Show 14-30 Summary: Since its founding, America has been at war with itself. Locked in a battle between its Christian-Judeo roots while allowing space for secularism. And other religions. But the battle between Christianity and secularism is the most pronounced. And recently, the Christians have been giving up ground. We talk with author Bill Donohue about the moral battleground in America, including the hate spewed by the Left at any who disagree with them. Then we talk with Dennis Linthicum, the Republican candidate running for Oregon’s Secretary of State about the moral path Oregon is on. But we especially wanted to have him back on to talk about the elections. How do we get to a secure election in Oregon? Where are the vulnerabilities if someone wanted to cheat? And how do we close them.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.
Original Air Dates: Date, 2024 | Guests: Bill Donohue and Dennis Linthicum
This Week – The Moral Battleground in America
This week we’re looking into the moral battleground in America. Yes, there is a moral war being waged right now and America. And Oregon. It’s the secular outlook versus the religious one that have been at war since America’s founding. What can we do to keep America on the right path?
We talk with Bill Donohue, an author and media personality. He has written thousands of articles and 10 books. His books focus on ethics and religion and their ongoing battle with the secularism and its attack on America and our way of life. His most recent book is Cultural Meltdown – the Secular Roots of Our Moral Crisis.
We also look at the Left working to dehumanize their political opponents, making it easier to hate them. Even shoot at someone who has been demonized as a “threat to democracy” and the nation.
Who Counts the Votes
We also talk with senator Dennis Linthicum, the Republican candidate for Oregon’s Secretary of State. If there is any statewide office that needs someone with a strong sense of morals and ethics, it is the secretary of state’s office. It is the watchdog for so much of government. The one that is responsible for auditing other agencies. And ensuring the fairness of our elections. It’s like that Stalin quote: “It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.”
We talk about Oregon and its own moral path but our main focus is on the elections. Do we have secure elections in Oregon? How do we get to secure elections? And why doesn’t this current set Secretary of State seemed to think that’s important. And why does the Oregonian label Dennis an “election denier”? (He’s not. He’s an election confirmer.”
Want to find out more about Dennis Linthicum and his policy issues? Visit
The democrats in charge now are pretty transparent about their lack of lack of transparency. Which boils down to “trust us. We won.” What are they hiding?
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
Want to find out more about Dennis Linthicum and his policy issues? Visit
Ex-AG Bill Barr scolded by inspector general over vote-fraud claims in 2020 (WND, July 26, 2024)
They HAVE to lie about Trump so people will hate him. That’s Christopher Wray floated the “it wasn’t a bullet” theory. but now the FBI admitted, yes, it was a bullet.
Who is more radical? Kamala or Biden? “17 Facts Expose Kamala Harris’ Far-Left Record” (Breitbart, July 24, 2024)
Show 14-24 Summary: This week it’s about accountability in government. Because how can you trust people who have abused their positions—or the next person to hold that office—until there has been accountability? We talk with speaker and author Gianna Miceli about the lies of Doctor Fauci and the recent 9th Circuit ruling that said the covid vaccines were not vaccines and therefore cannot be mandated. And we talk to Dennis Linthicum, about his run for Secretary of State. An office that is sorely in need of accountability. Especially since it is supposed to hold other agencies accountable. And we look at one of the key powers Oregon’s Secretary of State has: the power of the audit. Just where did all those millions of dollars K-12 schools suddenly disappear to?
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: June 15th & 16th, 2024 | Guests: Gianna Miceli and Sen. Dennis Linthicum
This Week – Accountability in Government
Accountability in government. It sounds great. It’s needed. So why does it seem to never happen?
This week, it’s about getting back some integrity back in government and holding people accountable who have abused their positions of power. And there is no greater example of that than Dr. Fauci. Who is walking away from his long-time government job with millions in his pocket from the companies he should have been holding accountable.
We talk with speaker and author Gianna Miceli about the many lies of Doctor Fauci. As a researcher in common law, are there ways to get some accountability in government the current system doesn’t allow? And we talk about the recent ruling by the 9th Circuit that said the covid vaccines were not vaccines and therefore cannot be mandated. Is this going to open up the floodgates to more lawsuits? (How could it not?)
And then we talk with former senator, Dennis Linthicum, about his run for Secretary of State. An office that is sorely in need of accountability especially since it is supposed to hold other agencies accountable. We focus especially on one of the powers the Secretary of State’s office has the power of the audit. What has happened to all of those millions of dollars the school’s got? and why are they all suddenly short and their budgets by millions of dollars? The Newberg School District is just one example. Three months ago, the superintendent said they were some $8 million to the good. But by a May 28 budget meeting, he announced they were $4 million in the hole. And he suddenly went on a medical leave so he can’t be fired. That’s not suspicious at all.
If everyone wants accountability in government, why does it never happen?
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
CDC Changed Definition of ‘Vaccine’ Because of COVID-19 Vaccines: Emails (NTD, November 3, 2021)
ANALYSIS: What 9th Circuit Ruling Reinstating Challenge to LAUSD’s Employee Vaccine Mandate Means (RedState, June 8, 2024)
Fauci Lied. People Died. (Gianna Micelli, no date, 2024) *”Trust the science” they said. But can you trust the SCIENTIST?
Dennis Linthicum’s Segments
Find the duties, oversight, and mission of Oregon’s Secretary of State at the Secretary of State’s webpage. (No surprise, the current woke SoS has it filled with gobbledygook woke buzz words.)
Newberg superintendent will go on medical leave after firestorm over district’s financial situation (OregonLive, June 11, 2024)
Show 14-18 Summary: Does anyone remember when the media objectively covered economics. After all, so much of it revolves around data. And yet the mainstream media does everything it can to attack good economies, like we had under Trump, while providing cover for lame economies, driven primarily by government and government spending, like what we have under Joe Biden. So how do you know what to trust and whom to trust? On this week’s show we talk to an economist to help you think like an economist.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: May 4th & 5th, 2024 | Guest: Jonathan Williams
This Week – Despite the mainstream media doing their best to run cover for Biden and his economic policies, there are some troubling signs about Bidenomics. And some of it really troubling. Which is why you’re not hearing those kinds of stories in the mainstream media.
When it comes to the economy, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is Biden’s DEI hiring-equivalent of “Baghdad Bob.”
GDP for the first quarter was half of normal growth and less than half of the previous quarter. Unemployment for April rose with one of the indicators the worst it’s been since November 2021. And yet all we ever hear out of the White House is how great things are. Including a rather startling comment from KJP. According to her, prices are too low. That woman is Biden’s DEI hiring equivalent of “Baghdad Bob.”
But because economic reporting has become so politicized how can an everyday person tell whether or not the economy is doing well — aside from their own subjective experiences? Because their experiences may not be what everyone else is going through.
Think Like an Economist
So this week we talk to an economist—Jonathan Williams, Executive Vice President of the American Legislative Exchange Council, and their chief economist—to help people learn to think a little more like an economist.
What are some of the trigger points to look for? What are some of the more reliable measurements that indicate a good or a bad economy? And what economic levers can they pull to turn an economy around or to keep a good economy going?
And all of that to help people pick the right people to put them in charge to get the economy on the right track
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
Jonathan’s organization is ALEC – the American Legislative Exchange Council. Find out more at
Encourage your representatives to join ALEC! There are state and city memberships. Help elected officials understand economic problems and the real solutions available to get out of them! Send them this link:
And you too can join as a private-sector member!
You can follow Jonathan on Twitter at @TaxEconomist.
The Daily Signal reported that under new federal guidelines — released on Monday by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — an employer would be guilty of harassment by requiring someone to use a restroom that corresponds with their biological sex or if someone “misgenders” them.
Show 14-17 Summary: You’d think Biden and the Democrats destroying women’s and girls’ rights, that used to be protected under Title IX, would be big news. That throwing out protections for biological women would make front page/lead story status on every mainstream media print and news outlet. Well. It would have if Trump had done it. But since it was Biden and the Democrats stripping women of their rights, the mainstreamers are running cover by ignoring it. We talk with Title IX expert, Sarah Parshall Perry from the Heritage Foundation to find out just how bad it is. And it is as bad as you could imagine, The dream of education is now a woke nightmare for women and girls.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on ou1t network of stations.
On a Personal Matter…
Dear Friends and Listeners,
I want to thank all of you who have been praying these last few weeks for my wife, Karla Davenport, who is also I Spy Radio’s producer. She lost her ability to stand on Good Friday morning, due to a demyelinating disease. To make matters far worse, while in the hospital she contracted a life-threatening bout of “C diff.” This is a highly contagious bacterial infection. Her internal system had completely shut down, her kidneys were failing, and all of it was causing complication throughout her body, including her heart.
After two weeks in the hospital, she was deemed out of danger and was released to skilled nursing where she remains as she goes through physical therapy to regain her strength and mobility. We are not yet sure when she will be released home. Your prayers for her full recovery are so very deeply appreciated.
My very best,
Original Air Dates: April 27th & 28th, 2024 | Guest: Sarah Parshall Perry
This Week – Title IX Protections for Women and Girls are Dead
Last week, we saw the total destruction by the Biden administration of Title IX — the landmark civil rights law that has protected women and girls in education since 1972. Those rights are now gone. Replaced by woke ideology that legally considers anyone who thinks of themselves as a woman as a woman.
We know that these kind of things never stay in their own sandbox. How will this bleed over into other elements of society? One area the new changes directly assault is freedom of speech. With these rule changes, the government has officially moved away from protecting free speech, it’s sacred duty according to the first amendment. It is instead censoring speech. And even compelling speech — what you must say. With these new rules on the books, if you misgender someone by not using their preferred pronouns it can be the basis of a sexual harassment lawsuit.
Why Did Democrats Destroy Title IX?
But why would the Democrat party, which claims they are all for women’s rights, completely upend women’s and girls’ rights an education. And why do this if there is clear and compelling legal precedence against it?
We unpack all of that with Sarah Parshall Perry, a Senior Legal Fellow at the Heritage Foundation. She has decades of experience in education and previously served as senior counsel at the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Education Department. And she is extremely knowledgeable about Title IX’s protections for women and girls. Or at least what they used to be.
If you ever needed a reason for school choice this show will give it to you.
And, ladies, if you are a democrat, it’s time for a divorce from them.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform. Or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Sarah Parshall Perry is a Senior Legal Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. Read more about her at her bio page on Heritage.
Sarah is also a widely published author and a regular contributor to The Daily Signal. Find many of her articles here. But these are the two that got our attention about Title IX:
Show 14-12 Summary: Conservatives on offense means conservatives doing the right thing and for the right reasons. First up, we talk with Scott Shepard of the Free Enterprise Project about Apple’s viewpoint discrimination (meaning conservatives) and FEP’s shareholder proposal to expose the issue. Remember Apple’s Big Brother ad? Turns out they’ve become Big Brother—even their own “reeducation camps.” Then it’s Craig Rucker Executive Director of CFACT and their lawsuit to save whales from the Biden administration. Conservatives suing to save whales? While the Far left is willing to let them die on the altar of green energy? Who had that on their bingo card? Two conservative groups going on offense.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: March 23, 2024 | Guests: Scott Shepard & Craig Rucker
This Week – Conservatives on Offense
We love it when conservatives stop sitting there and taking whatever the Left throws at them. When conservatives go on offense, it brings others to the cause. Especially when they are doing the right things for the right reasons.
First, we talk to Scott Shepard from the Free Enterprise Project. Their mission is to push back on woke corporate America. They learned that Apple does not protect its workers against viewpoint discrimination. In fact, they found out that Apple actively discriminates against workers who don’t share Apple’s woke worldview. And it gets worse. Tune in to hear what happens once Apple finds out workers don’t share their woke vision.
So last month, the Free Enterprise Project filed a shareholder resolution to expose the issue. And you can guess how Apple’s board reacted. but he fight’s not over yet.
If you own shares, you can vote on shareholder resolutions. Put Big Tech and other woke companies on notice. Get the Proxy Navigator app from the Free Enterprise Project, America’s leading organization to fight the woke disease infecting corporate America. Join other conservatives on offense. Learn more at
Kill the Whales
Who would ever have imagined a time when conservatives fighting to save endangered whales because “environmentalists” are willing to sacrifice them on the altar of green energy? Well, when sacrificing a few hundred whales means your ideological side could get tens of billions of taxpayer dollars perhaps it’s not a surprise.
But wait, aren’t conservatives and capitalists supposed to be the greedy ones? Conservatives on offense to save whales. We love it. And they’re doing it for the right reasons. Not like the greedy environmentalists willing to sacrifice whales to get billions of taxpayer dollars. There’s the real greed.
Craig Rucker, executive director of Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) joins us to discuss their lawsuit against the Biden administration. CFACT had some great winds against offshore wind farms in 2023. They successfully derailed offshore wind farms in New York and New Jersey. And they’re fighting to stop the planned wind farm off of Virginia Beach. Right in the middle of whale migration paths.
Tune in to hear how the Biden administration is ignoring laws in their agenda to push wind farms. And they’re happy to sacrifice endangered whales to push billions of taxpayers into the Far Left’s pockets.
And that even has grassroots environmental groups scratching their heads. What happened to the Left’s rallying cry, “Save the whales!”?
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
Scott Shepard’s Segments 1–3 Conservatives on offense against woke corporate America
“Each company’s score indicates their level of respect for free speech and religious freedom based on policies, practices, and other relevant criteria.”
Find out more about the Free Enterprise Project and the great work they do. Sign up for their newsletter to stay informed on woke corporate America.
Get Free Enterprise Project’s Proxy Navigator at available at the Apple store, Google Play, or as a web app.
“Proxy Navigator offers voting recommendations from the Free Enterprise Project (FEP) for each company that FEP covers in a living and breathing app that will receive regular updates as information evolves. A terrific new tool to remind users of what shareholder votes are coming up and to put our latest recommendations right in front of them, exactly when they need them.
“But that’s not all! Proxy Navigator will also offer many features to give it year-round value to investors and market followers, including a stock ticker and news aggregator to make Proxy Navigator a one-stop app for tracking investments.”
Craig Rucker’s Segments 4–6 Conservatives on offense to save endangered whales
Coalition sues to block Virginia offshore wind project to protect the Right Whale (CFACT. org, March 18, 2024)
“The lawsuit … claims the agencies illegally approved Dominion Energy’s offshore wind project by ignoring glaring and obvious procedural errors that subjects the endangered North Atlantic right whale to further grave harm.”
The Heartland Institute and National Legal and Policy Center are co-plaintiffs in the lawsuit
The Reuters smear: “Right-wing groups sue US over offshore wind impact on whales” (Reuters, March 18, 2024)
Did you miss Craig’s last appearance on I Spy Radio, discussing their wins against the Far Left? Head to Show 14-01.
“1792 Exchange is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization whose mission is to develop policy and resources to protect and equip non-profits, small businesses and philanthropy from “woke” corporations, to educate Congress and stakeholder organizations about the dangers of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) policies, and to help steer public companies in the United States back to neutral on ideological issues so they can best serve their shareholders and customers with excellence and integrity.”
Europe Swings Right: Socialists face setbacks across the globe, and Joe Biden could be next. (American Mind, March 12, 2024)
How the Left Was Left: Old-time liberals would not recognize the doctrine that speaks in their name (American Mind, March 19, 2024)
Show 14-07 Summary: If you don’t speak up, you’ll lose it. Free speech is under attack. And it turns out censorship is already more widespread than we’d previously believed. By the federal government, yes; by state governments, yes. But now cities? This week, it’s all about defending free speech and exposing censorship of it.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: February 17th & 18th, 2024 | Guests: Austin VanDerHeyden and Joseph Vazquez
This Week – Exposing Censorship
Two new-to-us guests this week. But both share their experiences and insights into censorship and the fight for free speech. Which the government is supposed to defend. But right now it is the worst offender when it comes to censorship. (By the way, a big win on censorship that broke after our interview. More below.)
First up is Austin VanDerHeyden from the Goldwater Institute, which is based in Phoenix Arizona. The Goldwater Institute has defended free speech and other civil liberties since 1988. But it turns out they had a city right in their own backyard that was busy spying on and censoring city employee’s free speech.
Then we talk with Joseph Vazquez from the Media Research Center, which has been America’s media watchdog against Left-Wing bias in the news since 1987. Back then it was countering and exposing the Left bias in the media. But now MRC has a new program focused on free speech and fighting censorship. Especially by Big Tech.
Because as we see with Oregon’s A.I.-powered elections monitoring and censorship program to combat whatever the democrats in charge deem to be mi-, dis-, or mal-information (MDM), Big Tech and artificial intelligence are weaponizing technology against the rights of citizens. And, again, let us remind governments, at all levels, that the role of government is defend free speech. Even and especially speech with which it disagrees. It’s role is not to determine what is acceptable or allowed.
Did you miss our previous shows about Oregon’s MDM elections monitoring and censorship program? See these shows, 13-43, 13-45, and the related show, 14-03 with True The Vote. And this article from The Daily Caller about it.
Check out the research and show notes section for our guests’ organizations, and links mentioned during the show. And some others we relied on to build the show.
News! Censorship Can Be Stopped
Thankfully, there are sensible judges still out there who recognize that the Constitution means it when it says the government’s duty is to protect free speech, not censor it. On Friday, after our interview, news broke of a big win by RFK Jr., who had sued the federal government. Which, despite its constitutional duty, agencies within the federal government have been working with Big Tech to censor whatever it didn’t like. About such things as covid, the vaccines, global warming/climate change, transgenderism and more.
The ruling is essentially on hold until after the bigger and broader Missouri v. Biden, which is currently at the Supreme Court, awaiting a ruling. But. This ruling prevents Biden and his gestapo agencies from working with social media companies to suppress free speech. But this definitely fires a shot across the bow of U.S.S. Censorship.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
Austin VanDerHeyden (Segments 1–3) on the City of Gilbert’s Censorship
Austin VanDerHeyden is from the Goldwater Institute and serves as their Municipal Affairs Liaison
Have a problem with your city council? Or a problem with your school boards? Then contact Austin.
THIS: Austin mentioned A website to help you crack open government, with tools and resources to on how to file public records requests. Free speech dies when we remain silence.
The Goldwater Institute also takes on civil liberties cases “… on issues ranging from free speech and property rights to school choice and equal protection under the law, and much more.” Think they might be interested? Submit a case.
From The Epoch Times: Big Brother Town Department Paid to Spy on Private Social Media Posts That Do Not Align With Woke Beliefs (Epoch Times, Feb 11, 2024)
Joseph Vazquez (Segments 4–6) on Censorship: George Soros, Big Tech, and A.I.
Joseph Vazquez is from the Media Research Center and serves as the associate editor for Business and Free Speech America.
The Media Research Center (MRC), has been fighting the Left-Wing bias in news since 1987.
Perhaps one of MRC’s better-known projects is News Busters. If it’s not already on your daily news sites, it should be.
One of MRC’s latest projects is Free Speech America. Which has its own program, Censor Track, which specifically tracks censorship by Big Tech. Meaning censorship of conservatives.Visit
We did not get time to discuss this but this is frightening: “Inside the Biden Admin’s New Strategy to Censor, Push Leftist Activism Into American Classrooms” (, Jan 17th, 2024)
Show 14-04 Summary: There’s no justice in a “just us” world. Whether you’re talking lawfare for one side but prosecutors are willingly blind for the other side. Or whether you’re talking corporate governance where one side’s ideology is forced onto how companies do business. But the good news is, this kind of discrimination may finally be starting to catch up with the Left.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: February 3rd & 4th, 2024 | Guests: Paul Kamenar and Scott Shepard
This Week – Cases Against Trump, DEI Against Common Sense
We talk with Paul Kamenar, the lead counsel for National Legal and Policy Center for his legal analysis about the cases against Trump, the corruption in the Fani Willis office (one of the prosecutors determined to “get Trump”), and the Hunter Biden cases.
And then we talk about the poison of “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” that has been pushed by trillion-dollar Leftist hedge funds on corporate America. Except now they’re pulling back on this racist hiring practice. It turns out Boeing’s planes aren’t the only thing whose wheels are falling off. But why now?
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
Paul Kamenar Segments 1–3
FBI’s Wray Faces Worst NIGHTMARE As Matt Gaetz Shows Hunter Biden’s SHOCKING Text Message (Tuyền Ơi YT Channel, Jan 29, 2024)*Just imagine if Don Jr. had sent this text instead of Hunter Biden: “I’m sitting here with my father. I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”
Lawyer’s ‘Loan’ to Hunter Biden Violates Legal Ethics (via NewsMax, Jan 25, 2024)*As Hunter Biden’s attorney, Morris is prohibited from lending or giving money to his clients under California bar rules.
Even more Fani Willis corruption? Uncovered Audio Reveals Whistleblower FIRED After Warning Fani Willis About Misuse of Federal Funds (WLT Report, Jan 31, 2024)
“A newly surfaced audio recording reveals that Fanni Willis was warned by a whistleblower in private about her top aide misusing federal funds.”
In 2021, Amanda Timpson, a Fulton County DA employee, informed Willis about the aide’s plans to use “$488,000 federal grant—earmarked for the creation of a Center of Youth Empowerment and Gang Prevention—to pay for “swag,” computers, and travel.”
Fani Willis did not deny the allegations or report the aide. Instead, less than 2 months later, she FIRED the whistleblower…
Letitia James Case
Lawsuit Against Trump is Frivolous, and NY AG Letitia James Proves It (, Nov 21, 2024)
Trump levels unsubstantiated claims of collusion against New York AG as civil fraud trial wraps up (AP News, Jan 12, 2024)
Horace Cooper on Fox News: “Airlines, Boeing, Biden Prioritize Diversity Over Safety” (National Center, Jan 9, 2024)
“Have Boeing and other companies in the airline industry sacrificed excellence and safety on the altar of diversity?”
Horace Cooper (from NCPPR’s Project 21): “In my latest book, I mention this dalliance with DEI, this idea that diversity is more important than a meritocracy. I titled the chapter ‘D-I-E’ because THIS CAN KILL.”
The president of the United States has picked Mayor Pete to be in charge of airline safety — again, choosing diversity over the importance of the real reason there’s an FAA, and that’s safety.
Boeing Shareholders Reject Proposal Seeking Ideological Balance on Board (NCPPR, Apr 27, 2020)
Multiple former senior Boeing staffers say they would NOT fly on killer 737 Max planes (Daily Mail, Jan 31, 2024)
Trump’s lawyers want special counsel Jack Smith held in contempt in 2020 election interference case (AP, Jan 4, 2024)
Judge sets hearing for misconduct claims against prosecutor leading Ga. Trump case (NPR, January 18, 2024)
Fani Willis Scandal: How An Alleged Romantic Relationship With A Prosecutor Could Upend Trump’s Criminal Trial (Forbes, Jan 22, 2024</a
13-47 (Best of) 13-36 Activating the Church and Christian Engagement
Show 13-47 Summary: This week, the I Spy Family was off for Thanksgiving. (It’s remarkably hard to get guests this week, as you might imagine.) In anticipation of next week’s show, we are re-airing our interview with Pastor Richard Peil.
All of the links mentioned during the show can be found on 13-36’s show page. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and we’ll see you next week.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: September 9th & 10th, 2023 | Guest: Pastor Richard Peil
13-44 Green Hydrogen Can Work – Just Ignore Economics and Common Sense
Show 13-44 Summary: People have been chasing the elusive dream of hydrogen as a fuel source for decades and decades. Billions have been poured into it before now. But there’s no such thing as a bad idea as long as the government is willing to pour even more billions into it. But now it’s even worse as they chase “green hydrogen.” Tune in to hear why hydrogen isn’t viable as a mass production “fuel,” how it isn’t even a fuel, and even far more expensive than it already is if we try to make it the way the Greenies want. And remember how CO2 is the enemy? Yeah not so much, apparently.
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.
The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.
Original Air Dates: November 4th & 5th, 2023 | Guest: Frank Lasee
This Week – Why Green Hydrogen Doesn’t Make Sense
Hydrogen has been the elusive clean energy society has been chasing for decades. Well before G.W. Bush threw nearly $2 billion at (which went nowhere), scientists were trying to use hydrogen back into FDR’s days and even before then. (The Hindenburg largely derailed the whole idea.) But if clean hydrogen was a pipe dream, green hydrogen is a fanciful nightmare. Especially if you don’t care about things like economics or common sense.
The Hindenburg derailed hydrogen. Rightly so.
In a nutshell, green hydrogen costs 5–6 times more than current methods and does not return as much energy as it costs to produce.
But why let a few dozen billions of narrow-minded taxpayer dollars stand in your way of your grand vision? Especially when states like Oregon and Washington just got handed a billion dollars each of free taxpayer dollars to create hydrogen hubs.
But First: A Big Win!
Thanks to public outcry, which CFACT helped mobilize, Orsted has cancelled its two planned offshore wind farms in New Jersey waters. The Danish company our American taxpayer dollars was funding, pulled the plug. Despite a $100 million penalty for failing to complete delivery. And wrote off a $4 billion loss. Amazing how these “green energy” schemes cannot work without massive government subsidies.
Public outcry works. Don’t be silent. And let’s do that here in Oregon. See Show 13-42 for more information.
Green Hydrogen Defined
We welcome first-time guest, Frank Lasee, a former Wisconsin state senator, president of Truth in Energy and Climate, and a senior policy advisor to CFACT. As you might be able to tell from the name of his organization, there’s not a lot of truth out there in either climate or energy. And nowhere is that more true than green hydrogen.
First off, hydrogen is itself not really a fuel. It’s more akin to a battery because while it has energy, it first has to be created. It would be a bit like creating oil out of various elements first before drilling for it.
What is green hydrogen? The label “green hydrogen” is all about how the hydrogen is made. There are several ways to make hydrogen. One is a simple electrolysis method, applying a current to water that splits the molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Your high school science teacher might have demonstrated this. Another is gasification that extracts hydrogen (and other elements) from natural gas with high-temperature steam.
Green hydrogen is extracted from whatever source but must use “renewable” energy to do so. The most common being pushed right now is to use solar and wind as the energy source.
How Green Hydrogen is Made
Except there’s a major problem with “green” wind and solar. They do not produce energy 70% of the time. Barely any wind. No wind. Not enough sun. Darkness. But to make clean, green hydrogen at scale takes enormous amounts of electricity. And water. Lots of water.
To make one kilogram of hydrogen (which has roughly the same potential energy as a gallon of gas), you need 13 kg of water to split. The water is heated to 2,000 degrees. That’s a lot of electricity. And then after it’s split, it has to be superchilled to near absolute zero so it can be pressurized and stored. And that takes another 40 kg of water to cool it.
So for every 1 kg of hydrogen produced, it takes 53 kg of water — and a massive amount of electricity.
What happens if the wind’s not blowing? Or it’s night time? You don’t have to be a paid TV scientist to realize this is not a process you can start and stop because of the unreliability of your “green” power sources. Gosh. You’ll have to supplement all intermittent green energy with coal. Or have massive batteries.
The Green Hydrogen Dilemma
One notion to get past the unreliability of so-called green energy and its unreliability is to tap into hydroelectric dams. Which the Pacific Northwest has plenty of. Except for the last decade, the environmentalists have been busily trying to yank them all out. To “save the salmon.”
Now what? Save the salmon or have green hydrogen?
In fact, the hypnotic allure of billions free taxpayer dollars has put a halt on at least one lawsuit to force the government to pull out dams on the Snake River.
But it’s not just the dams. You’ve got California, which on Thursday emptied 7 billion gallons (7,559,743,200 gallons to be precise) of fresh water from its reservoirs into the ocean. Why? To adjust the salinity levels in a delta to “save the fish.” The Delta Smelt. Of which a grand total of zero Delta Smelt have been seen in annual Fall Surveys since 2017.
Well there goes 142,636,664 gallons of hydrogen they could have made.
Fish or dams for hydrogen? What to do, what to do…
Green Energy: It’s All About Money
Tune in to hear how “green energy” is not green. And it’s not really about energy. What it’s really all about is the money.
And it’s not about “Climate Change” either. Why? Because while we’ve been shrieked at about CO2 emissions for two decades, it turns out they will not only sacrifice fish to get those billions. They’re also willing to emit more CO2 to get those billions.
Just like wearing the inappropriate “green” label for green hydrogen, to get the label “clean hydrogen” all you have to do is not emit more than 2 kg of carbon dioxide per hydrogen produced.
Read it for yourself: The National Clean Hydrogen Standard is 2 kg CO2e/kg H2. That’s 2x the amount of CO2 for every one Hydrogen (H2). See page 75 of the H2IQ Presentation from the U.S. Dept of Energy.
Yes. You can emit twice the CO2 you get of hydrogen. So much for CO2 as the enemy.
Don’t miss the show. That’s just one of much of the green hydrogen nonsense.
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Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
Articles/Info Mentioned During the Show
Frank Lasee’s website is Be sure to check out this website for great articles and information.
Major wind energy developer scraps two big offshore projects (NBC News, Nov 1, 2023)
The move by Orsted, a Danish company, adds fresh uncertainty to an industry supporters see as a way to help end the burning of planet-warming fossil fuels.
Read it for yourself! Page 75 of the H2IQ Presentation (Dec 2021) from the U.S. Department of Energy states “clean hydrogen” allows for twice the amount of CO2 emissions as the hydrogen produced.
Great example of replacing a gasoline car with a solar cars. Now you’re paying for 3 cars to get the same reliability you had in one.
Hydrogen – Will this Green dream prove an expensive nightmare? – (CFACT, Oct 26, 2023)
Hydrogen embrittles nearly every metal it comes in contact with.
Needs 13x more water than hydrogen made, 40x to cool it
The hydrogen lobby duped Congress into $9.5 billion for hydrogen hubs and $100s of billions more for subsidies to make it. These hydrogen jobs will last only as long as the subsidies do.
“The fact that the world is desperately short of lithium and cobalt for electric vehicle batteries, at the scale they want to force, is dawning on them”
“Wind and solar produce little or no energy 70% of the time.”
Frank Lasee: Joe Biden’s Hydrogen Slush Fund Means More Dollars Wasted On The Green Energy Boondoggle (ShoreNews Network, Feb 26, 2023)
Show 13-39 Summary: Thanks to Joe Biden and the party formerly known as “democrats,” Marxism in America is on the rise. In our economy and in our society. We see it in our schools, as states push woke ideology on our children. And now, Marxism is a a core part of teacher hiring practices. We see it in government regulation. And a key element of Marxism is to break a country so it can be refashioned into a socialist utopia. Except they don’t exist and have never existed. But with our out-of-control government spending, we’re about to go broke.
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Original Air Dates: September 30th & October 1st, 2023 | Guests: James Hirsen and Joe Penland, Sr.
This Week – Cultural Marxism
In the wake of World War 1 and the disaster of Russia’s Marxist revolution, which left millions of dead Russians, Marxists the world over began to realize Marx focused too much on economics and not enough on culture. So they began infusing Marxism into culture, like how it was “greedy” to be successful. Or that the family unit needed to be attacked and torn down. So people would turn to the State as their family. And on and on it went. Until we arrive at today’s situation. Where Marxism in America is everywhere, even if you don’t know it.
But cultural Marxism isn’t just in Hollywood films and classrooms. Now it’s a hiring criteria for teachers. We check in with best-selling author, James Hirsen, about yet another new Marxist attack on our country: “Cultural Marxism Being Used in Teacher Hiring.”
That’s the title of James’s terrific new article—among many others. Check out all of his brilliant and insightful commentary on his website,
Marxism in Our Government
Thanks to FDR, who flooded the federal government with socialists, and to Harry Truman, who flooded the federal government with National Socialists (a.k.a., “Nazis”), our federal government — wait for it — is flooded with Marxists. Socialists, communists, and full-blown Marxists.
As a result, the conversion of our one-time-American government to Marxism is nearly complete. And we’re quickly speeding down the tracks to the last stop on the line.
Marxism in America isn’t always hidden. Sometimes, it’s right in our faces. Like our spending on socialized giveaways.
Our federal government has been spending trillions outside of its budget. Whenever you spend more than you budgeted, you have a deficit. And we’ve been spending about 20-30% beyond our budget every year for decades. Our national debt, which stands at $33 trillion (and growing fast), is the accumulation of all those years of spending more than our income.
We welcome first-time guest Joe Penland Sr., a successful businessman who also has over 26 years of banking experience. For the last year, he has been trying to wake Americans up to the tipping point of debt we are fast approaching.
All that debt and for what? When a business borrows, it’s typically to buy land or equipment. Hard assets. Which they will then use to generate more money. Effectively, they are borrowing the means to pay off the money they are borrowing. Not so with government. We are giving money away and getting no assets in exchange for those giveaways. (Unless you consider votes for more giveaways to be an asset.)
We talk to Joe about the hard decisions ahead.
The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.
Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info
Read all of James Hirsen’s terrific commentary and analysis at
“In about a decade, likely less, the Social Security fund will have to give everyone at least a 25% cut, or taxes will have to increase for those still in the workforce.”
Marxism hates the family structure. Check out this article: “AI girlfriends are ruining an entire generation of men” (The Hill, Sept 26, 2023)
It’s the statistics here that are so troubling: “America desperately needs people to have more babies, but all the signs are pointing toward fewer relationships, fewer marriages and fewer babies. There have been 600,000 fewer births in 2023 in the U.S. relative to 15 years ago. The number of children per woman has decreased by more than 50 percent in the last 60 years.”
“In 1940, there were 42 workers per beneficiary of Social Security. Today, there are only 2.8 workers per beneficiary, and that number is getting smaller.”