Tag: democrats

12-45 Closing Arguments: The Why of Voting Republican in 2022

12-45 Closing Arguments: The Why of Voting Republican in 2022

Show Summary: The one thing we can thank covid for is that it revealed who elected democrats really are. And what they really want, what they really think of America, and what they really believe about our rights and liberty. We’ve seen their apocalyptic vision for America. But what about the Republicans? What would a Republican-led future look like? We take a look.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: November 5th & 6th, 2022 | Guests: Bruce Westerman, Alek Skarlatos, Ben Edtl, & Kim Rice

It’s Democrat Panic Time

Last week, we warned you that the Democrats—who have been trying to scare voters away from Republicans—would go full panic-mongering. And they did. A presidential historian appeared on MSNBC to warn the audience:

50 years from now, a historian — if historians are allowed to write in this country, and if there are still free publishing houses and a free press, which I’m not certain of — a historian will say, what was at stake tonight and this week was whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested, and conceivably killed. We’re on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system. And it could be a week away.

Don’t believe that anyone could be that insane? Watch the clip for yourself.

Yes. There it is. The democrats’ panic mongering in all its glory: “If you vote for Republicans, your kids will be murdered and democracy will die.”


This Week – Why Vote Republican in 2022

This week, why voting Republican in 2022 is the only sane choice. Thanks to covid and the last two years of full democrat control, we’ve had a real glimpse of the nightmare democrats envision for America. Total control of your life, your business. Even what you are allowed to say, think, or believe. And that’s not hyperbole. They wanted to take away your rights to speak up (like at school board meetings or on social media). They wanted to control what you could think or believe: if you didn’t believe their science, you should be punished and forced to take their jab or lose your job.

Covid Amnesty
Click for full size

The last two years has been like a living nightmare in America. More so for Oregonians. And let’s be clear about one thing. The destruction Democrats have wrought is not be accident. It was on purpose. Democrats cheered when Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline. They cheered when they passed laws to push America to an expensive and unsustainable “green energy” future. They cheered when they seized dictator-like powers and flexed their authoritarian rule to shut down schools and businesses and churches. And they cheered when governments forced experimental vaccines on people or lose their jobs.

And now, of course, having been proven wrong at every level — from the economy to covid — now they want “amnesty.” They want us to forget they wished death on those who stood up for their rights and who refused to back down. Just forget all that and the hell you unleashed on people who wouldn’t obey you?

I don’t think so.

But what would things look like under a Republican-led future?

Sometimes, it’s hard to envision the unknown. Especially when democrats have done their best, for decades, to terrify Oregonians about Republicans.

Four Republican Candidates to Help You See a Sane Future

The last two years summed up. And now they want a covid amnesty?
The last two years summed up. (Click for full size)

We welcome four candidates to give their closing arguments. They share their experiences dealing with Democrat destruction, why they are fighting for a better future, and what a Republican-led future look like.

We start with Congress Bruce Westerman (AR-4), the only certified forester in all of Congress. Bruce was here in Oregon to visit and support fellow congressional candidate, Alek Skarlatos running in Oregon’s 4th Congressional District. We get his impressions of Oregon. Like what he thought of Oregon’s infamous homeless camps that have multiplied exponentially under democrat leadership.

Then we welcome back the man himself, Alek Skarlatos, to get insights into what he is hearing from his constituents. It turns out, even democrats are frustrated with democrats. On everything from crime to the economy to, yes, those infamous homeless camps. And he shares what he would do to improve the lives of Oregon’s 4th congressional, which is Oregon’s poorest district. Thanks, once again, to democrats.

To find out more visit Alek’s campaign website, which is AlekforOregon.com

Saving Oregon – Two Republican State Senate Candidates

Next, we welcome Ben Edtl, who is running for state senator in Oregon’s district 19. Ben was a successful entrepreneur and businessman in Portland — until he ran into democrat policies that destroyed his business.  Covid lockdowns and the summer of love as democrat activists (aka “Antifa”) combined was too much to stay open. Ben got death threats, his businesses vandalized and Portland’s democrat mayor stood by and did nothing. Other than to cheer on the destruction — and release those who did the crimes. After his businesses were destroyed, Ben formed the non-partisan Free Oregon, which sues government overreach to hold them accountable. Ben shares what he would be focused on — business and the economy — and how his experiences will shape a better business climate for Oregon.

To find out more, visit Ben’s campaign website, BenEdtl.com and his organization’s website, FreeOregon.us

Republicans: Save our Schools, Save our Kids

And then we welcome Kim Rice, a teacher who personally witnessed the havoc being unleashed on our schools. Kim is also running for state senate, in district 18. She was a teacher for 27 years until democrat policies forced her out. Tune in to hear how, unannounced but with the support of the school administration, a trans activist came into her kindergarten classroom. With no ability for her to say no or to stop this sexuality being pushed on her kindergartners. The final straw was the democrat policy to have control over her own body to say no to an experimental vaccine. She shares with us what a Republican-led legislature and governor should focus on for a brighter future for all Oregonians.

Kim also shares with us the danger of a democrat bill currently under consideration, HB 3088. As if the democrats haven’t pushed enough sex at Oregonians, now they want to legalized the sex trade.

For more information, visit Kim’s campaign site, KimRiceforOregon.com

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • The democrats gerrymandered districts all over Oregon. Be sure to find your representatives using this Legislator Lookup tool from Oregon’s legislature.
  • The democrats actions never line up with their rhetoric. “Global warming. We need to reduce CO2 emissions.” Meanwhile, the forest fires in a single year wiped out 18 years of greenhouse gas emission reductions. California Wildfires Cancel-Out Two Decades Of Emissions Reductions (ZeroHedge, October 23, 2022)
  • Republicans expect gains in the Oregon Legislature (Jefferson Public Radio, Oct 31, 2022)
  • Joe Rogan Says Red Wave In Midterms Will Be Like The Elevator Scene In The Shining (American Lookout, Nov 2, 2022)



12-44 If You Can’t Offer Hope, Push Fear | Democrats Desperate

12-44 If You Can’t Offer Hope, Push Fear | Democrats Desperate

Show Summary: This week, it’s politics as unusual. In today’s political environment, it seems even the improbable could be possible. Probably. We talk with Jo Rae Perkins and Chuck Wiese in a show that ended up looking at the fear being pushed in the democrats’ political ads. When you stop running on the success of your policies, and turn to mudslinging and fear, your side should definitely be afraid. And this year, for good reason.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 29, 2022 | Guests: Jo Rae Perkins & Chuck Wiese

This Week – The Democrats’ “Fear Porn”

It’s a given in politics that if you can’t offer hope, then offer fear. It is literally the only thing Democrats have left.

It’s a bit of a turn from FDR. In the looming shadow of World War II, FDR famously said, “All we have to fear is… fear itself!” Now, under Biden, it’s become, “All we have is… fear.” But it’s just become laughable. More so when you realize what they’re doing. They are trying to blame Republicans for their economy. And they’re trying to blame Republicans in advance. “Things will get worse if you elect Republicans.”

It’s hard to type that with straight face.

Fear: It’s All the Left has Left

We welcome back Jo Rae Perkins, Oregon’s Republican candidate for U.S. Senate. She is running against long-, long-time incumbent, Ron Wyden. Who used to be, ten years ago, a proponent of privacy. Now, he’s all for the government prying into everything. And arresting one’s political opponents.

It’s amazing how four decades in Washington D.C. can mutate one’s political beliefs. It’s like that quote attributed to Mark Twain: “Politicians and diapers need changed often. And for the same reasons.”

Jo Rae has a lot of answers for what ails Oregon and America right now. We ask about her take on turning the economy around, dealing with federal agencies, what Republican should concentrate on in the first 100 days in office, and what can be done about Oregon’s failing education system.

Find out more about Jo Rae — and help her get some more commercials on the air — by visiting perkins.vote

And she has questions. Questions the mainstream media aren’t asking. Like, Ron thinks tax dodgers should be punished. But what happened to the $2 million Ron’s wife got in PPP loans to keep people on the payroll? Because she didn’t keep them on the payroll. Well, Ron?

But she rightly points out that in this election cycle, all the Left has left is fear.

Democrats. Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

Al Gore: Non-Believers Threaten My IncomeThen we welcome back fan-favorite Chuck Wiese to continue the discussion on fear. As a Global Warming debunker, Chuck knows all about how the Left uses fear to push their agenda. Like the typical, “We only have ___ years to do something before it’s too late!!!” Usually, what “do something” means is “give us more money.”

We start by talking about the latest global warming fear porn: “The Scientist’s Warning.” Wooooo! It’s a propaganda “film” designed to, once again, scare people into giving money to “scientists.”

You can see the excerpted film, “citizen’s pledge” and quiz mentioned during the show by heading here.

Explain how producing more oil in the U.S. causes climate change but asking other countries to produce more oil does not cause climate changeBut they fearmongers lose because they go waaay over the top.

And don’t miss the updates to the election integrity federal lawsuit Chuck, Marc Thielman, and others have filed.

They are taking a unique route: They’re not asking to prove their is election fraud; they’re asking to prove their isn’t. They just need access to monitor the machines to prove it.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

  • Here is what Citizen Free Press calls, “The Headline of the Week.” I’d almost say of the month
  • [IEA] Energy Chief Who Pushed To Slash Oil And Gas Investments Now Decries ‘Global Energy Crisis’ (Daily Caller, Oct 25, 2022)
  • U.S. Senate votes to move forward with stopgap funding bill (Reuters, Sept 27, 2022)
  • Surveillance Under The Patriot Act (ACLU, 2011)
    • Ron Wyden then: “I want to deliver a warning… when the American people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the Patriot Act, they will be stunned and they will be angry.” What happened to you, Ron?
  • Why Are Walmart And Other Major U.S. Retailers Canceling BILLIONS Of Dollars In Orders As Summer Comes To An End? (The Economic Collapse, Sept 18, 2022)
  • Also: Walmart and other retailers are canceling billions of dollars in orders (Retail Wire, Sept 14, 2022)
  • Florida’s 2022 NAEP test scores (DeSantis Press Release, Oct 24, 2022)
  • Oregon school performance craters (OregonLive, Oct 24, 2022)
  • Oz Odds Of Winning PA Soar After Historic Fetterman Debate Meltdown (Zero Hedge, Oct 25, 2022)
  • Fetterman Faces Fallout From Disastrous Debate: ‘Worst Performance By Any Candidate I Have Ever Seen’ (The Daily Wire, October 25, 2022)
  • Marina Medvin on Twitter: “NY State Supreme Court reinstates all fired unvaccinated employees, orders backpay, says the state violated rights, acted arbitrary & capricious, notes: ‘Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19’.” (Twitter, Oct 25, 2022)
    • Link to NY Supreme Court Case, George Garvey, et al., v. City of New York
      • Page 11, last paragraph: “Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19.” Boom. There ya go.
  • Two-thirds of Americans polled reject the Democratic Party platform on abortion (Life Site News, Oct 25, 2022)
    • “Do you think a pregnant woman should be able to legally have an abortion in the second or third trimester of pregnancy under any circumstance, as a matter of choice?” one question asked. By a 2 to 1 margin, respondents said “No” to this question, which represents the Democratic Party’s stance on abortion.
12-43 Those “Down Ballot Races” Made Easy — With Superior Candidates

12-43 Those “Down Ballot Races” Made Easy — With Superior Candidates

Show Summary: ALL races matter. No, not those races. All political races matter. This week we talk about two of the “down ballot” races: the commissioner for BOLI (I know—what the heck is that, right?) and Oregon’s new 6th congressional district. The Bureau of Labor and Industries (that’s what BOLI is), oversees Oregon’s trade school, civil rights issues, and housing. Find out why both of these races have superior candidates. Hint: They’re not the democrats.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 22nd & 23rd, 2022 | Guests: Cheri Helt & Mike Erickson

This Week – Those Down Ballot Races

This year, you cannot vote just the top of the ticket — governor — and ignore all those down ballot races. They are every bit as important as the governor’s race. In part, because the Republican governor will need all the republicans she can get. 

But it’s more than just house and senate races. There are other “down ballot races” you need to pay attention to. And one of them is the BOLI commissioner. A little-known race that helps set the tone for the rest of the state’s business environment.

Sometimes, these races are hard to figure out. But this year, it’s especially easy: vote Republican. In every race. Down ballot or otherwise. And it’s made even more easy with clearly superior candidates in the two down-ballot races we’re talking about on this week’s show.

Cheri Helt for BOLI Commissioner

The Bureau of Labor and Industries has had a democrat stranglehold on it for decades. Perhaps that’s why we’re short tens of thousands of trade jobs in this state as Kitzhaber and Brown wanted to shove everyone into university and practically shamed kids if the even thought of a job in the skilled trades. 

You can find Cheri’s campaign website at www.CheriHelt.com

The Bureau of Labor and Industries (that’s what BOLI is), oversees Oregon’s trade schools (electricians, plumbers, carpenters, etc.), civil rights issues, fair housing practices and more. Oregon has a huge housing shortage and a shortage of workers Democrats have been in charge of BOLI for decades. And with their college-first, trades-bad mindset, it’s no surprise.

Cheri’s opponent, Christina Stephenson, is a lawyer who wants yet more authority for BOLI. Hmm. Oregon’s BOLI famously sued Melissa’s Sweet Cakes because Melissa didn’t want to bake a cake for a gay couple. Is that what Christina has in mind for more authority? We just went through Covid with no end of “more authority.” Do we really want a progressive lawyer in there who’d love nothing more than to sue even more businesses out of business because they don’t fit her politics?

That’s not what Oregon needs. More politics pushed on businesses. Oh. And Christina wants more funding for BOLI. Probably because hiring more attorneys gets expensive.

No thanks. We’ll take Cheri.

Mike Erickson for Oregon’s CD6

This week we welcome back actual businessman, Mike Erickson. Who, unlike his opponent, knows what supply chains are and how disrupting them can and does impact the economy. Which is more than we can say for Biden or anyone in his administration. Which seems to only want to blame oil companies.

Learn more about Mike Erickson by visiting his campaign website, www.MikeEricksonforCongress.org

The latest? Blaming Biden’s exploding gas prices on oil companies’ profits. What? Do they not know what profits are? Or how not spending on oil exploration or purchasing federal oil leases (which they wouldn’t be allowed to use under Biden) or any the other normal business expenses will make profits go up?

It’s embarrassing to think, but third-graders running a lemonade stand have more practical knowledge of basic economics principles and more hands-on understanding of supply and demand than Joe Biden. Or anyone in his administration, apparently.

And did the democrats’ gerrymandering catch up with them as they spread Portland’s potential influence too thin into four congressional districts, not just the two Portland actually deserved? Now, with so much of Portland angry at democrat Ted Wheeler and an astounding 82% (82!!) wanting MORE police, not less, democrats may have spread Portland’s influence all right.

Just not in the direction they intended. 

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Research, Links Mentioned & Additional Info

Our guests’ websites are www.CheriHelt.com and www.MikeEricksonforCongress.org

Cheri Helt Segments (1–3)

Mike Erickson Segments (4–6)

12-40 It’s Stupid Politicians | When Economics Meets Politics

12-40 It’s Stupid Politicians | When Economics Meets Politics

Show Summary: It’s the intersection of economics and politics this week. And what happens when economics meets politics…? Pretty much the same thing when you give a loaded gun to a toddle and tie yourself to a chair. Jonathan Williams from the American Legislative Exchange Council discusses what is so wrong with this economy. (It’s the politicians.) And don’t miss Joe Rae Perkins who is trying to get one of those stupid politicians out.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: October 1st & 2nd, 2022 | Guests: Jonathan Williams & Jo Rae Perkins 

This Week – When Economics meets Politics

Imagine people who have no understanding of economics (stupid politicians) making decisions about the economy based on the advice of their donors, bureaucrats with agendas, and paid lobbyists.

It’s like being tied to a chair, watching a toddler play with a loaded pistol.

This week, we welcome back Jonathan Williams, who is the Executive Vice President of Policy and Chief Economist at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Jonathan has a terrific article on the Daily Caller (), in which he neatly walks through what’s wrong with the economy right now and then provides some easy solutions. If only the current White House resident would listen. To someone other than his donors, bureaucrats with agendas, and paid lobbyists.

Go read Jonathan’s terrific article on The Daily Caller

Special bonus. Long-time I Spy Radio listeners may remember our previous shows about “market transformation.” In essence, “market transformation is a shortcut around a market. “Market transformation” allows favored, politically aligned companies to receive grants and other funding to bypass normal market barriers to entry, such as start-up costs and marketing. This is what we are seeing right now with our economy. You can see it especially with green energy. It’s not green and it’s barely energy. But it does make democrats and their political allies and ideology a lot of money.

Vote Out the Stupid

When economics meets politics, there’s just one solution. Vote the stupid out.

Because the problem with the intersection of economics and politics is that it puts the stupid people in charge. Stupid people, like Ron Wyden. Who has been in Washington DC since the 1990s. Ron is so stupid, he has an ad running right now that says no government should have control over a woman’s body. Really Ron? What about the vaccine mandates you were pushing  just months ago.

He also has an ad complaining about forest fires. Thanks for noticing, Ron, now that it’s election time. But it’s been your policies that causes them to burn. Do nothing. Blame Global Warming when all that dry kindling catches fire. Demand taxpayer dollars for Global Warming and green energy. (There’s that market transformation.) Still to nothing. Rinse and repeat.

Send some money Jo Rae’s way at perkins.vote. She needs help getting her ads on radio and TV. $50 would buy an ad play on many radio stations; in some markets as many as five airings

Jo Rae is up against the money that pours into democrat politicians who promise to do those market transformations. And those donors are terrified they will lose their golden goose if Ron goes the way of the dodo.

Let’s make stupid extinct.

Bonus: if elected, Jo Rae promises not to vote for Mitch McConnell.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

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Our Many Healthcare Crises, Part 2 | The Root Cause of Many of Them

Our Many Healthcare Crises, Part 2 | The Root Cause of Many of Them

Show Summary: When Obamacare was passed (rammed through without a single Republican vote), it was supposed to fix health care and lower costs. All those savings, remember? What happened? But there are more problems and more spending than ever. This week, we continue our talk with healthcare-system expert, Lisa Lettenmaier, but zero in on the two root causes of many of, if not all of, our many healthcare crises.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: August 6th & 7th, 2022 | Guest: Lisa Lettenmaier

This Week – Our Many Healthcare Crises

We continue our deep dive into the problems plaguing our health care system—the many healthcare crises and the ever-growing expense. How is it that we are spending more than ever — by far! — on healthcare and yet it’s just one crisis after another? 

But this week, we zero in on the two main problems. And they should be no surprise, really, for anyone who has followed I Spy Radio’s many shows on healthcare or for anyone who has a lick of common sense. The two root causes are money and government. Particularly, government interference.

Healthcare crises in the UK: "My cousin had to deliver his child because the ambulance said they’d take 4 and a half hours to come for his wife. What is the UK coming to? He had to watch a YouTube tutorial on how to deliver a baby."
Healthcare crises in the UK. THIS is what they want to emulate?

We bring back our healthcare system expert, Lisa Lettenmaier. Lisa is currently an insurance agent and owns Health Source NW. But her background is in accounting, overseeing budgets and forecasting for major companies. So when she looks at the healthcare crises, she is viewing it not just from an insurance standpoint but from a systemic-analyst’s viewpoint.

Need healthcare and not sure where to turn? Give Lisa a call. Her website is www.HealthSourceNW.com.  She helps individuals and businesses throughout Oregon and SW Washington make sure they have the right coverage for when, God forbid, they really need it. Will your policy cover what you think it does? 

The Root Cause of So Many Healthcare Crises

This week, you’ll also hear an extended opener from I Spy Radio host, Mark Anderson, on the government’s interference — sabotage, really — of the normal free-market forces that would normally lower cost and improve care. Mark walks you through what a free market system would look like. Hint: we don’t have one now (remember Obama et al. when they were pushing Obamacare:  “the free market failed”?), not in health care. And he walks you through the government interfering with the free market, much of which can be traced back to a 1943 IRS ruling.

If you didn’t already think “they” are destroying things on purpose, you’ll believe it after this show. No one, no government, makes this many “mistakes” on purpose.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

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A New OPB Poll is Devastating. For Democrats.

A New OPB Poll is Devastating. For Democrats.

A February 2022 OPB Poll Shows Strong Preference for Republicans and Conservatives

By Dr. Mark Anderson, MBA, DBA (ABD)

There was a poll by OPB back in February 2022 that was 𝘯𝘰𝘵 good for democrats. Especially so given that it was done by OPB and then sat on for over a month.

Here are the highlights.

In a generic ballot of Republican vs Democrat for governor, Republicans win 47% to 29% (with a very large undecided at 23%). That’s a win by nearly 20 points—well outside the margin of error. But, interestingly, when you add an Independent to the mix, Republicans still win — and more people move away from Dem to Independent: Republican = 26% (a 3% shift), Democrat = 16% (a 13% shift), and Independent = 21%.  Still a large pool of undecided (37%) when deciding among three candidates but the support for a Democrat and Republican candidates drop across the board but far more from a Democrat candidate than a Republican one. Four times as much, in fact.

This is why Democrats are both furious at and fearful of Betsy Johnson, who is a Democrat but running as an “independent.” Betsy splits the vote and draws far more from the Democrat candidate than from the Republican and not enough to give either the Democrat or the “Independent” candidate a win. She virtually assures a Republican win.

But wait, it gets worse for Democrats

On social issues, the poll shows a very strong preference for a conservative: a 27% preference (very liberal/somewhat liberal, combined) for liberal vs nearly double support, 46% (very conservative/somewhat conservative, combined) for conservative. All those woke social issues Democrats have attempted to shove down the public’s throats is biting them in the backside.

Taxes and economy are always big issues and decisions points in every race. And there is even more support for conservative over liberal on economics, only 22% (very liberal/somewhat liberal, combined) for liberal, and a majority 51% for conservative (very conservative/somewhat conservative, combined).

Also, Oregonians appear to be done with the establishment and career (“experienced”) politicians. When asked if they prefer someone with experience in elected office vs an outsider, 47% preferred an outsider to only 27% preferring a politician with experience in office. That is a huge shift for Oregonian voters, which, like the rest of the West Coast, for decades has tended to prefer candidates with at least some elected experience. That bodes very well for candidates like Marc Thielman for Oregon Governor and Bridget Barton for Oregon.

Finally, it is exceptionally interesting that despite overwhelming Leftist media in Oregon, especially the Oregonian, Willamette Week, and OPB itself, people are seeing through the Leftist lies. When asked about the “seriousness” of right-wing extremism and left-wing extremism, more people saw left-wing extremism as very serious/somewhat serious, 69% (combined), vs right-wing extremism as very serious/somewhat serious, 56% (combined).

In all, this OPB poll is 𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙡𝙮 good news for Republicans, conservatives, and outsider candidates.

If you’d like to see the full poll, you can access it here: OPB Poll, conducted by DHM Research, February 28, 2022

Mislead, Dehumanize, Destroy | Cancel Culture & January 6

Mislead, Dehumanize, Destroy | Cancel Culture & January 6

Show Summary: Cancel culture is the opposite of freedom. It is an organized attempt to create false images to mislead, dehumanize, and destroy your political opponent. And no better example of that President Trump, the target of the biggest cancel culture effort ever. We discuss cancel culture with someone who is a target of it and look deeper into what happened a year ago January 6th at the Capitol.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

The I Spy Radio Show airs weekends, six different times, on seven different stations. Listen anywhere through the stations’ live streams! Check out when, where, and how to listen to the I Spy Radio Show. Podcast available Mondays after the show airs on out network of stations.

Original Air Dates: January 8th & 9th, 2022 | Guests: Rob Taylor & Scott McEwen

This week: Cancel Culture

Cancel culture is a fairly new weapon, most often employed by the political Left, to attack and destroy their opponents. In part, because their own political ideology doesn’t hold up under genuine scrutiny so the best attack is to destroy your opposition.

Cancel culture most often targets shows or public figures to get them removed from the public domain. Removed. Destroyed so only the Left’s viewpoints are allowed to be heard. They also target businesses who are themselves conservatives, or who dare to support or advertise on conservative shows.

God forbid there’s another viewpoint than the Left’s.

It is the opposite of freedom. Because rather than just changing the channel the Left wants to remove what they consider “wrong think”. Imagine being so threatened by people thinking. To the point you have to destroy people who don’t think like you.

A Cancel Culture Target: Rob Taylor

Fellow radio host, Rob Taylor, whose show airs on one of the stations that also airs I Spy Radio, has ticked off the Left to the point that they want him removed. You see, differing opinions are just not allowed. Which is an odd thing for Coos County Oregon, which is one of the more conservatives areas in the state.

cancel culture will eventually come for you if you have an opinion different than the political Left
Don’t disagree. Or cancel culture will come for you

Tune in to hear what set off the organized attempt to have Rob’s show, The Rob Taylor Report, removed from the air waves. And find out how he’s fighting back to cancel cancel culture.

What can you do to help fight cancel culture? Don’t wait. Show your support for the shows you enjoy. Contact the stations you listen to (internet search using their call letters, like, “KWRO”) and let them know you like the show. That way, when cancel culture comes calling, they already know that show has support.

The Biggest Cancel Culture Target of All: President Trump

It’s no secret that, to the Left, the mere mention of “President Trump” is like splashing holy water on a vampire. The Left has made every attempt to destroy and remove him from society.

We saw it even before he was President Trump. The Deep State worked in coordination to provide backup to Hillary Clinton’s false claim that Trump was “colluding with the Russians.” Thanks to John Brennan, the then-head of the CIA, we know this to be true. He was in the White House briefing James Comey, then-head of the FBI, President Obama, and Vice President Biden. They all knew it was a lie. But three days after that meeting, James Comey opened operation Crossfire Hurricane.

Why is this important? Because it shows the depth the Deep State and the political left will go to mislead, smear, dehumanize, and destroy their political opponents. Donald Trump stood in their way of bleeding taxpayers for billions even trillions of dollars.

Scott McEwen: January 6 was not an Insurrection

We welcome back fan favorite, bestselling author Scott McEwen, to discuss what happened a year ago on January 6 at the Capital. We talk about the obvious (which means democrats are ignoring it) reason it wasn’t an insurrection.

Remember: Just because a democrat calls it an insurrection, doesn’t make it one.

And that’s true for so much else about this cancel culture we’re in. Just because democrats say it, doesn’t make it so. It’s not build back better, it’s funding for democrats. Donald Trump and his supporters aren’t “anti-American”, terrorists, or white supremacists, or any of a thousand other names and insults. The vaccines aren’t safe and effective. And 2020 wasn’t a secure election.

In fact, judging from January 6, a good rule of thumb is that if a democrat says it, the opposite is likely true.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Info

  • Check out the Rob Taylor Report: www.robtaylorreport.com
  • Rob’s show is on KWRO in Coos Bay, Mondays 3 – 6 pm, and can streamed live. Their website is KWRO.com or listen on the air, 630AM or 101.1FM.
  • Gaslighting Coos County (The Daily Resister, December 22, 2021)
    • “…the main goal of Cameron’s letter was to get The Rob Taylor Report removed from the air. He even started a petition and enlisted the support of the Waterfall Clinic in Coos Bay to try to take Rob down. … Ultimately, Cameron’s attempt went down like the Hindenburg because the radio station owner and Rob’s other advertisers basically said “piss off”. Better luck next time.”
  • If you don’t lie, you won’t have to remember what you said (The Daily Resister, Dec 25, 2021)
  • Check out all of Scott McEwen’s books on his website, www.scottmcewen.com
  • The Red State article tearing apart AG Merrick Garland: “AG Garland’s Remarks About Jan. 6 and ‘One Rule’ of Law Defy Belief” (RedState, January 5, 2022)
  • FBI Still Hunting for Alleged Pipe Bomb Planter 1 Year After Jan. 6 (Epoch Times, Jan 6, 2022)
    • “More than a year after an individual was allegedly seen placing two devices that the FBI said were pipe bombs near the offices of the Republican and Democratic national committees, the bureau is no closer to learning that individual’s identity.”
  • What Happened To The Jan 6th Pipe Bomber? (Palmieri Report, Jan 6, 2022)
Lies, Damned Lies, and Democrats – Marc Thielman on Dems’ Betrayal

Lies, Damned Lies, and Democrats – Marc Thielman on Dems’ Betrayal

Show Summary: Tina Kotek reneged on her deal with Republicans to share equal status on congressional redistricting. Except it no longer pleases her. Probably because the public overwhelmingly opposed her plan to give Portland control over four of Oregon’s six congressional districts. Marc Thielman discusses dealing with lies when it’s the government telling them.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Six Different Times, on Eight Different Stations. Listen anywhere! Most stations stream live!

8a – 9a: KYKN 1439AM (Salem/Keizer) | Direct Link to KYKN Live Stream
10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County)
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) 
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Sept 25th & 26th, 2021 | Marc Thielman

This Week: The Democrats’ Lies

It’s all about lies and betrayal this week. No, it’s not a soap opera. It’s politics.

As we asked last week, why is it wrong for you to lie to the government, but somehow perfectly okay when the government lies to you? You heard the web of lies the governments (federal and state) spun to take away your freedoms and push a fake “FDA approved” vaccine on people. Which is why Senator Dennis Linthicum announced he and Sen. Kim Thatcher have called for a grand jury investigation.

ICYMI, listen to last week’s show: Senator Dennis Linthicum discusses covid grand jury

Judas, Benedict Arnold, Tina Kotek

Okay, that’s a little hyperbole. After all, Judas and Benedict Arnold were, up until their betrayals, were trustworthy. Because it’s the nature of betrayal that only people you trust can betray you. Tina Kotek, however, is a known liar and anything she said, including a power-sharing deal, should have been viewed with suspicion.

And, surprise surprise, she reneged on the deal she struck with Republicans after getting what she wanted.

Democrat Betrayal: The Setup

In case you missed it, Republicans in Oregon’s House had successfully slowed down the democrats plan to pass thousands of bills. (Without reading them, of course.) So the Republicans, using a legislative tool open to any legislator, demanded each bill be read in its entirety on the House floor, before taking a vote. Since some of these bills are 100s of pages long, things slowed to snail’s pace.

Did you know? If you have Amazon Prime, you can now say, “Alexa, play the I Spy Radio Show on Amazon Music.”

So, Tina Kotek approached the Republicans and said she would give them a co-chair position on the Congressional Redistricting Committee. Which has the power to redraw the congressional districts. So, against advice from pretty much everyone, Republican “leadership” jumped on it. And gave up their power to slow bills. Or walk out on the gun bill. So Tina got what she wanted. And, as good betrayals go, for awhile it looked like she would keep her word.

Except, when things didn’t go her way (the democrats’ plan involved giving Portland control over at least 4 of Oregon’s 6 congressional districts), she yanked the deal. Let’s be clear. She yanked the deal AFTER getting her side of it, what she wanted.

Marc Thielman on Government (and Democrat) Lies

We welcome back Republican candidate for governor, Marc Thielman. We had Marc on a few weeks ago, ironically, to discuss lies from the government because Thielman is also the superintendent of Alsea School District and Gov. Kate Brown and the democrats relentlessly attacked him.

Why? Because Alsea School District was one of the few schools that stayed open during covid. And guess what—they didn’t have a single case of covid traced back to the school.

That meant his actions destroyed their narrative. Their web of lies. That you must cower in fear under your desks (due to fear of covid or the government?). Except they didn’t in Alsea and things were just fine. Brown’s and the democrats’ latest attacks were to call him out for his daring to suggest parents could ask for exemptions for their children on being forced to wear masks.

And there’s nothing big-government democrats hate more than being exposed for frauds. So we wanted to have him back.

Tune in this week to hear Marc Thielman’s responses to Tina Kotek’s betraying the Republicans, how the Republicans should have handled it, dealing with government lies—and what democrats fear most.

This show will infuriate you with the democrats’ lies. But you’ll also hear great things, and we think you’ll come away with new hope for Oregon’s future.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.

Links & Info


The Drought of Action | Why Democrats won’t Fix Forests or Water

The Drought of Action | Why Democrats won’t Fix Forests or Water

Show Summary: Democrats blame every environmental problem on mankind, because climate change. But if you really believe global warming is real, you should take more action, not less. It’s not that there aren’t solutions to wildfires and drought. It’s that the solutions don’t financially benefit democrat organizations. And why solve a problem if you can keep exploiting it? But they may have to change. Because the public have had enough of the democrats’ letting nature take its course.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of June 2021
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Six Different Times, on Eight Different Stations. Listen anywhere! Most stations stream live!

8a – 9a: KYKN 1439AM (Salem/Keizer) | Direct Link to KYKN Live Stream
10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley)
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County)
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Aug 7th & 8th, 2021 | Dr. Bob Zybach & Sen. Dennis Linthicum

This Week: Drought and Wildfires

Never let a good catastrophe go to waste. That’s been the democrat and socialist mantra for decades.

But, worse, they create the crisis and offer the solution. We’re certainly seeing that with covid, a disease that you’re virtually guaranteed to survive with a average 99.8% recovery rate. But why let math get in the way of politicized science.

And there’s no place they do this more than the environment.

Wildfires: It’s not Global Warming, Stupid

First up we talk with our go-to expert, Dr. Bob Zybach, about the so-called “historic” drought. Is it? And of course drought impacts forests, which the so-called environments refuse to manage. Why is that?

Because, of course, you can make money on a crisis. Nobody throws millions of dollars at a problem that is easily managed. But if you create fear, you create opportunity. The political and financial kind. And why solve a problem like drought if you can exploit a never-ending river of money out of it?

But are people starting to wake up to the scam? Not enough. Yet. But there are cracks in their armor. Years ago, they never would have said that the forests have been mismanaged for decades. Like Oregon’s governor did just a dew weeks ago on a national news program. Excuse me, governor? Which party has been managing Oregon’s forests for decades. Oh, yes. That would be the democrats.

If they’re admitting it, maybe, just maybe, we can start solving the problems. But it’ll cost ya. If democrats are allowed to stay in power.

The Real Drought: Taking Action on Fixable Problems

Keep in mind, drought has been part of mankind’s existence since mankind existed. It’s not that there aren’t solutions. It’s that solving a problem means you can’t exploit it. And that’s what drives democrats right now. A crisis you create and just happen to have organizations that meets the needs of that crisis — without actually solving the crisis — is a situation that you can exploit. For literally billions.

We talk with Oregon Senator Dennis Linthicum from the Klamath Falls area — the focal point of environmental exploitation for decades.

It’s not that there isn’t water, it’s that the water is allowed to flow into the ocean. Without benefiting man nor fish. Think about it. If you let water go down stream, how does that benefit the fish you’re trying to save.

But is there something sinister afoot?

Environmentalists have tried for years to drive farmers off their land. Land that without water is both useless and worthless. And if farmers can’t make it, they could be forced to sell their land for pennies on the dollar.

And, abracadabra, environmentalists who buy that land could turn around and sell it $100 acres for $10,000 per acre mitigation credits. Some areas of the country would buy them for $50,000 an acre. And here you thought Lefties were against profits.

They are. When someone else makes it.

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. See the full list of podcast options.


Davids Fighting Back Against Goliaths | Attacks on Conservatives

Davids Fighting Back Against Goliaths | Attacks on Conservatives

Show Summary: Democrats are acting like they have massive majorities and with the aid of their media and social(ist) media allies, they are quickly working to seize total control. With the aid of the media, democrats impeached with no evidence and pushing a political version of racism. And you better shut up, peasant.

Coverage Map of I Spy Radio Show broadcast areas, as of November, 2018
Current I Spy Radio broadcast areas. Click for full-size map.

Five Different Times, on Seven Different Stations. Listen anywhere! All stations stream live!

10a – 11a: KFIR 720AM (entire Willamette Valley) | Direct Link to KFIR Live Stream
11a – noon: KLBM 1450AM (Union County) | Direct Link to KLBM Live Stream
11a – noon: KBKR 1490AM (Baker County) | Direct Link to SuperTalk Live Stream
7p – 8p: KWRO 630AM (Oregon Coast & Southeastern Oregon) | Direct Link to KWRO Live Stream

8a – 9a: KWVR 1340AM (Wallowa County) | Direct Link: KWVR Live Stream
7p – 8p: KAJO 1270AM or 99.7FM (Grants Pass/Medford) | Direct Link: KAJO Live Stream

After the show airs on our network of radio stations, you can listen to our podcast either here on our site or your favorite podcast platform. We are now on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and more. See the full podcast list.

Original Air Dates: Jan 16 & 17, 2021 | Justin Danhof & Carrie Sheffield

This week: We are now impeaching over imaginary crimes. Crimes of interpretation. Not what someone did. Not what someone actually said. But the imaginary crime of what they think you meant when you said something. And these attacks on conservatives, and especially die-hard Trump supporters, aren’t going to end any time soon.

And, with the aid of their media and left-wing social media allies, the democrats are acting like they have massive majorities in the House and Senate, when they barely have any majority. Once again, they pushed through an impeachment not because he did anything but because they hate Donald Trump so much they lose all control.

Nothing in Trump’s speech incited violence. So democrats must mean he makes them SO MAD they lose all control, and he makes them violent simply by existing

The New Nobility

What the democrats seek is a forcible return to the nobility. Minus the “noble” part. Now they’ve seized control, you’re not to question your betters. But they can punish you just for being a Trump supporter. You must be part of and support all things democrat or you’re in the wrong class. You can be banned. You can lose your job (as has already happened). You can lose contracts. Which has also happened. See our links below.

Stemming the Tide of Hate toward Conservatives

Trump voters thought they had a man who was fair-minded and loyal. Instead, they found out he was a man willing to turn his back on them. As a result, we’re left with an uninspiring, untrustworthy, and in the minds of many, an illegal president who could look to China for even more ill-gotten gains for his family.

So, I Spy Radio is taking a look at ways to correct the ship and support Trump’s efforts as he leaves office and heads to Florida. It is sure to be a time of developing plans to build up even more of the conservative voices in America.

To do that we have a new guest on our show, General Council, Justin Danhof for The National Center for Public Policy Research. They aren’t a “think tank” — they’re a “do tank.” Research for them is just the beginning as they focus on actually making things happen. You’ll be impressed, as we were, about what can happen, such as in corporate settings, to change their narrative and direction.

Then, we check in with Carrie Sheffield, nationally syndicated anchor of Just the News AM, to find out more about the riot in DC as they search for what really happened. Including a FOIA request that was immediately rejected. Could it be because it might be embarrassing to Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi? And expose what really happened? And don’t miss a surprising source who says he knows who did it in DC.

Attacks on Conservatives

If you think that attacks on conservatives is going to end after democrats satisfy their hunger for blood, you’re wrong. They won’t stop until someone stops them. We will be having Justin Danhof on again next week (and possibly Kim Hermann of Southeastern Legal Foundation) to talk about the legal side of things. And to stop attacks on conervatives. With Trump supporters and conservatives being threatened with losing their jobs or their contracts, and other forms of harassment, it’s time to fight back.

If you or someone you know is being harassed and threatened for being a Trump supporter, or if you’ve been threatened with losing your job because of your politics, contact us!

Have questions in the age of attacks on conservatives? Send us your questions (info@ispyradio.com) and we’ll ask them next week

The I Spy Radio Show Podcast Version

Trapped under a heavy object? Missed the show? Don’t worry—catch the podcast version. I Spy Radio is now available on your favorite platform, or you can grab it right here. The player should be right at the top of the page. See the full list of podcast options.

Links Mentioned

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