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15-05 Have Faith: Biden IS being Erased

15-05 Have Faith: Biden IS being Erased

Show 15-05 Summary: There is no doubt that Trump hit the White House running — on a mission of erasing Biden. In fact reporting on him has become a challenge just to keep up. He’s covering so much ground so fast that new news becomes old news almost in the same hour that he’s signing another new executive order. While Trump is undoing America’s decline under Biden as fast as he can, it will take a long time to unwind all of them. Because there were so many of them. We talk with Washington Times commentator and editor Cheryl Chumley about the first two whirlwind weeks. And we discuss her new book about God-given rights and restoring faith to prominence in America.

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Air Dates: February 1st & 2nd, 2025 | Guest: Cheryl Chumley

This Week – Have Faith – The Good Guys Are Back in Charge

In just his first two weeks, President Trump is off to a fast start to undo the horrible last four years of America’s decline under Resident Joe Biden. And as fast as Trump is moving to erase Biden, for a lot of us, it’s not fast enough.

Did we see DEI at work with the helicopter-plane collision at Reagan Airport? We certainly know there is a shortage of FAA workers, including traffic control. But Biden prioritized not only skin color over competence, he filled thousands of DEI compliance jobs over FAA jobs.

Fortunately for America, Trump is already making changes to restore confidence and competence in America. Although America has been so burned over the last four years, with outright abuses of power, it will take a lot to restore trust in America’s government. But what about restoring America’s faith? In God?

Erasing Biden – Cheryl Chumley

Cheryl Chumley is a commentator, online opinion editor for The Washington Times, host of the “Bold and Blunt” podcast, and approaches the news from a Christian-conservative viewpoint. We talk about the blizzard of executive orders and some changes we are already seeing. Like illegal immigration and the border, with immediate actions being taken on this huge campaign promise. But what about those illegal-immigration co-conspirators? And those pardons?

Book cover: God-Given or Bust: Defeating Marxism and Saving America with Biblical Truths. By Cheryl Chumley
Click for full size

Trump said on the campaign trail and in his inaugural address: he believes God saved him so he can save America. So far, the message has been clear. Don’t mess with a man on a mission from God. And that includes erasing the Biden error. But erasing Biden will take more than executive orders.

But we also talk about her new book, God-Given or Bust: Defeating Marxism and Saving America with Biblical Truths. (Click here for its Amazon page.) Cna we ever Make America Great Again without returning to Biblical truths. And that our rights really do come from God?

We saw what happened during covid. We saw the government use its power to censor people and posts it didn’t like. Whether that was questions about coivd or questioning the results of the 2020 election. Think about that. The government has a sacred duty to defend our rights instead used the power of government to strip people of their constitutionally guaranteed rights.

Buckle up. Trump 2.0 is just getting started. And it’s going to be an incredible ride.

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