When it comes to Leftist Policies, Science and Reality don’t Matter
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Show Summary: Oregon is the Petri Dish of Leftist policies. Find out how and why that when it comes to economics and environment, leftist policies leave reality behind.

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Air Dates: Apr 27 & 28, 2019 | Ethan Blevins
This Week: It’s spring with farmers preparing fields, rains soaking our rich soils, and forests turning green. Our skies are clear from heavy smoke and the air is fresh. But August is coming when things are far more dry, brown, and dusty.
Oregon’s Forests: A Victim of Leftist Policies
Believe it or not, August in Oregon used to be free of major forest fires for decades but why isn’t it now? Why have massive fires become a way of life for the summer landscape in Oregon, California, and the rest of the West?
We’ll talk about this with Dr. Bob Zybach, someone who studied Oregon’s history of forest fires for his dissertation and is an avid proponent for bringing back practical and realistic forest management policies to Oregon. A state that should be leading the way on setting proper forest management polices. Except we’re too concerned that environmentalists will froth at the mouth over policies that actually acknowledge mankind is part of the environment. But we digress.
Dr. Zybach is also a frequent guest on I Spy Radio. Dr. Bob is back on to take us through what should be happening with our forests during spring time as summer is fast approaching. We know that farmers and ranchers are busy during this time of year preparing for the growing season, so should foresters.
Are We Preparing Scientists or Activists?
We hear so much about preparing today’s youth for the challenges of tomorrow. So what exactly is the curriculum currently being taught in today’s forestry classes? And how well prepared are young foresters when they graduate?
Don’t miss the updates on the Elliott State Forest that is supposed to be making the state millions. Yes. The Elliott State Forest is supposed to generate money. Not cost money. Can it? Yes. Is it? You’ll hear about that and what the future may bring for this vital state resource and how it could pave the way for other states. If they just listen.
Pacific Legal: Fighting Leftist Policies
But first up: Ethan Blevins. Mr. Blevins is an attorney with Pacific Legal Foundation. This is a group that we’ve been following for a long time. No, we’re not stalkers. But this our first time to have them on I Spy Radio. Pacific Legal Foundation has been growing leaps and bounds and are now all across America, working to hold the government accountable. Just our kind of group.
Oregon’s New Rent Control: Ignoring Science AND Economics
Mr. Blevins litigates cases involving the First Amendment, property rights, school choice, and the separation of powers. So we talk to him about the new rent control Oregon’s legislature just passed and why its policies will end up raising costs of living—the exact opposite of what they propose to do.
Why? Because the policy completely ignores one of the most basic elements of economics. Not one of those fancy a computer models that predict global cooling—wait, no, warming, er, no, change!—but from long-tested and proven economic science. But what do we know?
And don’t miss our conversation with Mr. Blevin about Oregon’s supermajority and the potential abuse of powers that come with it. Yes, the Democrats have a 3/5ths supermajority in the House and Senate and yes they hold the governorship. But there’s still hope. And from a surprising source. And it’s why Republicans can’t and shouldn’t give up.
Podcast Version
Links & Further Info
Ethan Blevins (Segments 1–3)
- Unelected bureaucrats must follow the law, too (Pacific Legal Foundation, Dec 19, 2018)
- Supreme Court vacates 9th Circuit ruling against EPA victim, Joe Robertson (Free Range Report, April 23, 2019) This is a Pacific Legal Foundation case
- The Hill: Environmental regulations have become impossible to follow (The Hill, March 18, 2019) found on PLF’s newsroom webpage
- Ethan Blevins article: Beware the false promise of rent control (Fox News, March 30, 2019)
- OVERVIEW: How Rent Control Works in New York City (via Oh My Apartment)
- “People in New York City who have the advantage of renting a rent stabilized apartment, have a very hard time parting with them. Monthly rent under $2000 in New York City is very, very cheap – even for a studio or small one bedroom.” = lack of mobility; prevents people from moving to a better job or moving closer to their current job, thereby increasing commuting distance, time, and expense.
- Some basic history of Rent Control (via Wikipedia): “In 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Emergency Price Control Act into law. The goal of the act was to prevent inflation in the booming, fully employed wartime economy by setting price controls nationwide. ”
- (Don’t forget: long-time listeners of I Spy Radio know that this is about the time the IRS screwed up the health care system forever. Due to World War II and wage controls in effect, the IRS decided to allow employers to offer health care as a means around wage restriction policies in order to entice workers.
Bob Zybach (Segments 4–6)
- Trump Administration Loosens Sage Grouse Protections, Benefiting Oil Companies (NYT, March 15, 2019)
- Oregon Moves On Plan To Re-Purpose The Elliott State Forest For Research (OPB, Dec 18, 2018)
- Number of small farms is growing in Oregon (The Argus Observer, April 19, 2019)