Tag: democrats

How Oregon will Crush Small Business Thanks to Governor Kate Brown

How Oregon will Crush Small Business Thanks to Governor Kate Brown

Show Summary: Tune in to hear how small business is about to be crushed in Oregon. If you are running for office you need to listen to this show. If you plan to vote for someone running for office you need to listen to this show. If you own a small business or work for one, you really need to listen to this show. You need to know the storm that’s about to be unleashed on small business, thanks to Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown.

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Original Air Dates: April 14 & 15, 2018 | Guest: Jonathan Williams of ALEC

Some states are scrambling for money as big debts are coming due. And Oregon is leading the way—just not in finding the right answers that would promote economic health.

Instead, Democrat Governor Kate Brown seems to be almost working overtime to crush our state’s innovative spirit. So she’s not only killing our ability to not only pay our bills but taking an axe to what could be (with better management) a positive economic environment for small businesses. Or even attract them from other states.

But not in Oregon. Instead, there is a real storm coming for small businesses here in Oregon.

Crushing Small Business. Oregon Style

One of the things you’ll hear in the show this week is how Oregon is targeting small business by divorcing them from the Trump tax break. But then there’s a coming sales tax.

Yes. A sales tax in Oregon.

This is the internet sales tax that is being heard next week in front of the Supreme Court. Oregon small businesses would be forced to collect taxes for states like New York and Washington that have their own sales tax.

Regulations and taxes crush small businesses. Oregon is the example of what NOT to do.But unbeknownst to many, Oregon’s own State Attorney General has signed onto an Amicus Brief to allow a national sales tax on internet purchases.  This will be crushing to Oregon’s small businesses with the increased costs of processing this sales tax. For other states.

It’s the foot in the door to finally create the sales tax Oregon’s Democrats and Big Government Republicans have been longing for.

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See below for an excerpt from the brief that includes not only more taxes but more prying into your personal lives. Have our elected leaders gone insane? Has no one heard of cutting spending?

Oregon Democrats hate cutting spending almost as much as they hate cutting trees.

Show Flow

We start by discussing Congress’s Omnibus bill, which sets the stage for the rest of the discussion.

Then we move to the Left’s “boogeyman”: Kansas and their ill-advised massive tax cut and spending increase. Why? Because the Left uses Kansas to try to scare other states away from cutting taxes. We debunk the myth because what happened in Kansas can help other states learn what not to do (hint, hint Oregon!).

Next, we talk about what Oregon is doing to crush small business, including taking away tax cuts. It’s a punishment that falls on small businesses and only small businesses. Then, it’s the internet sales tax and the grand daddy of spending boondoggles, PERS.

But there is good news (just not in Oregon). Don’t miss what nearby state to watch as the primary example of how smart policies really can create economic health.

Oregon’s Attorney General Rosenblum’s Amicus Brief

“Their [businesses] advanced online platforms boast impressive technology that enables them to not only comply (easily) with State [tax] collection laws, but also capture extensive data about their customers. According to one commentator, an online retailer can effortlessly track demographic information that includes “‘your age, whether you are married and have kids, which part of town you live in, how long it takes you to drive to the store, your estimated salary, whether you’ve moved recently, what credit cards you carry in your wallet and what Websites you visit … data about your ethnicity, job history, the magazines you read, if you’ve ever declared bankruptcy or got divorced, the year you bought (or lost) your house, where you went to college, what kinds of topics you talk about online, whether you prefer certain brands of coffee, paper towels, cereal or applesauce, your political leanings, reading habits, charitable giving and the number of cars you own.’”

The full Amicus brief can be read here (PDF)

Podcast Version

Links and Related Information

Oregon Governor Kate Brown to Crush Small Business


  • Editorial: Lawmakers can’t duck Oregon’s PERS burden (The Bulletin, Mar 17, 2018)
  • Huge Bill Is Coming Due For Oregon’s Past Pension System Mistakes (OPB, Feb 2, 2018)
  • Once again, Oregon makes national news. Except, as usual, it’s not for good reasons: “A $76,000 Monthly Pension: Why States and Cities Are Short on Cash” (New York Times, April 14, 2018)
  • PERS task force suggests ways to pay down system’s debt (OSBA, November 1, 2017)
  • PERS: Panel delivers ideas to cut pension deficit by $5 billion (Oregon Live, November 1, 2017)
    • “The panel’s mandate was to leave no stone unturned. But the governor, who is up for reelection in 2018, specifically directed members not to consider changes to pension benefits. Any such changes would be deeply unpopular with public employee unions, who typically back Democrats. Brown also said upfront that she wasn’t interested in selling state parks or forests, which would have proven deeply unpopular with environmental and conservation groups.”
  • If you thought what you read before was bad, read this: Time Bomb: PERS (via Senate Republicans, 2017)

Kansas: the Left’s Anti-Tax-cut Boogeyman

  • VIDEO: Jonathan on a panel at Heritage Foundation, discussing Kansas as the example Leftists point to about tax cuts hurting the government. “What Was Really the Matter with the Kansas Tax Plan: The Undoing of a Good Idea” (Heritage Foundation, Apr 10, 2018) The three key takeaways: don’t cut taxes and increase spending; have a plan to balance the budget, and have the right systems in place.

Here’s some Leftist spin on what happened in Kansas

The Coming Storm for Small Businesses: the Internet Sales Tax

  • Video – Online Sales Tax: Crushing Small Business (ALEC, March 2018)
  • See how the Internet sales tax (and taxes in general) pushes businesses out of state: Internet Sales Tax Hurts Businesses and the States that Pass Them (ALEC, Jan 2014)




What Fuels Oregon’s Health Care Transformation? Lies and Cash

What Fuels Oregon’s Health Care Transformation? Lies and Cash

Show Summary: The one thing the many tentacles of Oregon’s health care system have in common: the lies they tell to sell it. This week we expose the many lies told to pass Oregon’s health care transformation, and our predictions that came true. Oregon’s new health care sales tax—Measure 101? Yep. They lied. Plus, a new tax on small businesses—SB 1528B.

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7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Original Air Dates: Feb. 24 & 25, 2018 | Lisa Lettenmaier

This Week: We’re talking with Lisa Lettenmaier, who, as an insurance agent pays close attention to the entire health industry, especially the insurance trade and health care/insurance costs.  We call on Lisa whenever we hear of legislative actions related to health care that are going to affect your life.

As we predicted and reported on back when the Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) model was first being implemented as part of Oregon’s health care transformation, our legislators had other motives and that  their “cheaper better system would not work using the CCO model.

This week, we check with Lisa about our past predictions about Oregon’s version of Obamacare and where all this is headed.

Health Care as a Human Right

One prediction about was that the Democrats’ real motive was to turn our health care system into a single payer system—also known as “universal health care” or “socialized medicine.” This has been the dream of Oregon’s Democrats since Day One of Oregon’s health care transformation: a slow, steady lurch toward universal health care.

We can tell you that, exactly as we predicted, Legislators are right now in this session are trying to pass universal health care under the mistaken belief that health care is a “human right.”

Here’s reality. It is not a “right” if it depends on someone else providing it to you.

This is not about “rights,” as those who support single payer systems falsely proclaim (including Republican candidate for governor, Dr. Knute Buehler does) it’s about gaining power.  Period.

And with Democrats firmly in control, the high costs of spending on Oregon’s health care transformation isn’t stopping nor will it go down.  Not to mention plenty of other Democrat pet spending ideas. Think “Cap and Trade,” “Carbon Tax”, and “Sales Tax.”  They’re all barreling your way.

Measure 101: They Lied

Remember Measure 101? Oregon’s new health insurance sales tax? Remember how they just needed this little bitty tax to “save” Medicaid? Remember how it was so desperately needed that if they didn’t get it, the poor and elderly would lose their insurance?

Yep. They lied about that too.

Listen to find out where the money from that new sales tax is actually going.

Oregon Democrats Punish Small Businesses

And don’t miss the discussion on yet new taxes, SB 1528B. The Oregon Democrats are working overtime to take away the very tax cuts Trump’s administration worked to get through. It is a tax on small businesses, including farmers and mom-and-pop stores—except for two professions. Tune in to hear who gets the loopholes.

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

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When Empires Fall | Russian Collusion and … the NFL?

When Empires Fall | Russian Collusion and … the NFL?

Show Summary: The more the Russian collusion onion is peeled back, the more clear it becomes the Democrats are at the center of it. Story after story this week shows the underhandedness of the Democrats, including setting up their political opponents by using the power of the federal government. Another empire of sorts is falling—the NFL. But could the whole “take a knee” scandal be part of a larger strategy? We know about the Democrats and Russian collusion. but the “NFL collusion” — with whom and by whom — will surprise you.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: Feb. 10 & 11, 2018 | Jayne Carroll & Burgess Owens

The more we peel back the Russian collusion onion the more we see the Democrats fingerprints on every aspect.  As the Inspector General rolls out the recovered text messages we see how Hillary, Warner, Schiff, and Obama look to be involved.

Russian Collusion Collusion Collusion

The latest domino, Senator Warner, wanted to secretly meet with a Russian oligarch in London while being careful of any paper trail.  We find out that two Russian comedians tripped up Schiff when he tried to get dirt on President Trump.  Hmm… These are the same people that jump in front of the nearest microphone to say how Trump is lying and that we shouldn’t trust him.  Hmm…

Forget Russian collusion. Forget Democrat collusion. This is about America.

If we could remove the ugliness of politics, shouldn’t both Democrats and Republicans be united against using the federal government to go after political opponents.? You’d think that even in today’s highly partisan Washington, this ought to be something that everyone could agree on.

But in reality we’re witnessing a moment in history when one side used the federal government to spy, got caught, and is now using the federal government to try to cover it all up. This is horrifying. Or should be.

Are the Democrats only sorry they got caught? Are the Republicans wishing they’d thought of it first? Why aren’t both sides united against stopping it from ever happening again?

KUIK Superstar Jayne Carroll talks Russian collusion on I Spy Radio
KUIK Superstar, Jayne Carroll

But who set the stage for changing the FBI into a weaponized agency?  Was it Obama, who, we found out this week, ” wants to know everything we’re doing.”

We welcome KUIK’s radio superstar, Jayne Carroll to discuss these actions by corrupted FBI agents and DOJ personnel and how our government, that is suppose to be responsive to the American people, are instead being used to do harm and not protect us as they’re supposed to do.

Super Bowl Wrap-Up

Burgess Owens - We know about the Democrats and Russian collusion but is there collusion in the NFL? And Why?
Former NFL star, Burgess Owens. “As heard on I Spy Radio…”

Then we talk with former Super Bowl winner, Burgess Owens, on what is really going on in the NFL and his thoughts of why they’re so protective of those who chose to kneel. He has some fascinating takes on the real reasons why they’re doing it.

Then we discuss the Congressional Black Caucus and their embarrassing performance at the State of the Union Address along with how the Black community is handling Obama’s lies about being involved in the FBI’s surveillance of Trump and the Hillary email scandal, his promises, and what he actually delivered. And is there a shift in the their outlook on Trump?

From Twitter

A great video via @Fight4TruthNow from Twitter that echoes Burgess Owen’s take on what Trump’s first year has meant to the Black community

There’s also this from @MsAvaArmstrong:

Podcast Version


  • Catch the Jayne Carroll Show! LIVE Mondays–Fridays, 3-6pm on KUIK 1360. Don’t live near Portland/Hillsboro? Head to KUIK.com and use their free player.
    Burgess Owens’ book is Liberalism: or how to turn good men into whiners, weenies, and wimps. Check it out in our I Spy Radio Store or jump here to go right to it on Amazon.com
  • FBI Text Message:  POTUS wants to know everything we’re doing (The Blacksphere, Feb 7, 2018)
  • Texts between FBI lovers reveal Obama wanted to be briefed on EVERYTHING happening in Clinton email investigation – after he ‘guaranteed’ he wouldn’t get involved (Daily Mail, Feb 7, 2018)
  • Historical Reference, King Henry II and Thomas becket (Wikipedia article)
  • Uranium One informant makes Clinton allegations to Congress (The Hill, Feb 7, 2018)
  • FBI Missed Clinton Emails Openly MARKED Classified, Wanted To Conclude Probe Before IG Caught Mistake (Daily Caller, Feb 7, 2018)
  • Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal (NY Times, April 23, 2015)
The Second Scenario

The Second Scenario

Show Summary: There was collusion in our election—but it wasn’t Trump, it wasn’t just Russia and it wasn’t just 2016. Tune in to hear the evidence of who was doing the conspiring and why.

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7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Original Air Dates: Dec. 2 & 3, 2017 | Kevin Freeman

This Week: When have you last heard a progressive say “I want America to win”?  And if they say it what have they described that America would look like?  Well, this week we’re looking into that description, what it was, when it was used, and who used it.  Interestingly, the Carnegie Foundation wrote a report that gave us three scenarios of how we could measure the US’s relationship with China: China winning, America winning, or a draw. And even though it was written in 2013, long before President Trump announced his candidacy, the scenarios unintentionally summarized what the United States would look like under a President Trump versus what President Obama was doing.

Actual Collusion

Don’t miss this fascinating, free-ranging discussion with guest, Kevin Freeman, one of the world’s leading authority on cyber security. We head into directions the main stream media does not want to —and refuses to—report on. We start on trade, mix in technology, and uncover deliberate sabotage.

Here’s a hint: it’s not just Russia. And it’s home-grown.

We break down how certain relationships, such as with Russia, were allowed that corrupted our election and why it was important to Russia to sabotage the election. No, not the 2016 election. The 2008 election. Tune in to find out who else was involved. And the collusion goes back even further than 2008, right back to the 1980s.

The Democrats' Russian collusion delusion. The Democrats' Russian collusion delusion. It's all an illusion.
The Democrat collusion delusion. It’s all an illusion.

It’s not just interfering in our elections but tampering with our financial markets. Listen in to hear how, intentionally or not, President Obama weakened the US by turning his back on financial markets—and turned a blind eye to actual interference. Don’t miss the evidence after evidence of the sabotaging of America—from within. And a lot of people lined their pockets as they corrupted their country and sold their souls to other countries.

Buckle up and hold tight.  This is a show you don’t want to miss.

Exciting News!

Right now, volunteers in Oregon are working overtime to try and stop the taxpayer funding of this ugly new abortion law. As Students for Life head home on Christmas break, they’ll be bringing petitions with them to gather signatures to help stop the funding. Also, we’re pleased to announce that StoptheFunding.org is bringing out Mike Huckabee in late January (20th and 21st) to help with the signature gathering effort. So far, we can confirm he’ll be speaking in Portland, Salem, and Medford. Stay tuned for more details on locations and times!

Head here for the news so far and how to get updates 

Podcast Version

Links Mentioned

Protect yourself and your family! Order Kevin’s books in the I Spy Radio Store — give the gift of knowledge this Christmas!

Related Articles

Dems IT Scandal and Evidence of the Deep State

Dems IT Scandal and Evidence of the Deep State

Show Summary: We talk with Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller News Foundation about the Democrat’s on-going IT scandal that may have exposed dozens of House Democrats to security breaches. This is a story the mainstream media continues to ignore. Why? Could it be reverse discrimination? And why is Debbie Wasserman Schulz so nervous? And then we talk with former deep-cover FBI Special Agent John Ligato about evidence for the Deep State, its origins, and its active players—and unwitting surrogates. Do both of these stories have blackmail at their heart?

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7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: July 15 & 16, 2017 | Luke Rosniak & John Ligato

It’s not a great surprise when the mainstream media ignores a story that could injure the Democrats. But use your imagination for a moment.

White Supremacists Compromise Republican Computers

Just imagine if three brothers and two of their wives were all members of a White supremacist group and that these five managed the IT for dozens of Republican Congressmen. Even more damning, that the Republicans sat on some of the most powerful committees, including the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Homeland Security Committee, and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. These committees handle extremely sensitive, classified information, including national security information. Imagine if one of the Republicans caught up in the scandal was Reince Priebus, the former chair of the Republican National Committee.

Now imagine if those White supremacists had access to all of those Republicans’ emails, sent and received (including emails sent to and from other Republicans, the White House, and the RNC). Imagine if those White supremacists had access to everything on their computers. Not just emails but documents and files, databases, addresses, strategies, and more.

Would it concern you if, for some reason, they were among the Hill’s highest paid staff—despite the fact some of them never showed up for work? Would that raise flags? Or how about if they had huge financial problems, including several questionable real-estate deals and a more than a million dollar bankruptcy? Or that one of them had received a $100,000 loan from a Russian politician? A Russian politician who was currently a fugitive from the US Justice system?

And what if the laptops of Reince Priebus had been seized by the Capitol police. And yet, despite the five of them being banned from the House IT system, despite the shady finances, Preibus refused to fire them. Wouldn’t that be a little suspicious that he wouldn’t fire them?

Deep State Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Dems have a major IT scandal that no one is talking about

This is exactly what happened — except instead of White supremacists, they were Pakistani Muslims. Instead of Republicans, it was dozens of House Democrats. Instead of a Russian politician, it was an Iraqi politician. And instead of Reince Priebus, it was Debbie Wasserman Schulz.

Now what could DWS possibly have on her computers that she wouldn’t want others to see?

We talk with Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller about his incredible investigative articles into the story the media continues to ignore. Why are they ignoring it and what could be behind all of this? Is it part of the Deep State? Perhaps blackmail?

See below for links to Luke’s fascinating stories on the Democrats’ IT scandal. Don’t miss the video of Debbie Wasserman Schultz confronting the Chief of the Capitol Police as she desperately tries to get her laptop back.

The Deep State

Then we turn to a former deep-cover FBI Special Agent, John Ligato, who has an excellent article on LifeZette.com, “Former FBI Agent: Deep State Exists and Is Trying to Bring Down Trump.”

This former Special Agent walks us through the formation of the Deep State (aka “Shadow Government”) and its origins, and how it’s been perpetrated. He gives us his insights, as an investigator and analyst, who the players are and their motives.

There are two kinds of players: active players and unwitting accomplices. Mr. Ligato walks us through the FBI’s culture, the players, its origins, and the decisions that how the Deep State has been able to undermine our President from within.  Don’t miss how the Deep State is being used and if it can be stopped.

Do both of these stories have blackmail at their heart? Be sure to tune in to hear one of our most gripping shows yet.

Links Mentioned

Luke Rosiak (Segments 1 – 3)

The following are Luke’s fantastic articles on the Democrat IT scandal, listed in chronological order.

  1. EXCLUSIVE: House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs Committee Members Compromised By Rogue IT Staff (Daily Caller, February 4, 2017)
  2. Congress IT Probe Suspects Had Massive Debts, Years Of Suspicious Activity (Daily Caller, Feb 7, 2017)
  3. EXCLUSIVE: House Dem IT Guys In Security Probe Secretly Took $100K In Iraqi Money (Daily Caller, Feb 20, 2017)
  4. House Dem IT Staffers Owed Money To Hezbollah-Connected Fugitive (Daily Caller, Feb 21, 2017)
  5. Pakistani Suspects In House IT Probe Received $4 Million From Dem Reps (Daily Caller, Mar 1, 2017)
  6. House Staffers In Security Probe Allegedly Kept Stepmom In ‘Captivity’ To Access Offshore Cash (Daily Caller, Mar 8, 2017)
  7. Suspect In House IT Security Probe Also Had Access To DNC Emails (Daily Caller, Mar 9, 2017)
  8. House Hacking Suspects Could Read Every Email Dozens Of Congressmen Sent And Received (Daily Caller, Mar 13, 2017)
  9. Paul Ryan: House IT Scandal Probe Getting ‘Outside’ Help (Daily Caller, Mar 15, 2017)
  10. House Democrat Dismisses Muslim Woman’s Charge Against Muslim Staffer, Citing Islamophobia (Daily Caller, Mar 28, 2017)
  11. Wasserman Schultz IT Guy Threatened Kidnappings For Cash, Court Docs Say (Daily Caller, Apr 30, 2017)
  12. Dem Operative Says To Ignore Any Evidence Linking DNC Staff To WikiLeaks (Daily Caller, May 16, 2017)
  13. House IT Aides Fear Suspects In Hill Breach Are Blackmailing Members With Their Own Data (Daily Caller, May 21, 2017)
  14. Sources: Democratic Aide Suspected Of Major Security Breach Under Government Protection In Pakistan (Daily Caller, May 22, 2017)
  15. VIDEO: Wasserman Schultz Admits Hill IT Security Violations, Blames House Administrators For Not Stopping Her | Confronts Capitol Police (Daily Caller, May 31, 2017)
  16. House Dems Hired A Fired McDonald’s Worker As Their IT Guy (Daily Caller, June 26, 2917)
  17. House Dem IT Suspects Wanted Untraceable Payments — And Sure Enough, Millions Disappeared (Daily Caller, July 5th, 2017)

Some additional Links on the Democrat IT Scandal

John Ligato (Segments 4 – 6)

  • John’s book is The Near Enemy: A John Booker Thriller and is available on Amazon.com or anywhere books are sold
  • John’s article: “Former FBI Agent: Deep State Exists and Is Trying to Bring Down Trump” (LifeZette, July 6, 2017)
  • Senate Intelligence members say they want president’s son to testify (Daily Mail, July 10, 2017)
  • ‘That is so illegal!’ Donald Trump blasts James Comey for leaking classified information to the media – as his eldest son comes under fire for meeting with Kremlin-linked lawyer (Daily Mail, July 10th, 2017)
  • British PR guru claims he facilitated the controversial meeting between Donald Trump Jr and a Russian lawyer who promised ‘dirt on Hillary’ (Daily Mail, July 10, 2017)
  • Kremlin: We know nothing about Don Jr’s meeting with a Russian lawyer – and we don’t even know who she is (Daily Mail, July 10th, 2017)




Oregon’s Gurgling Drain | Never Ending Spending

Oregon’s Gurgling Drain | Never Ending Spending

Show Summary: If you haven’t been paying attention, the Democrats are running amok with your money. Find out their plans and how—and why—Oregon is sinking to the bottom in state competitiveness. Perhaps it has to do with their never ending spending spree? Actually, it’s a bit more than that.

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All Stations Stream Live!
7:00AM Saturday: KUIK (Portland)
11:00AM Saturday: KBKR (Baker City) | KLBM (La Grande)
7:00PM Sunday: KAJO (Grants Pass)

Air Dates: May 20 & 21, 2017 | Rep. Knute Beuhler & Jonathan Williams

This week we’re looking at the never-ending spending spree of the Oregon legislature.   We’re already facing a $1.8 billion hole and, naturally, that pushes the D’s to try and find new and inventive ways to tax Oregonians.  Like letting the camel get its nose in the tent, they are trying to find new ways to push a sales tax while calling it something else.

If you haven’t been paying attention, you’ll be shocked to hear what the Democrats are doing and looking to spend — despite being in the hole already. Do Oregon legislators think they have a bottomless checkbook?

Democrats Obama and spending
Years of democrats and their spending spree have doubled our national debt

That’s the question we discuss with our guests.  First up is Rep. Knute Buehler, Bend, OR, a fiscal conservative who has problems with the spending that he has seen at the legislature.  Right now, Oregon has enough Republicans on board to stop the Democrats from passing a spending bill but it’s tight with only a one vote margin of error.  Listen to find out what we can expect on taxes and debt coming out of this legislative cycle.

Then we talk with Jonathan Williams of ALEC to find out what states are fiscally under control and maybe even growing their economy compared to those who are doing it wrong.  There are some surprises, except for Oregon, which has slipped in the rankings once again.  Tune in to find out why and what we could do to right the ship.To use this, copy all, use “add new” button at the top, paste. Be sure to set tags & categories. And to reset “this week” in the menu to this post

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Hillary Clinton Exposed

Hillary Clinton Exposed

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Show Summary: Hillary Clinton exposed (God help us). We looked at the roots of her most-recent scandal: the hack into the DNC’s, DCCC’s (Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee), and Hillary’s own campaign’s emails. Next week we’ll continue our look at what a Hillary Clinton administration would look like—especially her immigration policies and how they are so vastly different from Donald Trump’s policies. So much for the whole “lesser of two evils” meme. This is the first in a series of shows between now and the election that will put Hillary under the microscope. You know, because the mainstream media is so much more interested in what Trump said than what Hillary actually did.

Original Air Dates: Aug. 6, 7, and 8, 2016 | Guests: James Hirsen & William Gheen

Have you ever seen a candidate so completely disappear the week after their convention? Such is the case with Hillary, the Invisible Woman. A week after her convention, she’s nearly completely disappeared from news coverage. Instead, the media is apoplectic in its coverage of something Donald Trump might have said or thought or wondered about.

Hillary Clinton - if you'd stop asking me questions, I could stop lyingUnlike the rest of the media, we are beginning a series of shows that are going to focus on Hillary’s actions.  Instead of looking at some “horrible” thing that Donald Trump might or might not have said, we’re going to be looking at what Hillary Clinton has actually done. This week it starts with a look at her hacked emails. This is not her private server it’s the hacking of her emails and the security breech they caused for three different Democrat organizations. And then we’ll take a look at her secret weapon for amnesty: Paul Ryan. Yes, Paul Ryan the Republican Speaker of the House.

Hillary Clinton Yoga Pants Code Name for BenghaziWe start off with James Hirsen, author of Tales from the Left Coast: True Stories of Hollywood Stars and their Outrageous Politics, and discuss his fascinating, in-depth article on the multiple e-mail hacks Hillary caused — all because she wanted to keep her private emails out of the public eye.  Tune in to hear how she refused help and how doing so exposed three Democrat organizations and countless others. Clearly, she’s guarding her private e-mails, especially the Clinton Foundation emails, as if they were state secrets. But have they been breached?

Hillary Clinton's devastation - I didn't intentionally do itThen we turn to William Gheen of ALIPAC (Americans for Legal Immigration), who is very focused on the Paul Ryan campaign and Ryan’s support for Hillary’s immigration plan.  Don’t miss what Clinton’s VP pick, Time Kaine, said on Spanish-language Telemundo about Paul Ryan and how he is Hillary’s secret weapon to push her open border plan through Congress.

Of course none of this information makes it into Paul Ryan’s campaign ads. Instead he claims he’s for “secure borders” despite fully funding Obama’s refugee and illegal immigrant programs. Ryan has even said he’ll block Trump’s immigration reforms. ALIPAC is going all out to defeat Ryan and his blatant lies—tune in to hear the full extent of them. Paul Ryan’s primary is this Tuesday. Want to stop “Lyin’ Paul Ryan”? See below for links and information to help #DumpRyan.

Links Mentioned

Help stop Paul Ryan:

  • Make phone calls – ALIPAC will send you a script and a list of phone numbers. Email William Gheen now to get your list and get going
  • Visit ALIPAC and/or Paul Nehlen’s website to make a donation to support ads, phone calls, emails, and other get-out-the-vote efforts. Believe it or not, $10, 25, or $50 or more go a long way! In many cases, a single ad on a radio station for $25–$50 can be heard by thousands of voters!
  • Contact any friends or family you have in Wisconsin
  • Visit Paul Ryan’s Facebook page to see his latest ad claiming he’s all for border security and to see what people are saying and why he needs to go. Be sure to comment!

Hillary Clinton Links

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Fingerprints of Cultural Jihad Part II (How moderates are radicalized)

Fingerprints of Cultural Jihad Part II (How moderates are radicalized)

Show Summary: Part II of our show with former cultural jihadist, Kamal Saleem. We will discuss recent terror attacks and their lack of guns or bombs—a new strategy? How are moderate Muslims “radicalized”? We get Kamal’s inside look at the conversion process and how to prevent it. With the huge influx of Muslim immigrants and refugees we get advice for individuals, families, business owners, and community and church leaders on how to interact and deal with new Muslim neighbors. Finally, we ask this former jihadist, what he thinks about Hillary Clinton, the Democrat party, and whether they may have been infiltrated. Does Hillary have some secret executive orders she wants to push through?

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Original Air Dates: July 30 & 31, 2016 | Kamal Saleem

This Week:  We welcome back Kamal Saleem, a former Muslim and cultural jihadist, for the second half of our two-part show on the continuing spread of Islamic terrorism.  Recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood, Kamal was sent to training camps starting at the young age of 7, to learn to kill “infidels” and cultural infiltration techniques.  Commissioned by a member of the Saudi royal family in the 1980s he came to America to destroy our western civilization, but due to a chance car accident, where he was helped through recovery by the very people he’d been sent to destroy, he converted to Christianity.

On Part I (in case you missed it you can go to show page 6-28 and listen to the free podcast) we learned how cultural jihadists and their techniques are inciting anger and divisiveness; terrorizing Americans, and subverting our culture and unique heritage through the acts of violence and far more subtle techniques. In this week’s show, Part II, we talk about recent Islamic attacks in Nice and other parts of France, the attack on the priest and other churches. these are different styles of attacks, using knives, axes, and trucks instead of bombs or guns. Is this a change in strategy?

But the main focus of the show is moderate Muslims are radicalized. Kamal takes us through the step-by-step approach of how a cultural jihadist changes peaceful Muslims into radical Islamic terrorists.

Are they really “radical”? Don’t miss how jihadists tap into elements of Islam.

With the increase in refugees coming into our country we also ask Kamal to give advice to individuals, business owners, and community and church leaders on how to deal with Muslim immigrants and refugees who end up in their community — or demand special treatment and accommodations at schools or in the workplace.

If Islam is opposed to democracy, why do democrats support Islam and Muslim immigrants?Given that democracy is the intellectual opposite of Islam, how ironic is it that the once-proud Democrat Party has rushed to embrace (and allow in) this voting bloc?

Don’t miss Kamal’s perception on whether the DNC has been infiltrated by Muslim radicals and his thoughts as a former cultural jihadist, about his thoughts on Hillary Clinton. Find out about her secret executive order she plans to push that, somehow, just didn’t make it into her national convention speech.

Links Mentioned

Kamal’s website is Koome Ministries – sign up for his newsletter and check out some of these great resources:

  • 13 Lessons on Political Islam (book) – “All Aspects of Political Islam Covered in Less than 100 Pages! Understanding all key facts of Islam, including Mohammed, basics of jihad, treatment of women and Islamic slavery. learning the ethics of Islam allow Muslims to deceive and harm kafirs (unbelievers).”
  • A 2-hour Koran (book) – making the infamously unreadable Koran digestible and readable
  • Unveiling the Beautiful Truth (DVD) – Intended especially for Christians and church leaders, this DVD offers solutions with the Do’s, the Don’t, the How to’s …to reach out, influence and evangelize the Muslim people with the love and redemptive message of Christ.  There is no other product available today as comprehensive, with the expertise of Kamal Saleem, Gen Jerry Boykin and Tom Doyle.”
  • Unveiling the Ugly Truth (DVD) – Intended for all audiences, but especially for those involved in politics, community leaders, and other leaders, this DVD exposes the Threat of Islamic Extremism.  There is no other product available today as comprehensive or so in-depth. Presented with the expertise of Kamal Saleem, Gen. Jerry Boykin, and Tom Doyle this DVD exposes the motivations of Islamic extremism and the dangers it poses.

Islam Links


  • U.N. Resolution 16/18 – the UN Bill Hillary will want to push through as an executive order link 1 and link 2. Stay tuned, we’ll have a more on this bill
Climate Change – the Philosophical Basis for Modern-Day Democrats and Socialists

Climate Change – the Philosophical Basis for Modern-Day Democrats and Socialists

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Air Dates: Nov 7th & 8th, 2015 | Dr. Tim Ball (Canada’s first Climatologist)

Call it global warming or climate change, it’s the ideological basis for modern-day democrats (and socialists). No skepticism. No debate. and lots (and lots!) of big government.

If you can better understand Global Warming (which is what Climate Change used to be called until the globe stopped warming), you will better understand the modern-day Democrat party. Global Warming (Climate Change) is to the political Left what Judeo-Christian beliefs are to the American system of Freedom and Liberty. All of the American founding principles find their origins in Judeo-Christian beliefs, such as “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” That leads to Freedom of Speech (if you want to speak, give your neighbor the same courtesy). It leads to Freedom of Religion (if you want to attend a church of your choice, then your neighbor deserves that same respect). And so on.

Likewise the notion of centralized control, of the sacrifice of individual rights to the collective, and the absolute hatred of dissent all stem from Climate Change (Global Warming) and are the fruit of Democrat policies. The modern-day Democrat/Socialist, not the common-sense Democrat of bygone years.

The map showing Global Warming (Climate Change) is to blame for everything.
The map showing Global Warming (Climate Change) is to blame for everything.

But Global Warming (Climate Change) has been under increased skepticism. We talk with Dr Tim Ball, who was awarded Canada’s first degree in Climatology, about the political expression of Climate Change (Global Warming) in democrats and socialists.

Related: Global Warming to blame for everything (14 extreme weather events)

Be sure to tune in to hear what Dr. Ball’s four decades of climate-study experience tells him about what the future holds for Global Warming (Climate Change).

Links Mentioned

Some headlines on Global Warming (Climate Change)