Category: Shows

12-44 If You Can’t Offer Hope, Push Fear | Democrats Desperate

12-44 If You Can’t Offer Hope, Push Fear | Democrats Desperate

Show Summary: This week, it’s politics as unusual. In today’s political environment, it seems even the improbable could be possible. Probably. We talk with Jo Rae Perkins and Chuck Wiese in a show that ended up looking at the fear being pushed in the democrats’ political ads. When you stop running on the success of your policies, and turn to mudslinging and fear, your side should definitely be afraid. And this year, for good reason.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 29, 2022 | Guests: Jo Rae Perkins & Chuck Wiese

This Week – The Democrats’ “Fear Porn”

It’s a given in politics that if you can’t offer hope, then offer fear. It is literally the only thing Democrats have left.

It’s a bit of a turn from FDR. In the looming shadow of World War II, FDR famously said, “All we have to fear is… fear itself!” Now, under Biden, it’s become, “All we have is… fear.” But it’s just become laughable. More so when you realize what they’re doing. They are trying to blame Republicans for their economy. And they’re trying to blame Republicans in advance. “Things will get worse if you elect Republicans.”

It’s hard to type that with straight face.

Fear: It’s All the Left has Left

We welcome back Jo Rae Perkins, Oregon’s Republican candidate for U.S. Senate. She is running against long-, long-time incumbent, Ron Wyden. Who used to be, ten years ago, a proponent of privacy. Now, he’s all for the government prying into everything. And arresting one’s political opponents.

It’s amazing how four decades in Washington D.C. can mutate one’s political beliefs. It’s like that quote attributed to Mark Twain: “Politicians and diapers need changed often. And for the same reasons.”

Jo Rae has a lot of answers for what ails Oregon and America right now. We ask about her take on turning the economy around, dealing with federal agencies, what Republican should concentrate on in the first 100 days in office, and what can be done about Oregon’s failing education system.

Find out more about Jo Rae — and help her get some more commercials on the air — by visiting

And she has questions. Questions the mainstream media aren’t asking. Like, Ron thinks tax dodgers should be punished. But what happened to the $2 million Ron’s wife got in PPP loans to keep people on the payroll? Because she didn’t keep them on the payroll. Well, Ron?

But she rightly points out that in this election cycle, all the Left has left is fear.

Democrats. Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

Al Gore: Non-Believers Threaten My IncomeThen we welcome back fan-favorite Chuck Wiese to continue the discussion on fear. As a Global Warming debunker, Chuck knows all about how the Left uses fear to push their agenda. Like the typical, “We only have ___ years to do something before it’s too late!!!” Usually, what “do something” means is “give us more money.”

We start by talking about the latest global warming fear porn: “The Scientist’s Warning.” Wooooo! It’s a propaganda “film” designed to, once again, scare people into giving money to “scientists.”

You can see the excerpted film, “citizen’s pledge” and quiz mentioned during the show by heading here.

Explain how producing more oil in the U.S. causes climate change but asking other countries to produce more oil does not cause climate changeBut they fearmongers lose because they go waaay over the top.

And don’t miss the updates to the election integrity federal lawsuit Chuck, Marc Thielman, and others have filed.

They are taking a unique route: They’re not asking to prove their is election fraud; they’re asking to prove their isn’t. They just need access to monitor the machines to prove it.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Here is what Citizen Free Press calls, “The Headline of the Week.” I’d almost say of the month
  • [IEA] Energy Chief Who Pushed To Slash Oil And Gas Investments Now Decries ‘Global Energy Crisis’ (Daily Caller, Oct 25, 2022)
  • U.S. Senate votes to move forward with stopgap funding bill (Reuters, Sept 27, 2022)
  • Surveillance Under The Patriot Act (ACLU, 2011)
    • Ron Wyden then: “I want to deliver a warning… when the American people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the Patriot Act, they will be stunned and they will be angry.” What happened to you, Ron?
  • Why Are Walmart And Other Major U.S. Retailers Canceling BILLIONS Of Dollars In Orders As Summer Comes To An End? (The Economic Collapse, Sept 18, 2022)
  • Also: Walmart and other retailers are canceling billions of dollars in orders (Retail Wire, Sept 14, 2022)
  • Florida’s 2022 NAEP test scores (DeSantis Press Release, Oct 24, 2022)
  • Oregon school performance craters (OregonLive, Oct 24, 2022)
  • Oz Odds Of Winning PA Soar After Historic Fetterman Debate Meltdown (Zero Hedge, Oct 25, 2022)
  • Fetterman Faces Fallout From Disastrous Debate: ‘Worst Performance By Any Candidate I Have Ever Seen’ (The Daily Wire, October 25, 2022)
  • Marina Medvin on Twitter: “NY State Supreme Court reinstates all fired unvaccinated employees, orders backpay, says the state violated rights, acted arbitrary & capricious, notes: ‘Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19’.” (Twitter, Oct 25, 2022)
    • Link to NY Supreme Court Case, George Garvey, et al., v. City of New York
      • Page 11, last paragraph: “Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19.” Boom. There ya go.
  • Two-thirds of Americans polled reject the Democratic Party platform on abortion (Life Site News, Oct 25, 2022)
    • “Do you think a pregnant woman should be able to legally have an abortion in the second or third trimester of pregnancy under any circumstance, as a matter of choice?” one question asked. By a 2 to 1 margin, respondents said “No” to this question, which represents the Democratic Party’s stance on abortion.
12-43 Those “Down Ballot Races” Made Easy — With Superior Candidates

12-43 Those “Down Ballot Races” Made Easy — With Superior Candidates

Show Summary: ALL races matter. No, not those races. All political races matter. This week we talk about two of the “down ballot” races: the commissioner for BOLI (I know—what the heck is that, right?) and Oregon’s new 6th congressional district. The Bureau of Labor and Industries (that’s what BOLI is), oversees Oregon’s trade school, civil rights issues, and housing. Find out why both of these races have superior candidates. Hint: They’re not the democrats.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 22nd & 23rd, 2022 | Guests: Cheri Helt & Mike Erickson

This Week – Those Down Ballot Races

This year, you cannot vote just the top of the ticket — governor — and ignore all those down ballot races. They are every bit as important as the governor’s race. In part, because the Republican governor will need all the republicans she can get. 

But it’s more than just house and senate races. There are other “down ballot races” you need to pay attention to. And one of them is the BOLI commissioner. A little-known race that helps set the tone for the rest of the state’s business environment.

Sometimes, these races are hard to figure out. But this year, it’s especially easy: vote Republican. In every race. Down ballot or otherwise. And it’s made even more easy with clearly superior candidates in the two down-ballot races we’re talking about on this week’s show.

Cheri Helt for BOLI Commissioner

The Bureau of Labor and Industries has had a democrat stranglehold on it for decades. Perhaps that’s why we’re short tens of thousands of trade jobs in this state as Kitzhaber and Brown wanted to shove everyone into university and practically shamed kids if the even thought of a job in the skilled trades. 

You can find Cheri’s campaign website at

The Bureau of Labor and Industries (that’s what BOLI is), oversees Oregon’s trade schools (electricians, plumbers, carpenters, etc.), civil rights issues, fair housing practices and more. Oregon has a huge housing shortage and a shortage of workers Democrats have been in charge of BOLI for decades. And with their college-first, trades-bad mindset, it’s no surprise.

Cheri’s opponent, Christina Stephenson, is a lawyer who wants yet more authority for BOLI. Hmm. Oregon’s BOLI famously sued Melissa’s Sweet Cakes because Melissa didn’t want to bake a cake for a gay couple. Is that what Christina has in mind for more authority? We just went through Covid with no end of “more authority.” Do we really want a progressive lawyer in there who’d love nothing more than to sue even more businesses out of business because they don’t fit her politics?

That’s not what Oregon needs. More politics pushed on businesses. Oh. And Christina wants more funding for BOLI. Probably because hiring more attorneys gets expensive.

No thanks. We’ll take Cheri.

Mike Erickson for Oregon’s CD6

This week we welcome back actual businessman, Mike Erickson. Who, unlike his opponent, knows what supply chains are and how disrupting them can and does impact the economy. Which is more than we can say for Biden or anyone in his administration. Which seems to only want to blame oil companies.

Learn more about Mike Erickson by visiting his campaign website,

The latest? Blaming Biden’s exploding gas prices on oil companies’ profits. What? Do they not know what profits are? Or how not spending on oil exploration or purchasing federal oil leases (which they wouldn’t be allowed to use under Biden) or any the other normal business expenses will make profits go up?

It’s embarrassing to think, but third-graders running a lemonade stand have more practical knowledge of basic economics principles and more hands-on understanding of supply and demand than Joe Biden. Or anyone in his administration, apparently.

And did the democrats’ gerrymandering catch up with them as they spread Portland’s potential influence too thin into four congressional districts, not just the two Portland actually deserved? Now, with so much of Portland angry at democrat Ted Wheeler and an astounding 82% (82!!) wanting MORE police, not less, democrats may have spread Portland’s influence all right.

Just not in the direction they intended. 

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Our guests’ websites are and

Cheri Helt Segments (1–3)

Mike Erickson Segments (4–6)

12-42 Teeing up the Election: That Tick on America’s Back

12-42 Teeing up the Election: That Tick on America’s Back

Show Summary: Socialism is a parasite that only survives because it lives off the blood of capitalism. It does not create wealth, it creates ruin. It has tried and failed. Oregon has been seeing its effects for decades. But this election, it could all change.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 15th & 16th, 2022 | Guest: Sen. Dennis Linthicum

This Week – Socialism: The Prosperity Parasite 

When you think about it, socialism is a parasite that only survives because it lives off the blood of capitalism. Socialism does not create wealth, it creates ruin. It has tried and failed in many countries, leaving destruction in its wake. But those pushing it here in America and especially in Oregon, are only able to promote it because those pushing it are funded by the profits (and taxes) generated from capitalism.

Oregon has been seeing socialism’s effects for decades. But this election, it could all change.

By the way. We used to call Oregon the Petri Dish of Leftist politics. Now it’s the Wuhan Lab of Leftist politics.

Senator Dennis Linthicum on Socialism in Oregon

We welcome back Senator, Dennis Linthicum (SD-28, Klamath Falls) to talk about socialism and its effects in Oregon. As a state senator in Oregon, he sees the policies pushed by the democrats, many of whom are socialists or wannabes. They just haven’t come out of the closet yet. But once Oregon is full socialist, they’ll drop the mask.

Be sure to get Dennis’s newsletter. It’s easy! Just send an email to to sign up

During the interview, we focus on four broad policy issues: society (education, crime, attacks on the family, etc.); economics (we’re living it under Biden); environment (spotted owl, the Klamath area has been under assault for decades, timber); and healthcare. On health care, Oregon just got a billion dollars to experiment with Medicaid, expanding it to virtually everything because, you guessed it, global warming.

And, Measure 111, is on the ballot this year. It would make universal health care permanent in Oregon by making it a constitutional right.

Remember. Environmental laws are how they control businesses. Healthcare is how they control people.

That’s how they seized such broad control during covid.

Don’t miss this in-depth examination of socialism and it’s impact on Oregon. We have this year to stop it. And, for once, things are looking good.

Be sure to check out the Featured Reading section in the links section for five great articles describing socialism.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Featured Reading: Socialism
History Lesson For Millennials: Here’s Why Socialism NEVER Works (The Federalist Papers, Feb 22, 2016)
Socialism Destroys Lives and Would Destroy America – It’s That Simple (The Western Journal, October 26, 2018)
Socialism’s Historical Destruction of the Environment (Case for Conservatism, October 10, 2022)
5 Ways Socialism Destroys Societies (Townhall, Feb 25, 2014)
Socialism: Destruction, starvation, tyranny, and death are cool again (Babalú Blog, September 19, 2018)
Socialism Will Always Destroy Democracy (The American Conservative, June 7, 2019)
Or watch: Klavan Explains Why Socialism Kills Countries (Daily Wire, July 24, 2018)

  • See the Cato Institute’s Report Card on America’s governors. Notice how the entire Left Coast gets an “F”: “Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors 2022” (Cato Institute, Oct 12, 2022)
  • [Canada’s healthcare hellscape is now offering assisted suicide to wounded veterans] Veterans Affairs says worker ‘inappropriately’ discussed medically assisted death with veteran (Global News Canada, August 17, 2022)
  • ‘Abandoning People’: Canada’s Broadening Assisted Suicide Law Dangerous for the Vulnerable, Critics Say (The Epoch Times, August 24, 2022)
  • NHS Waiting List Tops 7 Million for First Time Leaving 1 in 8 People in England Waiting for NHS Treatment (The Daily Skeptic, Oct 13, 2022)*Wait up to 8 hours for an ambulance
  • Canada is Euthanizing the Poor (via, Aug 16, 2022)
  • Euthanasia is Now a Leading Cause of Death in Canada, And Ethicists Are Freaking Out (Daily Caller, Aug 12, 2022)
    • “[Canada’s] broad eligibility has led to more than 10,000 Canadians being euthanized in the most recent year for which data is available, making it the sixth leading cause of death in the country, the AP reported.*Matthew Yglesias: “Canadian institutions seem to be using euthanasia legalization to avoid the expense of caring for the disabled.”
  • Disturbing: Experts troubled by Canada’ euthanasia laws (AP News, Aug 11, 2022)
  • Euthanasia in Belgium and the Netherlands: On a Slippery Slope? (Research Gate, JAMA Internal Medicine, Aug 2015)
  • Dr Pierre Kory on Disillusionment (, Oct 12, 2022)
    • “I did not understand we were striking at the very heart of the pharmaceutical industry”
  • How surrogacy is transforming medicine (UnHerd, Oct 6, 2022)
12-41 It’s Not Just Politicians. It’s the Real Issues on the Ballot

12-41 It’s Not Just Politicians. It’s the Real Issues on the Ballot

Show Summary: Elections. Although politicians might get all the attention, it’s never just politicians on the ballot. It’s the issues on the ballot. Sometimes, like Oregon, there are direct ballot initiatives (like Measure 114, what the NRA calls the most dangerous gun law in America). But it’s the issues beyond just that politician that are up for vote. The economy. Crime. Education. Our rights. It’s the direction those politicians want to take us.  That’s what you have to focus on. We’ve seen where Democrats want to go. This week’s show looks at what’s at stake.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 8th & 9th, 2022 | Guests: Marc Thielman & Alek Skarlatos

This Week – Issues on the Ballot

We welcome back Marc Thielman, former candidate for governor, who is doing it right. Too many politicians disappear when they don’t win. Instead, Marc has stepped up his game, focusing on the real issues on the ballot.

Because its the issues that matter. Not just the politicians. It’s what they will fight for. And what they will ignore.

We’ve seen the direction the democrats running for office want to take us. More taxes. More spending. More crime. Lower standards for education.

Join us as we talk about two key issues Marc is focused on. One is the real school choice initiative, an issue that will directly be on the 2024 ballot. This will give all parents a real choice in their child’s education. It won’t just be the rich that have a choice where to send their kids to get a good education. And Oregon’s public schools will either have to improve, or lose out.

Not surprising, democrats are not happy with the prospect your kids will get a quality education.

Marc is also focused on election integrity, restoring trust in our elections. His group is Battleground Oregon. Tune in to hear what they are finding and doing.

Other issues on the ballot, directly on the ballot in this case, is gun control. The NRA calls Ballot Initiative 114 “the most dangerous gun control bill in the nation.” Visit to find out more.

Alek Skarlartos – The Real Issues on the Ballot

We welcome back Alek Skarlatos who is running for CD4 in Oregon. If he wins, it will flip that seat from a Far Left democrat. His opponent is an even further Far Left democrat who hopes to take the seat even farther to the left.

Is that really what the voters of Oregon’s 4th Congressional District want? More taxes? More economic misery? We’ve seen where the democrats and Joe Biden want to take us. Off the rails. Don’t go with them.

Alek joins us to talk about what he’s hearing from his constituents around CD4. They’re concerned about the economy, first and foremost. And he talks about his opponent’s record. Which includes voting for tax increases on families making just $31,000 per year.

Note to Oregonians in the 4th: If you’re worried about the economy. Val Hoyle’s voting record should scare you to death.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Visit Battleground Oregon for information on election integrity efforts around Oregon and how you can be involved
  • Be sure to visit Stop 114 to help stop the Left’s latest effort to disarm the innocent. Remember. Criminals don’t obey gun laws. This will do nothing to prevent harm. Only innocent, law-abiding citizens will be harmed. Head to to see how you can help defeat this horrible bill.
  • You can visit Alek’s campaign site at
  • Good news for Oregon’s Real School Choice ballot initiative! “West Virginia Supreme Court strikes big win for school choice” (Washington Examiner, Oct 5th, 2022)
  • Education Secretary Miguel Cardona: Students Need Access to Abortion to Thrive in School and in Life (Gateway Pundit, Oct 4, 2022)
  • That NEA article: Teachers Leave National Education Association, Say Union Pushes Politics With Member Dues (Epoch Times, Oct 4, 2022)
  • School board members reported mom to employer, DOJ for criticizing COVID school closures (Just the News, Oct 4, 2022)
  • CEO arrested for storing data on servers in China (Post Millennial, Oct 4, 2022)
  • Election Software CEO Arrested Over Data Theft (Epoch Times, Oct 5, 2022)
  • FBI Conceals Chinese Infiltration of U.S. Election Software (Kanekoa, Sept 8, 2022)
  • Hysterical: Now that the CEO of Konnech was arrested (by California, no less) for exactly what True the Vote accused him of, read this gushing write up about Konnech’s lawsuit against True the Vote that was written before the arrest. You’ll LOL. “Lawsuit alleges True the Vote hacked data” (Texas Votebeat, Sept 14, 2022)
12-40 It’s Stupid Politicians | When Economics Meets Politics

12-40 It’s Stupid Politicians | When Economics Meets Politics

Show Summary: It’s the intersection of economics and politics this week. And what happens when economics meets politics…? Pretty much the same thing when you give a loaded gun to a toddle and tie yourself to a chair. Jonathan Williams from the American Legislative Exchange Council discusses what is so wrong with this economy. (It’s the politicians.) And don’t miss Joe Rae Perkins who is trying to get one of those stupid politicians out.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 1st & 2nd, 2022 | Guests: Jonathan Williams & Jo Rae Perkins 

This Week – When Economics meets Politics

Imagine people who have no understanding of economics (stupid politicians) making decisions about the economy based on the advice of their donors, bureaucrats with agendas, and paid lobbyists.

It’s like being tied to a chair, watching a toddler play with a loaded pistol.

This week, we welcome back Jonathan Williams, who is the Executive Vice President of Policy and Chief Economist at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Jonathan has a terrific article on the Daily Caller (), in which he neatly walks through what’s wrong with the economy right now and then provides some easy solutions. If only the current White House resident would listen. To someone other than his donors, bureaucrats with agendas, and paid lobbyists.

Go read Jonathan’s terrific article on The Daily Caller

Special bonus. Long-time I Spy Radio listeners may remember our previous shows about “market transformation.” In essence, “market transformation is a shortcut around a market. “Market transformation” allows favored, politically aligned companies to receive grants and other funding to bypass normal market barriers to entry, such as start-up costs and marketing. This is what we are seeing right now with our economy. You can see it especially with green energy. It’s not green and it’s barely energy. But it does make democrats and their political allies and ideology a lot of money.

Vote Out the Stupid

When economics meets politics, there’s just one solution. Vote the stupid out.

Because the problem with the intersection of economics and politics is that it puts the stupid people in charge. Stupid people, like Ron Wyden. Who has been in Washington DC since the 1990s. Ron is so stupid, he has an ad running right now that says no government should have control over a woman’s body. Really Ron? What about the vaccine mandates you were pushing  just months ago.

He also has an ad complaining about forest fires. Thanks for noticing, Ron, now that it’s election time. But it’s been your policies that causes them to burn. Do nothing. Blame Global Warming when all that dry kindling catches fire. Demand taxpayer dollars for Global Warming and green energy. (There’s that market transformation.) Still to nothing. Rinse and repeat.

Send some money Jo Rae’s way at She needs help getting her ads on radio and TV. $50 would buy an ad play on many radio stations; in some markets as many as five airings

Jo Rae is up against the money that pours into democrat politicians who promise to do those market transformations. And those donors are terrified they will lose their golden goose if Ron goes the way of the dodo.

Let’s make stupid extinct.

Bonus: if elected, Jo Rae promises not to vote for Mitch McConnell.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info


12-39 It’s the Elections, Stupid | The Front Lines of Freedom are in Oregon

12-39 It’s the Elections, Stupid | The Front Lines of Freedom are in Oregon

Show Summary: This week, we’re focusing on the front lines of freedom. And right now, our freedoms come down to the elections. We speak with a businessman running for Congress to get government out of the way, and a scientist who attended the Washington County trial in which the State and county are attempting to hide public records from the public. And you won’t believe what the judge did to the expert witness.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: September 24th & 25th, 2022 | Guest: Mike Erickson & Chuck Wiese 

This Week – It’s the Elections, Stupid

Bill Clinton famously had a sign on the Oval office wall, “It’s the economy, stupid.” It served as a daily reminder that the economy is what matters most to most people. Well, who is in charge of that economy comes down to elections.

In Oregon, the far-left policies keep us entrenched in high taxes, rising housing costs, and dubious curricula in public schools to cripple the next generation, and elections that don’t bring answers to the problems. It all feels hopeless. and many have left the state going to redder pastures to find the answers in states that make sense. Lower taxes, less big government, lower public debt, or maybe none at all if you’re in South Dakota. Meanwhile, Oregon’s lawmakers look to ruin our electric grid by pulling out dams, then force electric cars on its citizens whether we like it or not. Thus dies the free market.

Mike Erickson, Candidate for Oregon’s New CD 6

Speaking of that sign in the Oval office, we’ve gone from “It’s the economy, stupid,” to “It’s a stupid economy.” Here’s a hint to voters in Oregon’s new CD 6. If you want to fix the economy, don’t elect someone who has no business experience. Oregon, and the nation, needs elected officials who have practical business experience — not someone who has spent their entire life in government. (Hint number two: Biden has no practical business experience and look how that’s worked out.)

If you want to support Mike Erickson, find out what you can do at (Start by sharing that with your family and friends!)

Remember the strategy we mentioned months ago: If you live in a safe district (in Oregon, that’s CD 2) or in a hopeless district (CDs 1 and 3), put your time and money and energy to promote and support candidates in districts where they have a chance to flip a seat. That’s CDs 4 (Alek Skarlatos), 5 (Lorie DeRemer), and 6 — Mike Erickson.

Mike is running against Andrea Salinas, a far-left democrat who spent her entire adult life in and around government. On her website, she says she grew up in a hard-working family where nothing was handed to them but they made it through hard work. And, like Mike, she also had a cop for a father. So why is Mike fighting for police and she’s voting to defund the police? And how did she go from “working hard” and pulling oneself up through hard work to a career fighting for government handouts paid for by other people?

So Much for Open and Honest Elections

Here’s a funny thing.

In Oregon, the Secretary of State’s job is to audit other state agencies. But for some reason, she has declared that the elections division is off limits. Why is that? Instead, she has joined a lawsuit against a voter to declare a Washington County database should be shielded from public view and scrutiny.

Imagine trying that if the IRS wanted to audit your business. No, you can’t see the numbers. Trust us. Everything’s fine. You’d be saying that from jail. But the State is refusing to hand over a database, calling it proprietary information of a private company handling Washington County’s elections.

And why is a private company handling our elections to begin with?

We talk with Chuck Wiese — a scientist, analyst, and meteorologist, who has stepped up and joined the front lines of freedom — who was there at both days of the Sippel case trial. You won’t believe what the judge did to an actual, world renowned data scientist. Well, it’s Oregon. Maybe you will.

If the judge decides against the Sippel case, it will only continue to fuel the fire and doubts about the 2020 election. The only way to put out that fire is to open up the data to prove there wasn’t any manipulation. But hiding it and then expecting people to trust the government…?

Regardless of whether or not you think the 2020 election, when it comes to elections, any election, the Golden Rule should be “Open the books.” Hiding the results behind a wall of secrecy is, well, just stupid.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Mike Erickson Segments 1–3

Chuck Wiese Segments 4–6


12-37 The Biggest Crime in Human History: Why a Grand Jury is Necessary

12-37 The Biggest Crime in Human History: Why a Grand Jury is Necessary

Show Summary: This week, it’s about holding government accountable — especially when they lied. And evidence of those lies are surfacing every week. We talk with state senator Dennis Linthicum about his team’s efforts to impanel a grand jury to investigate the data fraud committed by the CDC, FDA, NIH, and others on covid. We also speak to Kelly Mordecai, an expert on the Grand Jury system and how it can be used to bring a corrupt, runaway government under control again. And you can take action. See below!

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: Sept. 10th & 11th, 2022 | Guests: Sen. Dennis Linthicum & Kelly Mordecai

This Week – Grand Jury Investigation

Nearly a year ago, we brought you the story of the covid grand jury, which two senators, Dennis Linthicum and Kim Thatcher, and Dr. Henry Ealy were trying to impanel. The goal was to hold Fauci and others responsible for using knowingly falsified evidence to grab power, misspend trillions, and trample our basic rights.

When it’s the biggest crime in human history, a grand jury is necessary. Because a corrupt government cannot and will not hold itself accountable. They’re the criminal.

That case is getting closer to resolution. But, naturally, there have been twists and turns (odd ones!) and hills yet to climb.

Join the fight! Demand a grand jury investigate the CDC for criminal fraud & willful misconduct. Visit Beyond the Con or text “CDC data” to 52886

The Dog Ate my Deposition

It’s a given. The last thing the government wants is to investigate its own abuse of power. Or its own malfeasance. Its misuse of $3.5 trillion in taxpayer funds—which included the theft of hundreds of billions.

Investigate you with 87,000 new IRS agents for not keeping a receipt? Oh yeah. They are happy to look into that. Not so its own crimes.

Tune in this week to hear some of the oddest things as the government tries to weasel out from under citizen’s rightful watchful eye. Like a prosecutor suddenly declaring he was going to work for the defense. Who then suddenly got reassigned to the hinterlands. And the old second-grade excuse by the government: the dog ate my homework. Not quite. But also not kidding.

Grand Juries – What, Why, and How

The Hidden 4th Branch: A Corrupt Government's Worst Nightmare by Kelly MordecaiIn addition to talking with Sen. Linthicum, we talk with Kelly Mordecai, who wrote the book on grand juries: The Hidden 4th Branch: A Corrupt Government’s Worst Nightmare. As an engineer, he took a systemic look at grand juries as the most effective, remaining tool we have to hold government accountable. He helps us understand the process and walks us through the ups and downs of the case.

Think of it. Misspending $3.5 trillion of public monies, millions of businesses impacted or ruined, the trampling of so many of our rights, and millions of lives lost and tens of millions more impacted certainly qualifies as the biggest crime ever.

And this effort to impanel a grand jury is immensely important. With more and more coming out every day  about the vaccines’ adverse effects and the government admitting they were wrong, now is the time. Not jut to hold people accountable for the biggest crime in human history. But to make sure it can’t happen again.

Because if they get away with it. We know they’ll try again.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

The government lied about ivermectin
Ivermectin lies. (Click for full size)
  • Join the fight! Demand a grand jury investigate the CDC for criminal fraud & willful misconduct. Visit Beyond the Con or text “CDC data” to 52886
  • Kelly Mordecai’s book is The Hidden 4th Branch: A Corrupt Government’s Worst Nightmare.
  • Government admits they got it all wrong: “CDC Announces Overhaul After Botching Pandemic” (ZeroHedge, Aug 17, 2022)
  • Read the horrifying article from Steve Kirsch. “Exclusive: Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up” (Substack, Steve Kirsch, September 2, 2022)
  • And read the Twitter thread from the journalist who exposed the Israeli Ministry of Health’s crimes: Yaffa Shir-Raz, Twitterr, Sept 1, 2022
    • This is the really damning part: “4/Nevertheless, the IMOH withheld the findings for 2 months, even from their own expert committee which decided 3 weeks later to clear the vaccine for infants.”
    • They knew the vaccines caused harm. Hid it. And then pushed it on kids!
  • They lied. How many millions died because the government refused early treatments to push their vaccines? “Ivermectin reduces covid death risk by 92%, peer-reviewed study finds” (The Blaze, Sept 3, 2022)
  • Get some background on the covid grand jury petition. Oregon Senators File Grand Jury Petition Alleging CDC, FDA Violated Federal Law by Inflating COVID Death Data (Children’s Defense Fund, Sept 17, 2021)
  • Feds reeling from new vax study, lawsuits on social media censorship and COVID stat manipulation (Just the News, September 7, 2022): New research estimates COVID vax causes at least 18 “serious adverse events” in young adults for every hospitalization prevented. NIH observational study finds “variety of neuropathic symptoms” post-vaccination.
  • They used Facebook to censor. And to spread their disinformation. “CDC Gave Facebook Misinformation About COVID-19 Vaccines, Emails Show” (Epoch Times, Sept 6, 2022)

The Truth is Coming Out about the Vaccines

  • Things morticians are finding in vaccinated bodies
    Morticians finding unexplained things in vaccinated bodies (click for full size)

    Dr Naomi Wolf’s findings – “Massacre: Nearly half of pregnant women in Pfizer trial miscarried” (Sign of the Times, Aug 16, 2022)

    • Half!
  • Steve Kirsch’s list of over 50 leading indicators that the momentum is moving in our favor—the narrative is unraveling quickly in the UK: “The ‘safe and effective’ narrative is falling apart” (Substack, Steve Kirsch, July 7, 2022)
  • “COVID Vaccine Injury Data: 143,233 Percent Increase in Cancer” (Epoch Times, August 30, 2022)
  • More truth: FOI reveals Pfizer and Medicine Regulators hid the dangers of Covid-19 Vaccination during Pregnancy because Study found it increases risk of Birth Defects & Infertility (The Expose, May 5, 2022)
  • More truth. “Science” no longer trustworthy: BMJ op-ed suggests all health research should be considered fraudulent until proven otherwise (Citizens News, August 23, 2022)
  • Still more truth. Attorney: Pfizer Vaccine Whistleblower False Claims Suit Payout could Reach $3.3 trillion “It would be enough to bankrupt Pfizer” (Health Impact News, August 28, 2022)






The Mar a Lago Raid | Why the FBI is Beyond Redemption

The Mar a Lago Raid | Why the FBI is Beyond Redemption

Show Summary: This week, we’re taking an in-depth look at the FBI. It’s been a couple weeks since the fascists in the White House decided to raid the home of the former president for documents that were winding its way through the courts. What were they really after? But what they did show was that those in power will do anything to stay in power by destroying all challengers. And if you think the Mar a Lago raid is the high water mark of Biden’s punishment of his opposition…? No. Biden is just getting started.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: Sept. 3rd & 4th, 2022 | Guest: Scott Shepard

This Week – The Mar a Lago Raid

With the Mar a Lago raid, the resident in the White House once again demonstrated he was elected through voter fraud. Simply, if you won by millions of votes, there’s no need to try to prosecute people who say you didn’t. If you won legitimately and fairly and honestly, you have nothing to fear. But you do have plenty to fear if you didn’t. And even more so if the person who says you didn’t has evidence that you didn’t.

Is that what the FBI was after when they decided to raid Mar a Lago? Trump was sitting on evidence of voter fraud? Or maybe it was evidence of the Russia collusion hoax, which proved who was involved and what they did. Or perhaps it was all a set up. The government packed his boxes with confidential materials that they could then claim Trump stole — in a scheme to stop him from running again.

Biden's Fascist Speech: MAGA and all opposition must be punished
der Führer ist speaking!

Regardless, the FBI and DOJ deciding to raid Mar a Lago will go down in history as one of the most unseemly acts of any president. Even Nixon wouldn’t have done it. Think of that.

And did you catch that weird “we must punish those who oppose us” speech from Biden the other day? It looked like what would happen if Hitler and Stalin had a baby.

But all of this points to one conclusion: the FBI and DOJ are beyond redemption. And pretty much every other agency.

And THAT is the reason they raided Mar a Lago. Punish anyone who would expose and oppose the system.

The FBI Must be Dismantled

When a limb gets infected with gangrene, many times it needs to be amputated. We’re at that stage with the FBI.

We’re also at that stage with the CIA. The NSA. The SEC. And certainly with the FDA, CDC, EPA, and the Energy, Education, and a host of other departments. And let’s definitely not forget about the IRS. The infection and corruption has become so widespread within these agencies, they need to amputated or the whole body will die.

The FBI and DOJ are clinging to this notion that they can still be trusted. Sorry. That’s not how trust works. You can’t say “trust me” when you just committed untrustworthy actions.

This week, we talk with Scott Shephard who is an attorney and himself a director of a program—an “agency”—at the National Center for Public Policy Research. We get his insights from an attorney’s viewpoint and that of a director/manager about what needs to happen to the FBI. Is it time for the FBI to be disbanded? Or can they still be saved? How can you tell? And what to do if (when!) they are disbanded. Now that the emotions have died down—a little—from the Mar a Lago raid, we can dissect what happened and what to be done.

And of course we can’t have Scott on without a quick catch up on two of The Free Enterprise Project’s lawsuits: Against Starbucks just filed this week and one already at trial against Nasdaq.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Our Many Healthcare Crises, Part 2 | The Root Cause of Many of Them

Our Many Healthcare Crises, Part 2 | The Root Cause of Many of Them

Show Summary: When Obamacare was passed (rammed through without a single Republican vote), it was supposed to fix health care and lower costs. All those savings, remember? What happened? But there are more problems and more spending than ever. This week, we continue our talk with healthcare-system expert, Lisa Lettenmaier, but zero in on the two root causes of many of, if not all of, our many healthcare crises.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: August 6th & 7th, 2022 | Guest: Lisa Lettenmaier

This Week – Our Many Healthcare Crises

We continue our deep dive into the problems plaguing our health care system—the many healthcare crises and the ever-growing expense. How is it that we are spending more than ever — by far! — on healthcare and yet it’s just one crisis after another? 

But this week, we zero in on the two main problems. And they should be no surprise, really, for anyone who has followed I Spy Radio’s many shows on healthcare or for anyone who has a lick of common sense. The two root causes are money and government. Particularly, government interference.

Healthcare crises in the UK: "My cousin had to deliver his child because the ambulance said they’d take 4 and a half hours to come for his wife. What is the UK coming to? He had to watch a YouTube tutorial on how to deliver a baby."
Healthcare crises in the UK. THIS is what they want to emulate?

We bring back our healthcare system expert, Lisa Lettenmaier. Lisa is currently an insurance agent and owns Health Source NW. But her background is in accounting, overseeing budgets and forecasting for major companies. So when she looks at the healthcare crises, she is viewing it not just from an insurance standpoint but from a systemic-analyst’s viewpoint.

Need healthcare and not sure where to turn? Give Lisa a call. Her website is  She helps individuals and businesses throughout Oregon and SW Washington make sure they have the right coverage for when, God forbid, they really need it. Will your policy cover what you think it does? 

The Root Cause of So Many Healthcare Crises

This week, you’ll also hear an extended opener from I Spy Radio host, Mark Anderson, on the government’s interference — sabotage, really — of the normal free-market forces that would normally lower cost and improve care. Mark walks you through what a free market system would look like. Hint: we don’t have one now (remember Obama et al. when they were pushing Obamacare:  “the free market failed”?), not in health care. And he walks you through the government interfering with the free market, much of which can be traced back to a 1943 IRS ruling.

If you didn’t already think “they” are destroying things on purpose, you’ll believe it after this show. No one, no government, makes this many “mistakes” on purpose.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

What to do About Our Many Healthcare Crises | Part 1

What to do About Our Many Healthcare Crises | Part 1

Show Summary: We are dumping billions upon billions into our healthcare system. But there are more healthcare crises than ever. What’s going on? We talk with health care system expert, Lisa Lettenmaier to find out what’s happening and why there are so many crises. Next week, we’ll look at the root cause of so many of these problems and what can be done.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: July 30th & 31st, 2022 | Guest: Lisa Lettenmaier

This Week – Our Many Healthcare Crises

We are diving deep into the problems plaguing our health care system. The many healthcare crises and the ever-growing expense. How is it that we are spending more than ever — by far! — on healthcare and yet it’s just one crisis after another? 

Does anyone even remember that we were promised that Obamacare would fix all this? And cost less?

We bring back our healthcare system expert, Lisa Lettenmaier. Lisa is currently an insurance agent and owns Health Source NW. But her background is in accounting, overseeing budgets and forecasting for major companies. So when she looks at the healthcare crises, she is viewing it not just from an insurance standpoint but from a systemic analyst’s viewpoint.

And it’s not good.

We talk with Lisa about the many healthcare crises right now but focus on three in particular that are the most troubling. Including the mental health crisis, which, in many ways, is emblematic of the other system-wide problems.

We’ll continue this deep dive next week and focus in on the root of all these crises. Which has changed everything—and not for the good.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Rising prescription drug prices (OregonLive, July 20, 2022)

Oregon agency sets virtual public hearings on 2023 health insurance preliminary rate decisions (KTVZ, July 23, 2022)

Healthcare and ambulance services deal with capacity crisis (KGW, July 22, 2022)

Profits of the pandemic: Moderna gives Boston’s property market a shot (Daily Mail, July 23, 2022)

WA hospitals facing ‘unsustainable’ financial losses, in danger of cutting services (Seattle Times, July 21, 2022)

Left’s Latest Health Care Scheme Will Worsen Inflation, The Deficit, And Your Insurance (The Federalist, July 25, 2022)

Difficulty Paying Bills Tops Pandemic High in US Census Survey (Yahoo News, July 25, 2022)

Covid Relief Spending by the Federal Government (via, retrieved July 28, 2022)