Tag: Chuck Wiese

12-39 It’s the Elections, Stupid | The Front Lines of Freedom are in Oregon

12-39 It’s the Elections, Stupid | The Front Lines of Freedom are in Oregon

Show Summary: This week, we’re focusing on the front lines of freedom. And right now, our freedoms come down to the elections. We speak with a businessman running for Congress to get government out of the way, and a scientist who attended the Washington County trial in which the State and county are attempting to hide public records from the public. And you won’t believe what the judge did to the expert witness.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: September 24th & 25th, 2022 | Guest: Mike Erickson & Chuck Wiese 

This Week – It’s the Elections, Stupid

Bill Clinton famously had a sign on the Oval office wall, “It’s the economy, stupid.” It served as a daily reminder that the economy is what matters most to most people. Well, who is in charge of that economy comes down to elections.

In Oregon, the far-left policies keep us entrenched in high taxes, rising housing costs, and dubious curricula in public schools to cripple the next generation, and elections that don’t bring answers to the problems. It all feels hopeless. and many have left the state going to redder pastures to find the answers in states that make sense. Lower taxes, less big government, lower public debt, or maybe none at all if you’re in South Dakota. Meanwhile, Oregon’s lawmakers look to ruin our electric grid by pulling out dams, then force electric cars on its citizens whether we like it or not. Thus dies the free market.

Mike Erickson, Candidate for Oregon’s New CD 6

Speaking of that sign in the Oval office, we’ve gone from “It’s the economy, stupid,” to “It’s a stupid economy.” Here’s a hint to voters in Oregon’s new CD 6. If you want to fix the economy, don’t elect someone who has no business experience. Oregon, and the nation, needs elected officials who have practical business experience — not someone who has spent their entire life in government. (Hint number two: Biden has no practical business experience and look how that’s worked out.)

If you want to support Mike Erickson, find out what you can do at MikeEricksonforCongress.org. (Start by sharing that with your family and friends!)

Remember the strategy we mentioned months ago: If you live in a safe district (in Oregon, that’s CD 2) or in a hopeless district (CDs 1 and 3), put your time and money and energy to promote and support candidates in districts where they have a chance to flip a seat. That’s CDs 4 (Alek Skarlatos), 5 (Lorie DeRemer), and 6 — Mike Erickson.

Mike is running against Andrea Salinas, a far-left democrat who spent her entire adult life in and around government. On her website, she says she grew up in a hard-working family where nothing was handed to them but they made it through hard work. And, like Mike, she also had a cop for a father. So why is Mike fighting for police and she’s voting to defund the police? And how did she go from “working hard” and pulling oneself up through hard work to a career fighting for government handouts paid for by other people?

So Much for Open and Honest Elections

Here’s a funny thing.

In Oregon, the Secretary of State’s job is to audit other state agencies. But for some reason, she has declared that the elections division is off limits. Why is that? Instead, she has joined a lawsuit against a voter to declare a Washington County database should be shielded from public view and scrutiny.

Imagine trying that if the IRS wanted to audit your business. No, you can’t see the numbers. Trust us. Everything’s fine. You’d be saying that from jail. But the State is refusing to hand over a database, calling it proprietary information of a private company handling Washington County’s elections.

And why is a private company handling our elections to begin with?

We talk with Chuck Wiese — a scientist, analyst, and meteorologist, who has stepped up and joined the front lines of freedom — who was there at both days of the Sippel case trial. You won’t believe what the judge did to an actual, world renowned data scientist. Well, it’s Oregon. Maybe you will.

If the judge decides against the Sippel case, it will only continue to fuel the fire and doubts about the 2020 election. The only way to put out that fire is to open up the data to prove there wasn’t any manipulation. But hiding it and then expecting people to trust the government…?

Regardless of whether or not you think the 2020 election, when it comes to elections, any election, the Golden Rule should be “Open the books.” Hiding the results behind a wall of secrecy is, well, just stupid.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Mike Erickson Segments 1–3

Chuck Wiese Segments 4–6


Guest Post: Chuck Wiese Primer for Dr. Frank’s Executive Club Presentation

Guest Post: Chuck Wiese Primer for Dr. Frank’s Executive Club Presentation

The following primer for Dr. Frank’s Executive Club presentation is via Chuck Wiese, a scientist frequent I Spy Radio guest.

Dr. Frank’s Executive Club presentation can be viewed at this link on Rumble.com. (YouTube has already banned it and threatened the videographer if he tries to post it again.)

Dr. Frank’s Executive Club Presentation Primer

1. Frank’s data proves there is machine tabulator manipulation of the votes during an election.

2. The analysis follows the laws of nature and probability as determiners. If you roll a set of dice 100 times and get a set of numbers from rolling that you can exactly predict before rolling those dice, this tells you the dice are fake because, by probability, that is impossible. It is the same reasoning through probability that winning the lottery by getting exactly 6 numbers on any singular random participant is very difficult and takes millions of participants before you finally get a winner.

3. Frank’s data shows, that the election tabulator machines have pre-programmed numbers inserted in them that draw from census population data by age that are eligible to vote in any particular county that are paired with registered voters. Oregon’s dirty registration rolls that are not cleaned up are also used as a comparison to active registered voters. The difference between census, dirty rolls and total registered voters gives the machines a “pad” they can draw from to create phantom votes if desired for the vote tabulations. Keep in mind that the total registered voters are NOT the actual number of votes that are cast in any election because that number never reaches 100%. In any election, data shows participation is typically between 60-75% turnout in elections that interest the public and under 50% in many other elections.

4. NOW, what Doug Franks is able to show is that in Oregon, in very county in this state, by plotting the polynomial curve that the data exactly represents, he can predict with data from just one county, what the “computed” number of voles will be in every age group across the spectrum in all the other counties. It is typically found to be near 86% . When his does this, he gets a correlation coefficient of anywhere from 99.2 to 99.9% which means he can predict the outcome of all the votes cast by age in every county.

5. The point in all of this is that it is mathematically impossible without a direct manipulation algorithm of some sort that is in the vote tabulator machines. By probability and the laws of nature, if the votes cast by all eligible to vote that participated were a random event as they should be with no manipulations, you would not be able to come anywhere close to having this sort of accuracy or this sort of a correlation coefficient to the data. It proves there is massive fraud being done.

CONCLUSION: Whoever is doing this is taking away our First Amendment rights to free expression of voting for the candidates to run either our local governments or federal offices and pre-selecting the winners the establishment wants. This is the worst offense against our Constitution you could ever do in a free society.

Only remedy is to stop vote by mail which invites the same fraud which is actually paired with the machines to guide the tabulators in redistributing votes and was observed in all the swing states in the 2020 election.

Votes must be cast by showing up at your precinct, showing proof of your ID, then casting your ballot at the precinct in a voting booth and returning it immediately at the precinct to avoid any chain of custody issues.

Chuck Wiese

The EPA Ruling: How Now Green Cash Cow?

The EPA Ruling: How Now Green Cash Cow?

Show Summary: The West Virginia vs EPA ruling will have long-lasting impacts and could undo much of the fourth branch of government—the administrative state. We talk with meteorologist and actual scientist, Chuck Wiese on where all the global warming has gone this year and the momentous EPA ruling and its impact on the green energy movement. Which has failed so badly in other countries that places like the U.K. have reversed course. Or at least swerved a little. What could this all mean for the future of the Global Warmists and green energy pushers?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: July 9th & 10th, 2022 | Guest: Chuck Wiese

This Week – The EPA Ruling

Lost in the shrieking and wailing over the loss of Roe v Wade, the Supreme Court’s EPA ruling will have a long-lasting impact on the administrative branch’s power grab.

For decades, there has been a fourth branch of government, which has become the real rulers of America. Congress has done nothing to rein it in, other than to complain about it. The EPA ruling makes it clear: agencies cannot grab power that Congress did not give it.

If you’re looking for more info on the Take Action Tour, Crisis at the Border, July 15th & 16th, head to TakeActionTour.eventbrite.com

The dirty truth about the Fourth Branch is that Congress is okay with it. Why? Because if some agency makes the rules, then Congress (and individual congressmen and senators) can’t be blamed. Because they didn’t do it. Gosh. It was those sneaky bureaucrats.

Let’s face it. The average member of Congress and the Senate are far, far more concerned about getting reelected. And the Fourth Branch, the administrative state, doing the dirty work gives them political cover. Legislators can go in, ask a few talking-point questions they hope will make the news, and then go off for drinks and parties.

Well, the EPA ruling puts the wheels of reform in motion. If Congress chooses to retake its power.

Want to learn more about the origins of the administrative state and how we got here? Check out this previous show with Jonathan Emord: Restore the Constitution: Eliminate the Administrative State.

We know. Depending on Congress to do the right thing seems pretty hopeless. But there is good news.

Why the EPA Ruling Matters

The Fatal Policy Flaw - Terrific video on what Global Warmists aren't telling you
Check out this terrific video on what Global Warmists aren’t telling you

The good news is the EPA ruling means we don’t need Congress. Because they’re lazy and they can get to their parties a whole lot faster if they don’t have to do anything. Or read bills. Just let the bureaucrats handle the important stuff.

Well, with the EPA ruling, it means we don’t need Congress to rein in the administrative state. Remember, to get this ruling, congress didn’t do anything. It wasn’t congress challenging the administrative state, it was West Virginia. They’d sued over coal power plants the EPA wanted to kill using power it had seized under the Clean Air Act. Congress had nothing to do with this win.

So the good news is, we the people don’t need Congress. If the administrative state steps out of line and tries to grab power, individuals can stop them in their tracks.

Chuck Wiese on the EPA Ruling

This week, meteorologist and actual scientist, Chuck Wiese, is back on the show to dissect the ruling and talk about the long-term impacts this is likely to have. Not just on the EPA but the power grab by all these other agencies. Like the CDC, FDA, and more.

We also talk about Global Warming, which is more religion than science and which has become the gateway drug for Leftist indoctrination in our schools.

And speaking of “global warming” — where is it? We’ve had a cold and wet spring and summer. Aren’t we supposed to be under water by now with all that global warming? What happened. Tune in to hear what’s happening.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.


Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Not Directly Mentioned but Informative

  • Great video: The Carbon Offset Problem (Wendover Productions, June 3, 2022)
  • Summary of the Clean Air Act (via the EPA)
  • The Pendleton Act of 1883 (via University of Houston, N.D.)*This is the origins of what we now see as “civil service.” In short, the Pendleton Act attempted to free public servants from politics. Up until then, many civil servant positions were political payoffs—cushy, well-paid jobs for friends, family, and donors. The “spoils system.”
  • Is it ethical to purchase a lithium battery powered EV? (CFact.org, June 7, 2022)
    • Some food for thought about the lack of transparency about “Clean Energy Exploitations”
    • All told, you dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for just one battery.
    • To say an EV is a zero-emission vehicle is not at all valid as 80 percent of the electricity generated to charge the batteries is from coal, natural gas, and nuclear.
  • Top 10 Global Warming Lies That May Shock You (Forbes, Feb 9, 2015)
  • Excellent article on how Trump nearly ended the administrative state. And perhaps this is why they worked so feverishly to get rid of him. “The Astonishing Implications of Schedule F” (Brownstone Institute, June 27, 2022)
  • Expert: Green Agenda Causing US Power Grid to Be ‘Incredibly Vulnerable (The Epoch Times, July 4, 2022)
  • Oregon Education Association joins Oregon climate change fight (Biz Journal, June 20, 2022)



Government IS the Problem – Especially When it Creates the Problems

Government IS the Problem – Especially When it Creates the Problems

Show Summary: We all know the Reagan saying: “government isn’t the solution to the problem. Government is the problem.” But it’s worse than that. Because big government has learned there’s lots of money to be made for their political allies by causing the problems.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: November 13th & 14th, 2021 | Guests: Dr. Lt. Col. Jim Huggins & Chuck Wiese

This week: it’s true: “Government isn’t the solution to the problem, government IS the problem.”

Except in modern-day governance it’s far more than incompetence or inefficiency. Because in modern governance, Big Government has learned there is an awful lot of money to be made for their political allies by creating problems.

Fixing Government: Dr. Lt. Col. Jim Huggins Runs for Governor

This week we welcome first-time guest, Dr. Lt. Col. Jim Huggins to the show. He is running for the Republican candidate for Oregon governor and he has some solutions to the problem of government.

Tune in to hear more about Jim’s unique and varied background. A start in the military, rising to Lt. Colonel in the US Air Force, a move to the private sector and business start ups, academics (not one but two doctorates), teaching, and a career in the entertainment industry by starting his own film production company.

Like many of us, Jim watched in shock and disgust as Left wing activists and mobs burned and looted Portland for 100+ nights while Left wing politicians not only did nothing but praised them. Even dropped charges.

Jim also shares with us what he sees as the major issues and how he would address them. But also, how would he, a non-politician, handle the political and bureaucratic minefield. The same minefield that tripped up President Trump who was constantly sabotaged and undermined by the establishment class.

Big Government Creating Problems

In this week’s show, you’ll hear how  government is quite literally creating problems out of thin air. Global Warming. This week, we also talk with Chuck Wiese about the never ending global warming scam, which will apparently only be solved by spending money.

As mentioned: NASA and NOAA temperature tampering documents can be found below, in the Links Section

But we also touch on the origins of the global warming hoax, which, if tried in any other industry sector, would have landed those who’d done it in jail. As Chuck reminds us, NASA and NOAA changed the temperature data to make the past look cooler than it was. By doing so, it artificially make the present (and future) look warmer than it really is.

We wanted to have Chuck on because a “super-important, this time the world really will end if we don’t do something” study showed Global Warming is going to lead to more forest fires.

Hey, Sherlock. If you really believe Global Warming is causing forests to be drier, you should have listened to us decades ago when we said you can’t let dead, dry wood pile up in the forests. And then be “surprised” when big fires happen.

Let it dry. Let it burn. And then let us have money. The democrats’ environmental playbook.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Further Info

Jim Huggins Segments

Chuck Wiese Segments

  • Here is the paper by AMS Fellow Joe D’Aleo and others about NOAA’s falsified temperature record: Validity-of-NOAA-NASA-Data-data-research-report-062717 (PDF)
  • The paper by Chuck Wiese to counter the false premise about warming Arctic: A Warming Arctic Would Not Cause Increased Severe Weather or Temperature Extremes (PDF)
  • The article in the Statesman: Climate change now the main driver of wildfire weather, and the West has a front-row seat (Statesman Journal / LA Times, Nov 1, 2021)*Previous studies have found the atmosphere in the western U.S. has grown thirstier over the last 40 years. Experts have theorized that is due to natural fluctuations in the weather and because carbon dioxide emissions have caused the planet to warm, and warmer air can hold more moisture.*This just sounds stupid*“‘It’s happening every year’: Devastating wildfire season is the new normal”. *Perhaps it’s because they allowed wood debris to pile up for decades
  • Biden is considering shutting down ANOTHER oil pipeline (Daily Mail, Nov 8, 2021)
  • US Coal Miners “All Sold Out” For 2022 (Zero Hedge, Oct 31, 2021)*Top U.S. coal miners are experiencing a massive surge in demand as power companies restart coal-fired power plants due to high natural gas prices to prevent electricity shortages ahead of the winter season. 
  • When The Lights Go Out Across Europe: Wind Power Droughts Promise Mass Blackouts (Climate-Science Press, October 20, 2021)
  • Glasgow’s ‘Green’ Agenda: Killing Meaningful Jobs & Depriving Poor of Meaningful Power (Climate-Science Press, October 23, 2021)



Voters Fight for Truth Amidst Arizona Audit

Voters Fight for Truth Amidst Arizona Audit

Show Summary: It’s the Arizona audit — but also the stories behind the story of the audit. Including a fascinating historical context with a Constitutional law professor. And stories of the eyewitnesses to the audit — the watchers who watched the watchers. Plus, we look at the outcomes and where the audit movement is headed now.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Six Different Times, on Eight Different Stations. Listen anywhere! Most stations stream live! Four times Saturdays, twice on Sundays, and podcast version available Mondays

Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show

Original Air Dates: Oct 2nd & 3rd, 2021 | Horace Cooper & Chuck Wiese

This Week: Arizona Audit & Stolen Elections

It’s all about the Arizona audit this week. But we take a different tack. We look at the stories behind the story of the Arizona audit.

Head to Fix2020First.com. Sign Mike Lindell’s petition to encourage the Supreme Court to accept the bill of complaints brought by patriotic states to save our country.

We talk first with Horace Cooper, co-chair of Project 21 and a constitutional law professor who gives us some historical context of the protections our Founders put in place for elections. And a look at other stolen elections. He also gives us insights into the remedies that exist and what should have happened with the contested 2020 election. And that new law Oregon passed to prevent the scrubbing of its voter rolls? Yeah. That’s going to have, shall we say, “unique” problems.

Then we talk with our go-to scientist, Chuck Wiese.  Chuck is trained in data analysis and he goes through the numbers that prove, conclusively, that there was fraud in the Arizona election. And what points to fraud in other states.

But first we take a look at the stories now being told by the Arizona audit observers. Who, until now, have been under a non-disclosure order to not discuss what they saw and heard. Tune in to hear these important observation that adds more context to the audit, above and beyond a bunch of numbers.

If you were on the fence before, this will convince you.

It’s time to do audits. In all 50 states.

But unless and until people start going to jail, none of this matters. Because they will just try it again and again and again. Which is why you need to support election audit efforts.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research Links & Info

Arizona Audit Results

  • AZ Audit Volunteers Reveal Findings – Disturbing Elections Irregularities Discovered (GWP Channel, Rumble, Sept 30, 2021)
  • Read the Arizona AG’s order to Maricopa County for a litigation hold (PDF)
  • Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Sends Letter To Maricopa County – FIRST REQUEST: Preservation Of Evidence/Litigation Hold (Gateway Pundit, Sept 28, 2021)
  • Arizona Audit for Dummies w/ Senator Wendy Rogers (Rumble, Sept 22, 2021)
    • Did you know? AZ Audit survived 4 court challenges
    • Now, why would Maricopa be so against anyone looking at results? Hmm…
  • Major Audit Bombshell: Individual Busted In The Act 1 Day Before Audit Began (Populist Press, Sept 24, 2021)
    • “Ben Cotton shared the IT results from the audit of the 2020 Election Results in Maricopa County. During his presentation, he noted that files were deleted by those involved in the election. But then Cotton noted that his team was able to identify the time stamps for when the files were messed with and from that. We have captured screen shots of Maricopa County people at the keyboards during those time periods.”
  • “We Did Find Large-Scale Fraud”– AZ GOP Chair Calls For Full Canvass (Palmieri Report, Sept 28, 2021)
  • Maricopa County Releases Statement On Election Audit–Will Be Issuing A Response (Palmieri Report, Sept 29, 2021)
  • Arizona Audit Finds 86,391 Voters have No Identity Match (RSBN, Sept 29, 2021)
    • Among several damning revelations from Friday’s hearing for the Maricopa County 2020 election audit results, is Cyber Ninjas’ finding that 86,391 votes in Arizona did not have an identity match.

The Audit Movement is Spreading

  • Report Shows Fulton County, GA 2020 Election Had $2 million in Unsupported OT, 15 Missing Routers, an Agreement with the SPLC to Put in Place Drop Boxes, and More (GWP, Sept 25, 2021)
  • Now Delaware: With Only 10% of 2020 Election Results Audited, 20,000 Invalid or Suspect Ballots Identified (GWP, Sept 30, 2021)
    • “A report released from a voter group in Delaware shows it’s quite possible Joe Biden didn’t even win his home state in the 2020 Election once invalid and suspect ballots are addressed.”
    • Above is based on a story from National File, “Massive ‘Fraudulent’ Votes And Apparent Nursing Home Vote Fraud Found in Delaware In 2020 Election” (Sept 30, 2021)
  • ‘Narrative Collapse’: British Media Finally Appear to Be Questioning Biden’s U.S. Election Legitimacy (Becker News, Sept 28, 2021)
    • Original UK Times article is here

Additional Related


What Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium Exposed

What Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium Exposed

Show Summary: Examining the evidence from Mike Lindell’s cyber symposium with actual trained scientists who understand data. What grabbed Chuck Wiese’s and Mark Anderson’s attention? Was it the fraud in all 50 states? Was it the network of “bipartisan” supporters of election fraud? Both and more. And what are the implications for the future?

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Six Different Times, on Eight Different Stations. Listen anywhere! Most stations stream live!

8a – 9a: KYKN 1439AM (Salem/Keizer) | Direct Link to KYKN Live Stream
10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley)
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County)
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Aug. 14th & 15th, 2021 | Chuck Wiese

This Week: Cyber Symposium

Think about it. Are we really to believe that the same government that mismanages pretty much every other aspect of governance — but somehow elections are pure and holy?

Yeah. But that’s the claim. Right? Our elections are secure. Can’t be hacked. Most secure ever. Weird how that wasn’t the case when Trump won.

This week, we take a deeper look into Mike Lindell’s cyber symposium and what it exposed. And what it means for the future.

100% Chuck

We take at look at Lindell’s cyber symposium with a single guest this week. Chuck Wiese. Chuck is a I Spy Radio listener favorite—perhaps because he is a great thinker and a trained scientist. You know. The kind that listen to data rather than make up data.

So what were some of the main takeaways from the cyber symposium? The symposium exposed that fraud did happen. And that it happened in every state. All 50 of them. (Sorry, Obama, there’s still only 50 of them). But that’s just for starters.

Speaking of starters, there was a lot of fireworks from the start. Hackers took down Lindell’s presentation. And the backup. And the backup of that. Now, what could people be so afraid of? The symposium exposed fraud in Mesa County, Colorado, when the Secretary of State tried to frame the whistleblower. And they raided her office. Why were they so afraid she made a copy of the computer’s hard drive? What could be on it?

Dr. Shiva, in his own battle with election fraud, uncovered a whole network of those willing to sabotage elections and commit voter fraud. Not surprisingly, the network included people from both parties. But you’ll also hear how the 2020 Census was the backbone for the election fraud.

Here’s the real tell. The more people look into the 2020 election, the more evidence of voter fraud they uncover. Not less.

Shouldn’t that tell you everything you need to know.

Cyber Symposium Outcomes and Implications

Originally, not every state was there at the symposium. But, amazingly, by the end of the symposium, all 50 states  were represented. And that’s great news because it means the whole country is paying attention. The important people anyway. The media, which largely ignored it, doesn’t really matter.

But what does it mean? What will happen as a result?

If fraud happened, in every state, then audits need to happen. In every state. And those in attendance formed their own coalition to do just that. The Voter Integrity Coalition, made up of representatives from all 50 states.

If they’ve found all this so far, just imagine what they’ll find. Especially with

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Further Info

Top-Recommended Cyber Symposium Videos

  • Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium – Professor David Clements “The Vote Trafficking Parable” (Rumble, Aug 12, 2021)
  • Cyber Symposium: Dr. Frank ‘the 2010 Census was Used to Create the Algorithm to Steal Election 2020’ (BitChute, Aug 10, 2021)
  • Dr. Shiva EXPOSES Big Tech and Censor Nazis (Rumble, Aug 11, 2021)Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium – Seth Keshel “Behind The Election Integrity Curtain” (Rumble.com, Aug 11, 2021)
    • The Election Influence Operations Playbook, Part 1 and Part 2 

Cyber Symposium and Related Links

  • War Room Wrapup (Rumble Aug 13, 2021)
  • Mark Finchem (on Telegram):*From the Cyber Symposium in Sioux Falls.  Mesa County Colorado Recorder confirmed active erasure  of evidence from Dominion systems, but by Dominion not  her office. The County Recorder made a forensic copy  because she believed that something nefarious was about  to happen at the hands of the Colorado Secretary of State.  That’s right, proof beyond PCAP, there was forensic  evidence that was actively erased, which is a violation by  Dominion and the Colorado Secretary of State. (via Telegram)
  • CodeMonkeyZ: “Interestingly, we did uncover a few critical things:
    1. “There appeared to be web server logs which potentially indicate that the server was accepting and executing commands remotely.
    2. “Election related data pre-upgrade was not present on the machine post-upgrade. This indicates that election related data was deleted or otherwise removed during the upgrade process.
    3. “The server had a suspicious configuration script designed to remove server security, potentially opening the machine up to a network hack.”

Global Warming

  • Here’s the far-left’s move to once again try to control it all – We are so unprepared’: Extreme heat fueled by climate change putting farmworkers’ lives on the line. (Statesman Journal, July 18, 2021)
    • Oregon Health Authority is already regulating it with emergency orders as a way to grow their power linking health and environment.
  • Removal of barred owls (Oregon Capitol Insider, July 21, 2021). Surprise, they’ve found it is the barred owl who’s the culprit.  A logging totally destroyed over an Oops moment. 
  • State climatologist: Oregon’s second heat wave indicates troubling trend (Dem-Herald, Aug 11, 2021)
Conspiracy Theories that Aren’t: Covid Origins, Vaccines, and HCQ

Conspiracy Theories that Aren’t: Covid Origins, Vaccines, and HCQ

Show Summary: As more information comes out, the more the “official” covid sources are being proved wrong. On a daily basis. But it’s more than just politics. There are real dangers to the vaccines that they’ve been pushing. Why are they shoving this experimental vaccine at people? It turns out some conspiracies about covid have been correct all along.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Six Different Times, on Eight Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

8a – 9a: KYKN 1439AM (Salem/Keizer) | Direct Link to KYKN Live Stream
10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: June 12th & 13th, 2021 | Guests: Dr. Peter McCullough & Chuck Wiese

This Week’s Show

If you’re like us, you’re running out of conspiracy theories. What we’ve been saying about the virus is proving true. That covid-19 was not a natural virus, that it really was created in the Wuhan lab, and that it may… may have been released intentionally. That remains to be seen. But, because doing so would have been such a horrific crime, we may never know. 

And, if you’re like us, you’ve been shadowbanned, blocked, even banned altogether on social media for daring to talk the truth about the vaccines, covid-19, or, Heaven forbid, hydroxychloroquine. Lord knows we can’t talk about anything other than the vaccine and how safe it is.

Which, it isn’t. Yes, we said it. The covid vaccines aren’t safe.

…when it comes to covid, politics is far, far more important than health

Dr. Peter McCullough: Time for some Truth about Covid

Dr Simone Gold: It's not "research" if they're censoring opposing information. It's not "science" if you're not allowed to question it.
A dose of truth about the covid vaccines from Dr. Simone Gold of America’s Frontline Doctors

This week, we talk with Dr. Peter McCullough. If you don’t know him by now, you should. But it’s not surprising if you don’t. Because the media and the official covid sources don’t like what he has to say. This, despite the fact he is one of the nation’s top covid-19 experts.

And, worse, he tells the truth without the political spin. And when it comes to covid, politics is far, far more important than health. For example, why is it forbidden to talk about the origins of covid-19? Early on, respected researchers tried to alert the world what they were seeing. That covid had genetic markers, such as from HIV, to make it more powerful and more contagious. Did the world listen to these researchers? No. They were told to shut up. One French researcher, when he refused to shut up, was jailed.


And what about that “conspiracy theory” that the virus was engineered? What does one of the nation’s top covid experts think about that? Is there evidence that points to a man-made origin?

Covid Vaccines: They’re Dangerous

Dr. Peter McCullough talks to us about the vaccines and some of the emerging (bad) data about them. The VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting Sytem) has been swamped with adverse effects—including deaths. In other words, there are problems resulting from the vaccines—including deaths—that are being reported to official sources, and yet no one seems to care.

In any other situation, a vaccine with 25–deaths would be pulled off the market. Currently, there have been over 5,300 deaths. And many researchers say the VAERS system usually only reports 1/10th of the actual numbers. Yes. There could be over 53,000 deaths from the covid vaccines.

As of May 28, there have 294,801 adverse effects from the covid vaccines reported to VAERS

Covid Vaccines: Why the Extreme Marketing Push?

With all the problems, you’d think more official sources would be looking into things. Except they aren’t. They’ve stuffed their fingers in their ears and hum a little tune while people are dying.

But ask yourself this. Why are the covid vaccines being pushed? Frantically. On TV, online, on social media. The government spent billions of dollars on ad campaigns. And all this for a disease that has an average survivability rate of about 99.9%. So why push the vaccines so desperately? We ask Dr. McCullough that.

The Vaccines’ Side Effects

We talk with Dr. Peter McCullough about some of the reported adverse reactions. Blood clots are among the biggest concerns because they can lead to all sorts of problems and have been reported for quite some time.

But there are some other reports going around. Like the vaccine nano-particles and spike proteins leaving the injection site. And accumulating in organs, such as the liver, kidneys, spleen, and even the ovaries.

Or what about rumors of depopulation? Could this be true? Tune in to find out.

What if you already took one of the Covid Vaccines?

If you haven’t taken the vaccine, should you? And who should definitely not be taking it? But what if you already did? Are you in danger? What should you be looking out for? And what can you be doing to protect yourself.

These are the important questions that need to be asked. But aren’t.

Those Covid Conspiracy Theories that Aren’t

Next up we welcome back one of I Spy Radio’s favorite guests Chuck Wiese. We love good thinkers here on I Spy Radio and Chuck is a great one. Plus, unlike a lot of pundits on the MSM, he’s an actual trained scientist. And he loves nothing better than to debunk (okay, destroy) bad data and bad science.

From early on, Chuck warned people that covid-19 looked lab created. Someone made it. And it was meant as a bioweapon. Tune in to hear the evidence that now truly supports his suppositions.

Hydroxychloroquine: The Evidence is In

New Study finds that the use of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin improved survival of ventilated covid-19 patients by nearly 200%If you’ve heard Chuck Wiese in the recent past, you know he’s been all over hydroxychloroquine as a viable treatment for covid. That there was never any legitimate reason to ban it. And, it turns out, he was exactly right. Be sure to join us for this sweet, sweet victory lap.

Not just a major but the major anti-hydroxychloroquine studies was retracted. Why? Because the underlying data set could not be verified. Once again. Bad data.

It’s good to be right.

Did you know? Study shows hydroxychloroquine treatments increased coronavirus survival rate by 200%. See “Study shows” in links section below.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links Mentioned & Further Info

  • Dr. Peter McCullough blows Lid Off of Vaccine Dangers (Rumble.com, May 30, 2021)
    • “I think this whole pandemic, from the beginning, was about the vaccine.”
  • Authors Retract the Lancet’s Hydroxychloroquine Study. Why? Because the authors used an observational dataset that could not be properly audited. (Reason, Jun 4, 2021)
  • Plexiglass is Everywhere, with No Proof it Keeps Covid at Bay (Bloomberg News, June 8, 2021)
  • Study shows hydroxychloroquine treatments increased coronavirus survival rate by almost three times  (Washington Examiner, June 11, 2021)
  • Weight-Adjusted Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin Boosted Survival of Ventilated COVID-19 Patients by 200 Percent (Epoch Times, June 9, 2021)
  • W.H.O. Chief Scientist Served Legal Notice in India for Allegedly Suppressing Data on Drug to Treat COVID-19 (Epoch Times, June 9, 2021)
  • Emails Reveal How Influential Articles That Established COVID-19 Natural Origins Theory Were Formed (Epoch Times, June 8, 2021)
  • The chilling experiment which created the first vaccine (BBC Future, Sept 20, 2020)
  • Video: RFK Jr: “People in authority lie.” (Rumble)
  • ‘We Made a Big Mistake’ — COVID Vaccine Spike Protein Travels From Injection Site, Can Cause Organ Damage (The Defender, June 3, 2021)
    • Research obtained by a group of scientists shows the COVID vaccine spike protein can travel from the injection site and accumulate in organs and tissues including the spleen, bone marrow, the liver, adrenal glands and in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries
    • “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”
  • Trump Vindicated (Again) by New Study on Hydroxychloroquine (PJ Media, June 10, 2021)
  • Crazy, 1-hour long article: “The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan? – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists” (The Bulletin, May 5, 2021)
  • Hospital Suspends 178 Workers (Epoch Times, June 9, 2021)

Additional Help, Resources, Further Reading


Victory, Valor, and Vaccines – Wait, so the Constitution Matters?

Victory, Valor, and Vaccines – Wait, so the Constitution Matters?

Show Summary: Just when you thought the Constitution didn’t matter any more, along comes Southeastern Legal Foundation’s huge win in federal court to throw out the CDC’s power grab to block landlords from evicting renters. Updates on SCOTUS failing to take up voter fraud, the Texas power grid failure, and covid vaccines.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Mar 5th & 6th, 2021 | Kimberly Hermann & Chuck Wiese

This Week: Do you ever sit in your living room and think the world today just feels off?

In Oregon that’s not hard to do when we think about what people have endured over the past year.  From businesses shut down orders, to losing their sole income—while watching bills pile up.

Victory in Federal Court: Overruling the CDC’s Power Grab

In all of this, renters were hugely impacted; they lost jobs only to find that no job might mean no home.  So the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) stepped in and upended Constitutionally guaranteed property rights and declared a moratorium to evictions. Which sounds nice. Except, why is the CDC (which is hardly an economics agency) inserting itself into private property rights and contract law? And, as usual, Leftist thinking left out the other half of the equation.

Because on the flip side, people were taking advantage of the situation by not paying rent — and landlords were being forced into not being able to pay their investment mortgages that also kept the roof over the renters’ heads.

Southeastern Legal Foundation: Big Win over Government Overreach

It was bad enough that the government stepped in, telling business owners their revenue streams were shut off, causing disruptions of US free markets like never before.  But then to declare that if renters can’t (or won’t) pay, they can’t be evicted. And there sat the landlords, footing the bills. Imagine if the CDC, with their economic insights, had deemed customers could walk into stores and take whatever they want and not have to pay for it.  What other powers could the CDC seize for itself? Or what other rights could the CDC take away on a whim? Property rights are the cornerstone of the Constitution.

Enter Kim Hermann , the General Counsel for Southeastern Legal Foundation, which stood up to tyranny and sued to protect constitutional rights.  And, in an exciting slam of the gavel, the judge determined the CDC’s moratorium on evictions was unconstitutional.

And suddenly with that decision the world started to right itself. Just a little bit.

We talk to Kim about what this case meant and what does it mean for upcoming cases in the future.  We also talk to her about election laws, the Supreme Court’s decision to not hear any election fraud cases, and H. R. 1, the legalizing- election-theft bill just passed by Congressional democrats.  She also talks about what the states are working on to correct that election integrity problems. Brave men and women who are stepping up to help fight another good fight.

Updates on Texas’s Green Energy Failure and on the Vaccines

Then, scientist Chuck Wiese returns to give us some of updates on two stories we recently talked to him about: the power grid situation in Texas and the covid vaccines.  But before we dip into those, Chuck shares with us his own experiences of being a landlord and what’s happened in Oregon.

Tune in to hear how once again Oregon was the Petri dish for Leftist ideology as it whittled away at property rights of landowners under Governor Kate that perhaps set the stage for the CDC’s eviction moratoriums.  We also talk with him about some updates on what is going on in oil-rich Texas and why so many climate and green energy officials in Texas have quit since their big storm.  And we touch base to get his thoughts on the latest vaccine and some ongoing concerns about the pandemic and the government’s response to it.

And when we fold all the above information into one big package we have to wonder if we will ever hear the truth from any government officials.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.

The Green Energy Scam that Fooled Texas (and the Rest of America)

The Green Energy Scam that Fooled Texas (and the Rest of America)

Show Summary: Welcome to the new phase of Global Warming – Global Freezing. Yes, the Left really does want you to believe Global Warming caused the ice and snow in Texas. But they don’t want you to believe green energy failed. Sure.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Month # & #, 2021 | Myron Ebell & Chuck Wiese

It’s been a long week—or maybe going on two, depending on if you’ve gotten your power turned on—as ice invaded a rather comfortably mild winter for most.  Then temperatures dropped all across the nation, placing people in at times life-threatening conditions.  How did this happen when we’ve heard so often from the global warming community that carbon dioxide was creating rising temperatures?  But even as the snow and ice hit, those same experts blamed—what else?—global warming.

The Green Energy Scam

Unbeknownst to many, for years, governors like GW Bush, made policy decisions about investing in windmills and solar. Governors like GWB knew only what pro-Global-Warming “scientists” told him about Global Warming, which led to pro-Global-Warming policy decisions. However, these scientists’ predictions were made by claiming their computer models were nearly infallible. Or at least not to be questions. So governors didn’t.

But as the years of weather conditions didn’t match up with the predictions, science became a game of outfoxing, out-promoting, and outspending those who angrily exposed their lies and fraud. And now we see the results of what happens when following the brick road of lies leads to disaster, with oil-rich Texas being the prime example of unreliable “renewable” energy.

But why? Why were some, calling themselves scientists, willing to place themselves in a situation where they now look ridiculous? We examine that this week and hope to shed new light on some old fights.

Myron Ebell Weighs in on Texas Green Energy Failure

We start out with Competitive Enterprise Institute’s, Director for the Center of Energy and Environment, Myron Ebell, who grew up in Eastern Oregon and is now working in Washington, DC — the hotbed of the Global Warming debate. With Biden taking over and touting the US return to all things green, we discuss what happened this winter in Texas. Ebell walks us through how Texas got to the point of wind turbines freezing up and breaking, putting Texans at risk with no heat while in freezing temperatures. Texas of all places. A conversation that maps out why so much went wrong and that the rest of the nation cannot ignore, especially with the rush to infuse “climate change” into literally every level of government.

Chuck Wiese: The Global Warming Scam

Then we bring on meteorologist, Chuck Wiese, who is also a retired commercial pilot, where accurate weather data really mattered. He takes us in-depth into those magical, global warming computer predictions and brings to life the techniques used to create the computer model.

You’ll learn a bit more about weather itself, how its predicted, and why predictions routinely break down more than five days out. And we learn how those billion-dollar climate warming models compare to weather forecasting and why they not only don’t work in the long-term but can’t work in the long term. Real life information that global warming supporters can’t run from.

In other words, as Chuck would say, the Great Oz no longer has his curtain to hide behind.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.


Facing a Biden World | Vaccines, HCQ, and Economics out the Window

Facing a Biden World | Vaccines, HCQ, and Economics out the Window

Show Summary: What do you really know about the vaccines? Did you know mRNA vaccines, which trick your cells into replicating covid-19 proteins, have never been tried in humans before? Are we all just human guinea pigs now? New revelations on HCQ, including its secret usage. And what impact with the Biden virus have when it’s fully unleashed on the economy? Taxes, job-killing executive orders, and impacts on states.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | [KLBM Live stream not available this weekend]
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | [KBKR Live stream not available this weekend]
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Jan. 27 & 28, 2021 | Chuck Wiese & Jonathan Williams

This Week: With a President Biden in office for a little over a week, the Executive Orders have been signed in record amounts for any president. But Biden has a problem. There are many who are not only in disagreement with his new EO’s, but are willing to take him to court over them.

So this week we take a look at what Biden is doing to not unify America. Especially now that Americans have tasted the sweet fruits of a robust economy, energy independence, and peace agreements keeping us out of wars under a Trump presidency.

Biden’s desire to change us back to an Obama economy with critical restrictions on mining, fossil fuel production—effectively deciding who and which industries will be allowed to profit and who won’t—and his shut down orders may not go well for him as many rise up in opposition.

Medical Ethics: New Technology Vaccines & “Gain of Function” Research

To find out the specifics, first up we talk with a scientist, Chuck Wiese, to examine what is going on with covid and its vaccines. Concerns over the side effects, the experimental nature of them, and the safety of these vaccines is on the rise and we talk about the data that has exposed some deeply, big potential problems. We also talk about the ethics of using human guinea pigs to try out a first-of-its-kind vaccine technology, and the ethically troubling “gain of function” research that has led to creating diseases like covid-19, and China’s role on its release.

And don’t miss the stunning revelation of what was happening behind the scenes in the medical community with HCQ — hydroxychloroquine. Here’s an unsurprising hint: they were lying to you.

GameStop — Dawning of a New Economic Reality?

Then we bring on Jonathan Williams, of ALEC, who is watching the normal rules of economics seemingly disappear overnight. We look back at the last time Jonathan was on, one year ago, when President Trump had just introduced his budget, which wanted to cut spending and move toward a balanced budget by 2035. It would do it by forcing government to live within its means. Which would mean the Left could no longer siphon off money from taxpayers and give billions to their allies.

Don’t miss our review of the Green Funding Cycle!

Is that why the Left went all out to attack President Trump through every means possible? People do crazy things for just one million dollars. What would they be willing to do for trillions of dollars?

We talk about the crazy revolt happening now in the stock market as Reddit users go after the hedge funds, costing them $39 billion by one estimate. But is what we’re seeing with GameStop shares really such a good idea?

Executive Orders and the Biden Virus in the Economy

the unraveling of Trump’s economy through Biden’s attempts to stop oil in its tracks and bring back alternatives that put American on a bad path, weakening America while effectively giving countries like China a leg up. Why would anyone want to weaken America’s energy independence?

Be sure to visit ALEC’s terrific ranking of the states’ competitiveness and economic outlook site: www.RichStatesPoorStates.org. How is your state doing?

Biden seems to be stuck in an old script that now even his normal supporters such as unions are fighting mad at him for destroying good jobs on the Keystone Pipeline. People got used to good jobs and a good economy under Pres. Trump. Will they put up with this?

All is not well for a Biden world. Listen to find out why.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.

Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Chuck Wiese

  • 55 People Have Died in US After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines (Epoch Times, Jan 17, 2021)
    • Reporting system is passive, meaning reports aren’t automatically added; “reports on VAERS represent ‘only a small fraction of actual adverse events,’ the site states” makes one wonder how many have not yet been filed
    • Laughable: “Health officials on the VAERS website caution that a report to the system doesn’t prove a vaccine caused the adverse event…” This from the same govt that counted anyone who died with a sniffle as having died from covid-19
    • CDC said on Jan 6 that “severe allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines were happening at a rate of 11.1 per million vaccinations, compared to the rate of 1.3 per 1 million flu shots” TEN times the rate for flu shots. But that can’t be correct. 11.1 per million, with 10.5 million getting the vax = 116 severe reactions total. There have been way more than that – including 55 that died. Almost half that 116 figure.
    • “Norway changed its COVID-19 vaccination guide to direct officials not to give “very frail” people one of the vaccines, citing 13 deaths among people who were vaccinated.”
  • Israeli behind ‘game-changing’ Covid nasal spray says it’s 99.9% effective (Jewish News / Times of Israel, Jan 13, 2021)
  • Medical Doctor: Bacterial Pneumonias Rising From Mask Wearing (Principia Scientific, Jan 25, 2021)

The mRNA Vaccines

  • DNA vs. RNA – 5 Key Differences and Comparison (Technology Networks, Dec 18, 2020)
    • DNA is the blueprint for the organism; RNA is is the builder, the contractor that tells parts of the cell what to do and when to do it
    • “Messenger RNA (mRNA) copies portions of genetic code, a process called transcription, and transports these copies to ribosomes, which are the cellular factories that facilitate the production of proteins from this code.”
  • mRNA Vaccines vs. Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine (Darkhorse Podcast Clips, Jan 9, 2021)
    • mRNA vaccines untested in humans, tested for only ~9 mos

Gain of Function Research

Gain-of-Function Research: Ethical Analysis (Scientific Engineering Ethics, Aug 8, 2016). Read online or download PDF of the paper.

Jonathan Williams

  • Why Joe Biden Can Stop Worrying and Start Spending Like Crazy (New Republic, Dec 1, 2020)
  • Joe Biden Signs 17 Executive Orders and Directives (Before its news, Jan 20, 2021)
  • Davos ‘Great Reset’ conference opened by China’s Xi (WND, Jan 25, 2021)
  • New Research Debunks Claim That a $15 Minimum Wage Would Not Reduce Employment (Foundation for Economic Education, Jan 25, 2021)
  • Western Energy Alliance challenges Biden order pausing new oil, gas leasing on public land (America’s Voice, Jan 27, 2021)
  • Kerry’s ‘better choices’ comment on climate job losses opens door for GOP to pounce (Just the News, Jan 26, 2021)
  • Biden Vows to Cancel Oil and Gas Leases, but ‘Not Going to Ban Fracking’ (The Daily Signal, Jan 27, 2021)
    • According to Biden’s statement: “The executive order also directs the secretary of interior to stop issuing new oil and gas leases on public lands and in offshore waters wherever possible,” Biden said, adding: “Let me be clear, and I know this always comes up, we are not going to ban fracking. We’ll protect jobs and grow jobs.”

GameStop Shares

  • Explanation of GameStop (NBC News, Jan 2021)
    • “But the bigger and longer-lasting impact may be on how the market itself operates. Never before has a group of amateur investors taken on a hedge fund like this and won. The battle over GameStop has taken on something of a David vs. Goliath feel, with some people outside of finance painting it as a reckoning for parts of Wall Street.”
  • I’m Sorry, What Is Going on With GameStop and AMC? (Vulture, Jan 27, 2021)
    • A hedge fund bet GameStop would drop, internet users bought up shares to make it rise, which meant the short seller hedge funds lost billions. $23 billion by one estimate.

Related Links

  • Impact of Biden’s tax plan on Real Estate: What we know (Elliott Davis, Dec 3, 2020) [A good explanation and overview of Joe Biden’s tax plans. Take a read to see why we call Joe’s economics, the “Biden Virus”]
  • California surprise re-open! …leaving Oregon in last two lockdown states (Oregon Catalyst, Jan 26, 2021)
  • Monopolies and competition: “EU president: ‘Unbridled power held’ by Big Tech CEOs must be ‘reined in’” (WND, Jan 21, 2021)
  • Wild Wednesday: Market Gets Slammed Amid Vaccine Worries, Cautious Fed (Ameritrade, Jan 26, 2021)