Tag: Deep state

The Spy who Defied | John Kiriakou CIA Whistle-Blower

The Spy who Defied | John Kiriakou CIA Whistle-Blower


Show Summary: When former CIA officer, John Kiriakou, turned whistle-blower, CIA leadership decided to destroy him. Join us as we talk about John’s incredible story of how the CIA worked with the FBI to secretly investigate him, attempt to entrap him, and when that didn’t work, they tried to bankrupt him by using the FBI’s bottomless checkbook. Part 2 will air weekend of June 23/24. Show page for Part 2 is here.

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Air Dates: June 16 & 17, 2018 | John Kiriakou

John Kiriakou CIA whistle-blower who went to prison when the CIA used the FBI to silence him as a warning to other whistle-blowers
John Kiriakou CIA whistle-blower who went to prison when the CIA used the FBI to silence him as a warning to other whistle-blowers

On today’s show, John Kiriakou will walk you through what it was like to be recruited (out of the blue) by the CIA, his training, and their attempt to recruit him into their enhanced interrogation program.

Things were going well until he was accused by ABC News of being one of the torturers of Abu Zubaydah, who was waterboarded. When John went on TV to defend himself and told Brian Ross about the program, which by then was declassified, someone in the CIA decided to silence him.

Join us as we hear John Kiriakou’s incredible story. How the CIA used the FBI to spy on him—an American citizen and patriot—in an effort to silence an enemy of the Deep State.

Tune in to hear how someone in the CIA urged the Obama administration to reopen his case, how the FBI launched a secret surveillance on him, tried to entrap him into committing treason, and when that didn’t work, used their bottomless prosecutorial checkbook to try to bankrupt him.

You’ll hear eerily similar tactics being used in the Mueller probe to force witnesses to do their will.

You’ll also hear who in the CIA had targeted John Kiriakou for silencing.

Then be sure to join us next week as we continue our discussion and take a deeper dive into the Deep State.

Part 2 of our interview with John Kiriakou will air the weekend of June 23/24. Show page for Part 2 is here.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Related Links to John Kiriakou’s Story

  • I went to prison for disclosing the CIA’s torture. Gina Haspel helped cover it up. (Washington Post, March 15, 2018)
  • New FBI Emails Wreck Official Clinton Timeline (Lifezette, June 8, 2018)
  • Issa Contends Comey’s ‘Insubordination’ Justified His Firing (Lifezette, June 8, 2018)
  • DOJ and FBI Offer More Spygate Details to Bipartisan Congressional Leaders (Breitbart, June 7, 2018)
    • “After the initial brief, House Oversight Committee Chair Trey Gowdy (R-SC) contradicted President Donald Trump, stating he believed the FBI’s actions with regard to Halper were appropriate. He claimed he “never heard the term ‘spy’ used” in his career as a federal prosecutor and insisted on referencing only ‘informants.’ ‘Informants are used all day, every day by law enforcement,’ he said.”
  • James Clapper Denies Tipping Off Jake Tapper on ‘Pee Dossier’ Briefing (Breitbart, June 7, 2018)
  • Jeff Sessions Delivers: DOJ Nails Senate Intel Committee’s Security Chief as Deep State Leaker (Breitbart, June 7, 2018)
  • James A. Wolfe, former Senate Intel panel security director, indicted for allegedly lying to FBI (Fox News, June 8, 2018)
  • Video/interview re Julian Assange (Twitter, June 3, 2018)
  • Senate Select Intel Staffer Targeted Trump Campaign Adviser In Aggressive Leak Campaign (Daily Caller, June 8, 2018)
  • Marc Thiessen: Obama took lying to new heights with the Iran deal (Fox News, June 8, 2018)
  • DOJ refusing to give Grassley access to agent who interviewed Flynn (Fox News, June 11, 2018)
The Real Depth of the Deep State

The Real Depth of the Deep State

Show Summary: Most of us now know about the Deep State. But few realize just how deep the Deep State is. We talk with Dr. Jerome Corsi about what Trump is truly up against. Plus, rock star Ted Nugent, a superstar defender of the Second Amendment on Oregon’s war on guns. And what’s the difference between Patriots and the Deep State anyway?

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Never Miss a Show! All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: March 24 & 25, 2018 | Jerome Corsi & Ted Nugent

This Week:  We are in a constant state of war. If you heard last week’s show with a former jihadist, you know there are many forces trying to destroy it from within and without.  It’s a constant barrage against our way of life and the belief of our inalienable rights to freedom. The freedom given to us by our maker and reflected in our 1st and 2nd Amendments.

When it comes to threats to our country, we think of military threats. Countries building up their militaries and nuclear powers.

But there are also hidden threats. Hidden right in our midst.

The Depths of the Deep State

For decades, we’ve had the invisible and sinister attempts to destroy our freedoms by people working within our government agencies to form the Deep State, who go undetected as they dig deeply into our systems with loyalty to themselves and to the government, not the people.  The Deep State will lash out and oppose anyone who wants to deprive the government of power or anyone who wants to return power to citizens.

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Fortunately, our country has many patriots who are rooted in our Constitutional rights and work feverishly in preserving them for all Americans. This week I Spy is honored to have two of those Patriots on our show.

Jerome Corsi: Killing the Deep State

First up we are joined by Dr. Jerome Corsi author of many bestsellers including Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry and Obama Nation. Now, Dr. Corsi has a new book out Killing the Deep State: A Fight to Save President Trump.

Tune in to hear just how deep the roots go in agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and EPA. You’ll hear how those and other agencies are tied to gaining power to destroy America and leave us helpless to fight off their silent coup—and the lengths they’ll go to sabotage President Trump.

Is Jeff Sessions incompetent? Or a lurking menace about to strike the Deep State?

Do members of the Deep State see themselves as patriots?

Ted Nugent: Second Amendment Superstar

Then we’re joined by 1st and 2nd Amendment advocate, and rock star, Ted Nugent.  We talk to him about Oregon’s new gun control laws as he calls out to voters to show up for the governor’s election to turn this state red.  Ted Nugent adds the energy and commitment as he discusses why we can win back our gun rights while reversing draconian legislation approved by far-left Kate Brown.  And in doing so we have a chance to make this state red — and get us into the black.

Stop Oregon Sanctuaries

A handful of lawmakers and Democrat Governor Kate Brown, have turned Oregon into a sanctuary state. Shouldn’t Oregon voters get to decide? You can help get it on the ballot. Head to StopOregonSanctuaries.org. Print, sign, and mail. It’s that simple.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Jerome Corsi (Segments 1 – 4)

Ted Nugent (Segments 5 & 6)

When Empires Fall | Russian Collusion and … the NFL?

When Empires Fall | Russian Collusion and … the NFL?

Show Summary: The more the Russian collusion onion is peeled back, the more clear it becomes the Democrats are at the center of it. Story after story this week shows the underhandedness of the Democrats, including setting up their political opponents by using the power of the federal government. Another empire of sorts is falling—the NFL. But could the whole “take a knee” scandal be part of a larger strategy? We know about the Democrats and Russian collusion. but the “NFL collusion” — with whom and by whom — will surprise you.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Feb. 10 & 11, 2018 | Jayne Carroll & Burgess Owens

The more we peel back the Russian collusion onion the more we see the Democrats fingerprints on every aspect.  As the Inspector General rolls out the recovered text messages we see how Hillary, Warner, Schiff, and Obama look to be involved.

Russian Collusion Collusion Collusion

The latest domino, Senator Warner, wanted to secretly meet with a Russian oligarch in London while being careful of any paper trail.  We find out that two Russian comedians tripped up Schiff when he tried to get dirt on President Trump.  Hmm… These are the same people that jump in front of the nearest microphone to say how Trump is lying and that we shouldn’t trust him.  Hmm…

Forget Russian collusion. Forget Democrat collusion. This is about America.

If we could remove the ugliness of politics, shouldn’t both Democrats and Republicans be united against using the federal government to go after political opponents.? You’d think that even in today’s highly partisan Washington, this ought to be something that everyone could agree on.

But in reality we’re witnessing a moment in history when one side used the federal government to spy, got caught, and is now using the federal government to try to cover it all up. This is horrifying. Or should be.

Are the Democrats only sorry they got caught? Are the Republicans wishing they’d thought of it first? Why aren’t both sides united against stopping it from ever happening again?

KUIK Superstar Jayne Carroll talks Russian collusion on I Spy Radio
KUIK Superstar, Jayne Carroll

But who set the stage for changing the FBI into a weaponized agency?  Was it Obama, who, we found out this week, ” wants to know everything we’re doing.”

We welcome KUIK’s radio superstar, Jayne Carroll to discuss these actions by corrupted FBI agents and DOJ personnel and how our government, that is suppose to be responsive to the American people, are instead being used to do harm and not protect us as they’re supposed to do.

Super Bowl Wrap-Up

Burgess Owens - We know about the Democrats and Russian collusion but is there collusion in the NFL? And Why?
Former NFL star, Burgess Owens. “As heard on I Spy Radio…”

Then we talk with former Super Bowl winner, Burgess Owens, on what is really going on in the NFL and his thoughts of why they’re so protective of those who chose to kneel. He has some fascinating takes on the real reasons why they’re doing it.

Then we discuss the Congressional Black Caucus and their embarrassing performance at the State of the Union Address along with how the Black community is handling Obama’s lies about being involved in the FBI’s surveillance of Trump and the Hillary email scandal, his promises, and what he actually delivered. And is there a shift in the their outlook on Trump?

From Twitter

A great video via @Fight4TruthNow from Twitter that echoes Burgess Owen’s take on what Trump’s first year has meant to the Black community

There’s also this from @MsAvaArmstrong:

Podcast Version


  • Catch the Jayne Carroll Show! LIVE Mondays–Fridays, 3-6pm on KUIK 1360. Don’t live near Portland/Hillsboro? Head to KUIK.com and use their free player.
    Burgess Owens’ book is Liberalism: or how to turn good men into whiners, weenies, and wimps. Check it out in our I Spy Radio Store or jump here to go right to it on Amazon.com
  • FBI Text Message:  POTUS wants to know everything we’re doing (The Blacksphere, Feb 7, 2018)
  • Texts between FBI lovers reveal Obama wanted to be briefed on EVERYTHING happening in Clinton email investigation – after he ‘guaranteed’ he wouldn’t get involved (Daily Mail, Feb 7, 2018)
  • Historical Reference, King Henry II and Thomas becket (Wikipedia article)
  • Uranium One informant makes Clinton allegations to Congress (The Hill, Feb 7, 2018)
  • FBI Missed Clinton Emails Openly MARKED Classified, Wanted To Conclude Probe Before IG Caught Mistake (Daily Caller, Feb 7, 2018)
  • Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal (NY Times, April 23, 2015)
Dems IT Scandal and Evidence of the Deep State

Dems IT Scandal and Evidence of the Deep State

Show Summary: We talk with Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller News Foundation about the Democrat’s on-going IT scandal that may have exposed dozens of House Democrats to security breaches. This is a story the mainstream media continues to ignore. Why? Could it be reverse discrimination? And why is Debbie Wasserman Schulz so nervous? And then we talk with former deep-cover FBI Special Agent John Ligato about evidence for the Deep State, its origins, and its active players—and unwitting surrogates. Do both of these stories have blackmail at their heart?

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: July 15 & 16, 2017 | Luke Rosniak & John Ligato

It’s not a great surprise when the mainstream media ignores a story that could injure the Democrats. But use your imagination for a moment.

White Supremacists Compromise Republican Computers

Just imagine if three brothers and two of their wives were all members of a White supremacist group and that these five managed the IT for dozens of Republican Congressmen. Even more damning, that the Republicans sat on some of the most powerful committees, including the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Homeland Security Committee, and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. These committees handle extremely sensitive, classified information, including national security information. Imagine if one of the Republicans caught up in the scandal was Reince Priebus, the former chair of the Republican National Committee.

Now imagine if those White supremacists had access to all of those Republicans’ emails, sent and received (including emails sent to and from other Republicans, the White House, and the RNC). Imagine if those White supremacists had access to everything on their computers. Not just emails but documents and files, databases, addresses, strategies, and more.

Would it concern you if, for some reason, they were among the Hill’s highest paid staff—despite the fact some of them never showed up for work? Would that raise flags? Or how about if they had huge financial problems, including several questionable real-estate deals and a more than a million dollar bankruptcy? Or that one of them had received a $100,000 loan from a Russian politician? A Russian politician who was currently a fugitive from the US Justice system?

And what if the laptops of Reince Priebus had been seized by the Capitol police. And yet, despite the five of them being banned from the House IT system, despite the shady finances, Preibus refused to fire them. Wouldn’t that be a little suspicious that he wouldn’t fire them?

Deep State Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Dems have a major IT scandal that no one is talking about

This is exactly what happened — except instead of White supremacists, they were Pakistani Muslims. Instead of Republicans, it was dozens of House Democrats. Instead of a Russian politician, it was an Iraqi politician. And instead of Reince Priebus, it was Debbie Wasserman Schulz.

Now what could DWS possibly have on her computers that she wouldn’t want others to see?

We talk with Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller about his incredible investigative articles into the story the media continues to ignore. Why are they ignoring it and what could be behind all of this? Is it part of the Deep State? Perhaps blackmail?

See below for links to Luke’s fascinating stories on the Democrats’ IT scandal. Don’t miss the video of Debbie Wasserman Schultz confronting the Chief of the Capitol Police as she desperately tries to get her laptop back.

The Deep State

Then we turn to a former deep-cover FBI Special Agent, John Ligato, who has an excellent article on LifeZette.com, “Former FBI Agent: Deep State Exists and Is Trying to Bring Down Trump.”

This former Special Agent walks us through the formation of the Deep State (aka “Shadow Government”) and its origins, and how it’s been perpetrated. He gives us his insights, as an investigator and analyst, who the players are and their motives.

There are two kinds of players: active players and unwitting accomplices. Mr. Ligato walks us through the FBI’s culture, the players, its origins, and the decisions that how the Deep State has been able to undermine our President from within.  Don’t miss how the Deep State is being used and if it can be stopped.

Do both of these stories have blackmail at their heart? Be sure to tune in to hear one of our most gripping shows yet.

Links Mentioned

Luke Rosiak (Segments 1 – 3)

The following are Luke’s fantastic articles on the Democrat IT scandal, listed in chronological order.

  1. EXCLUSIVE: House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs Committee Members Compromised By Rogue IT Staff (Daily Caller, February 4, 2017)
  2. Congress IT Probe Suspects Had Massive Debts, Years Of Suspicious Activity (Daily Caller, Feb 7, 2017)
  3. EXCLUSIVE: House Dem IT Guys In Security Probe Secretly Took $100K In Iraqi Money (Daily Caller, Feb 20, 2017)
  4. House Dem IT Staffers Owed Money To Hezbollah-Connected Fugitive (Daily Caller, Feb 21, 2017)
  5. Pakistani Suspects In House IT Probe Received $4 Million From Dem Reps (Daily Caller, Mar 1, 2017)
  6. House Staffers In Security Probe Allegedly Kept Stepmom In ‘Captivity’ To Access Offshore Cash (Daily Caller, Mar 8, 2017)
  7. Suspect In House IT Security Probe Also Had Access To DNC Emails (Daily Caller, Mar 9, 2017)
  8. House Hacking Suspects Could Read Every Email Dozens Of Congressmen Sent And Received (Daily Caller, Mar 13, 2017)
  9. Paul Ryan: House IT Scandal Probe Getting ‘Outside’ Help (Daily Caller, Mar 15, 2017)
  10. House Democrat Dismisses Muslim Woman’s Charge Against Muslim Staffer, Citing Islamophobia (Daily Caller, Mar 28, 2017)
  11. Wasserman Schultz IT Guy Threatened Kidnappings For Cash, Court Docs Say (Daily Caller, Apr 30, 2017)
  12. Dem Operative Says To Ignore Any Evidence Linking DNC Staff To WikiLeaks (Daily Caller, May 16, 2017)
  13. House IT Aides Fear Suspects In Hill Breach Are Blackmailing Members With Their Own Data (Daily Caller, May 21, 2017)
  14. Sources: Democratic Aide Suspected Of Major Security Breach Under Government Protection In Pakistan (Daily Caller, May 22, 2017)
  15. VIDEO: Wasserman Schultz Admits Hill IT Security Violations, Blames House Administrators For Not Stopping Her | Confronts Capitol Police (Daily Caller, May 31, 2017)
  16. House Dems Hired A Fired McDonald’s Worker As Their IT Guy (Daily Caller, June 26, 2917)
  17. House Dem IT Suspects Wanted Untraceable Payments — And Sure Enough, Millions Disappeared (Daily Caller, July 5th, 2017)

Some additional Links on the Democrat IT Scandal

John Ligato (Segments 4 – 6)

  • John’s book is The Near Enemy: A John Booker Thriller and is available on Amazon.com or anywhere books are sold
  • John’s article: “Former FBI Agent: Deep State Exists and Is Trying to Bring Down Trump” (LifeZette, July 6, 2017)
  • Senate Intelligence members say they want president’s son to testify (Daily Mail, July 10, 2017)
  • ‘That is so illegal!’ Donald Trump blasts James Comey for leaking classified information to the media – as his eldest son comes under fire for meeting with Kremlin-linked lawyer (Daily Mail, July 10th, 2017)
  • British PR guru claims he facilitated the controversial meeting between Donald Trump Jr and a Russian lawyer who promised ‘dirt on Hillary’ (Daily Mail, July 10, 2017)
  • Kremlin: We know nothing about Don Jr’s meeting with a Russian lawyer – and we don’t even know who she is (Daily Mail, July 10th, 2017)