Tag: beat the cheat

14-40 Too Big to Rig — Get the Vote Out and Beat the Cheat

14-40 Too Big to Rig — Get the Vote Out and Beat the Cheat

Show 14-40 Summary: The media claim questioning the 2020 election is “The Big Lie.” You even saw it in the presidential and vice presidential debates, with the “moderators” trying to portray Trump and Vance as “election deniers.” But our elections are not as safe as they could be. What to do? Get out the vote. Like never before. Democrats usually win the ground game. This year, we need to beat the democrats at their own game.

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Original Air Dates: October 5, 2024 | Guests: Caitlin Sinclair & Dennis Linthicum

This Week – Get the Vote Out, Beat the Cheat

We keep hearing how tight elections are this year. Oregon alone has suddenly become important with three congressional races that are now toss ups. But as we get closer to election day, many states are coming forward with some remarkable news about their voter rolls. Swing states especially went out of their way to claim the 2020 election had no problems with their elections. Except now they are suddenly finding inaccurate and messy voter rolls. Some states rolls have hundreds of thousands of ineligible voter on them. And some of those states only had margins of victory in 2020 of about 10,000.

So what do we do? Do we ignore potential election fraud? Do we sit it out because “they’re just going to cheat anyway”?

Absolutely not. We get out the vote harder than ever. You can’t fix a broken system if you hand over the government to the wrong people by sitting it out and not casting your ballot.

And on that front, Turning Point Action is leading the way. To discuss getting out the vote beyond the margin of cheating and some truly inspirational news, we welcome first-time guest Caitlin Sinclair, their official spokeswoman. Charlie Kirk’s organization is working to register voters, and get the vote out—including ballot chasing—and they have been having great success. They are organized, and they are trying to beat the democrats at their own ground game.

Get the app! Help get out the vote and chase ballots by downloading the Turning Point Action app. Just head to your phone’s app store and look for “TPAction.” Or use this link for Apple iPhones or this link for Android phones
Get involved! Head to TPAction.com to learn more and sign up. Or get paid to get out the vote and chase ballots in Wisconsin, Michigan, or Arizona
Get paid! Turning Point Action is looking for 1,000s of field organizers to get out the vote in swing states. And they will pay you to be there, including your hotel room. See TPAction.com/Paid100

Caitlin discusses their approach, who’s involved, and why young adults, including Gen Z, are starting to move conservative. This is a conversation you won’t want to miss and one that you’ll walk away from feeling inspired. There is hope for this next generation!

Yes, Oregon, Election Fraud Does Exist

Then to talk to us about Oregon’s situation, we welcome back long-time guest, former senator and now Republican candidate for Oregon’s Secretary of State, Dennis Linthicum.

Like the swing states, Oregon swore illegal immigrants aren’t on its voter rolls. Except, it turns out, they are. Thanks to a combination of motor voter laws and the democrat-controlled Oregon legislature that decided to give drivers’ licenses to illegals — after Oregon voters had overwhelming said not — Oregon suddenly found over 1,300 illegals were registered to vote. Did Oregon suddenly discover those “errors” because of a pending lawsuit? Because they found them just five days after Judicial Watch sent a letter of intent to sue Oregon’s over its dirty voter rolls.

Oregonians! Are you registered to vote? Did you move? Are you sure your registration hasn’t been changed? Check your voter registration by 5:00 pm, October 15th!

Dennis discusses Oregon’s own loopholes (yes, there are more than one) that allows illegal voters to get on the voter rolls and the surprising reason why they’re not cleaned up.  It was so surprising, Mark thought Dennis was joking.  Find out what’s at stake and how someone like Dennis could fix a very broken system.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Caitlin Sinclair – Get Out the Vote, Segments (1–3)

  • Caitlin is the official spokeswoman for Turning Point Action, the political arm of Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA organization
  • Head to Turning Point Action to find out how you can help chase ballots in your neighborhood by using the TPAction app to find low-propensity voters and help them get their ballots in
  • You can also lead your local precinct
  • Help chase ballots in swing states (they need 1,000s of field organizers!)

Get the app! Help get out the vote and chase ballots by downloading the Turning Point Action app. Just head to your phone’s app store and look for “TPAction.” Or use this link for Apple iPhones or this link for Android phones
Get involved! Head to TPAction.com to learn more and sign up. Or get paid to get out the vote and chase ballots in Wisconsin, Michigan, or Arizona
Get paid! Turning Point Action is looking for 1,000s of field organizers to get out the vote in swing states. And they will pay you to be there, including your hotel room. See TPAction.com/Paid100

Dennis Linthicum, Oregon’s Own Election Issues, Segments (4–6)

Oregon voter registration error was detected six weeks before (OPB, Sept 27, 2024)

Judicial Watch Warns Oregon Over Lawsuit (Judicial Watch, July 25, 2024)

Secretary of State’s office announces deactivation of 1,259 voter registrations (KEZI, Sept 23, 2024)

Voter Registration Citizenship Check Failure in Arizona Affected 218,000 Voters (Gateway Pundit, Sept 30, 2024)

Be sure to check your voter registration status in Oregon before the deadline, October 15th

Related Election News

  • The left keeps accusing conservatives of “The Big Lie” – a term invented by Hitler as he prepared to persecute German Jews (Natural News, January 26, 2020)
  • Good news in a swing state! In deep-blue Philly, working class voters are shifting toward Republicans (Philadelphia Inquirer, Oct 2, 2024)
    • “Democrats have lost the most ground in neighborhoods where poverty rates are highest.”
    • “The question you ask at the door — doesn’t matter, Black, white — is: are you better off than you were four years ago? …That’s the universal message. And people aren’t.”