Tag: Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

15-08 Winning! Dominance! — And the Losers Trying to Stop It

15-08 Winning! Dominance! — And the Losers Trying to Stop It

Show 15-08 Summary: This week we’re looking at some exciting executive orders that, instead of “trickle down,” could be a boulder rolling downhill and cause an avalanche of wealth and economic activity. The National Energy Dominance Council. And then in the second-half of our show, we look at these activist judges that are trying to throw themselves on top of all of President Trump’s executive order grenades. What can be done? Why are democrats determined to fight democracy? Which brings up a bigger question about all that fraud…

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of November 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Air Dates: February 22nd & 23rd, 2025 | Guests: Craig Rucker & James Hirsen

This Week – It’s Dominance, Baby

Trump did not survive just to surrender. It is win, baby, win. It’s only been just over a month but a new, even more vigorous Trump is in Washington. And this time, his eyes are wide open. And he’s not stopping. The National Energy Dominance Council. It is going to blow up the “green” energy scam.

On the campaign trail, he talked about the Climate Change scam. The “green” energy scam. What he didn’t talk about was how the Climate Change / Global Warming / Green Energy scams were the largest, most expensive funding model for the Far Left. If you thought the tens of billions USAID spent on far-left causes was horrid, just wait until you hear about the trillions spent on Climate Change.

Up first, we welcome back Craig Rucker, the president and co-founder of CFACT — the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow. There have bene some incredible executive orders but the one establishing the National Energy Dominance Council is one of the most exciting. And, naturally, the economically uneducated “media” barely mentioned it.

American dominance. Trump signs executive order establishing the National Energy Dominance Council. Unleash the prosperity!
Click to watch on YT. National Energy Dominance Council begins at 1:19.

This will not be “trickle down” economics. It just pried loose an economic boulder that is going to unleash an avalanche of economic activity and wealth creation. Think about it. If the average family saves $500 a month because of lower electricity, water, and natural gas prices — and lower gasoline prices — that is $6,000 per household.

And, even better, if your family is saving that much, think how much business and industry will save. That means they can lower prices. Saving families even more.

Yeah. No wonder the media is ignoring energy dominance.

American Dominance and the Losers Trying to Stop It

While Trump and the Republicans push American dominance, the Democrats have staked out the rather odd position of opposing it. Which brings up an even bigger question about all that fraud DOGE has been uncovering. But more on that in a bit.

We also welcome back long-time I Spy Radio guest, James Hirsen, to talk about those activist judges. The Obama- and Biden-appointed judges who are throwing themselves on every executive order, American dominance grenade Trump throws out there. Which itself is an odd thing to do. It’s true. When people find fraud, the people yelling stop are the ones doing the fraud.

James is not just the well-known, bestselling author of Tales from the Left Coast, he’s an international attorney. And he has a terrific article that encapsulates the fight against these activist judges trying to stop Trump’s executive orders: “Birthright Citizenship and Five Little Words” on JamesHirsen.com.

Clearly, Trump not only believes birthright citizenship is wrong, he knew it would create a constitutional logjam and force a final ruling from the Supreme Court. How will it do? A lot of people are worried about the two squishiest judges, John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett. But if they follow the Constitution and the clearly original intent of the crafters of the 14th Amendment, those five little words should sway them. But can they put the Constitution ahead of their personal feelings?

And don’t miss that bigger question the discovery of all that fraud raises. Why aren’t the Democrats joining in to find even more fraud? Clearly, there is fraud.  Clearly, DOGE (the Department Of Government Efficiency) is uncovering fraud. Rather than try to stop it, why not help Republicans find even more?

Everybody hates fraud and abuse. Being on the side of fraud and waste means everyone will hate Democrats. Not smart.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

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Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Not Discussed but Related

  • Climate lawsuits fail in state courts (Just the News, Feb 10, 2025)
  • Hold by Trump administration includes $52M (OregonLive, Feb 10, 2025)
  • California’s $20 Fast-Food Minimum Wage: Job Losses, Higher Food Prices, Increased Automation (California Globe, Feb 19, 2025)
    • “Berkeley Research Group Study: California’s fast-food restaurants lost 10,700 jobs making it the worst performing year outside of a recession”
14-31 Enviro Mental | If Only Sustainable Unicorns Really Did Exist

14-31 Enviro Mental | If Only Sustainable Unicorns Really Did Exist

Show 14-31 Summary: No, it’s not the hottest ever. But if you believe in global warming, we might have some sustainable unicorns to sell you. This week we have some common sense answers for the enviro mentally impaired.  One is to learn to not buy the snake oil they’re selling you. Another is to learn they are jimmying the temperature data. We talk about the Supreme Court’s ruling that overturned its previous Chevron deference opinion. And we discuss some common sense, environmental model legislation that even the far left might have a hard time saying no to.

I Spy Radio Coverage Map as of April 2024
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, seven times over the weekend, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on our network of stations.

Original Air Dates: August 3, 2024 | Guests: Chuck Wiese & Craig Rucker

This Week – Common Sense Answers for the Enviro Mentally Impaired

Summer isn’t even over and already we’re hearing it’s the “hottest ever.” Could it be because temperature sensors are miscalibrated? Badly so? We talk with meteorologist Chuck Wiese about what he’s uncovered in just the Portland and Salem (Oregon) areas. And it’s not just a little miscalibration. It’s off by a lot.

Chuck is not only a trained scientist but has become a political activist, especially around election integrity. So we just have to ask him about Judicial Watch serving the state of Oregon with a “pre-suit” notice and their intent to sue. Unless Oregon follows the law and cleans up its voter rolls.

  • 19 Oregon counties reported zero voters removed from their rolls from Nov 2020 – Nov 2022
  • 10 Oregon counties reported only a handful of removals
  • That’s 29 out of 36 counties out of compliance

Then we pick up our discussion again with Craig Rucker, the co-founder and president of CFACT. Last time, we barely scratched the surface about the importance and downstream effects of the Supreme Court’s overturn of the Chevron Deference (aka “Chevron Doctrine”).

Oregon’s former governor used state agencies to shove through her “Climate Protection Plan” which would cost Oregonians billions and do nothing for the environment. It was thrown out by Oregon’s courts. But now the state agency is at it again. Could the death of the Chevron deference come into play here?

Plus, we talk about some environmental model legislation that they teamed up with ALEC (that’s long-time I Spy Radio guest, Jonathan Williams’ group, the American Legislative Exchange Council). It is so common sense that even the far left might have a hard time saying no to.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

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Show Notes: Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • China records hottest month in recent history (Reuters, July 31, 2024)
    • Okay, now look past the headline: 73.706° in 2017 vs 73.778° in 2024. That’s a difference of 0.072 — seven one-hundredths of a degree. OMG! We need to spend a trillion dollars. Right now!
  • Judicial Watch Warns Oregon to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit (Judicial Watch, July 25, 2024)
  • Craig Rucker’s organization is the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow or CFACT. Find out more about the terrific work they do, get access to their articles and research and so much more at their website, CFACT.org
  • US Offshore Wind Farm Shut Down After Turbine Debris Fouls Beaches (Reuters, July 17, 2024)
  • A Supreme Court victory over bureaucratic overreach (CFACT, July 1, 2024)
  • Court deals body blow to unchecked bureaucratic power (CFACT, July 11, 2024)
  • CFACT model legislation sails through ALEC, now heads to states (CFACT, July 31, 2024)
  • Big Government’s Abuse of Power Gave SCOTUS No Choice But to Overturn Chevron (Townhall, June 28, 2024)
  • Oregon’s CPP (Climate Protection Scam. I mean Plan): Oregon Court of Appeals finds state carbon reduction rules invalid (OPB, Dec 20, 2023)

Related but Not Mentioned

  • Supreme Court to decide whether climate studies will be required for Infrastructure projects (CFACT, July 5, 2024)
  • With Chevron Overturned, Congress May Have to Adapt (Epoch Times, July, 17, 2024)
  • Alaska Natives file lawsuit challenging federal overreach in wake of SCOTUS ‘Chevron’ ruling (Just the News, July 10, 2024)
  • Supreme Court to decide whether climate studies will be required for Infrastructure projects (CFACT, July 5, 2024)
  • Federal judge blocks Biden’s ban on new U.S. LNG export terminals (CFACT, July 19. 2024)
  • Supreme Court expands time frame to sue federal agencies (SCOTUS Blog, July 2, 2024)
    • The Supreme Court ruled that a North Dakota truck stop can bring a challenge to a regulation issued 13 years ago by the Federal Reserve Board
    • Statute of Limitations? Barrett wrote, “Congress could have used language to make clear that the statute of limitations begins to run when the regulation is issued or the agency action takes place, but it did not.”
14-12 Conservatives on Offense | The Right Things for the Right Reasons

14-12 Conservatives on Offense | The Right Things for the Right Reasons

Show 14-12 Summary: Conservatives on offense means conservatives doing the right thing and for the right reasons. First up, we talk with Scott Shepard of the Free Enterprise Project about Apple’s viewpoint discrimination (meaning conservatives) and FEP’s shareholder proposal to expose the issue. Remember Apple’s Big Brother ad? Turns out they’ve become Big Brother—even their own “reeducation camps.” Then it’s Craig Rucker Executive Director of CFACT and their lawsuit to save whales from the Biden administration. Conservatives suing to save whales? While the Far left is willing to let them die on the altar of green energy? Who had that on their bingo card? Two conservative groups going on offense.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: March 23, 2024 | Guests: Scott Shepard & Craig Rucker

This Week – Conservatives on Offense

We love it when conservatives stop sitting there and taking whatever the Left throws at them. When conservatives go on offense, it brings others to the cause. Especially when they are doing the right things for the right reasons.

First, we talk to Scott Shepard from the Free Enterprise Project. Their mission is to push back on woke corporate America. They learned that Apple does not protect its workers against viewpoint discrimination. In fact, they found out that Apple actively discriminates against workers who don’t share Apple’s woke worldview. And it gets worse. Tune in to hear what happens  once Apple finds out workers don’t share their woke vision.

So last month, the Free Enterprise Project filed a shareholder resolution to expose the issue. And you can guess how Apple’s board reacted. but he fight’s not over yet.

If you own shares, you can vote on shareholder resolutions. Put Big Tech and other woke companies on notice. Get the Proxy Navigator app from the Free Enterprise Project, America’s leading organization to fight the woke disease infecting corporate America. Join other conservatives on offense. Learn more at ProxyNavigator.com.

Kill the Whales

Who would ever have imagined a time when conservatives fighting to save endangered whales because “environmentalists” are willing to sacrifice them on the altar of green energy? Well, when sacrificing a few hundred whales means your ideological side could get tens of billions of taxpayer dollars perhaps it’s not a surprise.

But wait, aren’t conservatives and capitalists supposed to be the greedy ones? Conservatives on offense to save whales. We love it. And they’re doing it for the right reasons. Not like the greedy environmentalists willing to sacrifice whales to get billions of taxpayer dollars. There’s the real greed.

Craig Rucker, executive director of Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) joins us to discuss their lawsuit against the Biden administration. CFACT had some great winds against offshore wind farms in 2023. They successfully derailed offshore wind farms in New York and New Jersey. And they’re fighting to stop the planned wind farm off of Virginia Beach. Right in the middle of whale migration paths.

Tune in to hear how the Biden administration is ignoring laws in their agenda to push wind farms. And they’re happy to sacrifice endangered whales to push billions of taxpayers into the Far Left’s pockets.

And that even has grassroots environmental groups scratching their heads. What happened to the Left’s rallying cry, “Save the whales!”?

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. Mondays, after our network of radio stations have aired the show, I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

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Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Scott Shepard’s Segments 1–3
Conservatives on offense against woke corporate America

  • Press Release: Apple Refuses to Protect Employees from Viewpoint Discrimination (Free Enterprise Project, Feb 29, 2024)
  • Check out the horrid scores of woke companies on the Viewpoint Diversity Index.
    • “Each company’s score indicates their level of respect for free speech and religious freedom based on policies, practices, and other relevant criteria.”
  • Find out more about the Free Enterprise Project and the great work they do. Sign up for their newsletter to stay informed on woke corporate America.
  • Get Free Enterprise Project’s Proxy Navigator at proxynavigator.com available at the Apple store, Google Play, or as a web app.
    • “Proxy Navigator offers voting recommendations from the Free Enterprise Project (FEP) for each company that FEP covers in a living and breathing app that will receive regular updates as information evolves. A terrific new tool to remind users of what shareholder votes are coming up and to put our latest recommendations right in front of them, exactly when they need them.
    • “But that’s not all! Proxy Navigator will also offer many features to give it year-round value to investors and market followers, including a stock ticker and news aggregator to make Proxy Navigator a one-stop app for tracking investments.”
  • Washington State Supreme Court: Passing bar no longer required to be a lawyer (Just the News, Mar 21, 2024)

Craig Rucker’s Segments 4–6
Conservatives on offense to save endangered whales

  • Coalition sues to block Virginia offshore wind project to protect the Right Whale (CFACT. org, March 18, 2024)
    • “The lawsuit … claims the agencies illegally approved Dominion Energy’s offshore wind project by ignoring glaring and obvious procedural errors that subjects the endangered North Atlantic right whale to further grave harm.”
    • The Heartland Institute and National Legal and Policy Center are co-plaintiffs in the lawsuit
  • The Reuters smear: “Right-wing groups sue US over offshore wind impact on whales” (Reuters, March 18, 2024)
  • Did you miss Craig’s last appearance on I Spy Radio, discussing their wins against the Far Left? Head to Show 14-01.

Additional Info

  • From Capitalism To Corporatism (Zero Hedge, Mar 20, 2024)
  • The 1792 Exchange (1792exchange.com)
    • “1792 Exchange is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization whose mission is to develop policy and resources to protect and equip non-profits, small businesses and philanthropy from “woke” corporations, to educate Congress and stakeholder organizations about the dangers of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) policies, and to help steer public companies in the United States back to neutral on ideological issues so they can best serve their shareholders and customers with excellence and integrity.”
  • Europe Swings Right: Socialists face setbacks across the globe, and Joe Biden could be next. (American Mind, March 12, 2024)
  • How the Left Was Left: Old-time liberals would not recognize the doctrine that speaks in their name (American Mind, March 19, 2024)
14-01 The Two Major Fights in 2024 | Encouraging Victories from 2023

14-01 The Two Major Fights in 2024 | Encouraging Victories from 2023

Show 14-01 Summary: The 2023 wins and future battles. There will be two major fights in the year ahead. The first will be the battle over the First Amendment — especially free speech. Twenty-three states have created censorship and monitoring programs to keep the truth hidden from the public in favor of their propaganda. The second major fight will be the battle to convince people to get engaged and to not stay silent. Why? Because 2023 saw a bunch of huge wins. Even here in Oregon! When people spoke up, they won. That’s what we need more of in the year ahead.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: January 6th & 7th, 2024 | Guest: Craig Rucker

This Week – 2023 Wins and Future Battles

There will be two major fights in the year ahead. The first and biggest will be the battle over the First Amendment — especially free speech. In 2020, we saw the Deep State censor vital information from voters — like the Hunter Biden laptop story and the Biden corruption scandals. And the covid origin story and viable covid treatments of Ivermectin and HCQ. And injuries and death from the not safe, not effective vaccines. All that to seize control.

As of this writing, 23 states have joined the Biden administration to seize control of free speech, claiming they are fighting “disinformation.” All 23 of them just happen to be democrat-led states. Hint to tyrants: that’s not the government’s job. The government’s job is to defend free speech. Not attack it. The second major fight will be the battle to get people engaged. Is America worth saving? Is the America we’ve become worth defeating—to go back to the America we loved and was worth fighting for? The battle ahead will be to convince people to get engaged and to not stay silent. Why? Because 2023 was the year of wins. We saw what happened when people spoke up. They won. That’s what we need more of in the year ahead.

Winning 2023

Our guest this week is Craig Rucker, the president and co-founder of CFACT (the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow). We discuss with him the wins CFACT had in 2023 and the wins we had here in Oregon. And we look ahead to what needs to happen to get even more wins in 2024.

You’ll also hear about some surprising wins that weren’t planned and came a bit out of the blue — against “green” energy.

What You’ll Learn this Week

  • The huge victories CFACT had in 2023
  • The wins we had in Oregon. Including a huge win that you probably haven’t heard about: the dismantling of the Governor’s carbon scheme
  • Why the victories happened
  • Keys to getting more wins in 2024
  • The annual Global Warming confab, COP 28, and the reality check the host country gave to the Green Energy Cult and its attempt to get rid of oil. Get this: the COP28 president declared, “there is ‘no science’ behind the demand to phase-out of fossil fuels.” What?
  • And of course, lots more.

We had some wins too on I Spy Radio! We broke into some rankings that were unexpected — unexpected because we haven’t been doing any self-marketing. We were ranked 18th on FeedSpot’s 30 best Conservative Talks Shows, and 36th on PlayerFM’s Best Conservative Radio Talk Show Podcasts for 2023. Wow! And they chose us out of 1,000s of shows.

Whoops! Just checked that FeedSpot and now we’re up to 16th. Thank you listeners!

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

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Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

CFACT and COP 28

  • If CFACT is not already on your reading list, they should be. Bookmark CFACT.org.
  • Check out CFACT’s incredible coverage of COP 28 . Here are just a few:
    • Real America News — Stella Escobedo with Craig Rucker: Analysis Of The COP28 Climate Summit (Real America News, Dec 18th, 2023)
      • COP 28 was “a smorgasbord of far Left groups and people who are in the renewable energy industry who have a vested financial interest. Also people with an ideological interest in advancing the climate agenda.”
    • Craig Rucker on One America News: COP28 Countries Vote On Climate Disaster Fund (OAN, Nov 30, 2023)
      • Craig: it’s reparations in its own way – the West is causing “Climate Change.”
    • Was COP 28 climate imperialism’s last gasp? (CFACT, Dec 29th, 2023)
      • “African diplomats said at COP 28 that ‘the idea of a fossil-fuel phaseout [is] unworkable.’”*the real story of COP 28 – that, for perhaps the first time in 28 tries, the clash between Western ideologues “who are exhausted with the modern world” and developing nations “who want in on the modern world” was out in the open for the world to see.
    • PODCAST: New House resolution would nullify UN COP 28 meat plan (CFACT, Dec 18th, 2023)
    • COP 28: UN climate conference ends with more of the same tired ‘goals’ (Craig Rucker, CFACT, Dec 18th, 2023)
  • Cop28 president says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels (The Guardian, Dec 3, 2023)*“Exclusive: UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber says phase-out of coal, oil and gas would take world ‘back into caves’”
  • Yet another win for CFACT: Another offshore wind project is canceled (Just the News, Jan 3, 2024)
  • Listen to Craig’s previous appearance on I Spy Radio for more wins they had, Show 13-42 Winds of War: Billions from Offshore Wind Farms – and Fighting Back.

Oregon Wins