John Solomon Analyzes Rod Rosenstein Hearing — On the Path to Justice
Show Summary: What was heard—and not heard—in the Rod Rosenstein hearing. The questions not asked. And what it could all mean for fast-approaching investigations. Plus, his new book, Fallout, which details the corruption of the Clinton and the Bidens and why it led to the Russia-Collusion hoax.

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Air Dates: June 6 & 7, 2020 | John Solomon
This Week: We’ve heard many times that, had Hillary actually won, we would never have learned any of what the FBI did. About Obama weaponizing the FBI against his enemies. Or about Obama attempting to knock out candidate Trump and sabotage his presidency if he won. (The infamous “insurance policy.”) But now the question is what will happen if Trump doesn’t win his second term?
We’re in the middle of experiencing some of that possible reality as far-left governors storm our states rights and target churches and gun rights. And the media works overtime to lie, and spin, and make any positive a negative, and any negative Trump’s fault.
But what about the evidence that has been uncovered demonstrating the complete breakdown of legal processes that was supposed to protect us and our constitutional rights?
Rod Rosenstein Hearing
On Wednesday we saw the Ron Rosenstein hearing, and heard the bald face lies he told now compared to a year or two ago, because of what we have found out since. In part due to investigative journalists who never gave up in pursuit of the truth.
Enter award-winning investigative journalist, John Solomon. Mr. Solomon gives us the insights to measure what Rosenstein said, as we watched him—a person in the hierarchy of the FBI and DOJ—testify that he was not responsible for anything. Anything. We have to wonder, based on his testimony, what did this man do when he was on the job? Because according to him, he did nothing but count his fingers while chaos and colleagues, undermining the rule of law, surrounded him. Rod Rosenstein threw the entire FBI under the bus. He said he had responsibility, but he was not responsible. Huh?
What was also encouraging at Wednesday’s hearing is that we saw that the Democrats have nothing. They were still trying to trot out the Russian collusion theory when it’s been proven as a factual lie. At a hearing that was about the origins of the Russia collusion hoax.
John Solomon: What Rod Rosenstein Hearing Means for Durham Investigation
Tune in to hear John Solomon’s analysis of the hearing and what it means for the immediate future. What you’ll hear is how the daggers just may be coming out as one official, Rosenstein, takes aim at another official, McCabe, to try to deflect the legal finger away from himself. And McCabe isn’t being bashful about pointing that legal finger right back at Rosenstein, saying he’s the liar. Who do we believe? And who will cave first?
And be sure to listen for what all of this portends for the future of the current investigations by John Durham and others. This summer. We think you’ll hear why John Solomon was in such a good mood.
We also talk with Mr. Solomon about his book Fallout: : Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties as he leads us through why the Russian collusion tactic really happened. (John’s book will be released July 14, but can be pre-ordered now from Amazon.)
All of this right as we watch more economic recovery, protests settle down, blue states struggle to admit they were wrong on taxing more. And why it’s so important to reelect President Trump to take us into the next term with even a bigger American greatness. And justice. Because if he’s not elected, it will all go away.
Rod Rosenstein is just the beginning.
Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.
Links Mentioned
- John Solomon’s terrific news media site is Just the News. Some great articles, which we used for our show, include:
- Nine developments to watch in the Russia and Ukraine scandals (Just the News, May 31, 2020)
- Six times the feds should have stopped the Russia collusion (Just the News, June 1, 2020)
- Background: “Dirty Dozen: The 12 revelations that sunk Mueller’s case against Flynn” (John Solomon, Just the News, May 9, 2020)
- Declassified transcripts add to evidence that FBI had no legal basis to interview Michael Flynn (Just the News, June 2, 2020)
- Justice Department asks appeals court to force dismissal (Just the News, June 1, 2020)
- Attorneys for Judge Sullivan tell federal court their client correct (Just the News, June 2, 2020)
- Next stage of Russia collusion probe (Just the News, June 4, 2020)
- John’s upcoming book is Fallout: : Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties, to be released July 14, 2020, but can be pre-ordered now from Amazon
- President Trump has called it a “must buy”. Sydney Powell says, “ Only read this book if you want THE TRUTH!”
- “The FBI’s Investigation Into Trump and Russia Now Looks Even Worse”: Rod Rosenstein says he was kept in the dark about important parts of the probe. (Bloomberg, June 3, 2020)