Show Summary: In our ongoing series to expose socialism, we continue our look at socialism’s ties to Islam, especially radical Islam. We look at Hitler’s ties to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood. We also dig into what’s happening right now in the United Kingdom and France when former cultural jihadist, Kamal Saleem, revisits areas in the U.K. that he’d been sent to back in the 1970s.
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Original Air Dates: March 16 & 17, 2019 | Kamal Saleem
On this week’s show we continue our talk with Kamal Saleem to discuss socialism’s ties with and similarities to radical Islam. Kamal is a former cultural jihadist who had been commissioned by a Saudi prince to go to America and destroy it from within.He has since converted to Christianity and it is now his life’s mission to wake up the Church and America to the dangers of radical Islam. His mission now is to see “Ishmael redeemed.”
But prior to being sent to the U.S., Kamal had first been sent to the United Kingdom in the 1970s. He recently had an opportunity to visit those areas where he had set up jihadist cells. Tune in to hear what he saw and the fruits of his labors.
We also talk with him about the surprising foundation of the Muslim Brotherhood, which got its founding money from a surprising source.
Also: Don’t miss Kamal’s discussion about why Muslims are invading Europe, and the surprising answer to getting them to stop.
Podcast Version
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Show Summary: The Deep State? Fake News? It’s real. And Disinformation is the thread that ties them all together. Former head of Romanian counter-intelligence agency reveals how and why.
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Original Air Dates: Oct. 20 & 21, 2018 | Ron Rychlak
If you’ve ever looked around at the chaos in America today and thought, “this… just isn’t how America used to be,” you’re right. And if you’ve ever thought America is under attack… you’re also right.
Welcome to the world of disinformation. It’s a war that started in 1945 and did not end with the end of the Cold War. Except now instead of Soviet Bloc agents, it’s being waged by socialists and communists right here in America.
On this week’s show, we get a glimpse at what’s really going on. How America has slowly and steadily been under attack, thanks to a counter-intelligence program that started in 1945 but has roots in Russia long before the Soviet Union.
Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa, who defected to the U.S., was the head of Romania counter-intelligence and oversaw its disinformation program. He recruited agents to work their way into prominent places in Western society— universities. The Media. Government. Politicians. And their job was to create disinformation that would undermine and destroy Western society.
The purpose was to create doubt and suspicion about the West’s — especially America’s — founding principles. To undermine freedom, free-market capitalism, and especially religion. Even about our own history.
Disinformation was so effective, it essentially rewrote history they’d just lived through. The agents of disinformation managed to destroy the public image of Pope Pius XII, effectively labeling him “Hitler’s Pope” when the exact opposite was the true history.
Disinformation: Part I
On this week’s show, we talk with Ronald Rychlak, the co-author of Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism (available via In this week’s show, we get an overview of disinformation, what it is, and why it’s far more sinister than either propaganda or misinformation.
On this week’s show, you’ll hear how disinformation is pervasive and get some examples of how disinformation was effective in the past.
Like how a certain returning Vietnam veteran bought the disinformation campaign to discredit America in Vietnam and ended up throwing his medals over the White House fence.
You’ll come away with a better understanding of the Deep State and Fake News. Not to mention how reality is twisted (like the whole “Russian collusion” story line) to undermine America’s institutions and principles.
You’ll also hear tie-ins to so many previous I Spy Radio shows: Deep State, socialism, fake news, the media, even radical Islam.
And be sure to come back next week when we look at specific examples of disinformation. Plus, whatever happened to all those Soviet agents that were recruited and released into the West?
Podcast Version
I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of July 2018. Click for full-size map.
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Five different times, six different stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!
Get a copy of Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism (available via You will want a copy of this.
Show Summary: Christian persecution is largely unreported in the mainstream media, in part because it doesn’t fit the narrative. But Americans need to stand up for Christians. Why? Because it’s not just an attack on innocent people, it’s an attack on our foundations. We talk with David Curry. president and CEO of Open Doors USA, to shine the light on what Christians endure for their faith and how Americans can help.
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Air Dates: May 5 & 6, 2018 | David Curry of Open Doors USA
I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of May 2018. Click for full-size map.
Check out our new broadcast map! We’re excited to welcome KWRO and KWVR to our lineup of stations. Have friends or family in these areas? Let them know!
This Week: 60 years ago a then-little-known man, Brother Andrew, stood up to help those Christians being persecuted in Russia when he smuggled bibles across Russia’s border. His story of risking everything to bring hope to persecuted Christians behind the Iron Curtain was made famous in the book, God’s Smuggler, and became the starting point for Open Doors USA.
Christian Persecution
On this weekend’s show, we’re talking about Christian persecution.
In the larger context, it’s about standing up for yourself. For your beliefs. It’s about standing your ground, not giving ground. And it’s about doing so when standing your ground could cost you your life.
Here in America, we’re blessed to be mostly free of persecution. But there is definitely discrimination against Christians. And discrimination is the seed that, if allowed to grow, will become persecution.
America is under assault; especially our values and religious heritage. And that’s a tue shame. In a cruel and senseless world, God is the only thing that makes sense. Our American heritage is built on that faith. To attack the religious underpinnings of our heritages and to remove God is to leave the next generation without the foundations they need to stand on, to make sense of the senseless. It is removing the landmarks on the journey.
Without the Judeo-Christian heritage, without Christianity, there would be no America.
Open Doors USA: Fghting Christian Persecution Around the World
David Curry, CEO and President of Open Doors USA, takes us through the types of attacks Christians are experiencing around the globe. We discuss why America is so connected to this global fight, why it’s our fight too, and how America’s very founding is so deeply rooted in Judeo-Christian beliefs.
But it’s not only about what Christians endure in other countries, where being a Christian can land you in jail and far worse.
Instead, this week’s show will give you a glimpse into the amazing faith, service, and example of how these persecuted Christians, in the worst of conditions, stand tall in even the most punishing of countries. Jailed, starved, beaten, or worse there are men and women who live to fight another day to bring their message of God’s love to places where you would think the message could not be heard.
And don’t miss David talking about Open Doors’ efforts to work with the Trump administration, fighting back against discrimination right here in America, and the different ways you too can stand tall and help those who live in fear of standing on their own.
Hindus, the religion of Gandhi the pacifist, attacking Christians in India. “Why Christians in India are facing more danger than ever” (Open Doors USA, June 30, 2017)
“In the six months I was [in prison], they executed 20 people” —Believer from Iran (Open Doors, May 1, 2018)
Show Summary: In the birthplace of Free Speech, the U.K., citizens are quickly losing their right of free speech. Activists are being jailed. Journalists expelled or banned from Britain. Facebook and Twitter urged to ban “hateful” posts. The one thing all these have in common? Islam. Are Muslims beheading Free Speech?
Jump to links section (Peter Sweden, Ravi Zacharias, Koome Ministries, articles mentioned, and more)
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This Week: Kamal Saleem entered the United States after being commissioned by a Saudi Prince to destroy it from within. His intent? To undermine society and American culture and heritage through the training he’s received from the PLO and Muslim Brotherhood.
The goal was to pave the way for Islam to take over by undermining our Constitutional rights such as free speech. Thankfully, Kamal saw the light and not works to expose the tactics and strategies jihadists use to wage war on other countries—not just through open warfare but subtle, cultural attacks.
What better way to do that then to swamp countries with “immigrants” and “refugees” that build communities that fight with law enforcement at every turn?
Follow Peter Sweden on Twitter to hear first hand what has happened to Sweden and their loss of Free Speech
Is the West Losing the War on Free Speech?
This past week there have been many flare-ups throughout the world that caught our attention. Especially so when you think about freedom of speech.
Case in point, Dr. Tim Ball has seen his life dramatically changed in Canada due to multiple lawsuits filed against him—all because he dared to speak out about global warming when he questioned the validity of the science.
Free speech in Canada? Not so much.
That’s right. The scientific community, the foundation of which is asking questions is shutting down the right of a fellow scientist for daring to question the establishment’s position.
[wpedon id=”2365″ align=”center”]
Free Speech Dying in the UK
This is free speech in the UK. Journalist Laura Southern banned from entry into the UK
England was the forerunner of many of America’s rights through English common laws and philosophies, which grew into one of our most cherished rights: the freedom of speech.
But it’s dying in England.
The concept of Free Speech, as we know it today, originated in England. Before the English Bill of Rights in 1689, you could exercise your right of Free Speech but it could get you killed for what you said.
Islamic Takeover of the UK
But since the rapid rise in Muslim immigration into England—and no, not all Muslim immigrants are bad—there have been a strong effort to end Free Speech. Right now, there is a concerted effort to replace freedom speech with Muslim ideology.
Wait. What?
Yes. In the UK, freedom of speech is being strangled by Muslims. How? By ensuring no one is able to criticize or speak up against Islam. And that includes speaking out against the crimes committed by Muslims.
Examples of Losing Free Speech
In London, Muslim Mayor Kahn, is asking that Facebook and Twitter take a strong stance to eliminate what he considers “hate speech” from users’ posts. But he only points to posts that criticize him or Islamic beliefs. Also, three journalists were recently banned from even entering the U.K. when they wanted to talk to so-called hate groups that are trying to raise the alarm about what is happening to England in the wake of mass immigration.
What has happened to the birthplace of Free Speech?
Islamic Attacks on Free Speech are Real
With that we welcome our guest, Kamal Saleem, to examine these worldwide occurrences in other countries and in the US, on how the Islamic beliefs are trying to take down our right to voice opinions that may be unpopular to some Muslim populations.
We examine England, Sweden, Israel, South Africa, and America (think Texas bombings) as we look at some very current actions that have impacted many citizens and their abilities to speak freely without recrimination or even jail.
FBI Whistleblowers in Las Vegas Shooting: It’s ISIS
What’s it say about Free Speech here in America if our own government agencies are afraid to say anything against Islam or known terrorist groups like ISIS.
There is a war on free speech.
That’s what it says.
In the UK. In the US. And it’s spreading. What we’re seeing in so many countries, are people actually being jailed for speaking up and about what is happening in their countries.
And if you think that can’t happen or won’t ever get that bad here in the US consider our own Deep State and its election spying. Had Hillary gotten the reins to the White House, it is almost certain that radical Muslims would be in powerful seats controlling our governmental agencies.
Be thankful. And tune in to hear what is coming if we don’t turn this around.
Podcast Version
Links Mentioned
Kamal’s website is Consider supporting him with a donation! He is out there on the front line, fighting for Christians and trying to warn America about the dangers of Islam
Church leaders and political leaders, be sure to check out his many resources!
Take a look through Peter Sweden’s twitter feed. You’ll get a good taste of what cultural jihad looks like and the devastation of a country
Ravi Zacharias video: only a Judeo-Christian heritage could have given rise to the Declaration of Independence. His ministry site is Ravi Zacharias International Ministries,
Sadiq Khan Warns Silicon Valley on ‘Hate Speech’ and Fake News, Blames Donald Trump (Breitbart, Mar 12, 2018)
The mayor of London read racist tweets about himself during SXSW as a plea for Facebook and Twitter to stop hate speech (Business Insider, Mar 12, 2018)
FBI Insiders Blow Whistle on Massive Las Vegas Cover Up; Agents Told Not to Investigate Key Evidence Including ISIS Terror Link to Mandalay Bay Massacre (True Pundit, Mar. 12, 2018)
‘We are not calling for the slaughter of white people – at least for now’: South African parliament votes to SEIZE white-owned land as experts warn of violent repercussions (Daily Mail, Feb 28, 2018)
Florida teen slits the throat of his victims, claims he was doing what Islam expects of him: to kill the enemies of Islam. Video report from Laura Loomer.
A Jupiter (Florida) teenager said his Muslim faith led him to fatally stab a boy on his 13th birthday and injure two others at a sleepover. Palm Beach Post, March 13, 2018
Not Mentioned but Worth a Look
Anti-Islam activist Lauren Southern speaks to EU Parliament on her plight of being banned from entering England based on Schedule 7 counter-terrorism laws (Bare Naked Islam, March 15, 2018)
Illegal immigrant on an expired student visa ‘had an AR-15-style rifle and bump stock in a hotel room overlooking the Women’s March’ (Daily Mail, Mar 13, 2018)
United Nations Hears Testimony of ‘Systematic Persecution’ of Christians in Pakistan (Breitbart, Mar 14, 2018)
Show Summary: The mainstream media was too busy spewing anti-Trump propaganda to notice how “Trump’s Jerusalem” may have profoundly positive and long-term results. We talk with a former jihadist to learn how Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, combined with some unreported events in the Middle East, may open the door in real peace in Israel. Perhaps even the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple.
A former jihadist reveals why “Trump’s Jerusalem” combined with some unreported developments in the Middle East will open the door in real peace in Israel.
This week, President Trump decided to put a foot down on death-by-committee and officially recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. After years of promises from past presidents, President Trump directed the State Department to begin the process of moving the United States embassy to Jerusalem. The result from countries such as Turkey was outrage. Fires of anger started raging as Muslims responded to a long time promise of the mid 1990’s.
Not surprisingly, the anti-Trump media also tried to ignite their own firestorm. Except they are completely missing why this is such a historic moment and the key pieces of the puzzle that are suddenly now in play. Even the Trump-friendly media like Fox News and Breitbart are missing these key puzzle pieces. But don’t worry; we have the answers.
We pull in our expert on Middle East issues: former Jihadist, Kamal Saleem, who was born in Beirut, Lebanon, to give us insights into the reasons why Muslims are exploding over President Trump’s decision—but also why there is real reason to believe peace may come to Israel as a result of these puzzle pieces that the media is completely missing. Because Kamal is fluent in Arabic and Hebrew, he is able to give us information you won’t hear in the main stream media. So, tune to find out why this decision to move the embassy is one of the most historic decisions of modern time.
Don’t miss what the rest of the media is missing!
Podcast Version
Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—the podcast version will be right here after the show airs.
Links Mentioned
Learn more about Kamal’s ministry and how to have him come speak at your event at his website, Koome Ministries
Trump will recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital despite international outcry from Iran, Russia, Turkey, China, Palestinians and the Pope (Daily Mail, Dec. 6, 2017)
Palestinian protesters burn images of Trump and the U.S. flag ahead of his controversial promise to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (Daily Caller, Dec. 6, 2017)
As U.S. commitment to persecuted Christians wavers, Russia steps in (Crux, Dec. 5, 2017)
Theresa May ‘will challenge’ Trump over his controversial decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israeli capital in a showdown call after their diplomatic spat over Britain First tweet (Daily Mail, Dec. 6, 2017)
Show Summary: This week, we take a break from our usual focus on Big Government. It’s not as if politics doesn’t have fiction and fantasy but we’re taking a look at Hollywood—and especially the Christian film industry.
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PLUS!See below on how to get a free movie credit from Christian Cinema. No commitment, no monthly fees. Just download a free movie to try them out.
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Original Air Dates: Aug. 12 & 13, 2017 | Bobby Downes & James Hirsen
With it being August, and with everyone focused on recreation, this week we take a break from politics to take a look at movies and film making. Not that there isn’t a lot of fiction in politics, of course. In particular we look at a growing segment of the film industry: the Christian film market.
Christian Film Industry
This is an enormous market. There are tens of millions of people in this market segment who’d like to watch films without all the explicit sex, swearing, and lack of morals that are standard in so many of Hollywood’s films today.
While Hollywood is aware of this market, they have difficulty reaching it. All too often, it’s because they simply don’t understand it because they don’t have the same viewpoints or background. It’s like the NY Times, trying to write news stories for Conservatives. A lot of times, it just doesn’t work. The author doesn’t have the same mindset and just can’t resist getting in a dig at the very people they claim they’re trying to reach.
Beyond the Mask -The leading mercenary for the British East India Company, Will Reynolds has just been double-crossed and now is on the run in the American Colonies. Read more…
To learn about the Christian film market we turn to the experts that do get it. Our first guest, Bobby Downes, is the CEO and founder of, a marketplace for Christian films made by Christians for Christians. Think of it as the iTunes for Christian movies. We discuss the difficulties facing Christians in Hollywood, and how his company has been a driving force behind raising the quality standards for Christian films. It used to be Christian films were seen as second-rate or poor quality but a quick look at their site will dispel that notion. Instead, these Christian films understand Middle America, and use film to communicate the positive messages of Christianity through entertaining, high-quality feature films.
Don’t miss Christian Cinema’s FREE offer! Go to and you will get a free movie credit just to try them out. No commitments, no monthly fees. Just good entertainment.
James Hirsen
Then we talk with James Hirsen about the continuing nonsense in Hollywood and why they don’t put out top Christian movies like they did in the Golden Age of Hollywood. Is there really a hostility there or is it hype? We discuss the notion of being blackballed for exercising free speech, California’s secessionist movement (yes, they really are pushing it) and their continuing confusion over why Trump won. Here’s a hint: now they’re actively recruiting “movie stars” to run for office. Is there a chance they could win?
Perhaps they’re getting mixed up on the difference between being popular and populist politics.
Check out – think of them as the iTunes or Netflix of Christians films. Watch films on any device using their apps. (It worked great for us on the Amazon app for FireTV/Amazon Prime.)
Show Summary: Tradition and preconceived notions are hard to overcome. And nowhere is this more true than Jerusalem and the location of the Jewish Temple — the one built by Solomon and later rebuilt and expanded by Herod. Scholars and centuries of tradition say the location of the Jewish Temple was the Temple Mount where the Dome of the Rock stands. What if they’re all wrong?
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We’re joined this week by David Sielaff, the Director of the Associates for Scriptural Knowledge (ASK). They were founded by Dr. Ernest L Martin, who was one of the leading proponents of the true site of the Jewish Temple being located in the original City of David. Dr Martin was the author of The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot.
Whether it’s politics or or the media or academia or even religion, each of these have their “experts.” And the experts are right and everyone else is wrong. Or at least not as right. And there is an incredible amount of arrogance that comes with that puffed up sense of self, which in turn creates a mental roadblock that prevents experts from seeing alternate possibilities.
The rock under the Dome of the Rock. Does this look like a threshing floor to you?
An actual ancient threshing floor. What David bought would have looked something like this.
Take the original location of the Jewish Temple. The one built by Solomon and then later rebuilt and greatly expanded by Herod the Great. The Bible says that King David bought some property on which to build the Temple: the threshing floor floor of a Jebusite (the Jebusites had settled Jerusalem before David conquered it). Centuries of tradition place it on the so called “Temple Mount” where the Dome of the Rock now stands.
But threshing floors were flat. And smooth. Because farmers would use shovels and rakes to toss the grain up into the air to separate the grain from the chaff, you’d want a smooth surface to make the shoveling part easier. Look at the pictures here. Does the rock under the Dome look at all like it could have been a threshing floor?
Location of the Jewish Temple
The Jews would like to rebuild their Temple. But the Dome blocks them from doing so because the Dome of the Rock is the third holiest site in Islam and tearing it down would start the third world war.
But what if all those experts are wrong? What if the original location of the Jewish temple wasn’t on the Dome of the Rock at all?
Tune in this week to find out why all those “experts” could be incredibly wrong—and just think what that means for the Jewish people.
Links Mentioned
David Sielaff’s organization: Associates for Scriptural Knowledge – There is a ton of good information here not only on the location of the Jewish Temple but lots more on the intertwining of history, science, and scripture
Siphon aqueducts were first used at the palace of Knossos on Crete. Founded in 7,000 BC, the first palace was built in 1,900 BC, about 1000 years before Solomon. It was abandoned between 1380–1100BC (more on Knossos)
Cassius Dio on Temple and Bar Kocha revolte: “At Jerusalem, Hadrian founded a city in place of the one which had been razed to the ground, naming it Aelia Capitolina, and on the site of the temple of the [Jewish] god, he raised a new temple to Jupiter. This brought on a war of no slight importance nor of brief duration.”
Just for Fun
Picture of what the temple site would have looked like, with Fortress Antonia
Show Summary: The mainstream media of late seems to be trying to outcompete one another when it comes to bad news. But there’s some good news the media isn’t telling you about the war between Muslims and Christians.
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Show 7-13
Air Dates: April 1 & 2, 2017 | Kamal Saleem
The mainstream media lately has been trying to outcompete the others on just how bad the news can be. And that includes Fox News which is no better than the others when it comes to crowing about bad news. Everywhere you look, it’s bad news. Nothing is working, the swamp is still as full as it always has been, Obamacare repeal failed, and on and on.
Even some of our favorite shows on Fox have taken this approach. They seem… giddy to report bad news, especially when they think they’ve uncovered something worse than what their competitors are putting out. Every show is filled with angry people arguing and shouting over the top of one another. How do you learn anything from tha t — other who shouts louder or argue more cleverly? So maybe you’ll get some Facebook or Twitter fodder about how some host “really schooled” some guest. Great! Now tell me what you learned about the topic being discussed.
Here on I Spy Radio, there’s no yelling. No arguing. We don’t give you shouting points. And from the feedback we get, that’s one of the things that makes us so popular.
But you know what? We’re coming up on Easter and Easter is the ultimate good news.
So this week, and the next two weeks, we’re focusing on some uplifting stories. We’re starting this week with Kamal Saleem and although we start off with some negative aspects — especially the terrorist attack in London and sanctuary cities, hang in there. I promise you: by the end of today’s show, you’ll be feeling great.
This week’s focus is on Muslims and Christianity and some very positive good news that’s happening, right under your nose, and which the media is largely ignoring. Although we did find this one story on Fox News, which made it onto their website’s news page—but somehow never got a mention on O’Reilly, Hannity, Tucker, or their other major shows.
Soaring numbers of ISLAMIC oppressed Syrian Afghanistan Iraq Refugee Muslims converting to Christianity in EUROPE
That’s right. There are some remarkable untold stories out there about the war between Muslims and Christians. And it turns out, Christians are winning.
But thanks to the mainstream media, you didn’t know that, did you?
Tune in to this week’s show to learn how and why Christians are winning. Not only are they winning, the Muslims converting to Christianity are even revitalizing Europe’s fading cathedrals.
Show Summary: While the mainstream media is inventing news about alleged “Russian hacking” there are calls for war from Muslims—right in the middle of London. Former jihadist, Kamal Saleem, on the terrifying aspects of what these Islamists are really calling for and explains why. Plus, bestselling author Scott McEwen (of American Sniper fame) on what his intelligence agency contacts tell him about the alleged Russian hack, his friend Ryan Zinke’s appointment to Department of Interior, and what it means for the movement for the transfer of public lands to the states.
Visit our Christmas Store! All the books from our guests this year all in one convenient spot!
To allow our network of broadcasters first airing, our shows are not available for download until Mondays after noon
Air Dates: Dec 17 & 18, 2016 | Kamal Saleem & Scott McEwen
With the mainstream media so focused on inventing news about the alleged “Russian hacking” of our election, there is a lot of real news that’s being ignored—like open calls for war and rebellion from Muslim immigrants right in the heart of London.
We’ll talk with Kamal Saleem, a former cultural jihadist who came to America to destroy it from within but after an accident changed his life, he converted to Christianity. He is now the president of Koome Ministries, which has as its mission to wake up the Church and alert Americans about the un-discussed dangers of Islam and how they really are at war with America, whether America wants to admit it or not.
Then we talk with New York Times bestselling author, Scott McEwen about the alleged Russian hack and what his military sources are telling him. Also, Scott’s latest book is American Commander, which follows the life and career of Ryan Zinke, a former Navy SEAL who became a SEAL trainer. Zinke explains his never-surrender, always-win attitude as he trains the next generation of SEALs. Now that Zinke has been nominated as the Secretary of the Interior, what will this winning mentality mean to this failing federal department?
Links Mentioned
Visit our Christmas Store! You can order Scott McEwen’s books and find the books of any of the authors who have been guests this year on I Spy Radio!
Show Summary: Remember how the NeverTrumpers said Trump and Hillary were exactly alike? Would Hillary have picked an anti-EPA guy like Scott Pruitt? Yeah. We didn’t think so. It’s beginning to look a lot like Trumpmas — and environmentalists are getting coal in their stocking
To allow our network of broadcasters first airing, our shows are not available for download until Mondays after noon
Air Dates: Dec 10 & 11, 2016 | Ron Arnold & John Whitehead
There’s a sense of relief for many with President-Elect Trump’s fresh and energized entrance into Washington politics with the emphasis of working for the forgotten. And boy has he lived up to his word. Cabinet picks that focus on people who know how to take apart systems and rebuild them focused on value and efficiency. People that have been fighting against regulations that have been holding back the American people.
Unlike the Obama administration, Trump’s focus is to build up America’s wealth and unleash our natural resources. It’s exciting to think of what the difference will be for our country in just a few years.
To find out more about one of the most important cabinet picks, the Director of the EPA, Scott Pruitt, we talk with Ron Arnold. Mr. Arnold has spent years tracking the money sources going into the far-left environmental groups and how they have impacted American’s way of life. We talk with him about what a Pruitt EPA will look like, the types of changes to look for within the EPA, and what will happen with the EPA’s relationship to the U.N. We also discuss the possible appointment of Congresswoman Cathy Rogers for Dept. of Interior. A woman who has grown up ranching and understands the bullying of the BLM and federal takeover of lands in the western states.
Remember all that taxpayer funding going from the EPA to all those far-Left environmental groups? That’s about to change. Big league. And isn’t that a good thing. Stop funding the people trying to stop development and spend it instead on actual development. Yes indeed, more Trumpmas on the way.
Then we turn to John Whitehead, a Constitutional attorney and founder of the Rutherford Institute. They have recently released “12 rules of Christmas” that gives us the Constitutional do’s (with some don’ts) of how to celebrate Christmas in public venues. Listen to find out that there are case laws protecting people’s rights in their schools and public parks to celebrate Christmas without the left stopping your fun.
Here’s one of our own “rules” for Christmas:
If your school or teacher won’t let you say “Merry Christmas” then just wish them a “Merry Trumpmas” instead. #WinningAgain