Category: Politics

George Soros Part 2

George Soros Part 2

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Show Summary: We continue our discussion into George Soros’ operations in America and abroad. Find out his “secret recipe,” how and where he is so effectively sewing chaos, and how his subversion is not only destroying the lives of millions but also making him a tidy profit. And yes, you the American taxpayer, are helping to fund some of his organizations. But up first, a citizen journalist gives us an eyewitness report of the violence in Portland during the May Day Riot. Tune in to hear the telltale signs of Soros’s fingerprints. And finally, is there some hope for people who’ve seen their cultures and way of life destroyed by him?

All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: May 13 & 14, 2017 | Leo Stratton & Ron Arnold

We continue our in-depth examination of George Soros. You probably know him as the Darth Vader of the Left but after this week’s show, you’ll believe it.

As we discussed in last week’s show, Soros’s money not only is behind so much of the Left’s operations, he also is the organizing force behind them as well. He provides not jusy money but logistical and strategic support for, literally, thousands of groups—not only his own direct groups but all the groups that are supported by him and his groups.

He is also the catalyst for fundraising. In true socialist form, he promises funding but then convinces other people to spend their money instead.

Including from the U.S. tax payers.

He then uses these funds to sew the seeds of chaos and division. And right here in good ol’ Oregon, the Petri Dish for the Left, we’re bearing the brunt of his organizing.

The May Day Riots

It wasn’t that long ago that May Day was an annual celebration in Oregon. May poles. May Day parades. A day of fun and filled with nostalgia.

Nowadays, it’s riots in downtown Portland.

We talk with citizen journalist Leo Stratton, whose YouTube channel has over 200 videos and more than 1 million views, and who was there at “Ground Zero” when the May Day riot broke out. We talk with Leo about what he saw and what it was like to be in the middle of it. Pay attention and listen for the tell-tale fingerprints of Soros  or one of his organizations at work.

Here’s Leo’s video from the May Day riot…

George Soros: Funding Chaos

Guy at the mic wearing a George Soros Army T-shirt. No, it's not Portland, it's Macedonia. It just looks like Portland.
Guy at the mic wearing a Soros Army T-shirt. No, it’s not Portland, it’s Macedonia. It just looks like Portland.

Last week we discussed Soros’s background and upbringing which formed his life outlook. We heard how Soros told his biographer he believed he has “godlike powers” and sees himself as some sort of Messiah.


Perhaps that explains why he has no remorse from destroying the lives of millions of people all so he could make billions of dollars. Why should a god have remorse when all he’s trying to do is inflict a better world on people?

Tune in to hear the vast numbers of countries in which he is trying to force his view of the world on people and the damage he is doing.

And don’t miss: could there be a simple, ulterior motive to what’s driving him? One that is very un-godlike but much more in line with man’s basest drives.

George Soros and USAID

George Soros Army T-Shirts spotted in MacedoniaIf you listened to our virtual interview with Eva Bartlett, you heard about USAID, which is often used as a front organization for the CIA. In particular, USAID and MI6 (yes, the British spy organization) are funding the White Helmets in Syria—a group that “just happens” to show up immediately after civilians are killed, which many people call staged events. Perhaps it’s because the same kids keep getting rescued and often without a scrape or even a speck of dust on them. But did you know this same CIA group funds George Soros’s organization? Tune in to hear that and what other US agencies are giving away money to Soros. Your tax dollars at work.


Finally, don’t miss how—despite the billions George Soros has spent—it may be for naught and how and why his kingdom is beginning to unravel. Maybe us peasants are winning after all.

Links Mentioned

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George Soros Part 1

George Soros Part 1

Show Summary: This week I Spy Radio shines a little daylight on George Soros. Journalist and author, Ron Arnold, who has studied the Left’s funding mechanisms for decades, pulls back the curtain on this shadowy figure. George Soros has his fingers in nearly every plot and ploy by the political Left: anti-gun, anti-free-speech, riots, politicians, and the environmental movement. Speaking of which, First up, Dr. Bob Zybach to discuss a common-sense plan to sell Oregon’s Elliot State Forest, if only Oregonians can convince their public officials to actually listen (you can take action here). Find out why Soros’s billion-dollar Leftist foundations are so successful, while billionaires on the Right fall short. Oh, and did we mention a former Soros staffer gave Ron the inside information on this Insider of Insiders? You won’t want to miss this.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: May 6 & 7, 2017 | Dr. Bob Zybach & Ron Arnold

George Soros spends millions to topple governments. He makes billions from the ensuing chaos. He wields power across the globe, in part because of a compliant mainstream media—which is mute either because they fear him or because he buys their silence by supporting their Leftist causes. George Soros made his fortune from shrewd investments but also by betting on destruction (his famous short selling of the British pound) and by supporting dictators only to demand special favors from them after their “elections.”

If there is an anti-traditional-American-values organization, you can bet George Soros is likely behind it. Anti-guns, anti-traditional marriage, anti-federalist, anti-religion, and on and on. He is also known for heavily “investing” in Far Left environmental causes, in part because they are anti-capitalism. (As we say here on I Spy Radio, healthcare is how the Left controls people; the environmental movement is how the Left controls industry and corporations.)

Dr. Bob Zybach on the Sale of the Elliot State Forest

We start the show with Dr. Bob Zybach. For years, the Far Left environmentalists have had a stranglehold on politics in Oregon. This has led to massive waste and lost revenue from State Public Lands, like the Elliot State Forest, which is northeast of Coos Bay on the Oregon coast.

How bad is it? Oregon loses tens of millions every year thanks to mismanagement—when it should be making at least $5 million per year. The losses have been piling up, year after year, with timber either rotting away or burning away in forest fires, that the State has decided to cut its losses (rather than cutting trees—at a profit, mind you) that Oregon has decided to sell this 80,000 acres. The land is valued at $800 million. But thanks to the terms and conditions and regulations piled on it, they only received one bid: for $200 million. Just 25% of the value. And which will only generate 10 jobs.

But there’s a better way. Dr. Zybach walks us through what is happening with the sale and how a decades’ old, common-sense plan could be the answer. If only Oregonians can make politicians listen.

Exposing George Soros, Part 1

We then turn to Ron Arnold, for Part 1 of our examination of George Soros, the billionaire behind so much of America’s current woes. Mr. Arnold got his journalistic start back in the 1990s when Oregon had the Spotted Owl fiasco that ended up destroying Oregon’s logging industry, much to the surprise of many in the timber business.  They were surprised because nobody took it seriously that an owl could shut down a whole industry.

Mr. Arnold has written ten books and edited 12. His special focus is the means the Left funds its operations. He has made a special focus of George Soros. And, thanks to a former Soros staffer, Mr. Arnold has the goods on George Soros.

We’ll walk you through how George Soros lurched into politics—thanks to several names you’ll recognize and who are still operating behind the scenes today.  You’ll also hear how Soros developed unique operational strategies and why they are more successful than those on the Right.

This week is a broad look at George Soros and how he spins his many-layered webs. Tune in to hear how Soros helped bring down the Soviet Union, his organizational operations, his hypocrisies, and how he does what he does.

Next week, we’ll look further behind the scenes and some specific examples of how he seeks to cripple America. Don’t make the mistake of thinking he’s not trying to take America down.

After all, he’s already done it in other countries.

Links Mentioned

Congress Fails Again | Obamacare Repeal and Security Oversight

Congress Fails Again | Obamacare Repeal and Security Oversight

Show Summary: You’d think with its recent record, the notion of “Congress fails again” should be no surprise. And yet they failed on their biggest campaign promise from the last seven years: Repeal Obamacare and replace it. They are also failing on oversight of the intelligence community, since it turns out Trump was right: the Obama administration was spying on him. Fortunately, we had no faith in Congress to do what it said so for this week, we look at the merits of the Obamacare replacement plans, not whether it would pass. We also take a look at the attack in London and the espionage of President Trump.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: March 25 & 26, 2017 | Lisa Lettenmaier & Scott McEwen

When it comes to healthcare and Obamacare, a lot of people mix the two together. You’ll hear pundits talk about “fixing Obamacare” when what they really mean is we need to fix the healthcare industry. Obamacare is how we pay for healthcare. Mostly. Because it also impacts how healthcare is administered, which impacts the amount and quality of the medical care a patient receives.

This week, we are talking about healthcare financing—in other words, Obamacare—and how it impacts insurance. We talk with Lisa Lettenmaier who discusses how we pay for healthcare, the impact it has on the healthcare industry, and how it could potentially be repaired.

We start off by discussing how the new Ryan legislation attempts to repeal Obamacare, to  get us out from under the mandates and expenses Obamacare created.  Heavy-handed government interference has changed the way we receive and pay for our healthcare but how hard is it to untie all of the tangles Obamacare has added to our healthcare industry?  We discuss the good and the bad of what is being proposed and what we should expect in the near future. Lisa walks us through a lot of the different pieces of this confusing challenge to repeal Obamacare.

In our second half, we talk with bestselling author, Scott McEwen (American Sniper), about the recent London terrorist attack and security concerns arising out of the insane PC culture that is Britain.

We also talk about Sen. Nunes’s revelations of the Trump surveillance that sounds like government agencies did in fact electronically trap private conversations among the Trump team.

If true, US government agencies used the weight and power of the government to listen in on, and spy on, a political opponent of the then-President. And don’t miss Scott’s shocking insights into why Nunes may have publically come forward with the initial information.

Move over Nixon. Obama just made you look like a regular putz.

Links Mentioned

Lisa Lettenmaier (Segments 1–3)

Scott McEwen (Segments 4–6)


Trump’s Promises | Trade and Immigration

Trump’s Promises | Trade and Immigration

Show Summary: Trump’s promises on trade and immigration reform were central to his campaign—and to his victory. Will he fulfill those promises?

All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

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Air Dates: March 4 & 5, 2017 | William Gheen & Tom Stumo

There were two hot-button issues that were central promises Trump made during his campaign: fixing illegal immigration and getting us out of bad trade deals. We’ve seen the swamp’s alligators already fight back against Trump’s executive order on illegal immigrants, just imagine what will happen once he starts taking actions to renegotiate on trillion-dollar trade deals—which incorporate immigration policies.

We know what bad trade deals look like: the TPP. The Trans Pacific Partnership would have, among other things, done away with American sovereignty. It would have made our laws subject to a foreign court. But what would good trade deals look like?

Trump’s Promises

Infographic Trump's promises - immigration and tradeWe talk with Michael Stumo, the CEO of Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) to understand what effective trade policies look like — and how our politicians have sabotaged U.S. interests, whether wittingly or unwittingly. CPA is a coalition of agriculture, manufacturing and organized labor associations, companies and individuals. CPA’s mission is to develop policies to balance U.S. trade, maintain U.S. sovereignty, and develop an effective national production and economic strategy.

But first we talk with William Gheen of ALIPAC about another of Trump’s promises: fighting for legal immigration. We found out how President Trump is doing on fulfilling his promises and what people ought to be doing to make sure he does.

President Trump, in his speech to Congress, mentioned a “merit-based immigration system,” similar to what Canada uses. Is this something the U.S. should use? Tune in to hear the merits of the merit based system and how this could be a step in the right direction to radically transform our current system, which rewards family ties over real contributions to society.

Links Mentioned

William Gheen (Segments 1–3)

Michael Stumo (Segments 4–6)

Exposing the Media’s Real Fake News

Exposing the Media’s Real Fake News

Show Summary: You’ve heard of “fake news” but have you seen evidence of it in action? Yes, there’s plenty of fake news by CNN and the like about President Trump now and during the election. But would the media go so far as to allow people to be killed because of their fake news? Shockingly, yes. Tune in to this week’s I Spy Radio Show for the proof.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Feb. 25 & 26, 2017 | Guest: Eva Bartlett

Eva Bartlett is an independent journalist based out of Canada and, unlike the majority of the “corporate” or mainstream media, she has actually been to Syria and has actually met with and talked with the Syrian people in the war torn areas. What she has to report flies in the face of what the media is reporting.

As several guests of I Spy Radio have reported in the past, the US is on the wrong side of the war in Syria. ISIS got its start thanks to the likes of Sen. John McCain and Hillary Clinton. Yes, the U.S. is and has supported terrorists.

White Helmets - an NGO paid for by the UK and US staging heroic events to support overthrowing the Syrian government
Fake news – funny how a girl can be pulled from a pile of rubble but not a speck of dust on her

But to believe the mainstream media, , the Syrian rebels are modern-day freedom fighters—like our Founding Fathers. That President Assad is an evil dictator not supported at all by the Syrian people. To believe the media, the Russians are the bad guys.

Except, according the Eva, the exact opposite is true. And the mainstream, corporate media is lying to you to promote a political narrative and to give moral support for regime change.

‘We were living in security and peace. These areas are being targeted, they want to force us to leave. Every Syrian is being targeted,’ one Syrian religious leader told a delegation of reporters who visited Aleppo earlier this month. (full story)

Tune in this week to learn firsthand how the media is manipulating stories, staging war scenes, working with the White Helmets—a NGO (non-governmental organization) funded by the CIA through USAID and the UK to stage events—and flat out lying about the events in Syria. It’s fake news all right. But it’s not just telling lies about Donald Trump. It’s fake news that is costing the lives of innocent people.

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Trump vs Globalism

Trump vs Globalism

Show Summary: It’s Trump vs Globalism. While we’ve had successful businessmen as presidents before, we’ve never had such a successful entrepreneur before.  And not just an entrepreneur but a builder. And sometimes when you build, you need to tear some things down. Like that whole New Order. Last week, Trump fired the first shot at the heart of Globalism: open borders. Listen this week to hear how and why a businessman’s approach is so different from the typical Washington mindset and how that approach will make for a successful transformation of America away from the Globalists who would rule Her.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Feb. 5th & 6th, 2017 | Guests Carl Higbie & Jonathan Williams

This week it’s Trump vs Globalism. Globalism is about subverting America to the larger international order. It’s about the “global community” taking priority over—and largely deciding—America’s interests.

We see this “globalist” mindset especially in the environmental movement, where people who don’t even live in an area take it upon themselves to make environmental decisions for those who do live there. No logging. No mining. No ranching. No water.

Trump vs Globalism

Fortunately, the globalist candidate—Hillary Clinton—lost. And also fortunately Donald Trump understands exactly who the real enemies are: those who put the rest of the world ahead of America. President Trump brings an entrepreneur’s mindset to put plans to action to make America great again. A businessman’s mindset of demanding actions over plans, even if those actions aren’t perfect.

If there is one organization that has to be heaving a huge sigh of relief over the election, it has to be the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). ALEC has been promoting conservative, free-market, pro-business policies for decades. And now, finally, we have a businessman in office who truly gets it.

We talk with Jonathan Williams, the Vice President of the Center for State Fiscal Reform at ALEC about the changes Trump is already making. We especially focus on President Trump’s so-called “Muslim Ban”which put a 90-day moratorium on immigrants and travelers from seven countries where there is a high amount of radical Islam. We also look at how a businessman’s decision making is so vastly different from that of a career politician — to say nothing of a community organizer.

And then we talk with Carl Higbie, a former SEAL, author, and Fox News and CNN contributor about the “Muslim Ban” and Trump’s first military action—the attack in Yemen that killed 14 militants and, regretfully, a Navy SEAL. Here too, don’t miss how a businessman’s attitude and winning mindset will lead to incredibly different outcomes in the Middle East.

Watch Carl destroy a former Michigan governor as she tries to claim non-Americans not even in America are protected by the Constitution.

Links Mentioned


History and Traditions of Inauguration Day

History and Traditions of Inauguration Day

Show Summary: Celebrating Inauguration Day Weekend! We explore the history and traditions of Inauguration Day in depth. Changes to the oath of office, parades, balls, Bibles, and how they became traditions.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Jan. 21 & 22, 2017 | Greg Leo

Answering the call of many Americans who were tired of Washington working for itself and not for them, President Trump gave an inaugural speech that declared today was the start of putting the people back in control of their government.  And his speech gave Americans the chance to witness once again the peaceful passing of power, without war, following our Constitution, which supersedes all those who have taken office.

Full Transcript of President Trump’s Inaugural Speech

John Wilkes Booth, in the talk silk top hat, at Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address.
John Wilkes Booth, in the talk silk top hat, at Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address

So we take a look at the history and traditions of America’s Presidents taking power. The Inaugural Balls, the parade, even the Inaugural Speech itself. Some of these traditions date back to Washington but many of them are recent innovations.

Listen to hear about the President who stayed outside in the cold giving the longest inaugural address and then passed away 30 days later due to pneumonia.  Or hear about the president-elect and president who couldn’t even talk to each other as they rode to the Capitol for the inauguration, the different Bibles some presidents chose, and lots more.

America’s rich history comes to light this weekend as we watch President Trump take office.

Another view of John Wilkes Booth at Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural
Another view of John Wilkes Booth at Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural (click for larger view)

And just think. If it were up to the likes of Karl Rove, we’d be watching Hillary give her speech while Karl explained why the John Kasich/Marco Rublio ticket hadn’t reached out enough to Hispanics.

Thank the Lord!

Join us for a celebration of the traditions of Inauguration Day!


Links Mentioned

Historical Photos of Inauguration Day

Additional Traditions of Inauguration Day Links


Obama’s Last Minute Damage | The Russians are Coming

Obama’s Last Minute Damage | The Russians are Coming

Show 7-01 Summary: Russian hacking or Obama trying to do as much damage as he can on the way out the door? Obama grabbed another 1.8 million acres in Utah and Nevada — can this be undone or is it another victory for the U.N. enviro-nazis? Plus, the Russians are coming! Did the Russians actually do any hacking or didn’t they?

All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

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Air Dates: Jan 7 & 8, 2017 | Rep. Ken Ivory (R-UT) & Kevin Freeman

Welcome to our 2017 kickoff show as we watch President Obama packing up and getting ready to leave White House while President Trump prepares to take control.

As if to cause whatever trouble he can on the way out, in true community-organizer fashion, two big things have happened during the remaining days of Obama’s presidency.  First was his most recent land grab of over 1.3 million acres in Utah, adding to the half a billion acres he’s already taken out of state control.  And second is the last gasps of politicization of intelligence agencies as they muddle through whether Russia hacked files that may or may not have impacted on the elections.

Obama’s Land Grab

We start with Rep. Ken Ivory (R-UT) who discusses what it means to have Obama seize yet more land for the federal government, the difference of national forest status to national monument, and all the rights removed from people being able to access the land for any use.  In Oregon we know firsthand the painful reality of having so much land removed from tax rolls with some counties having no resources to pay for school funding. Over the next two weeks remaining to Obama’s powers of pen and phone, will Malheur Forest and Siskiyou Crest National forest be added to the list of national monument designations?

Russians Hacking or Not?

Putin releases the identity of the Russian hacking spies who influenced the electionWe’ll also be talking about the alleged Russian “hacking” and whether it did, in fact, influence the elections. Agencies are alleging that they have proof the Russians did hand off hacked material to WikiLeaks. We talk to Kevin Freeman about the truth of all this, as well as the politicization of our intelligence agencies and how it’s gone wild under President Obama.  This is the president whose intelligence agencies told the American public that ISIS wasn’t to be  worried about and in the weeks before the “Arab Spring” that the Muslim Brotherhood was essentially a civic organization and nothing to worry about.

We’ve watched as Obama used our spy agencies to push political agendas rather than giving us, the people, the straight scoop—or do what they were designed to do: defend the U.S. from outside attacks. Are their solutions to “de-politicizing” our intel agencies? Don’t miss the steps we need to take.

Links & Further Information

Ken Ivory (Segments 1–3)

Kevin Freeman


The Final Countdown – Obamacare Slavery vs Freedom

The Final Countdown – Obamacare Slavery vs Freedom

Show Summary: This is it. The final countdown. And if there’s one issue that sums up this entire race for the presidency, if there’s one issue that truly defines the difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump it is Obamacare. It is a choice between Obamacare slavery or the freedom of repeal and replace. Tune in to find out why Obamacare is not—and never has been—just about health care.

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All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Nov 5 & 6, 2016 | Lisa Lettenmaier

It all comes down to this. Will America choose Obamacare slavery? Or freedom through repeal and replace?

Single-payer, universal health care.  It’s been Hillary’s dream for decades and now she is on the verge of fulfilling her dream to make America slaves again. Because Obamacare is not just about health insurance. That’s just how you pay for health care. The reality of Obamacare is how it gives the government permission to control nearly every aspect of your life. Because when you give the government control over your health, it’s an open door.

This belief of total government control stands in stark contrast to Trump’s wish of repealing and replacing. It’s about freedom vs. Hillary’s all-intrusive “health care.”

Obamacare Slavery

Exactly how would that affect us?  We talk with Lisa Lettenmaier, who clues us in how Oregonians are already feeling the intrusion of big government. For those who are in CCOs (Coordinated Care Organizations) here in Oregon, in-home inspections are occurring where medical staff go to the home to make suggestions on “lifestyle changes.”

This is the crux of what we’re facing: what happens if there is a single payer system combined with an all-too-powerful government? It is the proverbial “slippery slope.” In just a few years, we could literally be opening the door to government intrusions as voluntary assessments become mandatory. And government bureaucrats will be making decisions for you. Think about that. What if they determine you’re mentally unfit because you’re an “intolerant Christian” and find guns in your home?  What if they determine you shouldn’t be parenting because of your faith’s “biases”?  If the expansion of government is bad now what can happen if Obamacare becomes a single payer system under a Hillary presidency?

Our guest, Lisa Lettenmaier, truly opens the door to expose what is going on in the health care world, and gives us insights into why insurance costs are escalating and what we can be looking at if Obamacare expands even further.  So many promises of savings and better care have never materialized. This week we take a look at Obamacare and, in the last of our series of shows to compare Hillary and Trump, we compare their two very different health care plans.

If you or someone you know is still on the fence, this week’s show will push them over. Don’t miss it!

Donald Trump’s Gettysburg Address

Be sure to watch Donald Trump’s “Gettysburg Address” — his contract with America, where he outlines his first 100 days in office.


The Candidate’s “Closer” Ads

Compare Trump’s closer ad “Argument for America” to Hillary’s closer, “Roar“. What do you think? Which is better? And why? Let us know what you think in the comments, below.

Links Mentioned

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Foreigners and foreign policy – Illegals and illegal activity

Foreigners and foreign policy – Illegals and illegal activity

Show Summary: Illegals and illegal activity. Foreigners and foreign interests. Hillary’s corrupt State Department is directly responsible for America’s current decline in the world. Her answer is open borders and continue the decline. The world is officially turned upside down. This week, it’s all about foreigners and foreign interests as we explore the impact of illegal immigrants on our elections with William Gheen of ALIPAC and the impact of the Obama administration on our once proud standing in the world with bestselling author, Scott McEwen.

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All Stations Stream Live!
11:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland) | KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Oct 29 & 30, 2016 | William Ghenn & Scott McEwen

It is a wild, wild election cycle. It turns out the mainstream media is better protection for Hillary Clinton than the US Secret Service. The mainstream media is better protection for Hillary than the US Secret Service. But they haven’t been able to stop every bullet.

And while the mainstream media is throwing itself in front of every bullet headed toward Hillary, she is vulnerable on two fronts: her support for illegal immigrants and on foreign policy. Think about it. Hillary’s corrupt State Department is directly responsible for the current decline in the world. Her answer is open borders and a warlike stance against Russia in the Middle East and bowing to Chinese influence in the South Pacific? The world is officially upside down.

Speaking of upside down, check out the video of Michael Moore endorsing Donald Trump. (warning! A lot of bad language but the substance is worth it)

Hillary Clinton liar liar pantsuit on fireWe start off with William Gheen of ALIPAC ( and the evidence of illegal immigrants voting—illegally!— in US elections. ALIPAC is leading a wave of protests across the U.S. (see links below for list and to add yours) against Hillary. They are even trying to take out a couple of sitting Congressmen.

Then we talk with bestselling author, Scott McEwen about the decline of the U.S. in world standing, thanks to the Hillary Clinton corrupt State Department. We’re losing allies and making enemies. And wikileaks is exposing the corruption. Scott is an expert in geopolitical issues, don’t miss his thoughts on Russian and China and the precarious position Hillary and eight years of Obama has left us in.

Links Mentioned

  • William Gheen’s organization is ALIPAC. Americans for Legal Immigration is the nation’s leading political action committee fighting against illegal immigration and for legal immigration.
  • Ryan faces tough reelection bid—as Speaker (The Hill, Oct. 27, 2016)
  • Check out their National Wave of Protests Against Hillary Clinton – start yours today!
  • Scott McEwen’s website is
  • His latest book is Ghost Sniper (July 2016) and his forthcoming book will be released in November – American Commander

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