency orders to shut things down.

Incredibly, her attorneys have actually argued in their motion to dismiss, that her powers are greater than the Constitution. And that’s just the tip of what she’s said.

The Church Lawsuit in Oregon

Tune in to hear Kevin Mannix’s response and line of attack as he fights for church members to gather for worship as they please. Along with the fight for businesses who’ve been at the whim of the Governor, who deigned to allow some to remain open while closing others. Including churches.  Mr. Mannix talks about the lawsuit, it’s status, and what it means if their injunction is given the affirmative. Are there signs she is backing down?

Listen this weekend to get some very important answers.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

Dr. Joyce Malcom  

  • Oregon Republican lawmaker requests special session to end governor’s coronavirus state of emergency (OregonLive, May 6, 2020)
  • Governor: Large Events Canceled Statewide Until Covid-19 Treatment or Cure is Found (Canby, May 7th, 2020)
  • AG Barr says ‘draconian’ coronavirus restrictions should be re-evaluated (NY Post, Apr 9, 2020)

Kevin Mannix

  • Oregon emergency order lawsuit raises thorny legal questions (Bend Bulletin, May 14, 2020)
  • Salem salon owner says she’s been fined, forced to close for defying state orders (KATU News, May 14, 2020)
  • Attorneys for Gov. Kate Brown say lawsuit filed in Baker County challenging executive orders is baseless, should be dismissed (Baker City Herald, May 13, 2020)
    • Attorneys from state Department of Justice say governor declared emergency under state statute, not constitution
    • THIS “The governor’s attorneys argue that the balance between the governor’s executive orders and the freedom to practice religion favors the governor.”
  • Salem church joins legal effort (Salem Reporter, May 7, 2020)

Related Links

  • All of Oregon opens, Including Portland (OregonLive, May 14, 2020)
  • Oregon Churches and Religious Leaders File Lawsuit (Willamette Week, May 7, 2020)
  • 10 Oregon churches sue governor (OregonLive, May 7, 2020)
  • Oregon churches sue Gov. Brown to reopen (Fox 12, May 7, 2020)
  • Oregon businesses sue Gov. Kate (Statesman Journal, May 15, 2020)
  • Yes, some Oregon retail stores can open (KGW, May 14, 2020)
    • “All Oregon stores can open to shoppers again Friday, as long as they aren’t in a mall”
    •  “The declaration gives the green light to furniture stores, jewelry stores, boutiques and art galleries, which were closed March 23 by Gov. Brown’s stay-home order. It also includes all other standalone shops, from toy stores to bookstores to secondhand stores. Those were never technically ordered to close, state officials clarified Wednesday.”
FBI Hid Evidence of Flynn Innocence. Oregon’s Unconstitutional Governor

FBI Hid Evidence of Flynn Innocence. Oregon’s Unconstitutional Governor

Show Summary: Tyrants and tyranny. FBI hides evidence that Flynn was innocent. Oregon’s unconstitutional governor wielding unprecedented power.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: May 2nd & 3rd, 2020 | James Hirsen and Sen. Dennis Linthicum

This Week: As summer comes nearer, Americans are more than ready to come out of their forced, stay-at-home, quarantines. President Trump listened to the experts and encouraged states to shut down, but left the final decision up to individual states. Some, like South Dakota, never did, and don’t seem any worse than the others. While we were willing to walk in trust and give the benefit of the doubt to those in leadership, we agreed to stay home. But now it’s looking like the ones in charge are going over the top and turning into abusive tyrants simply because they can.

Oregon’s Unconstitutional Governor

This is especially true after we look at the result of the differences in governing. Governors have been left to analyze their own state’s status and make determinations on reopening plans. Some governors are hungrily releasing their hold activities and movements, while others seem to hungrily look at how to hold onto that newfound power.

The latter is clearly Oregon’s position. A governor who has given herself unidentified timelines to give “permission” to her subjects—business owners, hospital administrators, schools—when they might be allowed to resume their duties. This is an abuse of power if ever there was one. Now that she has the power, she doesn’t seem to want give it up.

FBI Withholds Evidence to Clear Flynn

Ronna McDaniel on Twitter re Flynn case and no media mentions
Why did Flynn’s innocence get zero mentions in the “media”?

And there’s the FBI, who decided they didn’t like giving up the power Obama had given them. Power to determine who was to be spied on, threatened, entrapped, and set up. Soviet-era Russia in the White House. Under Obama’s supervision, the FBI and CIA had all the room they needed to ignore basic rights in the Constitution and used “guilt engineering” methods to attack whoever they wanted. Such as a General Flynn, who likely became a target because going in to the Trump administration he wanted to audit the intelligence agencies. All of them.

The FBI Lied. Not Flynn

This week, we talk with James Hirsen, who wears his attorney hat for our interview and breaks down what these spy agencies did to set up General Flynn, and destroy his life. The agency heads were so convinced they were above the law they left handwritten notes of setting Flynn up. Mr. Hirsen talks about the trail of deceit, the break of trust, and the incredible work by his friend Sydney Powell — General Flynn’s new attorney.

Oregon: Where Tyranny Thrives

Then we talk with Oregon’s own, Senator Dennis Linthicum, who discusses the shear arrogance of Governor Kate’s orders, as she positions herself to destroy Oregon’s economy at a time when other states are opening back up. In a state where a new business sales tax were pushed through, not to mention an attempt to push through a cap and trade bill, Kate has proved that she not only loves big government, she doesn’t care about small business.

Tune in to hear how she’s placed herself above Oregon’s Constitution. Senator Linthicum gives us his take the source of her power and whether she can be stopped.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links & Further Info

  • James Hirsen’s terrific articles can be found at his website,
  • Trump does not rule out hiring Flynn again (Just the News, Apr 27, 2020)
  • Michael Flynn lawyer says client was prepared to ‘audit’ Obama spy officials before getting ‘set up’ (Washington Examiner, Apr 01, 2020)
    • “He was going to audit the intel agencies because he knew about the billions Brennan and company were running off books,” Powell said, referring to former CIA Director John Brennan. … her comments echo the findings of investigative journalist Lee Smith, the author of The Plot Against the President.
  • Trump blasts ‘scam’ against Flynn as FBI files raise questions about future of case (Fox News, Apr 30, 2020)
  • Read the Oregon Constitution
  • Some of the ORS statutes through which Governor Kate has granted herself power:

Related Info

  • Newly Declassified Documents Show John Kerry’s State Department Spread Russia Collusion Narrative (Gregg Jarrett, Apr 22, 2020
    • A bombshell revelation about the “role of John Kerry’s State Department in fueling the FBI’s dubious Russia collusion probe, showing it was the State Department that provided ‘information’ leading to the controversial surveillance of Carter Page” reports Breitbart.
    • The State Department’s accusation that Page was a Russian agent “raises questions in light of previous reporting exposing connections on spreading the dossier claims between elements of Kerry’s State Department and Steele, as well as ties to longtime Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer, who is a controversial figure long tied to various Clinton scandals”.
  • Newly Declassified Papadopoulos Transcript Exposes Crossfire Hurricane Corruption (The Federalist, Apr 15, 2020)
    • Attorney General William Barr said last week that “the evidence shows that we’re not dealing with just mistakes or sloppiness” in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Rather, “there is something far more troubling here.”
    • “Without any basis,” Barr added in his sit-down interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham, “they started this investigation of [Trump’s] campaign, and even more concerning actually is what happened after the campaign, a whole pattern of events while he was president to sabotage his presidency — or at least have the effect of sabotaging the presidency.”
  • Dossier Author Testified His Emails Were ‘Wiped,’ He No Longer Has Documents Related To Primary Source (Daily Caller, Apr 23, 2020)*Christopher Steele told a British court last month that he no longer has key documents related to his infamous dossier.
    • The ex-spy said in a deposition that his email accounts were ‘wiped’ clean of any correspondence related to the dossier. It is not clear if Steele deleted the accounts himself.
    • He also admitted he does not have information related to debriefings he had in 2016 with his lone source of information for the dossier. [Which is weird because] in a statement late last year that he ‘meticulously documented and recorded’ his meetings with the source.
  • What’s up with Flynn’s former legal team? Suddenly they “find” thousands of documents they should have turned over to Sydney Powell, Flynn’s new team? And is it just mere coincidence it happened at the same time the FBI was forced to release evidence that would clear Michael Flynn? “Former lawyers find evidence they failed to produce” (Just the News, Apr 28, 2020)
    • Law firm claims inaccurate searches led to oversight of 6,800 documents in legal battle
Corona Virus Lockdown: Good Friday, Good Questions, Bad Models

Corona Virus Lockdown: Good Friday, Good Questions, Bad Models

Show Summary: Oregon doubles down on its Corona virus lockdown. Based on bad models. How long will churches and businesses put up with it? Plus questions from listeners.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: April 11th & 12th, 2020 | Dr. Bud Pierce & Pastor Jeff Poush

This Week: Oregon’s Corona virus lockdown continues, in spite of models that have proven consistently to be consistently wrong. Which leaves us to wonder, why is the corona virus lockdown still in place?

One of the questions that has truly troubled us at I Spy is, if we’ve spent billions on healthcare in Oregon and 100s of billions nationally, where did all that money go? Especially in light of how unprepared medical providers were for a crisis.

Does anyone remember when Governor Kitzhaber ran on the fact that “we must be prepared” — and then tossed Oregon’s healthcare system on its ear in in his grand “health care transformation”? But from all reports coming out of Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and media services, prepared has turned into an oxymoron.

Corona Virus Lockdown: Questions for Bud Pierce

In our Part Two interview with Dr. Bud Pierce, an oncologist and hematologist specialist, we take on the numbers. Numbers that are being put out by Oregon’s own OHA, along with those from the federal governments, that depend on models so very reminiscent of climate change models. Overblown and/or unreliable but designed to evoke responses from the public.

You might be interested in: Check out last week’s show with Bud Pierce & Scott McEwen: Corona Virus Numbers Overreaction? Plus: Intelligence Failure in China?

Are Corona Virus “Deaths” Reliable?

One question we have is about the deaths. Deaths that, according to CDC guidelines, are being attributed to COVID-19 even without tests to verify they did, in fact, have the virus.

Theoretically, according to the guidelines, if you committed suicide, and might have had COVID-19, then Corona virus could be listed on the death certificate as the cause of death. Thus adding to the total of Coronavirus deaths. Is this just a little odd? We talk to Dr. Pierce what protocols are in place for how corona virus deaths are counted along with other troubling methods being used. And do we do this for other diseases?

Listener Questions

We also wanted to have him back on to ask a question we’d wanted to ask him last week: What will we do next year when virus and flu season starts up again? Plus. We ask him questions from listeners who wrote in this week, wanting to know such things as the reliability of the numbers being used? Can the virus be transferred to pets? Has the curve flattened here in Oregon? And does he ever see a time when we go back to handshakes and hugs?

Corona Virus Lockdown’s Impact on Churches

Which leads us into the second half of our show, and the impact of Gov. Kate’s decision on large groups — especially churches.

With it being Easter weekend we brought in Pastor Jeff Poush of Salem First Baptist. During the pandemic when so much of our focus is on our physical health and the health of on our economy, what can people do for their spiritual health? We ask Pastor Poush the efforts his church is undertaking to support the spiritual health of their members during a time of physical separation and social distancing.

What If the Corona Virus Lockdown Continues?

We also discuss how the pandemic and ban on large groups has affected his church. And what if this continues? Are there concerns for churches regarding First Amendment rights? And how not gathering as a congregation may impact future events for churches? And, with it being Easter weekend, we find out some of the inspirational and exciting things Pastor Poush and his colleagues’ have planned for Easter morning service.

Don’t miss this informative and uplifting show. For Easter, it’s a time of renewal — and perhaps that’s the message to take to heart.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

  • Check out Salem First Baptist’s website to learn more about their Easter plans
  • Tracking site suggests White House model is overestimating (Just the News, Apr 5, 2020)
  • NY Marks 75% Drop in Hospitalizations (Breitbart, Apr 6, 2020)
  • CDC Director: “Corona Virus Death Toll will be ‘much, much, much lower’ than projected” (Breitbart, Apr 7, 2020)
    • They basically admit the models were used to scare people into compliance – “Q: Are throwing those kind of numbers out actually helpful because what they do is scare the hell out of everyone to social distance? Is that the purpose? A: I think part of the importance of getting the American public’s attention that these models did, we really need the American public to be fully engaged now with great rigor and vigilance on the social distancing. [They] assume[d] only about 50 percent of the American public would pay attention to the recommendations. In fact, what we’re seeing is a large majority of the American public are taking the social distancing recommendations to heart”
  • Covid Tracking Website DELETES Information on Hospitalizations, ICU Patients After TGP Reports Numbers Fall Well Below Model Predictions (Gateway  Pundit, Apr 7, 2020)
  • [Video] Dem Lawmaker Who Credited Trump For Saving Her Life Says She Had to Beg For Hydroxychloroquine After Michigan Gov Barred the Drug (Gateway Pundit, Apr 7, 2020)
  • Innovation! “Military 3D-printing face shields, reusable N95 masks to address hospital shortages” (ABC News, Apr 7, 2020)
  • Father of Obamacare Zeke Emanuel: US Must Maintain Lockdown for 18 Months — No Concerts, Sporting Events, Church or Dinner at a Restaurant (via Gateway Pundit, Apr 7, 2020)
Corona Virus Numbers Overreaction? Plus: Intelligence Failure in China?

Corona Virus Numbers Overreaction? Plus: Intelligence Failure in China?

Show Summary: Societal, economic, and health care emergency policies appear to be mainly driven by a single model. Why are we ignoring other studies? Are policymakers overreacting to corona virus models? Why did Governor Kate Brown limit access to COVID19 drugs? Was China a massive intelligence failure? Was it on purpose?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: April 4th & 5th, 2020 | Dr. Bud Pierce & Scott McEwen

This Week: Societal, economic, and health care emergency policies appear to be mainly driven by a single model. Why are we ignoring other studies? Has there been an overreaction? Why are we ignoring other studies? Like the one from Oxford that shows all this quarantining is disrupting the natural and normal process of developing “herd immunity.”

Overreaction to the Corona Virus Numbers: Feardemic?

We talk with Dr. Bud Pierce to get his take. As a doctor and the former Republican candidate for governor. What would have done? Has this been a massive overreaction?

And what’s up with Gov. Kate Brown limiting access to COVID19 drugs? She says she doesn’t want to have hospitals overrun — so why not allow people access to hydroxychloroquine to prevent them from needing hospitalization?

Why was Oregon so incredibly unprepared for an emergency?

Ask the Doctor

Dr. Bud Pierce will be on again next week. If you have a question you’d like to ask, just email them to or tweet them to @ispyradio.

And what about China?

Was China and the spread of the corona virus a massive intelligence failure? How did our intel community drop the ball so badly on this? Could it have been intentional?

Since you’re trapped inside anyway, be sure to check out Scott’s latest book: Trigger Mechanism. Great for young adults but adults will love it too

Before you shake your head, thinking that’s not possible, remember: in 2017, Democrats and the mainstream media were urging the intelligence community to not give President Trump accurate intelligence briefings and to withhold information. Still sound far-fetched?

We talk with best-selling author, Scott McEwen about it. Scott’s books are all about the military and intelligence, so no surprise he is talking to people in the military and intelligence communities.

And the big question: so what do we do next year? When there’s another virus or another strain of this one?

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned & Additional Info

As the Corona Virus War Battles On… Hope

As the Corona Virus War Battles On… Hope

Show Summary: The media-induced panic-mongering over the corona virus reached new heights this week. Or maybe lows. In either case, with their focus on panic, it means they’re overlooking the good news. Also, Timber Unity takes action in Oregon to get leaders with common sense into office.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: Mar. 21 & 22, 2020 | James Hirsen & Angelita Sanchez

This Week: As much of America starts slowing down, self-quarantining, or through social distancing, we’ve had to rely on the very media that many have wondered if they will ever be truthful, as we assess our way through this challenge. Difficult times for sure.

Challenges that we never imagined a few weeks ago, after a big win to stop Oregon’s cap and trade bill. Only to end up faced with corona virus, which many states’ governors have used to shut down the economy in their states.

To get a handle on these issues we talk to two people: attorney, James Hirsen, who specializes in media psychology, and Timber Unity’s spokesperson, and small business owner, Angelita Sanchez.

Media’s Corona Virus Panic-Mongering

To help the media, here's a handy visual aid, showing where corona virus didn't start
To help the media, here’s a handy visual aid, showing where corona virus didn’t start

First up is James Hirsen, offering his insights on the media’s irresponsibility on their reporting—or misreporting. And what a shame that truly is. President Trump fights to correct problems that Americans are facing—while having to fight off both media and Democrats attacks every step of the way. Apparently, the constant fight the last three years has given him the experience he needed to deal with Corona Virus.

It’s bad enough when the media lies or pushes outright hoaxes, but its perhaps even worse when many times the good news from the president, goes completely unreported.  Instead the, media spends their energy sensationalizing the news, the very information we try to depend on to try to make good decisions for our businesses and families.


Timber Unity: How are Truckers Dealing with Corona Virus?

Then up next, Angelita Sanchez who takes a more personalized approach as she helps us to understand what our nation’s truckers are experiencing; many of whom are small-businesses owners.

Tune in to hear what this vital industry is faced with, as vendors they depend on for work are shut down by government.  She not only gives us insights into the big challenges, and her own personal struggles. Angelita was fortunate enough to join a select number of small business owners for a group telephone call with the President and White House staff to hear how he’s going to help keep small businesses whole.  The aid package includes cash help and some loans for disaster help.  She says it gave her hope. What she shares will give you hope too.

Lots of information packed into an hour that you don’t want to miss.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Related Links, Corona Virus, etc.


The Fight is On: Oregon Democrats Go Full-Blown Tyranny

The Fight is On: Oregon Democrats Go Full-Blown Tyranny

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use our handy player

Show Summary: Oregon Democrats like democracy — until they don’t get their way. At which point they go full-blown Socialist and want to fine, or even jail, their political opponents. It’s time to fight back against the tyranny of one-party rule in Salem.

Original Air Dates: Feb 29 & Mar 1, 2020 | Kevin Hoar, ORP Communications Director

This Week: Politics isn’t easy and sometimes causes people to become warriors when they would rather be negotiators.  But in Oregon’s case, it is impossible to negotiate with the Oregon Democrat super-majority which has decided Republicans have no rights. To object, complain, or offer suggestions.

Oregon Democrats: Full-Blown Socialism

The reality is, elected Democrats don’t want Republican input. They just want Republican bodies in the House or Senate so the Oregon Democrats can pass whatever they want.

So the Republicans, unwelcome and unnecessary (other than being a warm body) have taken the only step left to them: to walk out and deny Democrats a quorum.

Now, in return, Oregon Democrats have taken the extreme step to issue subpoenas to demand that Republicans return.

Oregon Republicans Doing their Job

Democrats are now trying to claim Republicans aren’t “doing their job.” But Republicans are doing their job. Because they were elected to represent their constituents, who are opposed to cap and trade. It is not the Republican’s job to let Democrats pass whatever they want.

The rights the minority party, Oregon’s Republicans, are exercising is to use any legal means possible, to stay true to their oath in office to stand up for their constituents.  It is the Republicans’ job to represent those who vote them in—and protect them against a Democrat agenda that will change Oregon for decades.

This is what the tyranny of the majority looks like. Imagine the damage they will do if they get any more power. It must stop.

The ORP: Oregon Republican Party

That’s why our show this week is so very important with so much at stake.  This week our guest is Kevin Hoar, Communications Director of the ORP.  The show comes on the heels of Thursday night’s vote for the House Democrats to issue subpoenas’ to drag the House Republicans back to session.

And the elected Oregon Democrats repeatedly demonstrated in this session they cannot be trusted with power. Republicans need to remove them from office.

It’s time to come forward, step up, and get involved.  It’s not enough to just be a part of Timber Unity. So it’s time to gear up and take action. There is only one party now that is standing up for rural Oregonians. There is only one party standing up for everyday Oregonians. Or for Oregonians’ businesses. And it’s most definitely not the Democrats.

Fight Back. Get Involved

It is time to end one-party rule in Oregon. To do that, Republicans need to take back at least enough seats to break the super-majority. Even better, take back at least one of the chambers, perhaps even both. And you can help.

We’ll introduce you to the Oregon Republican Party, what they do. We talk about how to get involved. How you can get involved in campaigns, support the Republican efforts. Or even run for office yourself. And we also talk about some of what’s going on in the background, of Democrats actions, that is going under reported.

Because this is the year for people to get engaged. And fight back and stand up against the Democrat agenda of socialism and tyranny as they try to politically strangle good people into saying nothing.

Podcast Version

Never Miss an I Spy Radio Show!

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream


Links Mentioned

  • Check out the ORP’s website is See their “get involved” page
  • One of the first steps to getting involved, whether you  or join the ORP, is to make contact with your local county Republican party. Find your county Republican party on this page (scroll down for the “county parties” button).
  • Want to run for office? Need help? Not sure where to get started? We can put you in touch with the right people. Just drop us a line on our contact page. Absolutely no charge for connecting you, we just want to help.
Oregon vs Oregon: Urban vs Rural, Politicians vs the People

Oregon vs Oregon: Urban vs Rural, Politicians vs the People

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use our handy player

Show Summary: Oregon’s economy is growing, but politicians want more taxes, including a carbon cap and trade. Why are Oregon politicians determined to ruin a good thing? There is great news out of Trump’s administration with their budget proposal. This should be a time to invest in Oregon, not punish Oregonians with a carbon cap and trade. Plus: Did Gov. Kate Brown and timber companies betray Timber Unity?

Original Air Dates: February 15 & 16, 2020 | Jonathan Williams & Dr. Bob Zybach

This Week: There is some good news that you’ve probably never heard before.

But before we get there, breaking this week were details of what we warned you about a few weeks ago. Details of Governor Brown’s secret meetings with timber companies have come to light, including the start of a deal between timber companies and environmental groups that is taking the wind out of Senate Republicans’ sails. A deal that, despite the 10,000 people who showed up Timber Unity had any say in.

And don’t think she didn’t know exactly why she was doing to sabotage Timber Unity. It is with the deepest sense of betrayal we see these kinds of tricks — instead of straightforward, honest discussions where all sides have a say.

The Good News: Trump Administration’s Exciting Budget Proposal

But, as we said, there is some good news and something you’ve probably never heard before: the words “exciting” and budget proposal” used in the same sentence.

This week we start our conversation with Jonathan Williams, of American Legislative Exchange Council. We’ll discuss with him Trump’s exciting budget proposal that does what so many fiscal conservatives have dreamt of: a return to a balanced budget, honest-to-goodness cuts in federal spending. Be sure to tune in and hear about the 6 million dead people who are finally going to get their checks cut off. Jonathan will also give us the honest-to-goodness look at Oregon’s economic outlook.  An article was recently published touting Oregon’s beating the national economic trends — but we dig into the reality.

The Bad News: Did Timber Betray Timber Unity?

Then we have Dr. Bob Zybach back due to the secret meeting Gov Kate has been having with 13 timber companies and environmental groups.  For someone who has defended the timber industries for decades, you can imagine this secret backroom deal felt like a real betrayal. We discuss the timing and look into the memorandum of understanding itself. We can only guess they’re trying to accomplish—because none of it makes sense.

But get used to this type of behavior if the cap and trade bill goes in.  Salem’s Democrats have purposefully put in measures to keep hidden from public records requests how the government will spend their new revenue. And to whom they will give it.

But we can guess.

Get the inside look at the backroom deals, this week on I Spy Radio. Don’t miss it!

Podcast Version

Never Miss an I Spy Radio Show

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream


Links Mentioned

Related Links

  • [CHART] See Oregon’s GDP vs nation. Oregon GDP dollars ranks 25th (via US Bureau of Labor and Statistics
  • Democrats advance Oregon’s controversial climate change policy (OregonLive, Feb 13, 2020)
  • Oregon Department of Forestry requests emergency cash infusion as firefighting receivables outstanding (Statesman Journal, Feb 12, 2020)
  • Why The Green New Deal Would Destroy The Environment: The Green New Deal is anything but ‘clean’ or ‘green.’ Even the relatively modest numbers of solar and wind installations in the United States today are causing serious environmental damage. (The Federalist, Feb 12, 2020)
Timber Unity: The Fight is On

Timber Unity: The Fight is On

Download the podcast of this week's I Spy Radio Show
To download the show, right-click the mic, and then “Save Link As…” or use our handy player

Show Summary: Timber Unity 2020 rally is Thursday, February 6 at 10 a.m. This week we give you the latest — attempts by Gov. Brown to sabotage things, what elected Dems really think about rural people, and some intellectual ammo to take with you to the rally.

Air Dates: February 1 & 2, 2020 | Angelita Sanchez & Chuck Wiese

This Week: Yes, the fight is on.  Like two bulls staring at each other from across the arena, Gov Kate and her far-left, legislative henchmen are attempting to stare down Timber Unity and the participants (or what Kate should remember are voters—you know, the people she serves). Governor Kate wants to institute a crippling carbon tax, based on fake science, to control Oregonians and Oregon businesses by taxing fuel and energy and “undesirable” industries, which will increase costs for almost anything purchased within the state.

Timber Unity: Taking the Fight to Salem

Timber Unity is not only saying NO, but is part of a rising wave of anger from more and more Oregonians. They come together this week to stand up against the extreme and unnecessary legislation. Especially as they learn more and more about what Salem Democrats like Peter Courtney really think about them and their way of life.

And don’t miss Gov. Kate Brown’s attempts to sabotage Timber Unity.

Oregonians are waking up to what’s at stake that if this carbon tax is allowed to go through and the devastation it will have on businesses and rural life.

And because of that, Oregonians are grabbing hold of the issue and Timber Unity is bringing together truckers, loggers, and farmers to push back in an exciting event being held this Thursday, February 6th.  Spokesperson for Timber Unity, Angelita Sanchez, joins us this week on I Spy Radio to give us insights into what is driving them to storm Salem’s castle. She’ll also give the latest updates on how the day will unfold with the truckers’ caravan, expected speakers, activities in the capitol, food, and time of events.

Last time she joined us, she shared what Peter Courtney said that so enflamed their anger against the cap and trade legislation. Do not miss this week when she elaborates even more on what you said. It will get your blood boiling.

Standing Up to Global Warming Alarmism

Then get a little more intelligence on what drives the anti-carbon craze of the legislators: “Climate Change.” Chuck Wiese is a meteorologist and well-known global warming debunker who knows the faux science behind the carbon tax push. You’ll come away with a better understanding of the issue and why any carbon tax is little more than a money-laundering scheme. He also reveals what a carbon tax will do to Oregon, why it’s a waste and not necessary, and why it should be a matter for voters to decide and not decided by one party at the legislature.

Oregon may have been sleepy at getting people out to vote in 2018 but Timber Unity has awakened the proverbial sleeping giant. Don’t miss this week. It will awaken your own inner giant to help you stand up to what far-left environmentalists are attempting to do to our beautiful state.

Never Miss an I Spy Radio Show!

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Podcast Version

Links & Further Info