Orders v Constitutional Rights: Fighting Back Against Mandate Abuse
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Show Summary: Are politicians and others exploiting Covid-19 to push agendas? Where are our rights in the middle of this panic-demic? We talk with Southeastern Legal Foundations, Kim Hermann to find out how we defend ourselves in an era of Covid overreach. Are states liable for their orders?

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!
10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
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7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream
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Air Dates: Aug 22nd & 23rd, 2020 | Kim Hermann, General Counsel for Southeastern Legal Foundation
Like in so many Democrat-controlled states, Oregon’s mandates and “emergency orders” have given many Oregonians pause, as we decide what are true “safety issues,” and which are actually eroding our constitutional rights. Especially when the orders consist of being locked into our homes or locked out of our favorite businesses. Or being told you have to wear masks, to the point of absurdity. (Recently, a Wyoming department even mandated people had to wear a mask, even if they were at home, alone, on a teleconference.) And all of that after the pretense of being falsely told that these orders would last only “15 days to flatten the curve.” Five months ago.
Mandates and Endless Orders
We’re told we must wear masks to enter a business. Or stand 6 feet apart. Or both. We can’t hug or shake hands. And you certainly can’t have any interaction, like churches or actually non-violent protests that might threaten the State’s power of telling us how to behave and think. Because, without exception, we are supposed to think that everything the state and our ‘dear leaders” tells us is for our own good. And cannot be questioned, opposed, or go unfollowed. Even if you believe some of these orders are immaterial, immoral, or even illegal. Not to mention unscientific. But, don’t you dare ask (or think) such things.
Where are All the Lawyers?
And what’s very interesting throughout this questionable time of panic-demic, we’ve wondered where are all the lawyers? Normally we would see a bazillion of lawsuits except now it seems many lawyers have been quiet. Why?
Well, it turns out there are some valid reasons and we discuss it on the show this weekend with Kim Hermann, General Counsel for Southeastern Legal Foundation.
Southeastern Legal Foundation: Fighting Back
This show is about defending our rights but also about taking the fight to the government that is abandoning their responsibilities—while taking away rights.
Could it be that the Left may have found the Achilles Heel to take away our constitutional rights? Just claim a health emergency? And you have no rights? Democrats who are controlling these blue states are keeping the voters powerless, as they use such hammers as OSHA. OSHA tells private businesses that if masks are not worn by their customers, OSHA will shut the business down. Is that legal? We discuss that too.
A Doctor Gets Attacked for Standing Up for Truth
Dr. Steve LaTulippe, a medical doctor in the Willamette Valley has come under attack. Why? Because he has dared to point out on social media that the mandates are causing their own set of problems. pointed out that the mask orders and other mandates are causing their own set of problems.
SIX MONTHS AGO I treated my last Covid-19 patient. Since then I’ve treated hundreds of Covid-related collateral damage: depression, anxiety, anger, divorce, drug abuse, mask trauma (impetigo, asthma, fatigue, headaches, syncope, etc.), and a slew of hopelessness. Fight the fraud! pic.twitter.com/U9U7211fpj
— Steve LaTulippe MD (@LatulippeSteven) August 15, 2020
The 3 most common mask symptoms: headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath. Staphylococcus pneumonia is becoming very common—and deadly! https://t.co/249VVZCy8z
— Steve LaTulippe MD (@LatulippeSteven) August 16, 2020
Developing: We’re also hearing that hospital doctors, nurses, and other workers are being told—as a condition of employment—not to talk about health problems that result from mandates and state orders. So the state orders people to wear masks and stay home. And then they’re also ordering people not to to talk about the problems that result from those orders? Got it. Totalitarianism comes to Oregon.
Standing Up to Mandate Abuse & Liability
If you’re forced to shut down, who’s liable for the lost income? Who’s liable for forcing people into masks that now have shown to cause headaches, rashes, and a host of problems. Should, or can, the state, be held liable for the problems it created?
Where are the Lawyers on this? Where are all the class-action lawsuits?
Follow our guest, Kim Hermann, on Twitter @kimmiehermann
And what about those states that haven’t followed shutdowns, such as South Dakota, which has large cities, yet their number of deaths is lower than blue states that have locked down.

And what about contact tracing? How does that not go against the 4th Amendment?
Or what can you do if someone from the state shows up on your doorstep, demanding a cheek swab? Or wants to put you in quarantine?
And what about mandatory vaccines?
We turn to Kim Hermann and the Southeastern Legal Foundation, to get some answers of what rights we have and what to do about the ones we want protected. Does the Constitution trump local emergency orders? Or is a governor, like Gov Kate, allowed to indiscriminately continue with emergency orders, without legislative oversight, and no determination of when the orders end, or what will happen when they do.
Fighting Back
You’ll want to hear this week’s show and the fights that SLF has already taken up on college campuses that opened the doors to using Covid reporting forms to shut down organizations they may not agree with politically. Listen to Kim explain what they’re doing to protect student’s rights, and what SLF, lawyers, and citizens can do to help fight against these blue state, and out-of-control governors.
It’s definitely time for some answers and maybe it’s time for some actions. If you’re being ordered to be silent, it’s time not to be. If your business is being threatened, it’s past time to speak up. Or all of your rights are at stake.
Podcast Version
Links Mentioned
- Southeastern Legal Foundation’s website is www.slfliberty.org
- See some of their current fights with universities and Covid reporting forms
- Thought police? Cough police? What’s next at U Miami? (Southeastern Legal Foundation, Aug 17, 2020)
- Attention College Students: You better not cough, you better not sneeze (SLF, Aug 18, 2020)
- University of North Georgia’s form for tattling on COVID patients changed after legal pressure (Just the News, Aug 6, 2020)
Related Links
- Cuomo’s Deadly Mistake Was Likely Even Worse Than First Reported (National Review, Aug 11, 2020)
- Project Veritas Sues Oregon for the Right to Go Undercover With Antifa in Portland (PJMedia, Aug 24, 2020)