Tag: climate change scam

15-09 Activist Judges and a New Twist on Chemtrails

15-09 Activist Judges and a New Twist on Chemtrails

Show 15-09 Summary: Activist judges and chemtrails twist. We celebrate a personal and professional win with Kimberly Hermann from Southeastern Legal. Then we get her take as a practicing attorney on these activist judges attempting to stop every executive order. Do they even have the authority? Or (their favorite) “standing”? And then we talk with Chuck Wiese about a conspiracy theory people have been asking us to look into for over 15 years. Except it’s not quite the conspiracy they think it is. But there is something afoot.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Air Dates: March 1st & 2nd, 2025 | Guests: Kimberly Hermann & Chuck Wiese

This Week – Activist Judges and Are Chemtrails Real After All?

This week we talk with Kimberly Herman of Southeastern Legal Foundation about her invite to the White House to celebrate an executive order SLF has been fighting for — keeping men out of women’s sports. This is not just a professional win but a truly personal one. Especially with a young daughter who loves sports. We also talk about some of President Trump’s executive orders that may impact

Kimberly is not just the executive director for Southeastern Legal. She is also a practicing attorney, arguing federal court cases. So most of our conversation is about those activist judges who are throwing themselves (and the country) in front of the Trump Train. What can be done about them? Do they have the authority to insert themselves in executive orders? Find out why this almost never happens.

And we look at the courts themselves. Is it time to redo the courts?  And what about that clause in Article III, Section 1 about judges “shall hold their Offices during good behavior”?

New Twist on an Old Conspiracy Theory?

And then in the second-half of the show, we talk with fan-favorite, Chuck Wiese, about a conspiracy theory that listeners have been asking us to look into for over 15 years. Except it’s not quite the conspiracy they think it is. But there’s definitely something afoot.

In case you’re not up to speed on chemtrails, people have been speculating that patterns in the sky from jet contrails are something more than just jet exhaust. The theory is that secret government projects have been lacing the skies with unknown chemicals. There is a lot of debate over, who is doing, what they’re spraying, and why they’re doing it. Some say weather modification. Others say it has to do with climate change. Still others say it’s something far worse and more sinister. Like increasing sterility. And over the years, the theory has grown in popularity. So what’s really going on?

Chuck is the perfect guest for this. He is a meteorologist, trained scientist, and global warming debunker. And he’s a pilot. He spent decades in the sky as a commercial airlines jet pilot. Cloud seeding is a real thing. And has a long history. But that’s not the same as chemtrails.

However, there is new speculation that is putting a twist on things. A recent — albeit somewhat confusing — article in Just the News covered a new angle on chemtrails. The short end of it is that while people have speculated about chemtrails with lots of opinions but little actual evidence, geoengineering to impact “Climate Change” may be behind some of it.

Read the article that started this chemtrails / geoengineering discussion: “Politics of Climate Tech: Billions spent on geo-engineering despite objections

But is it happening? Yes and no. But tune in to hear the nonsense proposed by these Global Warmers to fight fossil fuel emissions to offset “CO2 warming” by using even more fossil fuel emissions. And how their efforts may cause even more damage while having no real impact on “warming.”

If it sounds insane, it’s because it is.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Activist Judges

  • Kimberly Hermann’s organization is Southeastern Legal Foundation. Find out more about them at SLFLiberty.org
    • From SLF’s website: “When the government has gone beyond its constitutional limits, we have been there to hold it accountable. SLF’s strategic approach has resulted in hundreds of courtroom wins, including four precedent-setting wins at the United States Supreme Court.”
  • Trump Dept. of Education Affirms 2020 Title IX Rules, Rejects Biden expansion (The Center Square, January 31, 2025)
  • JUST IN: President Trump Files Emergency Appeal Asking Supreme Court to Intervene After Biden Judge Orders Admin to Pay $2 Billion in Foreign Contracts by Midnight (Gateway Pundit, Feb 26, 2025)
    • And this → Supreme Court briefly pauses order for Trump admin to imminently release foreign aid (The Hill, Feb 26, 2025)

Chemtrails Twist

Related Info

15-08 Winning! Dominance! — And the Losers Trying to Stop It

15-08 Winning! Dominance! — And the Losers Trying to Stop It

Show 15-08 Summary: This week we’re looking at some exciting executive orders that, instead of “trickle down,” could be a boulder rolling downhill and cause an avalanche of wealth and economic activity. The National Energy Dominance Council. And then in the second-half of our show, we look at these activist judges that are trying to throw themselves on top of all of President Trump’s executive order grenades. What can be done? Why are democrats determined to fight democracy? Which brings up a bigger question about all that fraud…

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Air Dates: February 22nd & 23rd, 2025 | Guests: Craig Rucker & James Hirsen

This Week – It’s Dominance, Baby

Trump did not survive just to surrender. It is win, baby, win. It’s only been just over a month but a new, even more vigorous Trump is in Washington. And this time, his eyes are wide open. And he’s not stopping. The National Energy Dominance Council. It is going to blow up the “green” energy scam.

On the campaign trail, he talked about the Climate Change scam. The “green” energy scam. What he didn’t talk about was how the Climate Change / Global Warming / Green Energy scams were the largest, most expensive funding model for the Far Left. If you thought the tens of billions USAID spent on far-left causes was horrid, just wait until you hear about the trillions spent on Climate Change.

Up first, we welcome back Craig Rucker, the president and co-founder of CFACT — the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow. There have bene some incredible executive orders but the one establishing the National Energy Dominance Council is one of the most exciting. And, naturally, the economically uneducated “media” barely mentioned it.

American dominance. Trump signs executive order establishing the National Energy Dominance Council. Unleash the prosperity!
Click to watch on YT. National Energy Dominance Council begins at 1:19.

This will not be “trickle down” economics. It just pried loose an economic boulder that is going to unleash an avalanche of economic activity and wealth creation. Think about it. If the average family saves $500 a month because of lower electricity, water, and natural gas prices — and lower gasoline prices — that is $6,000 per household.

And, even better, if your family is saving that much, think how much business and industry will save. That means they can lower prices. Saving families even more.

Yeah. No wonder the media is ignoring energy dominance.

American Dominance and the Losers Trying to Stop It

While Trump and the Republicans push American dominance, the Democrats have staked out the rather odd position of opposing it. Which brings up an even bigger question about all that fraud DOGE has been uncovering. But more on that in a bit.

We also welcome back long-time I Spy Radio guest, James Hirsen, to talk about those activist judges. The Obama- and Biden-appointed judges who are throwing themselves on every executive order, American dominance grenade Trump throws out there. Which itself is an odd thing to do. It’s true. When people find fraud, the people yelling stop are the ones doing the fraud.

James is not just the well-known, bestselling author of Tales from the Left Coast, he’s an international attorney. And he has a terrific article that encapsulates the fight against these activist judges trying to stop Trump’s executive orders: “Birthright Citizenship and Five Little Words” on JamesHirsen.com.

Clearly, Trump not only believes birthright citizenship is wrong, he knew it would create a constitutional logjam and force a final ruling from the Supreme Court. How will it do? A lot of people are worried about the two squishiest judges, John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett. But if they follow the Constitution and the clearly original intent of the crafters of the 14th Amendment, those five little words should sway them. But can they put the Constitution ahead of their personal feelings?

And don’t miss that bigger question the discovery of all that fraud raises. Why aren’t the Democrats joining in to find even more fraud? Clearly, there is fraud.  Clearly, DOGE (the Department Of Government Efficiency) is uncovering fraud. Rather than try to stop it, why not help Republicans find even more?

Everybody hates fraud and abuse. Being on the side of fraud and waste means everyone will hate Democrats. Not smart.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Not Discussed but Related

  • Climate lawsuits fail in state courts (Just the News, Feb 10, 2025)
  • Hold by Trump administration includes $52M (OregonLive, Feb 10, 2025)
  • California’s $20 Fast-Food Minimum Wage: Job Losses, Higher Food Prices, Increased Automation (California Globe, Feb 19, 2025)
    • “Berkeley Research Group Study: California’s fast-food restaurants lost 10,700 jobs making it the worst performing year outside of a recession”
14-49 The Climate Change Scam: Is this the Beginning of the End?

14-49 The Climate Change Scam: Is this the Beginning of the End?

Show 14-49 Summary: This week we talk to Craig Rucker about what we hope is the beginning of the end of the most extensive and expensive scam in American history — the Climate Change scam. (Or Global Warming scam if you’re old school.) With Trump’s election, there was weeping and gnashing at the annual UN confab for global warming, COP29, which Craig recently attended. We look at the impact the incoming administration will have on policies and personnel. And how changes at the top may filter down to Oregon. Including ruining one of its most recent environmental schemes, to make money from doing nothing.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: December 7, 2024 | Guest: Craig Rucker

This Week – The End of the Climate Change Scam

This week we are talking with Craig Rucker about what we hope is the beginning of the end of the most extensive and expensive scam in American history — the Climate Change scam. (Or Global Warming scam if you’re old school.) Under Biden a minimum of $1.5 trillion was transferred from the US taxpayer to Far Left organizations and causes. We start with the weeping and gnashing at the annual UN confab for global warming, COP29, which Craig recently attended. Many at the conference had been literally banking on a Kamala win to continue the funding that’s been flowing their way. Where will their trillions come from now?

MAGA ladies at COP29
MAGA ladies at COP29

Then we take a look at the impact the incoming administration will have on policies and personnel. And how changes at the top may filter down to Oregon. Including ruining one of its most recent environmental schemes, to make money from doing nothing.

And with Trump’s win, we’re able to move away from theoretical, “If Trump wins, what can we expect?” discussions. Now we can talk about what will happen and what needs to happen. We find out more about those tapped for Secretary of Interior, Energy, and for the EPA and what those appointments will mean for downsizing their agencies. And what policies especially need to be stopped that could unravel the multi-trillion-dollar Climate Change scam.

Is this the beginning of the end of the Climate Change scam?

Let the deprogramming begin.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Related Information on the Climate Change Scam

  • Net Zero Land Area (Steve Goreham, YT Channel, May 29, 2022)
    • The problem with Net Zero. A Princeton study found that to go from current 10% to 50% renewable by 2050, requires 228,000 square miles of land. That is more than Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Wisconsin — combined.
  • PBS Climate Change scam propaganda programming. If you don’t believe their scam, something is wrong with your brain. “How your brain stops you from taking climate change seriously” (PBS, January 7, 2019)
  • Exxon’s chief has a warning for Republicans (Politico, Nov 12, 2024)*The oil giant takes a stance before the Trump administration sets its sights on gutting Biden’s climate agenda.*warns republicans not to gut Biden’s climate agenda
  • DOGE Co-Lead Vivek Ramaswamy at CNBC’s CFO Council Summit (CNBC, YT Channel, Dec 4, 2024)
  • Crescent Dunes: Biden DOJ Moved on Election Night to Cover Up Alleged Solar Energy Scandal that Cost Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions (Breitbart, Nov 25, 2024). 
  • Environmental nonprofit fundraising draws criticism across political spectrum (Capital Press, Nov 14, 2024)
    • IRS filings by 20 nonprofit environmental organizations in the West have total net assets of nearly $2 billion dollars. Often significant amounts are set aside as an endowment to generate additional income beyond donations.
    • Nice. Taxpayers gave Far Left organizations seed money for perpetual income.