Category: Politics

Hell Week and Beyond

Hell Week and Beyond

Show Summary: To become a SEAL, they very best of our soldiers must survive Hell Week. What they learned can help you make it through your own Hell. A new book by Scott McEwen, co-author of American Sniper.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Air Dates: Mar 27 & 28, 2021 | Scott McEwen

This Week: How do we put a value on achieving life’s goals? Do we assess an achievement by personal satisfaction?  By how we’ve helped others?  Or does the value of achieving a life’s goal go deeper?  What if the cost is you won’t give up, no matter what?

For a select few, this is their life. When all seems lost, nothing is working out, and nobody seems to be there to help when you need it most, and you feel physically and mentally broken, you don’t give up. That’s a life goal and struggle that is achieved by America’s best and, for the most part, we’ll never hear about. Navy SEALs who push beyond anything else no matter what they face, they refuse to give up until their mission is completed.

Hell Week and Beyond

Hell Week and Beyond book coverBut to get to that level, they have to go through Hell. Hell Week. The specialized training that the best of the best must find a way to push through.

Scott McEwen’s new book is Hell Week and Beyond: The Making of a Navy SEAL. We interview him to find out what Navy SEALs go through but also the lessons we can learn on how to survive our own personal hell weeks.  You’ll hear about the types of tests and rotations these incredible superheroes-in-the-making need to pass in order to stay with the program—and who instructs them along the way.  And you’ll hear what can wash a SEAL out of the program and what won’t, and why the one thing that they all have in common keeps them there when others give up

Tune in to get insights into how those values can become a part of everybody’s life. Because in America today with the Far Left’s effort to change America into something that is unrecognizable to most people, we also can’t give up – no matter what.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links Mentioned

Equity & Fairness (But Only if You’re the Correct Kind)

Equity & Fairness (But Only if You’re the Correct Kind)

Show Summary: Last week, our guest said a new focus of the political left is to infuse “equity and fairness” into everything. This week, we dig a little deeper into how that plays out: in community safety and policing, (including defunding the police), reparations, and especially socialized health care.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: March 13th & 14th, 2021 | Nadra Enzi & David Ridenour

This Week: During Biden’s recent national address (actually, it’s been his only national address since ascending to the presidency), he pushed the point that if Americans would just obey the mandates they’d be allowed to celebrate Independence Day. Really? We must have very different ideas about the concept of independence.

Equity and Fairness

Actually, Joe’s approach could safely be called the far-left’s approach to governing, maybe even life. If you’d just throw down your inalienable rights, we’ll let you live. And you’ll think you’re free because we won’t mess with you as long as you do everything we tell you to. And that’s where America is heading under a Biden presidency. Follow the mandates regardless of Constitutional rights and we’ll get along just fine.

And, if you missed our show last week, with Kimberly Hermann of Southeastern Legal Foundation, you got a hint of it. Fairness and equity. This is the new focus of the political Left. The Marxists in all their forms.

Fairness and Equity: Socialized Medicine Version

Two of the big mandates, or rules, they want to push on America is socialized medicine and climate change. Both prescribe a different way of life that hands over personal freedoms and decisions in exchange for “government protections”.

Protections that allow the government to dominate every part of the American way of life. And remember: if they’re protecting it. They can also take it away.

And just wait until the vaccine mandates start coming out— determining whether or not you’ll be allowed to travel if you don’t have one, as countries gather to collectively agree do so mimicking a one world order.

Nadra Enzi: Leftists choose Ideology over All Else

So this week, we pick apart that agenda and how it’s trickling down into government policies and programs. Like reparations and soon the push to continue to fully socialize medicine. What’s driving all this? Ideology.

To talk about all of this we bring back a favored guest, Nadra Enzi, who fights a daily battle to bring law enforcement and community together for a safer life. A community safety advocate, he’s been on the battlefield of fighting for personal freedoms for years and discusses why now the push has become defunding police and reparations. All in the name of equity and fairness.

But when you break it down, it’s really only targeted for a few. And it’s really about those in power who want more power by dividing us.

David Ridenour, President of NCPPR

Then we talk to David Ridenour, founder and president of the National Center for Public Policy Research. David lived in Oregon many years ago, and things have certainly changed in this state. We discuss why NCPPR started in the Reagan days as a conservative think tank.

And there’s no greater example of Marxist ideology than socialized healthcare. We’re living through it right now. Because, as we’ve said many times on I Spy Radio, if you give the government power over your healthcare, you give them the right to control every part of your life. W

hy? Because now you’re fiduciary liability to them.

Government has the Lock. You Gave them the Key

And just look what we’re seeing. Covid has been the tool to lockdown the country, destroy a booming economy, and the excuse to demand compliance from citizens on everything from wearing masks to how close you’re allowed to stand. So we talk with David about socialized medicine as a key to condition people to accepting government. In every aspect of your life. After all, it’s about fairness and equity, right?

With the push toward a socialist state being driven harder than ever before, the work NCPPR does is more important now than ever.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links Mentioned

  • About Nadra Enzi (via National Center for Public Policy Research)
  • Oregon State Police pull out of Portland (Law Enforcement Today, Aug 14, 2020)
  • Oregon House committee considers bill to repeal law that allows police to declare unlawful assemblies (OregonLive, Feb 8, 2021)
  • Defunding the Police Defeats Public Safety, Especially in Black Communities (Project 21, New Visions, June 22, 2020)
    • “Both safety citizens and police critics hoped earlier community policing policies would be the solution to long-term tensions between law enforcement and urban communities. Its focus on relationship-building at all levels, however, seems to have fallen short of the mark. In fact, it appears that relationship-building between police and the public gave way to calls for diminished police powers and even abolishing the profession altogether.”
  • Bills to pay reparations for slavery stir tough feelings (Pamplin Media, March 9, 2021)
  • “Pay Us Like You Owe Us” – Senior White House Official Announces Biden Will Move on Slavery Reparations without Congress (Gateway Pundit, Mar 1, 2021)
  • Here We Go… House Judiciary Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on Slavery Reparations Wednesday with Danny Glover and Ta-Nehisi Coates (Gateway Pundit, June 17, 2019)
  • 3-month-olds can be racist (Washington Examiner, Mar 4, 2021)
  • Poll: Nearly 60% of voters oppose slavery reparation payments for black Americans (Just the News, Mar 11, 2021)
    • Less than one-third (31%) support the idea
The Green Energy Scam that Fooled Texas (and the Rest of America)

The Green Energy Scam that Fooled Texas (and the Rest of America)

Show Summary: Welcome to the new phase of Global Warming – Global Freezing. Yes, the Left really does want you to believe Global Warming caused the ice and snow in Texas. But they don’t want you to believe green energy failed. Sure.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Month # & #, 2021 | Myron Ebell & Chuck Wiese

It’s been a long week—or maybe going on two, depending on if you’ve gotten your power turned on—as ice invaded a rather comfortably mild winter for most.  Then temperatures dropped all across the nation, placing people in at times life-threatening conditions.  How did this happen when we’ve heard so often from the global warming community that carbon dioxide was creating rising temperatures?  But even as the snow and ice hit, those same experts blamed—what else?—global warming.

The Green Energy Scam

Unbeknownst to many, for years, governors like GW Bush, made policy decisions about investing in windmills and solar. Governors like GWB knew only what pro-Global-Warming “scientists” told him about Global Warming, which led to pro-Global-Warming policy decisions. However, these scientists’ predictions were made by claiming their computer models were nearly infallible. Or at least not to be questions. So governors didn’t.

But as the years of weather conditions didn’t match up with the predictions, science became a game of outfoxing, out-promoting, and outspending those who angrily exposed their lies and fraud. And now we see the results of what happens when following the brick road of lies leads to disaster, with oil-rich Texas being the prime example of unreliable “renewable” energy.

But why? Why were some, calling themselves scientists, willing to place themselves in a situation where they now look ridiculous? We examine that this week and hope to shed new light on some old fights.

Myron Ebell Weighs in on Texas Green Energy Failure

We start out with Competitive Enterprise Institute’s, Director for the Center of Energy and Environment, Myron Ebell, who grew up in Eastern Oregon and is now working in Washington, DC — the hotbed of the Global Warming debate. With Biden taking over and touting the US return to all things green, we discuss what happened this winter in Texas. Ebell walks us through how Texas got to the point of wind turbines freezing up and breaking, putting Texans at risk with no heat while in freezing temperatures. Texas of all places. A conversation that maps out why so much went wrong and that the rest of the nation cannot ignore, especially with the rush to infuse “climate change” into literally every level of government.

Chuck Wiese: The Global Warming Scam

Then we bring on meteorologist, Chuck Wiese, who is also a retired commercial pilot, where accurate weather data really mattered. He takes us in-depth into those magical, global warming computer predictions and brings to life the techniques used to create the computer model.

You’ll learn a bit more about weather itself, how its predicted, and why predictions routinely break down more than five days out. And we learn how those billion-dollar climate warming models compare to weather forecasting and why they not only don’t work in the long-term but can’t work in the long term. Real life information that global warming supporters can’t run from.

In other words, as Chuck would say, the Great Oz no longer has his curtain to hide behind.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.


When Ruling goes to their Heads | Defending Ourselves

When Ruling goes to their Heads | Defending Ourselves

Show Summary: A look at what’s happening in California, assaults on liberty, national security hot spots coming up, and the intrusion of Big Tech (including right into what you thought was a harmless email) as Big Tech makes itself the vanguard of Big Government. Plus a new gun grab tactic right here in Oregon’s Petri Dish.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Feb 6th & 7th, 2021 | Scott McEwen & Rob Taylor

This Week: Many of us groan, especially those who live in blue states, when the legislative session is upon us.  With Oregon in the lead for making everything obnoxious by following the mantras for “citizen safety”: keeping your distance, suffocating under hot and uncomfortable face coverings, or locking our children out of enjoying sports and social events. We don’t have to look very hard to figure out why blue state governors are taking some heat.

But not to worry. Who needs fiscal responsibility when the money cavalry is on its way in the $2 trillion Covid Blue State Bailout.

Gruesome Newsome

Could it be that liberal California might actually kick their idiot, er, governor to the curb? As of this writing, over 1.4 million Californians signed the recall petitions. And, surprisingly, Silicon Valley CEO’s joined the rebellion. They sent big donations to the recall effort.


Could it be that blue state governors, and state and federal legislators, are beginning to find out that a free people won’t be tied to their draconian orders? We can hope!

Scott McEwen

Scott McEwen, a former Oregonian who has lived in California for many years. He talks to us about what has happened in California, Newsome’s overreach, and those candidates who are already lining up to run for governor when the recall completes its goal.

Scott also discusses the cancel culture and what is happening with censorship and why.  And of course we can’t let Scott go without getting his take on international security issues, such as China and Korea — and what a Biden administration may do to Middle East peace.  Did you know there was a coup in Myanmar? Yep. Myanmar (aka Burma) just had a coup over, of all things, voter fraud.

Rob Taylor

Next up we welcome back Rob Taylor, who himself has been impacted by an attempt to cancel and censor. Rob says how his e-mail account with MailChimp was permanently suspended for a Patriot Prayer link he had in one e-mail.  No warning. Just cancelled.

Then, to add to the censorship, suddenly far-left radicals in Coos County started calling the station where his radio show airs. They demanded he be cancelled. And they started trying to boycott his advertisers.

Far-left radicals who want only their voices heard but no others. Is that really what they think of as “freedom of speech”?

Rob also catches us up on 2nd Amendments issues here in Oregon, including current legislature bills. And a brand new anti-gun tactic the Left is trying out in our Oregon Petri Dish.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Info

Stones for Davids | Fighting the New American Oligarchy

Stones for Davids | Fighting the New American Oligarchy

Show Summary: The American oligarchy of Big Government, Big Business, and Big Media is formidable. Here’s some ammunition to use. This week we take a look at the legal tools available.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Jan. 23 & 24, 2021 | Justin Danhof & Kimberly Hermann

It’s no secret that the American oligarchy of Big Business, Big Government, and Big Media hate Americans. At least the “wrong kind.”

What is the “wrong kind”? Republicans. Conservatives. And especially Trump supporters. Suddenly, politics is the new racism. And if you’re not in the correct party with the correct beliefs, you’re on the outside looking in. It’s not just an American oligarchy either. We all thought Biden was bought by China and foreign interests. And his first days in office confirmed just that as he weakened American energy independence and opened the door to more China and international influence in America.

Oligarchy is a form of power structure in which power rests with a small number of people. These people may be distinguished by nobility, wealth, education, corporate, religious, political, or military control.

American Oligarchy

Right now, the American oligarchy—the triumvirate of Big Government, Big Business (which includes Big Tech), and Big Media—seems indestructible. But like any three-legged stool, take out one leg and the oligarchy topples. And every oligarchy inevitably falls when all the little Davids use the weapons they have.

But what weapons do we have?

Legal Tools to Fight the Oligarchy

If you’re a conservative, you’re not only a “racist” but the victim of political racism. First they accuse of being a racist. Now they attack you with racist-style tactics. If you’re a republican or conservative or especially if you’re Trump supporter, they want you excluded from any level of politics. So much for diversity. They don’t want you in the building. They make broad decisions about you, claiming they know who you are and how you think, and want to exclude you just because you’re a republican or conservative or Trump supporter.

The “conservatives-only” drinking fountains are next.

But there are means to fight back against the oligarchy. Especially legal tools. Many people know about anti-discrimination HR laws like the ADA and Civil Rights Act, which prohibits hiring and firing based on race, sex, and religion. But most people don’t know that when it comes to politics, you can absolutely discriminate. Yes, the laws — passed by politicians — protect political discrimination.

Justin Danhof: The Free Enterprise Project

First up, we bring back Justin Danhof, General Counsel for the National Center for Public Policy Research. We wanted to have him back to focus the legal side of fighting back against Big Tech and Big Business.

The Free Enterprise Project is a program of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Their mandate is “to provide the liberty movement the missing ingredients for success.” Your donation will help keep them fighting for you.

We talk with Justin about what individuals can do to push back against the Big-Tech/Big-Business leg of the American oligarchy stool. Tune in to hear about individual actions you can take. And are there also class actions coming?

Kimberly Hermann: Southeastern Legal Foundation

In the land of the American Oligarchy, there are no end of legal battles to be had. And Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF) is constantly out there fight for American rights and freedoms.

Support the Southeastern Legal Foundation. They are “dedicated to advocating limited government, protecting American freedom, and defending individual liberties”. They have taken on and won landmark constitutional U.S. Supreme Court cases. Help keep them on the front lines, fighting for you.

We talk with Kimberly about the endless executive orders, political discrimination, and the sickening and overtly racist “critical race theory” that they are fighting. SLF just joined a coalition of partners to drive critical race theory out of public offices and schools. And we get her take on the coming impeachment fight.

Does the Constitution even matter anymore?

Tune in. Learn. Fight back.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Further Information

  • Big Tech Oligarchy Threatens Free Speech (Free Enterprise Project, Jan 19, 2021)
    • “Exactly where – were these moral companies over the summer when Kamala Harris and others were encouraging the [Black Lives Matter] protests that attacked over 150 other federal buildings [and] caused damage to private businesses all throughout America?”
  • The US Is Now A Classic Oligarchy…The Clarity Brought By Recognizing This Fact Is Its Only Virtue (CD Media, Jan 20, 2021)
  • Christopher Rufo Vs. The CRT Goliath (The American Conservative, Sep 9, 2021)
  • Nancy Pelosi’s: impeaching a president who is already out of office will bring unity
  • Biden’s 17 Executive Orders and Other Directives in Detail (NY Times, Jan 21, 2021)
  • Report: Joe Biden Calls for DOJ to Resume Obama-Era ‘Slush Fund’ Payouts to Left-Wing Groups (Breitbart, Jan 21, 2021)
  • Online Communications and Content: How Section 230 Reform Has Catapulted into Relevancy (JDsupra, Oct 27, 2020)
  • Refuse to Be Silenced (, Jan 14, 2021)
  • The Republican Party Has Failed America, And Here’s How It Needs To Change Now (Gov Kristi Noem (SD), writing in The Federalist, Jan 8, 2021)
  • America Needs a Divorce, Here is How To Divide It All Up (The Unapologetic Republican, Jan 16, 2021)
  • NYT: Biden’s proposed admin already plagued by corruption, abuse, self-dealing (Convention of States, Nov 30, 2020)
  • White House Publishes Extensive List Of Trump Admin Accomplishments (MAGA Conservatives, Jan 17, 2021)
  • The ‘Common Carrier’ Solution to Social-Media Censorship: Railroads can’t refuse to carry passengers for their political views. The same rule should apply to online monopolies, legal scholar Richard Epstein argues. (Wall Street Journal, Jan 15, 2021)
    • Both left and right share the view that: “As these companies become more imperious, there’s a greater insistence that they be treated as monopolies.” The argument becomes stronger, Mr. Epstein says, “when those who are policing the entry into the networks” make their political preferences clear: “You cannot be both a platform operator and a partisan.
  • Here’s the List of Powerful Companies Cutting Off Trump and His Supporters After Capitol Siege (Victoria Taft in PJ Media, Jan 12, 2021)
  • EXTRAORDINARY: Chat Logs Reveal Alleged Plan To Turn Trump Rally Into Violent Riot (The National Pulse, Jan 15, 2021)
  • Can Employers Discriminate Based on Political Beliefs or Affiliation? (via
  • ‘THIS IS THE ANSWER’: Megyn Kelly Cheers Formation Of Legal Group Fighting Critical Race Theory (Daily Wire, Jan 20, 2021)
  • Tweet from Christopher Rufo re Stop Critical Race Theory coalition (twitter, Jan 20, 2021)
  • Obama’s water war (Politico, May 27, 2015)
    • “decree to unilaterally expand federal authority is a raw and tyrannical power grab that will crush jobs”
    • “In essence, the rule would establish whether antipollution laws are triggered if a farmer blocks a stream to make a pond for livestock, a developer fills in part of a wetland to put up a house or an oil pipeline has to cross a creek.”
  • Clean Water Act, WOTUS (Farmers Bureau, no date, circa 2019)
  • PDF “The Significant Nexus Test: Why the Waters of the United States are so Murky” (Oil and Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Journal, Apr 2016)
  • Trump administration drops Obama-era water protection rule (AP, September 12, 2019)


Davids Fighting Back Against Goliaths | Attacks on Conservatives

Davids Fighting Back Against Goliaths | Attacks on Conservatives

Show Summary: Democrats are acting like they have massive majorities and with the aid of their media and social(ist) media allies, they are quickly working to seize total control. With the aid of the media, democrats impeached with no evidence and pushing a political version of racism. And you better shut up, peasant.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Jan 16 & 17, 2021 | Justin Danhof & Carrie Sheffield

This week: We are now impeaching over imaginary crimes. Crimes of interpretation. Not what someone did. Not what someone actually said. But the imaginary crime of what they think you meant when you said something. And these attacks on conservatives, and especially die-hard Trump supporters, aren’t going to end any time soon.

And, with the aid of their media and left-wing social media allies, the democrats are acting like they have massive majorities in the House and Senate, when they barely have any majority. Once again, they pushed through an impeachment not because he did anything but because they hate Donald Trump so much they lose all control.

Nothing in Trump’s speech incited violence. So democrats must mean he makes them SO MAD they lose all control, and he makes them violent simply by existing

The New Nobility

What the democrats seek is a forcible return to the nobility. Minus the “noble” part. Now they’ve seized control, you’re not to question your betters. But they can punish you just for being a Trump supporter. You must be part of and support all things democrat or you’re in the wrong class. You can be banned. You can lose your job (as has already happened). You can lose contracts. Which has also happened. See our links below.

Stemming the Tide of Hate toward Conservatives

Trump voters thought they had a man who was fair-minded and loyal. Instead, they found out he was a man willing to turn his back on them. As a result, we’re left with an uninspiring, untrustworthy, and in the minds of many, an illegal president who could look to China for even more ill-gotten gains for his family.

So, I Spy Radio is taking a look at ways to correct the ship and support Trump’s efforts as he leaves office and heads to Florida. It is sure to be a time of developing plans to build up even more of the conservative voices in America.

To do that we have a new guest on our show, General Council, Justin Danhof for The National Center for Public Policy Research. They aren’t a “think tank” — they’re a “do tank.” Research for them is just the beginning as they focus on actually making things happen. You’ll be impressed, as we were, about what can happen, such as in corporate settings, to change their narrative and direction.

Then, we check in with Carrie Sheffield, nationally syndicated anchor of Just the News AM, to find out more about the riot in DC as they search for what really happened. Including a FOIA request that was immediately rejected. Could it be because it might be embarrassing to Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi? And expose what really happened? And don’t miss a surprising source who says he knows who did it in DC.

Attacks on Conservatives

If you think that attacks on conservatives is going to end after democrats satisfy their hunger for blood, you’re wrong. They won’t stop until someone stops them. We will be having Justin Danhof on again next week (and possibly Kim Hermann of Southeastern Legal Foundation) to talk about the legal side of things. And to stop attacks on conervatives. With Trump supporters and conservatives being threatened with losing their jobs or their contracts, and other forms of harassment, it’s time to fight back.

If you or someone you know is being harassed and threatened for being a Trump supporter, or if you’ve been threatened with losing your job because of your politics, contact us!

Have questions in the age of attacks on conservatives? Send us your questions ( and we’ll ask them next week

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

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A Little Christmas – A Former Jihadist Joins Us for Some Peace on Earth

A Little Christmas – A Former Jihadist Joins Us for Some Peace on Earth

Show Summary: This week, we talk with former jihadist, Kamal Saleem. Kamal came to America to destroy it from within but converted to Christianity and now works to expose the dangers of Islam. We talk with him about Christmas, what Christmas was like growing up in a Muslim family in the Middle East — and those recent Trump peace deals with Israel. We get a surprise on a deal in the works.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Dec 26 & 27, 2020 | Kamal Saleem

Even in 2020, there are miracles. Today’s guest is himself a bit of a miracle. Raised in a devout Islamic family that sent him to jihadist training school while he was still a child, Kamal Saleem was commissioned to go to America and destroy it from within. That is until a miracle happened.

Kamal Saleem’s Miraculous Conversion

cultrual jihad, a real and sinister threat to America. Watch this incredible video of one former cultural jihadist
A former cultural jihadist – watch the incredible video of Kamal’s journey.

A terrible car accident broke his neck, but Kamal was surrounded by the love of devout Christians who nursed him back to health and saved him — not just from death but from the lies and hatred of radical Islam.

Watch the incredible, miracle that led to Kamal leaving the hatred of Islam behind, to embrace the love of Christianity

Kamal now leads Koome Ministries. Their mission is to see Ishmael Redeemed.

Christmas War

Wait. Christmas? War?

Yes. Christmas is known as a time of Peace on Earth but it was really, when you think about it,  a declaration of war: Jesus coming to earth to declare war on the realm of Satan and that his dominance over the Earth and mankind was coming to an end. 

And right now, there is still a war. For our freedoms and liberties that are enshrined in the Constitution, which recognized God’s desire for mankind to be free. Sorry, liberals. That’s just how it is. Yet we see democrat governors throughout the U.S. trying to take these God-given rights away.

Peace in the Middle East?

But it is a time of peace. And we take some time to talk with Kamal, who grew up in Lebanon, about the Trump peace deals between Israel and its former adversaries. Morocco. The U.A.E. Bahrain. Sudan. And others in the works.

What will happen to these fledgling deals if Biden manages to steal the election? And what would happen with Iran? We already know Biden wants to re-up the Iran Deal. Could this spell disaster in the region? Because there is another, historic—and prophetic—deal that’s shaping up. Between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

This would, quite literally, be a deal of Biblical proportions. Tune in to hear how this deal would be a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy!

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.

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Election Conspiracy: It’s More Widespread than We Thought

Election Conspiracy: It’s More Widespread than We Thought

Show Summary: The media doesn’t see any election fraud. Mainly because they refuse to look. We’re finding plenty of election conspiracy and the depth and breadth of it is astounding. This week, new evidence of 2020’s election-theft conspiracy has emerged, including its historical origins. Not surprisingly, the Clintons were involved.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Dec 18 & 19, 2020 | James Hirsen

When it comes to election conspiracy, the media is doing its best Sergeant SchultzWhen it comes to evidence of election conspiracy, the media is doing its best Sergeant Schultz: “I see nothing!” Election theft isn’t hard to see. One merely needs to open one’s eyes. And ears. And mind. Close minded people never see anything, even the blindingly obvious.

This week, still more evidence of election conspiracy has emerged. And, not surprisingly, it points back to the Clintons. We’re honored to have James Hirsen join us this week. James Hirsen is a bestselling author (Tales from the Left Coast), a media analyst, as well as an attorney who has helped argue cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Be sure to visit James Hirsen’s website, to your daily news rounds

Election Conspiracy: The Evidence is Obvious.

We can thank attorney Lin Wood for shining a spotlight on the latest evidence of election conspiracy. Actually, we can thank him for shining a spotlight on pretty much all of evidence of election conspiracy. Lin Wood, as well as Sidney Powell, have done more to expose election theft than the entire mainstream media.

New Evidence in 2020 Election Theft Scandal: Historical Origins

Does it surprise anyone that the Clintons would be in the middle of the historical origins to steal 2020? Of course it doesn’t.

Lin Wood spotlighted an email from 2010 between Laura Graham and Cheryl Mills that came to light thanks to a FOIA request. The email shows evidence of them discussing Smartmatic, an elections-fixing company that has had “successful elections.” What can that mean other than “our side won.”…?

The emails show an attorney, Cheryl Mills, who clearly should know that vote rigging is being illegal, as the prepare to steal Haiti’s election. And put in someone who will look the other way while the Clinton Foundation has its way with Haiti.

You can read the emails for yourself here:


Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Compromised?

As if evidence of the historical origins that led to election conspiracy in 2020 weren’t enough, Lin Wood is just getting started this week.

He also fired off a series of tweets alleging Chief Justice John Roberts was:

  • conspiring with Justice Breyer to take down Trump and ruin his reelection efforts
  • bullied the other justices into
  • a passenger on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private plane, known as the “Lolita Express”, to Epstein’s private island

Well, the latter would certainly explain a lot of John Roberts’ votes now wouldn’t it?

You can see those tweets beginning with this one.

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Election Aftermath – Good vs Evil. Stop the Steal.

Election Aftermath – Good vs Evil. Stop the Steal.

Show Summary: We talk with Burgess Owens, who retook the seat lost by Mia Love in 2018 when she turned anti-Trump, and the fight ahead for the soul of the nation. We also talk with Dr. Jerome Corsi on the plot to bring down the President — and why he thinks Trump will win. Interesting how both men focus on good vs. evil.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Dec 12 13, 2020 | Burgess Owens & Dr Jerome Corsi

We talk with Burgess Owens, former Super Bowl Champ and frequent I Spy Radio Show guest, about the election aftermath. He retook Mia Love’s seat after she went anti-Trump, buying in to the media narrative rather than trust her own president. That’s fine. If she hadn’t, she’s still be there. But betraying party and country, she lost. Which opened the door for Burgess Owens to take the seat.

And then we welcome another frequent guest, Dr. Jerome Corsi, who takes a look at the ongoing fraud and attempt to steal the election. Dr. Corsi has written two books recently, which are borderline prophetic: “The Plan to Remove Donald Trump from the Presidency” and “How the 2020 Election Ends in a Trump Win”.

In the fight ahead to save America, funny how both men mentioned good vs. evil.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.

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Yes Virginia, there was Election Fraud

Yes Virginia, there was Election Fraud

Show Summary: Despite the mainstream and social(ist) media trying to tell you otherwise, there was election fraud. We examine the evidence from statistical and legal angles. Hint: even mere logic tells you election fraud happened. To believe the election results, you have to believe the unbelievable.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Dec 5 & 6, 2020 | Chuck Wiese & Kimberley Hermann

This week: Whether it’s mysterious spike of ballots all for one candidate in the middle of the night, Republican observers literally locked out of the room, or video evidence in Georgia of suitcases filled with ballots being pulled out from under a table, election fraud is widespread and in our face.

Yes, voter fraud, election fraud, election theft. It’s all real. And it all happened. And when we say “all” we mean the democrats used an “all of the above” approach. Because they pulled every trick in the book to jam as many fraudulent votes past the supposed gatekeepers to then dare anyone from trying to stop them.

Now instead of proving that Trump was innocent he’s now working to prove he won the election.  And his efforts may be paying off. But will truth win out if everybody wants to believe a lie?

But the investigation must move forward so that Americans know that they can trust the next election.  So this week we take a look at the election from two perspectives: an analysis of the impossibility of the numbers, and the legal end of evidence, affidavits and court fights.

Media Silence and Censorship on Voter Fraud

At this point, the mainstream media has laid down their gauntlet by refusing to air any real news surrounding election fraud.  But President Trump, gave an astounding White House speech this week with detail after detail on the election fraud cases. Did the media cover it? Of course not. Compare this to Obama years when they slavishly and dutifully covered every Obama speech no matter how trivial. But a speech from President Trump about rampant, widespread fraud, stealing our election? The media couldn’t be bothered.

Then a video materializes that shows a Georgia ballot counting center having four suitcases filled with Biden ballots hidden under a table.  Only to be retrieved, once the room had been emptied of witnesses, and counted. Why empty the room of witnesses? Why were there ballots hidden in boxes? Does the media even ask questions anymore?

Chuck Wiese: Election Fraud from a Statistical and Logical Analysis

Chuck Wiese walks us through the improbability of the numbers, and the strange spikes of all-Biden ballots.  According to an analysis by Dr. Shiva, an MIT statistician, we can see when the algorithm kicks in, which Mr. Wiese walks us through what that means and how it happened. We also talk other improbable anomalies, like the subtraction of Trump votes during a time they are supposedly adding votes up. Yeah. Things definitely don’t add up.

Kimberly Hermann: Election Fraud from a Legal Analysis

Then attorney Kimberly Hermann, from Southeastern Legal Foundation, takes a look at some current and upcoming lawsuits (you’ll definitely want to hear what they’re working on). Also, what evidence could wake up the media to the fraud going on and what kind of evidence that will overturn the election in the current court suits.

Must Watch Videos!

President Trump’s Speech on Election Fraud

President Trump: “This may be the most important speech I’ve ever made.”

You can also watch on YouTube or on  Facebook.

AZ GOP Chair: Election Fraud by Dominion Voting Machines

A great explanation of the election fraud committed by Dominion voting machines and what they saw in Arizona. AZ GOP Chair – Dominion Exposed

Dr. Shiva’s Video on Election Theft in Michigan

As mentioned during the show, Dr. Shiva from MIT walks you through the metrics and simple analysis to show when the algorithm kicked in in Michigan: MIT PhD and Statistician Outlines Algorithmic Fingerprint within Vote Data.

See also this link on Periscope for more from Dr Shiva: Dr.SHIVA LIVE: My Testimony in Michigan Hearing Today Exposes the Failure of the DOJ.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.

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