Category: Public Lands

14-01 The Two Major Fights in 2024 | Encouraging Victories from 2023

14-01 The Two Major Fights in 2024 | Encouraging Victories from 2023

Show 14-01 Summary: The 2023 wins and future battles. There will be two major fights in the year ahead. The first will be the battle over the First Amendment — especially free speech. Twenty-three states have created censorship and monitoring programs to keep the truth hidden from the public in favor of their propaganda. The second major fight will be the battle to convince people to get engaged and to not stay silent. Why? Because 2023 saw a bunch of huge wins. Even here in Oregon! When people spoke up, they won. That’s what we need more of in the year ahead.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: January 6th & 7th, 2024 | Guest: Craig Rucker

This Week – 2023 Wins and Future Battles

There will be two major fights in the year ahead. The first and biggest will be the battle over the First Amendment — especially free speech. In 2020, we saw the Deep State censor vital information from voters — like the Hunter Biden laptop story and the Biden corruption scandals. And the covid origin story and viable covid treatments of Ivermectin and HCQ. And injuries and death from the not safe, not effective vaccines. All that to seize control.

As of this writing, 23 states have joined the Biden administration to seize control of free speech, claiming they are fighting “disinformation.” All 23 of them just happen to be democrat-led states. Hint to tyrants: that’s not the government’s job. The government’s job is to defend free speech. Not attack it. The second major fight will be the battle to get people engaged. Is America worth saving? Is the America we’ve become worth defeating—to go back to the America we loved and was worth fighting for? The battle ahead will be to convince people to get engaged and to not stay silent. Why? Because 2023 was the year of wins. We saw what happened when people spoke up. They won. That’s what we need more of in the year ahead.

Winning 2023

Our guest this week is Craig Rucker, the president and co-founder of CFACT (the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow). We discuss with him the wins CFACT had in 2023 and the wins we had here in Oregon. And we look ahead to what needs to happen to get even more wins in 2024.

You’ll also hear about some surprising wins that weren’t planned and came a bit out of the blue — against “green” energy.

What You’ll Learn this Week

  • The huge victories CFACT had in 2023
  • The wins we had in Oregon. Including a huge win that you probably haven’t heard about: the dismantling of the Governor’s carbon scheme
  • Why the victories happened
  • Keys to getting more wins in 2024
  • The annual Global Warming confab, COP 28, and the reality check the host country gave to the Green Energy Cult and its attempt to get rid of oil. Get this: the COP28 president declared, “there is ‘no science’ behind the demand to phase-out of fossil fuels.” What?
  • And of course, lots more.

We had some wins too on I Spy Radio! We broke into some rankings that were unexpected — unexpected because we haven’t been doing any self-marketing. We were ranked 18th on FeedSpot’s 30 best Conservative Talks Shows, and 36th on PlayerFM’s Best Conservative Radio Talk Show Podcasts for 2023. Wow! And they chose us out of 1,000s of shows.

Whoops! Just checked that FeedSpot and now we’re up to 16th. Thank you listeners!

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

CFACT and COP 28

  • If CFACT is not already on your reading list, they should be. Bookmark
  • Check out CFACT’s incredible coverage of COP 28 . Here are just a few:
    • Real America News — Stella Escobedo with Craig Rucker: Analysis Of The COP28 Climate Summit (Real America News, Dec 18th, 2023)
      • COP 28 was “a smorgasbord of far Left groups and people who are in the renewable energy industry who have a vested financial interest. Also people with an ideological interest in advancing the climate agenda.”
    • Craig Rucker on One America News: COP28 Countries Vote On Climate Disaster Fund (OAN, Nov 30, 2023)
      • Craig: it’s reparations in its own way – the West is causing “Climate Change.”
    • Was COP 28 climate imperialism’s last gasp? (CFACT, Dec 29th, 2023)
      • “African diplomats said at COP 28 that ‘the idea of a fossil-fuel phaseout [is] unworkable.’”*the real story of COP 28 – that, for perhaps the first time in 28 tries, the clash between Western ideologues “who are exhausted with the modern world” and developing nations “who want in on the modern world” was out in the open for the world to see.
    • PODCAST: New House resolution would nullify UN COP 28 meat plan (CFACT, Dec 18th, 2023)
    • COP 28: UN climate conference ends with more of the same tired ‘goals’ (Craig Rucker, CFACT, Dec 18th, 2023)
  • Cop28 president says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels (The Guardian, Dec 3, 2023)*“Exclusive: UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber says phase-out of coal, oil and gas would take world ‘back into caves’”
  • Yet another win for CFACT: Another offshore wind project is canceled (Just the News, Jan 3, 2024)
  • Listen to Craig’s previous appearance on I Spy Radio for more wins they had, Show 13-42 Winds of War: Billions from Offshore Wind Farms – and Fighting Back.

Oregon Wins


13-49 Common Sense Prevails | Elliott State Research Forest Plan Gets Sidelined

13-49 Common Sense Prevails | Elliott State Research Forest Plan Gets Sidelined

Show 13-49 Summary: Could this be a win for Oregon? And common sense? It sure looks like one. Out of the blue, the Elliott State Research Forest plan, which would remove most of Oregon’s largest state forest from production to “study” it — suddenly, Oregon State University pulled out. To use the Left’s favorite catchphrase, it just wasn’t sustainable. Thanks also goes to the tribal nations who thought the plan was not only a financial mess but an environmental mess too. But was there more afoot here than meets the eye? Was it all a scheme to put something else in place? We talk the history of the Elliott State Forest, the evolution of research plan, and how government created the problem it could then fix. If only we spent billions on it.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: December 9, 2023 | Guests: Dr. Bob Zybach and Jen Hamaker

This Week – Elliott State Research Forest Plan Sidelined

After years of planning (scheming) and millions of dollars spent on the deal to decommission Oregon’s largest state forest. out of the blue, Oregon State University president, Jayathi Murthy, backed out. That took real courage. As I Spy Radio has been saying all along, this was never going to make financial sense. Nor environmental sense for the endangered species the environmentalists claimed they wanted to help.

What happened?

We talk with long-time guest and I Spy Radio‘s “in house” forestry and timber expert, Dr. Bob Zybach about why this forest deal was a boondoggle from the start. And with Jen Hamaker, president of ONRI, whose organization helped drive public outcry against Oregon’s statewide Habitat Conservation Plan. And how that outcry helped lead OSU’s president to make the right decision.

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Environmentalists

As of this writing, this looks like a win for Oregon. And common sense.

Remember, Oregon, by law, is supposed to be making money for the Common School Fund from its forests. But Far Left environmentalists have seized control in Oregon and are working to do anything but harvest timber. Which means they really don’t understand the environment at all. Just ask the tribal nations.

Who did, in fact, tell the environmentalists exactly that. The Elliott State Research Forest would not work. Not financially. And not be sustainable environmentally either. It would, in fact, create a worse habitat for the species they claimed they wanted to protect.

their plans would ruin the which would remove most of the state forest from production to “study” it — suddenly, Oregon State University pulled out. If it can’t be resurrected by December 31, 2023, the deal will sunset. Thankfully, OSU staff saw the impractical and nonviable finances and withdrew. Thanks in large part, too, to the tribal nations who thought the plan was not only a financial mess but an environmental mess too. One that ignored common sense and basic understanding of forestry. (Keep in mind, this was a management scheme cooked up by so-called “environmentalists.”) But was there more afoot here than meets the eye? Was it all a scheme to put something else in place? We talk the history of the Elliott State Forest, the evolution of research plan, and how government created the problem it could then fix. If only we spent billions on it.

What You’ll Learn on Today’s Show

  • How the Elliott State Forest was sabotaged by the government, creating a problem that needed to be solved
  • Why public outcry against the Elliott State Research Forest played a huge role in OSU backing out as the research partner
  • How Oregon is stealing from its own children. Millions spent on the plan when the Elliott State Forest should have been generating millions of dollars, every year, for the Common School Fund

Be sure to scroll down to the Links & Info section to see the flurry of letters back and forth about the end of the Elliott deal, Dr. Bob’s “boondoggle” article, and more.

  • Why the tribes said this wouldn’t work
  • The secretive, closed-door meetings to push the plan
  • Was there something else behind this scheme to take the Elliott Forest offline?
  • Who would profit from a “side plan” to sell carbon credits

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Related Information

  • Read the alternative proposal to the Elliott State Research Forest: The Giesy Plan.
  • Cop28 president says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels (The Guardian, Dec 3, 2023)*“Exclusive: UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber says phase-out of coal, oil and

    gas would take world ‘back into caves’”

13-35 The Habitat Conservation Plan Designed to Destroy Habitat

13-35 The Habitat Conservation Plan Designed to Destroy Habitat

Show 13-35 Summary: From all appearances, Oregon’s Board of Forestry seems determined to press forward with their disastrous habitat conservation plan (HCP), regardless of how much opposition there is against it. But there are still a couple of chances to stop it. We talk with Jennifer Hamaker of Oregon Natural Resource Industries about the looming vote in Salem this week and what can still be done to stop Oregon from abandoning its state forests for 70 years. Plus, where is all this heading? Are Oregon’s other natural resource industries also on the chopping block?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: September 2nd & 3rd, 2023 | Guest: Jennifer Hamaker

This Week – The Habitat Conservation Plan

We check in with Jennifer Hamaker from Oregon Natural Resource Industries (ONRI) to get an update on Oregon’s disastrous “plan” for it’s state forests: abandon them for 70 years under a Habitat Conservation Plan. The board had originally pushed the decision back to November but suddenly moved it back to September 6th and 7th — this week. For a 70 year plan, you’d think they’d take the time to get it right. But as we learn, the reality is, they were going to do it regardless. Once again, government has forgotten it works for the people.

Anyone else think they just laugh and laugh at that thought behind closed doors?

Board of Forestry Salem Meeting

Oregon’s Board of Forestry is meeting in Salem, September 6th and 7th, to decide to rubber stamp this disastrous plan. We say rubber stamp because if you read their resolution, the wording is all but identical whether they pass it or not. They will still pursue an HCP. See for yourself:

ODF chair's resolution regarding the Oregon habitat conservation plan
It’s the identical except for “current process.” (click image for full size)

But all that is needed is for one board member to flip their vote to delay the process. A seventy year project needs more discussion. Especially since affected state agencies and school districts, like the Jewell School District, have not known the full consequences or extent of the loss of funding. And the state still has no plans to make up the lost revenue. Revenue, which Tina Kotek calls an “outdated funding model.”

Want to go to the Salem Meeting? The comment period is from 8am – 10 am both days, September 6th and 7th. The Oregon Department of Forestry headquarters is at 2600 State St, Salem (Google map). Even if you can’t testify (all the spots are currently taken), you can drop off written testimony. And just being there in opposition sends the message.

Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan Won’t Work

Because Oregon is abandoning 53% of its state forests, with no human activity allowed, this habitat conservation plan — despite its (allegedly) good intentions —  will destroy the habitat it’s intended to protect. Why? Because here in Oregon, we get forest fires. Lots of them. And with lack of management, we get more of them. What do you think will happen in “protected” areas that have zero management. Does the State think squirrels will don fire gear and put them out?

Find out more about Oregon’s HCP at Oregon Stronger Together

What’s this about “no human activity,” you ask? But Oregon’s habitat conservation plan doesn’t do that, you say. They tell us so.

Yes, they do. But like so much of government, the HCP is just one layer. While Oregon’s habitat conservation plan doesn’t rule out human activity, the next layer does. The Forest Management Plan. Ah, yes. There is always another layer to bureaucracy. That way, they can scoff, honestly, about the HCP not stopping human activity. Silly citizens! Oh, but the Forest Management Plan? The plan we’re not talking about? Well, yes. As you’ll hear from Jennifer Hamaker, that plan will keep humans out of the forests.

And the bigger question is: where is all of this heading? If the state is taking these lands offline, in contravention of its own laws, what’s next? Fishing? Farming?

Perhaps this article will give you a clue: “These 14 American Cities Have a ‘Target’ of Banning Meat, Dairy, and Private Vehicles by 2030.”

And that’s why this effort by the “environmentalists” to seize Oregon’s state forests and lands needs to be stopped. Now.

HCP Lawsuit

If the state plows through with its plan, the answer is to do what the environmental Left is already doing. Sue the state. According to a Statesman-Journal article, the multiple lawsuits brought by environmental groups to do more to protect endangered species. ONRI is currently looking for a lawyer to take on this case. That will take a lot of money. Please consider helping them hire an attorney. Unlike leftist “non-profits,” ONRI does not get millions in taxpayer dollars from Global Warming.

We’ll have Jennifer on again to get updates later on in the fall.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Jennifer Hamaker is president of Oregon Natural Resource Industries, or ONRI. Their websites are and . Please donate to help ONRI stand up for Oregon’s natural resources! Right now, they need to raise funds for an attorney.

Why does Oregon need a Habitat Conservation Plan to govern state forests? (Statesman Journal, Aug 19, 2023)

3 years after historic wildfires, report suggests state contributed (Statesman Journal, Aug 18, 2023)

What’s coming next? “These 14 American Cities Have a ‘Target’ of Banning Meat, Dairy, and Private Vehicles by 2030” (The Federalist, Aug. 19th, 2023).

13-34 The Next New Phases of Global Warming | Totalitarianism

13-34 The Next New Phases of Global Warming | Totalitarianism

Show 13-34 Summary: Trained scientist and meteorologist Chuck Wiese debunks the Global Warming doctrine, especially as it is used as the blame for Maui’s fires and California’s rain. Hottest summer ever? Hardly. But why this matters is because of where those pushing this religion (it’s most certainly NOT science) want to take society. And if you listen close, you’ll hear the stepping stones of the path they’re laying down to Global Warming totalitarianism.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: August 26th & 27th, 2023 | Guest: Chuck Wiese

This Week – The Left’s Totalitarianism

This week, the political Left dropped all pretense that they don’t really want totalitarianism with the arrest and accompanying mug shot of a former president. Attacking one’s political opponent is a hallmark of totalitarianism, which, as good little Marxists, is exactly their end goal.

Think about how completely anti-American that is. Our very first amendment guarantees the right to an opinion and to express it. Now, a former president has been arrested and charged, and his mug shot released for exercising his first amendment rights. For daring to question an election.

If you want to prove to people an election was rigged, a great way to do it is to arrest people who question it.

Blame it on Global Warming

Earlier in August, the Willamette Valley and a lot of the U.S. went through a heat spell — formerly known as “summer.” Now, it’s ALL global warming. And, it was the “hottest summer EVER (!!!)” — emphasis theirs not ours. But was it? We bring Chuck Wiese on to talk about it.

And as if the warmist shrieking wasn’t enough, global warming was immediately blamed (as is literally every single weather event) for the Maui fires and Hurricane Hilary flooding California. Were they?

Global Warming: it’s like racism but for weather

Global Warming Totalitarianism Lawfare

But it’s no longer just global warming marketing and spin to push their ideology to ensure billions of taxpayer dollars flows into the Left’s political allies’ pockets. No, that’s for punters. We’ve entered a new phase of pushing their ideology.

There is no climate emergency. But there is global warming totalitarianism.
But there is global warming totalitarianism. See the report.

Call it Climate Change totalitarianism or Global Warming totalitarianism, the Left has now decided to use the justice system to force its ideology on American society.

This week, we talk about a new ruling out of Montana (see links & info below for more details) that found by Montana granting “fossil fuel extraction” permits, the state was violating its constitutional duty to provide a clean and safe environment.

This is a unique case because Montana is the only state to have a “constitutional right” for a clean environment. Montana’s constitution provides “The state SHALL maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment for present and future generations.”

It’s lawfare. And now the global warmists must be smelling blood in the water because they will soon push constitutional amendments in other states to use the new state constitutional “rights” to force their global warming ideology. And there won’t be any stopping them. Because it’s in the constitutional.

Yeah, well, so was the first amendment.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Global Warming Totalitarianism

Blame it on Global Warming

Trump / Voter Integrity (More on this next time with Chuck)


13-28 How Not to Destroy Oregon’s Forests

13-28 How Not to Destroy Oregon’s Forests

Show 13-28 Summary: This week, we’re checking in with Jennifer Hamaker of Oregon Natural Resource Industries, to hear what happened over at the Board of Forestry’s meeting in Sisters, back in early June. ONRI is focused on stopping the HCP, Oregon’s plan to abandon 53% of its state forests. But it’s more than just abandoning them. Oregon’s HCP would hand them over to an abusive kidnapper.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: July 15, 2023 | Guest: Jennifer Hamaker

This Week – Fighting for Oregon’s Forests

We talk with Jennifer Hamaker of Oregon Natural Resource Industries, to hear what happened over at the Board of Forestry’s meeting in Sisters, back in early June. We interviewed her twice in the weeks leading to the BoF meeting (Show 13-19 and Show 13-20) as they worked to stop the HCP. But what happened?

They didn’t win the war but they did win the first battle. Winning outright would have meant the Board of Forestry rejected the onerous Habitat Conservation Plan on the spot. But that’s too much to expect from any bureaucracy. But. They did win a reprieve. And that first battle was a huge win! After ONRI showed up in force, the Department of Forestry pushed back the final decision by a minimum of two months — from September 2023 to November 2023.

Stopping the HCP: Oregon’s disastrous “Habitat Conservation Plan” would abandon over 53% of Oregon’s state forests for over 70 years and end millions of dollars currently generated from sales of timber on state lands.

But is there even more to all this?

We talk to Jennifer Hamaker, the president of ONRI to find out what could be happening behind the scenes and why else the BoF and DoF could be backing away. Because we know it’s not common sense.

Stopping the HCP

It turns out that stopping the HCP is more than just derailing Oregon abandoning the forests. For 70 years. Instead, there’s another element to all of this. Because the HCP doesn’t just abandon the forests. The HCP hands over the forests to a kidnapper.

What’s this, you ask? Yes. The HCP means not just abandoning forests. It hands control of them over the federal government.

We told you there was more to this than meets the eye. Don’t miss this highly insightful show!

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Find out more about Oregon Natural Resource Industries at And please donate something to help them get the word out, hire an attorney and other critical expenses. Look under the “shop” tab or just go here.
  • Have you signed the petition to stop Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan? You can do that at It literally takes less than 30 seconds to say “No!” to government overreach.
  • It’s back! The ugly, timber-industry-destroying, Al Gore Northwest Forest Plan is getting a revival. “USDA Forms New Forest Advisory Committee” (Northwest Observer, July 8, 2023)
  • Video (Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities)
  • The US has appointed a new panel for Northwest Forest Plan Advisory Committee (OPB, July 12, 2023)
  • Remember when NASA acknowledged climate change occurs because of changes in Earth’s solar orbit, not because of SUVs and fossil fuels? (Sign of the Times, Aug 30, 2019)
  • There Is No Climate Emergency, Say 500 Experts in Letter to the United Nations (AEI, Oct 1, 2019)
  • Milloy climate tweet sets Twitter abuzz; Even Musk admits he is no believer (Junk Science, Jan 2023)


13-20 Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan = Goodbye Timber – Part 2

13-20 Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan = Goodbye Timber – Part 2

Show 13-20 Summary: This week, we welcome back Jennifer Hamaker from ONRI to continue our discussion about Oregon’s latest plan to lose money. Because Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan will do both. Over 640K acres will be impacted. A loss of millions and millions to schools, emergency services, and so many other agencies that depend on those timber sales. And how are they going to replace those lost funds? Some schools have already said they will have to shut down. And of course, unmanaged forest lead to forest fires, so there goes all that potential revenue. Literally up in smoke.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: May 20th & 21st, 2023 | Guest: Jennifer Hamaker

This Week – Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan, Pt 2

We welcome back Jennifer Hamaker, the president of Oregon Natural Resources Industries (ONRI), to continue our discussion about Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan. Or HCP.

Last week, we learned the basics about Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan. Or should we say, Oregon’s Disastrous Habitat Conservation Plan. because it’s not going to do what they think it will. Probably because most environmentalists are angrily typing away about the forests. From downtown Portland’s coffee shops. What do they know about Oregon’s state forests? Well. They’re read a lot, one supposes. But have they worked there? Have they worked at mills? And we don’t mean the coffee kind.

It Grows Back, Stupid

Oregon’s School Trust Fund was set up when Oregon became a state. It would provide an ongoing source of funds for schools when the state sold timber harvested from state lands. But now, elected and non-elected democrats and environmentalists and activists want to end that. They’d love to wean the state off this fully renewable, fully sustainable perpetual income. Yes, democrats. The trees grow back. But why earn money when you can just tax them for it?

Jennifer walks us through what Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan will do to the forests. And the state’s School Trust Fund. There are over 200 public beneficiaries who get millions from this fund. Schools and police and fire and other services. All of that money is about to disappear. If this HCP goes through.

So, how do they plan on replacing those funds? Just where are they planning to get new funds from?

One guess: taxes.

Plan of Action to Stop ODF’s HCP

So how do the sane people of Oregon stop Oregon’s Habitat Conservation Plan? By speaking up. By letting the Oregon Department of Forestry know what you think of their plan.

And that’s easy! Head to and sign the petition. It literally takes 30 seconds to do. At the top of the page, you’ll see “HCP Petition” go there. Fill out the simple form with your name and address. That’s it. Done.

ONRI is looking for more people to head to Sisters, Oregon, on June 7th to be there, in person, at ODF’s public meeting about their HCP. Pack the room. For more details, head to Please note that at this time, the ODF is keeping the exact time and meeting place a secret. That’s why you should head to ONRI’s webpage and sign up for alerts. Just scroll down the page and look for the big “subscribe” button.

Finally, and definitely not least, please donate to ONRI to help alert people to what is happening. ONRI is trying hard to get the word out but needs donations to buy ads on radio, tv, and digital spaces. Whether $25, $50, or more will help them buy an ad or two. Some websites looking for support say, “buy me a coffee.” Think of this as buying them an ad.

And what’s really cool is the ad you help them buy can be heard by 1,000s of people. So help them out! Head to ONRI’s website. The donate button is under the store tab. Or you can click here and jump to it.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Mentioned During the Show

What’s Coming

Not Mentioned but Related

  • Standing Up for Rural Constituents (Karen Budd-Falen, Feb 18, 2021)
    • This. “The Trump Administration’s position on State and local government approval prior to federal land acquisition … has now been eliminated by Biden [through an executive order]. That Order claims that allowing local governments to have a voice in land acquisition directly impacting their counties “undermined” the program.” Wow.
  • Will “Fly-Over Country” Have a Voice to Protect Private Property Rights under Endangered Species Act (Karen Budd-Falen, Apr 5, 2021)
    • “This agreement is likely the first step at trying to eliminate regulations that give State governments, local governments, and Indian Tribes a greater voice in designation of critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act… These 2020 regulations require[d] the Fish and Wildlife Service to substantively consider ‘economic, national security and other relevant impacts’ of the designation of critical habitat on private property and federal lands.”



Putting Out Fires in Forests & Congress | Dave Sullivan & John Di Paola

Putting Out Fires in Forests & Congress | Dave Sullivan & John Di Paola

Show Summary: This week, it’s citizen answering the call, every day people who got fed up with what was happening with our govt and stepped forward to do something. We talk with Dr. Dave Sullivan about his lawsuit against the State of Oregon for refusing to obey its own laws on the School Trust lands. And we talk with Dr. John Di Paola, who is running for Congress in Oregon’s 5th District. As a recently retired orthopedic surgeon, John had more than a bit to say about the government’s mismanagement of covid that endangered his patients.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: March 26th & 27th, 2022 | Guests: Dr. Dave Sullivan & Dr. John Di Paola

This Week – Citizens Answer the Call

Listeners of I Spy Radio are very knowledgeable about the Elliott Forest and the State of Oregon’s own attempts to sabotage the School Trust lands. And do everything possible not to obey their own laws. Recently, Oregon voted to effectively take the Elliott offline and remove it from production. And pay OSU to “study” the forest. Which means Oregon has moved it from an income production (an asset) to an expense (a liability).

That’s a violation of the law. The School Trust lands were to be held by the state, log them, and use the proceeds to pay into the School Trust.

We talk to first-time guest, Dr. Dave Sullivan, an emeritus professor, school of business, at Oregon State University. He has stepped up and is suing the State of Oregon for violating the law and their financial responsibility. To the schools. To the taxpayers. And to our school children.

“School trust lands were granted to states at the time of statehood for the sole purpose of generating revenue in perpetuity for public education.” – Oregon Advocates for School Trust Lands

Dr. John Di Paola – Fed Up with Congress

John Di Paola had a good, long career as a busy orthopedic surgeon. But never expected the complete mismanagement of covid by the government. As a recently retired orthopedic surgeon, John had more than a bit to say about the government’s covid mismanagement that endangered his patients.

Looking for more information about Dr. John Di Paola and his run for congress in Oregon’s CD5 Head to

John Di Paola came across this series of workshops Oregon wants to teach kids. Including "The Case for Porn Literacy."
Oregon’s “educators” sexuality workshops, including “The Case for Porn Literacy”

After his planned retirement in July 2020, he finally had some time to start reading and looking around and the more he looked, the more horrified and angry he became. From what was happening in our schools, attacks on small businesses, the border — there was no end of problems.

We talk with John about what else convinced him to run. He shares with us his thoughts on the destruction of America’s education system, which has become an indoctrination center for every whim of the far left. And he talks with us about bringing back businesses to Oregon.

Check out the “My Future, My Choice” sexuality workshops John’s wife found being offered by the Oregon Dept of Human Services. Including “The Case for Porn Literacy”.

We’ll have to have John Di Poala back on before the election. We really feel we only just scratched the surface with him.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

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Research, Links, & Further Information

  • Dr. Dave Sullivan’s website is Oregon Advocates for School Trust Lands,
  • Dr. John Di Paola’s campaign website is
  • A recent Oregon Department of Education Sexuality Education Newsletter (ODE, March 2022)
    • Editors note: Oregon clearly has a typo there. They mean “indoctrination” not “education.”
    • Editor’s note 2: Note also it’s no longer “sex ed,” now it’s “sexuality education.”





What do Covid, Prisons, & the Elliott Forest have in Common?

What do Covid, Prisons, & the Elliott Forest have in Common?

Show Summary: This week, it’s a roundup of some craziness around Oregon. The continuing boondoggle that is the Elliott Forest. Governor Kate Brown(shirt) seizing power by changing legislation. Using covid to releasing prisoners, closing prisons — and giving one of them to OSU. A prison that just happens to be right on the edge of the Elliott.

Looking for the links mentioned during the show? Click this to jump to the links section.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: February 19th & 20th, 2022 | Guests: Dr. Bob Zybach & Chuck Wiese

This week, it’s a roundup of some craziness around Oregon. The continuing boondoggle that is the Elliott Forest as, once again, Oregon tries to divest itself of a billion-dollar asset that, by law, is supposed to generate income for the state school funds. But they’d rather stare at trees. (Literally!)

Be sure to listen to the bloviating answer to Bob Zybach’s question during OSU’s Q&A

And we talk with fan-favorite, Chuck Wiese, to give us his punditry about the emptying of prisons, one of which was given back to the federal government — but now Oregon wants to lease one of them (which just happens to be right on the edge of the Elliott) back from the feds and put those men-who-stare-at-trees in it. WHAT is going on.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Info

Specifically Mentioned During the Show

  • Visit Oregon Natural Resources Industries (ONRI) facebook page for more details about the Rally at the Capitol on Feb 24th, 2022
  • Talk about nonsense! Listen to the talking-point-yadda-yadda answer from some dope from OSU in response to Bob Zybach’s question.

Elliott Forest

  • Legislative session may finally yield a solution for Oregon’s Elliott State Forest (OPB, Feb 6, 2022)
  • Oregon’s Elliott State Forest into a vast, ‘living laboratory (OPB, Nov 20, 2020)

Covid & Prisoner Release

Emptying the Prisons, Close Them, Spend Money

Governor Kate Sued over Prisoner Release & Clemency Abuse

  • Gov. Kate unlawfully commuting prison sentences (KGW, Jan 21, 2022)
    • Brown announced she was using her clemency powers to let those inmates benefit from Oregon Senate Bill 1008, which passed in 2019 and reforms the juvenile justice system. AG Perlow said, the Governor’s priority is offenders of crimes, many of them violent, and ensuring they have a ‘meaningful opportunity to be released’ before they complete their duly secured criminal sentences,” she said in a statement about the legal petition. “Victims of crime, and all other Oregonians, deserve the enforcement of their rights. It is essential that all Oregonians, including public officials, adhere to the rule of law.
  • Oregon governor sued (WA Examiner, Jan 20, 2022)
    • If Gov. Kate Brown’s clemency powers remain unchallenged, it could mean the release of violent offenders, including a man who stabbed his grandmother to death, another who killed a woman with the mental capacity of a 12-year-old and then burned her body beneath a bridge, and a then-17-year-old who shot his older brother three times in the head.
  • Lane County DA among group suing Oregon governor (Yahoo News, Jan 19, 2022)

Still More Related Info

  • Forest Service allocating $262.7 million to Oregon for wildfire recovery efforts (KTVZ, Feb 9, 2022)
  • Oregon has a plan to avoid a repeat. (OPB, Sept 7, 2021)
  • Would more logging have averted Oregon’s catastrophic 2020 wildfires (OregonLive, Update, Feb 7, 2021)
  • Why Salem’s Mill Creek Correctional Facility will be shuttered by July (Salem Reporter, Jan 21, 2021)
  • Oregon State University receives $7.1 million for six more years of long-term forest research (OSU, Dec 14, 2020)
  • Legislature funds Oregon State statewide programs (OSU, June 28, 2021)
  • Background: Shutter Creek Correctional Institution (Templeton, Nov 25, 2021)
  • Court gives Gov. Brown date to respond (KDVR, Jan 31, 2022)*The firm has reached an agreement with the State that no additional felons will be released between Feb. 2nd, and March 2nd, by which point the court plans to rule on the matter.