Category: Immigration

15-01 Throwing a Wrench in Oregon’s Schemes to Lurch Further Left

15-01 Throwing a Wrench in Oregon’s Schemes to Lurch Further Left

Show 15-01 Summary: If Oregon’s newly elected attorney general’s scheme of a “Federal Oversight Cabinet”—stacked with the furthest of the Far-Left—is any indicator, then Oregon is in for a world of hurt. Even worse when you take into account the Democrats have supermajorities in Oregon’s house and senate, a far left Democrat in the governor’s office, and Oregon’s judicial system has had some 40 years of Democrat appointments. Can anything stop Oregon’s schemes to lurch left? There just may be a way to avoid this.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Air Dates: January 4th and 5th, 2025 | Guest: Chuck Wiese

This Week – Oregon’s Schemes

In a nutshell, Oregon’s schemes will be to lurch to the far left as fast as possible. And with the Democrat super majorities in Oregon’s house and senate, a far left Democrat in the governor’s office, and some 40 years of Democrat appointments to Oregon’s judicial system, there is precious little that can be done to stop them.

So what is on the Oregon Democrats’ agenda? Spending is at the top of the list. As is further indoctrination of kids. Which means far-left school administrators and teachers in failing public schools will need even more money. And with more spending will come more taxes. Will we see that longtime dream of Oregon democrats finally pass: a sales tax? Quite likely. But they’ll call it something else so the uninformed peasants don’t revolt. (You can see why indoctrination is more important than education in Oregon’s schools.)

The government has been protecting us from climate change since the Mayans.
Government protecting us from climate change

But that’s hardly the end of Oregon’s schemes. Climate Change (meaning spending money on it — which means giving away taxpayer dollars to the Far Left) will be the highest priority. Because nothing saves the Earth like burning money. Which is why have fan-favorite, Chuck Wiese on, to debunk it.

The Wrench in Oregon’s Schemes

There are two wrenches in Oregon’s schemes. One is reality. Sadly, we can’t control when reality will rear its ugly head and bite Democrats in the ass. (See what we did there?) But the other is money. And this is where it will get interesting.

Here’s a fact: Oregon got nearly one-third of its most recent biennium budget from the federal government.

Oregon’s new attorney general has set up what he calls, “The Federal Oversight and Accountability Cabinet” and staffed it with executives from far-left organizations and unions. It’s to represent all Oregonians. So apparently, conservatives in Oregon don’t exist. Got it.

The main purpose of the Injustice League is defy federal law. And to help hide illegal immigrants from being deported. Because no one is above the law accept illegal immigrants and the government officials who help hide them. Not to mention, it’s defying democracy and the recent election. Which sounds pretty insurrection-y. (Hint to the “attorney” general: the Constitution gives the federal government oversight of states, not the other way around.)

So is this the wrench? Democrats’ defiance of federal law could mean Oregon’s schemes fall apart. Because so much of them depend on all that federal government money.

How Long Before Oregon Tires of Being the Stupid Kid?

Climate Change reality: Antarctic sea ice extent is 17% higher today than it was in 1979. Ice doesn't lie, but climate scientists do.
Another wrench in Oregon’s schemes. Whoops.

We talk with Chuck Wiese about the Global Warming religion and how nothing Oregon wants to do (spend) will make any difference. Not to global temperatures. Not to CO2 levels. Which is not and does not drive Global Warming.

Oregon’s schemes depend on (indoctrinated) people being gullible enough to believe in Global Warming. It depends on federal dollars. If the dollars are cut off because they are defying federal law, where will Oregon democrats get the billions of dollars they need to push their far-left schemes?

But it’s more than just money. Without the federal government wasting 100s of billions of dollars on far-left environmentalism, “green” energy (it’s not green) may also collapse without all those subsidies, mandates, and taxpayer cash. Is this the year Global Warming starts to fall apart?

If what’s happening in Europe right now, the Global Warming movement may just collapse.

Save the Earth from people’s stupidity. And save a lot of money.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Will Oregon Get Banned From Federal Funds? Attorney General-elect Dan Rayfield establishes Federal Oversight and Accountability Cabinet (NW Observer, Dec 28, 2024)
  • [Washington] State policy on trust lands strikes right balance (The Everett Herald, Dec 28, 2024)
    • Meanwhile, Oregon’s Department of Forestry is so mismanaged, they just went insolvent by not harvesting trees. See Show 14-50 Bailout: Oregon Department of Forestry Chooses to Be Insolvent.
    • This at a time when timber prices are about to go up? “Expect Price Hikes — USA to Ramp Up Duties on Canadian Lumber?” (Wood Central, Dec 29, 2024). 
    • We should be making more money than ever on our timber but we’re locking up our state forest lands to make less than ever.
  • Why are we locking up our forests? Because of the misguided “Habitat Conservation Plan” to “protect” endangered species.
  • Electric car sales are slowing in the US and Europe as both fans and skeptics share concerns (AP, Nov 28, 2024)
  • Europe: The Fall of the Holy Renewable Empire (Gatestone Institute, December 27, 2024)
    • “Dunkelflaute” [“Dunkel Flout-eh”} is the German word for Literally “flat, dark calm.”  A weather situation characterized by a simultaneous lack of wind and sun in winter—when, it so happens, demand for electricity is at its highest.
    • These episodes can last from a few days to several weeks
    • On December 12 of this year, German electricity production from wind and solar power was 1/30th the demand for it.
  • AI Data Centers Are Causing ‘Distortions’ in the Power Grid from Coast to Coast (Breitbart, Dec 31, 2024)
  • Oregon Adopts Climate Protection Program Rules (Natural Resource Rep, Dec 1, 2024)
  • Crescent Dunes: Biden DOJ Moved on Election Night to Cover Up Alleged Solar Energy Scandal that Cost Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions (Breitbart, Nov 25, 2024). 
  • Oregon awarded nearly $200M in federal funding to boost climate action programs (OPB, July 22, 2024)
  • Divest Oregon’s Summary and Analysis of the Oregon Net Zero Plan (via
14-21 Election Integrity – Loophole Allows Illegals to Vote?

14-21 Election Integrity – Loophole Allows Illegals to Vote?

Show 14-21 Summary: Could a loophole in U.S. Criminal Code Title 18 allow illegal aliens to vote in federal elections? We have Catherine Engelbrecht on from True the Vote to discuss what her organization found and how it may open the door to millions of illegals voting in the presidential election. So much for election integrity. And that’s not even the worst of it.  But are there signs that even in blue states, like Oregon, people might be done with Joe Biden, his far left policies, and his lawlessness like opening the border to those 10+ millions of illegals. And we talk with Chuck Wiese about the U. S. Supreme Court declining to hear his election integrity case.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of April 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: May 25th & 26th, 2024 | Guests: Catherine Engelbrecht and Chuck Wiese

This Week – Election Integrity Loophole Allows Illegals to Vote?

A couple weeks ago, Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote gave an explosive interview on Tucker Carlson’s show, in which she described what her organization found: a potential loophole in election integrity laws that could allow illegal aliens to vote in federal elections. If they believe they are legal citizens.

We know, coming across the border, the Biden administration and NGO’s have been telling the illegals that they are legal citizens, because they “followed the law” by claiming amnesty. amnesty being the pet door that allows illegals to just walk right in.

Call to action: the 611 Project. Get the handbook at True the Vote

We’ve all wondered why Democrats, and especially Joe Biden, have been flooding the country with 10 to 15,000,000 and possibly more, illegal immigrants. This could certainly explain it.

Except, as Catherine explains, the legal loophole potentially allowing illegal voters to vote for president isn’t even the worst of things. Tune in to hear what else Joe Biden could do.

Check it out! True the Vote now has an election integrity app, “IV3,”  to find and report potentially illegal voters. Take a listen (Twitter)!

Election Integrity in Oregon

And then we talk with Oregon’s election integrity political activist, Chuck Wiese. Chuck is a long-time I Spy Radio guest and a fan favorite due to his scientific background and logical insights on issues.Chuck was also part of an election-integrity lawsuit, Thielman et al. vs Oregon Secretary of State, in which they sought to restore integrity and trust to Oregon’s elections. That lawsuit made it all the way to the Supreme Court, which declined to hear the case unfortunately. Tune into here why that may have been and why election integrity is not dead yet in Oregon.

We also look at Oregon’s primary that just happened. surprisingly, it was not a good night for farther-left progressives as “squad wannabes” lost their primary races to more moderate Democrats. Is this a trend? are even Democrats fed up with Joe Biden, his open borders and lawlessness, lawfare against political opponents, and Bidenomics which is killing family finances.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Catherine Engelbrecht’s Segments (1–3)

Chuck Wiese Segments (4–6)

Related Election Integrity Info

  • Illegal Alien Voter Registrations – How to Attack It and Prevent This Fraud Before 2024 Election (Gateway Pundit, May 20, 2024)
  • Study: ‘Non-citizens’ are registered to vote, could decide next president (WND, May 15, 2024)
  • Frank LaRose should be the model for all red states who dump the ERIC System. (Twitter, May 15, 2024)
    • If red states are dumping the ERIC because it does not clean voter rolls as promised, then why is it used at all — and not sued out of existence?


14-06 Why Bidenomics is Bidumbnomics | Mainstream Media is Lying

14-06 Why Bidenomics is Bidumbnomics | Mainstream Media is Lying

Show 14-06 Summary: This week, it’s all about cutting through the mainstream media propaganda about the economy. Especially the lies about Bidenomics. Because it’s more Bidumbnomics than anything. Bidumbnomics is a good way to kill the economy, interfere with markets, and promote products and ideas that don’t work and cost more. Bidumbnomics are dumb economics policies that require dumb people in the media to not ask questions and keep people misinformed about how bad things really are. Like not questioning the miracle January 2024 jobs report. Or looking at the failure of 100s of billions wasted on “green energy.” (It’s not green.) Plus, Oregon is not immune. Oregon democrats also love Bidumbnomics. Spend more. Tax more. Ignore reality. Like Oregon democrats’ plan to raise statewide property taxes and do away with the current caps on property tax increases.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: February 10th & 11th, 2024 | Guest: Jonathan Williams

This Week – Bidenomics is Bidumbnomics

All you need for dumb economics policies like Bidumbnomics to be perceived as “working” is to have a willing media to spread government propaganda. And the media needs to be dumb enough about economics to not ask any questions about what they’re told. And certainly not do any kind of even simple analysis.

That way, the media keeps people uninformed. Because if people really knew how bad things were, they would be demanding answers. And politicians never want that. They want compliant sheep people who stay out of the way. Miserable peasants.

Dumb economic policies like Bidumbnomics depends on people staying quiet. But EU farmers won by speaking up.
Public outcry works! (click image for full-size)

Why? Because when people do know what their politicians are actually doing, and the actual outcomes of their schemes, people tend to revolt. And, yes, public outcry really does work.

Take a look at the win in the EU when farmers had had enough. The public joined them. And now the EU gave in to their demands.

Farmers win! “Why Europe’s green plan balked on farming

Bidenomics is Bidumbnomics Examples

Look no further than the boondoggle of Biden’s dream of a wind farm in every pot. Bidumbnomics sank several 10s of billions of your money into expensive wind farms. Especially very expensive offshore wind farms. But these expensive Bidumbnomics boondoggles have done so poorly, despite all that free cash from U.S. taxpayers, that multiple wind farm companies have cancelled contracts. And they were willing to do so because the economics of it was so poor that unless they get free cash it was a better deal to cancel the deal.

Think of that. Companies willing to take a loss of 100s of millions rather than go through with it and lose even more. And in the case of one company, they took a 4 billion loss.

Now that is Bidumbnomicsat work. Waste companies’ money, waste taxpayer money, and all for products that are less effective and more expensive to ratepayers.


An Actual Economist Breaks Examines Bidumbnomics

We welcome back Jonathan Williams, the executive vice president of ALEC — the American Legislative Exchange Council. Jonathan is also their chief economist. And we walk through the truth about that blockbuster January jobs report. It turns out, it is more fantasy than fantastic. See this great analysis from ZeroHedge: “Inside The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report In Recent History“.) And we all know this fantasy will be corrected downward in a month or two after they got their useful idiots in the media to repeat their headline to the point where most people will think Bidenomics is working.

But to be fair, not all economic news in the mainstream media is propaganda to prop up Bidumbnomics. Sometimes, it’s more of a confession. Like Jerome Powell appearing on 60 Minutes. Who told America that we just can’t spending like we are.

But other times, it is definitely propaganda. We take a look at the slumping EV (electric vehicle) sales. After spending, yet again, 100s of billions of taxpayer dollars on the EV boondoggle, including mandating sales quotas, Bidumbnomics strikes again. EVs sales are way down.

Don’t miss the terrific article mentioned during the show about the impact of government interference in a normal market. “The West’s Humiliating Electric Car Climbdown has Begun

And even in Oregon, they are nowhere near their lofty goals of 250,000 EVs by 2025.

Oregon Democrats Embrace Bidumbnomics

Speaking of Oregon, the democrat governor and democrat-controlled house and senate want their own version of dumb economics. Like ignoring people’s economic reality to impose their ideology. And mainly, that’s more spending of taxpayer dollars to reward the political allies. There is never enough money to spend all they want on everything they want.

The answer? Raise taxes. And not just a little. They want $3 billion in more taxes. And, as if they haven’t driven enough people away, they want to eliminate and caps on statewide property taxes.

The only reason why even more Oregonians haven’t driven away is their EV must have run out of charge. Maybe that’s why Oregon wants to mandate even more of them.

But wait, it gets worse. Not only do Oregon elected democrats want to spend more, Tobias Read, the democrat in charge of Oregon’s Treasury wants Oregon’s PERS to make less money. By forcing Oregon’s investment into “Net Zero.” Uh, Toby, in case you missed it due to Bidumbnomics government propaganda media, but Net Zero funds are losing money by the day. Intelligent investors are getting out of Net Zero funds, not in. Perhaps Oregon’s PERS being in the hole by a mere $28 billion just isn’t enough?

Tune in to get the info you need. to be better informed on economics and real economic policies. So when your legislator wants to go full Bidumbnomics, you have the info you need to convince them otherwise.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Jonathan’s organization is ALEC – the American Legislative Exchange Council. Find out more at
    • Encourage your representatives to join ALEC! There are state and city memberships. Help elected officials understand economic problems and the real solutions available to get out of them! Send them this link:
    • And you too can join as a private-sector member!
  • You can follow Jonathan on Twitter at @TaxEconomist.
  • Farmers win! “Why Europe’s green plan balked on farming” (Semafor, via Yahoo News, Feb 7, 2024)
  • Inside The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report In Recent History (ZeroHedge, Feb 03, 2024)
    • All job gains in the past year have been part-time workers (+870,000). Full time have decreased by 97,000
    • Native vs Foreign-Born workers . All job creation in the past 4 years has been for foreigners. Zero job creation for native since 2018
  • The West’s humiliating electric car climbdown has begun” (The Telegraph, via Yahoo News, Feb 2, 2024)
  • Bidumbnomics in Oregon: “PGE and why the EV revolution is stalling” (Oregon Catalyst, Feb 4, 2024)
    • “In 2019, Senate Bill 1044 set a target of 250,000 registered Zero Emission Vehicles on Oregon roads by 2025. … [But] the number of Oregon-registered zero emission vehicles on Oregon roads as of September 2023 (with less than a year and a half to go) was just 70,000. … The likelihood that this number will grow to 250,000 over the next 12 months is nil.”
  • Plan to make Oregon retirement fund carbon neutral relies on industry, Wall Street doing the same (OPB, Feb 7, 2024)
  • HJR 201 is a Statewide Property Tax (Taxpayer Assoc, Feb 5, 2024)
  • “1,287 testify against Statewide Property Tax (HJR 201)” (Taxpayer Association of Oregon, February 14, 2024).

For further reading on Bidumbnomics


14-03 True the Vote Exposes the Stunning Reality of Our Elections

14-03 True the Vote Exposes the Stunning Reality of Our Elections

Show 14-03 Summary: Huge show this week! We’re talking with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote about their recent big-time win in Georgia two weeks ago, about the integrity of our elections (or lack of it), and how election fraud really is committed — thanks to federal laws which stop federal laws from being enforced. We also talk about what is happening here in Oregon, including the lawsuit against the State’s elections censorship program.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: January 20th & 21st, 2024 | Guest: Catherine Engelbrecht

This Week – True the Vote

There’s a famous letter that starts out, “Yes, Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus.” While states like Oregon are monitoring, censoring, and blocking anything the democrats in charge deem to be “misinformation” about elections, they treat election fraud as if it’s some non-existent, mythical being. Well, sorry but, “Yes, Oregon, there really is election fraud.”

Did you know? There are 23 states who are all using artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor, censor, and block discussions about elections? And did you know that all 23 of them are led by democrats?

If you saw the absolute viciousness with which democrats, mainstream media, social media, and democrat-led judiciary all attacked anyone who dared ask questions about the 2020 election, you knew something was up. Why? Because all of those had just questioned the 2016 election. With huge, violent protests in D.C. and other cities. Republicans didn’t censor them. Republicans didn’t viciously attack any doubters.

But when Republicans questioned 2020? They were silenced, censored, and attacked. Court cases thrown out. And yet, here we are, three years later, and the claims made about the 2020 election fraud are proving true.

This week, we welcome Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote to talk about their recent huge win in Georgia. How big? It was so big, the mainstream media did their best to make sure you didn’t notice.

Tune in to find out why this case was so important for election integrity moving forward. You’ll also hear:

  • The weird and ironic problem of conflicting federal election laws preventing the enforcement of election integrity
  • How Obamacare ensures phantom voters on the voter rolls
  • Why the cased against Oregon’s AI-powered election censorship program and attack on free speech is so important to defeat
  • Some myth-busting about election integrity

This week’s show is definitely a “don’t miss”!

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Mentioned During the Show

  • Visit True the Vote’s webpage ( Sign up for their newsletter, explore their tools and info, and if you can, donate to help them! They are constantly being sued by people who want to defend potential election fraud. Including our own government.
  • Help fight Oregon’s AI-powered election monitoring and censorship program. Visit Battleground Oregon ( and donate to help with legal expenses. (Full disclosure: I Spy Radio‘s host, Mark Anderson, is a plaintiff in this case. He receives nothing from the donations, which go to legal expenses.)
  • Democrats fear retribution for their retribution, here’s what’s really happening (Public Opinion, Jan 18, 2024)
  • Catherine’s January 30th, 2017 interview. “Catherine Engelbrecht – True the Vote. Voter Fraud” (Ken Garner, YouTube, Jan 30, 2017)
    • If election fraud is such a big threat, why is it so hard to find fraudsters? The reason election fraud is hard to quantify is because the fraud has become institutionalized.
  • True the Vote Defeats Fair Fight, Stacy Abrams, Marc Elias, and the Biden DOJ (True the Vote News, Jan 22, 2024)
  • True The Vote Defeats Fair Fight, Stacy Abrams, Marc Elias, And The Biden Department Of Justice In Landmark Election Case (The Georgia Record, Jan 4, 2024)
    • THIS “It is also remarkable that not a single GOP or conservative group ever joined True the Vote to fight for Georgia voters.” Why? Where is the Republican party in all this? Or for that matter, the Democrat party? Shouldn’t all sides want election integrity?
  • The Daily Caller story about Oregon’s elections censorship program: “Blue State Hired AI Company To Track Election ‘Misinformation.’ It Routinely Flagged Conservative Opinions” (Daily Caller, Jan 16, 2024)
  • Will Elections Finally Be Secure and Honest in 2024? (Heritage Foundation, Jan 5, 2024)

Examples of Winning

Research and Related Info


That Threat on our Southern Border

That Threat on our Southern Border


Show Summary: No. Not that southern border. We’re talking about Oregon’s southern border. That bastion of Liberal lunacy: California. Tune in to hear the strategies at play. Will the Left come up with a winning strategy? Or are they committing suicide? With James Hirsen and Steve Cortes.

I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of May 2018
I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of May 2018. Click for full-size map.

Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

Air Dates: June 9 & 10, 2018 | James Hirsen & Steve Cortes

Republican victories in California. So much for that Blue Wave
So much for that “Blue Wave”

Be sure to tune in this week as we look ahead at the November 2018 races by looking at what happened in the 2018 California primaries. Is there hope for California?

And should those of us in deep blue states like Oregon take some hope?

Is there a “Blue Wave” coming?

Will the hate-filled rhetoric from the Left fire up their base?

Will the Democrats defense of MS-13 and embrace of illegal immigration win the Latino vote? This and a lot more on this week’s I Spy Radio Show.

At the end of all this, who’s going to need that other southern border? Oregon? Or California? If California can turn things around and drive the Democrats from office, we may not need that wall on Oregon’s Southern border after all.

But Calif might want one — to keep out Oregonians if we can’t get our act together.

Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.

Links Mentioned

James Hirsen (Segments 1–3)

  • James Hirsen’s site is
  • James Hirsen: ‘Roseanne’ without Roseanne Barr (, June 2018)
  • Kathy Griffin Defends Calling First Daughter ‘C*nt’: ‘I’m Putting TBS on Notice’ (Breitbart, June 6, 2018)
  • Trump says primary was ‘great night for Republicans’ (Daily Mail, June 6, 2018)
  • California Primary: Democrats Narrowly Avoid Shutout in Key House Races (Breitbart, June 6, 2016)
  • California Primary: Voters Recall Democrat Josh Newman over Gas Tax Vote (Breitbart, June 6, 2018)
    • “Election results showed Newman being recalled by a margin of 59.5% to 40.5%, despite the fact that saving his seat was the top priority of California Democrats on Tuesday.”
    • “Republicans have likely managed to place a repeal of the gas tax on the November ballot, hoping to tap into a statewide majority that favors repealing the tax, and to motivate conservative voters to turn out — a task that has been made even easier by the somewhat unexpected second-place finish of Republican businessman John Cox in the primary for governor.”

Steve Cortes (Segments 4–6)

  • MS-13 Has Found Its Greatest Defender: The Democratic Party–Video (Daily Caller, June 6, 2018)
  • ‘People here live in fear’: MS-13 menaces a community seven miles from the White House (Washington Post, DeKc 20, 2017)
  • Portland Police Declare Tracking Gang Affiliation Is Racist (Daily Wire, Sep 21, 2017)
    • “On October 15 [2017], police officers in Portland, Oregon will no longer have the means to tag known gang members with an official ‘gang designation.’ The Portland Police Department has decided to stop identifying gang members and purge the gang member database it has developed over the last 20 years.”
      Because it discriminates against minorities since they make up a disproportionate percentage of gangs.
    • “This is like saying, after a terrorist attack, that it’s not appropriate to speculate as to whether the perpetrators are associated with ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban or Hamas. It’s pure politically correct stupidity.”
  • MS-13 gang member nabbed at border had been [previously] deported (Fox News, Aug 1, 2017)
    • “An illegal immigrant nabbed at the Mexican border over the weekend is an MS-13 gang member who was deported for [multiple felony convictions, including] burglarizing an Oregon home as a scared 12-year-old girl hid under a blanket.”
  • Roughly 80% of all voters say U.S. needs secure borders, including 68% of Democrats: Harvard poll (Washington Times, Jan 23, 2018)
  • May Arrests of Illegal Border Crossers Up 160 Percent (Breitbart, June 7, 2018)
  • Federal judge rules against Trump in Philadelphia sanctuary city case (The Hill, June 6, 2018)
  • Border Patrol Agents see increase in MS-13 gang members crossing RGV Border (CBS 4 News, April 16, 2018)
  • Nearly 100 recently arrested MS-13 gang members arrived in the United States by crossing through the U.S.-Mexico border as “unaccompanied minors” (YourNews, Mar 31, 2018)
    • “Of the 99 MS-13 gang members who entered the country as unaccompanied minors, 64 of them were granted Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJ), which acts as a quasi-amnesty program for young illegal aliens who cross the southern border.”
Hopes of Islam coming True?

Hopes of Islam coming True?

Show Summary: In the birthplace of Free Speech, the U.K., citizens are quickly losing their right of free speech. Activists are being jailed. Journalists expelled or banned from Britain. Facebook and Twitter urged to ban “hateful” posts. The one thing all these have in common? Islam. Are Muslims beheading Free Speech?

Jump to links section (Peter Sweden, Ravi Zacharias, Koome Ministries, articles mentioned, and more)

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: March 17 & 18, 2018 | Kamal Saleem

This Week:  Kamal Saleem entered the United States after being commissioned by a Saudi Prince to destroy it from within.  His intent? To undermine society and American culture and heritage through the training he’s received from the PLO and Muslim Brotherhood.

The goal was to pave the way for Islam to take over by undermining our Constitutional rights such as free speech.  Thankfully, Kamal saw the light and not works to expose the tactics and strategies jihadists use to wage war on other countries—not just through open warfare but subtle, cultural attacks.

What better way to do that then to swamp countries with “immigrants” and “refugees” that build communities that fight with law enforcement at every turn?

Follow Peter Sweden on Twitter to hear first hand what has happened to Sweden and their loss of Free Speech

Is the West Losing the War on Free Speech?

This past week there have been many flare-ups throughout the world that caught our attention.  Especially so when you think about freedom of speech.

Case in point, Dr. Tim Ball has seen his life dramatically changed in Canada due to multiple lawsuits filed against him—all because he dared to speak out about global warming when he questioned the validity of the science.

Free speech in Canada? Not so much.

That’s right. The scientific community, the foundation of which is asking questions is shutting down the right of a fellow scientist for daring to question the establishment’s position.

[wpedon id=”2365″ align=”center”]

Free Speech Dying in the UK

This is free speech in the UK. Journalist Laura Southern banned from entry into the UK
This is free speech in the UK. Journalist Laura Southern banned from entry into the UK

England was the forerunner of many of America’s rights through English common laws and philosophies, which grew into one of our most cherished rights: the freedom of speech.

But it’s dying in England.

The concept of Free Speech, as we know it today, originated in England. Before the English Bill of Rights in 1689, you could exercise your right of Free Speech but it could get you killed for what you said.

Islamic Takeover of the UK

But since the rapid rise in Muslim immigration into England—and no, not all Muslim immigrants are bad—there have been a strong effort to end Free Speech. Right now, there is a concerted effort to replace freedom speech with Muslim ideology.

Wait. What?

Yes. In the UK, freedom of speech is being strangled by Muslims. How? By ensuring no one is able to criticize or speak up against Islam. And that includes speaking out against the crimes committed by Muslims.

Examples of Losing Free Speech

Muslims vs free speech. Behead those who insult Islam.In London, Muslim Mayor Kahn, is asking that Facebook and Twitter take a strong stance to eliminate what he considers “hate speech” from users’ posts.  But he only points to posts that criticize him or Islamic beliefs. Also, three journalists were recently banned from even entering the U.K. when they wanted to talk to so-called hate groups that are trying to raise the alarm about what is happening to England in the wake of mass immigration.

What has happened to the birthplace of Free Speech?

Islamic Attacks on Free Speech are Real

With that we welcome our guest, Kamal Saleem, to examine these worldwide occurrences in other countries and in the US, on how the Islamic beliefs are trying to take down our right to voice opinions that may be unpopular to some Muslim populations.

We examine England, Sweden, Israel, South Africa, and America (think Texas bombings) as we look at some very current actions that have impacted many citizens and their abilities to speak freely without recrimination or even jail.

FBI Whistleblowers in Las Vegas Shooting: It’s ISIS

And there is news about the Las Vegas mass shooting that points to ISIS—exactly what we had talked with Kamal about months ago.

That previous show with Kamal: The Las Vegas Mass Shooting — Former Jihadist Reveals what FBI & Media are Ignoring

What’s it say about Free Speech here in America if our own government agencies are afraid to say anything against Islam or known terrorist groups like ISIS.

Radical Islam vs Free SpeechThere is a war on free speech.

That’s what it says.

In the UK. In the US. And it’s spreading. What we’re seeing in so many countries, are people actually being jailed for speaking up and about what is happening in their countries.

And if you think that can’t happen or won’t ever get that bad here in the US consider our own Deep State and its election spying.  Had Hillary gotten the reins to the White House, it is almost certain that radical Muslims would be in powerful seats controlling our governmental agencies.

Be thankful. And tune in to hear what is coming if we don’t turn this around.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

  • Kamal’s website is Consider supporting him with a donation! He is out there on the front line, fighting for Christians and trying to warn America about the dangers of Islam
    • Church leaders and political leaders, be sure to check out his many resources!
  • You can follow Kamal Saleem on Twitter
  • Take a look through Peter Sweden’s twitter feed. You’ll get a good taste of what cultural jihad looks like and the devastation of a country
  • Ravi Zacharias video: only a Judeo-Christian heritage could have given rise to the Declaration of Independence. His ministry site is Ravi Zacharias International Ministries,
  • Sadiq Khan Warns Silicon Valley on ‘Hate Speech’ and Fake News, Blames Donald Trump (Breitbart, Mar 12, 2018)
  • The mayor of London read racist tweets about himself during SXSW as a plea for Facebook and Twitter to stop hate speech (Business Insider, Mar 12, 2018)
  • FBI Insiders Blow Whistle on Massive Las Vegas Cover Up; Agents Told Not to Investigate Key Evidence Including ISIS Terror Link to Mandalay Bay Massacre (True Pundit, Mar. 12, 2018)
  • ‘We are not calling for the slaughter of white people – at least for now’: South African parliament votes to SEIZE white-owned land as experts warn of violent repercussions (Daily Mail, Feb 28, 2018)
  • Florida teen slits the throat of his victims, claims he was doing what Islam expects of him: to kill the enemies of Islam. Video report from Laura Loomer.

A Jupiter (Florida) teenager said his Muslim faith led him to fatally stab a boy on his 13th birthday and injure two others at a sleepover. Palm Beach Post, March 13, 2018

Not Mentioned but Worth a Look

Surprise! When Government Makes Sense

Surprise! When Government Makes Sense

Show Summary: North Dakota is a state that understands people need natural resources. They went through a lot of growing pains with the fracking boom. Just imagine: a state that actually has a budget surplus. Hear how they are are using their success to plan for the future—and some surprising developments in working with some environmental groups that may provide a blueprint for Oregon. Also, Trump is making deals on DACA and the border. What do people on the border, who see the negative impacts of illegal immigration think about the deals?

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Feb. 3 & 4, 2018 | Vicky Steiner & Jeff Schwilke

A State that Actually USES its Natural Resources?

About five years ago I Spy jealously watched states whose government was working for the people — especially considering the mess Oregon was in: implementing Obamacare, the CCO’s, PERS, and other devastating public costs, while ignoring an obvious source of revenue. Timber.  So, we wanted to see what other states were doing to succeed, and how they were keeping their state in the black.

We were fortunate to have our research come upon Vicky Steiner, who was at that time working in the oil industry, as North Dakota was experiencing a real economic boom.  Vicky told us about the fast-paced growth spurt they were experiencing and what the state’s leadership was doing to improve their state’s future by providing important infrastructure and designing a savings plan that tucked away millions in the state coffers should there be a downturn.

Now, five years later, we have Vicky Steiner back to update us on where they are as a state and how using their natural resources has paid off.  Due to their careful planning, North Dakota has weathered the downturn when the oil prices dropped and production slowed.  Under President Trump and the U.S. actually exporting oil, along with prices rising, Vicky discusses how they are now expanding their oil fields but have become so much more efficient in their production because they invested in new and better technologies.

Meanwhile, Oregon’s Congressional representatives are asking Ryan Zinke not to allow drilling off of Oregon’s coast.


A Surprise for Everyone

Not only did they use their success to develop better, more efficient production techniques, they also built partnerships with responsible environmental groups who helped to ensure oil production was friendly to their treasured land.  Something that Oregon’s vast forest, that burn or rot because they are not managed and logged, could benefit from its own legislative leadership.

Could what they have learned be a roadmap for Oregon to begin using their own natural resources?

Illegal Immigration

Two brand new illegals
Two brand new illegals. Notice how clean and well-dressed these Hondurans are. All ready for their new (illegal) lives in America

Then we go south to San Diego and welcome border security activist and retired Master Sergeant, Jeff Schwilk.  Jeff has strong and great insights into what is currently occurring on the border.  He describes his experiences of what happens in communities near a border that brings illegal immigrants into their communities — and into their local voting booths.

Jeff discusses what he’s recently seen and some of the gaps on the border wall/fence during his tour with a border security team. Jeff tells us his thoughts on President Trump’s recent position on DACA and explains what he feels needs to happen to get to a workable final deal as he offers his ideas and what his anti-amnesty colleagues are pushing for.  These are important insights from people who live smack in the middle of the immigration issues that you won’t want to miss.

Jeff’s Email on Illegal Immigrants as Invaders

Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2018 2:32 PM
To: Jeff Schwilk
Subject: Illegal alien DACA Punks DEMAND full Amnesty for ALL Illegal Aliens, not just Dreamers

Illegal immigrant invaders
From Jeff’s email — to us, these are clearly illegal immigrant invaders

They don’t want DACA, they don’t want a “deal”, they want our country!  They are demanding that we leave our borders wide open for all their relatives to sneak in.  (see attached recent photo and new email from them below).  They have now taken over the entire Democrat party who is terrified to stand up to them.  Now they have their sights set on weak-kneed and open border Republicans, of which there are far too many, through their increasing demands and hostile actions.

They meet the very definition of foreign terrorists or insurgents on our soil.  The enemy within.  The Reconquista is real and these foreign aliens can taste it, not just in California where they have have nearly taken over state and many local governments, but now they want the whole U.S. for their “raza” and revenge against America.

No DACA, no Dream Act, no amnesty.  Enforce our Laws and Secure our Homeland first!

What do you think? Agree? Disagree? Let us know by commenting below.

Tweet of the Week

This has to be the tweet of the week on illegal immigration/DACA…

Podcast Version


  • Vicky’s article: Davis Refinery would mean jobs, prosperity for southwest ND (Inforum, Jan. 15, 2018)
  • Jeff Schwilke’s website, To sign up for his newsletter, send him an email,
  • The Goodlatt bill is HR4760

North Dakota, Oil, Economics, Environmentalists (Segments 1–3)

Immigration, DACA, and Border (Segments 4–6)

Make Paul Ryan an Illegal Immigrant

Make Paul Ryan an Illegal Immigrant

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Show Summary: Newly uncovered shenanigans over immigration, legal and otherwise. Plus Paul Nehlen hopes to unseat Paul Ryan and exposes some of Ryan’s scheming—before and after the election.

All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Sept. 16 & 17, 2017 | Brendan Kirby & Paul Nehlen

This Week: Illegal immigration has once again become the focus for the mainstream media.  And, as usual, rather than reporting on what’s actually happening, they are instead attempting to make President Trump look as if he’s turned his back on campaign promises.  But the real shock of it all is the President Trump wants Congress to do their job, such as come up with an answer for the DACA kids. It is shocking that President Trump has to reach out to Democrats to try to kick the Republicans into gear.

Paul Ryan in tough questions like funding the border wall
Click to enlarge

Given that Paul Ryan and the Republicans are blocking what they all said was a Republican agenda of border security, immigration reform, building the wall, tax reform, repeal and replace —it’s not the Republican agenda that needs fixed, it’s these Republicans. It’s becoming more clear by the day that there are many Congressional members who have forgotten why they were voted in.

More Immigration Shenanigans

First up is Brendan Kirby,  Senior Political Reporter for Laura Ingraham’s online magazine, Lifezette (  If Lifezette isn’t part of your daily news cycle it needs to be. Otherwise you’re missing out on all their great reporting that many in the media won’t do.  Brendan has three articles this week all focused on immigration.

Tune in to hear how Congress’s sleight of hand will use a spending bill to sneak through an  immigration increase rider.  Brendan also discusses how the illegal crossings have risen each of the past four months and why that’s happening.  Then his third article is the most shocking: 55 colleges in the US who have lost their accreditation are still allowed to issue student visas.Paul Nehlen defeating Paul Ryan

Find out the money interests behind this, which agency is failing at protecting us, the security issues, and how much this loophole is costing all of us.

Dump Paul Ryan

Then we talk with Paul Nehlen ( or, Republican primary opponent to Paul Ryan, who is now the major roadblock to President Trump’s agenda.  Mr. Nehlen talks to us about his insights of what happened back in the 2016 primary election and some of the nefarious actions by Paul Ryan, which somehow managed to escape media scrutiny.

Paul Ryan's music video down on the border
Paul Ryan tries to be cool down on the border

Ryan is a roadblock to what Republicans say they want. Like the wall and protecting the border. By the way, did you see the ridiculous “pro-border wall” music video Paul Ryan did? Talk about #FakeNews. (Check it out here.)

Paul Nehlen will discuss with us how Paul Ryan has not only kept the roadblocks in place but what Ryan has also done back home in his district to stay in office.  Mr. Nehlen exposes Paul Ryan’s own sleight of hand and what he’ll need to do pull a win out from under Ryan.

Would you like to help defeat Paul Ryan to remove him as a roadblock?  Yes, those in Oregon can help.  Listen to find out how and what help he needs to beat Ryan. And wouldn’t that be sweet…?

Podcast Version

Loads o’ Links

Brendan Kirby Links

Paul Nehlen Links


Trump’s Promises | Trade and Immigration

Trump’s Promises | Trade and Immigration

Show Summary: Trump’s promises on trade and immigration reform were central to his campaign—and to his victory. Will he fulfill those promises?

All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

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Air Dates: March 4 & 5, 2017 | William Gheen & Tom Stumo

There were two hot-button issues that were central promises Trump made during his campaign: fixing illegal immigration and getting us out of bad trade deals. We’ve seen the swamp’s alligators already fight back against Trump’s executive order on illegal immigrants, just imagine what will happen once he starts taking actions to renegotiate on trillion-dollar trade deals—which incorporate immigration policies.

We know what bad trade deals look like: the TPP. The Trans Pacific Partnership would have, among other things, done away with American sovereignty. It would have made our laws subject to a foreign court. But what would good trade deals look like?

Trump’s Promises

Infographic Trump's promises - immigration and tradeWe talk with Michael Stumo, the CEO of Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) to understand what effective trade policies look like — and how our politicians have sabotaged U.S. interests, whether wittingly or unwittingly. CPA is a coalition of agriculture, manufacturing and organized labor associations, companies and individuals. CPA’s mission is to develop policies to balance U.S. trade, maintain U.S. sovereignty, and develop an effective national production and economic strategy.

But first we talk with William Gheen of ALIPAC about another of Trump’s promises: fighting for legal immigration. We found out how President Trump is doing on fulfilling his promises and what people ought to be doing to make sure he does.

President Trump, in his speech to Congress, mentioned a “merit-based immigration system,” similar to what Canada uses. Is this something the U.S. should use? Tune in to hear the merits of the merit based system and how this could be a step in the right direction to radically transform our current system, which rewards family ties over real contributions to society.

Links Mentioned

William Gheen (Segments 1–3)

Michael Stumo (Segments 4–6)

Foreigners and foreign policy – Illegals and illegal activity

Foreigners and foreign policy – Illegals and illegal activity

Show Summary: Illegals and illegal activity. Foreigners and foreign interests. Hillary’s corrupt State Department is directly responsible for America’s current decline in the world. Her answer is open borders and continue the decline. The world is officially turned upside down. This week, it’s all about foreigners and foreign interests as we explore the impact of illegal immigrants on our elections with William Gheen of ALIPAC and the impact of the Obama administration on our once proud standing in the world with bestselling author, Scott McEwen.

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All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Oct 29 & 30, 2016 | William Ghenn & Scott McEwen

It is a wild, wild election cycle. It turns out the mainstream media is better protection for Hillary Clinton than the US Secret Service. The mainstream media is better protection for Hillary than the US Secret Service. But they haven’t been able to stop every bullet.

And while the mainstream media is throwing itself in front of every bullet headed toward Hillary, she is vulnerable on two fronts: her support for illegal immigrants and on foreign policy. Think about it. Hillary’s corrupt State Department is directly responsible for the current decline in the world. Her answer is open borders and a warlike stance against Russia in the Middle East and bowing to Chinese influence in the South Pacific? The world is officially upside down.

Speaking of upside down, check out the video of Michael Moore endorsing Donald Trump. (warning! A lot of bad language but the substance is worth it)

Hillary Clinton liar liar pantsuit on fireWe start off with William Gheen of ALIPAC ( and the evidence of illegal immigrants voting—illegally!— in US elections. ALIPAC is leading a wave of protests across the U.S. (see links below for list and to add yours) against Hillary. They are even trying to take out a couple of sitting Congressmen.

Then we talk with bestselling author, Scott McEwen about the decline of the U.S. in world standing, thanks to the Hillary Clinton corrupt State Department. We’re losing allies and making enemies. And wikileaks is exposing the corruption. Scott is an expert in geopolitical issues, don’t miss his thoughts on Russian and China and the precarious position Hillary and eight years of Obama has left us in.

Links Mentioned

  • William Gheen’s organization is ALIPAC. Americans for Legal Immigration is the nation’s leading political action committee fighting against illegal immigration and for legal immigration.
  • Ryan faces tough reelection bid—as Speaker (The Hill, Oct. 27, 2016)
  • Check out their National Wave of Protests Against Hillary Clinton – start yours today!
  • Scott McEwen’s website is
  • His latest book is Ghost Sniper (July 2016) and his forthcoming book will be released in November – American Commander

Related Links