It’s ON! Fighting Election Theft and Corruption
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Show Summary: President Trump is fighting election theft on an industrial scale. Hint: It’s not just “voter fraud.” That’s a person stealing or forging a vote. What we’re seeing in 2020 goes way beyond that. An eyewitness tells us what happened in PA, ground zero for election theft

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Original Air Dates: Nov 14 & 15, 2020 | Thomas Raineri & James Hirsen
This Week: Yes, Virginia, voter fraud is real. But it’s nothing in comparison to what we’re seeing in 2020: election theft. It’s the difference between a purse snatch and raiding a bank vault.
What we’re seeing in 2020 is the undermining of the most basic fundamental right we have in America: a free and fair election. But it didn’t just happen. What we’re seeing is a massive effort to steal an election. It shouldn’t surprise anyone. We saw the democrats try to steal the 2016 election by using federal agencies to stage a coup. Why would the democrats not use state and local agencies to steal the 2020 election?
Election Theft: It’s Real

We’re joined this week by Thomas Raineri, a lawyer who volunteered with President Trump’s reelection team, and was on the ground near Pittsburgh. Right from the moment he arrived at the canvassing location, there was trouble. A guard confessed to him his misgivings about what he’d witnessed during the middle of the night: workers running ballots through the machines.
- WATCH THIS VIDEO. An interview with Russell Ramsland, a source on electronic voter fraud. You will be astounded how vulnerable our voting systems truly are.
And that was just the start of it. Join us to hear just some of what Thomas witnesses and heard that day, as Democrats tried, quite literally, every trick in the voter fraud book to steal the election.
Election Theft: What’s being done
Then we’ll be joined by James Hirsen. While James is known for his best-selling books and terrific articles (see jameshirsen.com), he is also an attorney. And he’s been part of cases argued before the Supreme Court of the United States.
Be patient. Wait. It will take time. The key is to get it right.
Biden has not been elected President by We The People. Media lies do not elect The President.
Every lie will be revealed. The coup will fail. Pray.
#FightBack for @realDonaldTrump
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 7, 2020
We talk with James about some of the election theft happening in other states besides Pennsylvania. And we discuss what’s being done about this by Team Trump.
He’s the message: Don’t give up.
Never. Never give up. Because the fraud, the corruption, and the election theft is being exposed.
Be sure to check out the tip-of-the-iceberg reports of election theft in our links section, below.
James Hirsen’s Patriotic Music
As mentioned during the show, James has terrific patriotic music. And we need it right now. Check out the following links.
You can also find James’s songs on Spotify, on YouTube, and on Amazon.
Podcast of the Show
Links Mentioned
- A Pro Bono Lawyer for Trump Campaign Shares What He Saw in Pennsylvania (The Daily Signal, Nov 6, 2020)
- Election Irregularities Call for a Full Investigation (James Hirsen, Nov 09, 2020).
- “The establishment media are ignoring, suppressing, and even dismissing altogether an enormous amount of evidence that indicates significant voting irregularities took place during the 2020 presidential election”
- VIDEO: Richard Grenell on the Nevada and Arizona races, including changing the error-tolerance settings on signature verification machines that effectively removed any verification. 600,000 ballots were sent through it. The Trump Team believes at least 200,000 of those were invalid ballots. (via YouTube. Nov 10, 2020)
- WATCH THIS VIDEO: An interview with Russell Ramsland, a source on electronic voter fraud. (Nov. 5, 2020)
- Powerhouse attorney Lin Wood tells America why he joined Trump’s election team and what is coming (BizPac Review, Nov 09, 2020)
- EXCLUSIVE: Based on Reports By Auditors, IT Specialists, Data Analysts, and Statisticians – The Number of Illegitimate Votes Identified In Four Swing States Are Enough to Overturn Election (Gateway Pundit, Nov 13, 2020)
- Quantifying Illegal Votes Cast by Non-Citizens in the Battleground States of the 2020 Presidential Election (Just Facts Daily, Nov 8, 2020)
- BREAKING HUGE: Another System ”Glitch” Captured Live on CNN on Election Night – 20,000 Votes Swapped from Trump to Biden (Video) (Gateway Pundit, Nov 9, 2020)
- UPDATE: Benford’s Law Has Been Used to Prove Election Fraud in the Past – Joe Biden’s Numbers in Michigan are 99% Flawed — No Surprise that Tech Giants are Banning This Information (Gateway Pundit, Nov 8 2020)
- IT’S HAPPENING: Trump Campaign Attorney Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election – TRUTH” (Gateway Pundit, Nov 12, 2020)
- Oregon elections director fired after sharing security, spending concerns (OregonLive, Nov 9, 2020)
- Rudy Giuliani: Trump campaign has enough evidence to change Pennsylvania election results (Washington Examiner, Nov 8, 2020)
- Sidney Powell: “We’ve Identified 450,000 Ballots that Miraculously ONLY have a Vote for Joe Biden” (Sunday Morning Futures via Gateway Pundit YouTube Channel, Nov 8, 2020)
- Sidney Powell, Part 2: Nancy Pelosi’s Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein’s Husband a Shareholder at Dominion (Sunday Morning Futures via Gateway Pundit YouTube Channel, Nov 8, 2020)
- Pennsylvania Auditors Warned (Breitbart, Nov 10, 2020)
- AG William Barr Green Lights a DOJ Probe Into Allegations of Voter Fraud (Townhall.com, Nov 9, 2020)
- → Says “investigations “may be conducted if there are clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State.” So how do we make credible allegations to get their attention?
- “States that want an investigation launched have until December 8th to file them, including recounts and court battles over the results. The Electoral College is scheduled to meet on December 14th to finalize the election’s outcome.”
- More “Glitches” in Pennsylvania: Votes for Trump Drop IN THREE DIFFERENT COUNTIES SIMULTANEOUSLY — Almost As If It Was Coordinated (Gateway Pundit, Nov 10, 2020)
- Why would anyone suddenly lose votes? And in three counties? And simultaneously. Why, if it’s “standard” then why did Biden never lose any votes at all during vote tallies for him?
- Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date: Researcher (Epoch Times, Nov 10, 2020)
- “More than 20,000 absentee ballots in Pennsylvania have impossible return dates and another more than 80,000 have return dates that raise questions,”
- “Nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out. Another more than 23,000 have a return date earlier than the sent date. More than 9,000 have no sent date.”
2 Replies to “It’s ON! Fighting Election Theft and Corruption”
Mark, are you in Twitter jail? Folks are asking!
Yes. I’m still locked out. Not sure I’ll be let out. I am into my second appeal. Here’s a parley about it